View Full Version : Chemtrail and ATC?

23rd Mar 2011, 19:08
Would any US or Canadian ATCOs care to comment on this internet piece, which I was directed to by a friend. I know it was a long time ago but, as always, I'm curious:

As continuing chemtrail activity culminated in massive aerial spraying over Vancouver Island and Washington state March 20, 2002, and broadening plumes once again fanned out to haze clear blue skies – Air Traffic Controllers at major airports across the United States expressed concern over the emissions constantly showing up on their radar screens.

These radar returns are the signature of the fine aluminum particles found in laboratory tests of chemtrail-contaminated rain taken in Espanola, Ontario in the summer of 1999. The lab analysis found reflective quartz particles in the chemtrail fallout — and levels of aluminum FIVE TIMES higher than Ontario’s maximum permissible health safety standards.

In a fourth interview with reporter S.T. Brendt last week, Deep Sky stated that Air Traffic Controllers at Chicago’s O’Hare airport, all three major airports in New York, Los Angeles LAX, San Francisco, Atlanta, Cleveland, San Diego, Washington DC’s Dulles and Jacksonville, Florida, were being ordered to route airliners beneath formations of Air Force tanker planes spraying something that regularly clouds their screens.

Every controller, without exception, is being told to divert traffic due to military exercises , and to bring in traffic lower because of experiments that may degrade their radars. The controllers at Cleveland’s airport were surprised by the extent of obscuration on their radars.

23rd Mar 2011, 19:46
Standard internet BS.

Obviously, you at least think there is some probability, or you wouldn't have posted it.

I'm sure we'll get somebody wearing a tin foil hat to disagree with me.

24th Mar 2011, 07:58
<<Obviously, you at least think there is some probability, or you wouldn't have posted it.>>

On the contrary, but I'm very curious about how these stories are started. There are people who are convinced that the contrails we see every morning over the UK are planes spraying us.

24th Mar 2011, 08:53
I always wondered why they tell us to push that button, but never tell us what it's for. :p

24th Mar 2011, 20:20
It's been a while since Chemtrails were discussed and it's not even April 1st yet.... :ugh:

24th Mar 2011, 20:36
I heard that the aircraft are spraying Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO). All the info is on This Website (http://www.dhmo.org/). :E

27th Mar 2011, 11:50
I know, that the people who post on this forum know, that the whole chemtrails bollox is bogus.

However, there is a large swath of people who are totally ignorant of basic physics, meteorology and aerodynamics who have created a whole mythical conspiracy that involves airliners.

For years I have tried to reason with these people, and then generally taken the pee out of them. Unfortunately, there is a growing number of people who are making threats (either real or imaginary) about shooting down "spray tankers". I wouldn't t normally be too concerned, but some of the general vibes these fruitcakes are putting out is getting a bit more vitriolic.

If you have nothing better to do google aircrap and be prepared to be dazzled by stupidity and crass ignorance. Try engaging with them by using logic and reason and see how long you last before you get banned....

One of my colleagues tried it and was banned after various threats from the site owners.

28th Mar 2011, 13:26
Had a bit of time to kill whilst having a break from studying, and have to say the internet is a wonderful invention, but with obvious pit falls... That website being a prime example of one of them.

29th Mar 2011, 08:54
That web site is ace !!!!

Every word in it is so so so true.

Do you doubt me ?

Those who don't doubt me obviously know dihydrogen monoxide is H2O... Water !

It's a complete spoof site set up to see just how much people are taken in with bogus science and the general lack of critical thinking.

Every word is true about the chem trails on the site .... It's water, just as the site says. Read the site again using water rather than dihydrogen monoxide and I challenge you to find a lie.


29th Mar 2011, 09:15
Had a guy on you tube tell me the pipe extruding out of the back of the wing was for dumping chemicals into the atmosphere, and that BA and other big airlines were under gov control. I then went on to tell him i work in a hangar for a major airline and explain i have seen no such "equipment and that he may be talking about the fuel jet pipe" I then asked what he did for a living, he replied I'm a butcher

At this point id given up trying to tell him it was the fuel jettison pipe and just agreed with him

29th Mar 2011, 09:19
danjenkins... I know what you mean, believe me. I've tried sensible arguments, but you just can't through to loonies. In all walks of life there are people more prepared to believe loonies than professionals so we're just banging our heads against brick walls. Try a reasoned argument and their response is, invariably, that one is "covering up".

29th Mar 2011, 09:23
yeah, I sat there after laughing to my self thinking

I bite, I shouldn't have, I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER!

I just couldn't help my self

29th Mar 2011, 19:48
I'm absolutely sure an Emirates A380 killed my flowerbed last summer.

31st Mar 2011, 09:21
Got to love the people who buy airboxes and when the aircraft is not transmitting ADS-B and assume they are 'spraying'...


8th Apr 2011, 23:26
There is no justification to ridicule the observations of chemtrails. This shows only that you are not informed. There are serious efforts in the scientific communities that are outspoken about these observations coinciding with extremely alarming levels of toxic heavy metals in rain water and soil over the recent years. It is far beyond just internet/youtube speculation, as you seem to believe.

Of course there are several likely unintelligent views among the skeptic public, like believing passenger commercial airlines are part of these activities, and of course some contrails are being mistaken for chemtrails. But if you discard the whole theory based on such opinions, you are no better knowledged yourself.

See for example a news report from German RTL: Germany admitted chemtrail operations in 2007:

YouTube - Germany becomes the First Country to admit Chemtrail Ops

It is also clear references to military operations by TV weather reporters:

YouTube - AccuWeather Reporting on Chemtrails

Before you laugh off people's concerns about chemtrail, how much have you actually researched to understand if there are historic references and motives for such activity?
How many hours have you spent researching "Geoengineering" and it's history?

Have you seen the film "What in the world are they spraying?"

How many officially admitted historic events on toxic experimentation on large number of the public are you aware of, commited by the US and other nations during the last 100 or even 50 years?

Have you read the 1996 report by USAF Center for Strategy & Technology: "Owning the Weather in 2025"?

One quote: "In the United States, weather-modification will likely become a part of national security policy with both domestic and international applications. Our government will pursue such a policy, depending on its interests, at various levels. These levels could include unilateral actions, participation in a security framework such as NATO, membership in an international organization such as the UN, or participation in a coalition."

Though military application of weather modification is much older than that. i.e. Operation Popeye 1967.

Yet, US Air Force claims:
"Is not conducting any weather modification experiments or programs and has no plans to do so in the future"
"There is no such thing as a "Chemtrail""

This is just a fraction of pieces you should be aware of. If you only believe what is actually admitted by the various governments or media, then you have not read much history, other than the books they gave you in school. But you WILL find comfort of the majority. Cause the majority of people are just as poorly informed as yourself.

To call people nut-jobs based on inadequate knowledge is quite common. And specially here on the forum, where many of you have a profile and image to protect, I doubt anyone has the courage to go against the "forum consensus", although some try in a half-baked ironic fashion, to protect themselves while feeling for support. Well, that's just plain cowardliness. So you will grow old until you finally understand what is going on.

These things go much deeper than just a military purpose. But you will not bother to find out, so better just turn on the TV to feed you the daily dose of truth.

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer

9th Apr 2011, 00:22
Kerplunk, kerplunk. Whoops! Where's my thribble? :}

9th Apr 2011, 05:09
My government issued document that details the flight list for three days ago, shows that two British Airways flights and one BMI flight were fitted with the chemicals and dispatched on their scheduled flights.

That particular day, the met office suggested dispersing the chemicals at an altitude of 34,000 feet as the wind and temperature layers of the atmosphere were conducive to spreading the chemicals over the entire English countryside over a period of two hours.

To ensure the maximum number of people sprayed they flights departed between 6:30am and 8:00am, every half hour along the same route.

There are only certain days and certain flights that we can release the chemicals, as only a number of pilots and air traffic staff are trained to perform these flights.

The effects of these chemicals are usually seen within 24 hours and so far they work very well at controlling the population. Eventually we will be able to spread these trial flights to more as we can get more air traffic staff and pilots through the security checks.

I hope this does help somewhat..

Matt Skrossa
9th Apr 2011, 06:00
Just a couple of points:

If the people filming 'chemtrails' are so concerned about the 'chemicals' that 'government agencies' are spraying all over an unsuspecting nation, why are they filming them and not hiding away, or wearing some form of protection from the 'chemicals'?

Second point, I had the misfortunate to speak to a 'chemtrail' believer. I asked what he thought the government were doing it for and he replied 'mind-control'. When I applied logic (not a good idea with these diehard conspiracy theorists) that such mind control wasn't working he asked how did I know. 'Simple, you believe in chemtrails, I don't', to which he replied, "I hadn't thought of that, you're right'.

Must go, there's a suspicious looking chemtrail issuing forth from my kettle.

Matt Skrossa
9th Apr 2011, 06:09
Dukof said 'So you will grow old until you finally understand what is going on'

Phew thanks for that mate, at least chemtrails are not killing us then, which is nice to know. In fact the chemicals being sprayed over us every day could be life-prolonging ones; if so a big thank you to my very considerate government.

Or to expand this further, maybe the chemicals being sprayed over us are designed to make us NOT believe in chemtrails; any thoughts fellow skeptics?

9th Apr 2011, 06:25

9th Apr 2011, 07:34
c'mon guys let's be honest. We all know that we have a red 'ctrail ON' button on the overhead panel that we have to push when instructed on a special military frequency so let's not try to hide it anymore. Clearly somebody has been talking too much so now the public is aware of it there's no more reason to cover it up. I find it more and more difficult to push the button now I have childeren so maybe by bringing it out we can stop it. If any journalist or ophrah winfrey wants to interview me about it, please contact me because this has to stop for the future of our childeren. Oh and BTW, I heard it's all the fault of Ryanair who started this just to make some extra money.....

9th Apr 2011, 12:54
this is from 1953... and we are still alive? :bored:

Rails and Jet Trails, Roseville, California | Ansel Easton Adams | Collection Database | Works of Art | The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (http://www.metmuseum.org/works_of_art/collection_database/all/rails_and_jet_trails_roseville_california_ansel_adams/objectview_enlarge.aspx?page=1051&sort=0&sortdir=asc&keyword=&fp=1&dd1=0&dd2=0&vw=1&collID=0&OID=190014328&vT=1)

...and the metropolitan is involved in it??


10th Apr 2011, 06:43
<< I've tried sensible arguments, but you just can't through to loonies. >>

I know what you mean, Director - but in our time, it was dealt with by putting them all on the same watch, remember?:E

10th Apr 2011, 06:47
Aha.... yes, indeed, M. Or they were promoted!

PS Wish I'd never started this thread..

10th Apr 2011, 06:53
Well I'm with dukof on this - I can see chemtrails in the whole sky from my window all day long ( well, the parts that aren't hidden by the bars).

We know it's over the entire planet, because we can see all the way to the edge of the world ( no pesky curvature to interfere with the view, y'see).

Elvis agrees with me, too, doncha? (he said 'Uh, Uh uh uh, yea, yea')

Bill knight
25th May 2011, 15:22
A friend recently told me about the chemtrail conspiracy theory and I thought that what he said was bonkers. However, it did cause me to start observing the sky with new eyes and observing the extraordinary patterns created by the vapour trails and the way they spread across the sky.

Of course I have also looked at a lot of the material on the net, and seen the claims made that some sort of worldwide programme is going on for various dark purposes not conducive to our wellbeing, which does seem totally crackpot.

I am not a pilot or a weather expert and have no idea what is contained in these trails, but I am curious about them and the reason I sought out this site is that I would like to get some expert advice from pilots.

This is what I would like to ask (and I realise these are general questions which will have to be answered with a generalisation, by that's the nature of the situation in discussing, rather than observing this):

1) I regularly see an intricate crisscrossing of lines, arcs and parallel lines covering the sky. What is the explanation for this? What types of flights are they? (ie, it's quite clear they are not passenger airlines as these flights are clearly recognisable and follow set paths) Where are they going to and from and for what purpose?

The reason I ask this is that the flight paths look crazy and start at low altitude, some going almost vertical, some diagonal, and there also seems to be a relationship between the lines that form in the sky on a day when there is a lot of vapour, as if they are working in harmony, to a set pattern as a formerly blue sky becomes covered in white haze.

2)Why is it that this phenomena of a huge amount of lines and aircraft-generated clouds has only been seen in the last 15 or so years? Is there some kind of new technology used in planes now that explains this, or are people who don't recall seeing anything like this years ago mistaken?

3)I understand that possible explanations for some of these things are that they could be down to different climactic conditions, like temperature, wind speed and humidity etc.. but on a day when there have been a lot of trails, how is it that I have seen one plane leaving a big trail behind it and another flying at what seems a similar altitude, ie close to or below other persistent trails, leaving no trail at all?

4)A question on the subject of consistency and apparent relationship between flights: on most days there are very many of the sort of flights I have described, and from my observations, most of them leave trails that linger rather than quickly dissipating. How is it explained then, that there are periods when no such trails or flights are observable at all? For instance, before the royal wedding there was a whole week of natural blue skies, with the only clouds being of the natural fluffy variety?

I'm not saying it means there is, but logically it does seem to suggest there is some sort of orchestrated programme going on. For if the flights we see are just routine commercial or military flights, why would there be nothing at all for a whole week?

Soon after this, the flights were back in huge numbers again, and so was the milky haze over the sky.

Would greatly appreciate any insights on this. Thanks

Bill knight
25th May 2011, 15:24
Great I would like to meet you and interview you about this.

25th May 2011, 15:30
Bill if you hear a knock at the door get out the back quick, 'they' will be coming to get you for asking too many awkward questions.

25th May 2011, 15:42
Bill.. I have been watching the skies avidly as an aircraft spotter since I was about 6 and I am now 66. I was an air traffic controller for 35 years, during which time I watched the skies with my eyes and with radar. For 31 of those years I worked in the busiest UK airspace. With that in mind I'd jujst say that I do not accept that "chemtrails" exist in UK airspace.

Contrails have been around as long as I can remember but they are not always visible. It all depends on the atmospheric conditions and the altitude of aircraft so there may be several days at a time when contrails will not appear, but the aircraft will still be there.. The various lines usually follow published air routes which may be seen on easily obtainable aeronautical charts. Remember that commercial and military aircraft are usually under radar control so they may be directed off the usual "straight-line routes" if necessary, thereby producing curved lines.

There is nothing at all unusual about what you have seen.

25th May 2011, 16:55
Also it is nearly impossible to judge the altitude of a plane from the ground just by looking at it.

What you see as two planes at the same altitude could be separated by several thousand feet and thus experience very different humidty /temperature/wind conditions

25th May 2011, 20:41
So, how many bothered to research "geoengineering" since my last post? Right... If you want to understand any real truths about how the world ticks, you should start to use your OWN brain cells, instead of hiding in the comfort of mass delusion.

I note that not a single one of you commented on the actual content of my post, like:
"Germany admitted chemtrail operations in 2007"
"Owning the Weather in 2025" (1996 report by USAF Center for Strategy & Technology)

Instead, the only thing you are able to do is to make jokes, and poor attempts to ridicule the discussion. Very mature.

Well, if you didn't want to comment that, maybe you like to comment this Guardian article?
Millions were in germ war tests | Politics | The Observer (http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2002/apr/21/uk.medicalscience)
"The Ministry of Defence turned large parts of the country into a giant laboratory to conduct a series of secret germ warfare tests on the public.A government report just released provides for the first time a comprehensive official history of Britain's biological weapons trials between 1940 and 1979.Many of these tests involved releasing potentially dangerous chemicals and micro-organisms over vast swaths of the population without the public being told.While details of some secret trials have emerged in recent years, the 60-page report reveals new information about more than 100 covert experiments.The report reveals that military personnel were briefed to tell any 'inquisitive inquirer' the trials were part of research projects into weather and air pollution.The tests, carried out by government scientists at Porton Down, were designed to help the MoD assess Britain's vulnerability if the Russians were to have released clouds of deadly germs over the country."

...Or maybe you don't like to comment that either? Then I guess you like to comment this one from BBC:
BBC NEWS | UK | England | 'Millions exposed' in 1960s experiments (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/england/2254664.stm)

or this one from Times Online:
US planes sprayed Wiltshire with Sarin - Times Online (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article1169264.ece)

Well, if you don't like to comment that either, then why don't you just enjoy a look at our beautiful contrails:

YouTube - &#x202a;CHEMTRAILS UK FOOTAGE&#x202c;&rlm;

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer

25th May 2011, 21:21
Beautiful example of a wave cloud formation in that still image....a well researched and not altogether uncommon phenomenon.

30th May 2011, 09:40
See for example a news report from German RTL: Germany admitted chemtrail operations in 2007:
It's funny that the only place where "chemtrails" appear in this video is in the - incorrect - English translation.
They talk about chaff (German: "Düppel").
Same in the next video you linked to, where Accuweather is also only talking about chaff.

So your "daily dose of truth" appears to consist of youtube videos which use (intentionally?) incorrect translations or which don't even mention the stuff you are talking about.
I'll go back to the TV then, tyvm. :rolleyes:



None of the above
30th May 2011, 17:18
Even the birds are at it now...

Daily Telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/picturegalleries/picturesoftheday/8540862/Pictures-of-the-day-27-May-2011.html)

31st May 2011, 12:21
They are even spraying here in Slovakia. I saw 5 today. This is a big operation to kill off most of the worlds population. Only the rich people that stay in their Mansions will survive.
I also bet that that is not the real president Obama we see, just a double. The real one is in his presidential bunker so as not to get affected by the spray.

HR thanks for starting this thread, most fun I have had in ages.

31st May 2011, 12:43
Instead, the only thing you are able to do is to make jokes, and poor attempts to ridicule the discussion. Very mature.

The problem is really very simple, this forum is home to contributors from all over the world of aviation both civilian and military. They know full well that the chemtrail conspiracies are nonsense, but are not willing to waste hours on end trying to explain complex technical subjects to the tin foil hat brigade.

For example:

1) I regularly see an intricate crisscrossing of lines, arcs and parallel lines covering the sky. What is the explanation for this? What types of flights are they? (ie, it's quite clear they are not passenger airlines as these flights are clearly recognisable and follow set paths) Where are they going to and from and for what purpose?

The reason I ask this is that the flight paths look crazy and start at low altitude, some going almost vertical, some diagonal, and there also seems to be a relationship between the lines that form in the sky on a day when there is a lot of vapour, as if they are working in harmony, to a set pattern as a formerly blue sky becomes covered in white haze.

The time it would take to explain the full detail of:
- Aerosol interactions and vapour nucleation
- Atmospheric conditions and how they vary subject to many many influences
- ATC procedures and routings
- Parallax and other visual effects which distort the trails.
is simply not worth the effort... even after explaining it all we're only going to be accused of being a government apologist or have our thorough understanding challenged by someone quoting some utter nonsense from a random source on the internet.

Finally, seeing as to be taken seriously you have to have an arty-farty quote at the bottom of your post:


"The internet is full of idiots who haven't got a clue what they're talking about and only a fool even attempts to stem that tide"

31st May 2011, 13:54

I too was of opinion con/chem trails were anomally of natural physics of jet combustion, exhaust, and high altitude meteorologic conditions.

Have you ever on a enroute weather report seen artificial rain? I have. Granted tough concept to grasp, however, terraforming/geoengineering have already been admitted by the do gooders in Washington DC.

Barrium sulfates, Aluminum dioxides found in "droppings". The Chem/con trails in the Western USA, create full overcast skies in the Las Vegas Area of West Coast, as a/c departing KLAX climb to altitude.

Naturally the dogooders in Washington DC care so much about people, that they are protecting us from increasing radiation levels caused by Ozone depletion, so the story goes.

As such please continue to consider me imbecile/moron, etc...,
and plan to pay your Cap & trade taxes for the CO2 you exhale on a daily basis.

Safe Journies All...Sushi

31st May 2011, 16:37

I would please ask that you don't mix my quote, with another quote of a different poster, as you did above. It clearly looks like that is also my quote, which is quite a deceptive strategy you make by doing so. I have strong objections to the views of that poster. I don't look up in the sky, or take any video as any evidence, as such is not a serious way to either investigate or understand anything.

"contributors from all over the world of aviation both civilian and military. They know full well that the chemtrail conspiracies are nonsense".
How can you use that as basis for arguing "a fact", when we very well know that similar activity as many of you here exclude, has been officially admitted to have occurred in programs over several decades, both in the US and UK, up to no more than 30 years ago?

Are we really to believe only what is confirmed by our governments, when we at the same time know that secret programs of the type we discuss will obviously not be admitted or information declassified until typically 30-60 years later? Shall we wait to 2040 for official documents to understand what happened in the 1990s?

Do you think there are no hidden government truths to be discovered in today's "modern world"? I don't say this to say something fancy, I really think this is a serious question to consider.

It's not science to accept only the already accepted. No breakthrough can happen on any field with that position.

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer

Say again s l o w l y
31st May 2011, 16:55
Dukof, you are a dumkopf.

I don't need to ridicule you, you do that yourself.

Chemtrails... Dear God, what will the fruitloops come up with next?

It's rubbish, that's all you need to know.

31st May 2011, 17:24
Apparently it is not nonsense for the US Government. Can you find "chemtrails" spelled in the US bill H.R.2977.IH. "Space Preservation Act of 2001"?

Official link: Bill Text - 107th Congress (2001-2002) - THOMAS (Library of Congress) (http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c107:H.R.2977.IH:)

Or, we could perhaps look at some patents, like 1991 US Patent 5003186, "Stratospheric Welsbach Seeding for Reduction of Global Warming";
Official link: United States Patent: 5003186 (http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1&Sect2=HITOFF&d=PALL&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsrchnum.htm&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1=5003186.PN.&OS=PN/5003186&RS=PN/5003186)

"One proposed solution to the problem of global warming involves the seeding of the atmosphere with metallic particles. One technique proposed to seed the metallic particles was to add the tiny particles to the fuel of jet airliners, so that the particles would be emitted from the jet engine exhaust while the airliner was at its cruising altitude."

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer

31st May 2011, 17:45
<<when we very well know that similar activity as many of you here exclude, has been officially admitted to have occurred in programs over several decades, both in the US and UK>>

You say that "we know". Who is "we" please? I was an air traffic controller in the UK from 1970 to 2002 and I know nothing about such things. Perhaps some controllers who were involved with these activities would care to comment please? You can't have aircraft spraying chemicals without ATC knowing about it - or, at least, be aware of aircraft carrying out strange activities.

More please......... like official references.

Say again s l o w l y
31st May 2011, 18:36

Adding metallic particles to jet fuel...

I take it that you've never heard of a fuel filter or thought about the potential damage to multi million dollar aircraft engines by lobbing foreign particles into the fuel?

Do you understand the mechanics of aircraft and engines? Obviously not.

1st Jun 2011, 01:49

I would please ask that you don't mix my quote, with another quote of a different poster, as you did above. It clearly looks like that is also my quote, which is quite a deceptive strategy you make by doing so. I have strong objections to the views of that poster.

tl;drWell if you can't agree amongst yourselves then what chance do we stand of proving you all wrong?

Do you think there are no hidden government truths to be discovered in today's "modern world"?As a matter of fact, I do know that... oh wait, hang on, the doorbell just rang... be right ba...

henry crun
1st Jun 2011, 04:42
Dukof: After decades of covering the skies with chem trails over most of the world it doesn't seem to be having much effect, does it ?
Maybe it is time to drastically increase the dose of whatever it is they are spraying.

1st Jun 2011, 16:25
this is how we get rid of our depleted uranium.

1st Jun 2011, 16:50
Actually, it's easy, if not to say trivial, to prove that chemtrails do exist:

chemtrails are supposed to make you dumb
the thought of chemtrail being reality is a sign of dumbness
so the fact that some suggest that chemtrails are real (see (2)) proves that (1) is actually being done


Lon More
1st Jun 2011, 17:17
One technique proposed to seed the metallic particles was to add the tiny particles to the fuel of jet airliners, lots of things get proposed then rapidly forgotten when proven impossible/ineffective/stupid. Googoo "victorian inventions" or similar for plenty examples. Or maybe that's where this lot of hot and steamy bovine effluent comes from?

1st Jun 2011, 17:42
Cloud seeding using Silver Iodide has been carried out for many years, but not via the aircraft engines!

Atcham Tower
1st Jun 2011, 17:48
WillDAQ summed it all up neatly in Post 36.

Sudden shock/horror thought: Ryanair and others are trying to discourage hold baggage. Is this to make more room for the underfloor chemical tanks?

Lon More
1st Jun 2011, 18:25

2nd Jun 2011, 11:15
LM, Nice Pic:D
Has me convinced :)

Ex Cargo Clown
3rd Jun 2011, 11:47
As a chemist, I can honestly say that you would be utterly insane to put any of the above chemicals or bacteria into Jet-A1. Whoever has come up with conspiercy is utterly mental.

India 99
3rd Jun 2011, 12:51
Er . . . that must be Agent Orange then !?

Nice piccie though LM :ok:


4th Jun 2011, 08:22
I shouldn't really post this, as it could seriously get me in to trouble with the authorities, but here is proof of the spray facilities which can be found on the Boeing 777-300TWAT (Toxic Waste Airborne Tanker) aircraft. The pilot just has to press the buttons .....

Boeing 777 Panel (http://www.godlikeproductions.com/sm/custom/93169154fd.jpg)

Lon More
4th Jun 2011, 10:54
Unfortunately i can't claim the photo, it came from a spotters' site which had a number of wel composed aircraft photos on. IIRC it was a Dutch one - lots of (Dutch rude word) Luchtvaart Mij.planes there.

5th Jun 2011, 19:25
Seems that the 'Black Ops' guys have got to my source and had the aircraft panel photo removed from the host site ...... be careful out there, especially if you see black helicopters and cars in your neighbourhood. The don't want us to know about this ;)

5th Jun 2011, 20:06
10W... expect a complex crop circle in your flowerpot tomorrow....