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9th Nov 2023, 08:53
Soil looks the wrong colour for Germany; maybe Spain or France?
Very flat countryside.
4 sets of 'touchdown zone' markings (presumably the fixed distance marking with a further set of TDZ are out of shot at the bottom of the photo) mean a runway of 10,000ft or more.
Buildings left of shot appear to be in a line parallel to the runway so maybe there was a parallel taxyway.
Course if it's in the former USSR I could be talking b0ll0cks!

Having said the above, my posting crossed with Mac's response so I'll have to modify my guess about soil type to former East Germany.

MAC 40612
9th Nov 2023, 09:20
Soil looks the wrong colour for Germany; maybe Spain or France?
Very flat countryside.
4 sets of 'touchdown zone' markings (presumably the fixed distance marking with a further set of TDZ are out of shot at the bottom of the photo) mean a runway of 10,000ft or more.
Buildings left of shot appear to be in a line parallel to the runway so maybe there was a parallel taxyway.
Course if it's in the former USSR I could be talking b0ll0cks!

Having said the above, my posting crossed with Mac's response so I'll have to modify my guess about soil type to former East Germany.

You guys are just too good :)....yes it is in the former East Germany.

9th Nov 2023, 09:25

MAC 40612
9th Nov 2023, 09:42
Correct.........Sperenberg just to the South of Berlin and was the main transport base for all of the Soviet forces in the former East Germany, which is why it was a very busy place up until the mid 1990s, as it was one of the last bases to shut following the withdrawal of the Russian/Soviet forces in East Germany

ea200...you have control

9th Nov 2023, 14:10
wasn't that the place they thought was going to be the new Berlin Airport??

Lots of parking space from the looks of it

9th Nov 2023, 15:21
Thanks Mac. There are some very good sites with pictures of old cold war airfields.

Now for this:

Complete with sheds, trees, light poles and a fence.

MAC 40612
9th Nov 2023, 15:31
wasn't that the place they thought was going to be the new Berlin Airport??

Lots of parking space from the looks of it

Yes, it would have made a good new Berlin airport, as it was a massive base, had a railway link and was not located in any major areas of population meaning that the flightpaths would not be anywhere near any major population areas. Also a reasonably good road link, that could have been improved easily. Instead the Germans chose to build on/extend the site of the old East Berlin airport at Schönefeld which might have been seen as the easier option but didn't go too well...

Getting back to the old Soviet bases in East Germany, I couldn't resist, back in the early 1990s, making a few trips out to the bases to take some photos [I really must get around to digitising my old 35mm slides] but to give you an idea of how everything had literally fallen apart in East Germany, this page gives an idea of what we were met with...https://robdebie.home.xs4all.nl/vvs-ddr/airbases.htm
The base mentioned with the MiG-23 landing very low over the road had a Russian soldier in a control box manning a set of traffic control lights to stop cars when an aircraft was landing. Shortly after our arrival he came out waving his arms to say 'no photos' which he promptly forgot about after we gave him a six-pack of German lager and he happily went back to his box. It was only at the end of the day we noticed the lights weren't changing on landing that someone noticed he was fast asleep in the box surrounded by the empty beer cans :O

9th Nov 2023, 23:02
Thanks Mac. There are some very good sites with pictures of old cold war airfields.

Now for this:

Complete with sheds, trees, light poles and a fence.
Cancun, Mexico?

10th Nov 2023, 08:24
Not Cancun and not in Mexico I'm afraid.

10th Nov 2023, 11:41
Lots of poles holding up wires

N America?

10th Nov 2023, 11:48
North America it is.

10th Nov 2023, 12:15
Miami Int?

10th Nov 2023, 13:31
Impossible to tell from that photo - could be anywhere without another clue

there's a street sign in front of the building on the left but no chance of reading it - and both Canada and the USA have similar street furniture - don't think it's St Pierre & Miquelon either

10th Nov 2023, 16:48
Not any of those places. For those looking for white control towers, that thing in the background is something else. Although this airfield does have a white control tower. If you can work out what it is, it maybe a useful clue. It dates back to an earlier time.

10th Nov 2023, 17:11
A better picture of the white tower.


10th Nov 2023, 17:23
Looks like a very large hangar

10th Nov 2023, 18:38
Somewhere hot and dusty, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico?

10th Nov 2023, 19:22
Not in any of those States.

10th Nov 2023, 19:53
The control tower


India Four Two
10th Nov 2023, 22:52
Is the other tower for drying fire hoses?

10th Nov 2023, 23:00
You are on the right lines but it's not fire hoses.

India Four Two
11th Nov 2023, 04:43
The other use for a tower like that, that I've seen, is training for submarine escapes.

11th Nov 2023, 07:36
hoses - not fire hoses but air refuelling hoses?

So we're talking SAC here I'd guess??

Are the military still operating from it?? That Tower picture looks a bit old..................

Self loading bear
11th Nov 2023, 08:02
Parachute drying tower

11th Nov 2023, 09:26
Bear is correct. Military airfield but civil now.

11th Nov 2023, 13:15
looks like the southern USA but not Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico

Texas perhaps?

11th Nov 2023, 13:30
Not Texas.


11th Nov 2023, 14:16
Braking parachutes.

11th Nov 2023, 16:05
Yes, braking chutes. The aircraft above is landing at the challenge and if you could identify it, it would lead to the answer. Good luck with that though. It is a specific event,

11th Nov 2023, 16:31
AHHH that x287xx on the trail is a giveaway - it's 52-8711 - the first B-52 delivered to the USAF I think

so that's 29th June 1955 at Castle Airbase California just outside Atwater near Merced in the Central Valley

Retired FAR too early in 1965 - they could have got another 58 years service out of her.....................

11th Nov 2023, 16:44
Asturias is correct on all counts. Now Merced-Castle regional. No scheduled services though. Active GA and used for a variety of other puposes including NASA stratospheric balloon launches and Google self driving car testing. Quite a bit of tech stuff based there. Also the Castle AFB museum is worth a visit with plenty of WW2 and cold war exibits including some a/c I had never seen before. They have a Vulcan and and other British stuff as well as US kit. Nearly all flown in apparently.

Asturias has control.

12th Nov 2023, 07:47
Good challenge - I'd forgotten how flat the area around Merced is! The aircraft was clearly a very early model and pristine - the clue of a "significant event" took me to first flight (s) and then to first delivery..............

OH I'm afraid - I'm on the road this coming week with intermittent coms

18th Nov 2023, 09:25
well I'm back - so here's one that may have passed you by - the trees have grown up in the last 50 years or so

https://cimg8.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/134x285/2023_11_18_102015_31fb33f58d06b58cac8c66db32da3217f4711769.j pg

18th Nov 2023, 16:10
Are we back in European disused cold war locations? As I wild punt I'll suggest Löpten as that has similar trees and is regularly used for public recreation.

18th Nov 2023, 17:46
yes - this was never used as far as I know but was quite an important location............................

19th Nov 2023, 07:40
https://cimg6.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/215x324/2023_11_18_101853_4e2c489830796027e6cb423afd0c97d1b85706a7.j pg

It was designed around a specific aircraft IIRC - other aircraft would use it but it wasn't planned that way

21st Nov 2023, 07:26
very much used by the public these days - about 940m of tarmac

https://cimg8.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/245x671/2023_11_18_102249_835b9d9e12632bb75eb297c85059ceeafcb4c2b8.j pg

22nd Nov 2023, 14:07
Lots of trees but no sheds nor , oddly , can I find any lamp posts........................

22nd Nov 2023, 15:24
I know this sounds quite ludicrous but its not Rotten Row is it ?

22nd Nov 2023, 19:19

23rd Nov 2023, 07:29
I know this sounds quite ludicrous but its not Rotten Row is it ?
Near there.
'Broad Walk' runs straight past Kensington Palace; I think that's the place suggested in 'Beneath the City Streets'.

23rd Nov 2023, 08:40
well done that man - yes - the Broad Walk - part of Project Python - they decided about 1963 that they probably wouldn't be able to ship 4000 civil servants to the big hole near Bath in time and that anyway the accuracy of Russian missiles made it a sitting duck . The plan was to disperse decision taking (and of course decision takers) across the UK. This involved using an Andover to collect said decision takers plus the Royal Family from C London in a rush. They would be flown to the W isles where they would use the "Britannia" and 3 Cal-Mac Ferries (specifically built to have anti radiation features) to disperse up the W Coast. The trees were cut down under some specious story about "disease"

https://cimg4.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/464x826/2023_11_18_101951_b037ea2fd5f11719859eaab7b040dd9943b1299f.j pg

https://cimg7.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/435x342/2023_11_18_101619_adcb7fa78f3440636bac43f597a95e85454cea9f.j pg

https://cimg6.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/401x273/2023_11_22_150402_0ef4f3a7f4f5097a65cddf7efafe0dc4dc2cb0b7.j pg

23rd Nov 2023, 13:20
OH although OAUQ gave me the idea.
I was at Rudloe for ATC camp in 1988 and on a visit to Colerne, there was a crash map outside the tower showing a printed (not handwritten) note saying 'Entrance to Nuclear Bunker' just south of the runway 25 threshold.

23rd Nov 2023, 16:21
Well done Chevvron.. I knew I had it wrong when A56 quoted 940 metres. Rotten Row is a few hundred metres longer.... indeed they wouldn't want to frighten the horses would they..........? Presently I don't have anything to offer.

25th Nov 2023, 06:35
https://cimg8.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1000x563/img_20231111_wa0001_3c6766916e79fb4fa80f811974df9eedd73dd983 .jpg

25th Nov 2023, 08:20
O K - Sea side, somewhere warm

traffic drives on the right so not India or Pakistan

probably Africa - Nigeria maybe?

Self loading bear
25th Nov 2023, 14:21
Not so many countries with 3 or mor Il-76 in gray colors.
Could be Indian Airforce.
Why do you conclude seaside Asturias?

Self loading bear
25th Nov 2023, 22:50
The IAF participated with 3x Il-76 and a An-32 in Exercise Bright star 2023 in Egypt.
Airbase Cairo West?
Seems I might have mixed up something but cannot find back the article.

26th Nov 2023, 05:27
Taken in India.

India Four Two
26th Nov 2023, 07:40
Wild guess, based upon the pollution levels - New Delhi?

26th Nov 2023, 16:22
"Why do you conclude seaside Asturias?"
​​​​​​​Stupidity - viewing the picture on a small mobile phone screen the hangar on the extreme left looked like water................

27th Nov 2023, 05:02
Wild guess, based upon the pollution levels - New Delhi?

Sad when you can identify an airport by the surrounding pollution - but New Delhi it is. :ok:
By brother took the photo from the Lemon Tree Hotel window and he said the pollution was amazingly thick.

Over to you "India"

2nd Dec 2023, 08:52
I42 is traveling I believe and is somewhere in NZ

I'll try and get him to respond

India Four Two
2nd Dec 2023, 09:02
Apologies chaps and thanks for the reminder Asturias.

I've been busy and neglecting AH&N. :)
https://cimg7.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/556x954/t_28_track_img_0835_20e9b6bd7904c5f17a432913242736662e328f5c .png

Sad when you can identify an airport by the surrounding pollution - but New Delhi it is.

When I departed there at the end of the dry-season, there was a distinct reduction in visibility, INSIDE the terminal building!

​​​​​​​Open house.

3rd Dec 2023, 08:35
Keeping the thread rolling...............


3rd Dec 2023, 10:53
Asia I guess? Pamirs/Himalayas??

Had a mate who travelled up beyond Ladakh and his pictures looked like that

3rd Dec 2023, 11:32
Good Guess from Ast56

3rd Dec 2023, 14:03
rather like Oman but with snow............................

3rd Dec 2023, 16:29
Oman with Snow - well these days who knows ?


3rd Dec 2023, 16:47
Hmm USAF................

and there's a UTube video of a n Indian C-17 at Leh........... maybe Leh?

3rd Dec 2023, 17:21
Sorry it's not Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport or more simply Leh for the uninitiated...........

3rd Dec 2023, 17:25
https://cimg4.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/705x350/screenshot_2023_12_03_at_18_07_02_snow_scene_d33fa7ef8773d37 c4a8ec52c2cb101e8468563dd.png

Self loading bear
3rd Dec 2023, 19:14
Tribhuvan Nepal has handled multiple USAF C-17.

3rd Dec 2023, 20:53
Hullo bear it is not Tribhuvan. It is a domestic airport with a few international scheduled flights.

4th Dec 2023, 07:46
" it's not Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport or more simply Leh for the uninitiated....."

Or those who have run out of printer paper

Is it India (including Indian controled areas claimed by others)?

4th Dec 2023, 08:03
It is not in India nor in an area controlled by India.

4th Dec 2023, 11:02

4th Dec 2023, 12:25
Is it Pakistan (including Pakistan controled areas claimed by others)?

4th Dec 2023, 12:43
It Is. I'm off to Sainsburys - happy hunting !

Self loading bear
4th Dec 2023, 16:56
Skardu International
Far away from your usual challenges.
Any particular reason for that?

4th Dec 2023, 18:25
Well we were already on The Subcontinent and Skardu has as far as I know never featured on the thread. So well done bear it is Skardu in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan.

https://cimg7.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1000x750/the_tower_untouched_f6de861b6929bb365911678a307c594e9c613707 .png
Airport Elevation 7316 Feet.

New Twin Runways - 11,944 Feet in length.

https://cimg8.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/450x227/ap_aaf_1954_copy_d13f4e8441977ab39f1f5d85418aae4a854b3710.pn g
Force-landed after takeoff from Skardu for Rawalpindi. 13 October 1954. Subsequently a Chaikhana in the grounds of a hotel near Skardu - still there as far as I know.

Over to bear...........

Self loading bear
4th Dec 2023, 19:20
Thanks OUAQ!
Nothing wrong with an outlying challenge once in a while!
I thought for a moment that you were the black bear rolling a snowman in the Shangrilla hotel garden.

Now this:

4th Dec 2023, 21:02
Mention of Bears - South America ?

Self loading bear
5th Dec 2023, 07:03
Of that far south.

MAC 40612
5th Dec 2023, 14:56
Arrecife Airport, Lanzarote? Looks like the old terminal building which is now a museum?
https://cimg8.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1063x653/image_2023_12_05_155818272_ceb7a116545dda5d738fa21f56f9d00c8 f90b12a.png

Self loading bear
5th Dec 2023, 22:31
Arrecife Airport, Lanzarote? Looks like the old terminal building which is now a museum?
https://cimg8.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1063x653/image_2023_12_05_155818272_ceb7a116545dda5d738fa21f56f9d00c8 f90b12a.png
Definitely that one Mac!
Please take the helm.

MAC 40612
5th Dec 2023, 23:22
Here we go then, a domestic airport..
https://cimg1.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/825x293/image_2023_12_06_002127101_2939620e2709a30656b225d890efab748 c33f2e4.png

6th Dec 2023, 08:22
I think that is Mestia - Georgia !

MAC 40612
6th Dec 2023, 08:44
I think that is Mestia - Georgia !

Well that didn't last long :) You are indeed correct, Mestia in Georgia with a pretty unique Tower/terminal building! Over to you descol!

https://cimg4.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1356x902/image_2023_12_06_094339950_e3aa9ed25547398733bdaa2ed78b53a26 eb32b87.png

6th Dec 2023, 10:32
thanks MAC - I recall seeing that terminal on a thread some years back
to keep it going - apologies if posted previously

6th Dec 2023, 14:56
USA? looking at the taxis

6th Dec 2023, 15:52
Asturias not the US - taxi may be a Mercedes

6th Dec 2023, 16:03
so can we guess at Europe then? Looks a bit 1960's to me

Self loading bear
6th Dec 2023, 16:12
keep 24-hour rule in mind.

6th Dec 2023, 22:37
Best guess, Chrysler Valiant, Mercedes, another Chrysler? Extreme right a Ford Falcon. The Falcon was made in South America and Australia so maybe one of those?

7th Dec 2023, 07:00
yes to Europe and I guess yes to 60s

7th Dec 2023, 09:42
NATO member in 1965?

7th Dec 2023, 13:16
Not a NATO member in 1965

7th Dec 2023, 15:26
So we can take the following out of the loop

Belgium Canada Denmark
France Germany Greece
Iceland Italy Luxembourg
Netherlands Norway Portugal
Turkey UK USA

Since it doesn't look like a Warsaw pact terminal - that sort of leaves us -

Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Ireland, Sweden & Finland

Doesn't look like Ireland

MAC 40612
7th Dec 2023, 21:57
I think it may be Sweden, an airport that is no longer is existence? Malmo-Bulltofta? The big American cars make me think Sweden as having been there a number of times, the Swedes have long had a passion for old American cars.

8th Dec 2023, 08:24
Re Sweden; in the era in which the photo was taken it must have been round about the time they switched from drivng on the ieft to driving on the right so would there have been large american LHD cars in such numbers?

Self loading bear
8th Dec 2023, 21:06
Descol Will have to confirm but i think Mac is right on Bulltofta.

9th Dec 2023, 05:56
MAC 40612 has it - Malmo - Bulltofta operated 1923-72 - now major park and commercial development in Kirseberg
https://cimg0.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1920x1142/airport_malm_16__83e1f3f506ca0a9f518f205e134a2f25fdf03e7c.jp g

9th Dec 2023, 08:32
one I'd never heard of! Good challenge!!

MAC 40612
9th Dec 2023, 10:18
Not a lamp post in sight for this one ;)

https://cimg1.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1257x751/image_2023_12_09_111653590_75579af5ad0796b28fd9bf8c6e469a3fd 6c327e0.png

9th Dec 2023, 14:52
No sheds, no trees either.............. :(

OK B-17 somewhere in the western USA - high sun angle so maybe to the south.

Lets guess New Mexico?

10th Dec 2023, 08:24
My usual bid - Wendover.

MAC 40612
10th Dec 2023, 10:22
No sheds, no trees either.............. :(

OK B-17 somewhere in the western USA - high sun angle so maybe to the south.

Lets guess New Mexico?

You've got the correct aircraft type in your guess, other points are not correct. I think a second image may give more of a clue. The airport in question had a very modern looking tower built in 2017.

https://cimg0.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1265x551/image_2023_12_10_112135200_5b7c7da1b4a31fbf5a8c6f440177fe420 713f5d9.png

10th Dec 2023, 13:11
Biggs El Paso?

11th Dec 2023, 07:45
The tower - indicates Tamanrasset - Algeria ?

11th Dec 2023, 08:08
looks good.........................

MAC 40612
11th Dec 2023, 09:46
Descol is correct, Tamanrasset, Algeria is correct. A joint domestic/military airport with long runways, which was also one of NASAs alternate airports for the space shuttle when it was operating. The first image was a bit of 'curve ball' as the B-17 was actually one of the French civil IGN B-17s like this one: https://abpic.co.uk/pictures/view/1206539 the image dating from 1970.

Descol has control....

https://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1398x614/image_2023_12_11_104201194_c2e6ebbdd4cf1b35cefef145c907b6913 637b294.png

11th Dec 2023, 10:52
Thanks MAC - without the tower - I would not have guessed
Apologies nothing available at present - so open house

11th Dec 2023, 17:07
That was a great challenge - the B-17 had my completely barking up the wrong tree (or shed or lampost) :D

Try this one for size

https://cimg5.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/782x416/2023_12_05_094849_99a1d24723c9651fd6c0cfe031f8e0c41c1c6b10.j pg

Self loading bear
11th Dec 2023, 17:12
American by the look of the road sign gantry structure?

12th Dec 2023, 08:05
No it's not American.............. well they might have bought it from the USA I guess but it's not the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave I'm afraid

12th Dec 2023, 10:36
The runway was longer once................

https://cimg7.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/701x372/2023_12_05_094525_a789610fda5bc3a9bffd28ba537ed959b9298b62.j pg

13th Dec 2023, 15:47
Domestic flights only

14th Dec 2023, 10:22
how about another clue ?

14th Dec 2023, 14:30

14th Dec 2023, 16:16
No its not Canada either - it has quite variable climate - warm in summer cool-ish in winter

https://cimg2.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/367x369/2023_12_05_094953_dc9b850cdaeb3bb00e96e54db2398979d4f1384c.j pg

15th Dec 2023, 09:22
Maybe Scandinavia

15th Dec 2023, 09:49
I can see why you think that but it's not in Scandinavia

Largely dependent on fishing and similar trades

15th Dec 2023, 17:00
https://cimg3.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/257x179/2023_12_05_095548_17e9e9f908e5f55292898b4dda43dfc6275b29d1.j pg

Self loading bear
15th Dec 2023, 21:35
Perhaps around the Black Sea?
But searched and no succes.
South America?

16th Dec 2023, 06:52
Many miles from both Bear - I may have to post a picture of lamposts if this continues...................

https://cimg4.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/439x258/2023_12_05_094513_612fbaad2d7eafb44666102709289ca8087ae768.j pg

17th Dec 2023, 06:50
The café might be Asia !

17th Dec 2023, 07:21
It might indeed!!!! :ok:

https://cimg3.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/422x324/2023_12_05_094933_266b6b4d16e6d2e7d9423e14cc7cc2326851bcab.j pg

Self loading bear
18th Dec 2023, 20:44
Wakkanai airport Northern point of Sapporo, Japan

19th Dec 2023, 08:09
Bear has it...... Japans furthest north airport.

https://cimg8.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/232x158/2023_12_05_095127_f96159a856b4da6fbc70a6cbaa0d00a0faed5016.j pg
https://cimg0.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/272x164/2023_12_05_095148_30c480010a9856d7c86cbbcdfc1de63754e2463a.j pg
https://cimg2.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/785x420/2023_12_05_094346_d135674ab213336d633731109be11a8a6a64dd6f.j pg

Self loading bear
19th Dec 2023, 20:41
Thanks Asturias!
It took me quite a while.
It made me think of that TV program for sleepless people which was broadcasted at night, where they had mounted a camera on a car roof while driving almost erratically through the whole country and played the recording at 10x.

Now this purely chosen for its name.
There is an Italian connection.

19th Dec 2023, 21:38
There is an Italian connection.

Family friendly?

Self loading bear
19th Dec 2023, 22:23
I think Thnarg already has the grasp of it.

19th Dec 2023, 23:47
Are we in the Pacific?


India Four Two
20th Dec 2023, 05:27
Miniature whale shark on the grass.

Self loading bear
20th Dec 2023, 05:43
Not Pacific

20th Dec 2023, 07:35
Are we in Africa?

20th Dec 2023, 09:28
I'm getting slow...

Shark, Name, Family, Italian....


must be Mafia Island off Tanzania!!

Actually it was Whale Shark Statues that got me there................... :ok:

Self loading bear
20th Dec 2023, 17:16
Edit: please do not read till 22:41 tonight

Mafia island indeed.
All yours!

21st Dec 2023, 07:32
Open House - I don't have a challenge to hand - well not until I remove all trees, lampposts, statues, cars etc etc that might help!

21st Dec 2023, 07:54
Something to keep it going

21st Dec 2023, 08:41
very smart!

Looks like traffic on the left side of the road?

and how flat are those roofs? I hope its a low rain country.......................

21st Dec 2023, 08:54
Asturias- left correct and yes - surprisingly flat roofs for the location

21st Dec 2023, 10:14
https://cimg8.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1585x793/left_hand_drive_countries_fb5bd058051f0eaeb9f8c441d5c89a4254 a2f408.jpg

21st Dec 2023, 10:15
Ok lets start the elimination game - Africa?

21st Dec 2023, 10:21
I wuz gonna say - covered walkways so hot and sunny.

21st Dec 2023, 10:30
or warm and wet

india has sent a lot on new airport terminals recently

21st Dec 2023, 11:20
not Africa - covered walkways - tropical

21st Dec 2023, 13:06

21st Dec 2023, 15:08
not Indonesia
The international airport is in the top ten airports of the country

21st Dec 2023, 16:30

22nd Dec 2023, 07:41
not Asia

22nd Dec 2023, 08:07
Cairns? That picture has been running in the Oz thread I think.

22nd Dec 2023, 08:13
large flat roofs - don't like heavy rain storms

22nd Dec 2023, 09:11
If only they'd installed water butts.............................

23rd Dec 2023, 08:09
Cairns it is - all yours Asturias

23rd Dec 2023, 08:25
Many thanks - and a Happy Christmas to everyone. Lets see how long this one lasts............................

https://cimg6.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/294x224/2023_12_22_091503_6a66e511085d47a84d32e37fee37e31ee78334c2.j pg

23rd Dec 2023, 12:00
United Kingdom or South Atlantic ?

23rd Dec 2023, 12:42

some trees - and a hut!!

https://cimg2.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/510x426/2023_12_22_091750_0869742983834425cae67d1f02d74b5af4f31d7f.j pg

23rd Dec 2023, 13:09
Scandinavia ?

23rd Dec 2023, 16:18
possible........ possible....................

23rd Dec 2023, 18:05
Is it Lulea Airport - Sweden ?

23rd Dec 2023, 19:10
Reminds me of every airport in Finland. Oulu maybe?

Happy Christmas everyone.

24th Dec 2023, 07:53
https://cimg7.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/665x343/2023_12_22_091927_26922ea623a178ef986977b54cb8e16e55dac9e0.j pg

24th Dec 2023, 09:03
Jyvaskyla Airport Finland ?

24th Dec 2023, 10:49
No its Oulu and thnarg has control - i was waiting a while to confirm., not wishing to repeat my Christmas Day ban of a few years back.

https://cimg8.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/210x311/2023_12_22_091419_b346aa682eb7c9acba6bc1570931101462c192d3.j pg
https://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1000x562/2023_12_22_091048_e30f75df8b510a4af1a58f4d07c9b923c6a975c8.j pg

24th Dec 2023, 13:13
Blimey that was a bit of a guess really!

Finnish passengers are lovely. Bars emptied by top of climb, waste tank alarmingly full by top of descent and a perfect if slurred English “thank you” as they disembark and wobble off into the terminal. Never any trouble.

I ought to start my christmas shopping this afternoon so feel free to open the house, otherwise I’ll be back tomorrow.

24th Dec 2023, 16:49
Blimey that was a bit of a guess really!

Finnish passengers are lovely. Bars emptied by top of climb, waste tank alarmingly full by top of descent and a perfect if slurred English “thank you” as they disembark and wobble off into the terminal. Never any trouble.

I ought to start my christmas shopping this afternoon so feel free to open the house, otherwise I’ll be back tomorrow.

I was once booked on the early morning Business class only flight Helsinki - Oslo. At 0600 bars full of smart business people of both sexes all flinging them down. Breakfast on board came with an offer of brandy which almost everyone but us took up. On arrival at the office of a major financial institution downtown Oslo we were asked where we'd stayed in town - when we said we'd come in from Helsinki everyone laughed "Oh - The Cognac Express?". And that's Norwegians - who get regularly slaughtered at the drop of a hat........................ :}

25th Dec 2023, 08:52
Well, were you naughty or nice?

I admit I haven’t checked The Spreadsheet so may have been featured before:


25th Dec 2023, 09:17
USA? Not sure about the Vendor tho

25th Dec 2023, 09:26
Benedict Cumberbach would have it as Montana but I’ll go south, a lot further south. Are we in NZ’s high country?

25th Dec 2023, 09:42
You’ve all been nice and deserve a christmas present…


25th Dec 2023, 10:18
The Z Fuel logo on the bowser leads me to think Tekapo or similar.

25th Dec 2023, 14:13
The Z Fuel logo on the bowser leads me to think Tekapo or similar.

How was lunch, or breakfast in Canada and supper Downunder?

Final answer, Sifty?


25th Dec 2023, 14:37
Air Safaris… definitely NZ’s South Island.

the hills seem more distant in that shot though.

Let’s go with Timaru…

25th Dec 2023, 14:42
My IPad won’t let me edit so I’ve had to delete my original rather obstinate support of Tekapo. Another drop of Christmas dram should sort it.

India Four Two
26th Dec 2023, 05:48
Montana or Wyoming?

26th Dec 2023, 07:08
Good afternoon over there I42. It is NZ.

26th Dec 2023, 11:47

26th Dec 2023, 12:32
Well how about Wanaka ?

26th Dec 2023, 12:38
Not Wanaka

26th Dec 2023, 12:44
No lamp posts available, but there are a few sheds…


26th Dec 2023, 13:14
I think the time has come to ask please whether it is on South or North Island ?

26th Dec 2023, 13:21
South Island

26th Dec 2023, 14:32
Is it Lake Tekapo ?

26th Dec 2023, 14:44
It is Lake Tekapo NZTL which is why I asked siftydog for his final answer, but by then I think he’d started another christmas dram!

I can recommend Air Safaris whose Airvans are ideal for seeing the mountains. Very professional operation from what I saw from the middle of the cabin:

All yours Mr Ops.

26th Dec 2023, 15:02
Oh gosh sorry thnarg - I had completely overlooked siftydog's first offer. A jolly good challenge. When I saw how many strips there were on the South Island - I nearly chucked the towel in and retreated to the telly. However with one final gasp I thought I would check out Air Safari Airvans more closely which eventually threw up two images of that elusive Z Fuel Pump. I can offer a splendid shed and possibly a fuel pump as my next contribution but nothing much else. Belated best wishes to everybody particularly for The New Year.


26th Dec 2023, 16:33
"hen I saw how many strips there were on the South Island - I nearly chucked the towel in and retreated to the telly"

You're not the only one..............................

27th Dec 2023, 09:24

27th Dec 2023, 12:02
Aberporth (West Wales) Airport, not the missile range.

27th Dec 2023, 12:34
Imperial War Museum

27th Dec 2023, 15:45
https://cimg7.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/800x533/wwa_cornerstone_of_the_na_down_c907361bfd25e0081197ca76de1a6 dfc7f94f763.jpg

Well done chevvron - dunno how you got it.... were you detached there at some stage ? Aberporth Airfield or West Wales Airport it is.

Previous images include Launch Pad for the Skylark Rocket programme which commenced in 1957. We sometimes had our Summer Holiday at Aberporth. I remember Old Railway Carriage Homes along the cliffs. Also Barrage Balloons not sure what function they had.


You have control chevvron.....................

28th Dec 2023, 07:19
"dunno how you got it...."

probably the blazing sunshine in the first picture...................

28th Dec 2023, 08:51
Could have been taken yesterday.........

28th Dec 2023, 09:47
Open House
It was featured on a site called www.atchistory.wordpress.com about a year ago but seems to have disappeared. The occasion was a flypast by the Herc and the Air Cadets were there to salute it.
No I never got detached there, closest I ever got was about 2nm and 2000ft as we flew past in Farnborough's BAC 1-11; the range was separate from the airfield and the airfield itself was originally RAE and operated by a single controller supplemented by a FISO from Farnborough whenever the controller went on leave.

Further details www.rafaberporth.org.uk

28th Dec 2023, 10:17
Well there we are - what a fortunate Stroke of Luck - Happy New Year T.

28th Dec 2023, 12:51
Wondering what the dangly bits are on the wingtips; I've never seen them before (and won't again at least not in RAF markings)

28th Dec 2023, 14:21
They`re called `Smokewinders`,same as on many display aircraft..

28th Dec 2023, 20:26
And in 2001 we were looking for a replacement.

29th Dec 2023, 08:20

29th Dec 2023, 09:14
They`re called `Smokewinders`,same as on many display aircraft..
I am not sure if you are serious here or making a joke that is passing me by!
The dangly bits on the wing tips are Orange Crop ESM pods.

29th Dec 2023, 10:31
That narrows it down somewhat.


29th Dec 2023, 13:22
N America (Canada & the USA) ?

29th Dec 2023, 22:55
As I remember from my school days, North America includes Mexico; however, even with that correction, it's not North America.

More narrowing needed.

Note: In the spirit of the festive season and good will to all men (and women and the rest of the alphabet) I resisted the strong urge to place a full stop after "Mexico" and hit "Submit Reply".

India Four Two
30th Dec 2023, 04:28
As I remember from my school days, North America includes Mexico; however, even with that correction, it's not North America.

I've often thought about mentioning to PPRuNe's owners the inconsistencies and overlaps in their forum naming! :)

We have:

Canada The great white north. A BIG country with few people and LOTS of aviation.
North America Still the busiest region for commercial aviation.
The Caribbean and Latin America ​​​​​​​Aviation has been around South America and the Caribbean since the early days. A forum for aviators from that part of the world.

30th Dec 2023, 09:21
As I remember from my school days, North America includes Mexico; however, even with that correction, it's not North America.

More narrowing needed.

Note: In the spirit of the festive season and good will to all men (and women and the rest of the alphabet) I resisted the strong urge to place a full stop after "Mexico" and hit "Submit Reply".
I appreciate your thoughtfulness - but on here??? Any weakness leads to instant annihilation - when people can ID a place from a a lampost no quarter should be given!! Have great New Year!

30th Dec 2023, 09:22
Back to the challenge -

Are we in Continental S America ?

30th Dec 2023, 21:55
I was weary after the journey but, as I remember, I was in South America when I took both pictures. I'm currently digitizing my pictures from that era and I'll see if I can find one with a shed or two or a couple of recognizable lamp posts.

I do remember there being some confusion about the status of the city in the hierarchy of government.


31st Dec 2023, 06:18
Another picture from the first visit with two clues for the observant.

Still looking for one with sheds and/or lamp posts.

31st Dec 2023, 08:16
Ah! Blowing up the picture it looks as if the aircraft is at an altitude of circa 9600ft AMSL?

Since you are an officer and a gentleman we assume that this is important - so we guess that the aircraft is on the ground....................

and then check wiki for "S American airports over 9000ft" - we get a short list .

Amongst them is Juana Azurduy de Padila in Sucre Bolivia. at 95208 ft - formerly the main airport but replaced by Alcantari and closed in 2016

Wiki also tells us that " Sucre is Bolivia's constitutional (de jure) capital city," whereas "La Paz is the de facto capital"

an image search then gives us

https://cimg4.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/470x301/2023_12_31_090932_3fb0af1d3b46bd17f99877644d939d2349b97532.j pg

where the hill at the end looks somewhat similar to the challenge photo....................... especially the trees!

31st Dec 2023, 10:19
Cannot fault the logic in your answer. You do not get full marks, however, because of the typo in the elevation! .

The "hill" you see trees on is actually the other side of a very deep valley just off the end of the runway.

Flew in in a B727-100 operated by LAB and, trust me, if there had been trains still operating from the rail station in the city (which, we were told, was the scene of the demise of real Butch Cassidy) I would have bought a ticket. We were there to find a suitable site for the then (2001) much needed replacement. The change occurred over a decade later.

Over to you Asturias.


1st Jan 2024, 09:29
After such an excellent challenge lets start the New Year off with an early bird location:-

https://cimg1.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/300x300/sfdadfddsfddirstrip_f7ef2e5517108cef2c0b36d88f9c94bd704e61d7 .jpg

1st Jan 2024, 10:49
happy new year all
Asturias -it looks remote - not a sealed runway - maybe a grass strip ?

1st Jan 2024, 11:45
A shoreline with breakers at the top of the picture?


1st Jan 2024, 12:26
Montserrat old airport?

1st Jan 2024, 16:31
Yes we are beside the sea - regretfully a long way from Monserrat - tho the airfield is no longer in use

1st Jan 2024, 20:14
Can we eliminate the Pacific?


1st Jan 2024, 20:56
Old Japanese airstrip...?

2nd Jan 2024, 08:02
Remote Pacific ?

2nd Jan 2024, 09:18
not japanese - but Descol is correct

https://cimg6.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/529x369/2023_12_31_095034_7e4db74794a1a950ac0400005285ed1bc4f9ca07.j pg

2nd Jan 2024, 09:43
Asturias - I spent some 20 years in the Pacific - on many islands and atolls - A massive part of the World
I am going to search for this challenge
Did you say its not in use ? if so, when was it in use - how long ago ?

2nd Jan 2024, 12:27
Better to ask a few questions than try and look at a zillion islands. :ok:

This has never been up as a challenge before - at least not in the last few years - it was operational into the late '70's I believe.

It's generally uninhabited - certainly no permanent habitation

Self loading bear
2nd Jan 2024, 15:53
Kuril islands?

2nd Jan 2024, 16:52
A long way away from the Kuril Islands and much warmer -

periodically it features in news bulletins - if not by name by general location

2nd Jan 2024, 23:24
Fangatau,Fr Polynesia...?

3rd Jan 2024, 06:42
Assuming it is located in an Independent Country - prior to Independence was it French or British ?
Is it North or South of the Equator ?

3rd Jan 2024, 08:32
Not Fangatau - it is in an Independent country (not France) and it was British

It is south of the equator - it was quite busy for a period

there are old ruins but little is known about the early settlers
https://cimg7.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/401x224/2024_01_03_093142_2e528efd4ffe0b61fad8181585dae4b8124a3e4c.j pg
https://cimg8.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/462x360/2024_01_03_092941_b53d767ac94f2dfedec10e7f0be44494e9f7825f.j pg

MAC 40612
4th Jan 2024, 00:11
If I say I'm grappling with the answer, would I be getting warm...

4th Jan 2024, 01:38
If I say I'm grappling with the answer, would I be getting warm...

Based on that and Mr Google - Malden Island?
If so - Mr MAC deserves control.

4th Jan 2024, 02:00
Malden has been on this forum before and the coastline is nothing like the other OPS Grapple airfields (Kiritimati and AEON).

4th Jan 2024, 08:25
Yes it's Malden Island - one of the first places to see in 2024.

Going back Malden was posted in 2021 - apologies - and its been discussed on other forums on here though

I'll leave it to MAC and Noyade to agree who has control

MAC 40612
4th Jan 2024, 12:22
Yes it's Malden Island - one of the first places to see in 2024.

Going back Malden was posted in 2021 - apologies - and its been discussed on other forums on here though

I'll leave it to MAC and Noyade to agree who has control

Thanks, I'm otherwise engaged at the moment, so I think Noyade can have control.

4th Jan 2024, 21:50


5th Jan 2024, 09:30
Madden Island - better picture

https://cimg2.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/805x680/2023_12_31_094615_c2a2b7a5352380a4c9dca045dbb5c6e1abf3f3c8.j pg

5th Jan 2024, 09:31
Is the challenge in the UK?

5th Jan 2024, 16:09
Funny I was just thinking Dornoch.

5th Jan 2024, 16:48
Approaching from the west , as in the challenge picture, you'd expect to see a great deal of the N Sea in the background I think?

5th Jan 2024, 18:39
Is the challenge in the UK?

No, we're in Australia - close to the Hume Highway and the NSW/Victorian border.
The nearby township where this is situated once had a very German name - changed during WWI.

5th Jan 2024, 21:29
No, we're in Australia - close to the Hume Highway and the NSW/Victorian border.
The nearby township where this is situated once had a very German name - changed during WWI.

Crikey mate, that was a good clue

chimbu warrior
5th Jan 2024, 23:02
Looks like Holbrook. If so, I think you gave too many clues.

OH if correct.

Self loading bear
6th Jan 2024, 14:21
Please find attached in a .ZIP file the Which Aerodrome data base.
Asturias56 has updated it up to 31-12-2023 which he shared with me.
I have put a link to this post in the wikipost at the head of this thread.

6th Jan 2024, 18:36
Looks like Holbrook. If so, I think you gave too many clues.

OH if correct.

Yes, it was a generous Saturday morning. Holbrook it is.

Open House.

6th Jan 2024, 21:37
One more go then.


7th Jan 2024, 08:49
North Africa?

7th Jan 2024, 18:54
Indeed it is.

8th Jan 2024, 08:04
Egypt then?

8th Jan 2024, 20:07

9th Jan 2024, 08:22

9th Jan 2024, 21:51
Not Tobruk.


Allan Lupton
10th Jan 2024, 08:48
El Adem?

11th Jan 2024, 05:38
No. You need to head west.
Used by the RAF -1943 onwards.


11th Jan 2024, 20:19
Probably time to shut this down and declare Open House.
Twas Castel Benito Airfield near Tripoli.



14th Jan 2024, 10:32
Pity - it was just difficult to place amongst all the
https://cimg4.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/409x301/2024_01_14_113001_9a8f5f1870ea53ae99b19c644c6477f4af293b84.j pg
strips at that time

This one is a bit more recent

14th Jan 2024, 12:07
Popham ?

15th Jan 2024, 08:48
N along way from Popham

https://cimg6.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/345x446/2024_01_14_112644_d9e3adc5ae39e3a802e5fdb1f6c51500a0764029.j pg

16th Jan 2024, 14:43
https://cimg2.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/884x628/2024_01_14_113051_7f1823dd90721817d1d6ce99c1e2650c64ff4874.j pg

Self loading bear
16th Jan 2024, 17:45

17th Jan 2024, 08:21
yes - not the usual post WW2 shack seen in most European small airfields...............

https://cimg2.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/470x378/2024_01_14_112718_84c82908ae099e2004714a26d24cbda062bf286c.j pg

Self loading bear
19th Jan 2024, 06:05
We need some more clues.
I am guessing north East states?

19th Jan 2024, 07:30
Certainly north - not east. You are advised (but not required) to call ahead when landing here but it's not for any aviation reason. No regular commercial flights

https://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/431x304/2024_01_14_112832_d83990734a41f8c66e577d7a2258a680ff3b94c0.j pg