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AJ7 12th Mar 2009 15:58


If you aren't already, some of the best prep you can do before you apply is to spend some time reading through this thread. Even reading maybe 5/10 pages at a time will pretty much cover everything you will come across for all the stages of the selection process, especially stage 1. Everyones opinions and experiences combine to give a rounded picture of what its like... It'll be well worth the time :ok:

clairey fairy 13th Mar 2009 01:03

personality questionnaire
iv been avoiding pprune for about 2weeks now but thought its about time i faced reality and how i never got in to ATC. passed stage one but failed on the personallity questionaire. i actually found that more difficult than the aptitude tests and so on. these questionnaires are proven to be an accurate way of testing down to facts and figures and therefore, i cannot argue with it:)

obviously, peoples brains work in different ways. the aptitude exams test your ability to learn things and how well u can remember them and people who r good at maths and sciency subjects tend to excel at these. the personality questionnaire on the other hand is an accurate way of simply testing your brain and i believe people who are better at english and more creative subjects would be in their comfort zone on a test like this.

unfortunatley, i am crap at these kind of tests but i believe if my brain cannot do it naturally (when i say 'do it' i mean put my personality on paper) im going to have to suss it out and learn to do it:ok: easier said that done! i just found it sooo difficult to choose the statements, i tried being honest but found myself saying 'hmmm i like that, but i like that too, oh and i like that, ohh iv not told them i like doing that' or got to questions where i didnt have the slightest clue what i liked best!!

i was wondering if anyone had any advice about the test and what i could do to somehow improve my ability for it?!

sorry for the length of this post, i just remembered when i was sitting my aptitude tests there were quite a few people on this forum who were raging about failing it and couldnt figure it out. usually tended to be people who failed found it unfair and inaccurate and the ones that passed seemed to find it fair, hmmmm :hmm: trying to not get disheartened by it and put on a brave face by saying i will figure it out for next year but am really gutted about it:(

hope someone can share some light on this,

ajfaccini 13th Mar 2009 03:24

hey clairey fairy!
To be honest you can't really cheat the personality questionnaire! I failed it the first time round and just passed it the second time I took it. All I can suggest doing to help you is to look into the job properly, read through the nats site and get into the mindset of exactly what they are looking for. Thats the way I did it, got myself into the mindset of being an ATC and exactly what they need.
Even if you do cheat the system, the quick fire questions at stage 2 will catch you out so theres really no point on doing it!

windneckin 13th Mar 2009 09:18

clairey fairy,

I think people should not worry too much about the personality tests... it is just that... a personality test. Everyone has a personality :8 so that personality will somehow show in the test. The fact that during the test you thought:

'hmmm i like that, but i like that too, oh and i like that, ohh iv not told them i like doing that'
probably indicates that you were thinking too much about what people reading the results would think of you. Putting it bluntly, you should not worry about that at all. It has been said many times before, you just need to be honest and know yourself reasonably well (easier said than done).

I am not sure whether this can be of any use, but here is a little piece of advice: if you have doubts about a particular question because there is more than one answer that you would select and you are not sure which one "they" would prefer... just forget about "them"... think about your closest friend, your parents/brothers/sisters/partner, what would they say of you in that particular scenario? Guessing their answer would probably help you determine which answer is *more* right for you (their answer would be direct and honest without thinking about tests and the like). Having said that, I am not advising people to have their closest friend/relative sit the test and answer it on their behalf... that would not work :ok:.

One last point: I have to disagree with your idea that people better at english or creative subjects are more comfortable with personality tests. People are more or less comfortable there independent of their professional orientation.

Best of luck with your next attempt!

Abz217 13th Mar 2009 09:36

Thanks maco888 and Aj

I will be going to the library after school to get out a few books on atc. Any books you would recommend???? if so e-mail me before 2.00 if anyone is on before then...

Anyways thanks everyone for the great advice. I am on page 50 on this forum and am continuing to read the rest. I cant help realising that most people around 18/19/20 years old fail the first part of the test on their first time round... would the examiner fail you because of your age because they might think that if they do pass first time round then you will have to wait a while before actually getting into the course?????? because you have to be 21 before you can hold a radar licence, and he might think that you may as-well do the first part again for some bazar reason...

I dont no my head keeps wanting to know things like this :ugh::ugh:

marco888 13th Mar 2009 10:46

You're given a score for each test and there will be a pass mark. If you're even one mark off you fail. Nothing to do with age so don't worry about it. NATS would have to be particularly careful and not show any ageism these days so I wouldn't worry about that.

Abz217 13th Mar 2009 11:48

Cheers marco

well ill take out the ATC a-z book after school and read it and hopefully that will give me an insight on what i need to do and what it actually intails

Cheers for your help anyways

gingerpaul 13th Mar 2009 16:25

Regarding personality questionnaires, in my non-expert opinion they're designed to make it look like you're contradicting youself when you aren't as much as gauging your personality. Those trying to fake the test then get caught out by answering the way they think the tester wants it answered. You are much better shooting from the hip, disregarding all answers that you have given so far. You might get asked "Do you like to relax by spending time by yourself?" and answer yes, but that doesn't mean you can't answer yes to "Do you enjoy spending your time off socialising with your friends?". That example is a bit simplistic but I'm sure you can see the point I'm making. They might look like contradictions, but they're not.

student88 13th Mar 2009 18:05

Attended stage 1 today (13.03.09) @ Hilton, London.

Enjoyed the testing session though a bit distracted during one of the tests from what sounded like someone being kicked out of another room for cheating (we were split into groups).

Would I be right in assuming Andy, the guy who attended from NATS is 'Gonzo'?

Arrows2100 13th Mar 2009 18:16

*Jeremy Clarkson voice*
Some say his skin tastes exactly like watercress, and in high winds he can reach Mach 4 just by flapping his arms...

All we know is that he's called "Gonzo".... and that you won't get his identity out of him very easily :ok:

student88 13th Mar 2009 18:54

Ooooh magical.

AJ7 13th Mar 2009 19:00

ive definitely only ever seen gonzo with his headset over his crash helmet, however i would doubt that was gonzo at your stage one today... :}

Arrows2100 13th Mar 2009 19:37

Okay I guess somebody had to raise the issue of Gonzo's crash helmet...


I wish I could see his face when he logs on and reads his own legends....

Avoiding_Action 13th Mar 2009 20:00

I think Gonzo is more involved in the later stages than at stage 1.

Dim Sum 13th Mar 2009 23:18

I read the first half of this thread, but stopped as it was occupying a bit too much time :O

I attended the stage 1 morning session at London Bridge today.

54 people in total.

I thought I did alright in the basic, spacial, and diagram tests but was guessing in the 'motivation' paper as I didn't revise enough.

To the people attending stage 1 soon, read the .doc file they sent you in the e-mail.. again and again and again!!!111

gingerpaul 13th Mar 2009 23:30

Dim Sum,

I hope you've done ok! :)

Can I be cheeky and ask what kinds of things were catching you out? I think I know the motivation paper back to front (apart from aircraft stats, which are proving a little trickier). Any sort of "past paper" examples would be great to check it's all gone it.

student88 14th Mar 2009 00:02

Just learn everything they say in the paper. Pretty much all of it was used. The aircraft data only formed part of 1 or 2 questions in the paper I was tested on. If you have no experience what so ever in aviation you'll probably find it hard. If you have been working with aircraft and airlines or have a PPL you could probably pass it without needing to read the document. It's going to need to be learnt off by heart sooner or later so just get it done now!:ok:

There were around 62 at the afternoon assessment! Didn't think there would be that many people willing to take assessment on Friday 13th! Will let you know how I did (not getting my hopes up!)

gingerpaul 14th Mar 2009 10:52


Thanks for the advice. I've gone through and learnt everything, all details about aircraft aside for the moment, so I think I should be ok. At university I always used to work through past papers so learning without testing my knowledge is a new way of revising for me. I have written some basic past papers myself but obviously I know what the answers are because I wrote the paper. Perhaps that in itself means it's all gone in. I was just fishing for any examples Dim Sum might have remembered that he wasn't expecting.

I've got my fingers crossed for you making the next round! :)

Dim Sum 15th Mar 2009 01:39


Was you in London? If so, I'm wondering how 62 people fitted into the lounge comfortably.


student88 is right in by learning everything in that .doc file. If you remember most of it then you'll answer most of the Qs easily.
A pointer is learning aircraft related measurement units, e.g. speed/distance/time.

sauceball 15th Mar 2009 09:35


I have a visit to Manchester ACC today. Does anybody know roughly how long it will take?

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