View Full Version : PICUS program regulations

12th Oct 2013, 14:37

I am hoping that someone can point me in the right direction.

In which document can i find the European requirements for operators to set up a PICUS program?

12th Oct 2013, 15:10
You will have to speak to your local authority. Even under EASA.

I have 4 different programs in operation just now depending on the issuing authority of the license in question.

If you hold a Swedish license you have to be in a command program to upgrade if you want to log it for license issue in Sweden. All the Swedish TRE's have a block of forms for it and the process in my experience.

There are something like 8 items which you need ticks in boxes for including the LHS LPC/LST ATPL sim check done before you can log it.

And even then there is some procedure to get the license which I don't really understand which is to do with the final line check because the form is in Swedish so I don't have a bloody clue what I was signing. I am still not 100% sure I was allowed to but the license got issued.

If you hold a UK issued JAR license nobody in the past has cared about an official program or not being in place. Most FO's log it when ever they are PF. And then the get a letter saying all hours are correct from the CP and not bother with any signatures. then its a LST on the next LPC after getting the required experience and its issued.

Other authorities insist it can be only logged with a TRE others TRE/TRI and others with a LTC and of course just with any Captain. The paper work varies as well.

Good luck it can be a nightmare all the differences between the different authorities.