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Curved Approach 14th Mar 2009 05:13

REX Spy Camera in SYD Crew Room
Has anyone seen or heard of an official Company reasoning behind the recently installed webcam/spycam in the Sydney Crew Room aimed at the "Flight Log Only" fax machine...?? I am more than dubious as to the legalities and reasoning for this recent installation.

Go on I dare you to send a non-Flight Log from this fax machine and await a call to come in for a recorded interview to explain you actions :yuk:

When will LKH get his priorities straight, look after his valuable crew and stop trying to vindicate us! Yet another nail in the coffin to vote 'NO' on our EBA!


p.s. So much for taking the word of your crew that they did put the log in and they did press send, shouldn't there be some level of trust there? We don't have the time (with all of our 15 minute sign off) to be waiting around another 10 minutes to ensure a 'Send Successful' message on the machine. Hence the reason why the originals are kept in hard copy, for the glitches in the electronic age, dah!

IAW 14th Mar 2009 07:11

Should get with the times and get a new fangled email scanner anyway.

LM82 14th Mar 2009 08:58

wasnt there a fax in the hangar once upon a time as well? if its still there then surely there wold be a camera on that one too as its the one most ppl used as they went out directly thru the hangar instead of crewroom!

Aussie 14th Mar 2009 10:48

Didnt realise the times were so desperate at Rex...

greenslopes 14th Mar 2009 11:14

Nothing a bag over the head(with eye holes) and a pair of wire cutters wouldn't fix

Eastwest Loco 14th Mar 2009 11:56

Singapeuran insecurity maybe?

Who would send a fax these days anyway? If you can't email a document then dont bother.

White sheet and a set of bolt cutters.

Show them your contempt.


Stationair8 14th Mar 2009 12:19

So when do the Rex guys do the upgrade onto the Nissan equipment?

You blokes bitch about Rex but they gave you nice new company Nissan Tilda's to drive which are probably equipped with spy cameras as well!!!

Curved Approach 14th Mar 2009 13:08

wasnt there a fax in the hangar once upon a time as well? if its still there then surely there wold be a camera on that one too as its the one most ppl used as they went out directly thru the hangar instead of crewroom!
Yes yes there is....

KRUSTY 34 14th Mar 2009 22:47

All this has come about because the criteria for REX's maintenance program is dependent on all flight logs being recieved at the end of each days flying! My question is, how does QFlink and the others do it? I'll bet there's no spy camera in their crew room.

Nearly 2 years ago the delays to flights because REX F/O's were required to walk unreasonable distances back and forth from the A/C to the trim room, were starting to impact on OTP. The obvious solution was to employ/retrain several CSO's to act as Load controllers. Just like all the other airlines. For this to occur the CSO's required that they be paid the appropriate rate. Just like all the other airlines. For 6-8 CSO's, this would have cost approx $80k P/A. What, pay more money!!! Not a chance. So what does REX do? They roll out some idiotic PC tablet and printer system so that it can all be done from the flight deck. Sounds logical? Only problem is, it doesn't work, Engineering hate it, and there are all sorts of problems with systems intergration, network coverage and the safety/legalities of using a mobile phone service during refueling! More than 18 months ago the REX Chief Pilot proudly displays his new toy. "These will all be up and operational within 3-6 months"! The Trial of these gizmos has been taking place on and off on different aircraft ever since. Recently it was suspended indefinitely! The cost so far, wait for it... In excess of $600K!

As usual REX management are merely reacting to a situation rather than taking responsibility for it. This latest insult is just another example of that mindset.

Good one REX!

Xeptu 15th Mar 2009 00:09

Hilarious! pissing myself laughing! you guys really need to stop believing your own bull**** about how good you are and accept that you're a 2 bit operation.

Then you need to become a unified pilot group to decide upon and enforce the changes you need. You start with an external audit headed by someone with the experience and knowledge to steer you in the right direction, clearly your management has let you down, this responsibilty rest squarely on the shoulders of the chief pilot. If you want worlds best practice you need the appropriate leadership.

Now get yourselves unified, grow some balls and fix it or accept what you are or have become and stop whining about it.

ThoughtCrime 15th Mar 2009 00:57

This is absolutely disgusting. := They are clearly holding on too tight here.

Firstly, the RexPC need to raise this to explore the legal implications, there has obviously been no consultation or warning for this video surveillance.

Secondly, beware the masked bandit with wire cutters! :E

Thirdly, vote no.


ThoughtCrime 15th Mar 2009 01:18

I wonder if this has something to do with a requirement from CASA to independently verify the sending of tech records?
Maybe but there was still no consultation, notification or warning. Is it not a legal requirement to advise of video surveillance in writing or signage?

Sharpie 15th Mar 2009 02:08

spy camera
At least that camera is visible to all,but is it actually hooked up? and maybe takes the thought away that thre may well be hidden cameras eklsewhere. Maybe in the loo. Big Brudda is Watching.Hoho. Tried that idea years ago at RPYC in Port Moresby to stop pilfering of bar stocks. The camera was actully a dummy but it stopped theft!

KRUSTY 34 15th Mar 2009 11:12

Gidday Lester'.

Not sure about the legalities of using mobile phones suring(sic) refuelling, but I'm pretty sure it aint' kosher to use them "during" refuelling. And the PC tablet that we were using in the cockpit during the turnarounds had one big mother of an antenne attached to it! And the bloody thing still didn't work properly!

As for the VB flight attendant, alas, you may have mistaken me for someone else.

Happy surfing,


Roger Copy Ta 15th Mar 2009 12:09


sthaussiepilot 15th Mar 2009 23:17

The Aviation-er
Wedensday, March 18th 2009

In these recent times of the "Big Brother" phonomonom, regional carrier Regional Express (REX) who flies the Emboeing S340 has taken steps in watching over the crews, however a masked man armed with wire cutters (photographed, above) has taken steps in removing the camera, the masked man uttered just one word "PPRuNe" after showing his disgust for the camera.

I think that about sums up the media and the story here? :8

Duff Man 16th Mar 2009 00:57

Hey Xeptu, 1996 called and they want your ICQ back! :)

18-Wheeler 16th Mar 2009 01:12

... the masked man uttered just one word "PPRuNe" after showing his disgust for the camera.
That's a good idea .... someone needs to add a sign somewhere in front of the camera that says "PPRUNE IS WATCHING YOU!"


Bloody Blind Bat 16th Mar 2009 01:14

Morale Booster
Heard from the BP refueller that REX are starting an initiative to boost morale amongst flightcrew.
The Spy Cams in the Crew Room and Hangar is the first step.

The next step is to let all the FOs know that there are ongoing positions open at REX Crewing and the new EBA (by now it should be called 'Old') allows for cross deparment swaps,skills required: Likes pineapples. The carrot: circa $70,000 per annum, after allowances. Now, that does put an FO's $42k into perspective doesn't it? The truth hurts....

Anyone wants to guess what morale booster Step#3 would be?

Wonder what might surface if someone put a Spycam under LKH's desk?

mention1 16th Mar 2009 03:07

This is precisely why I left this company. The management and pilots were constantly at war with each other.


Never a mood of "well, how can we make this better for all of us?".

What Big Brother nonsense, and as Krusty says, expensive. What's next? A Grub-o-meter to judge if indeed you really need a new uniform shirt? Please!:rolleyes:

sockedunnecessarily 16th Mar 2009 04:59

Wonder if they've seen this...


If this document above is correct in quoting of the guidelines for use of these cameras, why was 14 days notice not given, and why haven't we seen any warning signs at entrances to the crew room?

Are you reading, AFAP? LC, where are you? Gone silent when it starts gets tough, AGAIN?

I'd remove it right now Rex management, lest ye put thy self in a compromised position. :ouch: Every other operator I've worked for, the senior management pilots try and work with their pilots, not against them... :=

sthaussiepilot 16th Mar 2009 07:15

I hope everyone is firing off angry letters to QF, CX and every other airline foyer they've ever walked into for a job interview (yep - they have CCTV too) and demanded that they be given written notice prior to being photographed!!
As I recall when your going in for a job interview, there would be a sign or something somewhere telling you that you are on camera or it is being watched. :ugh:

Tell me - has anyone here rung the Rex management and asked them what its for? Maybe its sinister and maybe they are a bunch of pricks but if you are really precious enough to think someone needs your permission to be photographed then maybe you need to live in a cave somewhere.
Perhaps you havent herd of, oh I dont know Civil Liberties?
Or the laws in place to support the worker (eg informing them of a camera etc)? not stalk them

porch monkey 16th Mar 2009 07:16

Mention, You idiot!!!! You've just given them their next idea!!!:eek:

Zoomy 16th Mar 2009 21:39

Lester, you have got to be kidding. I don't think people have a problem with being photographed or even streamed, but it is more likely an issue of trust. It's a fax machine get over it Rex. Yes and your staff probably mouth off about you in the crew room, now they will do it in the foyer.

Curved Approach 17th Mar 2009 00:12

Wonder what might surface if someone put a Spycam under LKH's desk?
So tempting to bite this carrot in disgust for our Chairman but I will bite my tongue and not sink to his level.

I did think of firing this photo off to AFAP initially but then I thought I better not distract them away from our EBA which is apparently "making progress", bah.

Bloody Blind Bat 17th Mar 2009 15:35

Let EVERYONE know the real truth in REX
Let's just say that the certain REX Spy Cam under LimKH's desk will uncover, discover and display a very, very soft and miscarried tissue growth that attracts indescribable attention from a certain Asian "secretary" who has been on the REX payroll since REX shareholders started getting screwed in end 2005 (NOT to the knowledge of ANY shareholders of course!!!:eek::eek::eek:), and she who only appears "for work" when he is in town to blow snot at YET another EBA meeting....and maybe abit more.

I can tell more from personal experience from the hallowed halls of Baxter Road, but I guess I'll leave the juicier parts to the rest of my disgruntled shareholders. Yes, I am a fly on the wall at Baxter Road who has turned to the dark side.

And yes as wll to the fact that REX share prices are artificially propped up by 'Management', due to the $12,000,000 conditional Buy order put in some time ago, which has now only been 50% filled. I am also a shareholder, and thus this rant!!

The company is run by an unscrupulous and adulterating shareowner who has NEVER been to the coalface to even say "hello" to his crew"......just ask him, "Dear Mr One Hung Low, Where is the fax machine in the crew room, and by the way, "I wonder why is there a camera above the fax machine?" I feel for the flightcrew. Really. They are so trodden upon up here in the office that even the staff have to try to hold a straight face on a daily basis during 'meetings'.

Have I spoken the truth that no one has dared to utter?:ouch:

pa60ops 19th Mar 2009 07:52

Just sell the stupid thing on ebay already......

KRviator 19th Mar 2009 08:16

Originally Posted by pa60ops
Just sell the stupid thing on ebay already......

We tried that with a certain dinghy that washed up on Nobbys Beach last year. Ebay didn't like it. Humourless pricks.

compressor stall 19th Mar 2009 10:01

It's an interesting mentality when you challenge pilots and get them offside.

An engaged pilot will save a lot more than a bunch of overseas faxes when s/he goes to that extra effort to chase flight levels to gain a few knots which means 0.1 of flight time.....

You really wonder at times. :ugh:

YoDawg 19th Mar 2009 10:29

Is it even plugged into anything? Maybe it's just got a little battery to power the red blinking light.

If I worked at Rex for those g888s I'd just drape a hanky over it every time I went in, Maggie Thatcher style. But the g888s don't seem to understand the concept of hankies or, indeed, irony.

They're so anal they'd probably carry out a DNA test on the snot to see who dunnit.

Why not just walk in with your gimp mask on and rip the camera out of the wall and mail it back to Hoo Flung Dung or Sum Yung Boi or whatever his name is???

Bloody Blind Bat 20th Mar 2009 01:39

Hope shareholders aren't reading
Yes, the cams are linked directly to the IT department. They have been told by management to 'look out' for certain things, I'll just have to get one of them to squeal, to find out what One Wing Low really wants to achieve with the cams.
The IT department have to now appear useful and look busy, given the catastrophic 1.5year long, $600,000+ failure of the PC Tablet.....just don't tell the shareholders......and then the $6mil flight school gamble.......and then the purchase of a block of VB shares around $0.30 cents......and the list goes on.
What REX needs to do is get the real professionals in to clean out the whole management and get some efficiency and transparency going.

No1Dear 20th Mar 2009 02:00

600 large on PC tablets that don't work,
That would pay a central load controller for a long while would it not?

KRUSTY 34 20th Mar 2009 03:53

It would pay several load controllers for a bloody long time, but that isn't the point is it? The point is, that to remunerate an individual(s) above the finely tuned subsistance level that REX management have deemed appropriate, would send a signal to staff that they do in fact have some value!

The very idea that REX staff (pilots included) are anything less than an easily replaceable commodity, is simply too preposterous to even contemplate. Better to spend the money on some half arsed, hair brained scheme that doesn't work!

Keep it up boys. The sudden and swift brakeing of the pilot recruitment frenzy could not have come at a better time for REX management. One day however, all the on hold expansion plans of the major players will start again just as swiftly. With the decimation of local flying training unchanged, some may say it is even worse, there will be a huge demand for experienced drivers. Somehow I think pilot employment at REX will be about as popular as a bar of soap in a pig's trough! :ok:

sockedunnecessarily 20th Mar 2009 23:18

Sorry, Krusty, did you say "like a bar of soap in Baxter Road"? I get the two mixed up.

PC tablet. Another monumental :mad: up by management. Try and take the cheap option, it ends up costing you more.

Same as pilots screaming for a bit more money in early 2008. They took the cheap option, ended up costing them 6 million for about 50 cadets.

WHEN ARE THESE :mad:WITS IN BAXTER ROAD GOING TO LEARN. The cheap option always costs more in the long run.

Curved Approach 21st Mar 2009 02:39

When are these ":mad:WITS IN BAXTER ROAD" going to tell LKH how it really is and stand up to him. What is our Chief PILOT doing over there besides counting his remuneration package and blowing smoke up the Chairman.

mention1 21st Mar 2009 07:30

...and don't forget the portable airconditioning units to cool the aircraft.

Bought off the shelf? NO WAY, lets design them ourselves!!! As soon as they got up to operating temp they would auto-shut down 'cause they were too hot!!! LMAO:D

ohyeahright 21st Mar 2009 22:24

And what about the pilot shortage ISSUE ????

Why are we ALL constantly being humbugged to work RDO etc etc

I'm sick of it.... Pay us what we are worth, and stop wasting money on s:mad:t house hair brained money depleting ideas.

Just wait .... the surge from the airlines is just a breathe away, and believe me REX, if you thought it was tought last time.....think again :=


LM82 22nd Mar 2009 00:06


management are like politicians promising the world but when they get the job/elected they have to tow the company/party line. its human nature to look after number 1 and i doubt it will change anytime soon.

zube 22nd Mar 2009 00:29

If you guys have a union get their legal advisors on it.

hairhat 29th Mar 2009 09:49

This would have to be the final straw for a no vote on the eba and a yes vote for industrial action.

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