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missy 31st Aug 2008 13:41

Airservices Australia has "won" the IATA Eagle Award twice, 1999 and 2005,

Since 1998 Eagle Awards have been given to leading airport operators and ANS provider organisations who demonstrated exceptional commitment to control infrastructure costs and related charges. Eagle Award winners are selected by a neutral and independent panel of aviation industry professionals.

exceptional commitment to control infrastructure costs and related charges
Nothing about on-time performance, safety, customer service, customer satisfaction, staff satisfaction - its just about costs and charges.

Other winners have included LFV of Sweden, Airways Corporation of New Zealand, Estonian Air Navigation Services, The General Civil Aviation Authority of the United Arab Emirates, NAVCANADA, DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung and the Irish Aviation Authority.

kam16 31st Aug 2008 23:04

Hey TFN, some questions for you?

It is now the magical day where all our staffing issues are solved, yet I have been asked to do two AD's (overtimes) this week. What is going on?
Please don't tell me you are telling porky pies to your staff and the naive public! :=

Found those renegade ATC's yet?

Love your work and can not wait to hear who is to blame now we still have no staff. :ugh:

When do you leave?

LapSap 31st Aug 2008 23:10

its just about costs and charges
Unfortunatley Missy, if you've ever sat in on a meeting with IATA reps, you'd know that that is ALL they are interested in. The rest is a given.

missy 31st Aug 2008 23:15

Oh perhaps therein lies the problem.

The rest is a given

Staff giving up their days off to come to work to prop up an ailing air traffic control system. Staff satisfaction plummeting, on-time performance deteriorating as service interruption continue, safety (??), customer service nose diving, customer satisfaction at an all time low (??).

Is there any goodwill left?

undervaluedATC 1st Sep 2008 08:34

from www.civilair.asn.au

Media Release: Air Traffic Controller shortage fixed?

Monday, 01 September 2008

Today is the day Australia's chronic shortgae of air traffic controllers should officially end.

That’s the promise of Airservices CEO Greg Russell in an internal email to staff on July 30, responding to criticism of the agency’s inability to provide supervised airspace for flights over Australia.
Earlier, on May 28, Airservices told Senate Estimates hearings that Airservices was working to remedy the official shortfall of 21 air traffic controllers. Civil Air, the air traffic controllers’ association, is sceptical of Airservices’ claims and believes the real figure is more than 100.
Civil Air executive secretary Peter McGuane says Airservices was largely unsuccessful in its efforts to recruit overseas air traffic controllers, and last week was exposed in the media for its impossible commitment to train a further 80-100 new ATCs each year for the next five years.
“Airservices has gutted the Melbourne training academy to save costs and doesn’t have the instructors or capacity to train anything like this number – currently recruits are filling time by teaching themselves on simulators without supervision from instructors,” he said.
“At the same time, Australian air traffic controllers and their families continue to head overseas for better pay and conditions. In the past two weeks alone a further four ATCs have accepted these offers, and more are anticipated.”
The current staffing situation – and the resulting periods of unsupervised air space, most recently yesterday in the Canberra area – are the direct consequences of Airservices failure to plan for the future, while indulging in corporate restructures that benefit their profit at the expense of service.
“Air traffic controllers will continue to work as rostered, except when legally barred from duty due to illness or certain prescription medication, and will continue to cover reasonable overtime – but they cannot fix a system that’s been stretched until it’s almost beyond repair.”

“At this stage, we anticipate this will achieve a full staffing complement by the end of August, with new controllers flowing into the system over the coming months. This is just the beginning of our increased recruitment activities with a further 80-100 ATCs to be recruited per year over the next five years. This is a central plank in the reform of the ATC core business.”
Media enquiries should be directed to:
Peter McGuane, Executive Secretary 0412 538 336
Andrew Taylor 0411 156 797

Jerricho 7th Sep 2008 17:29

So what's happened?

TFN build a cloning machine?

undervaluedATC 8th Sep 2008 01:56

Not as far as we know.

But we understand that we will shortly be issued with new Gregorrian calanders, which are printed as follows

August 31
August 32
August 33
August 34
August 35 etc

in fact, if the number was'nt changing, you'd think there had been a printing error. :rolleyes:

Sunfish 8th Sep 2008 02:14

I haven't been following this thread very much but let me make a guess about one thing....

In all the restructuring that has been going on, are there now more managers or less managers???

I think I already know the answer:{

Awol57 8th Sep 2008 02:28

I think there are now 107 ALM's. Dunno how many before that but I would say, 27 Tower managers, plus one manager per group. So maybe 50 all up? If that.

BeGoneTFN 10th Sep 2008 11:24

And so the exodus begins

Showa Cho 10th Sep 2008 12:01

I'd say it began about 6 months ago....the tempo is just increasing.

Two from YMML TWR today, and four from Brisbane Centre.

Around 24 from Melbourne Centre in the last 9 months or so.

There's no problem at all. Move along, move along.....nothing to see here!

Get those Tonka Trucks/Four leaf clovers/lederhausen ready......

tobzalp 10th Sep 2008 13:47

I really enjoyed my time in Germany last week.:cool:



Plazbot 10th Sep 2008 13:48

Fully? So did I. We must have nearly run into one another.

west atc 10th Sep 2008 22:19

10 shifts to go until I'll be drinking with the Leprechauns. I can't see TFN missing me, since the staffing problems are fixed. :ugh:

BeGoneTFN 11th Sep 2008 02:46

ASA accounting methods
minus 17 plus 2 from ML TWR, plus 4 from BN ENR = minus 11

YOU Beauty! we'll be over staffed before TFN knows it????????

By the way JH, what planet are you on?

Your Avnet forum posts would indicate that you have entered that alternative reality occupied for so long by your master.

What's with all that Gen Y rubbish, those kids are way to intelligent to be recruited into an organisation intent on self destruction! Why bother endevouring to make it a great place to work if you want rid of everyone after 5 years employment.

Its truly mind blowing stuff, ASA should indeed look to diversify into say, banking............ my mistake, we've already headed in that direction.

Surely its time for another Star Trek type episode, the amount of material now available is to overwhelming to ignore.

In anticipation.

BgTFN you are truly a :mad: wit and must go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

trueline 11th Sep 2008 07:01

Why bother endevouring to make it a great place to work if you want rid of everyone after 5 years employment.
It's simply Jason and TFN's way of avoiding blame for the separation rate. They'll claim it's not their fault, it's Gen Y's! Only self-centred Gen Ys with itchy feet would want to leave such a 'great place to work'!

DoctorBoner 11th Sep 2008 11:59

Fully? So did I. We must have nearly run into one another.
Sounds like we all were lined up according to Country. I know of a 4th who went two weeks ago. Jason H and his LaLa land opinion of retention make me chuckle.

Robbovic 12th Sep 2008 00:14

TFN and his minions are beginning to remind me of the last days of the little Austrian corporal.
Insiders to Bullsh#t Castle tell me that he hunkers down each day in his bunker (the Crisis Management bubble in the NOC) going over his view of how he and his drooling cronies are "running" air traffic management in this country.
He even has his own Propoganda Minister ("Vot are you sayink you stupid boy? Zey are not leafink, Ve are keepink zem all!!! and if zey do leaf, ve vill haf zem SHOT!!! Ve vill RULE ZE VORLD!!!")

The other parallel, of course, is that his soldiers in the field have been telling him for a long time that the plan will and cannot work, but he and his General Staff keep sticking to it.

TFN uber alles!!!

LeavingASA 12th Sep 2008 01:14

Rumour is there are another 3 in Melbourne that have offers for Germany!!

I am now convinced that everything is progressing according to Management plans...

Let the troublemakers leave/retire.
Change the recruitment/training process to ensure everyone passes.
Create generic "plug and play" ATC endorsements that are achieved with minimal on the job training.
Create an airspace model that will reduce the amount of staff required ie: Upper Airspace run on 2 consoles - 1 in Melbourne and 1 in Brisbane (I've heard that people in Canberra actually believe this is achievable!!)
Continue to apply the "big stick" to those that stay by "managing" those that dare to call in sick and effectively make overtime obligatory

Problem solved!

Of course anyone at the front line knows this will not/cannot be achieved, but we seem to be dealing with people who no longer have a firm grasp on reality...

makespeed250kt 12th Sep 2008 02:53

Surely aircraft operators must be fed-up with all the TIBA/delays due staff shortages. Yet, things remain eerily quiet.

I'd like to see a dollar figure for all these delays. 5mins here, another 5mins there, day in, day out.

This mob at AsA bash us over the head about productivity.

I can only imagine what their management decisions are doing to national transport productivity as a whole.

Anyway, what would I know?:ugh:

clear to land 12th Sep 2008 04:12

Thought you chap/chapette ATCO's would be interested to know that ASA has informed our bosses (who have just communicated this to us), that the ASA Collective Agreement will be signed on 21 Dec and no more TIBA. (Wonder what they will call it next??????? :ugh:) Cheers from the sandpit.!!!:)

max1 12th Sep 2008 04:19

I hear that the new College boss has produced a breathtaking display of 'tough love' at the College. The new course has seen ASAs 'making it a great place to work' mantra in action.
No use cotton wooling them from what they can expect from their new employer.

boree3 12th Sep 2008 06:14

I guess the atmosphere theives in CBR beleive all the current TIBA is due to the lack of progress in the EBA. Yeah right! We don`t have the fricken staff and it`s not gettin any better i can tell youse. Just wait till we really get angry and turn the phone orf. Bulls#!t castle would have us believe that the trainees are coming thick and fast. Trouble is they start at the bottom and assuming they pass it`s takes a couple of years in the field to replace the experienced guys & gals that have gone os. No amount of spin will hide the fact the sh!t we`re in and it won`t magically get better if & when the EBA is finalised. Wonder how that retention bonus is coming along?

Todays date? August the 43rd eh. Greg?

undervaluedATC 12th Sep 2008 21:13

Bulls#!t castle would have us believe that the trainees are coming thick and fast.
the next new trainee for our group does not arrive until November (assuming sucessful acamedy experience) Don't even have a date for the next one after that....

Surely aircraft operators must be fed-up with all the TIBA/delays due staff shortages. Yet, things remain eerily quiet
I also am defeaned by the silence of their protests. What on earth has TFN promised them to keep them quiet?

Thought you chap/chapette ATCO's would be interested to know that ASA has informed our bosses (who have just communicated this to us), that the ASA Collective Agreement will be signed on 21 Dec and no more TIBA. (Wonder what they will call it next??????? :ugh:)
Since AsA and Civilair disagree about removing principles of rostering, introducing obligatory overtime, and slashing sick leave, I extremely doubt that an agreement will be signed by 21st December.

As for the academy incident, I believe the consensus was that the term "fascists" summed up the person(s) involved succintly.

hoboe 12th Sep 2008 23:05

Thought you chap/chapette ATCO's would be interested to know that ASA has informed our bosses (who have just communicated this to us), that the ASA Collective Agreement will be signed on 21 Dec and no more TIBA.
ASA didn't happen to mention what year by any chance?:rolleyes:

tobzalp 13th Sep 2008 08:19

I onky heard about this college incident third hand but to share what I heard....

Trainees started. Trainees have no instructors. Trainees told they have a 6 month delay of sitting around doing support roles to the other courses. Trainees say 'Homey don't think so'. College manager calls a meeting and shows up with a Security guard and tells all assembled that if they don't like it(delay), the security guard will escort them from the building and they no longer have a 'job'.

What a friggn awesome employer.:mad: I could not believe this when I heard it.

(This is a third hand rumour)

cbradio 13th Sep 2008 08:31

one of the new trainees was posting on Pprune before he started his course - suggested some current controllers were over-reacting if I recall!

He might like to tell us the story.

yarrayarra 14th Sep 2008 03:59

I'm so saddened and ashamed to be part of this organisation. Having been part of a wonderful group of professionals for over 30 years, I'm afraid the loyalty and professionalism engendered by past senior staff has been totally eroded by the callous mismanagement, disdain and shortsitedness of the present. I'm truly saddened that the young controllers who are following will not have the comaradery, fun and sense of pride in their profession that I've had amongst a great bunch of dedicated professionals. Rex- I've finally taken your advice- "Mate- don't take it so seriously. It's only a game" When's the next pay cheque?

max1 14th Sep 2008 07:52

Further to what I have heard from sources quite close to the action.

What our ' great place to work' managers fail to realise that the people they have employed as trainees have lives.

Those moving from interstate would have signed rental agreements based on the length, they were told, the course would run.

From discussions with people who have been through the College lately, some left their other halves interstate as they had committments that didn't justify uprooting families, leaving jobs, etc for the period of time they were told they would be at the College.

Thumb Twiddling Course 27, were not told in advance that they would be extended due to lack of instructors. ASA are desperate to say they are putting trainess through the College. As a face saving exercise they decided to start the course knowing full well that they couldn't accomodate them. But if asked, could say we have started a course. Pure spin.

These poor people have been learning to be blip drivers (simulator support officers) on a trainees wage. They have now been told that they will be further extended. One RD , head spin doctor from Canberra, came to give them a Corporate indoctrination. Some quite pointed questions were asked from people who were hired because of their assertive personalities, among other things.

The new head of the College, recruited from the NAB with no aviation background, decided to play the heavy and arrived with security guard in tow.
She told these people, who have had to re-arrange leases, placate loved ones, left other jobs, etc, etc, that if they didn't like it, that they could be escorted right now off the premises by the security guard.

I am sure pushing people to make this decision in a matter of seconds was the reason she decided to play this game of brinkmanship. It is called bullying. I am also led to believe that some trainees made notes of the meeting, but on returning from lunch these had been gathered up and taken.

I suppose it saves time later, if you get your employees lied to and bullied early, that way nothing comes a surprise later on.

Howabout 14th Sep 2008 09:37

This is totally bizzare. Are you telling me that trainees are being treated that way? I have a feeling that I know who RD may be - lot's of time controling - a dead set expert.

Now, all you dead-heads need to to do is make the "service delivery environment" work. Sheesh, I went to a RAPAC and listened to the spiel about SDE. I could not believe the rubbish I heard out of a young suit - forget his name - as to how this was to revolutionise ATC.

I seriously wonder how these guys manage to hold onto their jobs.

BeGoneTFN 14th Sep 2008 10:04

I'm dying to know who RD is?

If thats the way the recruits are being treated I take back what I stated previously, ASA wont have any problems at all achieving the turnover they desire!

We as an organisation and service provider are seriously in the ****!

Won't someone please help, I'm looking for some political or media assistance here! anyone, anyone please.

The silence is deafening......... watch them all run if the unthinkable should occur. 200 TIBA in a month!

To all those interested this is the only avenue for concerned ASA staff, we can't convey our thoughts and fears in any other way, please heed our calls. :sad:


Albizia 14th Sep 2008 10:22


The king of spin, he who speaks to the media about those nasty ATC's, kind of rhymes with fudley.

Corporate governance, I wonder if anyone in AWB has actually done it. I would have to guess no.

missy 14th Sep 2008 10:31

What seems to be missing in this whole debate is the years of experience walking out the door. It seems that OS ANSPs are prepared to pay for this experience.

ASA will spin numbers, that is, controller numbers but it takes years to train from first in the door at the college to being a FPC controller able to work all shifts and all positions.

I understand that the numbers of ATC resigning will continue. The number of FPCs is diminishing by week by week, certainly much faster than they can be replaced. The sand pit continues to lure Tower controllers.

What was once a great profession has been completely done-over by bureaucrats who little or no understanding of what it is like to be an air traffic controller. I fail to see how this whole mess can be sorted.

max1 14th Sep 2008 10:36

I couldn't believe it myself when I first heard, so did some digging.

The people now in charge of ASA have no empathy for other human beings.
These trainees will be six months behind where they were told they would be financially. Makes a difference at the end of your career.

They are not being forced to be on $35k for an extra six months, but really being denied six months pay on whatever they are on at the end of their career.

The bureaucrats running this place simply don't give a stuff about these people.

No Further Requirements 14th Sep 2008 10:39

YarraYarra, you know who I am and I know who you are, and it is a great pity that a person with your experience, skill and respect is so burned by AsA. Make the most of these last years and don't let the ba@#ards get you down! Make sure you pop in on the way to Euorpe.



BeGoneTFN 14th Sep 2008 12:30

Thanks Albizia,

How could I miss that, he's another hack goodness its hard to keep up with them all.

I wonder if that clown will be doing a victory tour with TFN and JH when the place goes under, I'm betting they'll remain bunkered down in the NOC shop. No doubt brain storming more excuses!

Think I would have to go Non-op if any of them bothered to turned up at my work place! It would be an interesting reception given the way he as the CEO has displayed a compelete lack of respect for and blatantly defamed his entire ATC workforce.

Mutual respect = a somewhat better place to work

TFN you have failed, every part of ASA struggles on a daily basis to simply operate.

I believe a significant event occured when all staff development training was cancelled about two years ago, that was the writing on the wall your attitude towards staff then became evident.

You want the factory sterile environment to drive people out, to drive them nuts (just how long can someone stand doing the one sector). Its all about cost and your personal remuneration, you don't care about our organsiation you killed Hazo's now you crap on about a government mandate regarding pay rises and bleet about our sick leave entitlements (have you ever worked at night you gnat!) to further erode our conditions.

I personally hope that before you extricate your head from your a*se, you and your managers get a rocket from QF, VOZ and the government because airports are closing, yes closing due to your arrogance and incompetence that led to a large proportion of your workforce to seek alternative employment.

Geez, I need a drink now, you sh*t me so much! :mad:


Robbovic 15th Sep 2008 04:55

The Australian cricket squad to tour India lacking a good spinner - they could do a lot worse that the person who thought up the lastest TLI about the composition of TIBA NOTAMs.

How about this for a fizzing legbreak?

The wording is not to include the phrase "...due staff shortage" if there were staff available for callout, but who declined the invitation to attend, ie in the case of a short notice absence.
The correct phrase is mandated as "...due staff unavailability".
The first phrase may only be used if there was originally a vacant spot on the roster that was not able to be filled.

Warney would have been proud of that jaffa!!

ozbiggles 15th Sep 2008 05:14

Its good to see your the ASA PR section is responsible for NOTAMs!!!!
No doubt they had a large meeting and then a lunch after that consultation was done.
One point I would disagree with however is I'm sure your boss does work late at night....
1. Just not very often.
2. Never all night
3. Get paids a CEO salary to do it!
Maybe that American bunch who do the Commonwealth Bank Adds also advise ASA HQ.....maybe they actually run ASA!

Howabout 15th Sep 2008 05:40

More like a fizzing googly!

Of course, "staff unavailability" suggests that there's sufficient staff, they're just "'unavailable". Ergo, it's all your fault.

Neither Blackadder, nor the fox appointed Professor of Cunning at Oxford University, ever came up with such a cunning plan.

Adamastor 15th Sep 2008 05:52

If they put half the effort into fixing the problems that they do into playing their highly suspect blame game, the poor old customers might be getting to their destinations on time!!! :{

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