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fly.high 29th Apr 2009 20:49

hang in there guys and gals. there are so many crew at the moment .. we need A/C!.
a couple are arriving soon, so i guess that's when HR will call you. new A/c + new destinations = new people.. they can't just keep on training new crew without the new A/Cs arriving:)

Jeremys_mleu 30th Apr 2009 12:09

New A/C+New Destinations=New people :)
That was a very good calculation:D.
if they can not keep training new people before the new A/Cs arrive - Why then continuing to recruit and strand people like that- and in this economic depression span?

For me the recruitment looked so easy. It could be done when they know exactly about the arrival of their new ACs [aircrafts]. So that people are chosen and the procedures move as planned. It just looks like at the end some of those hundreds already waiting will be told that the number is big enough, so there will not be any more need for extra crews:=.

Well, may be this is a word from the "Etihad disqualified" but i think for the best airline as it sounds,

Precise Knowledge of the A/C arrival + intact crew deployment+immediate crew security and med processes= Remarkable Efficiency and uploaded company's immage.
This is what people want - even me - the looser of the moment :).

But cool guys, keep a little wait and all will be fine. I will see you soon :)

Miss You Etihad :)


paheli 1st May 2009 10:34

hello Air, I will be there too, I received the invitation by email!!!:ok:
I'm very excited but a little scared too, I'm trying to prepare all the answers to the possible questions they'll ask us!!! Morevore I'm not very good at swimming, do you know if they will really test our swimming skills during the training????:eek:
By the way, how are you getting there? It seems an endless journey, tube till terminal 2, then bus H1 which leaves every 30 min from the bus stand...I'll be coming from north London, I think I'll have to wake up around 4 am to make it on time!!!!

kasialec82 1st May 2009 11:23

I'm gonna be there too.
So stressed out....don't know what to expect!
do you guys have any ideas??

good luck

janneha 1st May 2009 12:06

those going to the london assessment
hi guys,

I got through the last london assessment, therefore, one of the 'waiting ones':)

I know that there are people who just sap up the information/advice on the forum and never contribute, offer help or simply just don't join the forum.

I can tell you now that the most important thing i did was to join the forum, purely because i met up with a few ppruners on the day and that put me so much at ease. I had people to talk to and share my fears and excitement with. This instantly breaks the ice, enables you to feel less stressed so your true personality just shines through. You find it easier to talk to strangers and the permanent smile just naturally creeps up because you're having so much fun mingling.

I still can't believe that i got through because it was totally unexpected. I still have a bit of trouble accepting that i was chosen and keep having to read the 'happy to inform you ' email just to make sure.

So the best advice is to swap telephone numbers and meet up on the day, BE YOURSELF and just ENJOY THE DAY. Everything else comes second, well thats based on my experiance anyway.

Etihad recruiters are fantastic and they will take proper care of you on the day, so no worries on that side.

Good luck you guys, i'll be routing for you!!:ok:

ashleebrownell 1st May 2009 13:58

hi i am going to the ethiad opening day on the 4th may. i am travelling down the sunday so i can stay over. i reached the final 16 in the qatar open day but i was unsucessful. has anyone got any tips or know what they are looking for
ash xxx

mellymoo 1st May 2009 16:43

Good Luck
I was also on the LHR interview.

Ensure you have all your paperworks with you, photos, passport copies, resumes etc, flying certs if you have them from previous airlines if not dont worry.

Make sure that you are neat and kempt and reapply lipsticks etc throughout the day, make sure you have spare tights etc if you are a girl in case you have a ladder in your tights, and dont wear too much overpowering perfume. I do remember stress made us sit there with hot armpits and freezing cold hands!! even some of the men suffered it, I think that was the nerves coming through. It can be quite cold in the room so make sure that you have a jersey or cardigan etc.

You will have to do a stretch test to see whether on tips toes you can reach 214cm i think, and then they will have an elimination, if you cant swim they dont test you at the venue however, when in Abu Dhabi and doing ditching you will have to get into a raft with a lifejacket and haul crew into the raft you do need to be able to keep your head above water in clothes and in a lifejacket.

If you have tattoos ensure they are covered you arent allowed visible tattoos for the airlines, e.g. if you have them on your arms at the top wear a t-shirt under your shirt to cover them, also if they are visible and cant be covered they will not accept you.

They will ask you to commence an English test this is 20 mins long, read it carefully as you could trip up in it. They will do another point from this, where it will be decision time of whom to take. Then you will play games dont be too overpowering or take control, work together as a team and if someone doesnt speak ask their opinion, work as a team not as a loner!!

The girls were lovely on our day once through to a certain point they will invite you for lunch make sure afterwards, you have groomed yourself for the next round, take 5 mins off your lunch if need be.

For anyone staying over you can go on lastminute deals and get the hotel for £61 including breakfast and concierge will looks after your bags dont book with the hotel the prices are outrageous.

Good Luck, smile be yourself and work with everybody, remember part of it is luck on the day the other is being professional and courteous.


birddream 1st May 2009 17:09

invitation receiver only or?

LynnS 1st May 2009 17:21

Can any give me me the address where the assessment will be taken pls. also which email address i can send my CV? maybe too late but i like to try thks

danni14 1st May 2009 21:30

hi guys,

well first of all good luck to everyone going on the 4th May- hopefully you will be able to join our waiting club!

I was on the same AD as mellymoo, I do urge everyone to take note of the post that she has recently posted because there is a lot of good advice in it.

birddream- yes you need an invitation to the assessment day. It is an open day where you can just turn up but Etihad don't do open days so you need to apply online first and wait to see if you are shortlisted. good luck.

LynnS- You won't be able to just email your CV as everybody has to apply the same way and wait to see if you have been shortlisted, if you have then they will send you the invitation to the assessment day which will have all the information you will need like address of hotel, times, what documents to bring etc .... so you will need to go on Etihad website and fill out their online application form. good luck.

anyway to all you guys who got through on 16th feb london - hope you are all ok and that the wait hasn't killed you yet! I'm still really positive that we will get there this year and I'm sure we will be going out celebrating together when we finally get our wings!


LynnS 2nd May 2009 04:11

thks much good luck

kasialec82 3rd May 2009 11:42

west london
hi guys,
anyone from London going to this AD tomorrow???

michaelflynn61 3rd May 2009 17:44

Dublin AD on Wed
Hi guys,

best of luck to those of you going for the interview tomorrow.

Just wondering if anyone on here is going to the one in Dublin on wed??

smilingbutterfly 4th May 2009 13:55

south african assesment days
Hey, does anybody know if Etihad have assesment days in South Africa? I have just recently applied to both Qatar and Etihad and I'm still waiting. Qatar are having an assesment day in Cape Town on May 23rd. Does anyone know if this is a closed/invite only day or can anyone show up without an invitation? How long did it take for you guys to get through the initial application process? Does anyone have a phone number for either Etihad HR or Qatar HR? Good luck to everyone!!!

Smilingbutterly :)

Flori 4th May 2009 15:10

Etihad Airline Open Day Assessmnet on 6 May Dublin
My name is Florina and I applied for Etihad Airline as Cabin Crew for Open Day Assessment on 6 May Dublin. I have been shortlisted on 02/03/2009 and I haven't got any answer from their company yet. I am still waiting the invitation for the interview. I would like to know for who applied for Etihad Airline as Cabin Crew if somebody got any answer from their company.
Thank you

Jeremys_mleu 4th May 2009 20:41

th SmillingBurterfly :)
HI Smiley -

Yes Etihad has assessment days in RSA- unfortunatelly they have just passed or removed from the web - keep a close eye to their site.

For the Qatar Open days [OD] you can just appear with your CV and cool photos [i was told], and for Etihad [AD] you have to be shortlisted/invited.

In our assessment there was no any calling of names so if some guys just came no one asked any question. But i could suggest that Be iinvited for ETIHAD.If it happens to be in your home city and no one invited you - try to just appear, it may be your lucky on the day - as how all this process is. :)


If you were shortlisted, you need to e mail them for them to send you the happening venue. Tell them precisely that you were shortlisted already cos they may have a possible change of mind :). Act quick

Hope i have helped a bit ;):ok:


How was your assessment like? Hope to hear Good news.


Flori 4th May 2009 23:18

For Jeremys_mleu
Hi, I am Flori, Thank you very much for your support. But I send them saturday morning an email, and I haven't the confirmation yet. I don't know what is happend but I got very fast the answer when I have been shortlisted and now......:{. I am still hoping!!!! I will try to call them, i found a phone number but is not from their department but I suppose will be help me.
I wish all the best and good luck !!!:ok:

Sheenab1983 5th May 2009 08:12

Hi Michael,

I am going to the AD in Dublin tomorrow... Do you have a Facebook page? Perhaps you could PM me your link and that way we can know each other if we see each other.

See you there!


Flori 5th May 2009 12:45

For Jeremys_mleu
I have got their phone number but nombody answer, I finnished my phone credit. May be if somebody want to help and to informe the place for Opend Day Assessment 6th May 2009 in Dublin. It's not correctly how they work that make me to feel bad. I applied on their site for this Open Day in february, and I have been shortlisted after two days, also they changed more time the date of Opend Day, first time have been on 27th April, or 8th April after 29th April and now 6th May. I am still hoping tommorow to be at interview. I am feeling much thristy if i didn't get any answer. :{
I wish you all the best!!!!
Take care and good luck

Yvette8610 5th May 2009 13:15

An acquaintance of mine has been in the same boat..as she has been shortlisted but hasn't got her invitation...I don't know how can they forget it..or what happens in such cases.

Wish you good luck, hopefully you will get there in time. Fingers crossed.

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