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-   -   Club 328 in trouble???? (https://www.pprune.org/biz-jets-ag-flying-ga-etc/312543-club-328-trouble.html)

Tequilaboy 15th Feb 2008 19:19


If rumours are incorrect, i put aside any crew redundancy rumours as have no steer on that one, how come very very large invoices for suppliers under 328 have not been paid nor will now be paid due to the situation with the company. No need for a rumour mill there! Speaks for itself.

TSandPSintheGREEN 15th Feb 2008 19:35

Pardon the ignorance but if Bookajet became Club328, how come Bookajet are still operating at EGLF ? Is this an unrelated company now?

San Expiry 15th Feb 2008 20:31

I apologise for going slightly off-topic but there is a vague connection in the form of the mysterious Quest Aviation that arose from the MBO of Club 328, JETS, Euromanx and 328SSG. Mr Seymour's legacy doesn't seem to be doing too well; Club 328 'restructuring' (that well-worn management-speak euphamism) and it would appear Euromanx is stagnating quietly on the Isle of Man with many of the local pundits writing it off altogether, so just who is Quest Aviation. The Club 328 Dornier Jet and Euromanx's Dashes all appeared on the same 'for sale' fax that was flashed around the world a few months ago.:confused:

Tequilaboy 15th Feb 2008 20:47

Quest Aviation
Believe me Quest is nothing to do with WVS.

2604 2nd May 2008 16:40

Plane Chartering
At least one pilot didn't get paid on time. And guess what?

He left...:D

DC10 Heavy 10th May 2008 16:59

What is the lastest on Club 328/Plane Chartering
Has PC acquired AVTEC @ Biggin? Is the Club 328 AOC still on notice and is the intention to transfer it to Plane Chartering thereby removing Club 328 from the scene? Does anyone really know what is going on with this company?

TSandPSintheGREEN 22nd May 2008 21:06

Nope, Avtec deal didn't happen, and PP pocketed a nice fat deposit apparently. Presumably PC will try and complete the purchase at a later date - If there's any money left. Meanwhile, One C550 with neither engine present apparently!!

Jetscream 32 23rd May 2008 07:57

that's because one was a loaner and the other one has just been overhauled and about to be hanged in situ of the time ex one and change for another loaner - if that makes any sense.... either way it wont be out for ages....... has been in CAM forecast for months - thats why DW pitched up......!!

TSandPSintheGREEN 24th May 2008 09:45

Um, so is he hoping to run with THREE citations? Or just the two? Apparently certain key post-holders have let go of their posts... CAA still supportive though?

Jetscream 32 24th May 2008 19:53

Couple of post holders have given notice but are still committed to helping the company as i understand by working their full notice period - and not just walking...!! either way the next 30 days will be critical for them, in terms of postholders, investors, and aircraft servicability / availability.... but then again it the problems dog new companies and new aircraft...... as anyone with a Premier will tell you....lol :hmm:

OOOHAAAH 26th May 2008 19:57

transfer of AOC
Can one transfer the assets of an AOC holder into the clutches of another company, howsover close, leaving debts around the industry and I guess starting the following day with a clean slate ?
does the CAA support this type of action ?
does our industry assume PC is credible if this action takes place and will it support him when he bowls up at a.n.other airport, or fuel provider etc and asks for credit under Plancechartering.......here we go again, the frequent industry entrant thinking he can take us all for a ride.
Are bills being paid ?
does Club 328 still hold an AOC ?
Is Planechartering the AOC holder ?
Illegal charters....whats the chances....I hope the pilots are aware of their invlovement if anything fishy is going on.

Jetscream 32 27th May 2008 01:02

oooerrr or whoever you really are - being as every part of your post is utter crap - why dont you delete it - toddle off to the library, do some homework on the subject then come back for another try....... if you knew anything about PC you would not have written such utter drivel..... and read the ano whilst your there oh and the little bit of paper called JAR-OPS 1... :mad:

OOOHAAAH 29th May 2008 20:05

thanks Jetscream32, as you are clearly in the know and on the inside, simple guidance and answers would help to this genuine question on legislation, not the kind of reply you posted, then we can all learn from your obvious vast experience.

Jetscream 32 29th May 2008 20:54

mmmmm genuine........! me thinks leading and very assuming? - well i can tell you tomorrow will be a fairly decisive day......


Phil Brockwell 30th May 2008 13:55

And? Was it decisive?

Jetscream 32 30th May 2008 17:07

put it this way phil....... over water - astro compass only thing working - and bingo light just came on....... but there is land around here somewhere......!! -oh and it's OVC at 500ft to make things better.......

this is really how tight it is.........


DC10 Heavy 30th May 2008 19:36

The End of a Dream
Looks like the landing lights have been switched off at CLUB 328/PC...........assets transferred......aircraft grounded............bills unpaid???

Jetscream 32 30th May 2008 19:44

that's funny that must of all happened after 5pm then..........

FYI - there are no assets in the 328 name other than the AOC which is not transferrable.... SOVA is in mx - LUXY on pan both owned by mitre which again is PC but you cant really touch it other than for eurocharges....and DW NE & HM are all privately owned..... yes there are hundreds of creditors.... but the AOC was not suspended tonight.... :mad:

DC10 Heavy 30th May 2008 19:51

Thanks Jetscream....very informative.

So what is the outcome of todays high level meeting?

The industry needs confidence again, all this is not helpful and very damaging.

Is the owner of DW being paid? Apparently not!

Who has stepped in with finance, PP @ AVTEC must be rubbing his hands in glee after being relieved of the burdon!

Staff been paid?

It is all interesting reading, that is if we could believe any of it.

Jetscream 32 30th May 2008 19:58

thats funny - not 2 posts ago you said it was all over now your expecting me to fill you in on all the details..... and also making out that im lying???

sorry - off to the pub..... im sure if your interested you wil find out... being as you seem to know anyway..... :ugh:

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