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Life as a journey
3rd Mar 2005, 00:50
This is no cowboy outfit.

There have been a few incidents lately, it’s true.

But they are not the norm.

Every airline has problems, some more than others. What you’re talking about here is a misrepresentation of the facts. Read in conjunction with a defence, your remarks would fall away like dirt from washed linen.

Most of the professional pilots here are quietly going about their business. They can’t respond because they’re still here, marooned, with cowboys. Or are they?

The unfortunate SFO recently sacked did not wilfully endanger the aircraft. He got out of his seat. That was a dumb thing to do; incredibly dumb; unexplainably stupid even.

To try and put legs on it and make him out to be a malicious, dangerous aviator is stretching it. He did the wrong thing, deliberately, but not maliciously.

What are you doing, guys? Your actions are deliberate, malicious and done under the cloak of anonymity.

The 'cowboy outfit' has sacked the SFO, immediately. I’d say he’s paid for his mistake, wouldn’t you?

So I’d invite the person who first mentioned this to therefore delete that post, or edit it to remove all reference to the guy. As should all others.

That guy has a lot of climbing to do to recover his career. You wouldn’t want people repeatedly dragging your errors to the surface while you struggle for air, would you?

As for the Captain referred to, bit wet behind the ears, could have done it a different way, referencing the QRH maybe, or getting away from the ground, out of the ‘wedding cake’ to a safe height for analysis.

He didn’t.

And he did not stall the aircraft!

You’re still piloting, I assume, so be very careful. **** happens, and it may be around the corner waiting for you. One slip…

Oh, there’s one other thing. It was a critical system malfunction on the approach to BKK. He didn’t create the malfunction, he responded to it.

Changes the outlook a little, doesn’t it? At least for the casual reader who we primaril addressing, you know.

Does it bother you that you may be damaging the reputation of the airline here, on PPRuNe?

RBA will grow through these problems. But not by being publicly slandered. I guess that’s the difference between professionals and real cowboys.

3rd Mar 2005, 08:24
I dont normally agree with you LAAJ but have to agree with 99% of your last post. I think that one point has escaped your otherwise eloquent prose though. The captain responding to the critical failure (LE Slat Assym) is not a target. He has unfortunately become one though because of the actions of the FTM who is solely responsible for all the unwelcome attention that has been thrust upon him, just as he was with KB and his command course.

You can call it misguidedly looking after your mate, or something less professional if you prefer but the fact of the matter is that he thrust an unfortunate captain into the spotlight when he should have been kept behind the scenes for a little while.

That is very poor management and not intended as a reflection on the actual incident.

I do agree that this thread should perhaps be edited as it must make very uncomfortable reading for a few people who have already suffered enough and will obviously make no difference whatsoever to the people with hides like rhinos who will undoubtedly carry on regardless.

3rd Mar 2005, 21:20

It was not my intention to upset you or any of the staff at RBA who work very hard to keep the airline running given the current HR problems. In this respect 'cowboy outfit' was the wrong term to use and I apologise.

However, from reading the numerous negative posts on this forum relating to flight crew fatigue,an ageing fleet, engine seizures etc. etc I do believe that the CEO and management are taking excessive risks in the pursuit of profitability.

Surely, an airline's reputation should go hand in hand with a commitment to ensuring safety in all aspects of its operation, and should not be based on some PPRUNE slinging match.

4th Mar 2005, 06:03
From a limited perspective most of LAAJ’s comments are correct, but it is not the whole picture. With a BOD’s whose grasp of real world airline operations is, at best, tenuous, whose decisions [when they are made!] are completely subjected to arcane Bruneian politics, and whose only response to problems has been to chant “must cut costs, cut costs”, an expat CEO who has been emasculated, whatever bright ideas he may once have had, a domineering HR department whose only answer is ‘as above’, and a craven pilot leadership whose management style consists of threats backed up by an inexplicable random sacking, a poorly rewarded workforce whose pilot rosters are so bad as to star in the ‘world’s worst roster’ thread, and many other woes, it is a tribute to the remaining rank and file professionals that RBA continues to function at all. No wonder virtually all the experienced captains who can do so are desperately trying to leave. When a well-respected, mature TRE/IRE seeks a F/O post with another Asian carrier the writing is on the wall for those who wish to read it.

RBA are unlikely to “grow through their problems” without a radical policy shift, and what's the chances of that? They will probably just continue their decline, and that’s a shame for those of us with fond memories of better times.

7th Mar 2005, 09:44
Things will never improve while you are led by incompetents whose first, last and only loyalty is to themselves.

The DFTM Airbus has already resigned, the 3 who went for their KA interviews have all been accepted and one who didn't get through the KA initial interview has been offered a 744 command with SQ. Another captain has his SQ interview in a couple of weeks. Add to that the number of F/Os who are waiting for their interviews and any properly run airline would be actively doing something about the situation.

But as long as the Dalai Lama can keep getting his nights in BKK and his partner in crime can keep going to SYD, AKL, BNE (is he frightened of FRA?) and get away with it because no senior manager has the cojones to rein them in......well things will just quietly carry on getting worse, people will continue to leave and worthless empires will continue to be built.

What an outfit. Foxy, where are you?

Castor K
10th Mar 2005, 08:15
Do not agree with you LAAJ. The Capt's & SFO mentioned were not targets. It's the results that are in question.
Cronyism, Favourtism, Nepotism are alive and well in RBA. Thats how the DFO got his position. He has no leadership skills and is intolerant of change.
Most Professional Pilots here are quietly going about their business. RUBBISH. Most are being pushed to the limit. All are waiting for even basic change, like roster improvements and rostering improvements. We are working our butts off without the recommended time off.
The respected DFTM (Airbus) leaving for Dragon (as an FO) shows just how much frustration there is. What a waste of talent, not to mention the training costs involved. The 767 fleet is worse.
BOD get your act together and sack the cowboys who are bringing the airline to its knees, and driving the talent away.
Call a meeting and lets vote to replace the DFO and 2 Fleet Mismanagers.

Life as a journey
10th Mar 2005, 15:45
As it happens, I was only referring to the image of cowboys flying the planes.

I've re-read my post and trust that message comes through clearly enough.

Please don't mix my support for you or the rest of the pilot group, specifically the former SFO, with issues beyond my reach.

Lastly, I'm not into meetings.

10th Mar 2005, 16:02
What pay rise is RBA awarding this year?

11th Mar 2005, 01:13
Displaying the double standards long espoused by RBA management, LAAJ, secure in the anonimity he so despises in others, produces a defence for the unseated SFO that would make Clinton’s lawyers proud. Must remember the “RBA defence” next time I’m caught driving round the M25 from the back of the old Granada. Not only would I be sacked by my mini-cab employers, but I would expect to find myself wrestling Chas for the top bunk, and dreading my next shower. In RBA sackings it seems are reserved for those unfortunates who have committed no offence, just a decade of loyal service, with a level of competence and experience that the outfit badly needs. How anyone could consider a ‘bit wet behind the ears’ YOUR WORDS LAAJ, very junior pilot as suitable training captain material is a good indication of the current state in play in Paradise.

Life as a journey
11th Mar 2005, 03:57
Yeah (yawn), whatever.

PM me. I'll tell you who I am.

Tell everyone else around here.

Can't see why it would be any different for you.

13th Mar 2005, 07:43
Yeah (yawn), whatever.
Your usual double standards LAAJ.
Were you listening to one of the pilots complaining of fatigue.
Or maybe trying to swop for one of your selected flights.
Ever done a double FRA? No yawn whatever.
Oh we know you are not into meetings, you would loose your anonymity.

Tidan De Sheveld
13th Mar 2005, 09:21
Seven more to be interviewed by Dragonair, three on their way to Singapore to talk to SQ cargo.

Two Bruneian nationals among them.

13th Mar 2005, 11:48
Without wanting to state the obvious...... Is the message actually getting through??????????

13th Mar 2005, 12:24
As long as the schedule continues to run the BOD will not admit there is a problem. The concept of anticipating problems to allow for the necessary time to advertise, make job offers, recruit and train (8 -10 months on average) is something that obviously hasn't permeated through their concrete craniums. Unfortunately, by the time RBA has aircraft aog due lack of crews to fly them it will of course take at least 8 - 10 months to get back up to speed. That of course assumes that noone else leaves.

If you are still there waiting for things to improve, forget it. It won't. Get out.

Sheep Guts
13th Mar 2005, 14:53
Does Royal Brunei employ EXPAT A320 drivers? If so anyone have an idea of the package offered?


13th Mar 2005, 19:11
Do things look grim for RBA?

Cowpat is correct, it takes at least 6 months to train a new FO, or upgrade a Capt. This is made worse by the senior trainers who seem to think the only good training flights for them (I mean the trainees) is the long Syd and Bne trips. They used to think the Bne and Akl trips were of little benifit as the airspace and airport procedures were easy compared to Europe.

The ceo was once quoted when the pilots were working max hours, I dont give a F*@% as long as the flights go.
With some leaving, and many more possibly about to go, how will they operate the schedule. Will they still get there big bonuses if flights have to be cancelled.

Will the pilots be prepared to put up with working max hours and cronic fatigue again, now there are other jobs to go to. They reduced the allowable sick leave from 30 days to only 7 days a year. If you go sick due to fatigue, can they require you to go and get expensive medical checks at your own expense. Shouldnt the Doctor just come to the conclusion you are suffering from fatigue from unsustainable back to back longhaul flights, with few days off to recover at base or downroute.

The fact is with the cuts in pay and conditions made by this current management, and the exchange rates, you can make as much, if not more money as a capt on an A320, or B737 for a low cost carrier, than a capt on a B767 for RBA. Many of whom work less, more days off, home most nights, do not fly throughout the night (paxs dont want to fly shorthaul through the night) and no jet lag. this is after tax, and living where you want to.
The benefits of working as an Expat in Brunei are not worth it any more.

Interesting year ahead.

15th Mar 2005, 04:29

If you dont like it please go. If you want to stay quit moaning like schoolgirls.

Now please excuse me as I must go and check that the next roster is suitable for a man of my position.

UAE Camel
20th Mar 2005, 03:14
Word arrives at the sand pit to suggest it is. Leave is now being cancelled, and emergency leave only approved for a death in the family.
Meanwhile the senior Capt recently dissmissed (who had committed no offence, and was given no reason for his dismissal) is I belive still in the Abode enjoying his 3 months notice on full pay. He had huge experience and had the competence the airline so lacks.
As soon as he leaves another command course is to start. Management blunders like this are sinking the rudderless ship.

22nd Mar 2005, 00:17
More senior Capts are about to leave and there is talk of more recruitment.
Those who might be thinking of joining should reflect on the fact that the last pilot just dismissed had been treated harshly.
Not only that but he and his family were given just 3 days to leave the country.

24th Mar 2005, 03:25
Just the 2 Captains who have resigned so far this week.

24th Mar 2005, 11:02
Yes more respected TALENT has just resigned. Well done RE and DS.

24th Mar 2005, 11:20
With at least 3 and maybe 4 more to be interviewed by SIA Cargo before the end of April if what is reaching me is true.

28th Mar 2005, 03:09
Some 5 or 6 will leave the 767 fleet in the next 3 months, and 1 from the Airbus.
Shows which fleet the problems are on.

28th Mar 2005, 09:37
Realistically management is not going to change, at least in the short term. So those who are not happy should take the opportunities currently arising and leave. There are better and worse airlines out there, I have worked for examples of both. No where is perfect. As people keep leaving, as they will, the rest of the year is certainly going to be interesting.


UAE Camel
30th Mar 2005, 23:11
True. We hear that the level of intimidation and threat is on the increase. Seems to be the 767 Fleet Office as usual.
Shame. Was till I left a happy outfit.

2nd Apr 2005, 05:45
It's been a while since I was on here last, so a few things to comment on.

'Tiredunfedup' on page 18 has it nearly right;
"The benefits of working as an Expat in Brunei are not worth it any more."
Tiredunfedup, while what you say is perfectly true, it is not just true for expats. Locals are also suffering the pain. Remember they have had no bonus for several years and have recently lost their transport allowance.
When it comes to being undervalued, underpaid and demoralised, all the pilots are suffering the pain.

'Dalai lama 767' likes to give the impression he is the Ho Chi Minh lookalike in the Boeing Fleet Office. He isn't.

A few weeks ago now, our beloved CEO was reported in Flight International as looking for more narrowbody aircraft. Perhaps Boeings, perhaps Airbus, maybe with IAE engines, perhaps with CFM engines, perhaps, perhaps perhaps.
He put his head in the Flight Deck a few days later and I showed him the article, then asked him about any possible replacement for the B 767s. "Well it looks to me like the A 350 is the way to go." was his reply. Forever putting my foot in it, I said "But they aren't due off the production line until 2012, are you really intending to keep the B 767s going for another 7 years?"
Nothing more was said, he just stood up and left the flight deck.
A final comment on that. I later checked the Airbus website, the A 350 is due in production in 2010.

Recently I had a chat with our earstwhile DFO. He was honest, which is a good thing, although what he said was really depressing. Quite simply, until there are not enough pilots to crew the schedules, terms and conditions will not improve. On a less depressing note, he also said that our flying allowances are NOT being cut.

A chat with someone else in an office two doors up the corridor a few days later informed me that the company is still losing heaps of money. True or not I don't know because we have never been privvy to the company's balance sheets. But two things occur to me. (1) If this is indeed true and we are still losing heaps, surely this indicates that whatever plan the management are following isn't working. We are taught in the simulator to evaluate decisions, recognise when they aren't working, admit it, and develop alternatives. Why doesn't this apply to airline management?
(2) It was pointed out to me by a pilot who had a career as a 'money man' before becoming a pilot, that there are two sides to turning a profit; one is to cut costs (we've done that), the other is to increase income by developing a better product / different product / new routes etc. etc. Better product is the cabin refit I guess, new route is Sydney. Good start, but there is still a long way to go.

When our former DFO decided to recruit Rishworth pilots back in about 1998, it was to protect the incumbent pilots and fulfill a short term need. The idea was good, but unfortunately it has backfired. With no disrespect intended to the Rishworth pilots as individuals, the fact remains that they are generally joining RBA as light twin turboprop drivers who have bought a Boeing rating. As such they are zero jet time pilots. All us have been there and there is nothing wrong with that. The apparent problem is that RBA used to recruit pilots who had significant jet time already. Typically a new RBA recruit was an ex Britannia pilot with maybe 1000+ hours on B 767. When you compare that pilot with a 'new to jets' pilot, there is a significant difference in experience. New pilots are always keen and eager to do whatever they have to do to get into a jet, including accepting poor terms and conditions. Experienced pilots are more aware of their worth and know how to vote with their feet, which they have done. This has left RBA, especially in the Boeing fleet with a substantial number of low jet time pilots - the experience is no longer there.
This situation is self perpetuating because the zero jet pilots get some experience in RBA, learn their worth, and move on. So RBA recruits more Zero Jet Time pilots because they won't pay experienced pilots what they are worth.

I really like Brunei. I really like the guys I fly with, both local and expat. I really like the ground staff I work with (including the rostering staff) and I like the fact that when things go wrong I can usually find out who is causing the problem and sort it out amicably with them one on one without the usual 'big company' hassle (he's in a meeting / he's in the other office / I'm his secretary can I help).
and it is a really big BUT
like 'Tierdunfedup said at the begining of this.

The benefits of working as an Expat (and Local) in Brunei are not worth it any more...



2nd Apr 2005, 07:43
Eloquent as ever Wings.

I have just had lunch with one of your 767 chaps and it seems that 3 more 767 Captains are indeed set to resign. All 5 will be going to SIA Cargo.

In order to apply for a DEC SIA Cargo position you must have 3000+ hours wide body command so that means RBA is about to lose 15000+ hours of widebody command experience and relace it (with all due respect to those on courses) with low houred inexperienced chaps who in most cases would not even be looked at for command training for another 2 years.

Costs had already been cut to the bone. Now they are going after the marrow.

4th Apr 2005, 04:32
Good posting Wings, but until a solitary local resigns for another airline they will be ignored, and [to my knowledge] no-one ever has. I know that they are subject to pressures that expats aren't, but if one took the initiative, then others would probably follow, and those left might get some improvements in T&C's. Management can happily disregard expats leaving as long as the flights are operated, but a local exodus might just provoke something.

6th Apr 2005, 17:04
Thats the third resignation in favour of SIA Cargo in a couple of weeks and I am told that at least 2 more very experienced Captains are likely to follow very shortly. Both hold additional posts within RBA.

KA will soon be contacting your FOs for interview (thats almost everyone on your Airbus fleet and a large number from the Boeing Fleet) and I know that EK have just started contacting people for DE commands on B777. Time for the BOD to start paying market rate I think. Thats a pay rise on basic of at least 3000$ a month and increments reintroduced and back dated.

Or the BOD could just do nothing and wait. But even they wouldn't be that stupid ... would they?

8th Apr 2005, 00:40
Perhaps visit D&G Reporting Points and the thread "Air Pacific Rishworths" to be further enlightened...

11th Apr 2005, 04:34
Due to the care and attention of the DFO and his mates - cowboys, another 3 Capts have interviews. The alarm bells should be ringing in the Brunei DCA, are they loud enough to wake them up to the impending incidents/accidents that will surely follow.

15th Apr 2005, 06:56
And one of those three has I believe just been offered an August start date - Direct Entry B744 Command with SIA Cargo. Is that 4 that have resigned to go there in the last month?

Market Forces Rule.

20th Apr 2005, 05:58
A chat with someone else in an office two doors up the corridor a few days later informed me that the company is still losing heaps of money.
Thats because the public hate RBA too :}

20th Apr 2005, 07:06
Emirates have just started contacting your guys now to arrange interviews in June.

The screw is slowly turning tighter and tighter and we all know what happens when screws get turned too tight - The Castor falls off.

24th Apr 2005, 08:46
Not before time. He has done more damage to the company than the SARs. The CEO will have to ditch him soon, or else they will go down together.

Left Wing
24th Apr 2005, 15:12
So how does a low time guy get in, gain the jet time and run to EK,EY or what ever. :O

Lil' Pilot
24th Apr 2005, 20:16
Yeah any possibilities for lowtimer down there? If everyone is running away, there should be some places available, am I right?

25th Apr 2005, 02:02
You will need a 767 rating. Then contact Jack Priest at Rishworth.

We do seem to be losing quite a few people at the moment. Could be a good time to apply.


Lil' Pilot
25th Apr 2005, 06:12
Would one have a chance with only a B767 rating, and no jet (or turboprop) time?
Thanks in advance..

Left Wing
25th Apr 2005, 06:46
Its always the same damn circle again, jet time...no jet no job...:{ :yuk: :{ :yuk: :mad:

25th Apr 2005, 07:58
Lil Pilot,

Don't ask me ask Jack Priest but I would think that the chances are pretty good.

Lil' Pilot
25th Apr 2005, 20:01
Anyone got some contact info of Jack Priest for me? Telephone nr., email adress? I would be very grateful.
Thanks in advance.

25th Apr 2005, 22:22
Google is a great thing Lil' pilot, all you have to do is type in Rishworth Aviation (http://www.rishworth.co.nz/home/default.asp) and hey presto!

Lil' Pilot
26th Apr 2005, 06:27
OOOhhh wow!! Thanks so much for that advice :p

I know the website of Rishworth. I was wondering if anyone maybe has the phone nr, or email adress of mr. Priest himself.
But thanks anyway ;)

26th Apr 2005, 07:37
Can't give you Mr Priest himself, doubt if it is in the public domain anyway, but from that very same website that you dismiss so easily came these 'phone numbers. (http://www.rishworth.co.nz/contactus/default.asp) :p and from one of these you may get the information you seek.

Lil' Pilot
26th Apr 2005, 09:51
:O Thanks Blue eagle

26th Apr 2005, 11:27
Lil' Pilot,

Blue Eagle is obviously an exremely nice and very patient person. Can I gently suggest to you that initiative is one of the more important characteristics required to be successful in aviation - particularly when combined with an expat lifestyle.

Suggest you ask for help when your own efforts have struck out rather than using this thread as your first point of reference. Still happy to help you though.

If you are successful you can buy me a cold one down route somewhere.


27th Apr 2005, 05:48

How come you and Lil could have a drink down route as I thought you were joining SQ Cargo in August??

I very much doubt it Lil is capable of filling in an application form on his own:{

Lil' Pilot
27th Apr 2005, 06:54

You most probably right :rolleyes: That's a 'nice' conclusion you made there. Just because I asked one question :confused:

27th Apr 2005, 10:38
MC. Aug 22 to be precise and we have some similar destinations.

28th Apr 2005, 08:44
Lil' Pilot

Have you read this and the other thread on RBA. Havnt you noticed many of the posts are from angry past and present employees who have had their signed contracts ignored and altered at the whim of greedy management.

What sort of response do you expect on this thread asking for employment info. Would you come here on less money to take there positions.

Why dont you respect this thread and start your own requesting info.

Cant you find what you looking for on the internet, directory, or flight intl.

youll be as welcome in brunei as a christian in mecca

28th Apr 2005, 13:18

Whilst I agree that Lil Pilot can find already all the info re RBA elsewhere I do not think that you should castigate him should he decide that RBA is still better than his current employer and join. Afterall he would join on the reduced T &C's that have been imposed and which he is fully aware of and accepts.

Indeed RBA Pilots are joining SQ and EK where reduced T&C's have been imposed yet despite all this it is still a better bet for some. Indeed Bananas is leaving RBA to join SQ Cargo cos he says he is far better off by doing so and good luck to him.

When you leave RBA eventually you will probably join an Airline where those already employed in will warn you off because of the Management Style. Lets face it all Managements are singing from the same hymn sheet these days.

28th Apr 2005, 13:33
About SIN$6000 Net pcm better off on average. But it wasn't just a financial decision.

28th Apr 2005, 13:57

I am sure it will be a welcome relief to get off the B767 which is getting a little long in the tooth. Also on the 744 you will not get on eveyone's nerves over India chugging along at Mach .8 as at present :ok:

28th Apr 2005, 18:27
Sorry Guys,

I got a question thats way off the mark here, but does RBA have cadet-ships? If they do , do they take Malaysian citizens?

Thanks guys.

30th Apr 2005, 00:36
Whilst ageeing with your sentiments, tiredandfedup, the plain fact is that an awful lot of children still want to be pilots, and telling them that the career is rapidly following the Merchant Navy down the plughole is no deterrent. They don't want to listen [I have sad personal experience of this.] They will take any job anywhere if it gets them airborne, and the bigger machine the better. So, for those too idle/incompetent to find out for themselves, here is a list of the current joining requirements for RBA. 1) A U.K. or N.Z licence with 767 rating. 2) No spark of initiative whatsoever coupled with an affinity for grovelling. 3) A pulse. [For those with jet time that can be measured in double figures requirement 3 will be waived].

30th Apr 2005, 04:06
It seems this sort of info gets posted on here every six months or so.

If any recent joiners can add to this with
*Monthly salary in NZ or Brunei Dollars when you started,
*How long you had to wait from registering with Rishworth to actually starting.
*What the accommodation deal is (do you have to share for the entire contract?).
*Any Medical benefits while on the Rishworth contract
*Any Loss of Licence Insurance while on the Rishworth contract
*Any nasty (or pleasant) surprises you got when you arrived.
*Anything else you think worthwhile for wannabees

Then perhaps we will have a definative resource for RBA wannabees. Perhaps these guys will have more situational awareness. Perhaps they will be able to make better decisions.


Joining Royal Brunei Airlines

You will need

A United Kingdom (JAA) A.T.P.L.
A New Zealand A.T.P.L.

A Boeing 767 Type Rating
Obviously time on type is a huge advantage, but many have been accepted with nothing but the bare type rating.

When you have these, you will need to contact
Captain Jack Priest
Senior Consultant
Rishworth Aviation
[email protected]

www.rishworth.co.nz PO Box 37-434, Parnell
Auckland, New Zealand
Tel: +64 9 302 0080
Fax: +64 9 302 0078

Once you are in the system, you will be contacted when,
1. R.B.A. needs more pilots
2. Jack considers that you best fit the requirements RBA have given him.

I have heard pilots who have come through Rishworth complain that they were told to get their B767 rating immediately because they would get a job straight away.
Then they have ended up waiting more than a year for the magic phone call.
All the time the bank, Mum & Dad, or whoever loaned you the money for the type rating are demanding to know when they will get repaid.

If you don’t have a B 767 type rating, there are several places where you can get them, including R.B.A. but just because you buy your type rating from RBA, you are absolutely NOT guaranteed a job with R.B.A.
Places where guys have bought type ratings include the USA, Canada and New Zealand, but I think Air New Zealand have stopped offering them. I’m pretty sure Jack Priest will be able to suggest where you can get a rating if you can’t find out anywhere else.

These are only available to Subjects of H.M. The Sultan of Brunei (ie Bruneian Citizens).
These cadetships will take the successful cadet all the way through from ab initio flying training, through all the ground school subjects and flying training, and even a posting with a (usually) British regional airline for a year or more to get experience, before joining the RBA fleet. The training is done in the U.K. (often Prestwick or Southampton).

30th Apr 2005, 09:32
Quite right Millerscourt.

I realise low and no jet time pilots will continue to apply and go to RBA, and why shouldnt they.

My only beef with Lil Pilot was the fact that he used the very same thread, with posts that were justifiably critical with RBAs management with regards to pay, conditions, cessation of pay increments, cut in allowances, rostering maximum hours, fatique, intimidation, sacking of Capt for not going into discretion etc, etc, resulting in many experienced capts leaving and now the airline is made up of relatively inexperienced new capts, and new fos... to ask what likelyhood of him getting a job there, rather than contact that poor excuse for a compamy - Rishworth directly, then due to his inability to find a contact number for them on the internet, intl telephone directory, or flight intl magazine, ...blantantly and / or stupidly asking on the same thread and expecting a serious answer.

If Lil Pilot had started a separate thread asking those same questions i would not have commented, and left those who wished to reply to do so.

Incredible after 6 years and 50 - 60 pilots employed through Rishworth, all of them given a RBA contract after 1 year, they continure to employ through Rishworth, yet when they were overstaffed they sacked 4 contract pilots rather than the last 4 Rishworth.

Corruption is a dirty word, carried out by a few greedy and selfish, at the expense of the innocent many.

They should be ashamed of themselves.

Big Kahuna
30th Apr 2005, 13:20

50 - 60 pilots employed through Rishworth, all of them given a RBA contract after 1 year,

This is simply not true.

At least 3 current RBA captains have done 2 + years on a Rishworth contract.

It was not until myself and several others left RBA, that RBA decided to offer an RBA contract after the completion of 1 year. And that was in October 2000 if my memory serves me correctly.

Lets try and stick to the facts.....

1st May 2005, 23:31
Well said tiredandfedup. Rishworth was set up for the recrutment of pilots to RBA. It is rumoured that BN$ 500 finds its way back per pilot per month. Like the UN/Iraq and the oil for food program, the RBA oil for the Castor program continues to run smoothly.
The Flight Ops Management is not ashamed, but we are ashamed to have them as our managers.

2nd May 2005, 18:03
Thanks for the info Wings...seems like my options are limited.


7th May 2005, 01:08
Rishworth still await your application.

9th May 2005, 08:39
Has RBA awarded a sensible pay rise yet or are more resignations anticipated?

13th May 2005, 05:27
Any increase in flight allowance pay is going to be lost as they reduce the house allowance even further. At the best of times landlords dont like doing business with RBA, and looks like its going to get worse. How do they expect new pilots to find a house for under $2000 a month.

13th May 2005, 10:46
So last years "pay rise" was funded by reducing paid sick leave from 28 days to 7 days and whatever you have got this year has been funded by reducing the housing allowance! This puts pilots in a situation where they may well have to spend more than their so called "pay rise" to subsidise the company rent so they can continue to live in the same house.

I wonder what will fund next years "pay rise?"

RBA must think you are all stupid to expect to get away with such a cheap trick. What a way to mismanage an airline. Does anyone who isn't a sim instructor actually have more disposable income after the "pay rise?"

13th May 2005, 15:45
How could you consider $1000 a month across the board a payrise.

Pay increments stopped for 3 years.

APPROXIMTE loss per pilot (Not management pilots already on top increments)

Year 1 A Month $400 =a year $4800
Year 2 $800 = $9600
Year 3 $1000 = $12000
Total $26400

car allowance 3 years = $9360

Medical $1500

Total 3 years APPROXIMATE loss $37260

$1000 a month will not even bring the pay up to what pilots should have been getting before the unilateral pay cuts to everyones signed contracts.

Rumored $50 an Flying hour rate over 75 hours (more like $40 an hour duty time)
Normal airlines pay 4-5 times this.

Only pilots benefiting are those in management on top increments already who didnt expect any more, and are planning on staying until retirement anyway.
They wernt the ones working max hour longhauls. They had there 9-4 days in the office. They must be rubbing their little hands together. Best roster themselves a long SYD to celebrate.

They do think your stupid if you believe this a payrise, even more stupid if they think it will stop people leaving.

First Rishworth Capts approaching 3000Hr Cmd time, will be 4 reaching this every 4-6 months very soon, and this will continue. Jobs to go to now, will they be able to keep up with training replacements.

If they want to show any good will and keep people there, they need a pay increase to cover inflation since the last pay increase 15-20 years ago. much higher hourly rate over 75 hours, reinstate and packpay cut increments, Otherwise consider yourself a low cost training airline as the only pilots staying will be the management and then good luck to you.

Borneo Blues
16th May 2005, 01:50
I found out the hard way that RBA can and do just change to terms and conditions of the contract. In fact I am told that when the increments were cut (2-3 years ago) RBA did not even give notice as to the change. It was only the intervention of the Fleet Manager that forced them to reconcider, and at least give a months notice.
Then one has to deal with the arbitrary cuts in the house allowance, and one hears that it is going to now apply to schooling allowances. This is a worry to many of us.
Add this to the fact that one gets no support from the fleet officers who have a take it or leave attitude and one has no option to look elsewhere.
This is a State Airline in crisis.

18th May 2005, 06:51
:{ are RBA still maintain the classic requirement for expat pilot??
ie, - must hold NZ or UK CAA license
- current in B 767/B757
- apply via Risworth
are they free from apartheid policy in that part of the world in this time:}

21st May 2005, 07:50

Please go to page 21 and read !!

Then you will understand why I am exasperated by your question.


Anyone would think you were management asking about static on the Airbus VHFs -- nomatter how many times you are told, you still want us to report further.

Big Kahuna
22nd May 2005, 00:33
Royal Brunei orders new aircraft.

Boeing today confirm that RBA have firm orders for 8 Boeing 787 Dreamliners and 4 Boeing 777-200LR's.

These new aircraft will replace the current fleet of Boeing 767's and Airbus's

Oh sorry guys just dreaming here. That would be to good to be true. Mind you it would be a perfect mix.

22nd May 2005, 08:27
Aircraft are expensive operate, fuel and maintainance costs are high.

Aircraft require those liabilities to Airlines called pilots, who expect to get paid for their experience, hours away from home, longhaul flying throughout the night, living in hotels (whats wrong with a backpacker hostel, or bus shelter).

I think the current ceo's and bod's plans would more likely be:

Dispose of all but 4 of the cheapest, oldest aircraft in the fleet.

Show how much money youve saved the airline in annual operating costs and expenditure, due to a reduction in aircraft, pilots, engineers, flight attendents.

Then give yourself a HUGE bonus for cutting costs.
This cost cutting management style is easy, even a pilot could do it..... if they were an a*%$@$e.

26th May 2005, 01:45
With some positive signs from the engineering side, will they deal with the shameful management that we have to suffer in the Flt Ops Dept. I am told that by Aug/Sept we will be unable to crew the routes. When will the BOD realise that not only do we need a wacking pay rise, we need some professional management from the DFO and his cronies.

27th May 2005, 16:58
If you are waiting for a wacking pay rise you will have a very long wait. The only choice for anybody in RBA is wether to put up with all thats wrong or vote with their feet.

There are jobs available now. If you are not happy in Brunei take one of them because Brunei is not going to improve at all.

29th May 2005, 03:31
Good afternoon,

I do not seem to be able to determine the fleet that RBA has (i.e.: owns/leases/operates/parked).

I see that it flies 767s and A320/319s.

What interests me are:
1) Where are the old 757s (e.g.: sold/leased to other partty/parked/or what); and
2) Are any 767s parkedl/eased to other partty/or what?

Thaniking you in appreciation


UAE Camel
7th Jun 2005, 08:05
We hear from the Abode that that one of the pilots that was recently dismissed has taken RBA to court. Have any juicey bits been revealed or is it just the opening shot. Any confirmation comment or news from the abode, has it made the BB.

7th Jun 2005, 12:11
I heard the same thing a couple of days ago. I think that a high court writ has been filed but lets remember that it is all sub judice so dont post anything that might compromise the integrity of the case.

I think 3 managers from Flight Ops have been specifically named in the writ so let justice run its course and please do not post anything irresponsible.

Sorry Mods. I am not trying to do your job for you.

UAE Camel
9th Jun 2005, 07:59
Quite right TA, would not dream of it. sorry I sounded a bit hasty. However there will be a copy down at the court, it is I think a public document now, and would only be a $ or 2. I now know the Capt, and he was a first class bloke to fly with.

13th Jun 2005, 10:12
Good post Thin Albert. Justice is indeed what we want, and the sacked pilot for that matter. Many an issue will be brought to the open. Good on you mate.

16th Jun 2005, 10:37
Big Flight Ops Managers meeting at house on hill took place earlier this week allegedly. Your guess is as good as mine as to what was on the agenda but allegedly everyone was there, including several managers who were called from leave.

Might be to do with new chairman and deputy. But it might not.

News filters to the sand pit that a local has finally had the cojones to resign. Is that true? Huge rerspect to him if it is. Surely more will follow his lead now.

RBA used to be such a good place to work.

17th Jun 2005, 01:07
Indeed, a local SFO has resigned.Off to SQ cargo.
Shame to see him go as he is a top bloke, but good for him and his family.He will be able to commute, three flights a day from SIN to BWN.Well done !!!!!!!!
Question is, will he be the opening of the flood gates.
One of the reasons he has resigned was the treratment he has been receiving from the Deputy Fleet Manager.
Disregard for basic manners and some sort of twisted management style employed by him and his colleagues.

CEO has supposedly signed off on a 1600BND pay rise across the board, but I can still see those halal porkers flying across the skies in the abode of peace.Like the fleet offices recent attempt of smoke and mirrors ,saying there was a payrise of 1000BND that will be in the next pay packet:When the DFO was quizzed about this, he said that" the only way there will be a pay rise, will be if there are aircraft parked on the ground, as we have no pilots!"

Quite a profound statement it may be!
Three more SQ interviews by months end, one is a local Captain.
Look out, jobs direct entry left seat, no time on type, for 777 jobs in the pipe- Etihad,Korean,Eva,Air Japan(76)Vietnam(76/777)
The pay rise would want to be more thananother case of flying pigs.

Borneo Blues
19th Jun 2005, 11:00
He aint the only one to leave because of the Fleet Managers. They have been the main reason why many of the senior and experianced pilots did resign over the past couple of years.
Word is leaking out that a senior pilot who has just resigned has stated that in writing to the CEO.
They have no backbone to stand up to their despotic leader and no ethics. Goes hand in hand I guess.

20th Jun 2005, 08:45
Hello Chaps,

I think I may be the "senior pilot" referred to in the previous posting. Just to put the record straight and avoid any confusion and potential for ill feeling:

Yes, I did write a letter. It was addressed to DFO and copied to CP, FOM, FTM, QMO and Fleet Office. The contents are not for publication on this forum. The letter was not copied to CEO. However, I know that the CEO has seen the letter. What action, if any, he takes remains to be seen. I wouldn't hold your breath!

BTW, It looks like farewell lemonades will be in DXB sometime between 22 and 28 June.

Borneo Blues
24th Jun 2005, 10:48
Thanks BB. No confusion now. Wonder when the next news letter be out to tell us whats going on-and why-or why not.

24th Jun 2005, 15:23
No worries!

So much for farewell lemonades in DXB. Someone pressed the 'Flying Programme Self Destruct' button and I am now in LHR!

29th Jun 2005, 00:20
Rumours reach the sand pit that a local Captain has now had enough and is off to join Etihad. True or not?

29th Jun 2005, 10:20
It's True Yes he is off to the AUH sand pit. Always a pleasure to fly with and I wish him well with his bold step. For those who do not live in the Abode, you will not understandthe bold step that it takes Never did I think I would see the day when a local would leave

1st Jul 2005, 07:29
Anyone heard how the latest three Capt's went at SQ?
The management can stick their heads in the sand as long as they like to try to convince themselves there is no crewing crisis, but as always they will be proven incompetent!

UAE Camel
7th Jul 2005, 05:11
Do you mean the ones (3) that have just resigned or the 3 who have got interviews. Hard to keep track of just how many wish to go, such a shame, it was a great place to work only few years ago.

7th Jul 2005, 09:18
Four captains (RE, RP, DD, HO) have resigned. One local F/O (AK) has also resigned to join SIA Cargo. Three of the Captains are already in SIN. The fourth starts in Aug. The F/O starts in Sep. All are very experienced and very capable operators and RBA will struggle to replace them.

Additionally, it is reliably rumoured that at least 3 more Captains are at various stages of the interview process, and I am told that 2 captains who left RBA recently (AM, DT) will also be joining SIA Cargo in Sep.

Another Captain is about to resign to go to KA and several F/Os are about to accept offers in Aus, NZ and SIN.

And let us not forget the local Captain who has also resigned to go to EH.

All of these pilots are from the Boeing fleet. How many resignations from the Airbus fleet in the same time period? None. Maybe one if you count SK.

Why do you think that might be?

8th Jul 2005, 07:16
It seems RBAs management is not concerned about losing all their experience. In fact get rid of the experienced and replace them with new Capts on bottom pay and no increments.

Line Pilots are complaining of flying fatigued, 5 day Fra s, 6 day Lhr s, 2 days off in Bwn, then away again and again.
Only thing to change the situation will be an accident with low time Capts rostered with low time Fos, and both fatigued.

It is important to make management aware you are constantly flying tired or fatigued, as if and when something happens it will come back to bite them.

Buy the way, whats happened to the allowance increase rumor spread by senior management in Flt ops and Flt training. Seems to have fizzled out, perhaps it was just a rumor after all.

8th Jul 2005, 09:18
Unless the Boeing Fleet Office has improved out of all proportion since I left it is largely responsible for line pilots flying while fatigued. Interfering with the flying roster to suit your own (and your microlight flying instructor's) personal lifestyles not only pi$$ed people off and increased fatigue unnecessarily; it meant that you lost what little respect you once had. Come back Trolley - Oh you can't can you. You are off to SIA Cargo as well.

A disgraceful state of affairs.

8th Jul 2005, 10:55
It's sad...
There has been such a sharp decline in respect and tolerance to the Fleet Office since the "micro light instructor" Joined the Team.
Come on R#####, you have the power and respect to get rid of him..Do us all a favour, he's not even a Brune!!!Put Z@@ in there, at least he won't favour the chosen few expats

9th Jul 2005, 08:24
Anyone would be better than CC in the fleet office but I agree that Z*l would be a good choice.

Then its just a matter of getting Pinky, Perky and Platypus out of Cuddly Dudley's "I look after my cronies" training department and things might start to improve.

Or you could just do what alot of us have already done and vote with your feet. I hear that several more are about to do that very thing.

10th Jul 2005, 14:43
I find this very hard to believe but the sand pit is hearing that one of RBAs 767 aircraft had no fewer than 3 engine shutdowns in one month. Is that true? V8RBK? Diversions into KHI, BKK and back to the abode.

12th Jul 2005, 05:53
Thin Albert.
In answer to your question "Why aren't Airbus Pilots resigning?"
Several reasons.

1. Some of the ex Ansett guys have got their retirement schemes sorted and are happy to have a job they enjoy and are not too upset about terms and conditions at the moment.

2. Some of the ex Ansett guys were unemployed for a couple of years and are happy to be in a secure job.

3. The rest of us have bonds to serve out - three years - for most of us that means just over 12 months to go.

4. The rest of us are new on type and have only acquired about 1000 hrs on type - not really enough to make you a particularly attractive commodity in the A 320 employment market.

5. Others have applications pending with other companies and they haven't borne fruit yet.

On a different subject altogether.......
When we first got the A 319s there was talk that RBA was going to get 2x A340 -500s that suddenly were available due to Air Canada having problems.

Then when I was on my way to DXB for sim our CEO told me (and an F.O. and a DFM - we were all there) that we were looking at
A 340 - 300s - ex EK - ex SQ I forget which.

Then when the same man came on my Flight Deck a few months ago he was full of us getting A 330s becoming A 350s.

A few days ago I was told that an F.O. had a chat with the same man and was told that once the B 757 goes we would be looking to get another 2 A 320s to operate to Ho Chi Minh.

So in accordance with our Strategic Plan we are getting

A 340 - 500s.

No sorry, I meant A 340 - 300s.

Ooops ! What I meant was A 330s.

Make that A 350s.

Disregard all previous, I meant A 320s.

Watch his space.........

All those in favour of electing Private Baldrick of Blackadder fame to the position of 'Head of Strategic Planning' say "Aye".
P.S. I have a cunning plan.

12th Jul 2005, 10:00
Is it really that bad? What about the in flight shut downs? Is that correct? Rumours are just flying out of the abode. The latest is that one of the Boeing Deputy Fleet Managers is no longer a Deputy Fleet Manager. True?

Maybe R@s%id reads Pprune.

Metro man
13th Jul 2005, 04:03
With all that's being written about RBA, is it now time to put it on the list of airlines to avoid flying on ? I'm sure we can think of one or two Asian carriers we wouldn't fly with, has Royal Brunei now sunk to that level.

I've travelled on RBA a few times, attracted by good ticket prices. For my next holiday should I pay a bit more and go with QF or SIA, are things really that bad ?

13th Jul 2005, 06:51
I have received confirmation that V8RBK did have 3 inflight shutdowns in a few days, 2 of them occuring in 3 sectors with the same pax on board for both shutdowns and diversions.

The flight should have been BI084 SHJ/BWN but it diverted into KHI with one shut down for an oil filter message. The engineers looked at it and released the aeroplane for further service. Despite the warning reappearing in the cruise the crew continued to BKK which was as far as they could go due flight time limitations. In BKK another crew took the aeroplane and pax on the BKK/BWN sector, only to shut the engine down again on departure from BKK and return to BKK.

Well handled by the tech crews on both occasions I understand but what will it do to the RBA ETOPS approvals?

13th Jul 2005, 09:11
So having shut the engine down and landed in KHI and had it cleared by an Engineer, who would not have then departed to BKK?

The next event - we don't know enough - what had been said or found in KHI - at what point in the flight to BKK did the message reappear-was it an intermittant indication?

What engineering input was there in BKK? The crew departing BKK seem to have done the right thing when the message reappeared.

Whilst acknowledging how unpleasant this must have been, every airline I've been in has at some point had a nasty reoccuring and embarrassing snag of something like this to deal with.

Theres a lot of vitriol about RBA but I know a number of good professional guys who have been there for many years and do not plan to leave.

13th Jul 2005, 12:14
There is no criticism of the tech crews at all. In fact I believe if you reread my last post you will see that they were complimented. I think the point that I and many others have made in the past is that RBA is totally dependent on the goodwill of its crews to keep the show on the road, yet it treats them terribly. This particular situation could have been avoided if there had been a spare aeroplane available to enable in depth engineering trouble shooting to be carried out at main base (history of high eng vib) prior to despatching on this unfortunate series of flights. But there wasn't and there never was. The engineers are rightly bitching cos they never have the airframes on the ground long enough to fix them properly, downroute maintenance are not happy at the number of "ADDs" they get lumbered with due "no time to fix" at BWN and the crews (who are less and less experienced) end up carrying more and more snags in older and older aeroplanes whilst the fleet office roster themselves for another long AKL trip, or 5 weeks summer holiday.

And, if you were a pax on the flight that had 2 eng shut downs and 2 diversions, would you fly RBA again?

13th Jul 2005, 13:47
ThinA - wasn't criticisng your post specifically or indeed trying to criticise anything - just offering another point of view - just aiming at the general anti feeling at RBA - I'm just not sure it is as bad as many say. With regard to the spare a/c idea it would be great but how many small size airlines have a spare airframe sitting around - especially wide bodies - not many I think. It would be great to be in an airline where the a/c sat on the ground for 8 hrs every night for the engineers to work on but such an animal is a rare beasty

Borneo Wild Man
13th Jul 2005, 14:14
Metro Man,engage brain before posting.......do you forget SQs recent incident at AKL and the TPE loss of life,and QF...yeah great if you like being delivered to the golf course.So go spend that extra money then!

Thin........the troops(including your mates) are getting tired of your constant character assinations

13th Jul 2005, 14:29
Right Message BWM. But wrong guy. I will pass it on though. I think the person you are referring to is a bit too busy organising his own life at the moment to be particularly bothered about yours or anyone elses. You've got very keen since you passed your command course haven't you?

Are you there Bananas?

Metro man
13th Jul 2005, 23:17
BMW brain is firmly in gear that's why I'm asking. Reading through this thread little good seems to be coming out. The impression is of less and less experienced crews flying more and more fatigued, in older aircraft with maintenance under strain, and under company pressure to get the job done.

Brunei DCA and the airline appear to enjoy a cosy relationship. Would things be the way they are if the airline was based in OZ or NZ ?

Is what's written in this thread just the general whinging that goes on in all companies or do you guys really have a problem ?

I've been happy with my RBA travels so far and even joined Royal Sky. Knowing what they do, would your pilots be happy to fly on Brunei if they didn't work for them or would they use other airlines ? If they're happy enough I'll continue .

14th Jul 2005, 01:11
Where to start?

Well, TA, You have one thing right. I dont have time for a willy waving contest with BWM or anyone else. I thought people knew me well enough by now to know that if I have something to say I say it to their face or through a properly addressed and signed letter - please refer to my last post. I have warmed the seats of every office in flight ops giving my views on various matters over the past few years and couldn't add anything on Pprune to what I have already said face to face to the individuals concerned.

My views are well enough known within RBA to make anonymous postings from me on Pprune a pointless exercise and I will not be responding to any more "willy waving" jibes.

MetroMan: RBA's 767 Fleet is getting older and the airframes are carrying more snags. It would also be fair to say that we don't enjoy the same high levels of experience that were here when I joined in '96. That said, if the operation wasn't safe neither I nor any other self respecting crew member would get airborne and I am happy to be booked as pax on BI421 BWN/SIN 25/07/05.

Borneo Wild Man
14th Jul 2005, 02:06
Keen,yeah right!
Too busy with my new venture

100% Strike Rate
(Hook,line,sinker-not always returned)

Bananas,sorry ol mate-please feel free to flog me!Maybe if you can wait till Im wearing the Cat Woman Outfit.

Thai Foon
19th Jul 2005, 00:34
OK so Im not so senior, but I find that the fleet manager has summer leave. Nothing wrong with that but now it seems he has it every year. I am beginning to find that what is generally written on these pages is turning out to be an unpleasent fact.
Ever since arriving I have found a take it or leave it attitude, very disappointing.:\

19th Jul 2005, 04:25
Thai Foon,
Our previous DFO was quite specific regarding the take it or leave it mentality.
To quote him,
"all those who disagree, please indicate so by standing up and saying "I resign""

Many years ago we used to have Flt Ops Beach BBQs down on Croc Beach ( now called Pantai Merangan) or Seven Up Beach.Pity we don't have them nowdays - they were good fun.
At one of those BBQs I was told that with regard to RBA you had to draw your own line in the sand. If or when RBA crossed that line it was time for you to leave.
For your own well being, decide now where your own line in the sand is and be prepared to leave when it is violated.
If you don't, you will just become a bitter, grumbling, miserable old man. I don't think anyone really wants that.

On a different topic, our CAA Engineering Inspector is soon on his way home. I would like to wish Mike well and all the best for the future.


19th Jul 2005, 05:11
The beach barbecues still happen you know Wings! Its just that they are no longer on Croc Beach, they have been moved to Auckland Beach and only the chosen few get to go.

20th Jul 2005, 07:27
The CAA Engineering Inspector has indeed played his part in Brunei and will be sadly missed. At least he is being replaced.
My fear is that the person who signed the DFM needed letter will be promoted, in which case the return of a CAA Flight Ops Inspector will be a necessity.

UAE Camel
22nd Jul 2005, 03:43
Saw an RBA crew last night who said Foster was gone. Knew only the CSO who in my day served us tea.
Sad that there has been such a turn over but life goes on

22nd Jul 2005, 08:12
Lets not forget that a little while ago there were all sorts of rumours that he had cleared his desk, these were from within and outside the airline.
There is nothing official yet, but hey the next few days will give us a reason to :O or:(

22nd Jul 2005, 11:31
Heard from the grapevine that another BIA guy will be joinnig RBA. Possibly replacing the CEO.
Has anyone ever worked with such a high-turnover of management before???

UAE Camel
26th Jul 2005, 02:20
Got hold of a copy of this doc that brings to light the shameful slide downhill. That the management has sunk to this level is really no suprise as I could see the writing on the wall before i left. Takes a lot of balls to take them on in court though.
There should be a reply by the Co by now, and it would be good for all of us ex's to know what they say.
Thin Albert note no comments, just want a good read.

8th Aug 2005, 07:10
The NZ Herald has just reported the sale of one of HM's Herne Bay Houses for $35 Million. No doubt it will be reinvested where it is really needed.
At last free car parking and some sheep skin coated seats we have been waiting for for so long.

8th Aug 2005, 07:46
I am told that Flight Ops has already been asked if they can crew 2 A330's by December 2005.

True or not?

8th Aug 2005, 16:24
Chief pilot leaving, off to Royal Flight.
Rumoured replacement Airbus Fleet manager.

9th Aug 2005, 04:39
Today the nation heard the offical news that the CEO of Royal Brunei has resigned. I wonder why they drag these items out for so long.

UAE Camel
12th Aug 2005, 05:18
Word is out that RBA has had another emergency landing with an inbound JED flight. Heard all went well, any other details yet as to the reason.

12th Aug 2005, 05:56
Nose gear problem I am told. Well handled by crew. Landed without incident.

15th Aug 2005, 01:10
THINALBERT, do you have any more info on the A330s. The 2 u mentioned, are leased or new ones? Does that mean A430 is out!

15th Aug 2005, 04:29
Its all rumour and speculation at the moment. Flight Ops were asked if they could crew 2 A330 by Dec 2005 but there is no CEO right now and I dont think anyone will make an decision until a new CEO is in place. Mainly because any failings will be viewed as his fault.

15th Aug 2005, 06:07
...so the cycle starts all over again?

15th Aug 2005, 11:22
I hope you are wrong but I suspect you are right. How many more diullisioned expats and locals will be tempted to leave is hard to say. The last CEO was responsible for driving down costs and driving away a lot of experienced and able pilots. It will be interesting to see if people stay and wait or if they are so fed up with the cycle begining all over again that they take one of the options that many are sitting on.

One thing is for certain. RBA wil never again be the good place to work that it once was. No doubt there will be some opposite views posted by people who are happy with their lot in Brunei, but they are getting fewer and fewer as the experience levels get lower and lower and the Boeing fleet gets older and older and carries more and more ADDs.

Does anyone remember the Flight Safety and Swiss Cheese film.:(

15th Aug 2005, 12:11
Thin Albert

Check your PMs

Thai Foon
18th Aug 2005, 03:18
The Helios Airways accident has confirmed my thoughts for the operation of RBAs Frankfurt flight services.
I worry about the wisdom of a Captain sitting in the right hand seat during this 3 crew operation on the direct service.
Concider that he has no simulator training in that seat, and that they admit that they feel like a duck out of water. Then add factors like the lack of proper crew rest areas and fatigue, lack of experience in the crews all round, and concider he might be alone from time to time.
It is sad to put ones fears on this page, but to do otherwise brings the risk of attention from a fleet management who have no concept of flight safety.

22nd Aug 2005, 04:40
Hot rumour from the CSO is that HM has married a 26 year old in a very private ceremony. Is this Pprune breaking news.

23rd Aug 2005, 02:29
Valid points TF. AAIB Bulletin No 6/99 and others that can be picked off the Helios airways postings show that at least we need the training.
Will we get it. How many years is it that the management have ignored fatigue on the 767 fleet. Dream on. What will it take to open this can of worms, lets hope its just an incident and not an accident.

24th Aug 2005, 08:49

The Bangkok Post on Mon 22 Aug reported the Sultan married a youngish looking 26 y/o former TV3 presenter named Azrinaz Mazhar Hakim.

A new bloodline !l

30th Aug 2005, 01:55
Reading the posts on this site does not encourage those already employed to risk making the change to an airline career.
However, the CEO has now departed and from what I read the decline in conditions reversed. What are the chance of direct employment without the ties of Rishworth.
Is bonding an issue or covered by the 3 year contract?

30th Aug 2005, 11:06
Think he is still in the Abode. Whisphers are that he is headed for a new Asian start up, maybe based in SIN.

Sheep Guts
30th Aug 2005, 13:57
I noticed Brunie have advertised in FI website. They are looking for F/Os with 3000 total 500 on type and posess a UK issued JAA ATPL, no exceptions.

So whats happened up there? Have even the Kiwis lost their flavour to the locals. I thought it was NZ and UK ATPLs only Brunie. Or am I missing the point.


2nd Sep 2005, 09:09
Does anybody know the new and improved contitions for the Airbus fleet?

5th Sep 2005, 03:44
Reading the Daily Telegraph (telegraph.co.uk) of August 20th travel section with the above headline. The reporter writes that "Commercial demands attacked after spate of air crashes"
Charles Smith goes on that another airline had been fined by its CAA "for offences ranging from pilots not getting sufficient rest between flights" etc.
As the Brunei DCA seems unwilling to police the excesses of the RBA rostering dept, is it now time that we started to copy our rosters to other watch dogs, ie the CAA's of UK Germany Oz and NZ. In fact the situation is and has been so bad for years now that it warrents newspapers attention.

5th Sep 2005, 18:55

Apologies for dropping this in here but I have been trying to send a resume to RBA via the email address in last weeks flight but it keeps getting bounced back at me.

Is anyone else having this problem and does anybody know the correct address?


Dionysus. Red wine cures all ails. :)

Having A Blast
7th Sep 2005, 03:10
The ad reads "work patterns and rostering largely in accordance with CAP 371" Ho Ho Ho must have a different version to us. No wonder they print largely in accordence.
Generous leave is correct but you cant get it as there is such a shortage of crews, ah the reason for the ad no doubt.
Over the last 2-3 years the terms and conditions have been slowly cut, that and the weak $ cutting 40% off the pay packet. The latest allowance to try and improve the package is not permanent, and does not count towards the gratuity.
The company employment regulations can be changed with 30 days notice, and this has been done to change school allowances, house rent allowance etc etc over the last 2-3 years.
Be warned 95% of what you read in the posts here are true.

8th Sep 2005, 07:32
Anyone going to the 767 fleet, be warned its still a nightmare. The rostering system is as out of date as the dinosaurs. CC tried to bring change but he lost his nerve.
Pilots are not represented by the management. The Fleet Managers have no ears. Any complaint brings the title of trouble maker upon you. They should know that you are A MESSENGER. When you are FATIGUED there is a message to be learnt.
When senior crew leave for airlines to be FO's, there is a message.
And its not just the pay and the conditions, poor, corrupt and unethical managers is a major reason for pilots leaving.

10th Sep 2005, 16:26
This doc seems to be making the rounds of the pilot population here.
If any of you ex's would like a copy, just PM me.;)

14th Sep 2005, 02:56
Hello again everyone,

Just a few points,

Sheep Guts.
If you are interested in working for RBA you really should learn how to spell the name of the country.
Why did the advert not invite Kiwis or Kiwi Licence Holders ?
I think this is mainly due to the fact that we have had an awful lot of Kiwi and Oz pilots join us over the last few years. While this in itself is not a problem, the experience levels of these joiners is.
They have nearly all been 'first job on a jet' pilots, coming off of turboprops such as Metros. As such the overall experience levels on the Boeing Fleet in particular has dropped to an undesirably low level.
By not inviting applications from Kiwi licence holders, I think the management guys are hoping they will get more applications from JAA Licence holders who will have some jet experience.

There is also the paperwork problem of having to deal with two licencing authorities. Perhaps only dealing with one authority, the JAA, is the intention of the company in the future.

Terms and conditions on the Airbus.
Expect to take home about BND$11600 per month.
Plus a free house.
Plus after three years a gratuity in the vicinity of BND$50 000. One contract leave ticket a year (Business class) for you and your wife and up to three children back to your 'home'.
One F.O.C. ticket once a year (Business Class) for you and your family to any destination on the RBA network.
Plus unlimited ID 90 tickets (also Business Class, also for you & your family).
You also get minimal education assistance ($2100 per year per child if you educate them at an International School in BWN, $12 000 if you board them in Oz, $14 000 if you board them in UK).
Expect to fly about 65 hours per month.
Home nearly every night. never away for more than one night (some might say that's a bad thing).
Most 'night stops' are 'Split Duties' so that means fly to destination (SIN, KUL, SUB) spend 4 - 6 hours in a hotel, fly home. That's two days work.
Leave plus 'Off Roster' days add up to 57 days leave a year.

Expect to work a lot lot lot harder on the Boeing.

14U, BWN & Having a Blast
You are absolutely correct.
The Boeing boys are working flat out.
Three European long hauls a month are common.
Fatigue is a very real feature in the lives of some of the Boeing pilots.

On the topic of fatigue, I offer no defence for the company, they don't deserve it.
Remember last year's CRM Course was all about fatigue ?
Remember they were very particular to spell out the legal definition of 'fatigue' as opposed to just being 'tired' ?

Perhaps you don't, a lot of the Boeing guys fell asleep during the worst presented lecture I have ever had to endure.

But the point is, the management know the problem exists.

So what are they doing about it ?
The bottom line is
(a) as long as the flights are departing with crews, the gods higher up aren't interested.
(b) unfortunately, however crappy your roster is, as long as it is legal
(1) the company can roster you to do it.
(2) you cannot refuse to do it because it is "too tiring"
(3) complaining to the Brunei DCA or any other CAA, CASA etc will be met with points (b1) and (b2) above.

Finally I think the current round of recruitment is all about replacing those who have left and gearing up for a possible expansion or fleet replacement rather than alleviating any fatigue issues among the pilot force. While fatigue might be a reason for leaving, money has been the easiest thing to highlight to the gods, so that has been addressed in some small way.


Current Affair
18th Sep 2005, 02:50
This case was brought to the High Court in Brunei by a popular and highly experienced Capt who was dismissed without reason. He became the victim of vindictive managers when he resisted lower safety standards and highlighted the issue of fatigue. As other posts have noted, it was a disgraceful state of affairs.

I have no wish to comment on the case or give advise on this forum. However, it is known within RBA that he wanted no whitewash or brushing under the carpet. The managers will now have the pleasure of a much wider audience than antisipated.

Intimidation and fear have almost been included in the terms and conditions. Already tired pilots are rung at the last minute to operate long haul night flights. Not doing so is like putting your head on the block. Fleet managers like to include in the conversation your desire to renew your contract. We have all experienced this intimidation. Even in my selection for command, I had to swollow the bitter medication dished out by managers who lack any integrity.

The point I make is that he was not alone, I guess he just stood up at the wrong time. Fatigue and inexperience is almost certain to be the cause of an accident or incident that even the trainers talk of when not if. Already having one of the above (inexperience) to avoid having both is like playing cat and mouse.

18th Sep 2005, 11:06
More docs have appeared on the scene. Currently circulating around the flight crew here are:

1. Writ of Summons against RBA

2. Statement of defence from RBA

3. Plaintiff's reply to defence

If anyone is interested in the above, just PM me.

Mr Gammon Flaps
19th Sep 2005, 13:01
Hi Guys:

I'm lookin at RBA for the 767. Is the package and take home pay on the Bus the same for the Boeing guys?

Also, does the 67 just do Europe or is it the whole network? And finally, sorry to be a pain, what's the average trip length?

Appreciate the info.



Thai Foon
20th Sep 2005, 01:36
Both the same GF. Life style though is chalk and cheese.
Check the RBA web site for routes and times

Mr Gammon Flaps
20th Sep 2005, 08:34
Thanks for that. I take it by lifestyle you mean disrupted roster, time away from base etc? It does seem quite a good wedge though, especially since I don't have kids. I do have the wife so the time away would be a potential issue. How do they feel about the wife coming with you on a layover?


20th Sep 2005, 11:14
No probs as long as its not more than 4.

Mr Gammon Flaps
20th Sep 2005, 12:04
I only take number 1 wife on trips anyway...;)

22nd Sep 2005, 05:50
767 fleet is not the place to be. You are worked too hard and run (not managed) by a fleet office that tries to intimidate you into flying whilst fatigued so that the chosen few can have the lifestyle that they want at your expense. The credibility of those that purport to "manage the fleet" is in tatters and totally irrecoverable. But they dont care so long as they can have their long Sydneys, Aucklands and they get the time off that they want when they want it.

Promotion is mainly based on how well you can kiss @rse rather than ability and has forced a lot of the more experienced and more able line captains and FOs away with more to follow.

The worm is turning and I have taken great pleasure in ensuring that an application from one of the so called managers to join another outfit is about to be rejected.

The jobs market is freeing up and you would be well advised to leave RBA well alone.

Mr Gammon Flaps
22nd Sep 2005, 09:11
Thanks Albert. I'm not short on experience so might give these guys a miss. As you say, I've never seen so many jobs available at the moment so I'm sure something will have to give with RBA.

Might be time for a suntan and a camel ride......


Clear Skys
23rd Sep 2005, 05:39
Morale at an all time low, imtimidation at an all time high.

There is both real and passive intimidation, and it takes many forms. Rosters, leave, lack of days off, etc all affect morale and lead to a fatigued flight deck.

A simple request brings exasperation to the eyes of the 767 managers who have yet to realise that their job title is to assist in the well being of their crews.

Impromptu interviews on the way to staff travel, and the general trashing of rules and regulations, have brought a lack of respect to the fleet office.

There is a vital piece of furniture missing, a Trolly.

23rd Sep 2005, 09:14
I hear that Singapore Airlines appreciate the value of such furniture and are shortly to add a Trolley to their own inventory. SIAs gain is RBAs loss, as is the case with the many other good guys who have left to join SIA, KA, EK, Etihad etc recently.

In any decent airline management would look at what was causing so many people to leave and address the problem. Thats a bit difficult in RBA because management IS the problem.

I am also told that other 767 operators (offering a commutable package to Australia NZ) have recently improved their Ts&Cs by another 1500US$ pcm on average and that the job vacancy section of Flight International will make particularly interesting reading for the next few weeks.

Time to update the resumes guys.

Dark Clouds
25th Sep 2005, 04:59
Thin Albert,

While I do not disagree with your comments on the fleet office, they cannot be blamed alone.

The now departed CEO, whose inept slash and burn management style started RBAs downward slide 3-4 years ago.
Cutting all pilots, cabin crew, and engineers salaries to the bone, changing the slip patterns to minimum rest days down route, and leaving only 8 days off a month in Bwn, (never more), has lead to the fatigue so common on the Boeing fleet.
Yet this clueless manager has left, as is his policy, with his pocket full of cash, for someone else to sort out the mess, he is no longer responsible, so it will be the new CEO, DFO, chief pilot, fleet office that will have to carry the can when something happens, yes when, not if, as even some trainers have said, very low experience levels, heavy rosters, short slip patterns, and only 8 days off in Bwn a month resulting in fatigue on the Boeing fleet, and an ageing fleet with numerous defects.
Also by cutting pay, allowances and annual increments, unlike in the past, has made RBA a very temporary job prospect, with no-one ever contemplating staying long term any more, get the minimum experience required to move on. Although staff were very unhappy at RBA, there were little options available to move to in the past few years, but prospects are better now, and assuming options will remain, an exodus is about to start. The supplementary allowance increase just given is way too little, too late, in fact it would not even cover the increments and allowances cut over recent years.

Then you have the DFO, who should be the last line of defense to flight operations against dangerous and inept management. Unlike his predecessor, who many say, was there to line his own pockets, apparently he did have the spine to stand up against rogue management. Now you have castor, who is too spineless to stand up to anyone, and as his name suggests will meekly get pushed wherever by whoever. He never did fly much long haul before did he? now he doesn’t fly at all, he just wanders around the office waiting for some new policy to be pushed through by management unhindered.

The deputy DFO has jumped on the band wagon, recently publishing an order saying, when standbys are rostered before days off, you cannot refuse to fly, thus the meager 8 days off a month in Bwn, becomes 4 to make any sort of plans. These 4 are when you get back from Fra-Bkk then position Bwn and are too exhausted to do anything.
Perhaps if they stopped rostering standbys before days off, or in the middle of days off, there would not be a problem. Why not only roster standbys before a long haul so they could call you to operate an earlier long haul, (as that’s all the Boeing does)

You have the fleet office writing there own rosters, and intimidation through contract renewal threats, as mentioned.

Then there’s the training dept writing there own rosters, the only good training flight are 4 day Syd’s (2 sectors), 2 day Bne’s, not the 6 day Lhr’s (4 sectors), or 5-6 day Fra’s (4 sectors), is it any wonder the line pilots only do Fra and Lhr, with minimum days off in Bwn and down route and are so fatigued, thus it takes 6 months to train pilots to line.
We have certain trainers gloating about their pay, being on top capts increments, and just received a $2600 a month pay rise, saying they only fly 4 days Syd’s. This when pay increments have been stopped for all new capts for the last few years, not surprising line pilots are operating continually fatigued.

Do they realize AT LEAST a third of the Boeing fleet has applications with other airlines, both local and foreigners, and many more about to reach there 3000 hours command, ready to apply. One local capt and fo have already left, another local trainer rumored to be leaving.

They are so short of staff a few new pilots, whose behavior has been irresponsible, are kept on, unbelievable as they will have no option but to promote them at some stage as there will be no-one else with the required experience available.
They have advertised for UK license holders only to apply, yet the package, rosters, slip patterns, housing (allowance cut, you have to pay out of your own pocket if you want somewhere reasonable) are such that you would have to be desperate to join RBA if you had any jet experience.

It may be ready to implode.

25th Sep 2005, 05:55
Eloquently put DC. Nothing else to say.

Foreign Worker
25th Sep 2005, 06:14
A big whinge, but like many pilots, no balls to take any action.

Everyone is relying on "someone else" to have the guts to take a stand, for fear of losing their job.
A lot of p!ss and hot air, but no substance!
As usual.

25th Sep 2005, 06:41
15 Captains left in last few months. A lot more captains and FOs are waiting for start dates.

What is that if not action?

Work in the Fleet Office do we FW? Truth hurt?

Foreign Worker
25th Sep 2005, 12:07
And how has that helped resolve the problems being whinged about above?

All the Nancy boys who are there still continue to accept what's dished out to them, too afraid to speak up for themselves.

26th Sep 2005, 02:53
I think the whingers as you call them have given up hope of seeing the problems put right. They are now concentrating on getting out, leaving those who cause the problems to remain behind and reap the consequences of their own selfish actions and incompetence.

26th Sep 2005, 03:20
Current Affairs,

Im surprised the sacked capt is going to court in Bwn. Does he expect a fair hearing. I would have thought any judge taking his side (against RBA and therefore against the Bwn govt) would likely be dimissed.

Could he not take them to court in another country they operate to or have a office.

I wish him the best of luck though, I believe he was sacked for standing up for his duty as a capt not to operate fatiged or illegially, then he stood up against the intimadation by management until he was finally sacked.

Having A Blast
26th Sep 2005, 10:41
Bravo Dark Clouds. Good On You.

Wish I had the time to post an in depth and factual report like yours. You said most of it, I fully agree.

FW You are expressing what management SHOULD DO. To take action and stand up for their staff, standards, safety etc etc etc.

The DFO and 767 fleet managers HAVE BROUGHT THE AIRLINE INTO DISREPUTE with their selfish attitudes and poor standards.

Soon 3 of them will be standing in the High Court to explain their victimization of a senior Capt who had the integrity they so lack.

The BOD need to install professional managers. Ra@#id it will not be long before the International Press gets to know whats going on. Not only are your senior pilots leaving, your passengers will soon be doing the same.

28th Sep 2005, 09:24
Royal Brunei used to be an airline that senior, experienced pilots (usually Capts in their previous airline) would join RBA in their latter years to finish off their last years towards retirement.

Over the last few years, mismanagement has ment that Royal Brunei only attracts those with little to no experience. Joining to get a bit of jet time, and due to all the senior and experienced pilots leaving, picking up an early command.

Yup, their getting commands in RBA with little experience, experience levels not accepted in normal airlines.

The Training dept has lowered the standards, thought necessary in years past, struggling to replace those leaving.

Sadly, even these young Capts are now bailing out as soon as they get their hours up and reach the minimum that real airlines accept.

28th Sep 2005, 10:55
You really have to question their logic bringing in f@$ter as CEO. What has he really achieved in the last 4 years.
Allowances cut, Annual increments stopped, flying excessive hours, fatigue. Yet the airline is still making a loss. Now that he has been pushed out they increase the supplementary allowance. I agree it is well short of the cuts he made, but there are rumors of increasing the hourly allowance, which has not changed for many years.

Will it be enough though, what 3 to 4 year captain, reaching 3000 hours command would consider staying with RBA, given he is still on first years captains pay and its never going to increase, or what new captain will stay beyond the minimum time before moving on.

The days off and call out issue stems from the past when they operated a few 737s, good salary, parties on the beach every Saturday night, flying club mentality, all great. Most airlines repay days off worked with two days off, or one day off and a cash incentive, RBA just give the days off worked, back another day. This may have been OK in the old days where the salaries were considered high, and there was plenty of goodwill between pilots and management, but management have certainly ensured this relationship has not continued.

The fact remains, f@$ter decimated flight ops, destroying any loyalty, goodwill, trust and any long term career prospects with RBA, and now even though he has been pushed on, all the other managers in flight ops remain. They have cut your pay and allowances before, worked you up to maximum duty hours, fatigued and with no lifestyle for three years, what makes you think they will not ignore your signed contract and repeat it all again soon if many pilots leave, Dark Clouds is correct, there is an increasing number of new captains reaching the experience levels sought by other carriers now. With jobs available there may be a shortage of pilots in RBA again, who would be happy to repeat the last 3 years again, how many would leave, given there are options.

There is plenty of distrust in management now, which way are they going to go. In the short term they can simply blame everything on f@$ter, 15 – 20 of the more experienced pilots leaving in the last few months alone (15 captains I read), more than likely many more, what will they do to stabilize the airline, and bring back their workers trust, or do they really care?

It baffles me, how bad does an airline CEO have to be, before no one will hire them, its seems, no matter how incompetent they are, after they get the push, and a huge bonus for failing, they get employed by some other idiot airline.

I’m speechless.

28th Sep 2005, 15:57
Has the recently departed and now ex CEO got a new job ?

29th Sep 2005, 13:53
Friends in the abode tell me that RBA Flight Ops are urgently assessing the rostering requirements (shortage of cabin crew as well as tech crew) for B772 and/or B773 and are talking with Boeing about a deal.

Its maybe a step in the right direction but RBA will still find some way to cock it up.

Would anyone from the abode with first hand knowledge care to confirm the details.

30th Sep 2005, 02:58
If RBA are interested in the B777 it could be a long time before they could be introduced. There are no B777's available for some time, either new or used.

A better option may be to join the queue for the B787.

30th Sep 2005, 10:08
Fozzie is now unemployable....even on Sesame Street.

Many went out on a limb to get him the job at Royal Brunei. That tree is now well and truly ppruned.

Pilots of the world have no fear ...this chap will be turning right whenever he boards.

Borneo Blues
30th Sep 2005, 10:48
Adding to many woes, RBA cut the sick leave on full pay from 30 days to 7. Recently a SFO was terminated when he went over the limit.

A caring bunch of cowboys.

Mr Gammon Flaps
1st Oct 2005, 16:46
I see Foster had got a job as the new CEO of Air Astana.


5th Oct 2005, 00:45
Hello there,

Two points.

The link from Gammon Flaps showing that a certain ex CEO of RBA is now boss of Air Astana shows nothing of the sort. It is a very intersting website, but there is no mention of RBA, Air Astana or an Australian brand of beer.

The other point refers to the latest rumours of B 777s getting painted in the colours of the flying banana.
Anybody who has been in the company for more than two weeks has heard that we are definately getting Cessna 172s, Concorde, Sonic Cruisers, A 380s, A 340s, A 350s, A 330s, A 321s, Boeing 747s, B777s, B 767 - 400s and Tiger Moths.

All these rumours have shot up the charts and lasted for about two weeks before fading into oblivion. Just Like songs by Rick Astley (who ???).

The B777 rumour has now lasted about 2 weeks.
What was Rick Astleys last number one hit single ??


5th Oct 2005, 01:39
Put Peter Foster CEO Astana Airlines into Google and all will be revealed!

Mr Gammon Flaps
5th Oct 2005, 12:56

The link is correct but the article has been changed, as you would expect from a weekly news site.

Not a massive stretch of imagination to do a 2 second google search is it.

5th Oct 2005, 13:15
It makes some sad reading about your gripes guys. I though things were bad when I left but it seems to have gone from bad to worse.

Peter Foster has indeed taken the reins of Air Astana, an upwardly and fast expanding company. Having the pleasure of working along side 4L crews I can tell you they are being led by some of the best and open minded people (ex BA crews) that are not hindered by political narrow mindedness. A company which in a very few short years will become one of the leading aviation outfits to emerge from the former CIS

Some of you may remember me, some of you not. I had a fantastic time at RBA for over 10 years, I even though about coming back, still might. So wach out at the Yacht club or the sports club, you never know who may visit.. :D

5th Oct 2005, 15:27
Well Done RBA!
From Brunei's Borneo Bulletin newspaper. They seriously printed this :ok:

Sounds great...till you get to the end! ;)

Well done RBA

I have just completed a journey together with my friend on your country's wonderful airline - RBA.
We both work in the airline industry as passenger service quality controllers. I have to say your airline is the best airline we have ever flown on.

Our job is to test the quality and comfort of passenger airline seats and we are pleased to say that RBA has the most comfortable and clean seats of all the airlines we have flown recently.

Keep up the good work and the pleasant seating arrangements.

- Fitz Matush and Wilma Butfit
- Germany

Click here and then click the 'Cached' link for cached page of newspaper. (http://www.google.com.my/search?hl=en&q=well+done+RBA&meta=)

5th Oct 2005, 18:03
It's not there!

6th Oct 2005, 01:50
A company which in a very few short years will become one of the leading aviation outfits to emerge from the former CISNot if their new CEO has anything to do with it :hmm:

6th Oct 2005, 08:33
Hello Again,

Four points then I'll get my head below the parapet again.

Gammon Flaps you are right and I stand corrected. The Australian Beer Brand has indeed gone to Kazakstan.

I look forward to seeing you out here if you do manage it.
Good luck.

Borneo Blues,
I am not a fan of Flt Ops Management, but be fair.
No RBA F.O. or SFO or Captain has been sacked for exceeding his sick leave allowance.
One of the SFOs who was on a Rishworth contract did have a problem.
He was on a one year contract and contracted a seriously nasty and not funny ailment that was going to require a long convalesence.
The length of time he needed off well exceeded a one year contract pilot's allowed sick leave and he could have faced dismissal for this 'breach of contract'.
Our contract requires us to have a valid licence - which includes a class one medical. He wouldn't have a Class One, so he would have 'broken his contract'.
To stop any chance of this happening, the SFO was advised to resign on the understanding that he would be reinstated without prejudice as soon as he was fit and well.
That is what happened.
Not exactly as cold and heartless as you painted it, is it ?

Hope you enjoy my missif about Staff Travel

I'm now heading off to the deepest bomb shelter I can find.


Fatu Sili'Tuno
6th Oct 2005, 11:11
Some of you fellas make it sound bad over there but I want'a looksee myself.
Any of you guys no if they made a shortlist and told anyone about interviews yet?

Sook Mi Oph
7th Oct 2005, 14:52
Hi Guys,

This is my first post. I feel obliged to write on this subject because of the cr.p that I have been reading on this post and when I say cr.p I mean all the negativity I read.

I have been a pilot for some time with RBA now and believe that I should shed some light on the subject to the "outsiders" reading these threads of whether it is good or bad being part of RBA. I have loved every minute living in Brunei and working for their national carrier. It is a great opportunity for guys to get a Command on a jet and earn some money that is not obtainable thru GA.

Anyway, to all you young gents thinking about applying for a job with RBA to increase your experience levels (and we all know you gotta start somewhere), I truly believe RBA is a great steeping stone or even to stay on as I am. The training is awesome as are the people you will meet here. OK things could be better, but I have friends in all airlines and things can be better anywhere you go. Yes RBA could pay a little more, and the rostering could be a little bit better but hey who doesn't have something bad to say about where they are employed. Yes management could stick up for its pilots a lot more and a couple of the managers should not really be in their positions but hey get over it. You can either choose to be bitter like some or enjoy life.

RBA is great as long as you are not the bitter and twisted type.:ok:

8th Oct 2005, 07:38
"This is my first post" "I am only a line pilot here"

If you are not in the 767 Fleet Office, you will be shortly. I guess from the name that you just love forked tongued soup, made of course from a fresh snake in the grass.

8th Oct 2005, 08:55
Whatever opinion you may have of working for RBA, some facts are undeniable.

1. The 767 fleet has lost most of its experienced Captains.

2. Another local (training) captain has just resigned.

3. Another senior captain (disparagingly referred to in a previous post until the poster sobered up and realised how crass it made his post look) has his interview with another airline next week.

4. Yet another senior captain is just waiting for his start date before he submits his resignation.

5. Several other captains have just hit 3000 wide body command time so we know where they will be going shortly.

6. The so called "pay rise" is having no effect on retention of experience.

7. Management continue to abuse their positions and not give a damn unless/until it affects their guaranteed month off with their children in Jul/Aug, their christmas/new year holidays or their SYD/AKL/BNE slip patterns.

8. There are lots of DEC 767 positions available and other established carriers are offering experienced RBA Captains a DEC on other types - 744 and 777 to name but 2.

9. Experience levels are so low in the LHS of the 767 that the trainers are now talking of when not if an incident/accident occurs.

10. RBA is recruiting lots of low houred FOs with zero jet time to fly with inexperienced captains. Good for them and not a bad thing if a balance of experience is being maintained. But it isn't.

These are just the Flight Ops problems. Engineering are no better off.

The Board of Directors really should be extremely concerned. I wonder if they even understand the seriousness of the problem and its real root causes?

Fatu Sili'Tuno
8th Oct 2005, 11:34
Hey you fellas got a popular spot ay. 300 (pprune) visitors from my dinner last night (Tamanrasset time, bout breakfast time in Nuku' Alofa)

I reckon its cause theres lots of fellas want to come and see what you got. Some of us guys might even been started to fly before your guys planes did. Some might like to work when the bossman gives the keys to his plane and lets you go far far away to a new big smoke. (Probably the yacht club is better though ay).

I hope they got some seats left.

8th Oct 2005, 14:05
This topic is going the way of "Cypriot Plane Crashes in Greece"

9th Oct 2005, 11:18
I have to agree with you Bus429, keeping a close eye on this thread.
Very important that those who have something worthwhile to say are able to say it, equally important that those who can only speak rubbish are identified as soon a possible!:ok:

10th Oct 2005, 09:08
Is there any news on RBL or RBK yet. I am told that RBL is/was AOG due lack of spare parts and that RBK has just gone AOG with a serious cargo door problem. So thats a third of the long haul fleet grounded, no spares in Brunei and lots of unhappy pax.


10th Oct 2005, 13:21
It is commendable you are so excited to be in RBA, there has never been any doubt it is an incredible opportunity for pilots to break out of the low paid jobs in GA. Even better to be able to pick up a command on a wide bodied jet. I trust you will still be as excited in a few years time, when you notice you are being paid well under the accepted rate as a wide bodied jet Capt and doing long haul trip after long haul trip with 2 days off in Brunei in between. I hope your wife and family will be as excited as you if you have one by then.
It appears from your excitement you are very new and therefore have not seen any cuts to your pay, or reduction in your contract conditions, I trust you will still be as excited when they start reducing your pay, allowances and contract.

There was an exodus from RBA a few years ago, this was when the Rishworth deal began. This was all FOs, who were told by ignorant and arrogant management they would never get commands in RBA. New Rishworth FOs with no jet time were employed and flew with experienced Capts in the company. This was considered acceptable by RBA management, in fact it feathered the nest of a few management, as it continues to do today. The concern now is it’s the experienced Capts who have left and are continuing to leave, therefore it is not uncommon now to have a Capt with two years total jet time, on international operations and a FO with six months total jet time, therefore RBAs wide bodied jets are flying internationally with a total crew experience of two and a half years jet experience. Well below what many wide bodied international airlines would consider acceptable.

Your username gives some insight into your personality, and given you could have a command within the next two years, perhaps RBA should be looking for someone with a little more maturity.

I see you identified Wings on this thread, how accurate you are, we do not know. Now you have removed this from your post, however the damage has been done assuming you were correct. I believe this also reflects your personality and maturity, at least have the decency to identify yourself on this thread before making such accusations.

10th Oct 2005, 17:01
Well said slimjim, since leaving the abode i have read this thread on and off, but the last thread by SMO made me think the same .... new, inexperienced, imature or may be all of the above ? Obviously hasn't had to watch a once great airline to work for, decline to todays RBA!

11th Oct 2005, 23:33
NOT because of the recent content but because of the sheer size of this thread and it's effect on bandwidth etc. I'm closing it.

HOWEVER , please feel free to start a RBA Mk.II thread so that all relevant matters can still be discussed in a civilised manner

;) .

Many thanks, BlueEagle.