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CassieFlyGirl87 15th Feb 2012 06:18

Got my AD in Adelaide tomorrow, looking forward to it! Fingers are crossed!

CassieFlyGirl87 15th Feb 2012 06:19

In preparation for the interview, is it worth researching a little about Qantas as a company? For example how many people they employ, who is the CEO, how many planes they use, etc? Or do they not really ask any questions about that side of things?

marly 15th Feb 2012 06:44

I would just have quick look, but they never asked me any questions like that.

marly 16th Feb 2012 06:56

Got the email today that they are checking references. I hope I have paid everyone for a good reference (just kidding). Things moving within one week

ozlife 16th Feb 2012 14:35

can u give me info!!!!
i m going to attend this assessment day in brisbane.
how to prepare the interview.. if u already done this could u give me the tips.. i am worried about that coz its first time.
how to dress up, what Q would be asked...and also are there any internationals?

babyrose 16th Feb 2012 23:00

At my medical I was told my eye sight isnt 100%, and that I should invest in glasses- does anyone know how strict MAM are with that sort of thing? Will they say no because I need glasses?

marly 16th Feb 2012 23:55

I got passed interview stage with my glasses on. should not be a problem

nbailey073 19th Feb 2012 00:02

hey guys, just curious as to where qantas mam's employees mainly fly to from brisbane base?

Cabincrew88 22nd Feb 2012 00:44

:( this wait to find out is so annoying :( got put through to medical on the 31st of january finished my medical on the 13th of feb... I know they say it takes 4 - 6 weeks but :( hurry up please...

Sydneysider88 22nd Feb 2012 01:40

When was your AD held Cabincrew88?

Cabincrew88 22nd Feb 2012 03:46

Had my AD on the 18th of January... Everything moved pretty quick but it seems to have come to a stop all of a sudden... But from what I have read a lot of people are stuck too... Waiting to find out is hard haha stalking my mobile phone for the call to come though lol

Sydneysider88 22nd Feb 2012 03:54

Mine was the 17th jan. done ref checks but nothing else since. All at a stand still and they emailed me saying theyre just very busy etc.

Cabincrew88 22nd Feb 2012 04:08

I know they do get busy cause I use to work human resources for another company but it is just hard not knowing and waiting... I have got latest by 17th march to withdraw from uni if I am successful with MAM do the pressure is on for me I guess... Haha! But I guess sometimes no news is better then bad news after spending all that money on medical and security...

marly 22nd Feb 2012 06:03

Cabincrew 88
Can I ask how much the medicals and the security clearance was?

Good luck you will be flying soon

My AD was Feb 10th and email for references being checked 16th Feb so from reading the other replys have a while yet.

Cabincrew88 22nd Feb 2012 06:17


My medical cost heaps lol... Had the usual one everyone does which was $300 but them the doctor said I had a tight right shoulder and wanted to find out why as I never broke or tore or injuried it... So had to do xrays and ultrasound... That cost me another $300 lol... Final result is that cause of the amount of physical exercise I do daily like almost twice a day it has cause a tissue to become a bit larger... Apparently common with certain types of sports... Hopefully the qantas medical team is fine with it...

Hope that helps I guess depends on the doctor and they try their best to find out everything to make sure u are fine I guess :)

Security they send to you the cost pretty sure it is $172

CassieFlyGirl87 22nd Feb 2012 23:56

I had my AD in Adelaide on 16th Feb and received my email two days ago to say they'd be checking my references :) So now keeping my fingers crossed for more good news.

sarah_louise89 23rd Feb 2012 01:43


I've just been asked to join the recruitment day in Perth on the 7 March!
I don't know a whole lot about MAM as a company. (But have previously been to Qantas recruitment days) Could anyone fill me in?!
What is the pay like and will it just be domestic flights with qantas?

Thank you!

KAAATE 23rd Feb 2012 13:07

MAM Recruitment.
Hi everyone,
I attended the MAM Recruitment Day on the 31/1 and got through to the panel interview. On the 2/2 I received an email saying they were contacting my references. Its now 3 weeks later and my references still haven't been contacted. Just wondering if this is normal or should I be worried?

Thanks, Kate.

Sydneysider88 23rd Feb 2012 19:30

Why do you all worry so much that you haven't heard that quick. Read back in the previous posts and threads!

I have been waiting a month and a half after my references SO CONSDER yourselves lucky if you hear sooner.

They are VERY busy, with everything that's happeneinh and the MASSIVE recruitment drive. Don'tbother panicking or emailing them. When you hear you hear!
I sent an email and they said they're still processing applications from start of jan.

So be prepared to wait guys! Don't stress!!

cabin-gal 24th Feb 2012 04:38

MAM casuals open day in march
hi guys, i ve just recieved an email invites for open day in march 8th with MAM/QANTAS,anyone on the same boat with me ????

carguard 24th Feb 2012 06:37

hey yeah i got invited to assesement day on 9th march brisbane for mam. (qantas casual )
now have been invited to all of them hope i dont have to choose betweent them all.

perthboy87 25th Feb 2012 09:53

Finally Joined!
Hey All, I have finally joined this forum. I have been reading this thread over the last month and thought I should join! I did my AD in Perth in Feb, made it through the group activities and the panel interview. Got an email about a week later from MAM saying they were conducting ref checks. Had a phone call yesterday from cabin crew recruiting wanting to confirm a few details about my references that I had provided. I was then notified by one of my references that he was contacted and he said he felt it was like he was the one going for the job with the amount of questions they were asking! That is my journey so far, I know things take time, but also have a back up plan for when I discharge from the Armed Forces! I hope it is with Qantas though!!!! Wishing you all the best of luck!!! :)

flyingfoxy 25th Feb 2012 18:37

MAM Qantas Fortnightly Salary

I've scoured the pages of various MAM forums but have yet to determine an actual fortnightly take-home pay. I've read the EBA which breaks it down into hourly/duty time/allowances etc. - but it all depends on your roster.

Could anyone give me rough estimate of what you would be taking home in the hand per fortnight (after tax)?

Many thanks for your help!

Cabincrew88 26th Feb 2012 09:34

Anyone got golden call recently? It seems like no one has heard any good news yet...

Sydneysider88 26th Feb 2012 09:46

Still waiting from jan to hear anything. Emailed them, but theyre still busy with applications they said.

Maybe they should start dealing with the backlog/waitlists rather than keep recruiting, same goes for other airlines..

Cabincrew88 26th Feb 2012 10:58

Yea I know... It is just hard to wait and have to keep going on as usual while you hope for a chance to start a new career...

Cabincrew88 26th Feb 2012 22:08


Hey congrats on making it through to the reference check stages :) hope things go well for u coming from another perth boy haha! Hope we all get the job and end up working together :)

Cabincrew88 27th Feb 2012 01:06

Golden call
Got my golden call this morning!!! Yea and I start this Friday lol... Which means fly out Thursday yikes!!! Got to get my act together quick! Good luck to everyone else :)

marly 27th Feb 2012 02:43

Congratulations - thats awesome news
Have fun at GS :D

ozlife 27th Feb 2012 03:01

tips for me
i am goint to attend ad 2moro. could you gime me tips for group activities and penal?

CassieFlyGirl87 27th Feb 2012 04:31

Congrats Cabincrew88! Well done you must be super excited. So how long did you wait between your AD and your golden call?

Cabincrew88 27th Feb 2012 05:08

Hey mine was pretty quick according to everyone else's standard...

AD on the 18th of January, medical offered on the 30th of January completed on the 13th of feb and job offer today, 27th of feb so all up about 5 weeks...

Sydneysider88 27th Feb 2012 05:10

CabinCrew88 was yours for perth base?
My AD was SYD on 17th Jan, heard nothing but refs done. I guess Sydney is maybe busier and more applicants?

monet1811 27th Feb 2012 05:36

Hi everyone I had my assessment day in brisbane on January 31 and two days later received an email that my references were being checked and have heard nothing since!! I even emailed last week just to check I hadnt been forgotten to receive a very blunt email saying "you are currently at the reference check stage. you will be contacted when your application has progressed." still nothing and im starting ground school with jetstar in a week... :eek::ugh::mad:

Cabincrew88 27th Feb 2012 05:47


Yea mine is for Perth base... I suspect they are pushing according to the demand of the base? So if ur base has more vacancies they push for ur application to move faster? I think so... Not sure how it all works but fingers cross for u too!!!

Sydneysider88 27th Feb 2012 05:57

You're probably right cabincrew88. Syd would be pretty busy/full I'd imagine.

KAAATE 27th Feb 2012 11:03

Hi Guys,
So I had my group assessment and panel interview in Melbourne on the 31st of Jan. On the 2nd of Feb I received an email saying they were contacting references. Today my references were finally contacted! Wooooo! So glad my application is finally moving along.
How long now until medicals etc.. ?


cabin-gal 27th Feb 2012 11:46

hi Kate,
Congrats on good news and wish u all the very best !!!!
could you plz tell us abt ur MAM open day experiences,what was the groups activity like ???what was the questions ???...ect;
im attending AD day in melbourne on 10th of march,soooo excited and also bit scared too,(ps: i got rejections from Virgin and Emirates 2 years ago ,ufffff:mad:)

need some tips for this AD plzzzz!!!!

best regards,


KAAATE 27th Feb 2012 12:32

Thanks Cabin-gal! Fingers crossed :)

The group activities are good fun! First they ask you to introduce yourself to the group. Then we had to design an invitation inviting people to attend an australian themed dinner party. We had to think of food, entertainment, special guests, location etc..Then at the end you stand up and present it to everyone.
I actually can't remember the other activity but i think it was something similar.
Then they gave us a piece of paper with i think 3 questions about yourself on it like 'Why would you be a good cabin crew member?' etc. I think they gave us 10 minutes to fill it out.
After that you go on a lunch break and they send you an sms which says if you have been chosen for a panel interview or not.

Its not as bad as you think it will be. Everyone is really nice and its a pretty laid back environment. Just be yourself and join in with the group activities. Be confident but not TOO confident, they don't like show offs. GOODLUCK! :)

Cabincrew88 28th Feb 2012 22:26

Hey any one here starting ground school this Friday too?

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