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ImnotanERIC 9th Apr 2009 11:23

It's not difficult FFS - to quote a famous meerkat - "Simples"
I LOVE that advert. always makes me laugh. how easily amused am i?

Standard Noise 9th Apr 2009 11:37

Great advert but it's a bit depressing to think that a CGI meerkat has more intelligence than some managers.

privatesandwiches 9th Apr 2009 11:39

What I just released into the toilet has more intelligence...

mr.777 9th Apr 2009 11:50

I think he should get his barstool back out so we can let him know exactly what we think.

Then again, there's always NATSNET I suppose....if i fancied getting hauled into the office for daring to have an opinion on something.

ayrprox 9th Apr 2009 11:54

You're getting married soon private? congratulations.
Maybe you should get NATS to do the reception?. i hear they do a real good lavish party.

anotherthing 9th Apr 2009 12:00


Have you visited the website Compare the Meerkat ?? It's brill - you need sound to get the full benefit.

As an aside - I am not in work for a while - what's this about the talkback results? Not great then?? And that survey was taken before the Barrons pay rise.

Not that he cares about popularity with the lower ranks, he has his bonus-collecting sycophants to lick his jacksie, and he has tame reporters (such as the one who did his last article), who are willing to listen to him and write down his drivel verbatim without checking for factual correctness.

The last press piece was nothing short of bare-faced lies about the company to self promote.

Privatesandwiches - you could save some money and have your wedding at Swanwick. You could have the reception at the hut by the lake. Very photogenic. I'm sure Aramark will do the catering if you ask... And Barron is so fricking brilliant, he's probably licensed to conduct marriages as well... Who says there are no perks to be had for the little people?

We could have a free vend on the coffee machines for an hour to celebrate your betrothal.

mr.777 9th Apr 2009 12:07

Or free Dominos like last weekend in the Ops room...Mr & mrs Sandwiches are partial to a bit of Dominos!

privatesandwiches 9th Apr 2009 12:11

Anyone want to give that chap at the times a bell?
Martin Waller: 020-7782 5000

Maybe he can come to LATCC and do a 'proper' story, ie... no managers!!!

Vote NO 9th Apr 2009 12:39

Or just send this page to him from one of your private anonymous email addresses :}

[email protected]

I can see the headlines.... "Contrails in Crisis" "Chaos in the skies above" :eek:

ProM 9th Apr 2009 12:55

Haven't seen this article in the Times. Anyone have a link?

kats-I 9th Apr 2009 13:03

Heard 2.5% with conditions but pensionable ..from someone elses conversation this A.M. ..Not that I was eavesdropping.. just passing by . Anyone else heard anything? http://static.pprune.org/images/smilies/cwm13.gif:bored:

anotherthing 9th Apr 2009 13:03

Well, if rumours of a greater than 9% rise are true I know what I would do if I was on the pay negotiating team for the Union:

I'd find out exactly what his pay rise percentage was (it has to be available).

I'd find out the date it is applicable from.

I'd check to see when his last pay rise was implemented.

I'd scour the intranet for one of the many quotes from Mr Barron stating that NATS is facing a financially testing time and would need to tighten it's belt.

I'd find out exactly how much the Airlines were getting as a dividend.

I'd find out how many people we have made redundant or not renewed contracts with.

I'd open a Word document and I would type out the quote about tightening belts on the first line, typed as a quote with Mr Barron as the source.

I would then type out the pay rise %age that Mr Barron is receiving on the next line.

I'd type out the amount of dividend being paid to the Airlines on the next.

I'd type out the number of redundancies and un-renewed contracts, with quantifying text explaining that the management reasoning for same was cost cutting.

I'd once again type out the exact %age that Mr Barron has received.

I'd finish by once again typing out the quote about belt tightening.

I would print off x amount of copies, x being equal to the number of people who were to be present at the meeting.

I would hand one sheet to each of the people on the management side - the Union guys would already have theirs.

I would state that in light of the paper in front of them, we want a sensible offer made to us.

I would say nothing else and see what they came out with. Simple, easy, fairly powerful.

Of course, that would not be deemed to be working together, so it would never happen. it would also require the union to show a bit of backbone and hardnosed negotiating.

I bet, however, that Mr Barrons nice pay rise will never even be mentioned in negotiations.

anotherthing 9th Apr 2009 13:07


Here ya go

I Love Me

kats-I 9th Apr 2009 13:24

Taken from times interview with PB

Does money motivate you?
My most important motivator is being recognised for doing a good job. Money is a great compensation for hard work and long hours and, yes, it is satisfying to have achieved my earning level from where I started as an apprentice earning £5 a week ...

Obviously doesn't practice what he preaches..or does it only apply to him.Our hard work isnt recognised then? :ugh::ugh::ugh:

kats-I 9th Apr 2009 13:27


You could still do those things..you don't have to be on the negotiating team to put something forward do you! :E

anotherthing 9th Apr 2009 13:57


do I know you?

Gonna wring your neck!! :E

mr.777 9th Apr 2009 14:31

2.5% with conditions?? Does Barron get 9% with f***ing conditions? probably does actually, the condition being that he is a robbing ******* who screws over his own workforce for a fast buck.

Anotherthing, I like your approach...unfortunately I think it is far too simple for the Union :ugh:

anotherthing 9th Apr 2009 14:35

Heard 2.5% with conditions but pensionable...
I heard the same deal, but 3 weeks ago after a previous meeting.

If that's what is still on offer, not exactly moving along, are we?

When will the union

a) Tell us anything
b) Ballot members

or are we going to trundle along for another 4 months?

kats-I 9th Apr 2009 14:38


No and WHY?? I'm being serious ..or am I making you think about it?

Vote NO 9th Apr 2009 14:39


"Paul Barron's talent for management was evident early on - he organised nights out for his friends, then he became a union rep and a supervisor. The poker fan says that his real skill is that he can read people and situations well"

PB obviously fancies himself as " The Mentalist" :}

IMDb Video: Card Tables

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