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-   -   SKYAIRWORLD: Management to take "Leave? (https://www.pprune.org/australia-new-zealand-pacific/363809-skyairworld-management-take-leave.html)

sthaussiepilot 2nd Mar 2009 07:46

Cheers Tid :)

ATTN: All Sky crew, received an email from someone to ask me to post up a link to keep in contact with each other, I know a few of you are on here, and pass it on to those who dont, yadda yadda yadda, www.e-jets.org has been set up to keep you guys in contact with each other.... I know a number of you lost your email adresses etc....

Mach E Avelli 2nd Mar 2009 09:11

RUP is not as full of crap as it appears. Go to the Timor Air website and with your Visa card, right now, you can book and pay for a flight to Christmas or Cocos from early April.
Yesterday you could have done the same thing on the SAW website.
Timor Air does not have an AOC and certainly does not have any traffic rights to those islands. SAW has ceased flying operations. Have the postholders flown the coop, or what?
FRAUD ALERT as well as a clear contravention of CAR 210 and a few other CARs and CAOs to do with postholders, facilities etc.

broke it 2nd Mar 2009 10:28

Timor Air
Was that the plan all along, note the 190's never had S*W painted on them. It probably won't be a problem to just let Timor Air have the routes as the people advising DJC have no idea of how an airline runs legally, just look at C&S£ audit and non payment of super.
"It'll be alright just do it".
Noticed how many people actually stayed with S&W talk about top heavy with puppets. Looks like Mr Burns team of advisers (simpsons).
If this lot get away with stealing my money I shall be most pevved.

Casper 2nd Mar 2009 20:37

The Cocos & Christmas Is operation was put up for tender again yesterday so SAW may well be out of the game.

wessex19 2nd Mar 2009 21:47

maybe National Jet may win it!!!:ugh:

Skystar320 2nd Mar 2009 21:48

Where is the tender located? Where abouts?

Stationair8 2nd Mar 2009 21:51

National Jet must be laughing.

Once upon a time it used to be GA and piston aircraft, then it was the NSCA and tubines and helicopters, now the sharks have moved up to jets!

The Hooker 2nd Mar 2009 23:51

So much for S*W promises about paying us in installments. I have looked this moring on my account and it has no monies from S*W and looks a little like Mrs Hubbards cupboard.
I am having problems restraining myself from writing some particularly aggressive thoughts and then having the moderator do his thing, but I shall.
To deceive us all by telling us we would get payed is beyond most peoples principles and morals but obviously not the shysters and cheats who populate the higher echelons of S*W.

"One day, one day vengence will be mine" quote

Mach E Avelli 3rd Mar 2009 01:30

Hooker, don't get mad, get even. As long as you stick to the FACTS, you can run interference on their little dreams and schemes. There are various government departments such as ASIC, ATO, the Employment Ombudsman, CASA plus potential clients where you can send reports. Even naming names or job titles, provided you have proof or reasonable suspicion of corporate misconduct. Just be careful how you word stuff. The words 'may', 'possibly' and 'probably' are often sufficient to ring alarm bells where you want them rung, while making it very difficult for anyone to sue for libel or defamation. With money matters be reasonably accurate: e.g. "these guys currently owe me $5300 in superannuation, $2250 in unpaid leave, $2700 in unpaid wages for work performed up to (xxxx date etc) and MAY owe similar amounts to xxx number of other employees". Ensure that you keep a paper trail going of any emails, letters, faxes etc received or sent and run a diary of any telephone calls made.
If enough people take the time and effort, while you may never see any more money, at least they won't be making any more money at other people's expense.

Toolman101 3rd Mar 2009 01:43

The Cocos & Christmas Is operation was put up for tender again yesterday so SAW may well be out of the game.
Not a lot of time for new bids to get processed by DOTARS before the NJS contract expires at the end of the month.:O

Also the RJ used by NJS is due to return to Adelaide for 'C' check and lease return. It will be interesting to see what happens on the 3 April

Rudder 3rd Mar 2009 02:41

I wouldn't be too concerned with the short term problem SAW have caused with Xmas Island.

From what I hear there may be a surprising competitor for the Xmas Island work at least to assist in the short term.

56P 3rd Mar 2009 02:51

Latest information suggests that SAW aircraft are now under the lessor's control and that some may be ferried out of the country in the very near future.

OBH 3rd Mar 2009 05:58

Word on the street at LM yesterday was SAW were in liquidation, however i havent seen or heard anything more on this yet.... :confused:

The Islanders are still of the belief that SAW are commencing operations next month. Management have been up that way recently answering question and allaying fears.

sthaussiepilot 3rd Mar 2009 06:18

Because "someone" didnt already hint at Sky being in liquidation/ administration ;):oh:

Hopefully this should get some money out of them to the ex & present employees

Mach E Avelli 3rd Mar 2009 07:05

Just now I went on the SAW website and booked a flight to Cocos. It came up with a schedule and a fare. Then I took a very nice piccy of it all displayed on my computer screen, with time and date.
No, OF COURSE I didn't pay for it - sometimes I get a bit silly on the old red, but never totally retarded. But therein lies proof that they were still trading as SkyAirWorld at close of business today.
So, theoretically, at close of business today they had enough to pay staff entitlements. Otherwise it could be soap-on-a-rope for a certain CEO.

Under Dog 3rd Mar 2009 07:27

Mach E Avelli

"So true" but unfortunately you never see to many successfull prosecutions for trading while insolvent.ASIC is really a Tiger with out any bite.

The Dog :ouch:

Frigate 3rd Mar 2009 09:02

I can't find this "New Tender" document! Where did you see this?

With the plentiful, and growing, supply of unused aircraft on the ground in Perth and other places, surely this would be a much sought after document.

pilot one 3rd Mar 2009 09:10

I agree, asic will surely have to get involved where retrenched workers have not been paid salary, redundancy, overtime, etc. and the pty.ltd registered entity is still trading.
They (asic) must have a stance/opinion/directive to offer. Im sure the ATO will prick their ears when they work out 100 odd people wont be paying their collective taxes on payouts they didnt get as well, unless they can find some nurses or coffins! :eek:

Ferrett 3rd Mar 2009 09:54

The Christmas / Cocos RFT isn't up for grabs again. At the time of writing SAW are still programmed to commence flights on the first Friday in April 2009. How long they last.....well that's another question.

I can't believe in this day and age that staff entitlements legally owed can be withheld whilst the company continues to trade.

In the case of Christmas / Cocos Island a new service can be commenced with all the associated mobilisation costs, however a staff member through no fault of their own has to work out how they will make the mortgage repayments and feed themselves whilst waiting to see when they will receive their outstanding monies. Are those in senior management responsible for this mess still driving around in nice cars and living in expensive houses?

sbpb 3rd Mar 2009 10:07

Timor Air booking engine offline
Just checked and there is only a contact email address on the Timor Air website now.

pilot one 3rd Mar 2009 10:13

What a classic, first S*W go to the market with a bunch of planes and no contracts, now they are going with a contract and no planes! The task is beyond them, the fact remains that you cant keep a 190 flying with a single contract a few times a week at best, with a few hundred creditors at the door.:suspect:

Mach E Avelli 3rd Mar 2009 10:28

They must have had legal advice to shut down the Air Timor bookings or at least heeded the warnings given here earlier re CAR 210 etc. Now, all we need to do is force SAW into 'fessing up that they are insolvent or press the case to have ASIC go for the jugular asap. Unless there is money in my bank overnight, I will get on to that tomorrow. Maybe talk to pollies in Canberra etc as well. Others affected should do the same. If there is enough noise from enough directions ASIC will have to act.
If anyone cares to PM me and I am satisfied that you are a genuine ex-SAW employee and still owed money, I will point you in the direction that will show you the advantage in having them go belly-up sooner rather than later.

pilot one 3rd Mar 2009 10:33

Here here ferrett.... What this "company" is doing is absolutely disgusting.... Funny when I rang today that there was no way of getting in contact with anyone from any department to answer my questions of how we are going to pay our rents and mortgages this week.... There must be a way.....any suggestions?

Capt Claret 3rd Mar 2009 10:48

I very much doubt the ATO will concern them selves with unpaid tax on unpaid redundancy. Sorry to rain on the parade.

pilot one 3rd Mar 2009 11:41

cashed up
your probably right, 100 x $20,000 (average) @ 30% rate wouldnt be worth it for the ATO...... or would it? They have certainly taken a great interest in others in the past with far less to gain, sometimes with nothing to gain, other than their point! Their legal department just love to get involved in making case history to better enforce the next breach. We probably wouldnt be having this discussion if I had the Australian tax payers paying for my legal team.:*

Frontalobe 3rd Mar 2009 11:55

You appear to have introduced the red herring that is a re-tender for Cocos.
What basis do you have?
Please point us in the direction of this knowledge.
If you are right then we will applaud your research.
If not, then the way of rup may you go.:suspect:

Frontalobe 3rd Mar 2009 12:02

Flying Spike
Good point.
Having taken your lead and having had a little delve I think you may wish to focus on the company called 'logistics'.
Interesting reading this one may make as to foreign skies it appears to take.:oh:

obgap50 4th Mar 2009 03:09

Anybody had any success contacting the company or seen any payments of late?:(

Wingletts 4th Mar 2009 10:42

dont get your hopes up too high!!

sthaussiepilot 5th Mar 2009 00:28

Well "Brisbane" & "Honiara have been removed from Departure and Arrival booking on the SAW website (had not checked it in a while, might be old news)

One side to the other of the country, watchout asia or south pole :suspect:

tail wheel 5th Mar 2009 03:45

Are you going to sit around complaining, or take positive action to recover what is owing to you?? :confused:

Superannuation Complaints Tribunal.

Workplace Ombudsman.

Recovering unpaid wages & entitlements, Queensland.

Recovery of unpaid wages and superannuation, Industrial Relations Commission, Queensland.

Recovering Unpaid Wages, Office of Industrial Relations, New South Wales.

Taxation Ombudsman, unpaid PAYG taxation deductions.

Australian Securities & Investment Commission, FIDO complaints.

Australian Federation of Air Pilots.

Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers Association.

If I were amongst the disenchanted and disenfranchised SAW employees, I'm sure by now I would have hounded every one of the above contacts until I got some positive action happening!

The longer you leave it, the less you will ever receive!

Mach E Avelli 5th Mar 2009 03:50

Tailwheel, well said. You are singing my song

topend3 5th Mar 2009 21:25

the Commonwealth is confident....maybe they have to be!

Canberra confident of service to Indian Ocean Territories
Font Size:DecreaseIncreasePrint Page:Print
Steve Creedy | March 06, 2009

Article from: The Australian
THE federal Government remains confident that new air services to the remote Indian Ocean Territories will start as planned.

This is despite a decision by the Brisbane-based airline involved to ground its planes.

SkyAirWorld won the contract to service Christmas and Cocos (Keeling) Islands after incumbent National Jet decided against bidding to renew its contract.

But SkyAirWorld chief executive David Charlton -- who raised eyebrows last week when he said the carrier would "pause flying operations in the short term", claiming the company would ground three of its five aircraft and cut 40 jobs -- said in a memo that the decision to stop flying was the result of "deteriorating economic conditions and ongoing challenges".

He said the airline remained "committed to its customers, staff and suppliers and would work with all parties in the coming weeks as part of the restructuring processes". A spokeswoman for the Attorney-General's Department said SkyAirWorld would start services to the territories on April 3.

"The department has received confirmation from SkyAirWorld management that the contract for provision of air services to the Territories will not be affected by the recently announced restructure," she said.

"SkyAirWorld released their new fares for the IOT Services on February 20. Representatives of SkyAirWorld are currently on the islands talking to travel agents and other interested parties, in preparation for their commencement of services."

National Jet, which held the Indian Ocean contract from 1997, said it did not seek to renew the contract when it went to tender last year. "Following a thorough assessment and analysis of the proposed contract, we determined that it did not satisfy our business model," Cobham Aviation Services chief executive Peter Nottage said.

Rudder 5th Mar 2009 23:03

One thing the Government departments don't do well is admit they made a mistake.

They certianly won't do it publicly but I would think at the moment they are franticly working behind the scenes to have their bases covered when this all goes pear shaped.

And Top End is correct. The Squeeky wheel gets the oil. If you are not getting paid or fobbed of, you need to be squeeling. Don't wait till there is no oil left! As a group you should get together and put a lot of pressure on this organisation and all of his suggestions are valid.

techsupport 6th Mar 2009 04:59

SAW signs Anuha island lease agreement
SkyAirWorld may or may not be trading, but SkyWaterWorld is.

For TV interview with SAW business development manager see:
Sky Airworld signs Anuha

Article says:

"Sky Airworld's Business Development Manager Peter Schott flew in from Australia to sign the Documentation." - just not on SAW equipment.

daffy67 6th Mar 2009 06:02

Good luck to everyone in finding more work, to those who came from overseas it would be an even bigger blow.

RedwireBluewire 6th Mar 2009 07:15

As a sidebar, the two ERJ145's parked in YBCS are off to Portugal on Monday at the lease owners request.

tail wheel 6th Mar 2009 08:18

Hmmmm! :hmm:

Can't pay wages but can buy foreign resorts? :confused:

Sky Airworld signs Anuha
Written by Administrator
Thursday, 05 March 2009 07:49

Sky Airworld today signed its final agreement with the government for the acquisition of the Anuha Resort on Ngella.
After two years of negotiation this is a breakthrough for the Airline in terms of its intentions to move into Solomon Islands Tourism Industry.
Sky Airworld's Business Development Manager Peter Schott flew in from Australia to sign the Documentation.

Obie 6th Mar 2009 08:54

With all due respect Tail Wheel, don't you think you should just butt out and moderate and not give us your opinion!

Unless, of course, you might like to use another name and be part of the team!!

Mustaphabeer 6th Mar 2009 10:06


Every member of this forum, including the moderators should have the right to post their own opinions on this and other matters under their own psuedonims so members can judge the validity of the information offered.

I personally have used the information posted here and am extremely grateful for that and the support that the majority of members and Tail Wheel have provided.:ok:

It has been a very stressful time, when you are out of work with minimal money left to pay the bills, and any assistance is gratefully recieved.

To the moderators and especially Tail Wheel (I assume that you may have seen all this before:) ), your links and words of wisdom have been, and still are, helpful and encouraging to all affected.:ok:

To all those that have provided help and words of support i would like to offer you my thanks.:D:D

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