View Full Version : When are we going to get our back pay ?

2nd Oct 2002, 13:06
Anyone know what the latest is with the 2 year pay deal (only 15 months left to go).

Have LACC Mgt started asking for volunteers for Additional Attendences yet.

2nd Oct 2002, 13:53
As far as I am aware the ATSAs and I assume the engineers are voting at the moment on the revised pay award ,with the poll closing on the 8th October. If its an acceptance then the back pay will be in Octobers pay.
If its a no vote then its anyones guess

4th Oct 2002, 14:07
The back pay will actually be in November's pay, the 8th of the month is too late to make amendments to salary, as HR services kindly told me

4th Oct 2002, 17:03
NATS Intranet & TU agreement vis a vis pay says it'll be in Octobers pay. Intranet also says that claims won't be paid until next month due to the work involved in getting the pay deal sorted.

4th Oct 2002, 20:01
All eligable LACC staff have now either received or have sat in their pigeon hole, the letter and info pack regarding AAVA's. ORO (or whoever) are now taking acceptances and beginning to roster them.

8th Oct 2002, 10:50
ATCOs: October

All others: October if you vote yes. If not, who knows!!