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kaybee 10th Mar 2004 03:40

another emirates question...sorry guys!!
hi there evryone..im new to here...just wanted to say well done to everyone who has made it. just a quick question tho',,,would they let me take my partner over with them??
thanx all..u guys are such a gr8 help..i wouldnt have got a job with tcx if you hadnt have helped ppl like us with your threads...and forget the NEGATIVE ones!!!

Elena_Romania 10th Mar 2004 03:44

Hi there ...

I totally agree withqfmike737.

One of my friends just attended the Open day in Italy and she got eliminated after the grop disscusions.. She was totally aware of the rules and tried to be a little bit of both.. lider and follower.. but surprise .. this time they took only the people that were bossie and did not let anyone talk, etc.
So i guess they do choose certain types of personalities one time .. and the next time they would get a totally diferent type.. i belive it's a matter of luck .. so, Found Nemo - keep on trying , don't lose hope and be strong!!!


Ranjha83 11th Mar 2004 21:42

Hey all Ek guys/gals

Just wondering how was the Ek walkies in Sydney. Any one got through?

I can't wait to turn 21, to try Ek again:)

EK all the way!!!!:E

AndrewDima 15th Mar 2004 07:46

EK Interview Information.
Hello everyone, my name is Andrew, EK cabin crew.

Ive had alot of people ask me about the interview process and also tips on how to make it through.

Thanking everyone on PPrune for their support and what i wanna do is just let you know what i went through and the exact process for the day when i attended in Melb!

Hope it helps. Although this was not a walk in process. It was an interview by invitation. Anyways here goes!

Day started at 9am. I walked into the foyer and waited along with about 30 people for approx 30 mins before the recruiters turned up. This is a very important time to get your confidence up for the day ahead. I simply walked around and introduced myself to every single person and had a small chat with each of them. Talk about how you applied, how long it took to get a response, etc. Again, a fantastic opportunity to get the confidence up for the long day ahead! Keep that smile on the dial too!

We then entered a big room with 4 round tables, and got given a numbered name tag and got told to take a seat anywhere in the room. I found a table with no guys on it at all and had a seat there. I thought this will help to stand out a little!!

They then put a video on about dubai and what its like to be a cabin crew member. This went for approx 45 mins. Stay interested during the duration of this video.. very important. Also concentrate on all the details given throughout the video because the last thing you want to do is ask a question that was already answered during the tape!

Once the video finished we had a question session. The recruiters basically asked the group to ask any questions about absolutley anything we want to know or any concerns we may have. I was the first to put my hand up (i had this planned as i knew they appreciate the person who asks the 1st question, especially being in a big group like this one) and i the question i asked was "i understand the contract with emirates is for 3 years, but at the end of this period is it up to me to continue or is it a decision made by the company?" I felt that this question will atleast make them feel im in for the long haul. Questions went on for about 90 mins. People were asking about wages, how many crew members are there, how long is training (which was answered in the video ) etc, etc. Once this session was finished the recruiter actually went out of her way in front of the group to acknowledge that i was 1st to ask a question. So this must be important to them. Remember... keep smiling.

We then got split into 2 groups of 16 for our first group discussion. The topic was 'If you got the job and moved to dubai, what difficulties do you think you may have'. During the discussion make sure you get your opinion across. Refer to other peoples opinions (shows listening skills) and then give yours. I said "the transistion to a muslim country requires respect for the people around you and total respect for the religion". Agree with people and back it up if you disagree. Dont talk politics and dont show that you might be hesitant to move to dubai. Keep smiling and make it seem that you are really looking forward to the move!

The time was creeping up to about 12pm at this stage and we got asked to take a 15 minute break.

When we got back we all sat down and the recruiters looked at us all and said, "guys this is the hardest part of the day for us as we now have to cut the group down. Please dont be discouraged and your more than welcome to apply again after 6 months." Out of the 32 in the group they cut 20 and it was down to 12. 10 girls and 2 guys!

We then did a 180 multiple choice questions psychology test. One thing i noticed in this test was that the same question was being asked over again every 20 or 30 questions away but in a different form. This could be a wrong theory but i felt it was important that i answered this the same way everytime in came around. It shows up as level headed once the statistics come up. This is my thoery, but i could be wrong. Also, dont think about the answers too much, first answer that comes to mind.. go for it!

We then did another group discussion. This time they gave us a list of 14 people that have just got the job with EK and there was 7 appartments we had to put them in. Which 2 would you put in each appartment and why? First girl said to put the aussie and the english guy together as they would most likely have more simular backgrounds compared to anyone else and so on. It then came round to me and i said, "thats a very good point and it might actually work well, but dont you think moving to a country like this and with all the different cultures we will have to accomadate for it would be a good idea to put the arab with aussie, the french with chinese, etc, etc... as this will teach us to learn about different cultures that will ultimately be extremely important to our positions". The rest of the group ended up agreeing with this theory. Same applies with any grp discussion, dont talk over anyone, listen well and KEEP SMILING!!!

I thought i was doing pretty well at this stage.

Time was about 3.30 at this stage and we got asked to do an activity. We got split into 2 groups of 6. We got given pieces of cardboard and paperclips and we were asked to build a tower out of these materials and that we were competing against the other group. What they look for here is TEAMWORK!! but unfortunatley not too many people realise this. Who cares who wins...lol. In this activity show you can work well as a team, talk well, encourage your peers, give them well dones when they do something good and show that your a team player. Do not look over to the other group and say "oh ****.. theyre winning" WRONG!! Stick to what your doing as this shows you work well around others. And dont be afraid to show leadership skills here... i did. Stay focused and caring for your team... Keep Smiling too!

They then told us to have a little break and be back in 15 mins.

When we came back they said they had to do it again and cut the group down one more time. This was nerve racking! They cut out another 6 and left 6. 5 girls and me!

We then got told that this was it and we had made it passed the screening session. We got pulled away from the group seperatley and got asked some personal questions about the family and about why we applied and also why do we think we would make a good cabin crew memeber. I talked about customer service. I remember being really excited at this stage and had to control myself.

Thats it guys, lastly i can say dont try to be something your not... as they will see right through you! Remember, Smile Smile Smile!

Good luck to all.

Andrew Dima.

flyblue 15th Mar 2004 09:03

Thanks Andrew, that is the teamwork spirit :ok:

mez78 17th Mar 2004 06:55

Great Post Andrew!
Could I ask you a couple of question...
What was the time frame from initial interview to actually moving to Dubai? Also a question with your shifts, do you do you just fly one particular route for a time period or can you fly over the world? Do you get to fly back to Australia? (As a shift not as your annual trip home). Thanks xxxxx

yasmine77 17th Mar 2004 15:54

Hi everyone!
This is the first time I'm here, and I read a lot of posts in this topic, but not all of them, just picked some, so I have a couple of questions. Sorry, if I repeat previous questions, but I'm confused a little bit. All I can see is that it's not clear what kind of people they want for cabin crew. For example some say they like blonde girls (I am), but i read in another forum that in another open day they only chose Arab looking girls etc. What is the truth?
Maybe you can see my English is not my first language, but I try to improve it. I'm from Hungary, and although I studied one year in the US, I have a typical Eastern European accent. Can it be a disadvantage? I know there are people from many many countries and they all have some accent, but does it mean that anglosaxon people have more chance to get a job? Just wondering. I 've never been a flight attendant, I'm in the military right now. is it an advantage or disadvantage?( I don't look like a butch!!! People say I'm feminine)) I find my position boring and Id like to quit and find a really adventurous job, since I'm still single and young(26), and I heard from a friend about this airline. I read everything on the Emirates website, but I got know much more from this site:D my wish is to travel a lot, and I don't mind working unsociable hours, plus meeting people from different cultures.
It's very good to read how some guys succeeded in getting a job there, congratulation all of you!!:ok:
I'd really appreciate if someone answered my questions. thank you!

gal81 18th Mar 2004 01:08

actually yasmine i don't think it matters how u look....it's more about your personality....but no doubt u have to look presentable..
im saying that because im an indian gal..with tan skin...not very arabian..i got in...and my friend a chinese..very fair skin...got in as well....and another one of my friend a malay got in as well....as you can see, none of us share a similar look....so it doesn't matter how u look....

AndrewDima 18th Mar 2004 06:47

EK Info
Mez78, just to answer your questions ;)

Applied online early May 2003. Recieved an email 4 days later inviting me to the first interview on the 21 of May. Just to let you know the day after i applied online, i called the EK Dubai Rec Office and actually asked for an interview as soon as possible. Thats the reason for the rapid response from recruitment.

Anyway, attended 2nd and final interview on the 25th May 2003
and got told i would hear something from EK within 4 - 6 weeks. I finally recieved a phonecall Mid July 2003 and was on the Aircaft on my way to Dubai 20th August 2003. So all up from application to starting date it, approx 4 months.:cool:

Now, EK cabin crew are never on one line or region. Every month we get our roster which can have any of our 72 destinations on it. A typical roster would have 3-4 layovers and 2-3 turnarounds.

I fly to Melb just about every month. In my six months of flying i have been down to Melb 4 times, and yes working, not on leave or anything like that. :ok:

flyer2042 18th Mar 2004 12:51


Pls check your private messages,

Cheers ! :D

China77 20th Mar 2004 13:42

Hi ,I wonder if anyone can help me? I previously worked for Emirates and left just over a year ago due to problems at home. I really want to re-join, but not sure who to contact or if I have to go through the whole interview procedure again. Prepared to do this of course, but just wonder how to go about re-applying. I would be grateful if anyone can give me some advise:O
Thank you

Spidey 21st Mar 2004 11:39

first interview on Friday the 26th
Hey Andrew, this is Joe,

Thanks for directing me to this site, it's come in really handy. I'm still reading through a lot of the posted messages, there's a lot to go through. I'm scared I might over prepare and make myself too nervous. Anyway, what I wanted to ask was, is there any other questions that would be good to ask after watching the video besides the contract one? Also, a few people have talked about taking photo's etc to the interview. Is this only for the final interview? Is there anything I will need to take to the initial interview? Anyone feel free to help me with my queries.
Is there anyone who is attending the Melbourne interviw this Friday the 26th March?

skyline_gtr 21st Mar 2004 20:26

Spidey, be original, ask your own question, don't imitate Andrew and think of something that you'd like to know...And try not to be too prepared for the interview. Informed-yes but not too informed...

qfmike737 22nd Mar 2004 02:36

What if you had already attended 3 walk ins before and you have had every single question answered? You dont want to ask anymore questions because you have heard it all before? Do you just sit there ? The recruiters may have seen you before so they may think you heard it all before.

Spidey check your PM

SocialFlyer 23rd Mar 2004 05:37

Brisbane Open Day...
Hi Guys,

Just interested to know if anyone attended the Brisbane Open Day for Emirates.. Apparently it was held today..

If so was it preety much what is expected of an Emirates Open Day (being not much at all???)...... I'm asuming they only collected your resume and that's it.

Interested to hear from anyone that attended...



yasmine83 23rd Mar 2004 08:16

hi everybody i will attend the paris open day on april...
actually i'm little scared since i've heard that there usually are hundreds of candidates!! and my fear is that they might find me a little small i'm 159cm. and the last thing.....i saw one day in munich airport some emirates flight attendants...;and they really looked like models...and i m rather like a girl next door:s
so plz reassure me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cyberkitty 23rd Mar 2004 08:54

wow yasmine, you are from USA and you going to paris just for the interview!? i think it's not a problem cos the minimum height is 157cm tall. as long you meet the criteria you are fine and make sure your weight is propotionate with your height. i'm going for gulf air interview next week, my 1st time as well :O

yasmine83 23rd Mar 2004 09:07

hi cyberkitty....actually i'm french and i came back from usa few months ago,didnt have time to update me profile:)
wish u alllll the best for the interview...i sent an application form to gulf air but when i check out my status it's still under review!!!! since november!!:uhoh: where is your interview? have u been invited or it's an open day? do u know if they will come to france?
yallah!!!!!! u'll do great insha allah:O

cyberkitty 23rd Mar 2004 11:00

i applied for gulf air last mth, ard late feb. just gotten their invitation yesterday. it will be held in singapore. i'm sorry i have no idea when they will be coming to france either. as a matter of fact i dunno much abt GF.:confused:

Flyingchick2 23rd Mar 2004 11:11

emirates open day Brisbane
Just back from the open day in Brisbane, had a really good day and met up with loads of great guys.
It was a long day but seemed well organised. First time to emirates and found out loads of info.staff seemed really chilled and happy to answer all my questions.Know spaces were limited did anyone get a call?

skyline_gtr 23rd Mar 2004 13:02


Don't worry. I have a friend working as cc for emirates and under 160cm...and you certanly don't have to look like a model. The girls I saw in DXB aren't looking like models...It's true that they like blond girls, but if you have the kind of personality they're looking for, go for it...

yasmine83 23rd Mar 2004 17:14

id like to thank all of u for your answers,coz im reallly really scared!!!!!:) i have so many doubts....actually,, i'm muslim and i honestly dont know if they like to recruit muslims,and i'm 21 but look 18!!! and i have seen in so many posts that it's almost impossible to be selected at the first interview,but we need to attend open days over and over again,that must be really frustrating.but i will go for it ,and see.and last question....what kind of customer service experience do u have? ohhh and i forgot!! do we need to speak a PERFECT english ? i speak french,english and a little spanish and arabic....but the requirment is english....
outch....;last question i am so boring!! :}
how many candidates usually attend this quite of open day?
in france? or anywhere.....do they recruit a lot of french citizen and muslim??

KTPops 28th Mar 2004 21:12

I currently work as CC and it's always been my dream to work for EK. I applied last month and have been invited to attend an interview at the Marriott Hotel LHR on 14 April 2004 - Is anyone else attending too?

I just wanted to say how great it is to read so many positive comments on this forum. It's truly inspiring to hear from so many people who are really following their dream and not just giving up at the first hurdle. Good luck to you! :ok:

Hostie from Hell 11th Apr 2004 20:09


Try www.aviationjobsearch.com

They seem to deal with emirates recruitment days.

Best of luck:ok:

Hostie from Hell 11th Apr 2004 21:30

So sorry that I was not of help to you.
Perhaps you could try emailing Emirates directly to ask the question


Still, best of luck

hmmm, just a thought, but i didnt think they took on male CC?

SocialFlyer 12th Apr 2004 22:40

Male Cabin Crew!
Hi Guys,

Just thought I would mention Emirates DO take on male cabin crew. Apparently for every 70 new recruits, 10 - 15 of them are male. There is no specific look either.....

Just thought I would answer your question...



yasmine83 14th Apr 2004 09:40

emirates open day
hi everybody

dont know if u remember me ...im the girl who asked questions about the open day in paris .
well,i was at this open day last saturday.
the process was so different from others i saw in your posts!!!
first we had to give our cv and pictures ,we had to wait more than one hour until this work was done;while they were takin the cvs we had to watch a video about the company,but most of the ppl didnt even paid attention to it.
after that we had an individual interview that lasted not more than 2 minutes;
we had a lunch break and came back at 2pm;they rejected a lot of ppl and we were about 28 remaining....
we had a questions session for 30 minutes
and they gave us an english test....it was supossed to last one hour but i finished after 15 minutes lol;
we came back to the room for a group discussion ...
and after that they gave the name of the ppl who were selected for the final interview;we were 10 lucky candidates.
i was asked to come for a final interview 2 days later.
i had my interview for one hour;it was just great!!!!! i was so relaxed!!! i even made them laugh ,i didnt have the feelin to be in an interview....
right after that they ask me to take the psy test....
thats what i dont understand!!! coz in the group of 10 ppl only 5 or 6 were asked to take the test!!! what does that mean??????
i hope it s a good point for me!!!:confused:
now i have to wait 4 to 6 weeks!!!!!!!
im sooo scared!! but it will be fine insha allah:p
so what do u think about that test??? why didnt they give it to everybody????

ooops i forgot.....

what will be sent to the senior recruitment manager????
at the final interview they took notes....will they send it?
and is the impression of the recruiters is important for the final decision???

way out there 15th Apr 2004 07:44

hi guys...just wondering if anyone know info on the fast track assessment for emirates...has anyone gone to it...and if so what is the day like?? pls help...any info would be great help..thanks

yasmine83 19th Apr 2004 12:25

can anybody give me an opinion about it????????????? i m really anxious!!!!

KTPops 19th Apr 2004 16:10

Psy Test
I'm awaiting a second interview with EK next month and as far as I know the psychometric test is random and is given to a handful of candidates at the final stages.

It sounds like you've done really well in getting this far Yasmine83 so please try not to get stressed out about it! I'm sure the psy test is of some use to the recruiters but all the really important information about you will have been gained from the one-to-one interview!

Good Luck! :ok:

yasmine83 19th Apr 2004 18:28

thank u so much ktpops for your post at least i found someone to reassure me:\
i wish u all the best for your interview ...
good luck;)

jolondon 20th Apr 2004 08:53

I had my final interview in March, and I had to do the psychometric test too. I found out about 2 weeks ago that I got the job. So don't worry!;)

yasmine83 20th Apr 2004 09:45

thank u jolondon for reassuring me....i can't stop thinking about it!!!
congratulations!!!! u should be proud of yourself coz it s a really really tough selection.
i hope to see u someday in dubai:)
when was your final interview?

jolondon 20th Apr 2004 15:37

My final interview was the 9th March and I was called on the 4th April. Just trying to sort everything out here now...

Good luck to everyone who's waiting to hear!


PaulE 21st Apr 2004 04:02

Anyone heading to Dubai on the 28th April???
Hey there everyone,

Im just wanting to know if anyone heading to Dubai on the 28th April??? That is my start date and Im looking for people to chat/talk 2/meet up with for a drink before I go. Im leaving from Sydney..........

Take care and all the best.

PS - For those of you "in the pipeline" or still trying - KEEP AT IT! Because it will happen.

qfmike737 21st Apr 2004 06:49

hmm going to stop by on the 27th then onto melbourne on the 28th

jolondon 25th Apr 2004 09:54

A few people have asked about the recruitment process for emirates, and I know when I was applying any info was useful so I thought I'd post what happened to me...

I didn't go to an Emirates open house, I applied online in December and I was invited to a preliminary interview about a month later at the beginningof February at Heathrow. I think there's quite alot on the forum about what happens at the prelim - There's about 35 of you at the beginning, you watch a video, do some group exercises and at various points through the day they tell people to go home. It is very nerve wracking. The people who got through the preliminary were all well groomed and very very smiley. Don't wear anything too eyecatching, go for a smart suit, nice shirt, make sure your hair is tied back if you're a girl. They look at little things like nails and shoes. In the group exercises be involved but don't take over and try to involve quieter people.
At the end of the prelim the people who are left are told that they are through to the final interview.
My final interview was about a month later in central london. They asked questions about working with the public, customer service, team work, living abroad. I also did a psychology test. I actually didn't think my final interview went at all well, and I'd convinced myself I hadn't got it. when I heard about a month later I nearly fell off my chair.
To everyone out there, all the best of luck. I interviewed for Gulf and Emirates and I realised that different airlines go for different types. For example, there were girls who I saw at the final interview for Emirates who were eliminated very early on in the Gulf recruitment process, and girls who were eliminated early at the preliminary interview day at Emirates who were offfered the job with Gulf. If you aren't successful with one, it doesn't mean that you can't do the job, but maybe that they are the wrong airline for you.
All the best!
j x

yasmine83 25th Apr 2004 11:57

i got it!!!!!
hi everybody
i just wanted to let you know that i got the call this morning.
im leaving on may 12..( exactly 3 weeks after my final interview)

id like to thank u for your precious help and advises from all the posts that i kept reading over and over again to be well prepared for the interviews.
i wish u all the best and good lucky...

hmm not good lucky but good luck :)

Elena_Romania 25th Apr 2004 21:38

Hi everybody!!

I was just wondring if there is anyone from eastern europe here..if so..is someone planning to attend the open day in Sofia?

Thank you and hope there's someone out there.

for yasmine: Congratulations for getting the job!You'll love it out there ;)


SAS-A321 3rd May 2004 07:59

Looked at Emirates cabin crew requirements. What do the mean with having a good eyesight? Where is the limit? Is there one or will a good corrected eyesight be ok?

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