View Full Version : what to rent

9th Jan 2010, 17:41
Dear fellow flying folk :)

I am looking to join a flying club and checking my options on what aircraft to get rated on, I have 50 hours on a da42, 100 hours on da40 and 50 hours on pa28 but here lies the rub, I want to fly with friends most of the time 4 up so we're talking 320kg ish give or take a few pies:O so that's the da40 out as its good for about 230kg and i remember the pa28 struggling with 3 up. The da42 is awesome but £280 per hour for fun flying is just not in my pocket.

So the question, can anyone recommend and affordable a/c i can rent that can handle 4 people? im thinking maybe a 172 but im not that familiar with cessna's

Thanks for your time picky :ok:

oh! nearly forgot i have atpl/ir/and current multi engine cpl so good to fly most a/c

9th Jan 2010, 18:22
The planes that come to mins . Archer , seratoga, 182 , beech

9th Jan 2010, 18:36
C172, PA28-161 and PA28-181 have about equal payloads. Of course it depends on the exact model and avionics fit but generally they're about equal. They will take four average adults but you can't fill the tanks all the way in that case.

The two adults in the back have to be madly in love with each other to be able to avoid irritation after two hours anyway, both in the PA28 and in the C172.

If you want the capability to fly with four adults, baggage and full fuel, you need to look for a six-seater.

9th Jan 2010, 18:42
For that load I think you will need something old, or something expensive. The Archer II should do it, as mentioned. If you are lucky enough to find a 180 hp C172, such as a re-engined C172N or a C172Q, that could be the most affordable way. The 160 hp C172N struggles with 4 up. A PA28 Dakota would be perfect, if any are available. An Arrow should be able to do it, barely. A Cardinal would also work I believe, if there is one for rent anywhere.

For newer aircraft you would be looking at something bigger and much more expensive, such as a C182. An Archer III or a new C172 is out.

9th Jan 2010, 19:55
much more expensive, such as a C182

I would not say "much" more expensive - The Pilot Centre have a couple at Denham at 165 per hour (a bit far from Gatwick but there must be others around). More expensive than a PA-28 true - but better than £280 for that DA42.


9th Jan 2010, 19:59
Cirrus SR22?

Genghis the Engineer
9th Jan 2010, 20:04
Modern aeroplanes don't often have that sort of payload - and those that do, probably aren't rentable.

I suspect that what you probably want is a share in an older 4-seater. I certainly know of a share going at Booker that'll tick your boxes (if you don't mind doing a tailwheel conversion), but nearer to home you might have a look at e.g. Popham.

Something like a Rallye, 182, 180, PA32 - or possibly some of the more obscure vintage types might do it. But hiring?, I doubt you'll find much.


Mike Parsons
9th Jan 2010, 20:28
What is the payload like on the PA28 Arrow III?

If it's any use Flying Time at Shoreham (EGKA) have got one of these for £160 per hour looking at their website - I haven't actually seen it, but I haven't been down there for a couple of weeks

http://flyingtime.co.uk/w/images/flyingtime/3/3c/Pa28-arrow-iii-small.jpg Piper PA28 Arrow III

£160.00 per hour
Equipment: Garmin 600, Autopilot, ADF,
Retractable Undercarriage, Variable Pitch Prop.
Cruise: 138 kts
Fuel: Avgas
Seats: 4

10th Jan 2010, 18:53
wow thanks for all the info chaps :ok:

All the info has helped a lot im going to take a look at the Piper arrow 3 that's down Shoreham as that's down near me and £160 with Garmin 600 and a good payload sounds good all round (thanks mike)