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trucky04 29th Feb 2012 13:34

could it be the subsonex?

Lightning Mate 29th Feb 2012 13:42

No Trucky - I'm afraid it's not.

Harley Quinn 29th Feb 2012 20:53

This looks more turbofan than turbojet, perhaps one of the small Williams units, no idea what the airframe is though (yet) :confused:

Lightning Mate 1st Mar 2012 07:31

Time to help this one along.

Try UAV.

SincoTC 1st Mar 2012 17:48

Evening LM :),

Is it the Meggitt Jet Banshee Target Drone ??

Off home now, will check back later.

Lightning Mate 2nd Mar 2012 07:16

Apologies for my absence.

Is it the Meggitt Jet Banshee Target Drone ??

It sure is. :ok:

You have control.

SincoTC 2nd Mar 2012 08:30

Thanks David,

Here's the next little sucker!


trucky04 2nd Mar 2012 12:19

Am I looking at an under belly slung turbojet and from the rear? Cant make out the second orifice above the main.

SincoTC 2nd Mar 2012 12:35

Hi Trucky,

It is a turbojet, but that's the wing it's under, not the belly!

The second orifice, is in fact the glossy yellow paint-job acting as a mirror, but this is also a bit of a clue to the reality :)

Lightning Mate 2nd Mar 2012 14:15

I wonder where you've been lately TC....

Is this thing manned?

SincoTC 2nd Mar 2012 14:31

A'rtnoon David,

Just been very busy here with the final stages of occupying the new building and reworking the old, plus more new employees to bring up to speed and moving an important project from prototype to production along with its documentation and advertising campaign :ooh::)

My challenge was manned.

Edit: Sorry Trucky, I missed a point in your last post, it's viewed from the front (in my defence, I did say when I posted it that it was a little sucker :))

Lightning Mate 2nd Mar 2012 14:36

A trainer then?

trucky04 2nd Mar 2012 14:41

Yeah, yellow, sucking?? I need a drink of water???

SincoTC 2nd Mar 2012 14:41

Not a trainer, a single seater!

Lightning Mate 2nd Mar 2012 14:42

but that's the wing it's under, not the belly!

Must be a twin then.

SincoTC 2nd Mar 2012 14:44

Yeah, yellow, sucking?? I need a drink of water???
I'm having a coffee right now :)

Must be a twin then
Nope, more than that!

Lightning Mate 2nd Mar 2012 14:49

Then maybe an American experimental job.....

trucky04 2nd Mar 2012 14:57

I heard alarm bells going when I read 'yellow paint work', just like the alarm bells of a fire??

SincoTC 2nd Mar 2012 14:59

Then maybe an American experimental job.....
Experimental, well sort of, it was an aerodynamic proof of concept prototype, but not American.

Edit: No fire involved Trucky, but alarm bells would be appropriate in an inverted sort of way ;)

Lightning Mate 2nd Mar 2012 15:13

Going home now mate, so a final shot.

Yellow = British ?

SincoTC 2nd Mar 2012 15:33

Yellow = British ?
I though that might confuse :E, but it's not British

skytrain10 2nd Mar 2012 17:33

Trevor, is it the F+W N.20.2 Arbalete? Seems to fit the clues nicely.

If so will have to be Open House.

SincoTC 2nd Mar 2012 17:46

Evening Ken,

You're correct (as usual :)); it is the F+W N.20.2 Arbalete :D A partial scale test vehicle for the Aiguillon jet fighter (which has appeared on SC a while ago, but quite different in many aspects)


Seems to fit the clues nicely
The one engine shown (with ghost intake) under the wing, was in reality mirrored onto the top of the wing too. The Alarm bells from an ambulance with a Red Cross, with colours inverted to form the Swiss Roundel on the tail :)

skytrain10 has requested an Open House :ok:

Lightning Mate 3rd Mar 2012 15:57

Almost twenty four hours with nothing!


Harley Quinn 3rd Mar 2012 18:02

Rotary or fixed wing?

Lightning Mate 3rd Mar 2012 21:27

Fixed wing.

Harley Quinn 3rd Mar 2012 21:38

So not a propulsion engine exhaust, some kind of APU?

Lightning Mate 4th Mar 2012 15:58

An APU 'tis.:)

evansb 4th Mar 2012 17:24

Boeing 727 ?

Lightning Mate 4th Mar 2012 20:41

That's a deal.

Please take the thread. :D

evansb 4th Mar 2012 22:40

Thank you. Here is the next challenge:


Here is a better photo:


Harley Quinn 5th Mar 2012 05:38

First thought was something like the Northrop YA-9, but then realised that those boundary bleed holes in the lower pic were characteristic of fast pointy things designed in the fifties. Guessing Western Hemisphere; did it enter squadron service?

Lightning Mate 5th Mar 2012 07:23

Century series era?

Noyade 5th Mar 2012 09:08

Avro Arrow?


Open House if it is.

evansb 5th Mar 2012 12:12

Noyade is correct. :ok: The AVRO Canada CF-105 Arrow.

As requested, it is OPEN HOUSE.

Lightning Mate 5th Mar 2012 12:44

Good morning Bri.


safetypee 5th Mar 2012 13:18

Could this one float; and not 'fly' very high?

Lightning Mate 5th Mar 2012 13:21


safetypee 5th Mar 2012 13:30

Its an SRN ... something, or the USN big one.

OH as required.

I built a small one of these to ride on across the airfield; it went very well except when crossing a grilled storm drain - it lost all lift!

Lightning Mate 5th Mar 2012 13:34

A deal - it's the SRN4.

Open House has been requested.

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