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Katka Patka 15th Apr 2009 13:16

Ms. Katka Patka thank you so very much for the nice words. Yes indeed Yvette is a very nice lady and i am really sorry things happened that way.
My advice is not to over dress. Try to be a bit different. Maybe jacket with no tie, or a nice tie but no jacket. You have to look presentable, thats all. For my Emirates interview there was a guy with jeans thin tie and a jacket...he got true, cos no matter the jeans he did look smart and good.
Cusomer service seems to be one of the most important think for them. I dont think it matters where have you worked as long as you have been dealing for quite some times with customers, cos you know ...they can be so annoying sometimes.
The cut off's were two same as the other interviews, one after the english test, one after the activity game. Again, dont be too pushy, but dont be too quite, take initiative if you have to.
Good luck Jeremys_mleu, i will be waiting for some good new from you. I know you have read it enough times, but it is true, smile at all time, dont freak out or if you do, keep it for yourself :))) possitive attitude iss everything there, watch every step you take, cos they do it too. (in a nice way ok?)
Yvette, thanks a lot too :))) i can understand a bit probably how you felt afterwords, but yes, you cant give it up that easy. Try it again, i do believe you will succeed next time.

FlyBoy1983 15th Apr 2009 17:47

2 new Assesment Days for June-2009 have been announced on Etihad website.

24th June in Istanbul...:ok:

Jeremys_mleu 15th Apr 2009 18:24

Katka Patka
Thnks very much.

I was actually planning to wear a jean, tie and coat - but since, before this interview i underwent the first assessment for the same airline [pre interview], the conservative war was underlined several time. So i will just look fine and such a presentable guy.

The rest of your advise - Taken....: I think if i pass through i will post something from my hotel that Sunday evening. If i dont pass, i will probably collapse, then get back here by the time i am up - it will probably be the afternoon. I mean the Breaking news :):)

Thanks once again:ok:

Yvette is great... and she still has time, definatelly she will make it

Air123 16th Apr 2009 12:24

Has anyone heard anything about the AD for London, it disappeared and now its back... and after i heard that i had been shortlisted i have heard nothing since. I was wondering if any other people from the UK have received invites as yet?

Holdudvar 16th Apr 2009 22:40

AD Tallinn

Yvette, thank U for a priv message:):):):):) dont be worry about the interview, life is full of new episodes...
Congratulations Katka!

hey Jeremy, Im going to attend AD in Tallinn too, Im gonna find U:):):) there's not gonna be a lot of guys probably:)

Thank U all for advices, see U aboard:)

gacmaska 17th Apr 2009 07:37

Interview day
Hi everybody,

I have been reading many of the posts on this forum but I could not find out how long does the face to face interview last...
Also...Is there only ONE DAY needed for all the process to be completed (CVs,tests,group work,face to face interview)???



Jeremys_mleu 18th Apr 2009 15:07

hi gacmaska.....

I have seen your question. And i think the assessment day takes the whole day, two disqualifications and if one finds oneself standing at the end of the day - then you are choosen.

so yes - everything is done in a single day -----as far as my invitation letter is concerned.

But you know what......... by tommorrow night, i can be precise on how long time each session takes [thats only if i get that long:)].

So i ask for your prayers so that everything will be cool, then i will have the precise information for you

enjoy - and read this discussion.

gacmaska 18th Apr 2009 17:06

Interview day
Thank you veeeeeery much !!!!


danni14 18th Apr 2009 17:34


yes everything is done on the assessment day and their are two elliminations throughout the day. There was around 80 people on my day and about 20 got to the interview. My actual face to face interview lasted about 20 mins and they will ask you customer service based questions and may ask you to explain an answer with an example from your past. Some people's interviews did last longer than mine.

After the interview stage at the end of the day, I waited 3 days until I got the "happy to inform" email.

Remember to just be yourself in the interview although I know its hard to not get nervous. However the etihad recruiters should put you at ease because they were really nice, friendly people.

Good Luck! :)

gacmaska 19th Apr 2009 09:41

Interview day
Thank you...You guys are really helpful !

Jeremys_mleu 19th Apr 2009 13:24

Tallin AD suprises :)

Just been dropped from the AD in Tallin and so all of my stomach is vrrrr sort of :). No tears of Joy anymore.

A total of 72 all together appeared where by 3 girls were kicked at the reach test and us 54 were kicked just after the english Test. It was a suprise since almost 11 flight attendants were there and few of them had been left. Less thank 4. So was that a prereqisite --- well may be not, but a random selection:oh:.

How was the day?.

All the process was as many guys introduced in here. The ladies were very late and the interview started 1.5 hours later. On top of that, just one lady appeared and she had to handle the process [which for me, it looked impossible] sinse the other one had some passport loss problems. The other lady was to come at 1630, which is not early after 2 kicks.

The form and reach test started, and later we got to the ENGLISH TEST: - it was so suprising that after the English test, it took half an hour before we [69 guys!!] were called back for the first big smash..........oooh you know what!!! i was in it:ouch:. so 15 people were passed in the second round [and this is FOR SURE not through the English test pass - just personal selection]. can you read 69 essays and mark the papers in 30 minutes, or even an hour...mh May be AY specialits.

Now i dont know what will happen after they have been cut again since one more cut is to follow. Hopefully, at thi time, it has happened :) cos my batch was smashed an hour ago.

Sad gacmaska, i can not answer anymore your question...but Danni did.

Is this really how Etihad is doing its assessments? For me the day was unclear. If you test, people it will be nice to treat them from the test ... This AD had a lot of travellers from neighouring countries, but, that was ok. I really do not know whether it is beauty or lucky, but well - i got my experience out of it. No idea which airline to aply again but lets see:ugh:.

The lady was realy nice - Philipines, but i am sure that assessing 72 people alone should not be simple as that. I feel like i will get a call later cos i am really sure that i did very well:)

Just to give you an highlight. Good luck and thanks all who offered us a great go ahead.


EA_cabincrew 19th Apr 2009 14:53


in fact there were 87 people, i got the number 76 (got cut after the perfectly written english test :ouch:) - it really was VERY unclear for me their selection parametres as in my mind all the people that passed the first stage were very far away from being top models or experienced cabin crew :sad: Probably there are no parametres at all and at the first stage it is a pure lottery. Sadly.
I am not even disappointed, I did my best, I know who I am and if the recruiter was a bit interested in choosing really professional people I'd be in.

KEFREN82 19th Apr 2009 15:31

I am sorry to hear that guys. As you said, probably they had some problems as just one recruiter was present from the very first step of the selection process.

My assessment day was very clear and well done, they were everybody on time, maybe something happens with they flights so that they couldn't come before.

I am very sad for you, maybe not every assessment day can go as well as it should. But don't say that in EY they can't understand who is good for this position and who is not. It's not fair and it's not respectful for us who have passed the assessments.

Etihad has a good selection process, with invitation and not open days as Emirates, with almost 300 people waiting to give them their cvs. If you are invited it means that you are potentially suitable to become a EY flight attendant, if not, you are not invited.

If problems occured, well, they are not perfect, we are all human beings, so we can make mistakes.

I was not selected for Qatar Airways in Madrid (3 days selection process) and almost 200 people. I was a bit upset and sad, I spent almost 400 euros totally, to be rejected, but I never said that everything was done as a lottery, maybe it was just not my time, or maybe I did something wrong.

Now my chance is Etihad, and I am eager to start, please, don't be angry, just try again or try another airline, maybe your chance is in another company.

Jeremys_mleu 19th Apr 2009 15:47


No angry at all and i am really delighted for the ones who have been chosen. The thing is, sometimes quick decisions can be seen. One assessor for 87 people is a disaster.

Definatelly, the ones who are chosen are the potentials, and dont u worry about that. We were just trying to highlight what happened in the AD here in Tallin and bring awareness to the rest of the new guys - just like all others did for us.

SO the lady was very good once again, but surelly she was tired. the english test was to be assessed precisely. i think, since we had written that

I believe we shall all return in six months time whenever nothing has come up - but for this time - no one can deny, it was a random selection and not really otherwise.

EA cabincrew
Sad .

I dont know why we had to write the English Test if no one is gonna assess that. it really turned me off, since there were really goód people who travel all arround for this but sad- very sad.

I just tried to finish my knones here by big dinner in my hotel, and wait for my tommorrow's departure.


Skywards 19th Apr 2009 22:51

I hate to be the mean sounding one and I understand you are upset, but to say that Etihad do a 'random' selection to choose their cabin crew is absurd. It sounds like there was a few problems at the assesment day i.e. one assesor, not running to time etc. but to assume that you weren't chosen because they did the assesment as a 'lotto' type draw is silly. They are looking for great cabin crew, and they would not just rely on 'luck of the draw' to get the people they want. The assesor may have had to alter her marking process due to time restraints, but I don't think she would have disregarded the marking of english tests altogether. To be honest there are a lot of people on here whose english isn't great, and that may have come accross in the test. English is my native tounge, and I guarantee that my english test was not perfect. The test is tricky, in that you can make some very easy mistakes in it-particuarly if english isn't your first language. So keep an open mind, perhaps you didn't do as well in the test as you think you did?

Good on you for trying, and don't give up. It must be dissapointing for you, but don't let that dissapointment turn to bitterness. The assesors travel the world recruiting staff, and you can't assume they don't know what they are doing because you weren't chosen. Good luck at the next assesment!:ok:

Jeremys_mleu 20th Apr 2009 05:44

Skywards and Yuja
Hi guys.

Thanks for the highlights and very sorry for the "silly" expressions such as random and lottery -

I had to use random cos the lady said that, 'she quickly went through "some" of our CVs and made her decision'. But ofcourse she did mention that many were good. So that was my reason, for random word:). And this should apply only for our AD, since that's the only that i have been - so no generalisation.

Yes, our English here is not good - even for the chosen ones... and many who were left yesterday.. But if they deserve from EY eyes, thats a fact and all have to agree with it.:ok:

And surelly Etihad couldn't send people arround, if they don't know what they are looking for. Nevertheless, our AD program itself declared the essence of uncertainty, for there was a plan to have this assessment on Sunday and Monday, so that when the other lady had come, "there could be a second hand to help getting more people:" the lady mentioned. But at the end there was not any second day references - may be someone will be called today.

Definatelly i will get back there if there is an opening in 6 month time, and ofcourse if i have got nothing to do.

And again - Do not take this as a complain from me. I liked Etihad Lady and the company overall: thats why i went there. BUT since our scene looked different from others, i thought it could be useful to present it here, so that, there will be no suprises for the other guys who are waiting for their ADs.

Thanks once again and Congrats all who made through.


Sheenab1983 20th Apr 2009 08:59

I got an invite to Dublin Assessment day this morning :D

I am very excited and will attend, however im trying to remain realistic. Should I be lucky enough to be selected, it is quite possible that I may not commence training untill this time next year!

NewCrewMember 20th Apr 2009 10:09

They are telling recent AD candidates that training will probably be in december as there is a holding pool at the moment, so it will be sooner than you think. Also come the last quarter of the year, there will be people in the 'pool' who will no longer be in a position to join Etihad for whatever reason and so this will free up more training positions at earlier dates.
Good luck in Dublin and read this thread thoroughly as all the info is here and it's best to be too prepared lol!:ok:

fingers xd 20th Apr 2009 10:53

I agree I think there will be allot of people that cannot wait until the end of the year to start with Etihad. Lets hope some drop out and we all get brought forward haha. Joking a side there is not much choice out there so most people will endure the wait! :ugh:

I had my assessment day in March and I was told training would start again in Sep so we would probably be taken in Oct. am I correct in thnking people are now being told no training will start until Oct? So I should be looking at Nov?

I'm just too excited!! I want to start now!

Good luck at the Dublin assessment

ashleebrownell 20th Apr 2009 17:26

hi im just writing to get your opinion on working for ethiad. i recently went to qatar open day and i got through to the final stages im just waiting for a reply. after reading about qatar the way they treat there staff etc is it better in ethiad. also qatar sounds like a boot camp where you can get fired for anythin are they as strict in ethiad.
thanks ashlee xx

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