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flybypilot 30th May 2008 23:37

Heard there was a meeting today for all the pilots, what was the final outcome?

hawker750 31st May 2008 12:38

Club 328
It will be a case of scarpering before too much s...t descends from above. Yet another company will leave millions of unpaid bills that make it all the more difficult for the rest of us as we will get tarred with the same brush.
Old saying at Biggin Hill: many people/companies arrive in their 421 or 550 with the definitive plan to be the best, make a huge profit etc etc yawn yawn, but only end up leaving on the 401.
For 421 read Golden Eagle
For 550 read Citation
For 401 read the local bus to Bromley

TP102 31st May 2008 20:20

As for the very short term I'm down route in EGJB at the mo so we'll see what next week brings but we ARE still flying for now!
Lets hope what those who need to be told have been told is true and we can all sleep easier by the end of next week eh.

Phil Brockwell 31st May 2008 20:21

Wasn't there a huge pot of money raised for a pre-float plan?

I know it is only rumours at this stage, but are we saying that they are out of money, or that the AOC is not sustainable due personnel / compliance issues?


DC10 Heavy 1st Jun 2008 17:59

Cross Pollination
It's easy really, collect payments in another company name, then claim there are no funds to pay bills. Mitre Aviation, Maritime Atlantic = Club 328/Plane Chartering.

Mitre/Maritime collect, Club 328/Planechartering pay nothing! Easy with a good accountant.

Apparently Mitre has been wound up anyway, so what does that leave?

x933 1st Jun 2008 21:40

Two Citation II's according to G-INFO...SOVA and LUXY both registered to Mitre Aviation. Surely on that logic if they'd been wound up then the assets would have been transferred to Club 328/Planechartering?

Jetscream 32 1st Jun 2008 21:57

oh for goodness sake you lot....... PC through nievity and crap advice bought 328 which had already amassed massive debt - he foolishly took on the liability but not many of you seem to remember the previous incumbent and management team that allowed the debt to run up.... this is not all PC's problem and debt - most of it is legacy stufff...... im not wanting to stick up for him in any way...... but your all talking like he has come on the scene from nowhere - started an AOC himself then run up hundreds of thousands in debt....... its just not like that...... he is constantly borrowing from peter to pay paul..... and all, that is happening on here is that you are making the 30 odd people employed by him very nervous.... even more nervous than they are already at having salary payments in stages and late etc...

He is trying and he is trying hard to juggle balls and run a business he can sell - your making him out to be a rip off merchant.... he's not... he has massive cash flow problems and cant keep up..... think of the poor employees for just 2 seconds before you carry on making out the business has gone when it is not it is still flying..... for now...! :mad:

littco 2nd Jun 2008 17:41

We weren't paid today as promised and as a result wont be flying any of the flights this week..

cldrvr 2nd Jun 2008 17:46

So now the second failure first our good friend PM in SEN kicked of an AOC and out of business and now this one. Heard that 247 did not pay any of their crew either. Pretty disgusting when owners refuse to pay their crew.

Room opening up at the bottom end of the market

DC10 Heavy 2nd Jun 2008 18:04

First rule in business - pay your staff!
Knew it, perhaps you can ask Jetscream for a sub seeing he is defending the business acumen of PC.

Littco - send me your details we are recruiting.

Flintstone 2nd Jun 2008 18:08

Originally Posted by DC10 Heavy
We are owed a ten figure sum by PC

You sure? Even including the pence (after the decimal point) that would be a minimum of £10,000,000:00. You're owed a minimum of ten million (assumed) pounds and you'd write the debt off and open a bottle? You must be loaded.

Couldn't lend us a few quid could you? :E

Jetscream 32 2nd Jun 2008 18:10

whatever.......! have far more important things to do rather than play childish games with you DC10...... quite sad that you cant read tho..... :mad::mad::ugh:

cldrvr 2nd Jun 2008 18:18

Flinty, gues the 10 guy changed his post, only had to count on one hand! He still can't spell though.

DC10 Heavy 2nd Jun 2008 18:20

Childish games!
If you think shafting your staff is childish then you are sad!

We want honest, open debate and the truth.

This industry needs transparency through reputation and integrety, the sooner the charlatans leave the better.

Jetscream I value your input so don't put other people down when you are beaten!

Jetscream 32 2nd Jun 2008 18:23

:}:}:} DC 10 so your now only owed a 5 figure sum???..... you should of written that off months ago......... i know of people that are owed 6 figures..... and it seems that...... hot of the press that friday's deal may have fallen thro and that computers are dissapearing at a rate of knots.....!:uhoh:

Flintstone 2nd Jun 2008 19:08

Calm down DC10.

All I did was comment on your misuse of the phrase "ten figure sum" in a witty, amusing and stunningly comedic fashion (though I say so myself) and you overreacted. For what it's worth I fully agree with your sentiments as far as the payment of employees but really, you need to ease off a bit.

Now, about that loan.............:E

DC10 Heavy 2nd Jun 2008 19:11

I love your wit
No offence taken, can't offer a loan but can offer a job. Will that suffice?

hawker750 2nd Jun 2008 19:12

Look all you guys, how come you were so gullable as to give him credit? We did a few trips for him but only cash upfront. Anyone could see that it was a no hoper from day one so why did you all help him???

hawker750 2nd Jun 2008 19:14

I think a 125 operator at EGKB is looking for 125 drivers right now

dangerous Good 2nd Jun 2008 19:55

Not quite sure whats happening at the moment but can confirm that no money has exchanged hands. Looks like there's going to be 14 or so pilots back on the hunt for jobs soon! I may be wrong and the new owners may come in and save the day but we wont know until the end of this week or early next!

Word is things are a little fragile between the current owners and the perspective new ones, so there may not even be a buy out. Worrying times for us guys with mortgages/rent, bills and young families!:bored: Any jobs out there!!??

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