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Flori 5th May 2009 13:47

Hi Yvette8610,

I got their phone number from their department, but all the time when I call them the answer is "Operator Unvailable":(. I can give their phone number and to try to call them and if You will got the venue please inform me. I wish you Good Luck.:ok:
The phone number is :0097125111719

Yvette8610 5th May 2009 14:00

Oh, that's very kind of you, thank you but the assessment day in Romania has been canceled. I have been to the Prague assessment, without being successful..unfortunately.

Jeremys_mleu 5th May 2009 16:52

HI Flori......

That looks bad on your side are you in Dublin?

Etihad normally do their assessments in the "top hit of the city hotels". So if you realy know the best 5 hotels in Dublin -5 star prefarably, call and ask them whether they have AD for this airline. That should work as a last minute strategy.

And why don't those facebook guys give you a ride for the venue hint? Cos they know or!!.

Michael and Sheena

help her in this last minute -The FLIGHT ATTENDANT is willing to assist others :)

Good luck Flori, Also Sheen and Mike:D.

Flori 5th May 2009 17:20

Jeremys_mleu and Michael and Sheena
Thank you very much for your support!!! :ok: I hope be a good candidate for tommorow and also I wish you good luck everybody and to do all the best tommorow for who will assited tommorow at interview with Etihad Airways in Dublin.:ok: And to make the part of team within Etihad Airways as the position of cabin crew.

Jeremys_mleu 5th May 2009 17:28

Goodluck Dubliners
Yeahhhhh Flori- at last things are sorted out.

Thats what we have to do. Good luck again to all of you.

Smile and be yourselves, all will be cool

Sheenab1983 5th May 2009 17:47

Jeremy, i PM'd Flori with the venue straight after she posted :)

Thanks for the well wishes :)

cabin8crew 5th May 2009 19:30

information needed
Does anybody know where will be interview in DUB held?

Please text me by personal message

Thank You.

Flori 5th May 2009 19:59

For Cabin8Crew
Hi, How are? I am in same sitution as you.
Have you been shortlisted?

cabin8crew 5th May 2009 20:06

Yeah, but no email where and when :(

Holdudvar 6th May 2009 00:14

Good Lcuk
Good LUCK to all of You on your AD!
Hope to hear with good news from You!
If yes that will mean that I'll be jealous, oh jealous, so jealous:):):)

Anyone can help girls/guys Flori and cabin8crew and write we're the AD in Dublin is going to be? Name of the hotel, time? That will help!:ok:

Fingers crossed - for everybody, for me too - why not?:)

michaelflynn61 6th May 2009 15:04

Dublin AD
Just back from the Dublin AD. I didnt get through to the final stage.

I would echo what everyone else (pretty much) has said so far. The recruiters were really really nice and did a great job. Enjoyable day and they treat you very well on the day. Push the boat out with coffee and cakes and a great lunch.

Disappointed I didnt make it all the way through but as they say, back on the horse.

Jeremys_mleu 6th May 2009 16:40

Congrats for being there at least. I believe this was just not your day but you are as great as anyone who has made it.

Good to hear cool news from your Assessment.

Know what? - keep positive and get back there in 6 months - Like me and Holdudvar - we shall all make it.

Cheers and nice hearing something Cool from Dublin

What about my Flori.... and Sheen? anyone in?

cheers Dubliners:ok:

Flori 6th May 2009 20:34

Jeremys_mleu and Michael and Sheena
Today I assissted to the assessmnet. I found the address finally and I would like to say thank you for yours support.
I didn't pass the English test, also have been easy but too short time to concetrate for the answer, and when you have to complete the corectly words. I didn't finnish the last question from the first part of the English Test.:bored: And I supposed have to been completed all the answers. But I saw candidates form London and Irish Candidates who didn't pass the english test. I am expected to choise them because are their national language and they shure completed correctly the answer. Also I saw candidates who know to speak and written more than 3 languages including English Language and they didn't pass the interview. :confused:
I wish you to everybody who didn't pass the interview to continous to touch their dreams and try all time when they have occassion to work as cabin crew:ok: and also I wish all the best for who passed the interview and to enjoyed with the experience of cabin crew:ok:

Yvette8610 7th May 2009 00:33

michaelflynn61, flori
Feeling for you, guys..but as Jeremy says we shall all get back in six months.

Keep your chins up!:ok:

Sheenab1983 7th May 2009 10:34

I got eliminated in the first round... Not sure what they were looking for, it was very random. I know i wasn't eliminated based on the English test as i got top grades in that subject at school. I'm pretty sure it was something else. What i dont know as i passed the whole emirates process, just didn't get taken on due to the lack of jobs.

TBH i was relieved when i got eliminated as it meant i wasn't going to have to go through what emirates put some of us through earlier in the year. I honestly couldn't do that again... Maybe they could see by my demeanor on the day that i didn't want it as much as the time i interviewed with emirates.

I am just going to give up on cabin crew as a job and concentrate on my carreer, rather than taking a year out at a time when there is a global recession.

Sorry for those that had their hopes pinned on it and didn't get through.

Jeremys_mleu 7th May 2009 17:57

You all did great people:ok:.

For the selection section, i suppose it was just not your luck. I think the precise assessment starts after they eliminate the first batch in the interview. Which is a sort of --:yuk:--. They can easily shortlist people enough for their needs - Or call it Open day like Qatar, so that no one is invited - SO just go if you want :) - but well that's what is their style.

Flori - but where are you from? cos i tried to reconcile several times when i read your text - then i thought oh it might be an Irish style ;)

All of you, just keep positive once again - at least you had 3 assessors, we had 1, and still that cream was found.

By the way, at last i have just received a 'not shortlisted' note from EY that i can check for the jobs that match my qualifications and experiences [initially i was chosen by an airline rep - and they thought it is Ok - with my long VIP experience] - does it mean that post graduates are not invited to work there - funny but it's again their way

I have decided to deal with my Profession as sheen cos this may bring new dramas in my whole career stuff. -

Yvette, i already miss you here since you were my coach till when i was smashed in the first round:D.

racheldebuitleir 7th May 2009 20:20

Hey all,

I was at the AD yesterday in DUB. I have to say the whole thing was much nicer than the Emirates Open Day. Far more welcoming and laid back. I loved how the final interview was more a chat in the room , just aside from everyone else instead of waiting outside in a hallway to walk in to a severely intimidating table with two recruiters on the other side as in the emirates interviews.

It is amazing how they manage to cut people based on such little things, and without really interacting with the candidates. I wondered about how on earth they managed to get any idea whether these people were suitable or not after only registration and an english test. The cut after the group discussion was more surprising! From 12 down to 6! michaelflynn61 are you the guy who was the 'priest' in the group discussion? If thats you...hard luck man! Was very surprised not to see you go through! Try again!

Long before this assessment I searched through these forums for tips on how the day went and what to do , what not to do and it definitely helps! I think the best pieces of basic advice I would give anyone going to an assessment are:

1)Be well groomed!...Hair neat, nice make up, sensible, simple suit! Nothing too unusual or stylish. Smart shoes...not flippin peeptoes!! The more you look like you are already cabin crew the easier it is for them to imagine you as one. Try not to stand out, look like you are willing to conform to grooming guidlines.
2)Be early!
4) BE PREPARED! Have all the documents that you are supposed to have! Know what to expect and think about what answers you are going to give to the usual questions.
5)Chat and integrate...it shows that you will make friends in abu dhabi and wont run off home coz you're too lonely. And it will help you relax too!
6) During the process ....Listen carefully, show interest, sit up straight. In group discussions its soooooooooo important that you DO NOT take over, DO NOT dominate or lead. It must be a group/team. Dont be too quiet either. You must achieve the balance of listening and being heard. Watch the time allocated to your task, try to make sure that everyone gets a say and that you agree as a group on the conclusion, and summarise your conclusions.

Part of me sometimes thinks that if you're right for the job it will show anyway regardless of whether you get tips from a forum or not....and if you're not right for it, well theres no point pretending to be someting you're not.

BUT I suppose it helps to know what you're getting into and what to expect so that you can relax more and let your personality shine.

Good luck

janneha 7th May 2009 21:32

to racheldebuitleir
hello there,

First of all congrats for all those that got through! For those that didn't, don't ever loose face and surely your day will come.

Just wondering if a possible start date was mentioned to you lot that managed to get through? Been waiting for a while now and not a squeak from etihad.

Cheers for your help :)

Holdudvar 8th May 2009 01:55

Congrats for all who made it and for those who did not:)

Luck is very needed during the first or even before the first cut:)
We know that:):):) Don't we? JJ'my?

So maybe tomorrow?


brani 8th May 2009 09:30

Hi All,
congratulations for all of you who passed successfully Etihad interviews,:ok: and for those who failed i want to encourage never give up and do not stop chasing your dream sooner or later it happens:)

I have one question how to re - apply again after interviews for my country has been cancelled so i now want to apply for in another country but something is wrong when i tried to reapply :ugh:
thanks in advance
have a great and sunny day to everybody

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