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Gonzo 9th May 2009 08:26

what does the group exercise consist of? And any idea what they're looking for in that?

Have a think a moment; what do you think that we'd be looking for in a team exercise?

Eric T Cartman 9th May 2009 10:32

@ Gonzo
Someone who'll pay the Costa Coffee bill for the team & the examiners at breaktime ? ;)

@ Jimmy780
I've had my ticket for nearly 35 years & I still learned useful stuff from your last post. After you've made the effort to do that, it'll be a bloomin' shame if you don't get through ! Good luck !

Gonzo 10th May 2009 10:25


That would be the case, I'm sure ;), but I've always managed to charge my teas and lunch to HR!

nicolafay 10th May 2009 10:40

re: Nats stage 1

I have my stage 1 on 29th May. I understand what to expect from each test but how long do you get per test?
My knowledge isn't that hot on 'how many seats has a A300-252 series got?' for e.g. Obviously i shall try my hardest to learn all of these but sooo many!
Is anyone going on this date? my start time is 1100.


paperclip810 10th May 2009 15:48


Have a read at Nokio's post on p22 (post number 436) - it has times and number of questions for each part of Stage 1 (assuming nothing has changed since then). From reading recent stuff here though, it seems you also get a personality questionnaire on the day, but I'm sure someone who's been more recently can confirm that...

Good luck!

wjh84 10th May 2009 20:17

RE. Stage 1
Don't worry, the questions to do with aircraft types won't be that specific. Think more range / routes / separations :ok:

a2ruedas 10th May 2009 20:31

Hello all.
I have my stage 1 on 22nd May, 11:00.:bored: Anyone else?

Tarka 11th May 2009 12:25

Hey everyone :)

Currently I'm at college, but I have been thinking about applying to ATC for 6 months or so. I have spent the day at Manchester with the ATCs and I really loved it. I also got a lot of insight into what the job is like, and I was able to speak to some who had just qualified.

I applied around February/March, but it was too early for me to apply, but at that time, there were tests being held in Manchester. Now, I see it's all in Hampshire. This is on the other side of the country for me, and while I don't mind travelling down there, I was wondeirng if there will be other times later on in the year when tests will be held in Manchester again.

Also, I am only 18 (nearly 19), and have been told that they do tend to prefer people slightly older, as you're more likely to be able to cope with the training etc. Anyone else applied at my age? (I have no idea how old all the rest of you are! :eek:)

My eyesight is pretty bad, but all those I spoke to in real life said it would be no problem, but I don't understand the requirements on paper. Is what they require allowed with glasses? I have perfect vision with glasses, but without I'm pretty blind. It's just shortsightedness though, there isn't anything 'wrong' with my eyes, such as in colour etc :p

Other than that, I just wanted to say thank you! to all those who have provided information, links and answers about ATC on this board. I've browsed quite a lot of this topic, and it's been very useful. (And I don't think I saw my questions asked) :sad:

Edit: Ooh, now I just remembered about Eurocontrol. Do people who apply to Nats sometimes apply to Eurocontrol if they don't get in? It looks pretty similar to me; is it?

JonathanB 11th May 2009 12:32

Tarka, the eyesight requirements are detailed on the NATS Careers site - they show the limits of the correction, so you should be able to compare with your current glasses prescription.

I think they are now holding all the recruitment in Hampshire, but you could call HR and ask to find out what their plans are.

fatstig 11th May 2009 13:36

Stage 3
Hi folks

I have my stage 3 on Friday and am starting to get a little nervous I think I am up together with the motivation side of it, if anyone has gone through it recently has any additional tips/advice it would be greatly appreciated. I have read all previous threads and just want to make sure i'm not missing anything.


sv8564 11th May 2009 13:58

the waiting game
I was just wondering whether anyone that has sat their stage 2 on the 1st May has had their results back... the waiting game is starting to kill me.
I am almost sure that I did not make it through....but not knowing is even worse.
Best of luck to anyone about to sit it!!!

akhan 11th May 2009 16:24

Stage one exam

First of all thank you for posting the thread did you pass the stage one exam?

I am going to sit my stage one exam in june can plase give me some advice on what to revise on.

Kind regards


Avoiding_Action 11th May 2009 17:16

Hey Tarka, I believe the selection processes are now being undertaken in Hampshire as part of a cost cutting exercise to save money on hiring rooms at hotels. And don't worry about your age. I was 19 when I put my application in to NATS and got through first time round, so it shouldn't be a problem for you to worry about.

paperclip810 11th May 2009 17:37


Start by reading everything NATS have sent you and this thread (and the links contained therein) through in it's entirety. That should prepare you as much as possible for Stage 1 I think.

Good luck.

JonathanB 11th May 2009 17:43

sv8564 not yet... (I was at the very front on the far left).

But it's only been 5 working days today! :uhoh:

geordieboy09 12th May 2009 10:14

Hey, just wondering anybody got there stage two on May 14th if so get in touch.

nicolafay 12th May 2009 11:30

Can someone give me examples of whats asked in the distance, speed, time Q's...(stage 1) Just want to be as prep'd as i can be!
Thanking you!

Tarka 12th May 2009 13:03

Great, thank you Avoiding_Action and JonathanB for letting me know :) Going to book for my Stage 1 for the last week in May! Now to get studying =p

Gernant34 12th May 2009 13:48

Stage one on the 18th
Not looking forward to stage 1... know most of the plane info speeds and flight levels, but cant make the seating arrangements stay in my brain. I should let my wife deal with the seating like she did for our wedding :)

Anyone else on the 18th?

Dim Sum 12th May 2009 17:08

Originally Posted by Avoiding Action (Post 4920136)
I believe the selection processes are now being undertaken in Hampshire as part of a cost cutting exercise to save money on hiring rooms at hotels.

Did my S3 recently, and we were guinea pigs (again) for the NATS S2 brain frying tests (sorting shapes, numbers, crashing aeroplanes), but this time it was done on laptops.. Dell XPS gaming laptops for the computer geeks out there.
So it could mean that the S2 tests could be done around the UK in the not so distant future?

For S3:
There are no technical Qs, so for those who are doing it soon and crammed all that technical info into their brain (e.g. emiliemarsden_24), you could be wasting your time.

All I can say is.. think of why you want to be an ATCO, think of good examples for being under pressure, making decisions, teamwork, and the outcomes for those, etc etc.. typical HR Qs but so more in depth.

Had to get the interviewers to repeat the Qs again, and explain the Qs to me in layman terms as the wording was complicated. I took forever to answer them and the interviewers had to move me on.
Also, I gave rubbish replies to the Qs, mainly personal experiences as I have little work experience. I say 'rubbish' as I gave an answer but the interviewers repeated the Q again which meant I answered it wrong.

All of you who get to this stage will do better than me..

Will be awaiting the 'unsuccessful' e-mail and trying again next year.

Originally Posted by Gernant34
cant make the seating arrangements stay in my brain.

Concentrate more on distance/speed/time calculations, bearings and what the various acronyms, e.g. VOR stand for.

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