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OneDotLow 23rd Aug 2010 06:16

So how did it go?
Hey all,

Apologies again that I couldn't attend as I was working, but does anyone have a report on what was said/numbers etc?


built4flying83 23rd Aug 2010 06:19

how did the meeting go? anyone?

rmcdonal 23rd Aug 2010 06:35

Lots of people (as in 100s), lots of talk about unity, all voted in favour of the motion, now AIPA will send a stern letter to Bruce Buchanan and hope he doesn't just bin it.

Keg 23rd Aug 2010 06:46

Meeting was good although I had to bail out about 1505.

I'd say that there at least 250 pilots there. I was seated in the forward section of 50 and so didn't get a good luck behind me. It was certainly standing room only though with lots of people at the back and around the walls. If someone said the final count was 350+ I wouldn't be surprised.

From the show of hands it appeared to be about evenly split between J* and QF crew. A smattering of DJ and QF Link crew indicated they were there but I wasn't sure how many. There was at least one Tiger bloke (he identified himself as such) and another guy from a ME carrier but I don't know whether it was Emirates, Etihad, etc.

J* A320 F/O spoke well on a range of subjects citing importance of unity, pilot engagement, flexibilities J* already provided, etc.

Motions put forward were unanimously carried. I won't go into detail on those as no doubt AIPA will be forwarding those on to J* when appropriate and/or including them as part of a media release.

Lots of discussion regarding the importance of unity. ACTU bloke spoke shortly and well. Support also from ALAEA who were present at the meeting.

Also discussion as to what is protected and what is not protected as industrial action. Also a short discussion as to what is industrial action and what is not. Emphasis on the various unions not organising industrial action.

Some discussion as to what can be achieved and how. Support is important to ensure that the negotiators have good backing.

J* A320 AFAP rep reports that J* reporting to him that 85 EOIs for the SIN base but some indication from others present that many of those EOIs would be to simply see what the T&Cs were. ME pilot reckoned that expats in the ME weren't going to be coming home to flog around for 900 hours short haul on T&Cs less than half of what they were on now.

Media were present for initial parts of it. Ch 10 had a camera crew for part of it. That's about all I can remember off the top of my head.

Overall good tone and worthwhile. I was particularly pleased to see fantastic attendance by some very senior QF captains. I counted at least 20 744 or A380 captains and that was just the blokes I recognised straight away in the front half of the room. Realistically this doesn't affect them at all but they understand what it means for the industry so to those blokes, thanks for attending.

PS: Silversleuth has been pretty quiet since his post on 11 Aug saying that he thought hell may freeze over before he saw a QF captain support J* crew. :rolleyes: On top of those 20 senior guys, I know of another 10 767 and A330 mainline Captains that were there.

mustman 23rd Aug 2010 06:58

Well done to all those attended. Wish I could have been there but like many others I am geographically challenged.

Remember there are many many many more pilots who are supporting what is going on!

Good stuff boys and girls!:ok:

j3pipercub 23rd Aug 2010 07:17

Also Geographically challenged and on Reserve today.

Keg, thanks for the summary of the meeting.

350+ is a beautiful number!!! Maybe everyone has finally gotten sick of bending over.

That has made my day!!!


c173 23rd Aug 2010 07:44

just heard it on fox fm

Fatguyinalittlecoat 23rd Aug 2010 07:50

About the third story on ABC News radio (country wide). I thought pretty favourable as well.

Well done everyone.

girl with a stick 23rd Aug 2010 07:51

I was at the back, and would say there were easily 300 people.

Totally inspiring meeting, (even though I'm only in GA), it was splendid to see such unity - so many guys from other carriers such as Q Link and Virgin Blue.

And, Silversleuth, I guess Satan will be skating to work tomorrow, as I was sitting next to a Qantas A330 captain!


rmcdonal 23rd Aug 2010 08:06

Jetstar plan September go-slow
Paul Bibby
August 23, 2010 - 5:56PM

A meeting of four hundred mainly Jetstar and Qantas pilots has been encouraged to "not to do the airline any favours" next month - setting the scene for a go-slow that could cause delays for passengers across the network.

In an unprecedented show of unity, pilots from across the country packed into Sydney's Wolli Creek Rowers Club this afternoon to express their anger over the employment arrangements proposed by Jetstar as part of its expansion into Asia and Europe.

The media was excluded from most of the meeting, but a source close to the pilots said some had called for a strike as soon as tomorrow.

Officials from the Australian and International Pilots Association dissuaded the pilots from doing this - it would be considered illegal industrial action. But the source said the pilots were encouraged to "do what they could within the law".

This included refusing to show up early for pre-flight planning needed to ensure flights depart on time.

It is understood they are also considering refusing to work outside their scheduled hours to fill in for sick colleagues or to meet increased demand, and refusing to take on more than a minimum load of fuel, so that if there is an in-flight delay as a result of weather or air traffic, flights will have to be diverted.

"We don't want to do anything that will cause delays to passengers," a Jetstar pilot who declined to be named, said.

"But we do want Jetstar and Qantas to stop undermining our wages and conditions and opportunities to progress through the company by putting pilots into shelf companies where our EBA (enterprise bargaining agreement" doesn't apply."

Under the Jetstar's plans to expand into Asia, pilots will be transferred to the airline's new Singapore-Melbourne route where - despite flying Australian-registered A330 aircraft into Australia - they will be employed on private contracts under Singapore laws.

Singapore and Vietnam-based pilots would also be transferred to Australia where they would not be employed under the Jetstar Australia employment agreement, but through a "new Jetstar Group company" that would only be required to pay the award rate.

The pilots passed a unanimous motion declaring this strategy to be "an offensive attempt by Jetstar management...to pit pilots against each other to secure their careers". They also declared that they "no longer have confidence Bruce Buchanan as the Group Chief Executive Officer of the Jetstar group".

Every pilot was provided with printed extracts from the Fair Work Act explaining what actions they could take without being considered to have taken illegal industrial action.

Under the heading, "Industrial action does not include the following", was listed "the employee did not unreasonably fail to comply with a direction of his or her employer to perform other available work...that was safe and appropriate for the employee to perform".

Jetstar's head of corporate relations, Simon Westaway, said there had been rumours of a go-slow by Jetstar pilots for some time, but the airline's on-time performance figures remained among the highest of any Australian airline.

"We've got a good, tight airline that is committed to the best service delivery to customers," Mr Westaway said.
Jetstar plan September go-slow

Keg 23rd Aug 2010 08:17

The media was excluded from most of the meeting, but a source close to the pilots said some had called for a strike as soon as tomorrow.
If this did happen it occurred after I left at 1505. The media were present when I left but had been excluded prior to that. No one called for strike action at any stage when the media were excluded. Comments from the AIPA reps whilst I was there did not encourage anything. They simply outlined what was illegal industrial action and what was not considered industrial action. They certainly stressed pilot unity.

Perhaps those statements regarding strike action occurred after I left but as I mentioned, the media were present then and would have heard it first hand- and who said it. The reality is quite different to what has been reported.

Popgun 23rd Aug 2010 08:23

Well Done Everyone!
Well done guys and gals, this proves we can stand together!

Thanks to Keg et al for posting a summary for those of us too far away to attend.

I'm optimistic that with determination we can turn this rot around.



Normasars 23rd Aug 2010 08:36

Westaway and co would have to be the most dysfunctional and out of touch management team in any industry worldwide today.

The cr@p that eminates from the Jetstar PR machine knows no bounds. Absolute and utter garbage. Can a management team possibly be more out of touch with reality??

The spin doctors will be working overtime for the foreseeable future, painting the pilots as "overpaid, underworked silvertails". The media will side with the Company as usual. Emotions must be kept in check; do not get into a slanging match, and most importantly remain calm and dignified.

The Company will employ all soughts of dirty tricks and campaigns to derail the gathering momentum.

Stay united.

rmcdonal 23rd Aug 2010 08:59

... but a source close to the pilots said some had called for a strike as soon as tomorrow.
This did not happen.

stainedpantystealer 23rd Aug 2010 09:39

Video from Ch10 news...

TEN Video Player: Watch Full Episodes and Exclusive Video Interviews

Tankengine 23rd Aug 2010 09:50

A good turnout, 300+ I reckon,:ok:

Great to hear Pilots from all the airlines get together with a united goal and put aside old differences. Beers later with guys that would not have drunk together only a few years ago.:D

I think the managers of all the airlines should be worried for any bonus they think they deserve for screwing us!:E

Counter-rotation 23rd Aug 2010 09:50

Thanks Keg, on behalf of all who could not attend...

300+ in attendance, who knows how many across the country (the world?) watching with interest, and in support - nothing short of fantastic.

To those who had a hand in planning, preparing, organising, promoting this event in any way - please accept my sincere thanks for your efforts, however large or small.

THIS IS THE START, NOT THE FINISH - remember that! :ok:

It's very important, as some have already said - although it can be an emotive issue, every effort to keep the emotion in check is required. You lose your cool, you lose your cred :ouch:

Also discussion as to what is protected and what is not protected as industrial action. Also a short discussion as to what is industrial action and what is not. Emphasis on the various unions not organising industrial action.
That is gold - action from an informed and educated position is so much more likely to be effective!

Is there any way for those not present, to get a copy of any literature that was distributed?

Again, well done all.


woody744 23rd Aug 2010 09:57

To all that was there, it was an awesome sight. Pilots from every major airline in attendance and as Keg said some extremely senior pilots there to show their support which was great.

For those who did go, remember to spread the word. Australian pilots = Australian flying = Australian wages.

Fatguyinalittlecoat 23rd Aug 2010 09:59

There was at least one Tiger bloke (he identified himself as such) and another guy from a ME carrier but I don't know whether it was Emirates, Etihad, etc.

(even though I'm only in GA)
How good is that. Thanks you.

AIPA, VIPA, AFAP, JPC etc......No more excuses. "Australian Pilots Association" (including GA).

t_cas 23rd Aug 2010 10:05

Great to hear, flew into and past Sydney today on duty up and down the coast. would have liked to have been there.

100% behind the effort.

Thanks to those who made their appearance count for many.

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