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-   -   DO NOT use Robert Weaver as a ferry pilot (https://www.pprune.org/biz-jets-ag-flying-ga-etc/533492-do-not-use-robert-weaver-ferry-pilot.html)

Jonzarno 22nd Jan 2015 15:47

I must say I find it a bit surprising that people are still reporting that they have been done over by this guy. There is a sticky thread on this very forum that has been read almost 55,000 times and simply Googling his name throws up enough negative comment to make anyone needing to ferry a plane to run a mile.

I would also suggest that part of the problem here is that most of the things that Mr Weaver is alleged to have done are not actually criminal unless the victim(s) can demonstrate / prove INTENT to defraud, something that by its very nature is hard to do.

Pretty much all of the cases I have read about here can be explained as contractual disputes or potential breach-of-contract claims. For example:

"You promised to ferry my aircraft from A to B via C, you dumped it at C and left me in the lurch".

“You tell me that you think my aircraft in not airworthy and you need $5000 to fix it, I don't agree so you refuse to fly it."

Neither of these is of itself a criminal offence, it is a contractual dispute between two parties and a dispute of that kind is a civil matter and not something in which the police would take any interest: caveat emptor! Of course, that's made even more difficult because of the diversity of locations and jurisdictions involved.

I guess it could become a criminal matter if someone could prove a systematic intent to do this repeatedly for fraudulent gain, but collecting the evidence to do that in a way that would be acceptable to the police is likely to be very difficult indeed. Of course an unscrupulous person could take advantage of this to exploit victims who do not do adequate due diligence before entering into a contract with them.

The one exception of which I am aware, where several potential offences against the law and aviation regulations were ALLEGED, is the Seneca crash which was the subject of another thread here.


Does anyone know if anything ever came of it?

Jetblu 22nd Jan 2015 19:18

I wasn't going to post this again but due to the 88 page "A Ferry Bad Experience" (Due Diligence) thread going off air for unknown reasons, here goes..

I would suggest that the modus operandi of Weaver with intent to defraud was relatively easy to prove with his case history. The only problem I foresee would be finding a competent rozzer to deal with it.

In my case in 2009 he collected my Saratoga from Illinois and left it in Ottawa claiming the weather was too bad. In fact, the other pilot with him said the weather was ok but he did not have the North Atlantic experience. Weaver later then said that he had to get back for a wedding.

Case 2. In 2010 Weaver was contracted to ferry a C206 from USA to Zambia.
I was told that Weaver had contacted the owner to tell him that his aircraft was in Coventry UK and needed a $5000 repair amongst other excuses.

Smelling a rat, I arrived at Coventry and found the aircraft serviceable.
With the owners permission I flew it out of Coventry and to another secure UK airport awaiting for the new contracted ferry pilot to arrive.

In both cases, despite numerous requests, no monies were refunded.

Jonzarno 22nd Jan 2015 20:11


I have every sympathy with these experiences but my point is that they demonstrate a breach of contract, perhaps also a high level of bad faith, but the remedy for them is through the civil courts.

Unfair though it might well seem to many of us, me included, I doubt the police would pursue either case as a criminal investigation.

Jetblu 22nd Jan 2015 20:45


The underlying factor was ascertaining a bona fide address for service,
with the other underlying feature being jurisdiction anomalies which
you rightly mention.

If Contrail 39 wants me to process his claim this through the High Court in London
and has all the relevant info, I will gladly assist FOC

No Fly Zone 24th Jan 2015 12:53

A Bad Joke?
Anyone with the moxy to build/operate/own/sell/fly an airplane should have the brains to thoroughly examine any contractor retained for any flying-related function. WTF happened here - or perhaps did not happen.
While the owner/operator got screwed, whose fault is that? If nothing else, they should have restricted payment or paid under 50/50 terms.
Weaver is truly a thug, but the victim, contrail 39, is also not the sharpest pencil in the box. When all else fails, apply a little common sense. :ugh::ugh:

No Fly Zone 24th Jan 2015 13:10

Why Does This Remain Open?
Why, oh WHY does this remain an open topic? Do aircraft owners/operators not check their hired ferry pilot's credentials? I check the reputation of the guy that paints my porch, let alone one that might ferry an expensive airplane between continents. Yes, Mr. Weaver is most likely a money-grabbing thug, but the Real Idiots are the people that continue to hire him. Even a simple Google search will turn up enough negative detail to tweak your nose a bit, but you still hire him. Why? Shame on Weaver, but double shame on you and the others that continue to hire this thug. :eek::ugh::sad:

noneya 27th Jan 2015 05:01

Could it be another Weaver ferry job?

VIDEO: Dramatic Pacific Ocean Crash

Jonzarno 27th Jan 2015 06:32

No, it wasn't.

It was being ferried by The Flight Academy who are also one of the leading training organisations in the US. Here is the text of a press release they have issued:

The safety of the Cirrus SR22 aircraft was demonstrated again yesterday when our pilot, Lue Morton, successfully deployed the Cirrus Airframe Parachute System over the Pacific Ocean. Mr. Morton was recovered from the ocean without injury.

Mr. Morton elected to deploy the parachute after several hours of unsuccessful troubleshooting of a fuel system malfunction. Although the aircraft had adequate reserves for the flight, and fuel remaining at the time of the parachute deployment, the remaining fuel was unable to reach the engine for unknown reasons.

The pilot was in communication with the Coast Guard, our office, and aircraft mechanics while attempting to resolve the issues.

The US Coast Guard monitored the aircraft as it flew and observed the parachute deployment, touchdown, and Mr. Morton's recovery by the Holland America cruise ship Veendam.

Our heartfelt gratitude goes to the US Coast Guard for their tireless efforts and to the crew of the Veendam for a speedy retrieval of Mr. Morton from the water.

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) will lead the investigation into the cause of the accident. Further questions should be directed to the NTSB.


noneya 27th Jan 2015 07:29

Meant as a joke!

Evanelpus 27th Jan 2015 12:34

Meant as a joke!
I saw it as that but hey ho:ugh:

Anyway, it couldn't have been Weaver, there's no way he would have had the foresight to equip a plane with a safety parachute.

This is also irony, by the way.

noneya 28th Jan 2015 01:56

Well done Sir!


Jonzarno 16th Jun 2015 17:28

I've sent him an email to pay up soon, or my son will leave the aircraft where it is and come back home.
Which won't cost Mr Weaver a bean.

The aircraft owner on the other hand.........:sad:

Sounds like a familiar tale in the making.

Evanelpus 17th Jun 2015 08:27

My son is a pilot indeed and he is a regular on PPRuNe ,
and he still took on a job involving Robert Weaver?

I'm sorry, but any sympathy I may have had for him when I read your first post has disappeared.

When will people learn!:rolleyes:

Thud105 17th Jun 2015 09:55

Perhaps learn not to have any dealings WHATSOEVER with RW?

5Z4 17th Jun 2015 10:04

removed because my son requested to

Keef 17th Jun 2015 13:31

Originally Posted by 5Z4 (Post 9014685)
I am to remove all my posts or else.....

Says who?
Extra line for the text counter.

Jonzarno 17th Jun 2015 14:50

The same person who wrote this, perhaps?


5Z4 17th Jun 2015 18:18

removed because my son requested to

wankers , goodnight :zzz:

Keef 17th Jun 2015 18:31

Domains registered in your name? Why on earth would anyone bother to do that? It would be clear to anyone who checked that the registration wasn't by you. Sounds like a waste of money to me.

Oh well.

Tinstaafl 18th Jun 2015 00:39

Flight simulator wankers, huh? Well, most of us who fly professionally do have to train in a sim yearly or twice yearly, or otherwise demonstrate competency, so I suppose one there's some truth in the flight sim bit. Mind you, we don't regards MS Flight Sim a suitable means to flight plan, unlike, it seems, RW. So perhaps the ****** bit was applied to the wrong person.

Meanwhile getting burnt by RW - in spite of all the unfortunate events revealed here about his practices - leads you to be upset with the professionals on PPRuNe who counsel against having anything to do with him? Curious way of thinking...

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