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Kharon 5th Sep 2013 21:38

Honour amongst thieves ?
I can't imagine why Monsieur Collins is not often invited to high tea; perhaps it's muddy boots, or bad table manners; or, maybe it's prior knowledge of where lots of skeletons are buried. There are old fables about honour among thieves – then of course, conversely

A plague upon it when thieves cannot be true to one another ~ Shakespeare, Henry IV

We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office. Aesop.

004wercras 5th Sep 2013 23:12

High tea indeed!
Considering Herr Collins, FF and Lockhart have popped up again, for those who may have short memories I thought the following might be worth pondering over a cup of high tea;

2005 ? Lockhart River [LHR] Metro | Assistance to the Aviation Industry

From Phelans article linked above;

Numerous submissions on the company’s behalf challenged the decision, in particular information put forward by aviation consultant Robert Collins. Mr Collins was formerly a pilot with Transair’s parent company Lessbrook, who joined CASA’s predecessor in 1990 and was its Group General Manager, General Aviation Operations at the time of the Lockhart River accident. However Mr Collins asserts that: “Transair was solely the responsibility of the Brisbane Airline Office and not the National or any local GA Office.” He retired on 29 September 2006, but later appeared as an advisor to CASA during the subsequent Coroner’s inquest.
In his consultancy role Mr Collins had since conducted various audits of Trans Air’s operations including a “review of safety and management systems” in March 2009, and his favourable reports, offered in support of Trans Air’s application, were accepted with voluble praise by the Tribunal, who concluded:
“The Tribunal sets aside the decision under review and remits the matter to the respondent for reconsideration in accordance with a direction that a Foreign Aircraft Air Operator’s Certificate be issued to the applicant subject to the conditions ordinarily imposed by the respondent upon certificates of that type."
Hmmmm. I can still smell something in the air that smells like sh#t........
I find it intriguing that Transair came under Brisbane's oversight, that may be true, but Cairns inspectors had carried out surveillance on Transair, strange thing to do if Brisbane is the primary oversight office?
Kharon, I can only assume that any media story will be released. A given Friday at 1659 PM? One can only hope it is CH 7, those ills of media society who have been chipping away at Fort Fumble through the FOI process for several years now :ok:

LeadSled 6th Sep 2013 00:48

Maybe we new a new peak body for Australian aviation, the;

Ills of Society Society.
IOSS has a nice ring to it, maybe Mr. McCormick could be the inaugural patron??

Tootle pip!!

Kharon 6th Sep 2013 01:03

Press On -
While I'm not privy to the future plans of interesting, but scary people; there is a buzz in the air, akin to the sharpening of knives. The BRB have been given a file to peruse and make comment on, currently ploughing my way through it (not a preferred option for RDO - Thanks P7) in preparation for tonight's BRB pre election ho down. Obviously, can't offer a comment here but I reckon the market in tin hats and napalm proof legal advice is going to have a run on. When you drill down into the 'evidence' and work through the 'confrontational' issues, the picture becomes - very clear and it is ugly. I find it hard to believe that supposedly sane people, in charge of aviation safety oversight can believe they could get away with it forever; no one is that protected.

The 'honourable' way to play the hand is to wait (but not too long) for the official inquest sparing the new Gummint and the department from public humiliation. If that does not happen, then perhaps the alternate solution should be employed.

On the plus side, the Bankstown Chronicles have had some holes filled in, where hearsay and supposition has been confirmed with solid data.

Patience grasshopper, patience - Selah.

Sponsored by the anti Witless Overweening Doyens of Grievously Engineered Report writing, on behalf of the Ills of Society.

Frank Arouet 6th Sep 2013 03:27

the Bankstown Chronicles have had some holes filled in
Probably with a suppository. (which the Italian's call an Innuendo)

Bad Frank, bad.:ugh:

halfmanhalfbiscuit 6th Sep 2013 07:21

Well 16.59 on the last Friday of the present government has past. Lets see what Monday brings. Could be very interesting next few months.

Casaweary, Melbourne job re advertised?

Kharon 6th Sep 2013 19:05

The irrespirable Gobbledock smuggled the latest 'vision' in with his postal vote. Now, for a choccy frog - name the protagonists.

Yep, I know blame Frank – bad Voltaire.....:D

Sarcs 6th Sep 2013 22:43

Where's Albo's policy??
Not sure if I'll go there "K"..I'll leave that to wiser members of the IOS(S)!!:E

So just wondering where Albo's policy is, or is he continuing with his.."all the answers are in the 20 year Great White Elephant Paper":ugh::ugh:...well industry has taken note of that {from Australian 05/09}:

Coalition policy flies with industry

THE Coalition's aviationpolicy has prompted a wave of optimism that in government it would be moreresponsive to industry concerns.

Industry players contacted byThe Australian welcomed the policy, released last week by oppositiontransport spokesman Warren Truss, as a step in the right direction that showedthe Coalition had been listening to the industry.

Transport Minister Anthony Albanese did not take up an offer to respond to the policy while at the big end of town Qantas and Virgin werealso reluctant to comment.

But associations representing tourism, the airports, regional aviation, general aviation, aerial agriculture and maintenance providers were all generally supportive of the 12-point policy,costed initially at $6 million, and gave the opposition kudos for putting it together.

They also supported the idea of an external review of the aviation safety and regulatory environment similarto the Wheeler review on airport security.

The Coalition also foreshadowed a potential restructuring of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority,a strengthening of the CASA board and an aviation industry consultative councilthat would meet regularly with the minister.

It said it would invest an additional $3.5m to introduce "a new and better targeted" en-route rebate scheme for regional airlines, focus on better use of Australian airspace by tasking Airservices Australia to fast-track new technologies and recognise the importance of Australian airports to the economy.

Other pledges included the continued promotion of aviation liberalisation while protecting the national interest, enhancing aviation skills, and a review of the way aviation security measures are implemented.

The Coalition's tourism policy also pleased the airlines and the tourism industry, especially the pledge tofreeze the controversial passenger movement charge at $55 for its first term.

Labor had not released an aviation policy document at the time of going to press, but at the recent CAPA Australian Pacific Aviation Conference Mr Albanese singled out general aviation, aviation manufacturing and pilot training as areas that would receive a renewed emphasis under are-elected Labor government.

However, in an address short of forward-looking detail, Mr Albanese spent much of his speech cataloguing what Labor had accomplished since the 2009 aviation white paper.

These included renegotiated air service agreements, an increase in the passenger liability cap to $725,000,the appointment of an airline customer advocate and the signing of the Cape Town Convention toreduce aircraft capital costs.

Both major parties have pledged to nominate a site for a second Sydney airport in their first term,with Labor saying it would also start work. Both have indicated they would look at Richmond RAAF base as a temporary overflow for the existing airport.

While players were disappointed in Labor's failure to release a policy, they described the Coalition document as a good start.

The Australian Aviation Associations' Forum, the umbrella group, described Mr Truss's policies as"refreshing" and said the opposition had been listening to the industry.

The group believed Mr Truss was serious about the initiatives and the policy was a positive development.

"They are steps in the right direction," it said. "The industry has never been more united and is looking forward to working with the incoming government."

The Regional Aviation Association of Australia welcomed the return of the en-route subsidy scheme,but noted it was $2.5m less than the earlier scheme.

"The new policies are light on funding,but we are willing to work with any incoming government to help them trim the bloated bureaucracies, encourage further efficiencies and have the industry climbing again," RAAA chairman Jeff Boyd said.

RAAA chief executive Paul Tyrrell said the proposal to reappraise CASA, its board and the regulatory reform process had the support of the regional industry.

He said it also supported strengthening the industry complaints commissioner, although it would still like to have a minister of aviation.

"Overall, it appears the Coalition is having a good look at its major aviation bodies and how they are led and how they are structured and has offered some improvements," MrTyrrell said. "And we would support that."

Aerial Agriculture Association of Australia chief executive Phil Hurst said he would have liked to have seen more detail from both sides and it was disappointing only one party had produced a policy.

Describing the policy as"safe", he acknowledged the Coalition was unable to promise the world, but believed it was a positive development, which the AAAA was happy to put to its members.

"It's actually encouraging to see the Coalition is coming in with a pretty wide brief and they're not trying to second guess the answers before they actually get inthere and see what's going on," Mr Hurst said.

Aviation Aerospace Australia,which includes manufacturers and the big airlines in its membership, welcomed the Coalition's focus on the industry, including the future skills development and training policies and formation of the industry consultative council.

"Open and ongoing dialogue with the federal government is a vital part of the continued growth and development of the Australian aviation and aerospace industries,"executive director Paul Fox said.

"We believe there are real opportunities for Australia's innovative aerospace manufacturers in international markets and acknowledge the coalition's focus on the important growth sector. There are also substantial opportunities to export Australia's expertise in aviation training, particularly within burgeoning Asian markets."

Australian Airports Association chief executive Caroline Wilkie welcomed the external review of aviation, particularly given the impact of escalating security costs - now topping 12 per cent of total operating expenses - on regional airport operators. Ms Wilkie said the risk-based approach to aviation security, the new en-route subsidy scheme, the commitment to remote aerodrome safety and adequate regional weather services were also welcome. "A focus on better utilisation of Australian airspace will help ensure that the capacity provided by airport operators, particularly at major capital city airports, is more effectively utilised through better airspace management as well as enabling the latest generation of private and business aircraft, which are much quieter to operate at curfew-affected airports such as Sydney and Adelaide," she said.

The review of allowable charter and business aircraft that could operate during curfews at Sydney andAdelaide was also supported by the Tourism and Transport Forum "as a good first step on the path towards incentivising quieter, modern aircraft overolder, noisier types".

"The Coalition's policy recognises the absurdity of legislation that fails to take into account the massive gains made by aircraft manufacturers in making significantly quieter aircraft," TTF chief executive Ken Morrison said.

Aviation Maintenance Repair and Overhaul Business Association executive director Ken Cannane said most people in his organisation were "pretty darn supportive" of the direction proposed by the Coalition.

"It's a pity they couldn't be a little more prescriptive in a couple of areas, but they've got enough in there to make sure of the changeover that needs to be done in aviation to get us back into the business world around the local Pacific area," Mr Cannane said.

He said changes to regulations by CASA had negatively affected the industry and members buried in red tape no longer believed the regulator was listening to them.

Regional Express executive chairman Lim Kim Hai, a trenchant critic of the current government, said the policy addressed critical issues raised for the past two years and "which have been devastating to aviation".

"If Mr Truss gets into government I trust that he will keep his election promises and faithfully carry out the agenda set out in his aviation policy," he said. "Regional aviation has suffered too much in recent times from broken promises and neglect, and deserves better going forward.
Waiting..waiting..not long now! Vote one IOSS:ok:

Sarcs 9th Sep 2013 02:34

Albo worst Minister aviation industry has ever had??
I know we've had some serious head case pollies in charge of the aviation portfolio in the past, however where would Albo fit in the mix from worse to best??:rolleyes: Perhaps Ben's latest might make that contemplation a little easier..:ok:

Airsafety failures will dog Albanese as Labor leader or contender

Ex deputy PM and Infrastructure and Transport Minister Anthony Albanese carries some excess baggage related to the Pel-Air crash fiasco and the abuse of due process he tolerated in CASA and the ATSB should he contest or win the Labor leadership, as widely speculated today.

Albanese had an outstanding term as minister in those portfolios in relation to rail and roads, and a dismal record when it came to his responsibilities in relation to air safety in this country.

The evidence for this is on the parliamentary record in the proceedings of the recent Senate committee inquiry into the ATSB’s investigation into the crash of a Pel-Air ambulance flight near Norfolk Island in 2009.

While the jet involved wasa small Westwind, and no one died (miraculously) the accident gave rise to a series of appalling disclosures of deliberate malpractice in the two aviation authorities, the safety regulator, CASA and the accident investigator, the ATSB.

The findings of the Senate committee support fears that neither body has the integrity of management nor the technical skills or the commitments to aviation safety that most Australians would take for granted as being delivered and maintained on their behalf.

The incoming government need go no further than to obtain a briefing from Senator David Fawcett,(Liberal, South Australia) who with his state’s independent Senator, Nick Xenophon, pursued and disinterred a rotten state of affairs in both bodies which ought to be of considerable concern to whomever becomes the minister responsible for aviation in the Abbott Government.

The findings of the committee include an entire chapter detailing its dissatisfaction with the testimony given by the chief commissioner of the ATSB,Martin Dolan.

Anthony Albanese had a responsibility to parliament to respond to the Senate report in 90 days, and late in May gave such a commitment in the clearest of terms, yet he did not honour hisword.

Senator Fawcett made a measured speech concerning the state of affairs in relation to the Pel-Air crash which should be read in conjunction with thecommittee’s final report.

While aspects of the crash,its investigation, and the Senate’s own inquiries have been reported at great length in Plane Talking, these are among the main matters:-

CASA withheld from the ATSB, contrary to the wording of the Transport Safety Investigation Act, an internal document related to the crash which revealed that had CASA carried out its duties of oversight in relation to Pel-Air, it may have prevented the accident happening.

The Director of Safety for CASA, John McCormick, admitted in testimony that he withheld the document,saying inter alia that he didn’t think it mattered to the investigation the ATSB was conducting, and that he didn’t want to pollute its deliberations.

The documentation that McCormick withheld containing damning evidence of CASA’s inadequacy and incompetence as a safety regulator.

The documents reveals thatPel-Air the operator of the crashed jet was in multiple serious breaches of its air operators certificate at the time of the crash, and that it had no rigorous fuel policy for oceanic flights like that being performed by the Pel-Air jet.

The Senate inquiry,comprising Senators of all parties, heard that the ATSB report into what was the world’s first ditching of a fully functioning Westwind jet (but which was about to run out of fuel) failed to make any safety recommendations even though all of the safety equipment on board the aircraft failed to work as intended.

It also learned that the ATSB had declined to recover the flight data recorder from the wreckage, which lies at a recoverable depth near Norfolk Island, and which should have established what meteorological updates were given to the pilot during a flight that had started in Apia, and whether that information was in fact correct.

The captain of the jet,Dominic James, says he did not become aware of the deteriorated state of the weather at his intended refueling stop at Norfolk Island until after he had flown passed the last point of opportunity to divert to airports in Noumea orFiji.

(After four missed approaches and nearing fuel exhaustion, he made a controlled ditching at sea,while all of the aircraft’s controls and systems had the benefit of full power).

The ATSB’s final report into the Pel-Air crash stitched up the pilot for incorrectly fueling the flight, ignored the systemic issues in CASA, and does not meet the expectations of the international air safety community in alerting it to safety issues or deficiencies in a particular type of aircraft.

The Pel-Air report is a festering embarrassment in Australia’s once unquestioned place as a first tier state in relation to air safety.

It is an embarrassment Albanese carries with him should he seek Labor leadership, and it is a matter needing urgent attention by his ministerial successor in the new government.

The remedying of the Pel-Air report, and the reform of the ATSB and CASA ought to be the top priorities of the incoming minister.
Next question is...will Senator Fawcett be given the parliamentary secretary gig of DoIT??:D Certainly gets my vote!:ok:

LeadSled 9th Sep 2013 05:09

How about Fawcett for Junior Minister in the DoT, responsible for aviation. Then he has serious decision making powers.
We have had Ministers for Aviation in the past, but I think nobody wants to spend the money on any new Ministries right now.
Tootle pip!!

004wercras 9th Sep 2013 06:55

Today's Choccy frog goes to Leadie
Leadie, well done. Fawcett is, if I may say, a robust choice for Junior Minister :ok:
Next, who should ;
• Be on the CAsA Board?
• Make up the CAsA DAS trio?
• Be the 3 ATSBeaker Commissioners
• Be the new ICC big dog?

Sarcs 9th Sep 2013 07:45

Slight thread drift!
Had to laugh at another attempted cover up (like PelAir) by Thai international on the runway excursion incident this morning...

"WHEN a THAI Airways jet skidded off a Bankgok runway last night, the first priority was evacuating the 288 passengers. The next priority, it seems, was a bizarre cover-up of sorts.
The Airbus A330-300’s was landing last night after a flight from Guangzhou, China, when a "glitch" in its wheel base sent it skidding off the runway.
The incident, about 11.20pm local time at Suvarnabhumi Airport, injured 14 people, who were taken to hospital.
Today, the plane was seen resting on grass next to the runway with its evacuation slides still deployed and the Thai Airways name and logo hastily covered up.
The move to black-out the logo may have been a response to last night's incident coming less than two weeks after 20 passengers were injured when a Thai Airways flight hit severe turbulence as it was descending to Hong Kong's airport.
Although the logo was unable to be seen, the plane's airline colours were unmistakable and easily compared to Thai Airways jets taking off or landing in the vicinity, which happens quite a bit in Bangkok.

Sparks were seen coming from the right landing gear of the plane when it landed, forcing the evacuation of 288 passengers. Fourteen crew were also aboard the jet.

Photos of the incident showed the plane resting in grass beside the runway with its nose down and emergency slides inflated.

"After touchdown at Suvarnabhumi Airport, the landing gear malfunctioned and caused the aircraft to skid off the runway. Sparks were noticed from the vicinity of the right landing gear near the engine; the matter is under investigation," Thai Airways President Sorajak Kasemsuvan said in a statement.
"The captain took control of the aircraft until it came to a complete stop and passengers were evacuated from the aircraft emergency exits," he said.
Initial reports suggested the plane’s nosewheel had collapsed.
Officials said the runway at Suvarnabhumi Airport would be temporarily closed."

You've got to check out the pic in the link to really appreciate how farcical the attempted cover up was :E:E!

Thai Airways tries logo cover-up after A330-300 skids off runway

Perhaps FF & DoIT could give the Thai's lessons in the perfect subterfuge tactics and corporate spin??:oh::cool:

Centaurus 9th Sep 2013 08:17



You cannot make a screw-up of this magnitude without somebody seeing something.137 passengers for a start.Insiders are saying LOW G/A IN CB, HIT TREES TOOK OUT AN ENGINE DAMAGED GEAR DOORS FLAT TIRES etc etc.SCARY.
This from Asia and Far East forum about a Thai Orient 737 that literally shaved the trees recently during a late go-around at Phuket. One cannot but think these people are masters of the big cover up. The 737 then diverted to Surat Thani on one engine and gear hanging out. Little local media publicity on that one.

004wercras 10th Sep 2013 04:34

Turn back time
Sarcs, that may be a thread drift but it is not to dissimilar to what CAsA, ATSBeaker, team Mrdork and the former Minister for Postulation do. They have placed many patches over Australia's aviation logo but you can still see the CAsA colours underneath.
We shall wait with baited breath to see if 'Warrens Trust' can turn back the clock to a time when aviation safety wasn't a topic feared by Bureaucrats.
A few current serving CAsA managers have already been seen clicking their heels and saying "there's no place like home, there's no place like home"!

P.S Is it true that CAsA are planning a '25th Anniversary Regulatory Reform Party'? I heard that the party will be huge, several former CEO's will be playing the part of piñata's, a few of managements more mischievous managers will be dressing up in drag - as FOI's, and the DAS trio will be dancing and twerking in the Brisbane basement carpark :ok:
(Just went visual! )

thorn bird 10th Sep 2013 05:04

Cant help thinking, given the "colorful people" just elected to the senate
that Creamy got it dead right. Elect Independents!! If a motoring enthusiast can get elected surely we could have got a couple of aviation enthusiasts up!!!
Delicious daydream of Creamy and Leadie facing off across the chamber now that would be worth a trip to CB to watch!!

004wercras 10th Sep 2013 06:18

Sorry Thorny, have to disagree. Creamy and Leadie (no offence intended) although knowledgeable, don't have enough bulldog in them. Perhaps a Kharon or Gobbledock, a Clive Palmer and a Xenophon would stir the atmosphere a little?
Hell, at this point a Justin Bieber or the three little pigs would make for a robust addition compared to what we have had in recent years!

Frank Arouet 10th Sep 2013 06:38

I understand The Mafia are interested.:oh:

004wercras 10th Sep 2013 07:11

Frank, Golden West Mafia?
The real Mafia would be more organised than CAsA!!!
Then again, CAsA do execute members of industry and individual IOS's....

Creampuff 10th Sep 2013 09:04

So anyway ….

Once the final results of the half Senate election are known, you will have a very neat list of non-major party aligned Senators who will have the balance of power in the Senate come 1 July 2014.

Lobbying them should be the main game for anyone that wants to bring about real change in aviation regulation and accident investigation in Australia.

PLovett 10th Sep 2013 10:24

If I may add something to Creamy's piece.

In lobbying those (possibly) newly elected Senators, please keep in mind that they are going to be like a fish out of water in the political process. As a suggestion, urge them to consult and work with those Senators who now have a working knowledge of CASA and the ATSB (Xenophon et al) who can lead them to what we all hope will be a successful outcome.

It is what I have done in the past and will continue to do. Xenophon is not in my state but I have successfully had my local member consult with him on aviation matters. Now that he has been reelected I intend to further his education on matters aviation.

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