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snoop doggy dog 27th Feb 2014 02:55

Pay Freeze!
CEO earnings last 5 years $3.66M, $2.9M, $5.0M, $2.28M, 3.3 M!!!

Must be tough to survive in Sydney on $3.3M AUD or just under $63,500 per farkin week!!! :mad: This is totally disgraceful!

We've all heard the rubbish over the past few years, Qantas workers are overpaid compared to 3rd world countries and how little the CEO is paid in comparison to the wealthiest countries!

Workers don't need the over management that airlines instill on their workforces. Engage the staff and get them on side. Look what Fife done with Air New Zealand.

All the best the Qantas staff. :ok:

XPT 27th Feb 2014 03:03


corrections to your comments below.

Maybe I am eating confused but to me direct is Mel to LAX and Non stop is Melb to LAX. Mel - Syd - LAX is one stop and a PITA one at that. I'd fly via Aukland before Sydney and Have done so.

Not sure where you get $4k from apart from the most expensive fares.

Mel - LAX return, QF93 and QF94 is sub $2000 if you book right, A380 aircraft. A bit more if you go up a level. Unless you tell me otherwise, that is Qantas. Those figures are for April / May this year, 2 months out.

QF used to fly BNE/AKL/LAX which was direct BNE/LAX.

FJ fly SYD/NAN/LAX which is direct SYD/LAX.

$4K OR LESS SYD/LAX/SYD business class not economy.

Pinky the pilot 27th Feb 2014 03:08

CEO earnings
I know that is the phrase used when describing such things but I prefer the word pay instead of 'earnings.'

They might be paid several million per year, but they don't earn it!:ugh:

XPT 27th Feb 2014 03:11

Joyce is paid too much, but paying him nothing does not solve things.

Everyone at QF is paid far too much + job demarkation.

Seriously, QF flight attendants won't even clean up cabin or toilets.

"No that's cleaners job."

booglaboy 27th Feb 2014 03:40

Go back to your train set xpt. You know not what you talk.
Wages are not the issue at qantas. Nor unions or out-dated work practices or global conditions, geographic location, Aussie dollar or fuel costs etc etc.
Ask a current staff member what the truth is and you will discover the agenda from the top is wrong and has been for over 5 years. Joyce, Clifford and board must go. They are complete failures with no vision, intelligence or or any coherent plan

XPT 27th Feb 2014 04:04

boy oh boy r u in denial or what ?

Aisle Dweller 27th Feb 2014 04:07

QF has to re-introduce flights to mainland Europe, especially the QF 5 service to Frankfurt via Singapore or Bangkok but not on EK planes! , start up services to KL and HCMC.

XPT 27th Feb 2014 04:10

FRA was a financial disaster wasn't it ?

+ EK has most ports covered in Europe.

King William III 27th Feb 2014 04:13

Hi XPT....is that you Olivia??

Say hi to your Uncle Greg, haven's seen him since you helped manage him out of the business two redundancies ago.....


canonball1 27th Feb 2014 04:16

Joyce needs to push much harder. The sad thing is workers feel they should have a say over the capital. QF and all businesses should be able to pay as low as the market dictates and get rid of workers at any moment to maximize the efficiency of capital. Workers will never understand risk if they are not forced to face it like the holders of capital. A sleek and powering airline offers those that survive any cull a better life going forward. There is no security in failure.

LeadSled 27th Feb 2014 04:23

I watched the whole Joyce performance, and what surprised me was the almost total lack of real detail. A good proportion of what Joyce had to say was little more than generalities, already flagged.

Other than shrink, there was no credible plan to really address the problem Qantas has in the market, or address the issue of having the wrong aircraft, versus the growing fleets of B777/787.

The fuel efficiencies of modern aircraft cannot be ignored --- except by Qantas.

The availability of a few hundred pilots will be a bonanza for the Gulf carriers, and rapidly expanding Chinese airlines.

Tootle pip!!

dragon man 27th Feb 2014 06:03

Well said. Joyce is like a rabbit in the headlights. Stunned. He's on a bike pedalling and knows that if he stops he will fall off. He has to be seen to doing something in the future. The trouble is this is not a creditable plan. The fact is he has no idea what to do. Where is Clifford? Doesn't want the **** to rub off I guess. When will the major shareholders wake up to the fact this bloke is a prize goose.

Capetonian 27th Feb 2014 06:21

I spent a few months in Sydney about 12 years ago doing some contract work for Qantas. Happy times, although it took me a little while to get used to the Aussie way of doing things, very direct and to the point. I also found that if you made even a small effort to be sociable, it was more than repaid, but if you did nothing, you got nothing. I met a few new immigrants from ZA who said the Aussies are unfriendly. I found nothing could be further from the truth.

Sad times now for Qantas and I hope you all have better times ahead, and to those of you with whom I'm still in touch, you'll get an email from me.

Can AJ really be as much of a moron as he appears whenever he opens his mouth? Maybe they should replace him with MoL to turn the airline around.

pull-up-terrain 27th Feb 2014 06:58

.Everyone at QF is paid far too much + job demarkation.
Well, for a start, I know i can earn more working overseas as a LAME especially in the Middle East and Asia, I know that's the same case for pilots as well. Especially with the Australian dollar at its current price, there are quite a lot of gigs paying the equivalent of $30k to $40k AUD more than what I earn at Qantas and in some cases it's without doing 12 hour night shifts! I should add that is factoring in housing and medical allowances.

If you compare apples with apples, in some cases virgin and jetstar staff are paid more than Qantas staff in some positions, and in other cases virgin and jetstar are within 5% of Qantas staff (which is barely anything).

Unfortunately when the media publish these "supposed" $500k pilot incomes and $200k LAME incomes, they forget to mention that 99% of pilots and LAME's would be earning a **** load less than that.

SPEEDI 27th Feb 2014 07:00

Dont mean to start a massive pay dispute but are second officers on close to $200k at QF? Where in airlines like ANZ they start on a respectable $90k?

Oakape 27th Feb 2014 07:10

Dont mean to start a massive pay dispute but are second officers on close to $200k at QF? Where in airlines like ANZ they start on a respectable $90k?
Maybe, but what did the QF S/O's start on? Apples with apples please.

noip 27th Feb 2014 07:19

This is not a good time to start picking at people working at QF.

CB ... troll or moron .. pick one. You have NFI what you are talking about. If you want to follow a religion, I suggest you go to church ... from the sound of your rant, Westbo Baptist would be a good choice.

Speedi ... once again .. you have NFI what you are talking about. (yes it was only a question, but not a good time to ask it). I am sick of people picking on S/Os ... NO S/O earns a higher rate than ANY F/O at QF. All the vindictive attacks on S/Os simply do not reflect what they do. In any other airline they would be F/Os ... (and QF F/Os would in many cases be Captains).

And no, I do not choose to justify what I or any other QF Pilot earns. If anyone wishes to fall into an alternate reality ... GT offers all you are after.

HOWEVER ... no matter what your slant. The truth is the truth and unless we all recognise what IS the truth ... it will be even worse for all.

Pity a few people (including politicians) don't recognise that.


SPEEDI 27th Feb 2014 07:33

noip... Time to get back on the meds mate I havent made a post in 3 years so your "once again" comment made little to no sense and of course I have NFI that's why I ASKED a question, Genius!

Oakape answered my simple question with a head on his/her shoulders, I was under the impression they were starting on such a high salary. So Oakape thanks for answering it like a respectable individual.

On a different note to all those that will be affected by this my thoughts go out to you.

noip 27th Feb 2014 08:17


Nothing against you but the "once again" was the reference to the second part of my reply .. and as I qualified later I recognised your question. The S/O thing has come up time and time again and it gets REALLY tiresome.

As I also said .. this is not a good time for people to crap on about Mythical rivers of gold that QF people supposedly have the secret key to ....


ditzyboy 27th Feb 2014 08:55


I am a Qantas flight attendant and can think of at least two occasions where I have tidied the cabin in Darwin due to cleaners being busy due to multiple arrivals at the same time, thus minimising costs to the company and delays to customers. I have also done it once on a morning flight out of Sydney where the overnight clean was overlooked and fleet presentation sent ONE cleaner to do it.

We are also responsible for the cleanliness and presentation of the toilets in flight.

I think you will find that we generally don't clean cabins on the ground as a team of cleaners is on hand and paid to do it!!

Your comments are ill founded and offensive.

Ertimus 27th Feb 2014 09:04

Qantas has never recovered since Geoff Dixon left.

Valdiviano 27th Feb 2014 09:25

Qantas IS a listed company, EVOLVE with the times or DISSOLVE.

noip 27th Feb 2014 09:31


Fwiw ... I know how hard you guys work.

+1 from a guy up the front.


ps ... Valdwhatever ... wrong forumn .. you are after the amateur CEO's forumn ....

emal140 27th Feb 2014 09:36

Wasn't it Dixon who put Joyce there....?

Valdiviano 27th Feb 2014 09:40


You are wrong, Qantas is not a toy for pilots, flight attendants, ground staff or engineers.
Good night, DREAMERS :ugh:

noip 27th Feb 2014 09:45


And that is where YOU don't get it. The STAFF at QF WANT it to be successful. They KNOW that it is not easy. This has nothing to do with a plaything. They WANT to finish their careers knowing that they contributed to something that was remarkable and successful.

As I said before ... you are after the Amateur CEO's forumn....


bodybag 27th Feb 2014 09:46

Offensive to you ditzyboy..
unfortunately not to the majority of your co-workers.
Qantas has a very real problem with its workforce.. A whole lot of rott and they feed off each other!
I'm sick of hearing Qantas staff at large blaming it on management for not engaging them properly.. seriously??
A lot of egotistical, lazy and greedy people.
Unless they lose some of their trouble makers and make the remainders realise that they DON'T have a job for life they are on borrowed time.
I'm so sick of hearing excuses.. They start with AJ and they continue through the entire workforce.

noip 27th Feb 2014 10:00

Amazing ... a thread that started out to support QF staff and the trolls are out in force.

Bodybag .. what an appropriate name ...


TIMA9X 27th Feb 2014 10:25

Fwiw ... I know how hard you guys work.

+1 from a guy up the front.


ps ... Valdwhatever ... wrong forumn .. you are after the amateur CEO's forumn ...
Spot on Noip, sad that some people want to make comments like above, particularly on a day like today and it's a pilots forum...

I wonder how some posters on here would have handled this car sized situation..?

The pilots & cabin crew did a wonderful job that day, in the true spirit of Qantas, just ask anyone who was on that flight! :ok:

A bit of respect please....

Square Bear 27th Feb 2014 11:00

I wonder how some posters on here would have handled this car sized situation..?
Probably like an overseas Airline Pilot handled US Airways Flight 1549.

Whilst I understand the emotion and note that you politely ask for a "bit of respect", but please realise that respect is a two way street.

"Best Practice" is not the sole domain of your airline.

However, all the best...

AEROMEDIC 27th Feb 2014 11:38

"Best Practice" is not the sole domain of your airline.
Au Contraire,

Best practice should be the sole domain of EVERY airline.

bodybag 27th Feb 2014 11:55

You are genuinely delusional..
Assuming you work for Qantas.. I can tell you now, you are not special.. You were led to believe that sometime ago but you weren't then and you definitely aren't now.
You are an over-paid, under-worked burden on a publicly listed company.. (Generally speaking)
What you have had (collectively) in the past is not sustainable in this environment.
Don't get me wrong.. I think that AJ should go.. He has failed in his job.
However.. Anyone that tries to manage Qantas with its current inflexible, over entitled and egotistical workforce (backed by unrealistic, greedy unions) is going to struggle before they've even stepped up to the plate.
The workers at Qantas have the ability to turn this around.. but I guarantee they won't. They are too greedy, too selfish. It's easier to blame everyone else..
WAKE UP! It's not the 1980's / 90's anymore..

Wally Mk2 27th Feb 2014 12:15

'baggy' yr in the minority here thank God but having said that there is some realization to be had here to.
The stable working world as we once knew it is fast finishing, the good 'ole days as they say are coming to an end in all industries BUT & here's the catch 22 situation. The QF workers 'might' be able to turn the Co around by way of working more, getting less $$ basically being more productive with the product they have but those same workers still live in an ever increasing cost base world outside of their own working world, there in lies the problem for any worker, their world continues to cost more so you can't expect anyone to on one hand take a pay cut & with all that it entails yet on the other hand expect to put bread on their families table with less.

Nobody wins here other than the fat-cats at the top, the rich get richer & the poor get poorer, always been that way always will.
It's the law of the jungle, survival of the fittest.


noip 27th Feb 2014 12:26


So full of hate, with no credibility. Sad.

I did you the courtesy of checking your profile .. nothing .. at least I have put the essentials of my credentials on my profile.

Like I have said on other threads .. don't let hate and ideology blind you to the truth. Sadly I think that may be in your case.


PS .. whilst I'm sure my message will fall on deaf ears ... that is the truth .. people just don't want to believe that the QF workforce really want to make this whole thing a success. And yet they have to be subjected to the abuse that Bodybag has let forth on me a couple of messages ago.

Why, as I get older I am less tolerant of people ....


ditzyboy 27th Feb 2014 12:57

I do love it how observers are so quick indicate that the "majority of my coworkers" don't share my vested interest in the long term success of the company.

I think you will find that we try damn hard to keep our workplace sustainable and the customers coming back.

Thanks for the support.

Capt Quentin McHale 27th Feb 2014 13:20


Your 1st 5 words say it all...."YOU... ARE GENUINELY DELUSIONAL ASSUMING"... QF staff are a bit cranky at the moment, and there's good reason to be that way.

A few tit bits for you to try and consume...

1..At last years AGM AJ announces a meagre profit, yet the very next day pours $60M plus into JETCANCER JAPAN. Where did the $$$ come from???

2..JETCANCER ASIA,JAPAN,HONG KONG,(RED Q) aircraft sitting idle on the ground all over the world(out of pollies eyes) earning zip but accruing enormous parking fees. Where is the $$$ coming from???

3..Massive cargo cartel fines. Where did the $$$ come from for the payment of fines???

4..I won't bore you with the fuel efficient qualities of the B777 because according to my Batchelor of Arts degree holding manager, the Trippler is "old technology". What the :mad: would humble I and the rest of the worlds B777 operating airlines know??? We got it wrong and my "manager" is right!!!

5..So in a nutshell bodybag, that is just a small bit of the $$$ wasteage and why we workers at the coalface are to blame for all of this mismanagement and $$$ wasteage. Because obviously we make all the decisions around here and the board just carry out our orders.

6..So, bodybag, could you please back up your assumptions with some COLD HARD SET IN CONCRETE FACTS!!!


The The 27th Feb 2014 13:39

Where is Leigh Clifford?
The day the Qantas credit rating was reduced to junk status in Dec, the AFR reported that Chairman Leigh was out enjoying a few rounds at Royal Melbourne.

Qantas today announced the biggest financial loss and restructure in its' history with massive politically sensitive staff cuts. Where is Chairman Leigh today?

Chairman Leigh earned about $700k in fees and benefits in FY13. What exactly has he been doing for this remuneration? Why has he not sacked Alan Joyce, based on Joyce's failed performance? Why has Chairman Leigh not stood down?

In December QBE Chair Belinda Hutchinson, fell on her sword ahead of a big profit downgrade and potential shareholder backlash. Why is Qantas so different? Why is the board not accountable?

Clearly Alan Joyce does not have the intestinal fortitude to admit his errors and resign. The focus of this train wreck should therefore be squarely placed on one Leigh Clifford and it should be shouted from the rooftops!

cattletruck 27th Feb 2014 14:24

There is always hope that AJ's name will also make it on the list of workers to be sacked.

Working for another company I used to support two of Qantas' websites which serviced about 13,000 Qantas staff. It provided me with a glimpse of life inside Qantas from the outside. Dedication was a trait that I regularly came across when I worked with Qantas staff on issues that needed resolution.

It saddens me to know that many of these 13,000 staff will have to deal with a very unsavoury future situation. Some of them are people I knew before I landed the gig.

Chin up and keep a positive mindset in the face of all this soul destroying corporate vandalism that is not of your making.

Jack Ranga 27th Feb 2014 20:06

I have more confidence that Joyce will be gone sooner rather than later.

Neil Mitchell is now calling for his resignation, powerful friend there :ok:

And Nathan Safe (sorry, is that his name?) Did a sterling job this morning on today :ok: Keep it up boys and girls. Get rid of this dark stain on Australian aviation.

EchoNovemberTango 27th Feb 2014 20:46

Anyone catch Joyce's interview on Sunrise? :yuk:

Well done to either Andrew/Samantha for asking the question, 'should you be sacked' directly to Joyce :ok:

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