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View Full Version : BBC documentary "The wrong stuff"

26th Feb 2013, 14:07
Somewhat dated, but potentially nice viewing for CRM supporters (and/or sceptics), and IMHO just goes to show how history repeats itself.

Plane Crashes - The Wrong Stuff (Documentary) - YouTube

26th Feb 2013, 20:38
Interesting, thank you.

Still very much true and still actual stuff in there. P2F must see this :E

7th Mar 2013, 23:00
Nice work, anymore gems in the archive?

8th Mar 2013, 23:18
Armchairflyer might have something there - have things changed? The only change and improvement is the Horizon theme tune!

Good watching.

Brewster Buffalo
9th Mar 2013, 18:06
Yes fascinating and still relevant. I wonder what happened to the system where the computer verbally warned when the aircrew were doing something wrong. That system might have helped in the Air France airbus crash..

10th Mar 2013, 11:17
That system might have helped in the Air France airbus crash. - indeed, but would they have listened? Remember also that it is thought likely that P2 was following the flight director commands HAL had 'asked for', so a mammoth task to clearly identify when things are 'wrong' in HAL's mind, and a task littered with secondary minefields?

I fear for the future of piloting, however, when it becomes necessary to 'advise' a pilot/pilots that the relevant pitch attitude, above max alt is 'wrong' :mad:

19th Mar 2013, 07:57
Well, there WAS a voice screaming "STALL! STALL! STALL!" for the better part of the event.

19th Mar 2013, 08:44
Yes, it shouted "STALL!" at them when they were pushing forward on the stick and stopped complaining when they pulled back. A pretty perverse anti-crash system by any measure.

Back to the subject, this video was a bit of an inspiration for me when I first started training. Looking at it again with experienced eyes, some of the narration and footage of crew and interviewers talking about teams seems a little naive, but the overall point very well made. This documentary has been use as part of team oriented training for business types too, not just pilots.