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Emirates - Wannabes & Recruitment VII

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Emirates - Wannabes & Recruitment VII

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Old 21st Sep 2010, 16:15
  #1821 (permalink)  
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Can you please tell me,how long did you wait after you had uploaded all your medicals?
I have my DOJ on 1st November and my medicals are still in progress.
Thank you.
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Old 21st Sep 2010, 17:32
  #1822 (permalink)  
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On hold!!

Thanks everybody,
I know, I just`ve to waiting..!!! the only thing worried me is, my status was applied, after interview approval in progress, then "you will be contacted", now under review, so three steps forward two back...!!..!!
anyway, I hope in the near future I received news from them...!!
EKADELAIDE, basically the most importan of e-mail is:

De to the limited number of current vacancies and specific language requirements, we are unable to proceed with your
application. Therefore, we will place your file temporarily on hold for three months.

Any body else from USA with this e-mail?
ZWERKO: what about your status?
Im ok, Im fine, Im a positive person with a aim and Iīll wait and Iīll get it..!! Im sure, I will.

Last edited by BUTTER-FLY; 21st Sep 2010 at 19:20.
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Old 21st Sep 2010, 22:00
  #1823 (permalink)  
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Emirates are balancing their numbers, calm down. It's impossible to predict exactly how many crew they need. Probably they now have a slight surplus of people plus as Mari mentioned, the training college is going day and night. No point giving people DOJ's when the classes are full. Things will pick up as the aircraft deliveries speed up. Historically the end of the year is a bit slow for the manufacturers so I wouldn't start reading any doom and gloom into starts being delayed by a month or two.
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Old 21st Sep 2010, 22:02
  #1824 (permalink)  
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Hello to all of you CC Wannabes !

Is there anyone there attending the OD in Belgrade on the 25th of September ? It would be really nice too meet someone i know there.

Thanks and good luck to all of ya
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Old 21st Sep 2010, 22:03
  #1825 (permalink)  
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well my status is again app under review
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Old 22nd Sep 2010, 05:46
  #1826 (permalink)  
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Hand Baggage Allowance

Hi everyone,

I'll be leaving to Dubai soon hoping someone may help here by telling me if the 50kgs luggage allowance also includes the hand baggage weight or are you allowed 50kg plus 7kg of hand baggage (I read on Emirates website 7kg is for hand baggage/luggage) BUT since we are kind of "special" and not a regular passenger was just wondering if this also applies to us since we are getting to bring 50kgs over to Dubai with us???

I have not yet received my info/E-ticket and visa but have not read anywhere on here that people talk about the hand baggage allowance...only read about the 50kg...

Any help greatly appreciated
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Old 22nd Sep 2010, 06:25
  #1827 (permalink)  
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Los Angeles OD

Hello everyone!

I went to the Los Angeles OD and I would like to share my experience. There were about 70 people that showed up for the open day. I was expecting more. I've been preparing for this interview for the past couple months, reading these forums all the way through several times and making sure all my documents and paperwork were together. I came to the open day in a suit (jacket and skirt) with my hair pulled back, lots of hairspray, lost of make-up (blush, eyeliner, eye shadow), red lipstick, and new clean pressed blouse (pink - no scarf), and court shoes with skin colored pantyhose. I got my nails done with Acrylic and French tipped. I used Crest white strips on my teeth two weeks before the interview. I did not wear jewelry even though I had bought pearl earrings to wear to the interview- I decided it was best to not take the stereotypical pearl earring route. When I arrived I was surprised to see the turnout... People arrived in t shirts, some of the girls looked like they were going to clubs with high heels, open toed shoes. A few people didn't even know what a CV was and the recruiters had to have them write their resumes on blank paper. Some people I talked to seemed surprised that a job interview would take all day and complained about the amount of time that it was taking!

During the open day they showed us videos of Dubai and opened up for questions. Someone actually asked if we could take a break when they asked what we knew about Dubai! It was embarrassing for me to have to watch the recruiters stare at some people in disbelief at some of the questions asked. I continued to smile throughout the process and I didn't put any input into the questions they were asking, but smiled and listened.

After the video showing they informed us that because of the numbers they would be holding the Assessment Day that day as well. I panicked because I wasn't prepared for the Assessment Day to be on the same day as the open day! I was expecting it to be the next day. I quickly ran through everything in my head that I knew about the group interviews:
  • Make eye contact with everyone in the group - not just the recruiters.
  • Don't talk too much.
  • Don't disagree with anyone.
  • Plaster a 'genuine' smile on your face and nod and agree with everything.
  • Don't have any nervous ticks i.e. picking your finger nails or jittering.
  • Talk loud enough so everyone can hear you.
  • Keep it short and sweet, but make your point.
Everyone made it to the assessment part of the day, even the people that were clearly too old or heavy or dressed improperly.

They split us into two big groups and group one was sent into the room while group two waited outside. I was in group one and once inside the group was split again into two groups. There were two circles of chairs placed around the room. We were asked to start a discussion for 10 minutes and decide if we think being street smart or book smart is more important in the real world. Everyone discussed and agreed on street smart and came up with some examples. During this phase I smiled and agreed with everyone occasionally adding in 'That's a really good point, Chad'. I didn't actually add any input to this. The recruiters walked around the circle and observed us. Next they asked us to talk to the person to our right and find out their greatest achievement of their life so far. Be sure to listen to what they ask of you because we were to stand one by one and some people didn't ask the person on their right, they just asked the person next to them on their left which left them getting called out by the recruiter for not following directions. Eeek! When it was my turn to talk about the person on my right I naturally looked at the recruiter and began talking. I realized I was doing this and quickly started making eye contact around the group and smiling while I talked. I was very careful not to add 'um's or 'uh's to my explanation. I kept it very short and sweet: "Hello, the person to my right is named Chad. Chad's greatest achievement is when he was 17 he moved away from home to be a foreign exchange student and he learned Turkish." and then I sat down. A lot of people only looked at the recruiters and mumbled. Remember to be talking to the group!

While we were gathering information on our partner they called us up one by one to do the 212cm reach test and they asked us an ice breaker question. My question was 'what is your favorite hobby'. I answered fencing and my recruiter stared at me for a moment and asked me to repeat myself as if she didn't understand. This made me nervous. And I explained fencing with sabres. And she nodded and interrupted me as I went on about doing it after work etc.. So I was feeling scared about my one on one time - worried that I messed it up. Also when I took off my heels to do the reach test I dropped my shoe and it rolled under the table next to us ><. Clumsy wasn't the impression I had wanted to make.

After the group that session group two went in and we were told to come back at 1:30pm. When we came back we did an English test. The test was easy but strange because it seemed to be more of a 'British' English test as opposed to an American one. So be prepared to figure out words or phrases that you're not used to if you're American. At the end of the test we had to write an essay on how cultural differences contributed to society.

The English test took about an hour (I spent about 20 minutes on it). We were told to come back at 3:30pm. When we got back they had eliminations for us and told us to go out in the hallway to read them. They handed us a slice of folded paper letting us know if we were successful to the next round or if we were let go. They thanked the people that were let go and the people that stayed waited in the hallway. I was successful at this stage. They eliminated about 75% of the people. Only 14 remained. One thing that was interesting to me was they didn’t eliminate a couple of the older, unattractive heavy people. There were two people there after the first round that I knew were definitely over 40 and over weight. It was a little strange and I wondered why they kept them after the first round when I was sure they wouldn’t make it because of age.

They split us into two groups of 7 and we went in one by one. This time the recruiters were both observing the group while the other group waited outside. My group was first and was asked if we could pick 5 Olympic Games to be eliminated from the next upcoming Olympics what would be chose and why? During this part we chose curling, snowboarding, luge, shot-put and discus. Having done my homework on the group interviews I was quiet most of the time and smiled and agreed with everyone. There was a girl and a guy in the group pretty much taking charge and dominating the discussion. Toward the end of the discussion I offered shot put to be one of the games to eliminate because it had a very limited range of people that could actually play the event, as opposed to running that could have a wide variety of people participate. Everyone agreed with me and we added that and later discus to the list. When we presented our five choices to the recruiters, one of them said that shot-put and discus are two of the most ancient games! Why would be eliminate those?! YIKES! We said because of popularity... what we thought would have brought in more ratings and viewers. One of those was the one I offered so I was worried. They gave us a choice to eliminate two of those games from our list and we of course chose to take off shot-put and discus. She asked us if we were basing the choosing of the games by American popularity or worldwide popularity. How embarrassing. However, this is where you need to realize that they don’t care about the topic at hand at all. The entire time I smiled, put in just a little bit of input, nodded and agreed with everyone and kept eye contact with the group. Just remember they’re not looking for answers about the topic as much as how you’re acting.
They did another round of eliminations and I was successful through this round as well. PHEW. Now there were just less than 10 people (the older and overweight people and a couple more were eliminated). And another side note: there was a girl that made it to the final interview that didn’t smile the entire day, talked too much and seemed to be in a bad mood, interesting. When we got called back in we had to sign up for our final interviews. They told us specifically what to wear and what to bring:
  • 1 professional full length photo in business attire
  • 6 passport sized pictures in formal attire (NEED at least two)
  • 2 casual photos
  • CV
  • Proof of employment (pay stub)
  • Copies of educational certificates (high school diploma, college degree etc..)
  • 2 colored copies of your passport info page
  • Paperwork they gave you the day before already filled out.

I had everything prepared for them and they seemed to appreciate this.
As far as your CV goes - they used the copy that you give them on the first day, I brought another just in case. Bring two with you to all the days because this helped fill in employment information on some paperwork when I didn’t have my CV. Print your CV out on resume paper. Bring a pen with you all the days so you don’t need to ask them for one! I had all my paperwork in a thin leather folder with a pen holder and a pad of paper for notes. Along with that I brought my purse with me and inside I brought a tide pen just in case I got something on my shirt, an emergency compact for makeup, lipstick for reapplication during breaks, mascara and an eyelash curler.
For the full body professional attire picture and passport pictures: wearing a suit, closed toed black court shoes, conservative jewelry, hair hairsprayed back all the way IN A BUN with no fly aways at all, looking at the camera straight on, and your foot can be slightly angled to make it pretty. If you have a fringe (bangs) then you have to pull them to one side and clip them secured with hairspray. They can’t be loose. Have a solid white background, big smile, red lipstick, tons of makeup, hands at your sides. They said guys need to be clean shaven and hair combed to one side wearing a suit. Someone from my group didn’t shave and spent money on pictures and they said he had to redo them. Some people on here were saying you could take the full body professional attire photo yourself at home, but I wouldn’t recommend this because they mentioned it had to be done in a studio in the interview. I came prepared and did my pictures a month ago professionally.
I brought several casual photos. I had my recruiter chose which ones she liked more out of all of them in the interview. She seemed pleased to do this and she chose a full body and a close up photo and gave the rest back to me.

Another note: I turned in a passport picture and a professional studio standing picture in on the first day of the OD. When I made it to the final interview I realized they had stapled through my face on both the passport picture and the professional one. So bring an extra copy of your professional full body and an extra passport picture because she was relieved that I had an extra copy after she took the staples out. She gave the stapled ones back to me.

Remember to bring your educational certificates, paystub, and pictures with you. I’m pretty sure they will like this and it will help move your application along faster since you won’t have to upload anything. Some people didn’t even bring the 2 passport photos that the recruiters said were MOST important to bring for processing the visa. If you can’t get anything then at least make sure you have 2 passport pictures with you for the final interview.

The final interviews were split into two panels, so I was only interviewed by one recruiter. The woman that interviewed me was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen! However, she seemed to be the more reserved one of the two, the ‘bad cop’ if you will. It was very hard to make her smile in the interview and not seem bored. She asked me heaps of questions and wanted me to go into COMPLETE detail. Some of the questions I remember were:

Tell me about a time that you had a problem with a customer that you had to deal with yourself – in specific detail.

Tell about time that one of your customers had a problem and you went outside of your scope of practice to help them because you felt for them on an emotional level, even when you didn’t necessarily have to do anything for them.

Tell me about a time where you disagreed with a coworker or place of employment.

Something about asking if I was ever placed into a last minute stressful situation that I had to handle..

She asked me why I was looking for a career change from computer programmer to hospitality.

All the questions seemed to run together after a bit. She kept asking me to elaborate into more and more detail so be prepared. I believe this is just to see if you’re lying or not. Be sure to have good references listed from your current or recent employers. Remember to smile the entire time, relax, and maintain eye contact. I kept my hands folded on the desk so she could see my manicured fingernails and also so I wouldn’t nervously pick at them. Try to lighten the conversation up because it definitely seemed like she was trying to lay on the pressure. It also seemed like she was trying to get me to talk bad about my previous employer, so be sure that everything stays positive like “Working as a computer programmer was a very rewarding experience and I learned a lot from my years at that job, however I missed the satisfaction I got from working directly with people”. She asked me if I had any questions for her. I asked her a couple things about her job as a recruiter and a couple things about employee living in Dubai. One thing I wished I would have done that I didn’t do was when I walked in to address her by name and ask how she was doing today. Something like: “Hello xxxxx, how are you doing today?” I was too nervous and didn’t think of it. =/ However, afterward I sincerely thanked her for her time that she spent. After the interview I took a logic test that everyone had to take. It was supposed to take about 45 minutes but I finished in 30. It was pretty easy.
That was my experience. Now it's time to wait for the call. I'm already refreshing my email and application page even though it is way to early. I hope this helps everyone. I have to say I’m pretty upset about the 3 month hold on some recruitment. I really hope I don’t get that email. I felt generally really good about my interview. So just remember to be prepared with everything, smile and relax! Good luck!
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Old 22nd Sep 2010, 09:43
  #1828 (permalink)  
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Elizabeth00, what an excellent post. Thank you for sharing your experience in such great detail, it goes to show why you made it so far.

Fingers crossed for you. The feeling I get is you will make it. Keep us informed
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Old 22nd Sep 2010, 10:34
  #1829 (permalink)  
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Unhappy Sad

Hello everyone, I am just as sad as I can be, Iīve just woke up this morning and received the evil mail....after made it through the FI 4 weeks ago they sent me the "it is with considerable regret that I have to advise you that your application was unsuccessful on this occasion".

I donīt even want to ask me why because if I do I know Iīm gonna just go on and on thinking of what in earth just happened....itīs really dissapointing when you gave your best, spent in an airplane ticket, thinking of your dream just everyday and suddenly everything stops just like that.....and the worst is that I can only try again after one year...I thought it was 6 months....anyone familiar with this?

So congrats to all who finally made it and a big hug to all of us who didnīt .
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Old 22nd Sep 2010, 10:43
  #1830 (permalink)  
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I am really sorry to hear this, d4real.

Just remember that even though 1 year sounds like a long time, at least you have that extra year to gain more customer service experience and do more research and pratice more interview questions. Use that time to your advantage!

Also, at least you know for sure that you were perfect up until the FI, so you have an idea of what you need to change for your next FI.

Don't be sad, it happens to a lot of applicants. Many people have not been accepted until their 3rd or 4th FI.

You will get there!

Cheer up!


I LOVED your post! My OD is on Saturday so this gave me more insight on what to expect.

Just a quick question, how do you look in your passport photo? Smiling? Because I did mine today and I am wearing makeup and red lipstick and have a big smile showing my teeth, no earrings/jewelley, wearing business shirt, hair in bun. I'm just worried that I shouldn’t have smiled because it will be attached to the formal visa documents. Aren't passport photos meant to have neutral expression? Argh!!!

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Old 22nd Sep 2010, 11:02
  #1831 (permalink)  
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Seja, Samantha in SYD and all!

Hello Seja, Samantha in SYD and everyone!

First thank you firls for your nice wishes! This was my experience getting to Dubai:

My flight was: My home country - Houston, USA - Dubai. Houston - Dubai in Emirates. I have to say I loved Emirates airplane, the 14 hour flight was not that bad with their in flight enteretainment system.
The crew was so nice to us (we were 3) as we told them we were new joiners. They even took us to first class to see it and we got to socialize and ask them questions.
After that long flight I arrived to Dubai at night, we went to immigration and before immigration the Marhaba meet and greet services were there with our names waiting for the 3 of us. (exactly like the Emirates recruitment video). They took us to immigration, baggage clearance, and then a lady met us where she gave us each a folder with instructions for our first day of induction (which is tomorrow), and our apartment details. Each room has a telephone line which is GREAT. The the driver took each of us to our apartments.
I live in Al Nahda II, my apartment is veryyyyyyy pretty, BIG, just 2 bedrooms, my roommate has everything so it's great i don't have to buy things (i do need to buy a TV though). I actually LOVE IT. They have told me we are a bit far away from main road of Dubai, but with this apartment and a nice flatmate i really don't care!! I have a supermarked and a mall just next to me, and if I want to do downtown I will just go..for now Im making this my new home.

I wish everyone a great trip! Best of luck to all waiting your golden call! or attending OD or AD!!!!

If anybody has any questions, I will gladly answer. Bye!
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Old 22nd Sep 2010, 11:37
  #1832 (permalink)  
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Samantha at Sydney

Thank you for your words Samantha...I know a year goes fast but I am not as young as I would like to be so I donīt know if I will get another chance......

I do have customer service experience, thatīs actually all the experience I have, itīs been 8 years but well maybe thatīs not everything either...luck? donīt know....

I tried Etihad also and made it through the FI, that means something right? trying both and have FI on both of them....but I know deep down it will only be a second choice when my true dream was Emirates.

Iīll be around and tell you guys about Etihadīs answer....I will have it in a week or so....still Iīm sad...canīt help it....
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Old 22nd Sep 2010, 12:15
  #1833 (permalink)  
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Sounds like everything went really great! It's good to hear from someone who has just arrived there....Jess553, Kirs000 and myself are leaving to Dubai very soon also - can't wait!!! I hope I get a nice apartment close to shops etc and a nice flatmate too

Goodluck in your training - see you in DXB soon
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Old 22nd Sep 2010, 13:44
  #1834 (permalink)  
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Hi Everyone! So, no Golden calls at all during this days?
I dont understand why Ek is still doing OD and AD, I mean, I think it's a waist of time, isn't it??
I Had my FI in Argentina just a week ago, before I knew about this ON HOLD mails....
Hope to see you all in DBX soon
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Old 22nd Sep 2010, 14:34
  #1835 (permalink)  
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Thank you for the kind words! I hope you do well! =)

They specifically ask for all passport pictures with a big smile. I'm glad you took yours with one or else they would ask you to retake them. Good luck!!
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Old 22nd Sep 2010, 14:44
  #1836 (permalink)  
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Again, it is NOT a requirement for professional photos, though some of the recruiters will reccommend it. It depends really on who you get on the day. If you're fine with spending lots of money on studio pictures, fine. I just hate to think of people who realy CANNOT afford it trying to get studio pictures done, when NICE LOOKING photos taken at home will do in most cases. So yes, the recruiters at your day may ask you for them, but if you really cannot afford it (and some people cannot) then do the best you can.

Purelife, glad to hear you arrived okay. It's refreshing to hear someone NOT complaining about being in Al Nadha. All I hear is "I'm in the desert, it's too far from SZR, wah wah wah"... I'm happy you appreciate a nice flat (rent free) and a good flatmate. That is really all you can ask for here. A good location is a bonus

Here's a tip for all you newbies who live far out. Instead of spending all your money on taxis... take a bus from your accommodation to HQ, then a bus to an accommodation on SZR... say, Milennium, 21st Century, or UP. Easy to then take a cab or Metro if you want to go to Mall of Emirates, Dubai Mall, Atlantis etc...
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Old 22nd Sep 2010, 14:56
  #1837 (permalink)  
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DOj 1st of November?
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Old 22nd Sep 2010, 16:09
  #1838 (permalink)  
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Well, here I am, stuck again. I'm from Argentina. I had my final interview in july this year. I received the golden call first week of september congratulating me on being successfull bla bla bla but they also told me that they were waiting confirmation from management in order to give the DOJ which could be end of December this year or January next year and about 7 days ago, I received an email saying they were still waiting for confirmation and that I'd be contacted as soon as possible.

I don't know what to think at this point, if they're gonna put me on hold (they haven't said so, that's true)...when will they let me know? plus they keep coming back to interview and hire more and more people when they can't even confirm DOJ for the ones that have already made it!

What happened last year after the recruitment freeze?
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Old 22nd Sep 2010, 16:25
  #1839 (permalink)  
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Reading your posts I really don,t know weather to go to an OD in Prague or not
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Old 22nd Sep 2010, 16:25
  #1840 (permalink)  
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colour blindness

Hey guys,

Well I had my AD/FI back in May and several weeks later received my GC... It was around this time that I had some doubts about my chances of passing the medicals both at home and in Dubai, as I had read conflicting posts on this board, some saying colour blindness is 100% unacceptable, others saying that they had passed the medicals with colour blindness.

What I decided to do was to tell my Recruitment Coordinator that I was aware of my colour blindness and ask if I should continue with my medicals with this in mind, considering the cost to me of the medicals etc. I was told that my colour blindness type would not be a problem and that I should continue with my medicals, which I passed without any problems.

Now I'm here in Dubai and just passed my medicals here yesterday, again no problems, in fact they didn't even test me for colour blindness. So it is only now that I truly believe that it is not a problem for EK CC to be colour blind.

I promised a while back to post the outcome of my personal experience on the board here to help any future candidates who may have similar doubts.

Best of luck to everyone reading xx
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