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go-rownd 30th Apr 2009 12:32

How have any of the last 62 pages of vitriole solved, or really attempted to solve, the "ASA Staff Shortage"

Unlike WC, I am "concerned of eventualities".


numbskull 30th Apr 2009 13:08

Thanks WC,

I'm starting to form an impression of the people that work there??!!!

WELLCONCERNED 30th Apr 2009 23:20

Hey GR,

I'm sure it's only 61 pages of vitriole - there must be at least one full page of constructive input!!

...but don't work about the staff shortage problem - the SDE program will fix everything - one size fits all ratings and endorsements, consoles configurable to do any sector in Australia at the drop of a hat. Feeling sick - well, no problem, simply stay at home, log-on to the secure ATC VPN, and select a nice easy sector to work on for a few hours - then go to bed with a cup of tea and a Bex powder.

As to accusations of schizophrenia - be careful. I seem to recall someone being banned a couple of years ago from this site for calling RHS a schizophrenic - if the moderators are at all consistent they should give you a gentle warning, Mr Howabout.

Nummy - it's not all bad news - only the ATCs are 'disturbed' - I'm sure the engineering types are really nice people, and that the engineering departments are warm and welcoming.

Tootle Pip.

everyonefedup 1st May 2009 01:29

The maintainence guys are all pretty dedicated - but like most areas of Airservices they get let down by management quite a bit. The TAS area is in a bit of a mess - lots of projects running behind, overbudget, out of control. A few guys have left to save their careers (no one wants to be connected with a few of the projects due to a bad rep).

So... I suppose to be as constructive as I can.... dedicated professionals are always welcome at ASA.... but keep in mind that the place is suffering a bit from a crap CEO, crap Board, crap Executives and a particularly crap HR group "People and Change". So if you love your work enough to put up with being treated like rubish... this is the place for you.

numbskull 1st May 2009 22:00

Thanks for the feedback guys. It pretty much sounds like most places I've worked at- underfunded, undermanned and a focus on costs to the detriment of everything else.

maintenance is such an easy target for short term gains and no one likes to pay for it

WELLCONCERNED 2nd May 2009 10:04


Funk 3rd May 2009 14:29

Lemme guess the rank & file voted for a short term gain of a payrise without any guarantee of improved rostering or genuine career developement.

So in 6 months time are we gonna hear about short staffing, poor rosters, airspace closures due to absenteeism (ultimately associated with poor job satisfaction...you know when you're sitting in an aisle with 5 sectors open and you've got 1 plane each or you've had to come in on a week end 8 hour day shift to plug in for 2 hours talking to nobody)?

Hope I am wrong.

WELLCONCERNED 3rd May 2009 23:46

Ever one to look at the glass half empty scenario....

...if the CivilAir vote count is correct, then it appears that 79% of eligible voters - assume this means CivilAir members - voted in favour of the agreement - but 21% either voted against or abstained.

Now that the hype and drama of the negotiation is over, might it not be prudent for CivilAir to canvas the 21% of members who said no [or abstained] to find out why - and what it was they wanted, but which wasn't delivered in the CA.

Not trying to stir trouble here - just pointing out that 1 in 5 of your members weren't happy (yes, I know, that means 4 in 5 were - but it would have been nice if your satisfaction rating was just a little higher).

mikk_13 3rd May 2009 23:54

I didn't vote since I am leaving the company. I hope this is not the case for everyone else who didn't.

everyonefedup 4th May 2009 00:02

I think if you read through the past 63 pages - it is clear that a lot of the problems were not CA related ones. The staff shortage is a result of poor management.... just because this CA was voted in doesn't mean that suddenly we have renewed faith in the ASA board or exec to start doing their job properly. What it does do is get a side issue out of the way... now TFN has nothing to blame if he can't get his stuff together.

My two cents - People and Change is clearly a failed group. CF is a terrible people leader and the people she has appointed into her group are poor relationship managers and (using the "academy" as an example) have no idea how to develop and sustain a workforce of ATCs. Instead of developing pretty presentations with no detail and relabelling things to bring us into line with some bizarre notion of private sector best practice they should have focused on doing their job properly. As far as I am concerned CF and her managers should be the first to go if the organisation is serious about rebuilding relationships with employees.

The very fact that P&C couldn't close out a single agreement on time and Greg was forced to go in and negotiate it himself should have that group sacked. It is embarrasing - and a poor reflection on TFN.

After correcting some shocking appointments in P&C they can go back and have a look at making the recruitment and training process work for ATCs. It doesn't matter what cute catch phrase you have on your advertisement if most of your guys are failing in the field... and yes - we all know that you can rock up to senate estimates and claim a 80% pass rate in the college but that pretty much just means that the college is passing people that they shouldn't if they aren't cutting it in the field... I mean... you can make that pass rate 100% if you really want to by lowering the standard even further but at the end of the day if they aren't rated in the field you haven't actually done a good job.

The ATC staff shortage is a result of crappy workforce planning by P&C (which CF was responsible for when she was the people strategy manager) crappy reforms (yes... CF had her hand in that too Miss former Change Office Manager) and crappy reform of the college (under the CF GM). So boot her off the island already!

blind freddy 4th May 2009 00:19

You assumed wrong WC.

The vote was open to all people that will be covered by the Agreement, not just the Civil Air members.

How's your AWA going btw WC? Are you feeling your job security?
I particularly love that part where your employment can be terminated without any reason, or recourse, with 12 weeks notice.
I hear rumours that 1 in 3 are for the chop.

WELLCONCERNED 4th May 2009 00:46

Actually, quite well, BF - thanks for asking.

Because of some serious butt-licking in one of my previous positions in Canberra, I managed to get a really good base salary - WELL above the general population - and my performance bonus of 30+% keeps me well ahead of the pack. In fact, as far as I can see, I should get at least a 25% bonus, as my performance objectives - soft as they were - have been met and exceeded. I'm happy to take the 5% cut requested of all managers as part of our 'show the flag, help the customers' program - won't do a lot of damage to my bottom line.

Having now seen the full CA, and noted the salaries those in my aisle are getting, I'd say I was 'quids in' salary wise - at least 20% ahead of the highest paid controller in the aisle - even when overtime is taken into account. My salary sacrifice arrangements are fantastic - and my novated car deal is second to none. I probably pay less tax than the trainee in the next aisle.

So, once again, thanks for asking - I'm doing just great!!

Come and see me if you are thinking about switching.

Tootle Pip.

everyonefedup 4th May 2009 02:08

25% bonus out of 30%? That is so funny - you must be seriously deluded if you think that they won't moderate them down this year. Particularly since there seems to be general agreement that the ALM structure isn't working out that well... you might have met your "soft" targets but the company ain't that interested in your arse licking ability when they are trying to show the minister that they are clawing ounces of productivity out of a squeezed workforce. But if you need to convince yourself that you're better off to preserve some vague perception of intelligence... more power to you mate.

Tell me this - how are you.. in all of your superior glory - actually contributing to make ASA a better place to work with sustainable staffing solutions? What fabulous outcome did you achieve to justify any bonus? Perhaps if you are saying that the bonus structure is based on "soft" targets that weren't that hard to achieve you are actually saying that the structure has failed because there aren't really any results for you to achieve?

tobzalp 4th May 2009 23:53

Why you people even bother engaging this dude in any conversation is beyond me:ugh:

WELLCONCERNED 6th May 2009 23:21

Hey Pete - oops - sorry - Tobby,

Why so aggressive. All I'm doing is fleshing [or maybe flushing] out the issues, and generating debate.

Look at how much information wouldn't have been shared with Joe Public if I hadn't pushed your buttons.

And remember - this is a RUMOUR network - not a HARD FACT network.

Thanks for the compliment, OS. Guess our idea of humour wasn't shared by all - my last post suddenly disappeared. Oh well, no accounting for taste.

peuce 7th May 2009 21:57

Methinks there's a fair bit of bridge building to be done within the ATC ranks ... before you can start sorting out the management...

undervaluedATC 11th May 2009 02:35

by the by,
on the union website we are starting to compile a list of times/days when staffing was less than rostered but no NOTAM was issued....

tobzalp 11th May 2009 04:12

3 more leaving Tops group in Brisbane. Two more maybes. This is in addition to the 4 that have already gone. That is 9 just this year from one group alone and all packed up to different employers. Seems that the people waiting for the EBA outcome before looking elsewhere looked elsewhere.:zzz:

Showa Cho 11th May 2009 04:46

But hang on, didn't the CEO say that staff shortages were caused by a few renegade controllers who were pushing for the EBA to be signed? So now the EBA has been endorsed by the majority of members, what will his excuse for staff shortages be now?

The airlines should be asking why we are still having TIBA.

There's only so long you can go telling porkie-pies until you are found out.

So, Greg, man enough to admit you lied are you?

I doubt it. Bring in the next scapegoat!


Showa Cho.

go-rownd 15th May 2009 02:12

The End??
Em i dai pinis masta??

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