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goyangee 23rd Mar 2006 21:56

first, i am sorry~~ Xana..
i don't know about the english test...the thing is i didn't do mine
they did not ask if you graduated english high school..
so..i can not help you about this...
but i am sure there was a essay on the english test..

good luck..

Originally Posted by xana
maybe you can help me can you tell me if in the english teste they made us ,we must write a letter our something like that?
I'm asking you this because i'm very bad in that .:ok:

thank you once again!;)

pinkstar83 25th Mar 2006 07:08

Congratulations again to goyangeenim
I'm also a member of 'jun hyun cha'^^

Xana, I think I can help you there.
I attended Vancouver open day, and all of us who passed first assessment had to write the written exam.
Some native English speakers like real Canadians failed the exam as well.:confused:
I think the level of difficulty varies from country to country.
There are couple passages to read and you have to answer some questions to answer.
Then there are matching type questions for some vocabulary from the passages.
Also there are number of questions where you have to read what the sign says and paraphrase them.
They are all multiple choice and they are not difficult but extremely confusing.
Then you have to write a short 'essay' but really just something like a paragraph is fine.
I guess the content doesn't matter as much as the writing style because I wrote complete bull**** and still passed.

janibabyes 25th Mar 2006 11:46

Hi Flying Muppet & Goyangee, and congra for it!!!!
I am so glad you both got in!!! I am flying to Dubai the 6th of April... I am almost ready to send all the medicals, etc, and getting all ready for such an experience!!!! Do you already know when are ur joinning dates???.
I can imagine how excited and happy you are for all this... If you have any doubts about the medicals or any other business u are more than welcome to ask me!!!
I am leaving in less than 2 weeks, so I will write to you all very soon telling you all about Dubai and the training...
For the rest, i wish you the best of luck for the interviews and hope to see you soon there!!!!

SkySista 26th Mar 2006 02:06

Well congrats to those of you who got your 'yes', and good luck to those still trying. Thanks Muppet! :D When do you start??

And of course it wouldn't be an EK open day without yet another attendance by myself (lol), I'm just going to go along and see what happens, catch up with some 'open day buddies'...

The website is a bit mental at the moment though... on the section for open days, it asks you to register... you click either that you 'do not' have a reference number (e.g. have not applied online before) or that you do... it then takes you through to the normal online application... after you finish it, you get the standard e-mail saying 'thank you, we'll contact you... if in 3 months.. blah blah blah'... NOTHING about you now being registered for the open day....! Weird!!!

I guess you just turn up then!!! :p

Any other Pruners going to be at Perth? I'll be the old and grey one in the corner.... :E

j/k :p

xana 28th Mar 2006 13:31

hllo pinkstar83 :)!
thank you for all ... but I diden't stay!:{
it was a very confuse day... it was strange , they opened the room for us to get in and tol us to sit down and one by one had to approach and leave the cv on the table were was a lady sithing, i dont remember her name, who picked up the cv and gave us a number !
that,s all ... hen they played a video from Dubai and the company and then told us to leave the room . in the next room there was a table with some envelopes which contained the information who stays for the next stage and who doesn't . well i really don't understand because how the **** they no if the other's are better then us because it's not possible that 1 lady can see 222 cv in 1 hour ...
well , at the same time I'm verry happy one of the enterviewers tod us that the most important thing that we are beutiful on the inside , and have fealling's be kind to the pessengers be sensitive and so on ...
there was one girl who was approved , but she passed all time lauthing and criticising the compay wile they played a video with some crew member's singing a song of the company !:eek:
I'm glad because they will receive wath they deserve, and for those two ladies witch did the choices ... i will be very happy either when her boss'call them to give some explanations about their bad choices!!!! lolllollo:p :p :p :ok:
I´M RALLY HAPPY:} :} :} :} :ok:

Originally Posted by pinkstar83
Congratulations again to goyangeenim
I'm also a member of 'jun hyun cha'^^

Xana, I think I can help you there.
I attended Vancouver open day, and all of us who passed first assessment had to write the written exam.
Some native English speakers like real Canadians failed the exam as well.:confused:
I think the level of difficulty varies from country to country.
There are couple passages to read and you have to answer some questions to answer.
Then there are matching type questions for some vocabulary from the passages.
Also there are number of questions where you have to read what the sign says and paraphrase them.
They are all multiple choice and they are not difficult but extremely confusing.
Then you have to write a short 'essay' but really just something like a paragraph is fine.
I guess the content doesn't matter as much as the writing style because I wrote complete bull**** and still passed.

krisky 29th Mar 2006 11:44

Preliminary Interview with Emirates
I have tried to look for threads on this but they are all to do open days which isn't what a preliminary interview is... so if anyone could help me scoop some up it would much appreciated as i am new. I tried using the search as well and nothing to do with the preliminary process has come up.

So i have a preliminary assessment next week with Emirates, i applied online and they emailed me inviting me to come. Could somebody please tell me..

-in your experience what they were judging you on
-what will happen
-what questions they ask
-what excercises you participate in

any other info would be much appreciated!! thank you xx ;)

p.s im so excited.. i want this so bad that i dont want anything going wrong... !!!! :sad:

Dubai_barbiedolly 29th Mar 2006 15:06

Hi Krisky,

I have just attended an open day in dublin, before I went I found this on the " Anything to do with emirates interviews" threadsI found it very helpful. If you take your time and have a good look through all those pages there is a some posts about preliminary interviews. Good Luck!

Amelia xx


Hello everyone, my name is Andrew, EK cabin crew.

Ive had alot of people ask me about the interview process and also tips on how to make it through.

Thanking everyone on PPrune for their support and what i wanna do is just let you know what i went through and the exact process for the day when i attended in Melb!

Hope it helps. Although this was not a walk in process. It was an interview by invitation. Anyways here goes!

Day started at 9am. I walked into the foyer and waited along with about 30 people for approx 30 mins before the recruiters turned up. This is a very important time to get your confidence up for the day ahead. I simply walked around and introduced myself to every single person and had a small chat with each of them. Talk about how you applied, how long it took to get a response, etc. Again, a fantastic opportunity to get the confidence up for the long day ahead! Keep that smile on the dial too!

We then entered a big room with 4 round tables, and got given a numbered name tag and got told to take a seat anywhere in the room. I found a table with no guys on it at all and had a seat there. I thought this will help to stand out a little!!

They then put a video on about dubai and what its like to be a cabin crew member. This went for approx 45 mins. Stay interested during the duration of this video.. very important. Also concentrate on all the details given throughout the video because the last thing you want to do is ask a question that was already answered during the tape!

Once the video finished we had a question session. The recruiters basically asked the group to ask any questions about absolutley anything we want to know or any concerns we may have. I was the first to put my hand up (i had this planned as i knew they appreciate the person who asks the 1st question, especially being in a big group like this one) and i the question i asked was "i understand the contract with emirates is for 3 years, but at the end of this period is it up to me to continue or is it a decision made by the company?" I felt that this question will atleast make them feel im in for the long haul. Questions went on for about 90 mins. People were asking about wages, how many crew members are there, how long is training (which was answered in the video ) etc, etc. Once this session was finished the recruiter actually went out of her way in front of the group to acknowledge that i was 1st to ask a question. So this must be important to them. Remember... keep smiling.

We then got split into 2 groups of 16 for our first group discussion. The topic was 'If you got the job and moved to dubai, what difficulties do you think you may have'. During the discussion make sure you get your opinion across. Refer to other peoples opinions (shows listening skills) and then give yours. I said "the transistion to a muslim country requires respect for the people around you and total respect for the religion". Agree with people and back it up if you disagree. Dont talk politics and dont show that you might be hesitant to move to dubai. Keep smiling and make it seem that you are really looking forward to the move!

The time was creeping up to about 12pm at this stage and we got asked to take a 15 minute break.

When we got back we all sat down and the recruiters looked at us all and said, "guys this is the hardest part of the day for us as we now have to cut the group down. Please dont be discouraged and your more than welcome to apply again after 6 months." Out of the 32 in the group they cut 20 and it was down to 12. 10 girls and 2 guys!

We then did a 180 multiple choice questions psychology test. One thing i noticed in this test was that the same question was being asked over again every 20 or 30 questions away but in a different form. This could be a wrong theory but i felt it was important that i answered this the same way everytime in came around. It shows up as level headed once the statistics come up. This is my thoery, but i could be wrong. Also, dont think about the answers too much, first answer that comes to mind.. go for it!

We then did another group discussion. This time they gave us a list of 14 people that have just got the job with EK and there was 7 appartments we had to put them in. Which 2 would you put in each appartment and why? First girl said to put the aussie and the english guy together as they would most likely have more simular backgrounds compared to anyone else and so on. It then came round to me and i said, "thats a very good point and it might actually work well, but dont you think moving to a country like this and with all the different cultures we will have to accomadate for it would be a good idea to put the arab with aussie, the french with chinese, etc, etc... as this will teach us to learn about different cultures that will ultimately be extremely important to our positions". The rest of the group ended up agreeing with this theory. Same applies with any grp discussion, dont talk over anyone, listen well and KEEP SMILING!!!

I thought i was doing pretty well at this stage.

Time was about 3.30 at this stage and we got asked to do an activity. We got split into 2 groups of 6. We got given pieces of cardboard and paperclips and we were asked to build a tower out of these materials and that we were competing against the other group. What they look for here is TEAMWORK!! but unfortunatley not too many people realise this. Who cares who wins...lol. In this activity show you can work well as a team, talk well, encourage your peers, give them well dones when they do something good and show that your a team player. Do not look over to the other group and say "oh ****.. theyre winning" WRONG!! Stick to what your doing as this shows you work well around others. And dont be afraid to show leadership skills here... i did. Stay focused and caring for your team... Keep Smiling too!

They then told us to have a little break and be back in 15 mins.

When we came back they said they had to do it again and cut the group down one more time. This was nerve racking! They cut out another 6 and left 6. 5 girls and me!

We then got told that this was it and we had made it passed the screening session. We got pulled away from the group seperatley and got asked some personal questions about the family and about why we applied and also why do we think we would make a good cabin crew memeber. I talked about customer service. I remember being really excited at this stage and had to control myself.

Thats it guys, lastly i can say dont try to be something your not... as they will see right through you! Remember, Smile Smile Smile!

Good luck to all.

Andrew Dima.

krisky 30th Mar 2006 16:33

thanks so much for that your a true star!

i did browse the emirates application but i didnt realise it was so long and randomly held info on the preliminary process!!

muwah! xx

krisky 30th Mar 2006 16:35

hey everyone
im new and i have my preliminary next week... so excited yet scared!
the only issue could be my height :sad: im 5'2 :{

GorgeousKiwiGal 31st Mar 2006 03:42


Firstly, good luck and all the best with your application - I am sure you will do well :ok:.

Secondly if you go back about 2-3 pages everyone talks about the height issue. Emirates have a reach test these days. I believe that you have to be able to reach 2.2 metres (I am not sure on the exact figure) without shoes on. So measure this on your wall at home and see if you can reach this level. I am 5'5" and can reach well over, so you should have no problem :).

Once again, it's a really, really good idea to go through and read EVERY page of this thread. It provides invaluable advice that you won't get anywhere else. It's a lot to read, but just make yourself a cuppa and a snack and sit down and go through it. It could be the difference between getting the job and not getting it :).

My last piece of advice is to STUDY! I recently landed a F/A position with my dream airline and can honestly say that study was the key! I studied the airline inside and out. I studied the hierarchy, the aircraft, the crew, the CRM, the union, the destinations, the meals, the services, the points, the codes, the mottos, the advertisements and their website like a mad woman. When it came down to interview time I was well prepared and that helped curb the nerves a little.

All the very, very best and let us know how you do :ok:.


shannarong 31st Mar 2006 14:38

English test
Hi all,

anyone know anything about the english test? what sort of thing they will ask us to write and how many word? thanks in advance.

krisky, good luck to you. you are not alone i'm having an interview coming up as well, let me know which date we might even have it on the same day.

gtwillis 2nd Apr 2006 18:17

EY crew here
Guys seriously, it freaks me out when I read you all saying how badly u want to get into emirates. This company is flying their crew INTO THE GROUND. I have so many friends there and they just complain from morning till night that they are always sick and always jetlaged. Minimum rest in EVERY destination!!!!!!!
They tell me they just fly, eat and sleep and thats what their lives consist of. There are so many other options

swm 4th Apr 2006 05:47

Emirates recruiting ... again - advice sought...
I noticed Emirates are in town recruiting again and was wondering if anyone could shed osme light as to what goes on on these open days. EG. assessments, questions, etc. Also how long does the process take/how long before they interview/get back to those they're interested in? Are you required to have first aid and RSA etc prior to applying?

Also anyone who's been there done that or doing that right now, would love to hear from you. What's it like living in the sand pit, some people I've spoken to love it, a lot obviously don't as their tends to be a lot ho leave after a year or so ... what gives??

SkySista 4th Apr 2006 06:36

I'm sure you've heard this already, but... make yourself a cuppa, sit down and read through the 'anything to do with Emirates' thread...... HUGE amounts of stuff there.... not to mention some funny (and not so funny) stories!!!

Good luck!!! :}

flyblue 4th Apr 2006 09:26

Good advice SkySista :ok:
Why oh why people don't read the "read before you post" sticky???? :{

darlingbibi 6th Apr 2006 23:10

Your Precious advices
Hi Shannarong,
Hope you had a great interview on the 4thApril.
Can you please advise?Thank you in advance for your time.

Post Ref:1211
Hi there,

I've been reading and following this forum for a few weeks now and I found it really useful, so thank you so much for sharing. After about 2 weeks submitting the online application I get an invitation for a premilinary session on 4th April in London, if anyone coming along please drop me a line. This is my first try-out, I won't keep my hope too high cus I'm so crap at interview :}(thaz why I'm still jobless) with these contributions from those of you who did it before me I promise to do my best and I'll post the processes and tips here as much as I can to help the others.

Gotta go now but will keep you guys update.

KellyS 7th Apr 2006 11:59

open day
Hi guys!
I've been reading this forum for a while and i am amazed how you can make it through to the final interviews with EK when hundreds of people show up on the open day. In my country there only were 14 people on the open day with EK) So this is also possible :) Just thought i 'd share that with you :) And out of 14 only 2 had an interview and are now waiting for their results. I can believe how difficult it is for all of you to compete with so many other great people around! So if anyone wants to have less competitors you know you have this opportunity here next time :)


darlingbibi 7th Apr 2006 13:58

pls advise
Hi Budgie,
How is your life as EK cabin crew now?
Can you please kindly send the 100 common industry interview questions which you found from aircabincrew website. The URL isn't valid anymore, it was published in year 2003. Hope you still keep it.
Thanks in advance and your help is much appreciated.

lc_m 8th Apr 2006 05:21

Who would know about this?
Hey guys,

I would like to know from someone who went through all rounds of interviews or someone working with ek abou the interview rounds.
I went through these rounds : Written Test, 2GD's,Psychometric Test and one a personal interview (final).
However some of my friends had to give an aptitude test after the final interview which I didnt have to give.
Does that mean I'm not selected?

Thanks in advance guys.:ok:

XERTO 8th Apr 2006 16:10

Cabin Crew Recruiter - Emirates
Does anybody know somebody I can contact at Emirates regarding a Cabin Crew Recruiter position that is currently advertised? I've been to their website, but I would really like the chance of talking with somebody. Thanks!!

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