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budgie73 15th Jun 2004 02:55

The trick is to anticipate the questions and have answers on hand. In other words, be prepared and make sure you have specific examples when they ask you about how you dealt with problems in the past. They will probe you quite heavily over the course of an hour on your attitudes to service and foreign cultures. Here are some sites with questions:




The last one is an especially good resource. I also have about 100 typical industry questions but forgot where I found them. I can send you the word doc. ([email protected])

Also make sure you read the sections on advantages and disadvantages of the job. You need to be aware of these for two reasons: 1) they may ask you and 2) you don't want to answer any of the questions based on romantic illusions of the job.

As an example they asked me why I want to be an FA. They must have wondered because I'm 30 already and have a well travelled background having worked in many countries. I told them I know it is a tough job with long hours, but believe that the experience is worth it and it will broaden my horizons. They don't want some starry-eyed kid who's going to get homesick and quit in 6 months.

On the Psy-test, they have 187 questions designed for the industry in particular. There are two reasons for this: They want to know if you are the kind of person who can do the job and they want to be sure that you're not just telling them what they want to hear. Although there are a lot of questions most are variations of the same dozen or so basic ideas:

Can you handle the work/hours?
Can you handle being away from home?
Can you put up with foreign culural practices?
Are you a slacker/daydreamer?
Are you a clown/joker/loudmouth?
Can you work with a team?
Can you follow orders well?
Are you a crybaby/nervous person?
Do you get on with others?

There are also a few questions on aptitude thrown in:

What's the difference between this/that?
Dog is to puppy as Cat is to....?
What do these numbers have in common?
Which is the odd one out?

These serve to show what kind of thinker you are (scientific/artistic/spatial/lateral) and often there is no wrong answer. I didn't worry about these. The first group are the majority and these are important. They are repeated and worded differently with different sample situations time and again. The reason is to check you're not bull****ting. If you can spot the similar questions you need to give consistent answers. They are designed to weed out people faking it. They don't give it to everyone - only the ones who they feel they don't have a clear enough impression of, so if you get it, that means two things:

A) They think you're a strong candidate (if you fail the interview they won't bother with the test IMO)

B) They're not sure about their instincts and need an honesty/reality check

Hope that helps, friend.

BTW I was told by my recruitment coordinator last week that I passed the final (a month ago) and they're waiting to assign me to a training course. How long does this usually take? Are they just trying to let me down nicely or does it really take a while?

despatch 16th Jun 2004 16:47

emirates interview
I am preparing for an interview.Could someone share a good website for interview tecnique tips and the question and answers to 1 to 1 roleplay.Thank you very much:O.I know that there is an emirates thread but its a bit outdate and would ask if someone could shed some light on how their emirates preliminary interview went and the rolplay and teamwork they had to do.I know its a cheek to ask this lot but i will reward the person with a pint of alcohol free beer in dubai once i get the job:}

simonbarrett 17th Jun 2004 01:17

Look above for links and tips. There were no 1-1 roleplays in either my prelim or final interview. In the prelim selection we had small groups (up to 8 people) and we were given 'problems' to 'solve'. In this case:

1) a variation on the "You're on a lifeboat and can only bring some of the items on the list" game;

2) a list of new crew members of different ages/nationalities and religions - pair up the compatible roommates

3) we've won, say US$5million for a world trip. Where do we go and how? How long do we stay in each place?

In each case we had to explain our decisions, just to show there was reasoning behind the proces

Tips: You don't really have to come to a solution acceptable to the assessors, but they watch how you get along with other people and how the group interacts. I believe they're looking for the right combinatin of leadership and detente. If you're too quiet or too pushy, you don't stand out and they'll kick you.

For the second example I think I impressed with my cultural understanding so make sure you have a good general awareness of people, names, religious practices around the world.

You're given a time limit so make sure someone in the groupo has their eye on the clock. It might seem like a small thing but they're looking for efficiency. At one point we were called on it, and we hadn't been keeping track.

There are tips for group exercises at http://www.aircabincrew.com/index_html.htm

I'm still waiting to get a start date, and they do have normal beer in Dubai, I believe.

Airgus 17th Jun 2004 03:41

after you pass the final interview
Budgie73, in my case they asked me when do I want to start the curse, i first said 4 weeks and then changed to 8 weeks in order to resing properly my previuos job.
I guess it is up to couses' dates.
I am joining July10th course, anyone??

Good luck to everybody.


BTW anyones now if you can choose destinations? and which is the minimum stay outside DXB?

way out there 18th Jun 2004 19:00

final interview
hey guys...had a gues for u....

after the final interview... was anyone give some type of test??
I went to the final interview but was given no such thing...but my friend got one...so does that mean that i didn't do well???

pls share ur comments....thanks

budgie73 19th Jun 2004 03:43

The psychometric test is given to candidates they are interested in but not sure of after the final interview. Not everyone has to do it. That's what I was told at the interview.

If you didn't get asked to do it that can mean you gave a clear enough impression for them to make their minds up already. It is probably more of a good sign because it means they're not suspicious or unsure about you at all.

I'm sure the take up rate of people who made it through to the finals is better than 50%, but I don't have any figures on that.

JonBoy80 22nd Jun 2004 07:39

Budgie check your pm

despatch 24th Jun 2004 00:39

is there anyone that are attending the preliminary interview on the 5th of July.Can anyone who attend recently the interview shed some light if the interview are still the same as said above

budgie73 24th Jun 2004 01:52

I attended prelim in April and it was just as Simonbarrett said above.

For the final and the psy test see my recent posts. These are valid as of May.

budgie73 5th Jul 2004 01:36

What's going on at Emirates????
Whoa, I hope their planes are faster than this. I was told over a month ago that I passed and to wait for a start date. Still waiting...

Word on the net is that the training courses and accomodation are booked up for the summer. The EK site says July intl. open days are postponed. Have they over-hired this season?

There's a few of us waiting for our start dates out here. Any insiders know what's going on?

way out there 5th Jul 2004 02:51

hey budgie73.....hows it going...i heard that they are slowing down for the summer as its too hot there...and they are not offering too many training classes right now...i heard that they will pick up in sept/oct....but that could be a rumour....i am still waiting for yes or no for them...?? well best of luck...take care

stuart212 5th Jul 2004 12:18

Not Sure
Hey Guys,

2 of my friends are Purser's with EK, one of them is also heavily involved with Trianing at there amazing Training College - last time I spoke to her she said that they have simply ran out of accomodation for all the "ab-initio's" (new crew) I was out in DXB not so long ago and they are building apartment blocks everywhere for EK Crew! For the crew that were on the course when I was there they had been housed in Dorm Like accom at the Training College, didn't like the sound of it to be honest...

I wouldn't worry too much, they still need tonnes of crew for all of the new aircraft that are being delievered every month!

Hang in there for a little longer!

If you wanna know anymore then PM me and I'll see what I can find out for you?

Stu x

despatch 5th Jul 2004 16:08

Just attendet the prelim interview today.Got kicked out after the 2nd stage with the letter you have not been sucessfull.We where told that we was the last prelim group for 3 month as emirates will slow down with their recruitment to accomodate those canidates thats on hold at the mo.Thanks for all u guys help and i really enjoyed the feel good factor this morning to receive the 1 st letter to say i was sucessful
Will try again in 6 month,wont give up:O

KTPops 5th Jul 2004 21:57

I applied for EK back in April and recently went as far as the final interview stage. I felt that everything went well in the interview and without sounding cocky, I was pretty confident that I was in with a chance.

4,5,6 weeks came and went and then I received the dreaded letter through the post.

Unfortunately I can't re-apply for 12 months and I'm absolutely GUTTED, I wanted the job so much! :(

After reading these posts I'm now wondering whether I just applied at the wrong time? Does anyone think it's worth applying before the 1 year wait, maybe in 6 months?

Any advice greatly appreciated

K xx

Elena_Romania 5th Jul 2004 22:40

Hi Despatch!

Would you mind telling us where did your interview took place?
Did u have an invitation, coz all the open days have been cancelled..?

I had my final interview on the 9th of June in Poland and still not answer from Emirates...and the 4 weeks have passed..

Elena_Romania 5th Jul 2004 22:52

Hi, KTPops

I am sorry to hear about your rejection...I can imagine how u feel.. i am also in the wait after my final interview and 4 weeks have past and no answer.. I am terrified just by thinking that i might get a rejection letter as i want the job so much..
When and where was your interview and how long did it take till u got the letter?

KTPops 6th Jul 2004 12:43

Hi Elena

I think the letter arrived 5 weeks after my final interview which was in the UK in April.

Good luck!

K x

despatch 6th Jul 2004 12:47

I had mine yesterday at london.Apparently they have loads of applications to work threw thats why they are having interviews on hold to work threw the aplications.

nuigini 6th Jul 2004 12:57

I think you need to wait at least 12 months before you can apply again. If you apply after six months, they will not accept your application and probably feel you are not attentive to the given instructions, and that is negative!

Elena_Romania 7th Jul 2004 11:41

Thanks Despatch!!

I guess i 'll have to wait for while...at least 2 more weeks..:confused:

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