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eagle01 22nd Jul 2006 08:11

Thanks for the tip!

seektofly 22nd Jul 2006 15:45

Any news yet??
;) Hi guys...

2 things.

1. I went for my uniform fitting on Thursday morning. It was er.. an experience. :uhoh: The uniform fitting place is up on the same level as the crew room at Melbourne airport. I walked in, and saw some crew walking out as a group. They all looked stunning in their uniforms and red overcoats! I felt positively out of place with my charcoal grey winter coat. They tell you to wear minimal makeup and no perfume to go to the fitting (obvious reasons) so I felt a bit out of place sitting there waiting for the uniform people to get there - (I was about 5 minutes too early).
The uniform place is quite like a shop. There are 2 fitting rooms and a counter where you can buy shoes or other things. I tried on the dress, and it looked like a sack on me! :hmm: - you know, the classic small waist and bigger hips - so the dress fit me over the hips, but I had a ridiculous amount of room around the waist! So I tried on the pants and let me give you a tip. If you naturally have hips, never go for pants with side pockets because you will end up with hips + bulk that you don't need! :ooh: So I ended up going for the skirt. I also ordered my shoes, and I tried on the red overcoat - for a complete look and it was amazing. I was playing dress ups!!!!:p The white/creamy summer trench coat is beautiful.
I must admit though, if you are normally a size 10 in clothes you will be a size 14 in the uniform. The sizes are shocking! I am normally a 14-16 and I was getting my uniform in the size 16-18! I am not impressed.:{ The girl next to me was saying how she is normally a 10 and here she is wearing a size 14 pant. ANYWAY... Moving right along...
Training in 9 sleeps! YAY!!

2. Hostee, any news yet?? :confused: I have been keeping my eye on this thread for your exciting news..I am keeping my fingers crossed that you will come back yelling and screaming how excited you are because you will be starting training school in August or something like that!

Iulia, I trust you are well. Everyone else, I hope all is well. To all of those with an interview on Thursday, PM me if you would like some feedback or advice. I will be more than happy to help ;) .

Take care Y'all :ok:

Your soon to be hostie with the mostie.

PS: I know at the beginning of the post I wrote "2 things", but I got a bit carried away. You all know how I can talk... and talk and talk and talk!!!

Ciao :E

Lil Salty86 24th Jul 2006 02:19

Good Luck ...
I just wanted to wish everyone who is going to the July 27 VBRD GOOD LUCK:ok: and as my friends keep telling me ... it doesnt matter how far you get because think of all the people who have applied and we all got an interview:D .

I look forward to meeting you all but until then keep safe and get plently of rest.


Iulia 24th Jul 2006 04:07

That's right Kylie! And the fact that we have done something beforehand, the Senior First Aid and the Responsible Service of Alcohol certificates, as well as renewing passports etc thats another example of our determination ;) My careers coordinator was wow-ed at how much I knew about the process, and the effort I made in summer to do my RSA (though, it didn't take long, but still, back then I didn't drive and didn't have a car, so I was very dependant on lifts... actually, my mum drove me to Monash that night, at my bf picked me up afterwards so yeh) and the fact that I spent two weekends cooped up in a room for my Senior First Aid along with a handful of other people (all for various different reasons). So clap :D clap to all who have had the privilege to be invited, to any form of recruitment day :)

I'm also posting just to say :yuk: no news yet! arghhh... I've checked the postbox, and the posty has come and gone, got other letters, but none from REX... perhaps tomorrow? Another restless night.. :zzz:

exmax 24th Jul 2006 04:36

Hang in there Iulia, I'm sure you'll make it and good luck!! I have to wait before I can reapply to REX because of my visa status, had that confirmed but they're interested in my application which is great:)

smile 24th Jul 2006 06:16

Seek to fly,

Don't be too stressed about the uniform sizes. They are terrible. I started a size 12 am now a size 14 in the bottoms. Not good for the ego- however at home I am a 10-12.

The dress is terrible!! It only suits a handful of crew, and unfortunatly those of us with curves will always look like we are wearing a potato sack.

If you would like to wear the pants part of the uniform I can recommend getting the pockets taken out and sewn up. Quite a few crew have had that done. It also stops you putting your hands into your pockets, which is a grooming "no-no". However as the material is quite thin make sure you get a pair that are loose, and don't wear lacy knickers underneath. Not a pretty look!

Anyway best of luck with your training.

If you need any help feel free to PM me

love SMILE

wannabeVB 24th Jul 2006 06:31

STF thankgod you wrote the post that you did, because since my uniform fitting last wednesday I have not been able to stop thinking about the sizes. I am usually a 10-12 but when I went for my fitting those size just went out the window! All my clothes sizes are all over the place and because of my child bearing hips I have a 16 skirt!:mad: And yes I know size doesn't matter, but it doesn't do much for the confidence does it!!
I just keep thinking that maybe when I have my hair done and I'm actually wearing make-up I will look much much better.
So to make myself feel better I got the higher shoes that aren't too comfortable but look good, (I know that I'm going to regret that!!) but I don't care. Yet.
And I'm going to get some serious alterations done to my dress because yes it looks like a potato sack!
But at the end of the day I would wear a real potato sack if they wanted me to :p

omo 24th Jul 2006 07:53

Firstly, a big hello to all. I've been invited to attend a VRD in Melbourne and am very thankful to those that have taken the time to share their previous experiences and tips in this thread. It goes a long way in helping settle the overwhelming nervousness while counting down the days!

From what I've read so far, it looks as if I'll be one of about 15 males there and I'm not entirely sure if that will help settle my nerves on the day or make them worse :\ I'm really curious about the role play and the kind of situations they put you in. The only one I've read about was the one where you have to advise a dissatisfied passenger about not being able to take her pooch on board. Does anyone else have any they might like to share?? Any tips about the day would be much appreciated and to all those who are attending.. best of luck! :ok:

Iulia 24th Jul 2006 08:24

Heya omo and best of luck with you VBRD!!! At my one, back in June, there were actually only 3 guys... and a total of about 31ppl present:}
I think they use the same scenario, its an old one and I've heard its been around a while, so don't worry. All you have to do in the role play is try and calm the passenger and get her to cooperate, so there's no 'lines' you have to follow, its like you acting the way you would normally with a disgruntled customer. Relax, it'll be fine :8 YOU'll be fine!
Hehehehe wannabeVB about the alterations, I'd do the same too! LOL I didn't really like the way the dress looked anyway, and the boat neck... eek! But, if thats the uniform who cares, so long as your in!! :D
hahaha take care, and I'll post again tomorrow regardless of whether I recieve a letter in the post or not...

DJ_Fly_Boi 24th Jul 2006 09:07


I know the uniform is a bit daggy/saggy/baggy on some people - at least the females get some kind of choice.

I wouldnt recommend getting too many alterations done - as this is strictly against grooming regulations.

We are currently trialling some new shoes and lined pants for both male and female crew members.

Just my 2 cents worth!

DJ :)

seektofly 24th Jul 2006 14:02

OMG - Twins.
Wannabe, firstly - OMG!

I did exactly the same as you and I know I will regret it later GET THE HIGHER SHOES!!! The thought that was going through my head was - they will make my legs look longer (perhaps disguise the fact that my legs are short and stumpy anyway!!!) Wannabe, you and me think alike. Please tell me that you are going to be in my training school!!!!! :) on July 31.

The sizes did upset me to the point that I went home and ate and ate and ate!:{ I got soooo depressed about the whole sizing issue!!! I kept telling myself, once my hair is perfectly done and makeup too, I will look the part. And did anyone have problems with the tight sleeves??????????



Don't worry about the letter box. I think you are going to get a phone call. I have a feeling in my waters! But worrying about it won't help. What's done is done now. But I know exactly how you feel. PM me and let me know how you're doing.

To everyone else regarding Thursday... GOOD LUCK. ;) Y'all will be fine!

Talk to you soon

Hostee 24th Jul 2006 23:14

Airconn you are wonderful!! You have put me at ease a little with your post hun! And like you, i have to give 4 weeks notice.

Ok so the exact same thing happened for me... got an email saying my application is still being processed.. SO ITS ALL GOOD! I know both my ref's have been contacted so thats another step.

Good luck to those about to start training.. STF and wannabe. HAVE FUN!

And good luck to those going for interviews!

Sylphie 25th Jul 2006 08:20

Good luck all!
Stf - Nonsense! I am sure you looked awesome in the uniform. I am truly jealous! I hope one day I will be lucky enough to be complaining about my VB uniform sizing. Haha. Maybe this is a silly question but do VB pay for your uniform? Or is it deducted out of pay or how does that work? Wouldn't it cost a fortune considering you'd need multiple shirts and the full set including coat etc?

Haven't seen the dress.. I think I've only seen the crew wearing the pants or the skirt. I know what you mean about the trench coat, It's gorgeous! DJ have such a lovely uniform. I don't think there was anyone there on VRD that didn't comment on it. I hope you [and the other lucky ones trainign with you] have a blast at training, and do pop back to tell us all about it, at least what you're allowed to report back ;)

Iulia - What's been going on? Any news yet? I am keeping my fingers crossed, It would be awesome to see some more positive news what with all the negative JQ stuff at the moment. My heart is on pause with anxiety. Lol.

Hostee - I'm sure you're going to hear something soon. Keep us posted.. [goes without saying? Hehe]

Oh it's all too much. Haha.

seektofly 25th Jul 2006 09:11

A bit of everything!
HEY EVERYONE (not just limited to those who's names have been mentioned below)...:p

:ok: Hostee, YAY - Thats great news. At least it isn't a no. They could have easily just sent you a no email - but instead, they are keeping you on the line. Any day now, I am going to turn on the computer and there is going to be fireworks happening from your quarter saying that you start training within a few weeks!!!

:uhoh: Sylphie, it is sad but true. I am not the perfect size 10-12 that all flight attendants seem to be. What is worse is that I am unhappy with myself, but on the upside, as soon as training is over, and I get back my shift work hours, the days I start late or finish early I will be going for a long walk around the river near my house either around 9 or 10 in the morning or around 4 in the afternoon. I have suspended my gym membership until then too - so I will go back to it with a committed attitude. It will also be September then, the start of spring. I am doing something about it.

By the way, regarding who pays for the uniforms- those Virgin people are soo generous. Not only do they provide the uniform, but they also provide you with one pair of shoes too! The shoes get re-issued (at no cost to you) every 9 months, and the uniform gets replaced (again at no cost to you) every 12 months. It is truly amazing! I love the uniform.;)

Iulia. :E
Any news yet? Thanks for the PM - but I am not backing down. Its true what I said in my last post. I am not going to talk about it any more! :( But if you do want to come over this side of town to "beat me up" - will you bring some Krispy Kreme's? 1 box should do :E
Anyway training in 6 sleeps Woo HOO!

And, yes, by the way, I will be posting even during training to let y'all know how it is treating me. I might be a bit stressed... but thats ok. I have done it all before! :hmm:


Iulia 25th Jul 2006 10:40

Why me... whyyyy?

Hostee, you and I should start a club, like, name it, the 'no-response-from recruitment-days' club!

Yes peeps, that right, lil me skipped to the letter box 3 times today, hoping that perhaps the post hadn't come yet... at about 11.30am, as I was bending over peering deep into ALL FIVE letterboxes at the flat where I live (thinking perhaps it went to one of my other neighbours? it sometimes happens) I see my oldest neighbour walking outta her place and I ask "Libby, has the postie been today?" her reply "sure has!!" noooo!:mad:
Nuffin, nadda, not even a bill! Perhaps tomorrow?

I was thinking, I'll give it til Monday next week maybe, and if by Monday I still haven't recieved something, I may call the number at the bottom of the email they sent me with the specifications of the day etc. and I'll politely ask where I'm at with them.

haha STF, I was thinking, actually, making a silent promise to myself, that if I do get a job as FA (regardless of who with) I'll join a gym and make my thunderthighs non-existent! Its my lil pact with myself, and I benefit from it, I'd be fitter and hopefully build more endurance than I currently do have, and so I'll be more confidant when wearing bathers this coming summer; without a sarong!:=

Iulia 25th Jul 2006 10:43

You know, Krispy Kremes may be a 10min drive from me, but there's no way on earth I'm gonna go and wait an hour in the line! Not on my own. Waste of time, especially fuel! LOL Come down and we can wait together :8

wannabeVB 26th Jul 2006 00:27

Hi everyone,
Just thought i'd say goodbye to you all. I making the BIG move to Melb today before I start training on the 31st (yes STF we'll be together!) and I don't know when I'll see a computer again.
So I just want to say thankyou for everyone for all the support you have given me over the whole process it has been truly invaluable and made everything so much easier to digest.
I want to wish everyone who is going to the VRD's in the next few weeks all the luck in the world, just be yourselfs and you'll be fine. Someone told me once "if you just be yourself and they don't progress you, do you really want to work for someone that you'll have to change your personality for?" And that just stuck with me.
Iulia, I hope so much that you'll get the job with REX and I'll see you in the airport one day. I wish you all the best :)
See you all soon

followyourdreams 26th Jul 2006 02:51

Thursday VRD
Hi guys, well I have my VRD tomorrow morning and am soooo nervous:ooh: . I definitely won't be able to sleep tonight:ugh: .

I just found three certicates I won when I was working in the hospitality industry - gaming/bar Tatts venue. We used to have mystery shoppers that would come in and pretend to be customers - I won three awards all for superior and outstanding customer service so I'm going to bring these in on Thursday with me. Do you think that is a good idea?

Followyourdreams :)

Sylphie 26th Jul 2006 04:16

That's an awesome idea FYD. Save it to show your interviewer on the One on One when they ask you why you want to work for VB, or why you want to be a FA. Superior customer service is one of the most important things you should be selling about yourself at the interview, and this kind of proof is perfect to back up your reasoning. I think they'd love it, and to actually bring the proof in shows how keen you are to achieve the same for their company, and say that.

Don't be nervous, show confidence!
Go get 'em.

followyourdreams 26th Jul 2006 04:46

Thursday VRD
Thanks for that Sylphie!:) :) :)

I was getting all my documents togetehr and ended up coming across them. They are a few years old but I think I treat customers the same way as it is in my personality to act a certain way- and that is treating my customers with respect.

I was thinking I would show them in the 5 minute interview too- is it a different interviewer? In the 5 minute part do you go on about all your strengths and things eg: passionate, ambitious, team player etc or is that the one on one at the end of the day? I'm a bit confused as to what I am supposed to say in the initial interview as this is obviously where you are going to make your first impressions etc

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