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domo 9th Jan 2008 01:36

good result for the a330 team to think they would have settled for less great for the 12 people been trained.and a breakthru in management to come to the party and invest in training. well done the alaea team.

company_spy 9th Jan 2008 01:42

Yes a great win by the assn despite a lack of support from some 330 crew members who were obviously trying hard to appease the fat controller and M. Watch out come the revolution, you know who you are.........

Short_Circuit 9th Jan 2008 01:51

Where will they find any Avionic AME's, that all have gone due no
career prospect at QF or about to move to SIO as of next week

sikwog 9th Jan 2008 03:48

Can anyone clarify wheather long service leave can be rejected due to qf cancelling leave as I thaught that it can not be refused and it is a part of the award. I have heard a roumor that there is a case in WA and qf were using federal legislation and not local to cancell LSL.

regitaekilthgiwt 9th Jan 2008 04:11

konehead, thats what I meant too :)

Its time to show the management that the people who keep things running in this company are the engineers and the pilots and the sooner we work together (Qf and its workforce) and start doing things that are seemingly obvious and fair the better.

Long Bay Mauler 9th Jan 2008 04:57

Watch Today Tonight at 6:30pm as there is supposedly a story about what is happening.........

The_King 9th Jan 2008 05:33

Dick.Hayes said….
QAN Share price.
Beginning of November $6.05
Beginning of December $5.85
Beginning of January $5.28
I don’t understand, isn’t industrial action good for a share price.OH Well, how low can we go??

Today hit $5.14 before closing at $5.19.
Well done GD.
When will you realize if you upset staff enough, you will ultimately upset the share holders.
Then again, I’m sure all he really cares about is his pay and bonuses.

HotDog 9th Jan 2008 08:49

Sorry mate but nought to do with the threat of industrial action. World markets including the ASX going through a very volatile period. Today's close down 46 points or 0.75% across the board.

Short_Circuit 9th Jan 2008 09:59

Cr@p, financial markets are on the slide due to the US credit squeeze, QF is posting record profits of 50% on last year record profit. Share price is falling because of poor management.:ugh:

amos2 9th Jan 2008 10:06

I gotta tell ya, short circuit...

you aint doin your cause any good! ...

quite frankly, you're quite an embarrassment!!

I think your team could well do without you, if you wanna win this thing!!

So, why don't you just pull your head in Mate?

NAS1801 9th Jan 2008 10:33

Love your style short circuit..... I will be using this function for the trolls!

Hasherucf 9th Jan 2008 10:40

As FlexiableResponse mentioned in post 947 the mining industry is screaming out for people with a trade certificate. Gold has hit an all time high of $1000 AUD today. These boom times wont last for ever so if you want a break from Aviation and earn some $$$ then jump on seek.com and get a new career . You can always come back once the resource boom has finished. Why not get paid 100k with 1/3 of the responsibility

Good luck with the fight boys , keep it clean and legal :}

No SAR No Details 9th Jan 2008 11:18

What,you mean there's more to life than QANTAS. Apparently that's what 260 ex LAMES from Sydney Heavy and other ports have discovered since getting shafted last year.
Go for Gold.
Go for nuclear power.
Go for public transport.
Go for the building industry.
Go for General aviation.
Go for Coal.
Go for your life as Airline careers with ***** like harris in charge are limited.

FlexibleResponse 9th Jan 2008 12:59

These people are desperate and will pay big bucks. Pick your state or city. 1011 jobs on offer for maintenance engineers in mining industry:


NMDhold 9th Jan 2008 13:23

Just a thought.......

Here's a manager i would trust.....


If someone of this ilk took the reins from the incumbents, we may see more than just the 1.4b profit....

Do I hear 2.5 billion?????

And it would be an enjoyable place to work:)

It seems the Qantas shareholder could do a lot better with the money they throw at the current leadership.

Are there any local Gordon Bethunes out there?

Awaiting "Z" hour......


regitaekilthgiwt 9th Jan 2008 22:10

It looks like an impact is already been seen at Sydney International. Obviously some flights will normally leave slightly late due late passengers etc (within 15 minutes is considered on time), however the overall trend is there.

This is Wednesday the 9th of January's Qantas flights from Syd Intl:

QF163....11 mins late
QF47.....21 hrs 54 mins late YES it left the next day
QF167....4 mins late
QF45.....9 mins late
QF74.....8 mins late
QF123....16 mins late
QF63.....37 mins late
QF183....8 mins late
QF129....36 mins late
QF43.....14 mins late
QF191....23 mins late
QF127....30 mins late
QF107....35 mins late
QF187....2 mins early
QF11.....19 mins late
QF73.....1 hr 37 mins late
QF41.....8 mins late
QF5......39 mins late
QF31.....4 hrs 36 mins late
QF1......4 hrs 40 mins late
QF117....4 mins late
QF49.....13 mins late
QF3......31 mins late
Qf21.....11 mins late

Meanwhile to Europe...
BA16.....Departed on Schedule
BA10.....Departed on Schedule

sickofqf 9th Jan 2008 22:16

Re A330 agreement;

What about the guys with the half-A330 ( Engine and core) course who are still waiting for their PCT 2 years later....any agreement on them....I saw nothing in the QF notice about them ?

beachhead 10th Jan 2008 00:12

The latest notice from the union to the company did seem to help some of those individuals in also picking up the airframe, although it may only be for the guys on the A330 crews.

Bumpfoh 10th Jan 2008 00:13

Reference previous post sentimetns
Re A330 agreement;

What about the guys with the half-A330 ( Engine and core) course who are still waiting for their PCT 2 years later....any agreement on them....I saw nothing in the QF notice about them ?

Silly c:mad:ts should never have done the course in the first place along with the Cab Int. guys on the last course. It's all or nothing!:ugh:

HotDog 10th Jan 2008 03:35

Cr@p, financial markets are on the slide due to the US credit squeeze, QF is posting record profits of 50% on last year record profit. Share price is falling because of poor management.

Short Circuit, I'm pleased to see you list your occupation as "Whipping Post" and not as Financial Advisor.:E

chemical alli 10th Jan 2008 03:44

00.01 hrs this evening ,game on .as if the gingerbeers actually need to do anything, the workloads and logbooks are full with little manpower to take up the slack.
so much meat has been cut from the bone the only taste now is gritty sinuea

Short_Circuit 10th Jan 2008 03:49

I never said I was the sharpest knife in the draw, but I can make 400 ton of bauxite fly like a bird.

Long Bay Mauler 10th Jan 2008 04:00

Has there been any word from the Commission today in regards to the cancellation of annual leave and the company opposing the PIA of overtime bans from tonight?

Also heards whipsers yesterday that the union made an excellant 11th hour approach about the EBA to the company which was warmly received.

Any comments ???

Redstone 10th Jan 2008 04:15

Rumour Mill In Overdrive
There has been much speculation and unsubstantiated commentary flowing from the grape vine since Friday. That's all well and good, but for mine I think I'll just prepare myself for a long one. Viva La Revolusione!!!!

chemical alli 10th Jan 2008 04:43

tick ,tock goes the indutrial action clock

redstone i hope it aint viva le revolution as the french lost

my bet at the 11th hour or prcisely 23.59hrs there will be an outcome.

Long Bay Mauler 10th Jan 2008 05:07

Have heard that AW(from the 3rd floor),CR(from the Melbourne Lean Mean Black Belt society),one of the Sydney twins(from the Pineapple Club),and another non working LAME have been in BNE doing towing training and Local Area procedures as well.:=

Has any other ports had interstate visitors doing the same in the recent days?

Syd eng 10th Jan 2008 05:56

Just got a union notice saying that no action will now take place until Febuary 1. Looks like they may have got some decent negotiation happening today. All leave for January is now back on too.

blackhander 10th Jan 2008 06:19

Don't we run out of time to commence action by then?

Clipped 10th Jan 2008 06:22

Yep, just saw the notice in the smoko room - Parties Hold Fire - why am I so deeply suspicious of Q's motives.

SP (and all)- stay alert.

There is too much history of deceit.

Syd eng 10th Jan 2008 06:24

Blackhander the notice has an extension for the action by 30 days given by the commission.

Short_Circuit 10th Jan 2008 06:32

Knowing QF B@st@rds they have ulterior motives up their sleeve,
BE CAREFUL SP, they are as slippery as an eel and half as handsome...:ooh:

blackhander 10th Jan 2008 06:33

Thanks Syd eng should have checked email before posting

MENDAERO 10th Jan 2008 07:43

I would just like to point out to everyone this thread is currently the largest thread in D&G Reporting Points with 994 posts, and the thread has been viewed 65,474 times.

A lot of people have taken interest in our EBA negotiations. Thanks

The Bungeyed Bandit 10th Jan 2008 07:46

I'm sorry guys but I just hope QF management aren't toying with us and Steve and the boys haven't dropped the ball. If we roll over now we"re going to look like a bunch of "SOFT COX".

I'm glad I got my leave back but I would have been quite happy to forgo it if it meant showing our true metal.

87% voted for Industrial Action so if nothing substantial comes from this cooling down period i feel we should come out with all guns blazing. That is full overtime bans, no higher duties and no secondments as of the 1st of February.

amos2 10th Jan 2008 07:47

So this rather boring thread has now come to a close?

Thank goodness for that!

Off you go guys...

and don't come back! :ok::ok::ok:

Bumpfoh 10th Jan 2008 07:58

Won't hold my breath
In light of the agreement reached in the AIRC today will QF be re-mailing all those previously contacted for cancellation of Jan leave to inform them of this decision???

Or even the respective managers personally making phone calls to the affected individuals????

I bet I know the answer!!!!!:mad::mad:

another superlame 10th Jan 2008 08:09

Knowing what QF are like I would bet they are bluffing there way to the end of the Christmas holidays. Trying to save there skin for the time being. Don't forget the bigger picture of what you are all fighting for.
Having faced QF eba's myself it looks all too familiar.
My guess is after Feb 1 they will go back to there pig headed negotiations.

SCHAIRBUS 10th Jan 2008 08:10

I think in light of the QF2 incident QF management have enough on their plates at the moment and must be happy for some more time.
That said nothing was ever going to happen before the 11th hour, let's hope something good comes of it and it's not just a chain yanking exercise.:suspect:
Keep up the good work ALAEA!:ok:

Dick.Hayes 10th Jan 2008 08:30

Today 17:47amos2
So this rather boring thread has now come to a close?
Comes to a close... I think we just extended it by 3 weeks.

Kraaken 10th Jan 2008 08:31

This latest negotiation development is just buying time for QF. They are pretty much fighting off issues on all fronts a the moment and this is just a basic ploy.

What will still be happening is the training up of managers to do transits, the labour hire companies will be still active and as someone mentioned they can get past the xmas holidays without having the deal with some big network impacts should the PIA be enacted.

If you look at the last week QF have complained about all kinds of technicalities in this PIA....dates where wrong, throwing a bone in the A330 discussions to buy some "goodwill" for this move at the AIRC today.

I have faith in your ALAEA exec but there is a big risk in this move and right now I know theres a lot of QF managerial types rubbing there hands and feeling a little less sweat on their brows.

Fingers crossed for you guys.

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