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djnick007 5th Mar 2009 18:49

S1 - 30th March
Anyone here attending S1 on the 30th of March AM slot in London?

marco888 5th Mar 2009 20:00

I passed stage 2. I am so so happy! I'm trying not to get too ahead of myself of course but it's difficult - I think I'll enjoy it for this evening and then get my head down for stage 3!

There aren't any London dates at the moment so I'll have to wait to book myself in. Hopefully not too long. A month preparation would feel good. Not too long or short.

Thanks again for all the help here.

Arrows2100 6th Mar 2009 00:01

There you go then Marco. All that worrying never put you off one bit apparently ;)

Getting to Stage 3 is quite an achievment they tell us. So congrats :)

At least this time round you will focus on exactly what date you're booked in for ;) (Thats rich coming from me lol).

Get loads of prep in. After all, it's only a few weeks of being a hermit which may result in you getting the job :)

Best of luck

marco888 6th Mar 2009 09:35

Ha - well I take these set backs in my stride and use them to my advantage! ;)

No but really, I was just disappointed that after all the prep. I made a silly mistake like that.

The other three candidates seemed very good on that day. I wonder how many got through.

Jacka27 7th Mar 2009 12:08


I'm going for the S1 in the next couple of weeks and just going through the information. Can anyone tell me if I'm require to learn the info about each of the different aircraft.


ajfaccini 7th Mar 2009 12:21

did mine a few weeks ago, you will be tested on a few different bits about different aircraft, ie seperations for tubulance and speeds/heights, long story short, yes!

Abz217 7th Mar 2009 14:02

Hiya guy
I am doing my A-levels yet but i am really interested in ATC
i was wonderin weather anyone could give me any hints or tips on if i should go 4 it or wot

pm me plz


PS i jus created 1 of these accounts and dont have a clue wat to do lol:ugh:

ajfaccini 7th Mar 2009 14:16

just go for it mate. Just remember you cant apply till your 18 and you can't hold a radar license till your 21 so its a bit of a wait yet,

Jacka27 7th Mar 2009 14:55

Cheers for the info mate

it's much appreciated

emiliemarsden_24 7th Mar 2009 16:12

Hi all, just wonderin if anyone who has been to stage one recently can tell me how long they had to wait to get their results back?
I went to stage 1 at manchester on 27th feb, so ive only been waiting 8 days but im sure everyone can relate to feeling a bit impatient!:)

CJayne 8th Mar 2009 17:50

Hi Ellie,

We sure can relate to feeling impatient! However, be prepared to wait the full 15 working days - if you get your results back any sooner, count it as a bonus. Also, get used to waiting because if you do get any further, you'll have a lot more waiting to do - it's awful!


ecso 8th Mar 2009 21:58

Pdf request
Hi Uordom,

I am going to the first stage on the 13th March.
Could I have your Pdf file, please?

That would eliminate loads of uncertainty I believe.

Thanks very much!!!!!!!!!!!


shugs 9th Mar 2009 11:42

for those who have recently done the NATS medical, how long a wait is it until you know if you have passed?

Can they tell you then and there pending urine/blood? tests, or is it another waiting game?


Arrows2100 9th Mar 2009 13:52


I was told on the day the results of my medical (pending urinaliysis)

The way that the day progresses and the friendly chatter that is thrown back and forth you will know if there is anything that could stand in the way.

As far as I know, if you pass the NATS medical you won't see anything as a result (i.e. no paperwork etc). If you fail the NATS medical, I assume they will let you know on the day. They generally summarise each test with you after completing it. If, like me, you are a case for concern then you will be asked to book in with the CAA doctors at earliest convenience.

I had a potential problem with a head injury I sustained 10 years ago and the NATS doctor sent me for my CAA medical straight away to make sure their neurologist gave me the all clear. He did :) and now I am starting on the 5th May xD

If theres anything that you feel is concerning at the medical, just ask. The doctor and nurse that I had were very open and friendly and had no bother in explaining what each of the tests stood for and how my results compared to others in my age group (just to see if I am still "fit":ok:).

Best of luck,

Abz217 9th Mar 2009 14:24

hey everyone
i no i can apply for the course at 18 but will they call me in to stage 1 like soon after i apply or will they wait until i am at a certain age so that when they call me in for the course i will graduate at 21 so i can hold a radar licence.

If that makes any sense plz reply to this lol

Thanks :ok:

paperclip810 9th Mar 2009 14:29

Shugs: I had exactly the same experience as Andy. Although I had no random injuries which had cause for concern, I've also been sent to the CAA immediately (they seem to want to get everyone to do this asap) - my CAA medical is on Friday. A trip to Gatwick for you soon I think...

Abz217 - Most likely is that you'll be asked to book a Stage 1 date very shortly after applying (once you are 18). It takes a few months to get through all the selection and medicals (I started this stuff in October 2008 and only am just finishing off stuff now), and then you'll have to wait for a course date, so I imagine by that point, you'll be 21 by the time the radar licence stuff comes along. And if you don't make it first time, it'll take even longer... :(

Hope that helps!

Abz217 9th Mar 2009 14:39

Thanks paperclip
I was wonderin if you could answer a few more questions but i dont want to ask to many questions lol but im really interested in this and well if you dont mind would you answer these questions lol

Is it compulsary to have A-levels to do the course or will it make it easier for me to pass to the next stage?
How long does the interview process last for cuz there are lyk 3 stages to it which i have heard of!!! Are there any more?
What type of stuff do you have to do at each stage?
How long does the actual course last at the college?

Thanks much appreciated:)

ajfaccini 9th Mar 2009 15:19

hey abz,

I don't know if its compulsary to have them, I presume it would make it easier but I havent seen anywhere mention A Levels.
If I remember rightly recruitment say at the minute the process start to finish is 12 months if you pass it all first time round.

Stage 1: Tests and get to meet and talk to an ATC,
After Stage 1 you do a personality questionnare,
If you pass the personality questionnaire then you fil out an extended application form.
Stage 2: Computer tests and a structured interview.
Not to certain after Stage 2 but some-one else will know.

At the college they reckon you will be there between 9 and 12 months, if you pass everything first time round.

Hope this helps.

shugs 9th Mar 2009 15:30

Hi Abz217

The minimum requirements before application can be found here, but include “five (5) GCSEs/Standard Grades (or equivalent) at grade C or above, including English Language and Maths”.

Difficult to say whether number and type of A levels affects how well you progress, but the tests at the three stages are concerned with ability to learn information, thought processes, personality mainly, not sure what the correlation is.

The interview process varies wildly. My first application was submitted in July 2007 which I failed. Second application in August 2008, and I now have my medical at beginning of April, looking to start July/August 2009. Can be done a lot quicker though depends on college places and application timing. Some others on here have suggested not delaying your application though because NATS cant guarantee they will still be recruiting months down the line, especially given economic climate (not sure how true this is).

Not going to go into detail about the stages, read this whole thread and you will get all the info you could need.

College takes between 6-12months, assuming you pass stuff first time, and depending on your preferred discipline.


bartkobe 9th Mar 2009 15:36

Hi all!

This is a really pedantic question, but as you are all so helpful I though I would ask :)

I have just been asked to do a personality questionnaire (post stage 1) but was wondering if once I started to do it, I would have to finish it there and then? i.e. am I able to log out once started, so that I can re-do bits later?

I only ask this because I am currently at work, but want to take a sneaky peak at some of the questions :ok:

Cheers all,


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