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love2flyxxx 28th Feb 2006 17:03

Thanks FBW, that clears up alot.

I have to say first impressions are good of the staff at LGW. Everyone posting on here seems really lovely and totally happy to help new starters, so thanks!

Just on last question for those who have trained recently. As the majority of training I was told is at Gatwick, do they bus us up to cranebank when needed or do we have to make our own way?

Cheers guys,

banewboi 28th Feb 2006 17:45

Originally Posted by love2flyxxx
Thanks FBW, that clears up alot.

I have to say first impressions are good of the staff at LGW. Everyone posting on here seems really lovely and totally happy to help new starters, so thanks!

Just on last question for those who have trained recently. As the majority of training I was told is at Gatwick, do they bus us up to cranebank when needed or do we have to make our own way?

Cheers guys,

i asked when they called and the training is all done at lgw where they can and if they need you at cranebank (doors etc) they us you to lhr, you are lgw based so they can only make you travel that far or pay your extra expenses. it's classed as positioning. or should be? (crew back me up?)

flybywire 28th Feb 2006 20:35

You will do Customer service and AvMed training at Hangar 6 at LGW.
SEP training will be at cranebank for about 2 weeks. They will take you there at the start and will put you in a hotel for the duration of the SEP training. On days off they'll take you back to LGW and pick you up again at the start of the next week.

Do not worry, BA do take good care of their crew. You'll learn a lot about the company during the training. I have to say, after flying for 2 airlines before BA I got really impressed from all the things that are available to BA crew. You'll see our crew report center (JH=Jubilee House) is a nice friend;y place, you'll go shopping in the staff shop and you'll watch tv during late sby, or you can catch some sleep in the quiet room if you feel tired!!!
We also have showers and lockers on the ground floor that are very useful if you commute. Also nice coffee house on 2nd floor and average canteen facility. We have computer rooms and the Quest centre on the 4th floor is great fro practising SEP exams on the computers.

If then you happen to get into the Compass Centre, you'll really be amazed!! I'll say no more!!!


banewboi 28th Feb 2006 20:43

fantastic fbw, i really appreciate all this, anythin to push me as far as i can go.

so many people want a bit of fun, want a job, want to do something exciting for a few years

i want a career and i see ba as the best opportunity, as the best amalgamation of my idea's and ideals aswell as the best opportunities. can you by any chance give me a rough approximation of a ft roster? any other useful; but probably small info, that you can give is gratefullty received: ways to do uniform, to do hair, to say, not to say, to want, to not openly want. Anything that is insignificant to crew but for those who want a lifetime wth ba is all important: please suggest.

flyer83 28th Feb 2006 23:41

FBW - I think average is talking up the food in the canteen a bit much!

I'm at LGW EF too, been there a year and I've had my bad and good moments, however I do enjoy working there, i've just come off a 3 day trip and had a great crew and enjoyed every second, even though it was somewhat challenging at points! Thankfully there are a vast majority of people at LGW who I love working with of course there are those who sometimes I cant stick, of course you will get that everywhere.

Its gonna be an interesting year at LGW and its potentially a good time to be joining, I'd say to anyone to go in with your eyes open and enjoy it!

yellowdog 1st Mar 2006 16:50

BA LGW Midfleet - Whats the latest?
OK, hearing loads of rumours about "mixed flying". Who knows anything? Anyone?

banewboi 1st Mar 2006 17:40

see the lgw thread, but should be 737's and 777 mixed fleet by oct

flyer55 1st Mar 2006 18:11

Still in discussions at moment !

yellowdog 1st Mar 2006 18:38

flyer55, heard it had been signed off...

then heard there were some sticking points....

then heard it was as far away as ever....

do we just have to wait and see:confused:

flyer55 1st Mar 2006 21:38

Yeah we will all have to wait and see as its gone very quiet at lgw!

flyer83 2nd Mar 2006 08:50

Rumour has it that an announcement and ballots are imminent, all sorts going round, I'll believe the rumours when I have something on paper in front of me though.

WeLieInTheShadows 2nd Mar 2006 14:20

Just got this in the post from Amicus.

"Further to my recent correspondence regarding the intro by BA of a single fleet at LGW I can inform you that the NSP was reconvened on Wed 22nd and Thurs 23rd MAR 2006.

As a result, further improvements have been made around the areas of rest period, duty times, and days off. These improvements, together with entry into a new LGW Consultative Group, have provided us with the basis of an agreement."

blah blah.....some of other stuff that concerns current WWLGW crew.

So there's the latest.

ali777 2nd Mar 2006 15:55

can you give us some more details
im among those temp ones who i suppose will start with WW, but then........?????
God knows..

ali777 2nd Mar 2006 15:56

welieintheshadows, tell us, are we going to be all right????

luksy 2nd Mar 2006 16:38


i don't know if I got that right? You mean February right?:hmm:
So it is gonna be NSP contract?

Thanks for all the info

Kind Regards


WeLieInTheShadows 2nd Mar 2006 18:12

Sorry. That was Feb not Mar. Typo on the unions part!

Guys that's litterally all it says!

I can understand you all want more info but I simply don't have it. There are so many rumours flying around about onefleet/midfleet, but it wouldn't be fair for me to post them here as.....they are only rumours, and I'm only going to give you definate concrete info that I know for a fact.

Some people have posted on the other BA thread on this forum, and seem to have more info on the LHLHR temps and what will happen to them. You could Pm them or post asking?

Maybe someone on here has access to the BASSA forum (I'm CC89) and can help these people out?

flyer55 3rd Mar 2006 22:34

Not long now so keep watching this space ....

banewboi 5th Mar 2006 13:30

hi guys

anything new? wlits? fbw? ba is silent and i need input, can barely contain my excitement!!!

also, anyone know of somewhere to live? i start 15/5/06 and need somewhere near lgw


WeLieInTheShadows 6th Mar 2006 11:19

Nothing new I'm afraid.

I'll keep a look out for a room for you.

pips 7th Mar 2006 12:23

I was told that lgw are going to have 5 new routes (long haul) when the mid fleet happens as well as nsp rights (at last) .I know that theres alot of lhr crew that will not be happy about this , but dont forget we all had the same interveiw to work for the same company.Some people in lhr forget this, in this company its a case of being in the right place at the right time!! So some good news for lgw crew is well and truley over due,BRING IT ON !!

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