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whatdouknow 15th Dec 2007 05:01

Good work everyone, spread the news.

Yes we should all work smarter and don't forget the safety before schedule and take 5.

soldier of fortune 15th Dec 2007 07:55

i have a question to all the regular **** stirers on this thread -why would the company offer us more than the 3% they have offered the other unions.?

arthur_baird's_dead 15th Dec 2007 08:21

^ because were not the only department who deserves more than 3% and its time we all stood up for ourselves and made a stand!!!! we're all sick and tired of bending over and copping a big one

employes perspective 15th Dec 2007 08:52

because there is a skills shortage:ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh:

MENDAERO 15th Dec 2007 08:52

i have a question to all the regular **** stirers on this thread -why would the company offer us more than the 3% they have have offered the other unions.?
Because someone has to break the mold.

But also, we are supposed to be separate business units, with all this segmentation they speak of. Therefore other business units EBA's, should have no bearing on our EBA claim.

With your theory, we should be offered a 30% pay cut and an increase in working hours for new starters, but protect our legacy arse's with a measly 3%.

We may all work for the same airline, but your comparing apples to oranges.:rolleyes:

600ft-lb 15th Dec 2007 10:25

i have a question to all the regular **** stirers on this thread -why would the company offer us more than the 3% they have have offered the other unions.?
because unlike flight attendants, we aren't a profession that is able to be trained in 1 week and able to become strike breakers;
becuase there is a countrywide shortage of AME's let alone qantas type LAMEs;
because 3% doesn't pay the bills these days;
because of the principle of having the perpetual axe swinging over the heads of the LAME's across Qantas is wearing a bit thin, if they want to outsource a particular maintenance function of an aircraft, then do it, the engineers don't care anymore, its not worth bending over again and again to accept the so called flexibilities that qantas require the LAME's to accept so to secure the future of lames within Qantas. They don't offer job security(a verbal doesn't mean jack from these guys) there is nothing in writing to protect anything they verbally agree to, and until that is the case, don't believe a thing any manager says. simple.

Short_Circuit 15th Dec 2007 17:07

Look past the 3%, look deeper into the document, thats where the BIG issues lie. :yuk:

whatdouknow 15th Dec 2007 17:51

Who's stirring the ****...

Most are just saying how they feel and commenting on what is happening.

PIOT Bord 15th Dec 2007 19:14

Because Qantas has been in "a purple patch" for the last couple of years, which looks like it is continuing. The board and management have awarded themselves obscene pay rises while those people who have built the company over many years can't crack any thing more than 3% as the sky is about to fall in.

adenuffofqf 16th Dec 2007 01:11

The crap about losing 4 hours of pay might be a little nastier than it looks,the way the fc and that dill cox read the legislation might mean losing 4 hours minimum for each piece of industrial action.... including refusal of overtime. so the theory goes everyday you have off they will ring you and ask you to come in if you refuse and have a history of doing ot then you will lose 4 hours from your normal pay.. personally I will be far too drunk to come in :}

domo 16th Dec 2007 01:59

if you are unavailable due to health or family reasons it a big ask, maybe we should all just stop doing overtime between now and new year and see how they cope? let them struggle and see who will break ranks

TIME EX 16th Dec 2007 02:21

I'm Very Concerned Where This Will All End.

Clipped 16th Dec 2007 02:25

Living in fear of your employer - NOW I am concerned.

Millet Fanger 16th Dec 2007 02:27

adenuffofqf - I think we all have, however I have to disagree with the fear campaign being spread by DC and the Oompalumpah. The Alaea has had advice and issued it in a memo, QF can't call you up at home and dock 4 hours pay if you are unavailable.

If you happen to be sick of being intoxicated each time they call, try "I'm providing primary care for my children during the school holidays", "I'm having a couple of days away with my partner", "I was willing to do extra O/T to help the company with the dispatch reliability problem that 'snuck up' on the management team, but my doctor has advised me to cut back - it's becoming a duty of care issue".

ConcernedLAME 16th Dec 2007 03:11

Anybody feel free to correct me if I am wrong...Our current EBA states that we agree to do a "reasonable amount of overtime". I am sure most throughout the network have already done a reasonable amount year to date.
As far as the scaremongering goes...the only way they can take money from you is for any time away from your place of work during your normal shift. They cannot take money from you for failing to do OT or acting in a higher duties position or secondment for that matter....
Personally I believe it displays the desperation starting to set in and the reality of what may occur if the ballot gets up....
Qantas was once a place that most enjoyed working ,now it has become a trough for the highrachy to scoff profits from off the backs of the employees..We are saying now more...What we ask is not unreasonable considering GDs anouncement of record profits once again.
End of Rant

chemical alli 16th Dec 2007 03:31

everybody already does a reasonable amount of overtime ,its called avot on your pay slip and you need not do anymore.this scare mongering is absolute garbage,they cannont doc you for being unavailable,its protected industrial action,forget the threats and just do what you think is rite ,by yourself and your peers

K9P 16th Dec 2007 03:46

The Purple Patch
Piot Bord
Good point! While everyone else has to be aware of the company's tenacious position and work harder and smarter etc, the upper echelon have their snouts deeply in the trough drinking the purple. But the workers must endure the 3% only pay rise for these "Purple Patches"will not last and we must abstain from being greedy, for it will soon be apon us etc etc etc

MENDAERO 16th Dec 2007 03:55

I'm Very Concerned Where This Will All End.
TIME EX care to elaborate? I'm keen to hear everyones views.

BTW, I hope everyone has mailed their vote and don't forget to remind your work mates to do the same.

FCMC 16th Dec 2007 04:13

The company can not force you to do O/T. We know from the Perth dispute. We even had nasty letters from PS and still it didn't work. If they state you must do a reasonable amount of O/T ask them what a reasonable amount is?
They will never quote it as then they are obliged to give it to you when they don't require it.
Mr Cox your letter the other day backfired. It made me vote yes even more.You think we are so shallow that deducting 4 hrs off us makes any difference. Listen please-we are sick of your constant threats!!!!From you and your leadership team. It doesn't work! Never think we are idiots. We have no respect for any of you-how could we. How did you get that position, you haven't actually done anything constructive, only destructive. You guys are so out of touch!

Did you ever find out who took the pictures in the elevator? Lucky the EEL worked on QF1 in the golf course that time but of course its a quality issue not an Airworthiness one!
Oh and the 5ft crack on then fuse of the 744 ex MAS because of grinding wheels-another quality lapse! Lucky the next D check was done in AUS where they actually remove blankets and inspect things. Not just sign them off as they do in SIN. Your cheese holes will line up one day!:=

whatdouknow 16th Dec 2007 04:28

You can not be docked, unless you attend a STOP work meeting.

OT refusal because of human factors is a good way out, you can not possibly do overtime if you are feeling fatigued.

Make sure you send your votes everyone, not long left!!

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