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SocialFlyer 17th May 2004 11:58

Hearing Test and Emirates
Hi Simonbarrett

Before you receive confirmation of your flight to Dubai you are required to fax ALL your medical results to Dubai and once they see them they will confirm your flights. My advice to you is get your audiogram completed first and send it straight through. The HR contact person will pass it onto the Dubai doctor and get a clearance. If she has a problem with it she will call you directly and let you know that the hearing aspect is a problem.

Having flown in Australia before I was half deaf in one ear and passed the medical. I actually had surgery 12 times on my ear and they had no problems, as long as I could handle pressure and disease free that was the primary concern. HR at Emirates are VERY helpful and will do everything they can to help you.

So get busy and get your audiogram completed today. Also get a letter from your local GP advising that you are fine to fly and do not present any disease or problems that would effect the work.

Goodluck mate


SocialFlyer 17th May 2004 12:00

Hi Simonbarrett

Before you receive confirmation of your flight to Dubai you are required to fax ALL your medical results to Dubai and once they see them they will confirm your flights. My advice to you is get your audiogram completed first and send it straight through. The HR contact person will pass it onto the Dubai doctor and get a clearance. If she has a problem with it she will call you directly and let you know that the hearing aspect is a problem.

Having flown in Australia before I was half deaf in one ear and passed the medical. I actually had surgery 12 times on my ear and they had no problems, as long as I could handle pressure and disease free that was the primary concern. HR at Emirates are VERY helpful and will do everything they can to help you.

So get busy and get your audiogram completed today. Also get a letter from your local GP advising that you are fine to fly and do not present any disease or problems that would effect the work. I've just had a medical with Eastern Airlines in Australia and once again past the hearing test no problems.

Goodluck mate


butterflygirl 18th May 2004 06:01

Hi guys,

I worked for Emirates for 4 years and know all the inside info. If you need to know anything about interviews, contract etc give me a bell.

Good Luck Everyone and keep on Smiling!!!!:ok:

ferris 18th May 2004 08:56

Regarding pay. The middle east has long been regarded as an extremely lucrative place to work. Due to various factors, that is no longer the case.
But if you are trying to do an apples to apples comparison with your home country, then;
Start with your NET salary, deduct rent (or the interest component of your mortgage payment), utilities, and medical insurance.
You will then have a figure to compare with the 1800-odd USD figure being quoted here.
As to day to day expenses, I find they balance out with somewhere like Australia. You will have the cheapest shopping on your doorstep here, but some things (such as a night on the town) can be expensive. A beer can cost between 15 to 28 dhs. A meal can cost 5 to 500 dhs.
All that said, I don't think many ab-initio cabin crew jobs elsewhere in the world would have you clearing 1800USD after deductions (above).

Quartzen 18th May 2004 09:19

Hiya Butterflygirl,

Thank you so much for your kind offer of the inside scoop on working for Emirates– I hope you don’t mind if I’m the first to take advantage as I have loads of questions! Actually, I’ve now read this thread from start to finish which has been a huge help but unfortunately not until after my 1st (sadly unsuccessful) group interview in Auckland a couple of weeks ago. At the time I was pretty baffled– less now admittedly upon discovery of the advice on this site– but even so, if you could offer any extra insight as to how best impress the recruiters I would be very grateful.

In my case I thought all was going well– wore a suit (albeit a pant, not skirt-suit) neat hair, connected with my fellow interviewees, talked (and listened attentively!) during the two team games. Next thing I know around 90% of us were being told to re-apply in 6 months time, all left a little dumbfounded as to when we even had the chance to do something wrong! So I guess my question is this– how much emphasis do you think the recruiters are really placing on the finer details such as sitting up straight or wearing a skirt or having professional photos or not crossing one’s legs (?!)– all of which have been suggested on this site. Is there perhaps something else we are missing, or is serious attention to these ‘small things’ in fact the best (or only?) way to progress through to next stage? Any advice you can offer would be most appreciated.

Take care and cheers again,

PS What is Dubai like this time of year?? :p

MaraSopa 19th May 2004 13:07

All About Emirates
Hi Butterfly girl, I just signed up to this forum, and I wish I had seen it before I went for my first interview - there is so much valuable info here! Thanks one and all, the interviews were staggered since there was only one interviewer at the first one and we were 70 girls so she could only go so far - we watched the video, did the english paper and had group discussions (this was in Oct)

The second part of this interview was held end January, we were 40 girls at this one and there were two interviewers. There was the video, Q&A, height and weight and two group discussions. At the end of this session only three girls went on - I wasnt one of them. We were asked to re-apply after six months - so end of July since the interview was on the very last day of Jan 04.

My questions are as follows: -

Is it necessary for me to wait for the six months to lapse before re-applying, Then generally any tips on handling myself during the interview, what to expect for the final interview etc and anything you feel a wannabe ought to know!

Thanks for your offer.



KTPops 19th May 2004 16:46

Hey Quartzen,

I had my final interview a few weeks ago and I'm anxiously awaiting the result!

I have to say that in my opinion the finer details really do count. If you imagine how many thousands of people around the world want to work for EK, you really have to try to make an impression on the recruiters.

I would advise you to do everything to the letter, make sure you wear a skirt and jacket to your next interview and that you look IMMACULATE! Hair, nails, make-up, jewellery etc all should match well and you should try to look as sophisticated as possible. I have to say that in my last 2 interviews, as lovely as the recruiters were, I could see them looking at everything from my shoes to my hands, even to how I crossed my legs and sat.

It sounds silly and maybe even a bit materialistic, let's face it, who we are and how well we can do the job has nothing to do with whether you wear a skirt or trousers or whether you wear lip gloss or lip stick, but bear in mind that you have to make a good first impression otherwise I fear we are instantly forgettable!

Feel free to PM me if you have anymore questions!

Good Luck Everyone! :ok:

Flying Swan 19th May 2004 20:16

Dear All,

I have just some general questions, maybe one of you could give more information on the following:

How are the working schedules for flight attendants at EK? E.g. how many streches do you fly each week/month? How does an example schedule look like?

What is the minimum rest time at an outstation?

I'm sorry to ask again: How are your experiences with wearing contact lenses whilst working as a FA for EK?

Any help would be appreciated!

Finally, I wish you all good luck with your applications at EK!

Flying Swan

budgie73 20th May 2004 03:22

I heard at preliminary selection that you fly maybe 80 hours a month (about an extra $800 pay) and minimum rest at layover is 11 hours (not including turnarounds).

Elle 25th May 2004 04:24

Emirates in Perth - June 8
I just saw on the Emirates website that they are coming to Perth June 8.

They don't mention any other Cities, but does anyone know if they usually end up going to more than 1 City when they visit.

Basically are they coming to SYDNEY???? :D

mashco 25th May 2004 07:33

Hello guys,

how long do you think Emirates will wait for me if senior management says yes?
Unfortunately, due to personal reasons I won't be able to leave for a year from now, but this is the greatest job for me and if I get clearance, will they wait for me?
I saw earlier that some guys around had the similar problem. If yr still around, how did you solve it? Please help I'm desperate...
I don't want to loose this job...


JonBoy80 25th May 2004 08:50

Euphemia. Once they start visiting Australia, they usually do more than one. So yes, Possibly July I would think.

Mascho. Let me guess this right. You currently have a job and you are awaiting to see if you have been successfull with EK. Well its the standard wait of 4 weeks after Management has seen your profile. But hey, it could even be 8 weeks. Who knows. If they offer you the position, then make it clear to them what is occuring with your current employer. Be upfront, because im sure their are other people anxious to get in who dont have restrictions. Know what I mean???..

Good luck

fly_guy100 1st Jun 2004 04:24

open day in Canada
Looks like they are now having the open days for cabin crew in Canada now!

What I don't get is, how come they have open days in 2 cities in Canada when they don't even fly there yet and there's none in the US when they do fly here? Any one know why this is?

babyblu 1st Jun 2004 09:16

Emirates recruit from all over the world, not just the destinations they operate to. They have the fastest growing network in the world so you never know where they'll open up a new route to next. It is truely a multi-natioanal company.

simonbarrett 7th Jun 2004 01:53

Hearing check - What happens next?
I got the email saying I passed the final interview, and they'll notify me of upcoming training programs. They told me not to resign until I get a formal offer. I was asked to fax a copy of the written ref from my last employer.

I haven't been asked to submit medicals but that will surely come. A few Questions:

1) I've always been deaf in one ear, but have normal hearing under normal conditions. Should I submit the audiogram and cross my fingers or tell my Rec Coordinator beforehand in case that disqualifies me and there's northing I can do?

2) Does anyone know someone who got in to this ariline with less than perfect hearing or who was deaf in one ear?

3) Would written references from my Cathay pilot friends and the hearing specialist help? None of them noticed until I told them.

4) How long between getting the passed interview confirmation and getting the invitation do I have to wait?

The reason I didn't mention the deaf ar is that A: I wasn't asked and B: I wanted to pass as a candidate to see if I had the 'right stuff' I clearly do. But now it all hinges on my hearing, so I have to sort it out before going to Dubai and getting bounced back - or before resigning from my job then getting told not to come at the last minute because some desk driver in Dubai didn't like what they saw on my audiogram results.

JonBoy80 7th Jun 2004 13:40

Their is a benchmark which you need to meet regarding your level of hearing. It is understandble that you might be deaf in one ear, however I STRONGLY suggest you notify recruitment co-ordinator and explain it to them. They are their to help, not to brush you off. I dont think EK will accept a letter from your previous employer supporting your hearing capabilities. I dont think they are in a position to provide this type of diagnosis. A doctor is on the other hand. Dont be worried, once again call your cordinator and tell him/her about ur situation. Hope this helps.

To everyone who will be attending the EK interviews in perth Tommorow, best of luck. Remmember, if one door closes the other door opens. Emirates is always recruiting. ;)

Elle 9th Jun 2004 02:13

Did anyone go to the Perth interviews yesterday??


budgie73 9th Jun 2004 15:02

Just on Sion's question...how much of the medical to they actually check up on and confirm after getting to Dubai? Do they do an independent test of all the records submitted or just the blood tests? Do they check hearing and eyesight or take your word?

DollyMixture 12th Jun 2004 06:41

Emirates do follow up on medicals. When you join you get a thorough check up, hearing, sight test, they even hook you up to a heart monitor! (At least they did when I joined in 2001).

way out there 14th Jun 2004 23:08

final interview
Hi guys....I made to the final interview...just wondering any pointers anyone can give me...and do they eliminate people on that day as well??? Does the psy test have anything do with u getting the job or not??

Any pointers would be great..thank you

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