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seektofly 18th Jul 2006 09:34

Gee... why doesn't that surprise me???
Hey Iulia,

I'm so sorry about what Jetstar did to you! That stinks! :mad: But for some reason it didn't surprise me at all. Jetstar... bad attitudes, bad ethical standards(ie making people pay for their own interviews...), bad recruitment :bored: . I hope you will be able to fix up the interview time though, and secure a place for Thursday as you had intended to. Good luck for Rex tomorrow hun :) - I am sure you will do great. Actually, better than great.:p Go show them what you're made of.


Iulia 18th Jul 2006 12:28

Okai Munchkins, I'm off to Zzzzz (if I can!) coz tomorrow is my REX interview :) xxoxx wish me luuuuuck!:sad:

Iulia 19th Jul 2006 05:18

My REX recruitment day :)
Hello people, I've just arrived home from my REX recruitment day :) I'm pleased to say, I passed the first stage, and went on to stage 2 just after lunch.
All togther there were meant to be about 11 of us, but only 7 turned up.
There were two slightly older ladies recruiting, one that seemed real nice named Linda, and the other named Donna who kind of sent me 'bad vibes' ;) But all in all, it was a good day, and the fact that there was only 11 of us meant the first stage was completed in exactly one hour and five minutes :) We had to do this quiz about the company (very easy if you read their website info) and go around the room saying a bit about ourselves, and also a group activity (done in pairs, except there was one group of 3) about having an endless budget, two kids aged 3yrs and 5yrs and where would you fly with REX? I and the other girl I did the activity with, said we'd go to Tassie, Burnie (coz thats the only flight REX does to Tas) and that we'd hire a car, go chocolate factory, wine sampling, have a picnic, tour of a farm, and then fly back to Melb (coz the trip was from 9am-9pm).
After this we filled in a form with our mobil number, and were told we'd be contacted within half an hour whether to return or not. In this time, the whole group walked over to maccas across the road, and stupid me got on the phone to my bf to tell him about my day so far (as was pretty much everyone else) and I missed the first call!!!! It was a private number, so I knew it was them! Then this other girl got a call, it was so funny, she walked out of maccas to talk, then came back in, thumbs up she got it, then another girls mobil rang, walked out, came back in, got it... and so on. Then at the end, my mobil rings again, and it so happened that I would have the first interview at 1.30pm, and everyone else after that every 15mins.
There happened to be this real nice guy down from Qld trying out for FA too, and he had stayed at the hotel, so he had a room, and I joked about going up there to waste some time, and so we all did and it was pretty good, the room was nice, great view, it was the top floor.
I then went downstairs to my interview about an hour later, and he had to check out of his room anyway (is flying back tonight). As I was sitting outside the meeting room, waiting to be called, I could hear the conversation of the two recruiters, and the blonde one (thatthe one I like) was saying 'she's been through so much, very mature' and then the other one commented on me still being young in age. It was a bit hard to hear, coz there were cleaner ladies in the rooms near me making a lot of noise, but it was definately about me, coz then one of them goes 'she could be outside waiting already' and sure enough, the blonde nice one comes out and called me in :) classic... there I am, looking around the walls, pretending not to have heard a thing!
LOL funny, I had a good time! I'm meant to recieve a yes or no letter in the post within the next week...
as per usual.... well, these days anyway... fingers crossed!!!:ok:

exmax 19th Jul 2006 06:31

I'm keeping my fingers x'd for you Iulia, sounds like it all went really quickly. I'd like to thank you for your post, just what I wanted to read in terms of the interview format.

Rex called me for an interview next week, I'm not yet a permanant resident (almost there though) and I was truthful on staffcv by adding in this fact, they still called me anyway. I can't help wondering why on their website too that applications close on New Years Eve, wonder how many staff they're looking for:ooh:

Good luck and to all going through interviews etc.

Lil Salty86 19th Jul 2006 06:56

Congrats Iulia
Hey Iulia,
I've been reading this thread since the beginning and it sure sounds like your meant to be an FA. U never give up and thats awesome.
Screw Jetstar anyway, if they're going to mess you around like that ... shame on them.
Good Luck with REX, my friends sis works for them (based in Syd) and she absolutely loves it.

Besh Wishes

Hostee 19th Jul 2006 07:40

Iulia.... i'm keeping my fingers crossed for you too hun!!

hmm.... its been exactly 14 days since my VRD.... and its now 535pm in Oz.
And i have heard nothing from Virgin??!?? All i know is that they contacted both my referees last week... but thats it so far.... no emails or phone calls.

Whats that saying... no news is good news???

Iulia 19th Jul 2006 07:43

Awww thanks guys! Yeh they said in the interview that REX is like a 'family' and I understand what they mean by that, because they're a small company and have only about 160 employees they said, and they're looking to expand because they also want to expand their flights. They told us that in the first year, they lost $30million, but have since recovered and made huge profits, so they're certainly a growing company, and in need of more peeps :) us!!
exmax, if you want to know anything else about the day, be it something I left out etc just PM me and I'll be glad to help. On pprune, there wasn't a thread about REX, and I didn't start one LOL seeing as this one is my lil baby project hehe. I wonder if I can change the topic to be something more general?
The day was definately fun, and swift. The first stage was over in just about an hour, and we all went across the road to maccas and chatted, then upstairs to this guys hotel room and chatted even more. I hope I get to meet these people again, they were real nice, and amongst us there was a range of ages/personalities/interests.
And I agree, Jetstar can go jump..! I really should go out and splurge $89 on myself, since I don't need to for tomorrow :D
For now, it'll being another game of waiting... for the postie... oh how I dread going out to the postbox this coming week!:*

seektofly 19th Jul 2006 09:38

Hey Iulia and Hostee (and to those who are reading the thread...)

Jules, sounds like you will be flying any week now!!!:ok: It sounds like you had a great day! I believe that they will call you rather than write to you if you are to be successful -- so keep your phone on!!! :}

Hostee, just make sure that DJ can contact you where you are! Did you give them your mobile number? Is it contactable?:confused: Maybe if you haven't heard from them in a week, then maybe give them a call. I heard from them (when they told me to go to the medical) 13 days after my VBRD. So I guess if you haven't heard from them soon, perhaps give them a call and see what is going on! :ok: You never know - maybe they have been desperately trying to call you.

Anyway, Iulia keep us all posted as to any phone calls or letters you may receive from REX. My fingers are really crossed for you hun :) .


Iulia 19th Jul 2006 22:06

Jetstar... pffft!
Hahaha they sent me back this email:

Very sorry Julia, there was a typo on the email sent out. Unfortunatley numbers were limited and you missed out this time. Please keep your details up to date on our website to secure your best chance at being invited to another assessment centre.

Kind Regards,

Jetstar Cabin Crew Recruitment

... its like, whatever!:rolleyes:

Hostee 20th Jul 2006 00:37

15 days since my VRD.!
STF: Yep.... DJ has all my contact details!
4 phone numbers in fact - 2 Dubai numbers (1 has answer machine), my roaming Aussie mobile (with voicemail) and even my mum's number! I said to my interviewer if DJ can't reach me directly, Mum can surely track me down somewhere in the world! And of course my good old email address.

Back to playing everybody's favourite game..The Waiting Game :ugh:

wannabeVB 20th Jul 2006 11:17

Hey Iulia, sounds like you made an excellent impression on REX and I'm sure you'll be high in the skies soon enough.
I'm sorry to hear about Jetstar though, that is terrible the way that they treated you, hopefully you'll get the job with REX and the next time Jetstar email you, you can tell them where to stick their recruitment day!!
Goodluck with it all, and good luck Hostee, with VB no news is definatley good news, they kept me waiting for a while as well.

Airconn 20th Jul 2006 23:55

Virgin Responding
Hi there!
Hostee, do not stress about virgin not having rung you yet. i have just landed a place in an august ground school and i had heard nothing for weeks. i had my initial VBRD on the 31st of May, where i informed the recruiter that i would need 4 weeks notice to leave my current employer. Two weeks after my VBRD i got an email saying that they were still processing my application. then about four days after that my references were contacted, then about another week and a half before i got the call for my medical.

So depending on how much notice you told them you need, they may be holding back to maybe put you through to a later ground school, to allow you enough notice to where you work now.

Anywho hope this helps you out!
Good luck and i hope you hear soon :ok:

Sylphie 21st Jul 2006 03:18

<-- Wonders who Airconn was on the day :O

Congrats on getting through Airconn, I wonder if we spoke on the day! [we were at the same VBRD]

Sylphie 21st Jul 2006 10:01

Iulia, Qs about REX?
On their site it says in the Essential Selection Criteria, that you 'must' have a minimum of three years F-T customer service experience.. did you address this with them? Is it a case of having everything else but only 3 or so years P-T experience? :uhoh:

Shall we make a REX thread or is it not worth it? :8

-- Sylph

DJ_Fly_Boi 21st Jul 2006 10:35

Hi All

The final intake for 2006 for Dj Cabin Crew is September - has anyone been accepted yet?

Iulia 22nd Jul 2006 01:22

hehehe ur a funny one Sylph, nah I rekon just keep this thread going, too much of a hassled to start a REX one, and quite frankly, there's not much to a REx interview! Its so much easier, and nicer... I wished my VB day had been like at REX. It felt more personal this last intertview, and I guess its much to do with the fact that we were in a tiny meeting room, about 5m X 3m and just at the one round table and only 7 of us trying out (though there were meant to be 11, but thats all that came to the day).
I too noticed the 3yrs fulltime thingy ma bob, but I still applied, because I figured if its that 'essential' then they wont even call me for an interview! But yes, they did call, and yes, eventhough I techinically don't have my VCE/HSC, they still progressed me to stage two. There was this other lady there who nwas a yr10 dropout from England, and she still progressed also!
I say Sylph, just apply. Worst case, they wont call you for an interview! But, they called me, of all people, so there's still hope for everyone else, surely!
Also DJTibby, you should give it a go! I remember you exclaimed 'wow' when yuo heard REX called, and you asked how do I have 3yrs fulltime experience? And I said I don't...
I ask y'all this now... how can anyone at age 18 have 3yrs fulltime experience in customer service, and their VCE/HSC?
It doesn't work out!
Coz to have 3yrs fulltime customer service experience, the person would have had to have been working fulltime since age 15yrs (which would mean they'd have to have dropped out of school!) So their 'essential requirements' contradict themselves! LOL
Also, another thing, if you do a search on careerone.com for flight attendant positions, you will notice REX often advertises for Adelaide positions, and mention nothing about 3yrs fulltime experience, however, they do mention high school.
So it seems, even with REX, there are a few inconsistencies, having said this, I still have a higher opinion of REX, in comparison to other airlines :D
PS- I have been with the library since I was 15yrs, but thats only casual.

followyourdreams 22nd Jul 2006 02:14

Virgin Blue Recruitment Day - this coming Thursday
Hi everyone, I stumbled across this website at work yesterday and am so grateful I did as I have an interview for a cc in Melbourne on July 27th and would love as much info I can before Thursday in order to try and pass the day with flying colours.

Hey thanks for your pm Iulia - and yes you guessed correctly I am a girl. I have just cpoied across my thread from the one I had made as it looks like there are heaps of people on this link that can help me prepare for my interview with VB on Thursday...

Iulia? With the pet role play. Is it just you and someone else or are there are few people involved with that? Also the naming of the pets you would buy from a pet store. Is that soemthing you write down or do you get up and explain your answers to everyone. Am so nervous but so desperatley want this.

Anyone here is what I posted before...

Can anyone please let me know what type of questions they will be asking and a brief rundown on the day so I can try and do a bit of research and study before the day- in order to increase my chances.

As cliche as this sounds - my dream or one of them is to become a hosty and would love more than anything for this to come true. I'm 26 years old and have been working in the advertising industry (in media) for the last three years. I have years and years of customer service experience due to working at McDonalds throughout high school and in restaurants and bars throughout the 5 years I spent at uni. This experience combined with my bubbly and outgoing personality, aswell as being a hard work and a high achiever makes me pretty positive that I am capable of being a fantastic hosty. But... there are so many people that also think the same thing so what does it come down to at the interview? Do you have to confidant but no overbearing? Do they like someone that is loud but not over the top? Should you voice your opinions or only speak when asked? I can adapt to any situation but want to know how to approach the day

This is what I think the questions would possibly be - so please tell me if I am on the right track or not:

Tell me how you work in a team?
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Tell me a time you have been in a difficult situation and how did you handle it?
What have been your acreer accomplishments?
Why do you want to work for Virgin Blue?

Are these kind of what they will ask?

I am very confidant but when I get to interview situations I turn to mush and cannot be myself. If I practise to myself I am fine but once eyes are on me I'm not so good?

Are any of the interviews one one one? Or are there a few of them that sit there and take notes?

Also, lets just say I get through the day and am asked to take the medical test- I have a small tattoo on my foot? Will I pass through or should I hide it?
I also have asthma but it isn't bad. Will this work against me?

I have so many questions as you can see, but its only becasue I desperatley want to be given a chance and know I have what it takes

Gloria 22nd Jul 2006 03:57

Hello to all,does anyone know how many training schools are going through and if anymore are likely after the August school. Just curious if the VRD on the 27 Jul is to fill August school or for another school say in Sept. etc.

eagle01 22nd Jul 2006 07:53

Hi Iulia
How was your REX interview?

Iulia 22nd Jul 2006 08:01

haha hey eagle1 ;) read above a bit, you'll see that my REX interview was pretty alright and fun!

better yet, click your 'view first unread post' underlined in blue, and it'll take you to wherever it is that you last left off reading so you don't always gotta scroll to it.

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