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Sylphie 26th Jul 2006 05:42

Yeah, In the first interview you are asked general questions about your current and past work history, you are supposed to just sell yourself and make a lasting impression enough for them to want to see more of you after the group work. They also ask you about the job and what you think is involved and what you know about VB. It goes by pretty fast, and all of the recruitment team are great! You will not feel nervous longer than the first few minutes.

In the longer one, you are talking in depth about your customer service experience and situations you have handled well, situations that were stressful etc.. so have plenty of examples handy, don't prepare so much for the actual question, but 'know' the scenario you experienced.

followyourdreams 26th Jul 2006 05:57

oh ok... but initially when they ask you to tell them about yourself is it more so general questions about you eg: passion for travel, love to please people, natural people person or is definitely more so work orientated? Sorry I just kind want to be a little prepared for the first 5 minutes so that they do want to see me after the group one.

Or do you think I should ask them to clarify this question before I answer it?

Wingletts 26th Jul 2006 06:35

good luck!
From an old vb flightite who flew four years - good luck to you all..all your energy and enthusiasm reminds me of when I got in- re the uniforms did they have a mirror for you for your fittings?.. as they used to not have one so they could tell you what you looked good in - i.e "..we dont like you in that but you look good in this".
hate to say it,but all part of the VB clonning process and you are our little children philospophy! :ugh:

Just enjoy it all and be who you want to be! there will be some little princes/princesses out there who will live up to that certain image but dont stress if you are a size 12,14,16 - the most important thing is you give great and professional service and enjoy...dont be too down on yourselves if you put on weight..you will be often scoffing your food down your throat at 100mph on a 55min sector and eat at all hours ..just get plenty of rest and exercise where you can ... I wish you all the best ..! god bless and happy flying :D

followyourdreams 26th Jul 2006 06:41

Hi Wingletts, are you not flying for VB anymore?

Sylphie 26th Jul 2006 08:27

initially when they ask you to tell them about yourself is it more so general questions about you eg: passion for travel, love to please people, natural people person or is definitely more so work orientated?

Or do you think I should ask them to clarify this question before I answer it?

They ask specific things that allow you to express and show your personality and why you should get hired. Like I remember when they asked me "Why do you want to be a flight attendant?" rather than say things that can come across as really 'what I want' as in the travel opportunities and the job being appealing as a whole.. I said things about myself that demonstrate that is what 'they need' for the role Ie- To that very question I said something like "I am extremely organised and flexible with my time. I put all my effort into pleasing others and I am a very fast learner. I enjoy work that keeps me on my toes, that is unpredictable from day to day etc" and I even mentioned playfully that I can't sit still.. which got a laugh. It all seemed to get me to the next stage of recruitment, if that helps. :}

It's a mish mash of both you and your work, think of it as a real brief general interview to get a broad opinion of your potential and capabilities.

Sure, you can definitely ask them to clarify. I did that a couple times when it seemed a little broad. They don't mind. I'm sure they'd rather a candidate answer properly, instead of jumping into a completely different answer to a question not even asked of them [aka waffling]

Iulia 26th Jul 2006 09:25

Alo ppl... let me just say, that the post box and I are currently on non-speaking terms... not very happy... nuffin, not even a bill! But I'm positive that the postie has been all these days, because the letters are piling in all the other letterboxes, except mine..!

I'll be generous, and give it til probably Monday afternoon, then I'll try and call them and see where things are at.. hopefully I won't have to wait until Monday, I've been having such restless sleeps this last week :eek:

omo 26th Jul 2006 11:10

Iulia, thanks for the tips.. after reading the whole thread, I'm sending you my best wishes so that you receive some good news soon!

Well, tomorrow is the day and yes, I am getting nervous! :eek:

Did anyone include a cover letter with their resume?? Ugh.. I'm still undecided.. :confused:

seektofly 26th Jul 2006 12:04

Hi Guys!
:} Hey everyone!

Today was my last day of work for the Government Department in Melbourne where I worked for the last 3 months. It was sad, but I got gifts! Flowers, chocolates, make-up bags, even a little model aircraft! Today I realised that the people that I worked with will miss me - and I get the feeling that if I really needed my job back , it would be there.

So, Followyourdreams and OMO, - Good luck for tomorrow. The big day! :p You will be fine ! I promise. Followyourdreams, if you are unsure whether or not to bring in your certificates, perhaps mention them as part of an answer - for example if they ask you "what are your strengths and weaknesses" for your strengths you could say that you are good with customers, as you have been awarded certificates by mystery shoppers...
How does that sound??? I know the resume has to be 3 pages long max, but I am not sure how you would incorporate those certificates in with your other paperwork... but by all means, let them know that you were assessed by a mystery shopper and that you have all the awards! :O

Iulia, you really should get along better with your letterbox - not even a bill! Do you want to swap letter boxes? I am sure you will hear something very soon - and I think it is going to be a phone call followed up with an email! Just keep us posted. By the way, one of these days when the que for KK's dies down, I might just drive down to meet up with you for a coffee, although I may have to bring a packed lunch and compass to reach your neck of the woods. Too bad there is not a K.Kremes here near the airport... - thats where they should open one up! At the airport!..

To everyone else who is reading this thread and has VBRD's tomorrow or over the next couple of weeks... good luck. I wish you all the best, cos I believe you deserve to fly with Virgin Blue, especially after doing your research about the interview processes... - what is involved, what should you wear to them, what questions are they likely to ask etc... I think you have all gone to lengths to find out so that you are more prepared, therefore deserving to be chosen to work for Virgin Blue. GOOD LUCK

Take care, and keep me posted ;)


(PS - I will have to change my name to Goingtofly and then in a few months time don't be surprised to see me as happilyflying! LOL :E

Iulia 27th Jul 2006 03:02

:ouch: Hey people, I can finally give the letterbox a rest.. I recieved the letter in the post today, I was unsuccessful this time with REX, and can reapply in 12mnths.

seektofly 27th Jul 2006 03:53

Sorry Iulia :(
:ugh: Sorry Iulia to hear that. I was sure that you had it! Now I agree with you. Your letterbox is mean. :uhoh:

But don't panic, Jetstar recruitment day is next. You will get something soon though. You have been to 2 airline recruitment days. Keep trying - keep knocking. You will get there eventually.


followyourdreams 27th Jul 2006 07:06

My VRD was today....
Hi everyone, well I am sooo exhausted as I just got home from the VRD. Oh my god it was pretty intense but I arrived at 07.30 and was there until 15.30 so yes I made it through to the second half of the day. YAY! There were roughly 40 or so people that turned up today and I was lucky enough to make it through to the top 15 or so. I thik I stuffed up the one on one interview but the role play was good fun.Hmmm, I really don't know what to think.

The hardest part now is having to wait for two weeks or so to find out whetehr I proceed to the medical. Do you think they take into account the entire days results or if you do make it through to the end do they then just judge you on the last two things? (role play and hour long interview). AAhhh the next two weeks are going to kill me:ugh:

followyourdreams 27th Jul 2006 07:25

No More Training Schools Going Through This Year!!!
Oh and they also said that there were no more training schools booked to go through for the rest of the year so if we get through all of the processes, we would be put on a wait list for up to 6 months. Is that what they say to everyone on the day or is that the truth? Why are they interviewing when they don't even need more staff?? I find that really bizarre!

followyourdreams 27th Jul 2006 07:47

I'm so sorry guys, but I have another question.

The woman in the interview said that they will email me within two weeks and thats also what the guy said in the role play. However, I know the people on here that have gotten thoruhg have had phone calls. Does that mean that they already know I am not going to be going any further and are going to be sending me my rejection letter? And if I was to be put through they would have said we will call you not email you? It is doing my head in now. I know there is nothing I can do to change the day, and overall I think I did eally well to make it through the entire day but still you have to wonder... How many of the 15 remaining people will actually make it through to a phone call and a medical?:rolleyes: :confused:

seektofly 27th Jul 2006 09:32

Well done Followyourdreams!!!
:ok: Follow your dreams,

WELL DONE for getting through the day!!! :D I told you that you would do well!!! But why do you think you stuffed up on the one on one interview? What makes you say that???

As far as them saying to you that you have to wait two weeks for an email - they will email you if you are unsuccessful, or to let you know that they are still processing applications. They will call you to let you know that you need to organise a medical examination, but they will also email you with the details of where you have to go for those. Before they call you, they will call your referees, so you should ask your referees to call you as soon as they hear anything from Virgin. If they call your referees, you are 90% of the way there. That would probably be your best bet.
I think they tell everyone the same thing, and I don't think they just told YOU that because they knew something. I think at the end of the interview day, they get together and discuss the people that they would like to put forward. It is everyone's decision. Not just one person. :=

As far as the 6 month waiting game goes, I am not sure why they are doing that. At our VBRD, they didn't say that to us - and as it turned out, I never went on a waiting list - I was just called up 3 weeks after the VBRD with the "good news" phone call... and training school for me is on Monday. :\ Unless they are not sure how many extra staff they need and are putting you guys on "standby" for now - who knows... but Qantas has been known to do stuff like that all the time. I have known Qantas to put staff on waiting lists for up to 2 years. It sucks, and you're right - they shouldn't do that to people.:suspect:

Anyway, just hold tight, because you will know soon enough.:E Just keep really busy and try not to think about them now.

Until then, take care:ok:


seektofly 28th Jul 2006 14:49

Ok people this is just too sad.
:8 Am I the only one here on a Friday night ????
OMG - I DON'T have a life!!!

Anyway, the funniest thing happened to me today! I got invited to the Jetstar wide bodied aircraft recruitment day.! They wanted me to bring along all of my certificates, and on top of that a money order for $40 !!! They also made it very clear that they wouldn't progress me to the 3rd stage if I failed to bring in the money order. OMG how funny. :p

So because I have been rejected loads of times by Qantas, I know the rejection letter off by heart... so I made good use of it to reply to them... my letter went a little something like this...

"Dear Jetstar recruitment team,

I am writing to reply to the kind invitation that you sent me to attend the Jetstar recruitment day for wide bodied aircraft.

UNFORTUNATELY ON THIS OCCASION, I will be unable to attend the day, however, please keep me in mind for future recruitment days.

;) KARMA - I love it.

And besides, Virgin got me first.:p

STF :ok:

followyourdreams 28th Jul 2006 22:35

Hi everyone,

well Thursday night was the big VRD for me and that night I couldn't get to sleep. I'm not going to be able to relax until I hear an answer either way. I'm also stressed because I keep thinking if this comes true am I making the right decision? I have always wanted to do this and really think that it is in my blood but also it is a massive lifestyle change. I am my own worst enemy at times and obviously don't know how to take a chill pill and allow things to happen the way they are meant to. AAhhh hurry up already two weeks:ugh:

Anyway a lady at work had a dream on Thursday night that I got the job, so fingers crossed.

followyourdreams 28th Jul 2006 22:39

Seektofly - I think I stuffed up on the questions because I kept talking in riddles at times when I was supposed to explain to her an outcome of the situation, and instead I would ramble on in riddles. So at times she kept having to ask questions. I hope that they don't simply take the answers into consideration but also see through that and see how I am as a person rather than answering the questions correctly (if there is a correct way to answer a question). I also relayed alot of the situations back to my job in media rather than food & bev situations so hopefully she understood what I was talking about.

Iulia 28th Jul 2006 23:13

Haha ;)
Don't worry STF, I just didn't happen to me on last night (Friday) because I went to a drive-in for the first time in yonks!!! Thats because my bfs stereo got ripped out off his car about a month ago (he insists not on even buying a head unit! now his sporty lancer has wires sticking out of the dash!!) and my head unit stuffed up on me, luckily it was under warranty, and sent away for repairs, they couldn't repair it, so I got a brand new one. Anyway, my point is, I was only able to go because at least my car had a radio for the drive-ins ;)

Haha about Jetstar! The buggers... perhaps you should have mentioned that VB got you first? lol

Well, its official, I have no plans for the future, other then waiting another 11mnths til I can reapply to VB and REX.. so sad. I will definately apply for uni, and work part-time next year, until I'm eligible once again to apply for these airlines. I might find some work in a bar or restaurant, since I don't have any 'food and beverage' experience, other then at home :)

Take care peeps!:p

seektofly 29th Jul 2006 02:10

Anything can happen - tomorrow is another day
Follow your dreams,;)

You gave it your best shot. Don't panic about it now. The best way to answer is to fully understand the question first, and then incorporate the question into your answer. I am sure you didn't answer in riddles - and I am sure that if you were, they would have asked you for clarification. My interviewer did - quite a few times. I would be answering and she would interrupt and ask another question while I was trying to answer the first one she asked. Two weeks will come soon enough - just don't panic.;)

Tomorrow is another day. Don't stress. The way I got invited to a Jetstar interview, you will be too. You never know what is around the corner. I promise. Good things come to those who wait - trust me on this one:ok: Gosh, I have been waiting and waiting and have had some luck (followed by bad luck) regarding the airline industry so now its your turn to play the waiting game - although it seems like those who are a bit blase (not so enthusiastic) about getting the job get it far quicker than those who really really want it with all their hear mind and soul. I am just glad that you are still letting us all know what is happening. DONT EVER GIVE UP!!! Promise me that one.:=

Anyway, I am now off to get my nails done for Monday. The big start of training. I am so excited!


followyourdreams 29th Jul 2006 02:58

Seektofly thanks so much for keeping me positive.. I'm my own worst enemy at times.

Goodluck for Monday, I am so excited for you. You must fill us all in on how it went. I'l be thinking of you:) :ok:

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