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View Full Version : Take off with No V2 entry

1st Jan 2015, 13:06
In the Airbus 320 the FCOM describes the procedure for take off with No V2 entry. Why would anyone do that on purpose. Moreover even if one forgets to enter the V2 value the checklist is there to remind. Can someone explain the reason?

1st Jan 2015, 13:51

2nd Jan 2015, 00:07
VFR ferry flight after a total FMS failure?

2nd Jan 2015, 09:40
A chance to practice a raw data departure, sadly prohibited in most airlines.

2nd Jan 2015, 20:53
You can also find "TAKE OFF WITH NO WEIGHT/CG DATA" (PRO-NOR-SRP-01-10 P44/54 FCOM 27 NOV 13). The info is in case you forget to feed the FMGS with this data. Same goes for "TAKE OFF WITH NO V2 ENTRY".

2nd Jan 2015, 21:26
The first ever SIM session of a TR course?

Metro man
3rd Jan 2015, 04:02
Murphys Law, if it can go wrong.....

4th Jan 2015, 11:31
But won't the Checklist take care off these omissions?