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11th Jan 2017, 16:22
Practice up to a-level standard and you will be fine. It's not a walk in the park, the information is correct. MCQ and calculator allowed.

12th Jan 2017, 04:47
They just want your money , most people will have no issues

Officer Kite
12th Jan 2017, 08:43
Guys this programme is a royal rip off.

Have you guys lost your minds?

12th Jan 2017, 20:13
Guys this programme is a royal rip off.

Have you guys lost your minds?
1500H guranteed, are you factoring that in to price? I still agree with you, but your looking at roughly the same cost even for other MPL's out there. Although they are still a little cheaper.

This thread is going around like a circlejerk with the same discussion.

Officer Kite
12th Jan 2017, 22:10
1500H guranteed, are you factoring that in to price? I still agree with you, but your looking at roughly the same cost even for other MPL's out there. Although they are still a little cheaper.

This thread is going around like a circlejerk with the same discussion.

So is this a Pay2Fly scheme now? Paying cos you get 1500 hours?

It is absolutely mad, the cost of the course is absolutely through the roof at £130,000 and that does not even include visa costs (how greedy are this school!? - that is a new low)
The starting pay is not enough to live on at all in that area and so you will likely have to borrow more cash to survive even AFTER training.

Oh and the selection is £700!? It leaves a reasonable thinking person speechless.

Sorry, I am totally lost as to who in their right mind can see this as a good deal.

You are being fleeced. Plain and simple. Add up the MPL costs, what you are paying, compare salaries on this scheme to others - it is very clearly the worst deal of the lot. Unless I was not accepted anywhere else/failed on all the better courses I would not go near this place - it will be a backup for severe failure.

13th Jan 2017, 03:06
It's a bunch of rich kids with a fancy toy that happens to be an a320.

To answer the posters question the assessment shouldn't be difficult at all but you must be warned of Alpha and ABYs constant change in policies and unforeseen delays.

When the pilot factory continues at the pace they're going at , there's not going to be jobs for everyone and to even get to 1500 hours might take a long long time

18th Jan 2017, 13:28
Good amount of female:male ratio. Not 1:1 but it's not bad.

24th Jan 2017, 02:45
Female doesn't matter , no discrimination like that, most important thing is your ability to pay the money.

Are there delays for the base training and line training again ? Out of curiosity where does ABY do base training ? OMSJ or OMRK?

How many hours a month are the MPLs flying during training ?

24th Jan 2017, 14:53
Does anyone know if Alpha is looking for Technical Knowledge Instructors?

24th Jan 2017, 19:01
Female doesn't matter , no discrimination like that, most important thing is your ability to pay the money.

Are there delays for the base training and line training again ? Out of curiosity where does ABY do base training ? OMSJ or OMRK?

How many hours a month are the MPLs flying during training ?
5 month - one year...

26th Jan 2017, 03:05
5-1 year to complete what 750 hours ? Can someone please explain when these MPLs get checked and released to the line ?

Also what if after 1500 , ABY doesn't want you anymore , is the 110,00 AED paid in full to you or is it pro rated?

Would appreciate if someone could clarify on this and the latest delays in each stage

26th Jan 2017, 20:54
I know you don't want me to answer but:

After 1,500HRS you can move to EY, QR or get your MPL converted to ATPL. (at extra cost)

The 5 > month is for basic flying stage. Selected school is full of cadets.

26th Jan 2017, 21:03
Lol no beef mate, but it's still not clear ;

Specifically , my question was on the 110,000 AED- I know that it's paid back to you monthly , if you are cut at any stage is it pro rated it paid back in full? If it's not paid back in full this is really bad

What does basic flying stage mean ?! How many sectors till you are released to line and how long does it take from day one of Line training ? What happens contractually when you are released to line ?

When do you know if you are staying or going and on what basis are they evaluating besides operational needs?

And finally the latest round of delays , what's the story behind that?

29th Jan 2017, 12:03
Hello guys
I have done the assessments at Alpha Aviation on 26th Jan.
I have passed everything however they are saying that there is a new procedures implemented for the selection process. So the management is going to review assessment results of the candidate and further decide for the acceptance.

Has anyone been noticed before or is there anyone knows about it?

29th Jan 2017, 13:53
What sort of new procedures ?

29th Jan 2017, 14:07
Ok thank you for sharing . When is the earliest course date this year ?

29th Jan 2017, 17:41

That's terrible what Your saying. They keep changing rules and every year the program seems to be getting worse. Now they keep You waiting after the panel interview? Amateurs....

Unless they want to ease You to waiting, which You will be doing a lot with all the delays they have.

Officer Kite
29th Jan 2017, 18:05
I don't know.
They told me they have new procedure as a last stage.
The management will look at applicant's assessment results and decide the acceptance.
And will only be noticed approximately 40days before preferred course start date. I don't understand what the heck this is.

I thought I could not dislike this school any more than I already do, they have just proven me wrong. This stinks of arrogance, "we will do whatever we want and treat you however we want and you'll just take it". This whole sham of a programme should be boycotted by all self respecting individuals.

30th Jan 2017, 02:49
Couldn't agree more, why didn't they tell you this before coming for the assessment ?! Just the sort of arrogance you are going to face throughout your time there.

30th Jan 2017, 05:00
Ok thank you for sharing . When is the earliest course date this year ?

Earliest course start date is 23rd of April.

31st Jan 2017, 18:37
Couldn't agree more, why didn't they tell you this before coming for the assessment ?! Just the sort of arrogance you are going to face throughout your time there.
More news - since this year there is NO GUARANTEE on 1500 hrs nor contract. Few students left behind with less that 500 hrs...and their 'Air Arabia licence' will not be accepted anywhere. This is SCAM !

1st Feb 2017, 02:59

Are you sure about this ? I think those students have probably failed or have made the management angry (most likely no fault of their own )

Can you elaborate further ? I think contractually they have to attempt to give you 1,500 hours

1st Feb 2017, 07:34
They have to give You 1500 hours, unless :)

Unless they consider that You made a mistake/ they don't have enough space/ they are not in the mood they can terminate the contract at any time for whatever reason (and we all know that one can always find a reason) and all your money is wasted.

This happened with few F/O already and will continue.

2nd Feb 2017, 21:30
What are those students going to do ? MPL license is useless elsewhere

3rd Feb 2017, 04:24
It is useless but who cares? This is business Air Arabia style. Is anyone surprised by now?

3rd Feb 2017, 10:50
Hello guys
I have done the assessments at Alpha Aviation on 26th Jan.
I have passed everything however they are saying that there is a new procedures implemented for the selection process. So the management is going to review assessment results of the candidate and further decide for the acceptance.

Has anyone been noticed before or is there anyone knows about it?
how was your assessment and the panel interview? Please share more of ur experience at Alpha. Is there anyone else lined up for an assessment with them?

10th Feb 2017, 02:17
For all of you expecting permenant contracts


16th Feb 2017, 23:08
Where is the core flying going to happen for the newer batches and how long does it take to get a visa to Europe currently ?

16th Feb 2017, 23:50
The core flying is at Gair Training Center in Portugal.

It takes roughly two weeks to get the visa and the process will be slightly faster if you apply through alpha.

17th Feb 2017, 10:33
Crazy bird from your previous posts it looks like you joined around the 3rd quarter of 2015, may I ask what stage your batch has reached ? Are you flying the line ?

17th Feb 2017, 11:06
My batch is in the various phases of the a320 type rating.
No, we haven't started flying on line yet, still have some time to go.

17th Feb 2017, 11:43
Thanks for the reply, gives the rest of us a good sense of timeline . So it looks like about 15 months just to finish the type rating ?

Base training and completing sectors might take abother 6-12 months ?

17th Feb 2017, 11:50
Yes you can say that. Majority of the delays take place prior to core flying. After that it's pretty much smooth.

Regarding completion of base training and the 100 sectors, that is usually completed 6-8 months after completion of the type rating. But that is assuming minimum delays.

17th Feb 2017, 12:49
Yeah I don't know what you're training program looks like but,

You'll need a good number of observation flights then PM sectors and PF sectors

Instructor availability might be an issue and I wonder if aby prioritize MPL training considering you lot take so long to become productive ...

17th Feb 2017, 12:51
Are you a student in alpha ?

17th Feb 2017, 13:58
Nope but have friends who are intersted in joining ...

21st Feb 2017, 16:55
Alpha is a SCAM. Big delays, no job guarantee, 5000 dhs salary (WTF? try to stay alive with this salary in Dubai, especially after You just spent 600 000 dhs...), bad customer service, people treating You like ****....For the recruitment process itself they want 7000 dhs (!!!) and they don't allow medical being done first, because if there is sth about health that will prevent You taking the course, at least they will take Your money for math/physics test and evaluation.

This 'school' is a disgrace.

22nd Feb 2017, 08:29
I completely agree that its a pay to fly scheme and contributes to deteriorating terms for everybody. I also agree that they are extrmely unreliable and unpredictable, thats both Alpha and ABY, with impending economic and political struggle who knows what will happen. Yes people are rude and have a very bad approach to things. Im not talking about people on the line and many of the good TRI's that they have, its management culture and general middle east problems. They could careless that you paid and wasted time, they are the boss, they decide and dont argue. You can be cut at anytime which is also concerning.

Another problem is the maturity of these students themselves, alpha doesnt seem like a professional place, money money money, only time will tell to see the type of captains these MPL lot become. I for one know that i didnt get things the easy way, made me a much better pilot, never paid never will.

22nd Feb 2017, 09:47
with impending economic and political struggle who knows what will happen.

Oh, forgot to mention this. FOR THE FIRST TIME Air Arabia will not give ANY bonus for the employees. NOTHING. Air Arabia, Emirates, Etihad are starting to make cuts and savings wherever they can, and this is just the beginning. Golden years in aviation in Middle East is finished. Anyone who wants to be Alpha student should think about what kind of a job they will have (if any) when they finish the course after 3 years. Salaries will be much less and flying hours will be much more (this already happens in EMK).

Alpha MPL course is a terrible package.

23rd Feb 2017, 07:40
Hello guys
I have done the assessments at Alpha Aviation on 26th Jan.
I have passed everything however they are saying that there is a new procedures implemented for the selection process. So the management is going to review assessment results of the candidate and further decide for the acceptance.

Has anyone been noticed before or is there anyone knows about it?
Did you get a call from them yet

23rd Feb 2017, 13:57

Few minor changes, corrected spelling and grammar. Overall good summary. :ok:

23rd Feb 2017, 22:06
Strong suggestion to those who are planning to join, is to NOT join this course.

Agree. Any alternatives?

24th Feb 2017, 07:25
positive climb, so with excess FOs and no upgrades, how much are they flying during training and once released ?

- Sounds like a complete rip off. They might not even honour the 1500 and give you an ATPL. They certainly are NOT going to give you a job after.

Ive been saying this for years, when the going gets tough schemes like this collapse.

Can anyone say if the delays of core flying are being done intentionally from Alpha or is there an actual problem? People here say after the type rating everything will run "smooth" i assure you nothing is going to be smooth, you are not going to recover your investment and it will be a long time before you find another job.

once you are cut from the program , theyll find ways to make you pay.

24th Feb 2017, 08:13

I couldn't help but notice that you are quite active on alpha related threads with a lot of negative things to say about them, rather , only negative things to say about them. And judging by your previous posts, you are a not a student at the academy , you are not with Air arabia, you never applied to alpha and you do not work in the Middle East.
So why so vindictive ?

Your posts are truly negative and in abdundance scattered throughout this thread. Even though you say you have never been associated with the academy.
Please don't take me wrong . This is in no way an attack or an attempt to insult you , I am merely expressing my curiousity.
I say this because every single time I have seen similar behavior, it was by students who were kicked out of the course mid way for whatever reason( primarily attitude ) and then they come here to vent about it.

Now if you are not a student or an employee, I honestly don't think that you are actually qualified to be writing reviews and opinions about a product that you haven't bought so to speak, even if it is with an outside perspective.
Would you go on to zomato to write a review about a restaurant that you have never tried even though from the outside it looks like a dump?

Now, I do agree that alpha is not the best academy or institute there is.
The quality of training one receives is top notch though. The instructors do teach well and they genuinely care about your growth. But the management of the company is another story, yes they are inefficient and everything that you say they are. But it is in no a scam or scheme.
I am a student , and I know plenty of students in the various phases of training and many of whom who have competed and are flying with Air Arabia now. Things do go slow from time to time but that is bound to happen with the ups and downs of the economy. But , at the end of the day, If you are good enough at the job , you get it. It's that simple.

There aren't many alternatives to this course. How many courses do you
Know of that guarantee 1500 jet hours that is open to all nationalities and gives you good prospects of getting a job after ?
If there are many alternatives, please do encourage the readers of this thread to go for it and help them rather than trying to influence people who don't know much about the industry and who just want to fulfill their dream. Trust me, i was also one of them and forums like this played a big part in my descision making as to which academy to join.

The MPL is an inefficient course, not a bad course and definelty not a scam of sort

Now I know that I will have a lot of **** thrown at me for this post, so I shall just leave this here so people can make an informed decision regarding their training and I will refrain from replying to you in the future.

Have a nice day and keep the blue side up my friend.

Officer Kite
24th Feb 2017, 10:09
Not :mad: throwing at you lol, but ...

The MPL is an inefficient course

I really beg to differ. The MPL, in its very philosophy is designed to be the most efficient course around, and when run properly, it is.

Lufthansa, Aer Lingus, easyJet, Virgin Atlantic, Air Asia, Tiger Air, IndiGo, Qatar Airways, Flybe ... that is just a list off the top of my head of some of the airlines who run the MPL course, and they do it because it is so efficient. But, they run their MPL courses in conjunction with competent schools who know how to run the MPL as it's supposed to be run.

If Alpha screw it up, that does not mean the MPL is a bad course, you should look at the school in my opinion.

24th Feb 2017, 10:11
Aah yes, now that you mention it , I do agree with your point. I guess the more appropriate line would be , 'the way alpha is running its MPL course is inefficient'

24th Feb 2017, 10:35
Etihad, Dragon, Tiger, JAL, EVA, Czech, Condor, and alot more. Check ICAO website. Very strong list and growing.

Alpha for one guarantees the 1500H in contract with ABY. Not something other FTO's are capable of, unless you go through an airline specific scheme.

Worst case the airline chooses not to hire you after 1500H, then congratulations, you have a frozen ATPL with 1500H. Believe me that's a good thing.

24th Feb 2017, 12:29
Oh, forgot to mention this. FOR THE FIRST TIME Air Arabia will not give ANY bonus for the employees.

How long have you been in g9...if at all? Factually wrong!

We did not get bonus 4 years back as well. This year looks like they are just holding onto their cash given what's happening around with other carriers. otherwise we still made 490mil USD profit! Not a bad position to be in.

24th Feb 2017, 14:40
Crazy Bird... Where do I begin?

You are correct in saying I'm not a current student or an ex student of Alpha but I'm very familiar with the program and its policies and get updates quite regularly.

Let me start off with something good to say, Air Arabia does indeed have some excellent line instructors, its a safe operator and have got their training down to an art. Alpha MPL is a route thats expensive but so far many people have completed and got employment.

Now the negatives are true, For the price you pay the delays are not acceptable and also the way in which the students are treated is terrible. Alpha training is not top notch, there are a lot of unqualified people giving instruction.

After 1500 hours you do NOT have an ATPL or Frozen ATPL. Youll need to pass a sim check with an OPC Which ABY might not give you. The contract is entirely in their favour. Everyone knows the region , legal system is a long and bureaucratic process.

ABY Profit is AED509 Million not 490 million USD and its down 4% from the same period. Holding back cash is not giving a bonus!

You may think people are nice but when things are not in your favour, alpha and aby can be very very difficult with you, there are a lot of instances where people who have done nothing wrong have been terminated or been treated badly.

The fact that you say that you are treating this as a "bought" product shows me the mentality of some of these MPLers, I never bought my employment in aviation and I have a lot more experience than you. Would be interesting having you in the right seat someday. Its not just you, its this entire generation , flying is a privilege, always remember that!

Alpha should not state that this course takes 18 months because it clearly doesnt, they should be clear on these delays and expectations!

24th Feb 2017, 17:27
that we arent going to end up with a job?.

Nobody ever promised You a job in Air Arabia. Just hours and with current market condition, that ALL what You will get, if not less. I predict Alpha will stop taking students this year.

24th Feb 2017, 17:29
That's true.
Alpha has limited their intake to 50 students per year now due to the surplus.

25th Feb 2017, 15:55
How unfair is it to the MPLs?

Lesson no.1 - you can expect anything but fair from Air Arabia/ Alpha management - they care only about your money. Once You give it to them and they already suck You dry - You become worthless.

26th Feb 2017, 06:50
positive climb isnt here anymore? TRE's tell you you bought a job?

1st Mar 2017, 19:40
Latest news:
-there is to many pilots in Middle East and from Alpha itself
-new students will face tremendous problems to get hours, all will be delayed indefinitely
-new students - forget about the contract, after You finish the school You will look for a job in an industry that is going downhill.
-there was a meeting in Air Arabia to lower F/O salaries, there is excess first officers so the management can do whatever the fu.ck they want
-other airlines will not lower the salaries - they will just terminate

Still want to apply ?? :D

1st Mar 2017, 21:38
Fifi how are you affiliated to alpha ? Are you a current / former student ?

ABY has reduced the FO salary before , this is a fact

No cadet will get a permenant contract , that is also correct

Industry completely going south ... Not really , region is still alright for the time being

1st Mar 2017, 23:40
I'm a former student.

10th Mar 2017, 07:34
Is alpha in search of a new partner airline ? Also ABY is doing pay to fly 100,000 AED +++ for CPL holders .

10th Mar 2017, 12:00
Can u clarify a bit more regarding thia info.
And is it official ?

11th Mar 2017, 03:16
I can't clarify about new airlines, just something I heard. Pay to fly is certainly going on . 100,000AED up front and another 100,000AED bond for 5 years.

Officer Kite
11th Mar 2017, 06:32
They should line up the guys who will sign up to this and pull the trigger

30th Mar 2017, 00:59
Is alpha delaying batches intentionally so that ABY does not have to pay ? The latest in hearing is that it's so badly organized that the cadets don't know what's going on in terms of timeline, everyday it's a different story!

People who are currently stuck , please post your experiences. Yes and for those who think this is a wonderful place to be I'd like to hear from you too !

The whole thing sounds so Mediocore to me .

30th Mar 2017, 19:10
Alpha/ Air Arabia management are greedy liars and there are big delays during the course - this is nothing new.

What's new - there is already excess F/O (around 90) with new students coming every few months. Those F/O who do not have contract till now, will not get it for sure.

If You apply to Alpha now, the only thing You will get, is worthless AA licence and it will take around 3 years judging by recent batches.

31st Mar 2017, 09:57
I can't clarify about new airlines, just something I heard. Pay to fly is certainly going on . 100,000AED up front and another 100,000AED bond for 5 years.

bond 150K for five years not reducing not even one Dirham until completing 5 years exactly.

Officer Kite
31st Mar 2017, 11:35
Guys this course should be renamed "Scam of the Century".

I would question the intelligence of anyone willing to sign up to this nonsense. Put it this way, I most certainly would not be willing to get on a plane with such a person at the controls and I will not use Air Arabia out of principle if ever I find myself in the region.

31st Mar 2017, 17:03
Niether would I , not saying the training isn't good , more on moral reasons . The way they act is pathetic

14th Apr 2017, 21:27
Hi malir I am thinking of moving to alpha but I have not yet come to conclusion which one to take the airline pilot training option or else MPL option also how can I avail the student loan facility I am currently working in KSA as sales coordinator.

14th Apr 2017, 21:31
Hi malir I did not put for physics and math at high school can I get the admission at alpha ?. How tough is ADAPT ?

15th Apr 2017, 06:13
Before you spend 700,000 aed read very carefully !

15th Apr 2017, 07:31
Also be advised that if your medical or visa is rejected you will be charged fully for the assessment , this has happened in the past .

16th Apr 2017, 05:43
Haha nice one , it is true though . Alpha management are typical khaleeji style , mostly lazy and incompetent

16th Apr 2017, 06:06
They are in talks with a new airline, a low cost carrier in Oman. But it wont be a partnership with Alpha, it would be only with Air Arabia.

16th Apr 2017, 06:50
Salam air ?

16th Apr 2017, 10:12
Can you elaborate a little more ? Basically aby cant accommodate everybody so they are pushing it off to a start up ? Won't this mean even more delays ? Am I correct ?

20th Apr 2017, 03:04
It's pretty much confirmed that nobody is going to get a permanent contract . Latest developments indicate that the pipeline will be slow and many will be asked to leave. I have been saying this will happen for a long time. I do feel sorry for those who are a stuck and it serves as a warning to those who are considering alpha.

20th Apr 2017, 07:17
do you mean after the 1500 flying hours,nobody will get permanent contract?

Can you please share your sources? I mean reliable source!

20th Apr 2017, 13:34
Meeting recently happened in Sharjah , would be better if someone on the inside can confirm this..

10th May 2017, 10:28
Can anyone provide with the kind of questions asked in the entrance exam

10th May 2017, 17:05
Students are on a hiatus , no end in sight , definitely no job !

23rd May 2017, 06:23
Reading above thread if I understand correctly, there is no permannet contract after 1500Fh, but the training would still include the 1500FH correct?
Is it not enough to look somewhere else? Apprecite if somebody give an advice.

25th May 2017, 01:07
Another drop in profit reported , students will be delayed for a long long time. Very unreliable place

Officer Kite
25th May 2017, 11:05
More fool those who paid £140,000 to fly an A320 with no living costs or anything at all contributed. Plus £600 selection fee, and they don't even help with your visa. Someone somewhere hasn't got enough suitcases to fit all his cash in.

25th May 2017, 20:50
It's pretty much confirmed that nobody is going to get a permanent contract . Latest developments indicate that the pipeline will be slow and many will be asked to leave. I have been saying this will happen for a long time. I do feel sorry for those who are a stuck and it serves as a warning to those who are considering alpha.


I need some advice please help me with some information.
The MPL AAG program includes 1500FH, is that correct?
The uncertainty is that there is no permanent contract after this, is that also correct?

After your 18months training suppose you have completed everything, how long before you can join Air Arabia for the Line A320FH training to complete the 1500H?

The problem starts with after completing 1500FH? if so, is it not enough FH to look job somewhere else?

Appreciate it!

25th May 2017, 23:53
The problem starts the minute you pay them your first deposit , they will delay you and not give you any answers.

27th May 2017, 12:18
It is not so bad as you are thinking.
Please stop posting rumor here bro.

Officer Kite
27th May 2017, 13:04
Dogkim what's your experience of the programme? Are you on it? I am very intrested to hear the opinion of someone on the course who can tell us reality because all I have heard are very bad rumours and a very rude email from Alpha in my inbox from the one time I inquired about this programme

27th May 2017, 15:25
For me, so far it is fine. Good instructors and fine schedules.
There are delays between phases but it is getting better and better.

28th May 2017, 07:44
When did you start ? When are you going to do your posts flying? How can you say it's not so bad without experiencing it start to finish ? Many unqualified arrogant people there

28th May 2017, 07:45
@ officer K ? What did the rude email say ?

28th May 2017, 08:20
It is not so bad as you are thinking.
Please stop posting rumor here bro.

This is the "Professional Pilots Rumour Network" (PPRUNE)

28th May 2017, 08:36
I am thinking about joining the Alpha Aviation Academy based at Sharjah. I would like your opinion on the course they offer. Do they provide you with full training required to become a pilot. I have read bad reviews regarding this academy in this thread


I would like to know if they have improved in anyway. After I have successfully completed the training will I be able to get a job with Air Arabia. I have been told that this will happen and I would like to verify it.

thanks for the help

I'm contemplating sending my son to the Middle East for training on the mpl course but One thing is for sure middle east is in trouble and I doubt I will be sending him to AAA. It's too risky spending all that money especially as the big two down there are reducing in size and talks of mergers etc.

Europe seems the best least risky option.

28th May 2017, 18:56
If this is the same outfit that operates a school out of the Philippines then my advice is to stay away from AAA.

An utter sham.

29th May 2017, 08:52
For me, so far it is fine. Good instructors and fine schedules.
There are delays between phases but it is getting better and better.

Hi @Dogkim,

Could you be more specific on which part has delays?
I wanted to decide of it is tolerable, measn still ok.

Once you have done the training how long usually is the waiting time to comence doing the line training with Air Arabia?

Thank you!

31st May 2017, 05:08
Let's be very clear , there is NO job with air Arabia after you have finished. And yes it will take YEARS to finish, after that good luck getting them to give you a full atpl. Further oversupply in the market with less demand in the Middle East , where will you go ? Will you have the skill and knowledge level to pass an assessment anywhere else after being spoon fed everything ? Some might , I take it most will struggle .

20th Jun 2017, 05:15
The upcoming course has been cancelled. There will be further cancellations and set backs , any Qataris on the course? Have you been kicked out ?

20th Jun 2017, 09:45
I've been told to wait till 2018 !!!

Alpha said my UAE residency entry permit was refused the first time. They told me I could reapply in couple of months.

Today I pressed them for a definitive date and they said next year.

Well I guess everything happens for a reason.

I have friends flying for Air Arabia, the situation is not very good, there are too many FO without contracts, any new cadets after 1500hours will not receive contracts, there are delays in the Sims, some students had to wait a very long time before commencing their flight training.

24th Jun 2017, 16:34
. Further oversupply in the market with less demand in the Middle East , where will you go ? Will you have the skill and knowledge level to pass an assessment anywhere else after being spoon fed everything ? Some might , I take it most will struggle .

While i do agree to most of what you said before the quoted text....the ground realities from ABY are:

1. Most MPLS who got inducted in 2011 are currently in various stages of command upgrade programme. Some of them scheduled to finish line training this month end. We are actually short of Capts now. its just one of those cycles where we are either short of capts or FOs. 4 years back we had multiple flights with 2 capts due to lack of FOs.
2. This region has been unstable for one reason or the other. we lost Syrian and Yemen destinations along with overfly permits as well. The other hubs apart from SHJ never really got off. Having said that they have announced new destinations starting next month.
3. Most FOs who chose not to upgrade are flying in EK, EY and QR. a few in Salaam, Saudi gulf and far east in Vietnam.
4. current bunch of MPL passouts are facing uncertain times as there are no confirmed jobs available after 1500 hrs contracts but atleast they get their ATPL before they leave. i have no clue about bond. Before QR was an attractive airline as they needed just 1000 hrs on type. Dont know how the current regional crisis is going to affect movement to that side
5. Still we do have regular resignations of FOs moving to EK. They keep calling our guys on a weekly basis. Bumped into 5 of our ex FOs in EK training college cafeteria a while ago.
6. 1500 to 2000 hrs of flying right seat in ABY is really worth it as it exposes the FOS to a lot of varied flying conditions. Atleast in ABY it is strictly one sector Capt PF and the other sector for FO. and FO PF means from eng start , taxi , takeoff, landing , taxi in , eng shut down till parking. you get to land in 45 degs bumpy conditions into SHJ and ME region (as it is now...pity the trainees) and -25 deg in Moscow or Kiev. Land in 5000 ft elevation in Nairobi , shoot VOR approaches in Iran/Saudi/Pakistan/India/Bangladesh. NDB approaches into certain airfields in iran.
So its all fun...and a little bit of hardwork...but well worth its while.
Most of ex ABY FOs have passed assessments in the other big 3 airlines. Many of them holding 2 offers from EY and EK. So yeah the FOs are pretty wet behind their ears when they start off...but in a couple of years they are doing just fine.

30th Jun 2017, 13:07
Well the first batch is perhaps lucky, there won't be a ton of upgrades I can assure you ! Put out an advertisement and you'll get hundreds of qualified people , far far simpler than an uograde program!

Yeah it's very indicative about the sad state of affairs at EK where they have to take a brand new ATPL from an MPL background , shows you how desperate things have gotten

Yeah you still pay the bond of you leave

Alpha is a joke , completely disorganized and full of folk who think they are better than everyone else .

This is an expensive risky gig where many are stuck at the moment , if you had half a brain you would figure a more efficient way to get a career going

Officer Kite
1st Jul 2017, 00:15
Air Arabia are on my no fly list. The shambles that is this MPL of theirs has made me wonder what the hell is going on in their flt ops/training department. They don't seem to have a clue what they are doing.

I wouldn't trust them to make me my dinner, let alone carry my body and soul 35,000ft in the air!

1st Jul 2017, 06:16
They're not unsafe , in fact I think their training is quite good.

The problem with alpha and ABY is that it is a complete scam and rip off

Management is not helpful at all , they will let you starve better offering you pennies on the dollar

1st Jul 2017, 18:46
Officer Kite

wow you managed to insult 500+ pilots in one go...like any airline with a reasonably sized fleet (40+ aircraft) we do have our share of ASRs but atleast touch-wood so far we have been managing safety on a proactive basis. Since we had alpha cadets coming in batches atleast restrictions have been placed on their operations to certain airports in certain seasons till they get 750 hrs on type. After that they have a performance review flight(s) Same for new upgrades as well.

The topic here was the mgmt of alpha and aby for the MPL programme ...but you managed to write off the entire training and operations dept of ABY sitting on your comfy chair :ooh::rolleyes: Wish you could say this after you made a successful landing into some of the destinations we operate to.

Just to let you know. cadets have to pass various stages during their line training....and the training sectors get extended multiple times if it cannot be seen that the cadet can land in certain conditions into certain airfields. They also have to fly these approaches fully RAW mode without autothrust, autopilot or flight directors (idiot bars). Have you tried that in 45 deg C with the thermals bouncing you all the way down to touchdown? say Medina for instance or Khartoum or Shiraz? Landing everyday into SHJ with a 10 to 15kt tailwind?

Atleast i find the pilots know to fly their planes here....whilst i was working for an award winning airline in the same region i realized some had forgotten how to handfly completely.

On a side note: From your posts looks like you yourself are an MPL hopeful with easyjet... so you will understand what i am saying once you finish your Line training. Good luck with your training and future.

1st Jul 2017, 19:08
Well the first batch is perhaps lucky, there won't be a ton of upgrades I can assure you ! Put out an advertisement and you'll get hundreds of qualified people , far far simpler than an uograde program!

Actually that was the mentality of the company 3 years back. for 2 years they stopped upgrades and hired nearly 80 + left seaters from outside...infact even gave type rating to some. Many of them have left and sadly few were asked to leave after certain 'incidents'. At the same time the high time FOs (4000+hrs) realized they were not needed anymore in ABY and more than 50+ left to the neighboring carriers.

It did not help ABY when EK and EY reduced their minimum qualification time to 2500 jet hours .....so more FOs qualified into these carriers as well.

Mgmt woke up and realized this and started putting in a concrete upgrade program. The minimum qualification for upgrade in ABY is 4500 hrs in company but they started identifying suitable candidates above 3500 hrs and put them in a queue.
So yes the upgrade carrot is now dangling in front of these FOs...and yet some still are leaving. How many will eventually upgrade...that is for time to tell.

Infact 2 of my friends(320 Capts in other carriers) have offer letters from ABY for the past 9 months now but have not been given joining dates...i really don't think they will be called. Even they have given up hopes of joining. (and there goes my employee referral bonus as well http://cdn.pprune.org/images/smilies/badteeth.gif) so looks like they prefer internal upgrades now.

All said and done....yeah i see alpha cadets still waiting for months between their sim and line training begins. Recently went for a base training flight with 3 cadets and had time to finish only for 1 guy, the remaining two could not fly and later got to know they had to do their SIM check again as it had expired :rolleyes:

4th Jul 2017, 03:47
It is far cheaper to hire DECs , and ABY only cares about money , your career grow is the least of their concerns.

Joining alpha is very very risky.

Well doing items on the sim again for not completing base training within 28 days is common however to get these guys to organize that for you is ridiculously long , and for the most part they couldn't give a rats @$* if you finish or not

This place is all about money , alpha will try and sell you a dream job and make you pay big bucks for an assessment . Join at your own risk

9th Jul 2017, 18:29

Ground school might be the only phase that will go smoothly, once you're done with ground school. You will be facing delays going to Europe for your flight training. Once you get back from Europe you will be facing delays getting in SIM.

With all the delays it could take more than 2 years to complete. Not to mention accommodation, and food which you will be paying.

Facing all odds lets say you do complete your training with Alpha, you may or may not get their contract. They may not let your get your ATPL :rolleyes: they will keep delaying so that you will work for them on a low pay for a very long time :D

How do I know all this, I have friends working in ABY

14th Jul 2017, 15:15
Do you know if age restriction at Alpha is still in place ? 33yo max
Heard that they will remove it like for the first batches

16th Jul 2017, 04:13
still 33 years

26th Nov 2017, 18:55
How is the current scenario at Alpha? I am looking to join by Q1 2018.Any advice?

14th Dec 2017, 08:36
I dont hear of much progress at all at alpha, unless someone here can shed more light, course is getting more expensive by the day and no chance of ever making your money back within 5-8 years.

24th Dec 2017, 20:19
It costs 630k dhs from 2018 and they never promise contract. They've got more than enough FOs and SOs. They give few contract and the rest are kicked out.
Even if contract is offered after 1500, if FO refuses, they terminate you without notice period.
Takes way too longer than the school says. Forget about 18months.
Without contract you earn nothing. No travel benefit. No annual leave ticket. Your ID will include "TEMPORARY"
If Qatar mpl is available it's way better than this course. They at least hire the students with permanent contract at the end of the course. Both courses have bond anyway.
Some fail and school doesn't give a chance to redo it. They can kick you out anytime they want. They can make you repeat anytime they want too.

24th Dec 2017, 20:42
It never takes 18months. Please double it at least.
Delay is not explained by the school.
Without permanent contract the money you get will be nothing and no tickets will be available for you with any other airlines.
With contract you have 150k bond.

26th Dec 2017, 03:07
Thank you, very informative.

26th Dec 2017, 04:04
I've been saying this all along , it's simply not worth the money . You are paying so much cash for an unreliable , very slow process that seems to be falling apart.

26th Dec 2017, 04:35
Thanks for the feedback, it helped me to decide.

26th Dec 2017, 06:37
How many have failed and what part have they failed in ?

26th Dec 2017, 12:36
Not very sure about how many and which part. 14-16 ppl start as a batch and clearly not all of them graduate. Some batches have 10 left.. Only school knows the figure I guess. Many coudlnt make the first 8months. Later on, you can repeat one session by paying 4400dhs for mcc and a lot more for last phase of the course.
Depends on your performance but at the same time the evaluation isn't very objective. Instructors have all the power and if complain about it you gonna have a hard time since they say you have an attitude problem which will follow you till air arabia.

Officer Kite
26th Dec 2017, 23:38
Gentlemen, I happen to know someone who is actually quite successful in this programme. Well when i say successful, he is in base training at the moment is what I last heard. They started in 2014, failed ground school and then reapplied to the programme and got reaccepted to do the programme again.

Has anyone some more information on the current situation in this academy?

27th Dec 2017, 01:15
They make you pay to repeat sim sessions ? Haha really what kind of airline is this ? What next pay to re do the base training ? Pay to redo your PCs?

This is clearly a joke

10th Jan 2018, 06:07
Many fail SIM sessions and it costs the most when ppl fail base training. Till you are done with alpha, you'll keep paying for numeral things like visa extension, ID, yearly medical, extended Portugal stay, fast track for license, visa run etc.

11th Feb 2018, 13:03
Now even worse. Air Arabia came up with a new contract which makes them no need to pay basic salary of usd1360, even after cadets start flying. Every expenses will have to be covered by cadets themselves. Any extra flights during training, extra line check, any required simulator sessions, medical license renew, and a lot more..
Changed the name of contract from second officer contract to second officer trainee contract and by doing so i Don't know how worse it can go.

13th Feb 2018, 09:26
Dear James,

hope your assessment went well, if you could please help me I'm going through the process of enrolling into AAA's cadet program, is it possible to tell me how did you prepare for the tests, is there any websites or apps that helped you for the prep, would really appreciate your assistance.

14th Feb 2018, 05:49
Hey everyone!

Doing my assesment by late August hopefully... any tips?

In regards to the delay, is it 1 year total? Like 2 months between phases or is it 1 year between each phase? Because one is doable the other isnt (I live in the UAE)

Secondly, where did you get the information about the new contract?

(Anyone else applying in the same time?)

19th Feb 2018, 09:52
Training is more than 3 years, definitely not 18 months as they say, so you can definitely except a delay of at least a year and half total during the training phases.

Alpha is a subsidiary of air arabia true but there is no contract between you and air arabia upon starting your training so eventhough you spend more than 200000 USD(including living expenses+ training fees) in 3 years, there is nothing to guarantee that you will get paid when you start flying. They can and will exploit you since the MPL is not valid up until you reach 1500hrs and you pass your final check, so basically you can't leave anywhere. If you try to speak with air arabia management they will tell you " there is nothing we can do, if you don't like it just leave" and can you really leave after you invested that much?
As one of the guys in his post said is true, now they are not paying a salary for their cadets until they are released which might take 3 months or even more or even maybe they just wont pay you till you finish your 1500 hrs. We all hope that things will change for the better though.
I am not telling you not to enrol in the program, I am just stating how things actually are so that you get your facts straight. At the end of the day, air arabia is liable to offer you 1500hrs, but the only question is are you willing to ride that train?

18th Apr 2018, 14:07
Hey !! Just want to know about your experience in FTE Jerez ! I am willing to do CPL , just confused where to join ! Pls do let me know !

Piloto Maluco
18th Apr 2018, 21:58
They are now doing some flying at Sevenair Academy in Portugal; the first batch started few days ago

28th Apr 2018, 07:19
So what I understand is that if your visa gets rejected for some reason unknown to you, basically everything that you have invested in the MPL goes to trash?

2nd May 2018, 16:07
Can anyone say how to fund for this MPL training? Would banks provide loans for this program?

21st May 2018, 14:12
Thought I would share some insight.

Having done all the assessments, speaking to a few cadets presently in the school at various stages of training - I can confirm that the delays are much worse than they sound like. Most of the posts in this thread are true. The training agreement between Alpha Aviation Academy UAE & G-Air Portugal has been cancelled with the last batches struggling to complete their cross country.

Delays between ground school and core flying are an average of 4-10 months. There is hope for improvement since SevenAir Academy has signed a new contract with Alpha and the first batch tied with SevenAir started. This should reduce the time between core flying phase and ground school. Problems begin to start upon return from core flying as you wait to begin A320 ground school, then again between base training and simulator assessments. If you are lucky to make it till here, flying the bus till 750 hours and the airline will decide based on your performance and availability to let you continue for another 750 hours as per the agreement.

If not the case, you can either be delayed further or simply denied progressing your hours and removed from training citing you have fallen below their requirements. Yes, it is now 'temporary S.O' contract. There have been cases between a transfer of visa, where the academy will transfer your visa from Alpha to Air Arabia before beginning training on the A320, where cadets have had their security clearance or entry permit rejected. If they feel so, you can reapply after a year, if not you are on your own. It is beyond their control as they claim.

If you have managed to reach the 1500 hour with your MPL, the ATPL can be delayed, as it requires airline approval to sign you off for the skill test. This is the least of worry as long as you agree to fly with them at low pay for as long as you can under changing contracts, without causing any incidents or accidents, then depending on availability, you will have the chance to get your unfrozen ATPL. Mind you, this does not necessarily happen at 1500 hours, it could be anytime later. Then you bond under a certain amount of currency and fly for them. Most applicants that began with training in 2014-16 are still flying on temporary contracts. 2010-2014 and before, the majority have gotten a placement with the airline.

Late 2016 till date, they are still under training. Although the brochure says 18 months, Alpha claims 20-24 months but the students speak for themselves saying it can be 36 months or longer. If you are not a resident in the UAE, be sure to add the expenses of transportation, food, accommodation, medical, extra visa (if applicable), security clearance fee (if applicable), extra exam fee (if applicable), extra flying hours or simulator sessions (if applicable) all clubbed with AED 630,000 (UAE VAT inclusive) for the complete training + AED 8060 + VAT (5%) for assessments and Class 1 medical including the UAE security clearance done in one go.

As for assessments, panel interview can be a bit tricky, do prepare well for it, or they might just fail you if they feel you could improve and come back in 6 months. It is only AED 800 so no big deal. English, Physics, Math and Psychomotor are basic GCSE level. It tests your high school fundamentals, practice well and you are fine. Psychometric assessment is now with EDMA Institute and costs AED 3150. I have heard people fail this due to the new battery test that tests your cognitive and spatial abilities along with general personality tests.

They will not share your results so it is up to the academy to decide based on your performance, I have been told it is the hardest stage of the assessment. If you don't clear it, come back after 1 year and pay the amount - they should take you. Each course starts every alternate month and they have not reduced the batches however they did reduce the overall annual intake due to insufficient aircraft. Presently 37 A320-200 with 5 or 7 leased A321 CEO/NEO to join later. The company claims their present fleet is 44 with 44 more A320 to come.

A separate news agency quoted plans to order 100 more A320NEO/B737/C Series jets by the end of the year. You join Alpha at your own risk if you have enough or more funding for the course. If you are not worried about spending 232,000 USD and have all the time - Alpha Aviation is for you. If the time is right and luck is in your pocket then you will end up with a contract and be happy. If anything changes, expect to go to jail or debt.

As the assessments at Alpha have a validity of 1 year, I have applied for the EasyJet MPL and if successful will begin training with them. I urge anyone else considering Alpha to weigh in other possibilities as well. Keep it your last resort.

All the best.

21st May 2018, 23:27
What will I be flying for in Air Arabia to complete my 1500 hrs, and will I get paid when I fly for them during the 1500 hrs?

4th Jun 2018, 08:26
Sushi, aircraft is A320, existing contract you get paid for the 1500 hours, in future may be not....

PS Accountable manager was fired yesterday....

Yusuf Sayyed
1st Oct 2018, 10:31

Please help me out with the entrance exam questions regarding maths n physics

Yusuf Sayyed
2nd Oct 2018, 10:20
Please let me know what all questions will be asked in entrance exam regarding physics n maths in detail please

3rd Oct 2018, 04:24
You must be insane to join this course after all the warnings

26th Oct 2018, 02:24
Hi ,

May i ask if you have any idea of Asian institute of Aviation or Royhle flight training academy?
Any reviews and how they help their graduates land a job?

Unfortunately, i cant afford AAG.


19th Feb 2019, 10:31
Hello all,

Can some please tell on how to fund for the Air Arabia MPL program please? I am a Indian living in Dubai I would like to know how the cadet's fund their training cost for this program since it's a huge amount and do the banks in UAE provide loan for this program?

5th Mar 2019, 04:16
As far as I’m aware no bank will fund you to do this in the UAE. Don’t even think of getting a cash loan to do this it’s a debt that will be decades and if they kick you out , you are in serious trouble

5th Mar 2019, 10:47
So basically this program is really meant for people with more money than brains.

4th Jun 2019, 23:42
I see a dead end loser up criticizing Alpha Cadet pricing but EasyJet MPL after you’ve really factored all the costs brings it down the same with the GBP 125k price tag. Why do i get a feeling some feel what they’re opting for is the best and the rest is **** ? You’re poor, you can’t afford it that’s all. Or maybe you feel European quality is the best and the rest is sh*t but you know down inside you’re just weak and instead of facing competition you’re just trying to kill it. To the guy who said he would never trust ABY, you just made me laugh my *ss hard. You must really be a high school failure to even think if you don’t fly ABY then it will change something. In that part of the world people could pay just to not have see you onboard, even empty planes with just FD fly dude, we call that commuting.

Real update about the situation :-

I have a friend who is currently at ABY from the AAA cadetship. It’s not an easy life but if you’re hard working enough you’ll reach satisfaction. Not to forget even if they don’t retain you later on, you still get an MPL with 1500 precious jet time. With those hours, in the current aviation era you’re going to be a long way ahead ! Expect to spend about USD200k, but if you go traditional CPL/IR expect to spend the next USD 100k building hours(used to be 500hrs, now they’re asking for 800hrs). Don’t even think of proposing towering, instructing or touring these solutions work great only in EU, US or further end AU, in third world countries expect next to zero opportunities apart from airlines.

Don’t go into the foolish thought that attending a US/EU school program would mean at the end of your schooling you can stay to work, simple answer is NO. Some are just spitting their venom here thinking <<we’re buying our way into the system>> instead of working hard like them. But i would like to take time to remind them in our countries we’re not so fortunate to have local air clubs where you could get a PPL for €7k only at a 10 mins drive from home or H&F a Cessna for €75 under a club membership to build time over weekends while still keep a wife and kid happy at home running a full time white collar job. Not so more, instead of living in your own country many move to less developped countries in search of better opportunities though they don’t welcome foreigners in their home country making life even harder for existing pilots there since airlines instead of hiring newbies waiting at home will select already qualified expats since it’s cheaper.

My advice to those with the dream out there, if you’re 19 then you’re still just a baby in this field. You have till you’re 35 for someone to take you serious in aviation. Save hard, earn your way into cadet programs and w*rk your *ss hard to secure that 1500 jet hours and your MPL to be in a position to select your next flying gig.

I guess some are not happy, but eitherway your responsibility is fly passengers safely and not to entertain them(you could but its not an obligation).

Remember, PPRUNE is also filled with a lot of negative people, the positive ones are busy living the real dream out there that’s why they’re rarely here. Even if you do meet them then they always have positive things to say instead of whining. Its all an attitude thing ..

23rd Aug 2019, 20:32
is anybody going this course now? i am 35 years old and planing to start. Am i crazy?

24th Aug 2019, 08:21
i would say yes. I have a friend who joined this program and is not happy. You better go to USA where training is cheap and try to find a job as instructor or prop and build your way. Since you are 35 and by the time you finish this program you can be 40 I doubt air Arabia would consider you.

14th Sep 2019, 09:00
Specifically - If you have the option to get into a program at the end of which you have an ATPL, a 320 rating and 1500hrs on type. Is there a better offer that you can put our way? Or do you feel doing your own way through flight school and ending up without a job with 250hrs and a FROZEN ATPL will be better?

14th Sep 2019, 17:22
Having an ATPL and time on type isn't a golden ticket.

Many P2Fers graduated and found this out. Your skills may have been accepted by the P2F airline but some other airlines may find you not up to standard.
"But I know a guy who is in Emirates now after doing P2F". Great one person who made it. You never hear about the others

12th Feb 2020, 15:31
pilotchute what is the difference between doing these MPL programs from programs offered by EagleJet International? Aren’t they both P2F ?
so why does it seem like doing it with eagle jet has a worse reputation?

this Emirates Pilot, which kind of P2F did he do?

Shinning Star
11th Mar 2020, 14:09
Hi all,

I am planning to pursue MPL programme in Sharjah, UAE in 2021, can anyone advise me if my decision is correct or do I have to do some research on other flying schools in US.
Thanks for your guidance.

Shinning Star
18th Mar 2020, 19:21
Hi Sir,
I am Dubai based student and am planning to joining Alpha Aviation Academy , Sharjah in Aug'20. Appreciate if you can send me the latest feedback on the academy and their training standard. Also please send me the the questions that can be asked in Physics and Maths during the section process.

20th Aug 2020, 04:02
I successfully passed stage 1 assessment (ADAPT), soon I'll be doing stage 2 of the enrolment assessment which is the panel interview. Please anyone who has been through the interview give me tips on how to tackle it especially the technical part, and please share your experience I'll be grateful and thankful.

21st Aug 2020, 04:01
Have you lost your mind ?

do you see what’s happening around you ?

are you aware that they fired cadets and those kids have lost all their money without any license ?

21st Aug 2020, 13:13

Fools and their money are soon parted.

21st Aug 2020, 17:41
Ahh to be young an naive....

21st Aug 2020, 21:29
I just looked up the cost of Alpha Aviation Academy. Not including food, accommodation and health insurance it's €180,000!!!

Are people out of their *"'#@&+ minds?????

So you get an MPL and 1500 hours and it's over 200,000 euro? Not a guaranteed job just a guaranteed 1500 hours.

I need to open an MPL school.

24th Aug 2020, 06:13
You should go for it ! I can introduce you to some of my countrymen in Lagos who will be very interested in doing more business with you

You will NOT finish this course in two years , you will be on the ground and with all these restrictions no one will open up for basic modular core flying.

it’s your money

24th Aug 2020, 10:04
It will be interesting trying to get the 1500hrs with hardly any flying going on, and what is available, would be used by the trained line pilots to keep current.
The current cadets trying to get the 1500hrs will be at the front of the line with all the other courses behind them. It will be a long time getting anywhere near the A320 with such a huge bottleneck in the training. Without that 1500hrs and only an MPL you are worthless to any other employer, and even with the 1500hrs you will struggle for a long time with the current glut of experience pilots worldwide.

24th Aug 2020, 10:24
Let us know which airline you eventually end up with. Anyone who can't punctuate and use sentences ... well, i'd rather not be a passenger with them on the flight deck. Thanks.

24th Aug 2020, 11:33
Its funny you should say that. On talk radio here today, there was some ‘ Academic’, explaining that some of our young snowflakes are finding full stops and commas offensive. And getting a full stop in a text message can cause them ‘ undue stress’. I kid you not!!!’

Where does this crap stop?? 😤

24th Aug 2020, 12:00
Crickey. Zero patience for these woke snowflakes that get offended by anything that doesn't fit their worldviews. A bit like our chap Ibra; comes on here asking for advice, gets said advice, and then gets his khandura in a twist because he doesn't like what he's hearing. :ugh:

28th Oct 2020, 06:06
the delay is getting longer and longer just to complete the training. it took 3years around 2-3years ago. now my friend who joined 2016 hasn't started flying. he has been waiting for almost 5years and still doesn't know when to start. meanwhile the payment plan became worse and worse. the second officer contract changed as well.
they used to give 5000dhs per month from the first flight. the new contract says only after cover release (during line training you will need a cover pilot for around 4-5months). which means first 4months you won't get anything. now on top of it, they reduced from 5000 to 3500 per month and it is prorated, which means if you fly 15days, your salary will be 1750 only. they decided not to pay your off days. some cadets raised their voice about this unfair adjustment and alpha said this money is just benefit not the salary. if they want to stop giving them any benefit any longer it doesn't need to be given at all. and obviously it is written as a benefit on the contract. I wGMouldn't be surprised if they stop giving any money for 1500hrs. either paid or not, the cadets will want to finish 1500hrs for ATPL and maybe have to be thankful for the benefit if given.
the cadets are under alpha even after the graduation of school. Still being treated like a student and under the supervision of alpha.

28th Oct 2020, 17:15
And just when I thought that they had reached the bottom!!

29th Oct 2020, 01:25
training salary can soon be zero and much higher chance of being terminated before the course finishes

Flying Clog
30th Oct 2020, 18:19
Serves them right.

23rd Nov 2020, 04:23
With this unprecedented delay, unfairness, false promises and ridiculously high fee, surprisingly there are still students registering this MPL course.
ever since the new management came and changed every single person at school, nothing has been better but getting extremely worse with new rules and regulations.

Has anyone experienced grooming check in any schools in the world? They do grooming check and ask ppl to keep the video on for whole day for the online classes. seriously don't understand what they get out of such. they are dealing with adults not kids.

1500hr isn't guaranteed with air arabia. Simply call them and ask. They might say 95% gets the contract bla bla bla but truth is different.

And you must expect anything worse than you imagine when you register this school. The delay all depends on alpha management and you will be just delayed without reasons regardless of your joining date.

Just sick of listening to ppl who are saying as if job is guaranteed.

23rd Nov 2020, 22:34
Please elaborate more on the grooming check

10th Dec 2020, 10:32
Hi. Could you pls give us some insight about the questions asked about physics and maths please ? And tell us about the insiders of the selection process please. Thanks.

Nick 1
11th Dec 2020, 08:03
Physics : describe how a square thing ( cadet - mpl pilot ) can be fitted in a round one ( pilot job market ).
Maths : 10.000 pilots are looking for job in an industries that require 0 (zero ) , what will be the percentage of those that will be hired ?

11th Dec 2020, 23:49
lol love it

12th Dec 2020, 00:51
Air Arabia has ordered 121 newer Airbuses in the Dubai airshow 2019. Deliveries are to be started at 2024. Isn't there going to be a huge pilot shortage then for the MPL cadets to jump in ? Also, Alpha is partnered with Air Arabia, so for Alpha to continue, Air Arabia needs to recruit from Alpha. Doesn't it add up to something optimistic ? What you all think ?

12th Dec 2020, 09:20
People will always say there's a pilot shortage until there isnt. In aviation its just like a rollercoaster, if you get in when the rollercoaster is going up you hit the jackpot, just dont get in too late to the apex because thats when you'll be the first one to get kicked out.

first 2001, then 2008, then 2020, lets see which ones next.

12th Dec 2020, 10:46

They may never be delivered. They may be like for like replacements. Air Arabia might go broke. Who knows in these crazy times.

12th Dec 2020, 14:31
Are you completely high or what ? Pilot shortage ? Do you see the number of pilots around you that are now driving ubers and working at Coles ?

if you can’t get a hold of simple decision making at this stage , a flying career isn’t for you mate

12th Dec 2020, 16:52
I don't even give advice anymore. If they wanna get their parents to borrow against the family home then go for it. Fools and money part easily.

There is more than enough information on the Web to make a decision if it's a good time to start flight training.

14th Jan 2021, 10:08
Guys Simple and easy, as long as Capt. N and Capt Y. are there do not even think of joining Air Arabia or Alpha Aviation Academy

Austin Thomas
13th May 2021, 20:32
Thank you for being positive,man!
Really Appreciate it

19th May 2021, 09:53
Could you please explain better the delays you mentioned? Your friend has been waiting for 5 years to start the 1500hrs, because of the airline? Can anyone else, that has been in this programme!!!, confirm if this actually happens?
I don't care about the opinion of frustrated old farts that haven't been in the course.
Thank you

21st May 2021, 02:42
Delay is 3-5 years , could be more. Definitely no job after

if you have a good nationality you can make some calls but now days not easy

25th May 2021, 04:11
The delays are real. Saw one cadet from end 2017 until now still training.

4th Jul 2021, 16:32
Actually, I have no idea about the delay, but they seen to be taking cadets for this year now. A lot of them are about to start their ground school too. You may be wondering how I know this?
I actually interviewed one of the cadet pilot from the academy, feel free to watch it.

9th Jul 2021, 04:56
which nationality is banned to join ? Behaviour problem with Egypt students ?

25th Jul 2021, 16:50
I don't think so, the best option is to email Alpha Aviation Academy or Air Arabia, I am certain they will clear all of your doubts!