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Dave Clarke Fife 18th Apr 2010 16:45

Originally Posted by Minesthechevy (Post 5642786)
I just caught on Sky that a Finnish ?F16? has had to have some serious internal reworking after picking up some ash - pilot knew nothing.

Finnish F-18's..........................

Finnish fighter jets damaged by volcanic cloud

Interesting pictures of the fused silica on the blades on the web

looneykeycode 18th Apr 2010 22:23

one ray of sunshine
you nicked the aman gag from the comment board:\:\

bulletsamurai 18th Apr 2010 23:43

If you guys really want to discuss runway inspections then do us all a big favour and start a new thread somewhere else. On the beach
Was it just me, or did anybody else misread this signature as a suggestion? :rolleyes:

HEATHROW DIRECTOR 19th Apr 2010 07:08

<<A lot of people reading this are stuck overseas trying to get some information on what, if anything, is happening or likely to happen regarding the thread title of UK airspace closure and this drivel about runway inspections is detracting to say the least. There are far more important things happening, in case you hadn't noticed.>>

I started this thread and I'm sorry O-T-B objects to the odd tangential discussion, which resulted from UK Airspace Closure! It is NOT drivel.

Sorry, O-T-B, I just cannot visualise the father of a family stuck in some out of the way airport saying to his wife: "Mildred, why not use the Internet Cafe to log on to the PPruNe ATC Forum and check for news on airspace closures".

Sorry, O-T-B, you need some Valiums and a few hours On The Beach my boy!! ;)

throw a dyce 19th Apr 2010 07:38

You could serve your drive through penalty at Ice Station Beach.
It has just started to snow,honestly.Volcanic Winter already.:eek:
Snowclosed,no volcano closed,of lets just go home.

I helped gets friends home by logging onto Nats and PPrune to check the latest updates.Instead of waiting for Squeezyjet,we looked at the situation and activated plan Z.They are home now instead of waiting for them to make up their minds.:ok:

The Civil Civillian 19th Apr 2010 08:14

BD: "Simple answer is a little thing called gravity, what goes up must come down. There was a 'sampling' aircraft which flew and reported 3 distinct layers lower than had been 'forecast' plus some areas in UK are reporting ash on the ground."


My car was dirty from early last week. I woke up to it... might have been Tuesday 13th?

p.s Listening to the R4 news before on the way home reporting there are talks about solutions to this and one of them is to fly lower.

Standard Noise 19th Apr 2010 08:41

Captain's Log, stardate 100419, day five and still nothing is moving in this strange corner of the godforsaken planet except for the probing spotter craft they call Oh Arr Cess Nahs and Cherry Okies. These strange little craft buzz around at low levels obviously trying to gather evidence of the work that we are not doing.
I remarked to my No2 Gertlush MyBabber, that we must remain invisible to the native scouting flights. He has de-camped to Level Two to brew some of the local concoction thay call Arr Tee. The native dialect still confuses me, it's like nothing I've heard before, impenetrable to outsiders.
At least I have several hours of rest before I must return to carry out my important research checking the Ilids for Wholes. I shall continue that under cover of darkness.
More later, Noise signing off.

055166k 19th Apr 2010 08:54

May be a small window of opportunity on Wednesday....however, when a couple of dozen tried to make it across the pond a few days ago, none made it ......either turning back or changing destination as the corridor disappeared.
In some quarters this is being treated like a big joke [Saturday].....as I looked at my tube with empty airways I could see hundreds of VFR aircraft at various levels throughout the UK.....the regular para-drop sites were all active and I saw many climbs up to 13/14000feet. Exec jets and turboprops [not a lot] were evident outside regulated airspace......Sunday was a little tighter regulation-wise....e.g. restrictions applied to SVFR and para-drop controlled airspace penetration.
Despite reports of ash layers at lower levels there were quite a few aircraft actually flying for sustained periods at mid unpressurised levels.
Government finally taking notice......Aviation Minister has been invisible throughout.....CAA remarkably silent....leaving it to NATS [merely an ATS provider] to do the leg work.
I feel gutted for the airlines....genuinely.....never known anything like it in my controlling lifetime.
IF!!!!! the window occurs at night.....put pressure on to lift the night curfew....the last thing you guys/gals need is to fly round in a stack which could be ash contaminated, and over densely populated areas.

marble bar 19th Apr 2010 13:37

It has really got serious, Alex Bristol wearing a tie!

spekesoftly 19th Apr 2010 14:38

IF the window occurs at night.....put pressure on to lift the night curfew....
On the other hand, flying at night deprives the pilots from seeing (and avoiding) any unexpected volcanic ash layers. I think Captain Eric Moody might agree! ;)

055166k 19th Apr 2010 15:05

Perhaps the "bloom" around the engines may be more visible at night, and perhaps lights may illuminate reflective particles otherwise invisible during the day........actually I don't know......does anyone?
If you're flying in South and West UK tomorrow night....let me know. I'll be on 134.075/133.6/129.375/135.255/132.95/126.075/128.815......or if any one of those isn't working...127.7 as well.

ZOOKER 19th Apr 2010 15:14

Very Best Wishes to 'Coach' then. :ok:

Sir Herbert Gussett 19th Apr 2010 16:00

Sky News called them "National Air Transport Service" earlier!

BDiONU 19th Apr 2010 16:25

Originally Posted by 055166k (Post 5644401)
Government finally taking notice......Aviation Minister has been invisible throughout.....CAA remarkably silent....leaving it to NATS [merely an ATS provider] to do the leg work.

Exactly! You've got to question why the government are hiding behind NATS, or indeed why NATS talking heads are willing to front for the government? Is this going to be a good thing for NATS or a bad thing in the eyes of public perception? One would hope it's a good thing, NATS standing up for safety but who knows!
Anyone hear Mrs Harriett Harman, member of the UK COBRA committee, announce that NATS is the regulator for aviation safety in the UK and that we must all wait upon their advice? :rolleyes:


anotherthing 19th Apr 2010 17:01

The whole episode is quite worrying from a NATS viewpoint IMHO. Especiallly if you witness the ignorance of professionals on the R&N forum as to what NATS is actually responsible for.

It is a shame that the contractor (NATS) had to take the stand and make the unpopular announcements when the regulator or the Government should have stepped up to the plate.

'All' NATS does is provide a service under contract - a contract that details the rules which NATS must abide by.

Harman's lack of basic understanding is a worry considering just 2 months ago she declared that the UK Air Transport infrastructure needed shaking up, inferring at the time that her department would be doing 'the shaking'.

classicwings 19th Apr 2010 17:27

Sky News called them "National Air Transport Service" earlier!
Its funny that they keep presuming like this given the fact NATS doesnt actually stand for anything anymore..........

Atcham Tower 19th Apr 2010 18:41

But to the layman NATS is meaningless so there are going to be understandable attempts to make some sense out of it. Full marks to whoever thought of using the original abbreviation in this way. Shades of BA ethnic tail colours, Consignia and other rubbish invented by media man and sold to gullible management! :yuk:

Nubboy 20th Apr 2010 08:17

Just looking at radarvirtuel.com and seeing some aircraft directly overflying the southern half of the UK. Are we open for business, or are they just nipping through while it's quiet?

Runway 31 20th Apr 2010 08:21

Is the airspace closed or not, I am more than a little confused. I just watched 2 Lufthansa 747's crossing supposedly closed airspace coming in from the Atlantic and passing from Belfast-Manchester across to the Wash and on over the North Sea. How can Lufthansa use UK Airspace but British aircraft cannot?.

Another Lufthansa aircraft is approaching the Isle of Man at this time going the same routing.

mr.777 20th Apr 2010 08:26

You just posted this in the Rumours & News forum.

The answer is the same. Airspace is restricted BELOW FL200.

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