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Airbourne-Adamski 19th Jun 2007 15:42

Well where do i start.

I think that its pathetic that a simple air-condition pack going down was turned into a Rapid Decompression .
Lets go at it point by point.
1. There are only 2 Air-conditioning packs not 4, why the ifm told the crew there were 4 I don’t know. That wasn’t really the BEST thing to do.
2. Informing the crew that there mite be an explosive decompression, but then not telling them to stow any of the carts or even to stop the service. what were you thinking?
3. Half of the crew didn’t even know what was going on, crew asking other crew is not really acceptable is it?
From what I have been told your not really the BEST Ifm Silverjet have.
I was just reading through this again trying to work out what the actual story was or the siuation :confused:

If the Flt Deck suspected a possible rapid decompression they would of done a PA to tell crew to takes seats as they were commencing a emergency decent or whatever your manual says in that situation rather than a briefing.

Secondly if my ifm/senior told me of a possible decompression I would straight away secure galley and toilets and not wait to be asked or told, then I would take my seat and strap in, we all know what happens in a decomp.
Dont forget you are all a team and inicitive comes with it. Maybe the IFM was not the best but did you not think to become a team player and use your inicitive?

PS not having a dig, just posting my views.

imogen 20th Jun 2007 16:35

Silverjet Commuting
I know I have posted before but I did'nt attend my Silverjet interview as I was advised that commuting from Glasgow would not really be possible. I have now heard that there is quite a few commuters and have been offered another interview? Do you know if this is the case. My friend is crew with Netjets and they pay for her commute back to Glasgow - do silverjet have any concessions at all - the company sound fantastic.

marlowe 21st Jun 2007 08:06

Whatsgoingon whats your problem? reading your post it seems you have a personality problem with the person you are trying to subtlety "out" with your post. The question you have to ask yourself is given the same circumstances would you have done any better? Maybe there was a lack of understanding of what the IFM wanted done? more and more these days crews are flying together with a loose grip on a common language maybe somthing was lost in translation?

flygirl28 21st Jun 2007 16:50

I think we are moving away from the reason this thread was started - to give information to those who want to join SJ.
Surely instead of airing dirty linen in public, if you have a problem with the way a colleague has handled a situation you should be big enough to take it to your manager and voice it to them?

TightSlot 21st Jun 2007 20:11

the reason this thread was started - to give information to those who want to join SJ
That's not the reason the thread was started. The thread actually exists for discussion of all matters relating to Silverjet, not as an employment aid for wannabees

737chick 22nd Jun 2007 18:26

.....I agree, people should be able to voice an opinion based on their personal experiences as long as they are not offensive. I am a lot happier now at Silverjet as things are changing for the better. At the time, there was nobody I felt I could talk to without being judged. New aircraft, possible new routes and promotions so its on the way :oh:

Mr Angry from Purley 22nd Jun 2007 20:42

Sorry your wrong on the flying hours I agree with Chris Gains. CAP371 24.2 (E) Cabin Crew rules states The annual and 28 day limits of flying hour appertaining to Flight Crew do not apply.

Chris is correct, the 2000 hrs duty hours is a new limit, not sure where your 1880 comes from. This is working time directive, not CAP. This can cause problems I know Easyjet ran into issues with its CC.
If the 28 day limits were applied a lot of airlines would come to a grinding halt, as would your flight pay. With the best will in the world 6 back to back Newarks could be rostered in a month for Pilots, so at a guess 7 for CC.
(7 x 3 days = 21 + 7 days off)

Eddy 22nd Jun 2007 22:15

"I am Silverjet crew, I think the thoughts that they are not interested in BA crew are not true, as I am ex BA myself. I have to say this is a fabulous company and very different. There is a very positive vibe and it is refreshing to work with positive and happy crew. The Company is fresh and innovative, this is a pleasant change."

I can confirm. I went for an interview with Silverjet (though at the time I mentioned on this thread that it was a friend going for the interview) and am currently with British Airways.

I fulfilled their requirements for IFM and so asked that I be considered for that job. Though relatively young, I have a lot of "life experience" if you will and felt more than capable of taking on the role. Still, it wasn't to be. I was offered Service Co-Ordinator but the prospect of spending all my time in a galley didn't appeal - that's not why I became crew.

I turned down the job but hope to re-apply when I have more flying experience (approaching four years now) and might have more luck in a direct entry IFM position. I am keen to work for Silverjet so I haven't abandoned the idea entirely.

Airbourne-Adamski 24th Jun 2007 11:37

Mr Angry from Purley

Fair one, I appreciate your feedback.

Flight Time Limitations are not my strong point LOL, I usually only read on my limitations for duty hours per day with regards to discretion if the duty is going tits up lol.

I think I have misread my manual and going to look through again :ugh: :}

wannaflyagain 25th Jun 2007 10:09

Flying hours and Duty Hours Debate
"An employer must ensure that crew do not work more than 2,000 hours in any 12 month period, of which total flying time must not exceed 900 hours.
Periods spent working overtime and on standby duty are captured under the definition of "working time" and should therefore be taken into account when calculating an individual's total annual working time. It should be noted that there was not previously any requirement in law or in CAA guidance which guaranteed a maximum of 2,000 hours annual working time."
This qutoe was taken from the DTI website on Civil Aviation (Working Time) Regulations 2004. Assuming that rostering periods are 28 days, there are approximately 13 periods in a year, one of which is holiday. Therefore, you are available to fly for 12 of the 13 rostering periods. 900/12=75 hours flying duty periods per 28 days. However, this is only an average. You can do more in one period. However, over the year maximum is 900 hours.
Hope that clears up the confusion.

PS. These regulations apply to Flight and Cabin Crew:ok:

vyseb 25th Jun 2007 23:08

Hi all,
I just found out about this post and it is quite interesting:)
I 've just been invited for the 2nd round interview with SJ this coming Friday, any thought/tips or tricks for the day?;)
1 more question to ask the experience guy(s) and gal(s) here:
how long would it take to know the outcome? would that be straight away or have to wait for a couple of week(s) or month(s)

Thank you and have a good day:O

standardbrief 26th Jun 2007 15:38

silver jet interview
the second day is quite informal, you will have a presentation in the morning an they will tell you a bit about the company then we all introduce ourselves.
After that we had a group exercise, split into groups of about 8, and they watch how you work together.
Then if your successful at that stage they then go onto give one to one interviews, about half the people who went got through to this stage.
Its quite a quick interview and have told us they will let us know by monday 2nd.
They all seem really nice and its quite a relaxed day so dont worry, and good luck! :)

vyseb 26th Jun 2007 16:44

Thank you

thank you so much :ok:, your answer made me feel less nervous now. I will let you guys know how it goes later this week.


Bear132 27th Jun 2007 10:37

Thanks for the info, i too feel less nervous now - sure that will change come Fri!!haha!

Fingers crossed, and for you too vyseb!x

Conny_T_Nental 27th Jun 2007 17:24

Well done on getting to round 2 peeps... that's fab news! :D Conny x

Banzai Eagle 30th Jun 2007 08:39

Eos and MAXjet approach big airlines over partnership or sale

US all business-class transatlantic airlines Eos and MAXjet have approached a number of European carriers looking for a partner or possible buyer, The Times newspaper reports today. Both airlines operate flights from Stansted Airport to the US.

The airlines are believed to be looking for access to the marketing and procurement power of the larger groups, with the newspaper's sources saying they have approached British Airways, Air France and Lufthansa.

Eos is understood to be talking to private equity groups and institutional investors about selling the business, the newspaper added. It is reported to have ruled out an initial public offering (IPO) in London. Meanwhile, it said MAXjet is believed to have proposed a merger with UK business-only rival Silverjet. Both are listed on the UK Aim market with capitalisations of around £100m. MAXjet raised £47m via an IPO earlier this month.

Both BA and Virgin have announced plans to launch their own premium-class only flights (probably first and business, rather than just business) from European cities to the US next year, which would put the existing airlines under pressure. At least one investment back is also reported to be considering entering the market.

Business and first-class seats are the most profitable parts of running a transatlantic service and both BA and Virgin are concerned that the new carriers could cut into their margins.

A spokesman for MAXjet told The Times it was not in negotiations, while BA declined to comment. Dave Spurlock, founder of Eos, told the newspaper: 'We do not discuss our financing activities.'

ianbeale 2nd Jul 2007 17:37

question from a wannabee SJ
Have applied to SJ for the position of IFM approx 10 days ago. Havn't heard anything , not even an automated response. Any ideas on how long it takes for the company to get back to me ? Whats the best way to folllow up my application with the company ?

Also , a bit concerned as ex BA crew , are they still not really recruiting us ? (dont want to get my hopes up too much !! ) or is this not really taken into account ?

many thnks for any help


Conny_T_Nental 4th Jul 2007 17:29

Ian Beale
Howdy IB,
Not sure where this Ex-BA rumour comes from, as far as I know SJ don't discriminate against anyone (not even me!)
Have you had a reply yet? All I could suggest is to send a mail to [email protected] and ask about your progress. I know we're only advertising for crew and s/c's on aviationjobsearch, but our site says different... good luck to y'all who apply, and maybe see ya in the Silver Skies!

Conny x

ianbeale 5th Jul 2007 08:41

thnks conny
Hi conny ,thnks for ypur reply . I did exectly that and havn't heard back . I also emailed the general enqUirey email addy , and was told there is a backlog of applications at the moment.
Lets hope I hear soon :ok:
Thanks again

silverflyer 5th Jul 2007 15:12

The interview
New to the forum, but have been interested in peoples comments about silverjet and same as most airlines you can't please everyone. Cabin crew is all about team work and its the crew that keep most airlines going and the reason most crew come to work (and the pay packet of course).
Had an interview with silverjet on the 26th and heard by mon 2nd that they had offered me a job. Must say i replied straight away as really excited about the future of silverjet. Can't wait to be online and work with those crew that are positive about the future too.:O

Airbourne-Adamski 5th Jul 2007 15:12

Anyone seen this Silverjet Ad?


imogen 5th Jul 2007 15:56

Any idea when Silverjet will be recruiting again? I was advised by HR it would probably be in July - any info appreciated thanks

silverflyer 5th Jul 2007 16:14

They said they need 40 cabin crew per month till next Feb so very shortly i would imagine.

Airbourne-Adamski 5th Jul 2007 16:24

Silverjet are still advertising on cabincrew.com for cabin plus on their website.

40 per month, Blimey, I know you are expecting your second a/c any day but to be looking for 40 crew a month is some expansion.
Is it 40 to be recruited, or 40 candidates interviewed a month?

silverflyer 5th Jul 2007 16:30

They said they wanted to employ 40 per month !! I think they said they would have 5 a/c by then and more routes but not 100 % on that.

silverflyer 5th Jul 2007 16:34

Don't quote me but i'm sure they said they will have 5 A/C by then.

Airbourne-Adamski 5th Jul 2007 16:48

I heard from LTN ATC when i popped up for a visit that SJ aircraft will be moved to there own dedicated area which is the Harrods aviation ramp by the harrods terminal.
If you not sure where that is, it is where all harrods private stuff park near/next to the old easyland HQ.

wannaflyagain 7th Jul 2007 11:21

Ex BA recruitment for Silverjet
Dear Ian,

Just read your post. They took about four weeks to get back to me once I applied on line, then it was quick, quick, quick! I had my interview on 26th June and was offered the job on Monday 2nd July for a 30th July start date. I too am ex BA - longhaul crew (and over 40!) so no prejudice there. Good luck with everything and sit tight. You will hear something soon.

Boofers 9th Jul 2007 18:02

Service Co-ordinators!
Calling all SC's!! I have just been offered a job with Silverjet as an SC (they said I didn't have enough experience to be an IFM). Was just wondering if there is anyone out there who is an SC and wouldn't mind PM'ing me. I've got to make a decision this week and would like some help in making that decision!
Many thanks!!!:ok:

jbflyer 13th Jul 2007 22:03

IFM Salary
Hi All,
I am a Cabin Service Supervisor with Virgin Atlantic and wondered what the salary for an IFM at SilverJet is. Currently I earn 1350 GBP per month after tax plus allowances of approx 300-500 GBP per month (tax free). Would an IFM earn more or less than this? I do 5 flights per month on average.
Also, I have been flying for 8 years with VS, 2 as a Supervisor, does this qualify me for the IFM role?
Thanks for any help.

Boofers 14th Jul 2007 19:09

Hi, well I have been flying for Virgin for 7.5 years and 2 years as CSS, but Silverjet wouldn't take me on as IFM as I didn't have enough 'management' experience and not on the correct aircraft (ie B767). They have offered me a position as a service coordinator though which is less money. However, I think the pay structure is a better one than Virgin's as you get £2.75 per hour from the point of check-in to the point you get off the aircraft and go home. This means you are paid for any delays - unlike Virgin! Hope this helps? Have you applied yet?

LGW21 17th Jul 2007 12:39

Cant believe you didnt get IFM with all your experience, the majority of our IFM's are from airlines such as qantas uk, ANZ uk & Emirates and I wasnt aware those airlines had 767's, very few of any of our crew have previous 767 experience. However congratulations on your SC role its just a shame someone with your experience who works for such a highly regarded airline can not join our IFM team.

highheels 17th Jul 2007 14:34

I applied to Silver Jet for the role of IFM and have been told that I do not fulfill their criteria for IMF, however, they will consider me for Service Co-ordinator.

I have 12 years flying experience with a major charter airline, 8 years as an Inflight Manager. Also 8 years on and off with the Training Dept, and have been checked out on the 767 for 12 years. Before flying I was doing a Management Degree, before that I was in retail management. I assumed that I did not meet their criteria due to my lack of Business / First Class flying.

If I were to consider the role of Service Co-ordinator what is promotion like within the company once you have proved yourself? Or is there no promotion from within only direct entry.

Airbourne-Adamski 19th Jul 2007 12:34

I saw your sparkly new 767 the other day.

Whats the rotations now with the new a/c?

Iconic 19th Jul 2007 16:28

The new aircraft is now flying to new york and is a very swish sight to behold inside, especially the new ladies powder room! :p

We are going to be flying double daily to new york in a few weeks and our new route will be announced in just a couple of weeks!

Exciting times ahead :ok:

Airbourne-Adamski 20th Jul 2007 15:28

New Route.............

So many rumours are already flying around LTN,
J.Berg, Dubai, another US State.

flyca86 22nd Jul 2007 17:48

Information please
hi guys
i ve been invited for an interview with Silver Jet for the end of the month.I m a BMED-BMI cabin crew heathrow based.I would like some information form you..who already work for SJ...rosters,salary.allowance....ecc ecc...any information will be very very appreciate.
safe flight

lucyj1984 24th Jul 2007 11:25

hello i am looking to apply for silverjet this month as i hear they are looking to emply another 100 members of sfatt
don't no how true this is

can someone please let me no what chance i stand
i do not have any cabin crew experience but have customer service to a supervisors level

what are the intervies like and is this worth me applying if i have no experience in this field if you could please get back to me many thanks

i am 23 years of age would this affect my application

lucyj1984 24th Jul 2007 11:32


was looking for a bit of help new to all of this

i am looking to apply for a cabin crew posistion with silverjet

is there anyone who has been offered a posistion from silverjet with no previous experience of flying

i come from a very strong background of customer service to a supervisor level and am very keen to get on the ladder for cabin crew

am i wasting my time or should i apply to silverjet

what is the interview like and does anyone have any tips on how to achieve my goal

is there a different airline i should go to without the experience

i am 23 years of age would that effect me in any way

please email me if you can answer any of my questions on here or at [email protected]


lucy fletcher

lucyj1984 24th Jul 2007 11:43


i don't have any experience in the cabin crew field come from a strong customer service back

am i wasting my time going for a interview

what happens in the interview can you please give me some advise

many thanks

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