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windneckin 10th Mar 2009 20:16

ATC Hopeful,

A few quick answers that I hope will help:

- I do not think you can fail the "application form stage" as such, so I would not worry too much.

- You do not need to arrange a tower/ACC visit before stage 2, it is definitely worth doing both, if you can, before stage 3.

- Regarding the interest in aviation. I do think that a general interest helps (maybe in terms of motivation, enjoyment of the job, ...) but there is no need to be a plane spotter. The abilities required to become an air traffic controller are not necessarily more "abundant" in plane spotters ;).

In my particular case, I have spent 9 years in the electronics/semiconductor industry and I am now happily starting Area training in May (I am quite interested in aviation/ATC but it probably comes from my technological background).

ATC Hopeful 10th Mar 2009 20:35

Thanks windneckin.
Is organising a visit to an area control / tower easily done or can you be kept waiting for an available slot? I don't know how long you tend to get between stage 2 and 3, is it plenty of time to organise and visit the centres?

shugs 10th Mar 2009 21:11

Hi ATC Hopeful

I did three visits prior to stage three, all very easily organised. Just phoned HR and they gave me contacts at the relevant airports/centres. Suppose it depends where your looking to book, but in my case I got to pick my own dates and times, no waiting at all.

Again it varies for spacing between stages two and three, in my case I waited two months to get a space in Glasgow for the final stage, but could have gone down to CTC the week after passing stage two if I had wanted.

Good luck though, I was in exactly the same situation with regard the personality test, failed in 2007 (because I lied) but have a conditional offer this time.

windneckin 10th Mar 2009 21:18

ATC Hopeful,

Exactly as shugs explained. You should have no problem organising the visits before your stage 3 (I also did three visits, two NATS, one non-NATS). In my case, I just contacted the aerodromes and area control centre directly, explaining why I was interested in a visit.

paperclip810 10th Mar 2009 21:34

Start dates
Good news Monkfish. I think you were on the same Stage 2 and 3 as me... Sadly not starting till July/August as I'm stuck in a contract until June! Was that your CAA or NATS medical you've just passed?


Potential. 10th Mar 2009 21:36

Had my stage 1 testst this afternoon in Manchester, think it was okay but we shall see in at most 15 working days.
Mann i hate waiting. :')
Good luck to everyone in the same position and further, and thanks Pprune regulars for keeping this vast treasure trove open to us, 'potentials'.

imperial_monkfish 10th Mar 2009 22:05

Indeed I was Jen, can't believe you guys left me all alone for the afternoon in Manchester!!

It was the CAA medical that I passsed today. Hope it all goes well for you on Friday

HP20 10th Mar 2009 22:15

I got through the first stage and have just sent off my application form online.
Does anyone know roughly how long it is between sending this off and the date of the interview? And when does the medical fit into this, is it at the same time as your interview, or do you arrange it with your own doctor?

Arrows2100 10th Mar 2009 22:37

The medicals take place after Stage 3, and they should be considered the final stage before acceptance.

Your own doctor may be able to tell you you're fit and healthy, but NATS require you to pass the CAA medical (required to legally hold an ATCO licensce) and the more stringent NATS medical.

Basically, CAA medical covers you for the next couple of years, and as such you could pass with problems which are detected, but not serious enough to fail your medical with, at least for a few years.

NATS would like to employ folk who are going to stay healthy in their current shell, with no real problems due to pop up within your career. This is why it is a stricter medical - they want you problem free for both the CAA medical, and for your employment term.

Hope that answers your questions,

ajfaccini 10th Mar 2009 23:20

atc visit
I tried organising a visit to manchester area and they won't have me till i am at stage 3 atleast. Any one know anywhere that might?

paperclip810 10th Mar 2009 23:23

I think Swanwick are ok about it, but that's only from what I've read here. To be honest (in my opinion, of course), visits won't really help you at all at Stage 2 (I didn't go on any till after Stage 2) as it's still tests rather than chats.

Airports might be more willing too...

HP20 11th Mar 2009 07:21

That cleared things up, thanks andy!

Gogz87 11th Mar 2009 10:16

Final Approach
Hi all,

I am currently revising for my stage 3 and I have a problem that I was looking for opinions on.

If a Cessna 172, Boeing 737 and a Boeing 747 were to be sequenced into a final approach, what order would you put them in?
I'm not too sure what order they should go in and what the ATCO will be looking for at the interview. There are two ways I was thinking about.

1) 1st. Cessna 172(followed by a gap of three miles), 2nd. Boeing 737 (followed by a gap of three miles), 3rd. Boeing 747.

2) 1st. Boeing 747 (followed by a gap of five miles), 2nd. Boeing 737 (followed by a gap of four miles), 3rd. Cessna 172.

The problem with this is that I could argue a case for each method as they each have advantages but I was wondering what the correct way to do it is (i.e. The way the ATCO would ).

Number 1) is a good way because it gets all the aircraft into land in the shortest possible time. Whereas number 2) has it's advantages because it gets the larger aircraft in first because they are carrying the most passengers; so it promotes safety first.

If anyone knows the correct way please either post it on here or PM me.


marco888 11th Mar 2009 10:41

Is it usual to have to wait around a while before a date becomes available for stage 3?

JonathanB 11th Mar 2009 10:49

Gordon, I'm not an ATCO, but the problem I would see with the C172 first is that it has a much slower approach speed (65-75kts) than the two jets, so in reality you'd probably need a larger space behind it to allow for the jets to catch up. An interesting question! In reality I guess the jets would go first due to commercial pressures, but whether that is "right" I don't know...

jack.raven 11th Mar 2009 11:00

Gordon, if they do ask you this, they want to see your thought process and not the final answer, they don't expect you to know straight away everything as you haven't trained yet... they just want to see your thought process

shugs 11th Mar 2009 11:10

Hi Gogz 87

I wouldn’t get too bogged down in thinking about it for a couple of reasons, firstly, they are looking for thought processes NOT a trained controller, otherwise they wouldn’t bother sending you to college.

Secondly, I think you’ll be fine as long as there is some logic in you answers, which there clearly is. And if the ATC takes you down this road, then it doesn’t matter what answer you give because they will throw problems in your way anyway, and see how you deal with them.

Not able to give anything more definitive because I never got asked any of that stuff at my final stage.

Sure you’ll be fine though, you’re clearly studying hard

marco888, depends how far you are prepared to travel, think the dates are updated all the time. As per previous post, I waited for a nearer location but could have travelled further to make it sooner.


Abz217 11th Mar 2009 11:12

does anyone know what page the PDF file so that i know what you have to learn for the stages and the planes cuz i have had a look through this but i cant seem to find it and plus there are over 100 pages to this thing lol

thanks anyone:ok:

windneckin 11th Mar 2009 11:16

I would go with what JonathanB said. I am not an ATCO as of yet, so I am ready to be corrected, but having the C172 first is probably not a good idea. Even thought it *might* give you the shortest space it is not the shortest time (actually the speed restrictions on the jets would be around their stall speed so, as JonathanB said, you would probably need larger space between them).

In fact, based on my understanding... here are some rough estimates of the Approach/Landing speeds of the three aircraft:

C172 = 110KT/65KT
737 = 250KT/140KT
747 = 250KT/160KT

All that without even taking into account number of passengers, connections, landing fees, .... there are quite a number of factors involved :ok:.

... and yes... you are not supposed to know all this for your interview, as mentioned above, I believe it is mostly the reasoning process they are after.

Dave Z 11th Mar 2009 11:33

Had my stage 3 on Monday. Was feeling really good about it, but just got an email saying i've failed :-(

Really don't understand it. I felt so confident about the whole day. Did well in the group game, had the best interview i've ever had. Always had a well thought out response to every question and seemed to impress the HR and ATCO. I walked out of there thinking they were on the verge of offering me the position there and then.

Might only be my first time, but i don't know how i could do any better next time. Here's hoping they made a mistake, but doubt it.

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