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6th Apr 2010, 01:21

Am i the only one???

6th Apr 2010, 06:49
I'm still waiting to hear back from the MEL base recruitment. Its driving me crazy! My emotions are all over the place. One moment I'm happy that i haven't received the 'no' email....the next I'm disappointed that i haven't heard anything. Frustrating!!! :ugh:

Any answer would be good just so that i know where i stand.

6th Apr 2010, 06:49
im getting so upset with qantas...i just dont understand how they work! i havent heard from them since the candidate event and that was 5 weeks ago and they have checked my references and everything! then 2 weeks ago they said my application was still "progressing through the different stages of recruitment" i know alot of other girls that are in the same position as well! even just a no email would be better than this waiting game or a courtesy email to say we are very busy and will get back to you with an answer soon! then i have heard that people from the recruitment day 2 weeks after ours have got offered jobs? does that mean they dont want us? im so sad :( 5 weeks is a long time and i know there are some people that were waiting for a year and a bit and i feel for you! i just wish they would communicate with us its getting a bit silly! :confused:

6th Apr 2010, 07:49
Hi there,

You are not alone! I have also been playing the dreaded waiting game and keep coming up with stupid theories as to why they haven't called me as yet, considering they have completed my reference check.

Very strange.....who knows???

Everytime I get a call from a private number my heart skips a beat....but alas - its never them!!!

Good luck!

6th Apr 2010, 09:58
I hear you everyone, there is still a large chunk of us still on hold from a year ago as you know. As of now , quiet a few people have been offered jobs before even we were.....we had all been successful from the process ref check etc from 1 year ago also. I am absolutely baffled as to what's going on,. I must say it would be highly unusual to get a no email after this long?? Something is definately delaying the process, but what, we do not know. I don't want to sound harsh , but either or we will get a yes or no in the next few weeks. Does anybody know of a person who has received an unsucessful email yet???
Keep your head up everyone:)

6th Apr 2010, 12:38
Well, time is running out. All those that have been waiting for a year or more, did you guys get the recruitment update on 7th December giving information that all applications are valid until 1st June 2010. If recruitment proceeds before that time we don't go thru any more assessments but if nothing happens and 1st June 2010 comes, then that's it, its finished.

1st June is not too far away!

7th Apr 2010, 00:54
Hi there,

I attended the interview day on the 19 March 2010 in Perth.
I got through to the second half of the day.
I still haven't heard if I'm through to the next phase again?
I rang two Friday's ago and I was told they were still processing applications.
I know people that have received either a yes or a no now, but I'm yet to receive either!
I was just wondering when you found out?
And how did they let you know?
I've tried ringing the scheduling centre again, both yesterday and today and it just rings out.


coffee or tea
7th Apr 2010, 02:46
Hi to all! any news/results regarding the above subject? please drop your input here...good luck!

7th Apr 2010, 03:15
Hi Guys, I understand you're frustrations since I've been on hold for over a year myself.

However, I think it's good to remember that there are only a handful of recruiters processing hundreds of applications. Each applicant requires their Security forms to be verified and processed, individual referees to be called, Medicals to be organised, and contracts issued for those successful. In between all that the recruiters have lives too.

Even sending a generic feelgood email to those of us still waiting might involve somebody having to sift through hundreds of email addresses, separating people into different categories so that the the right email is received.

So far they have organised two groundschools two weeks apart, which suggests a pattern. Approximately 32 people have now been given start dates, which means we all move up about 32 positions. Not everybody can be first, as much as we'd like to be amongst the first. At some point we will have our applications processed.

While it might seem unfair for those of us who have been waiting a long time, we simply don't know their selection criteria or what they've been told by management, and they are under no obligation to offer any of us a job for that matter. We're not always offered jobs based on the amount of hoops we've jumped through.

What I am suggesting is that we all keep one eye on pprune and one eye on our current jobs/lives/hobbies. This is a great time to develop patience - an important quality to have for the aviation business, and work on the skills required to be a successful flight attendant.

Saying that, I do wish everybody the best of luck with their applications!

7th Apr 2010, 04:30
Hi Guys,

Just to add to the ground schools planned already I know that there are 3 ground schools already scheduled for April 12th, 19th, & 26th.

7th Apr 2010, 08:20
Hi Delphic/Missy M,

Just wondering which base the ground schools have been scheduled for?

Many thanks, and hang in there everyone!

7th Apr 2010, 09:25

I welcome any corrections but I believe the week commencing the 12th is Perth based (Col88 posted that they were perth based to start on the 12th didnt they?) and know ground schools commencing 19th & 26th are for Sydney based crew.

Unless they mix different based crew in the training its looks like 1 perth and 2 syd base so far.

Col88 - Have you received your employment pack yet?

7th Apr 2010, 09:56
Ive been told my Ground School starts on the 28th April, and I'm Perth based crew. Passed my medical today so very excited :ok:

7th Apr 2010, 10:10
Missym. no i havent recieved my pack yet.. I called them yesterday and she said they were still working on them. I asked about our flights over and she said they are yet to find us flights and accomodation..

Have you heard anything?

7th Apr 2010, 10:50

No I havent received my pack or anything in the mail yet. Only received a confirmation of employment email about a week ago. Doesnt your training start Monday the 12th? Thats only a few days away... you must be so excited!

I cant wait to get to ground school!

Suprised there are no flights or accom booked for you yet when you start in a few days!

Keep us updated on ground school. Good Luck!

7th Apr 2010, 23:03
Thanks guys! Good to hear some of us are in the same boat! It's been a long and frustrating process hopefully we will know soon wether it be good or bad.... Keep us update!!! Xxx

8th Apr 2010, 01:47
Hi guys,
Just wondering if anyone has heard back from Qantas in regards to Sydney base? Went to the meet and greet in Alexandria and was told we would hear back within fourteen days. I have called the hotline several times and they keep telling me it's still processing.
I think a courtesy email would be nice, my boss needs to know when and if I'm leaving. I think Qantas should check our Refs only if we will be offered a position. Has anyone been offered a position at Sydney?

8th Apr 2010, 02:00

I am Sydney based and start ground school Monday 19th April. A friend of mine is also Sydney based and is starting ground school Monday 26th April - which may have now been pushed back to Wed the 28th according to a post above ?

Good luck and hang in there!

8th Apr 2010, 03:46
Hi has anyone from the Melbourne recruitment days on March 13th and 14th heard back yet.

I was told that my ground school is starting on Tues 27th of April but the previous post suggest ground school is starting April 28th.

Has anyone else been told they start in Sydney on April 27th?

Just curious......:O

8th Apr 2010, 04:21
Hi Missym,

Did they let you know via email or did they call you? I have tried to call the hotline again but of course it is ringing out. I think it's very poor to give a time frame and then not let you know either way. I'm just going to take it as a 'no' I guess they are only going to take a certain amount of people and I am not one of those lucky few.

Good luck with everything and congratulations!

8th Apr 2010, 06:05
Hi Mullygrub,

I was just wondering if you could tell me what the hotline number is?

8th Apr 2010, 07:14
Hi Sarah,

The number is 02 9691 1618, I tried to call them today however no one is answering.:ugh: I'm taking it as a no.


8th Apr 2010, 07:36
Hi guys,

to those who have been waiting for a year, did qantas keep you updated? How long did you have to wait for emails? I'm really frustrated as there is no way of contacting anyone to get answers as now the hotline is ringing out! I'm surprised to hear how many are in the same boat as me. I think I might assume it's a no. Congratulations to all those going through, if anyone gets a decline email can you let me know. Thanks

8th Apr 2010, 07:38
I wouldnt be calling.. Im sure they are really busy .. Would not risk upsetting anyone who works in recruitment..Sit back and be patient... I waited for 5 months to be notified after my medical and ref checks. They will get back to you.. Frustrating as it is...
It just how Qantas works..

8th Apr 2010, 07:47
Hi everyone,

I'm feeling the same as you Mullygrub. I guess I'm trying to prepare myself for the worst but still hold a glimmer of hope. I'm hope we hear something by the end of this week. It seems as though pretty much everyone had their references checked and recruitment will be sorting through everyone and keeping their options open. This has felt like the longest few weeks in my life!!!

Good luck to everyone waiting. It appears that there are limited positions left. The fate changing emails will surely be sent soon.

8th Apr 2010, 08:39
Did you not get any indication for five months and then out of the blue they offered you a position? How much notice were you able to give to your employer? I'm stressing because my boss keeps asking me if I'm moving on, she doesn't want me to but she also needs as much notice as possible to find someone new. I just think it is poor to give a time frame and then not bother to follow up. I'm sorry to whine but I find this whole situation very strange...

8th Apr 2010, 21:16
Hi Every One,

Can any one give me any information on what Qantaslink phone interview is like?
Anything I need to know? Any help will be apprectiated.:)


9th Apr 2010, 01:11
Hi Mullygrub,

I didnt hear a thing from QF after my medical which I had in Jan.. Then a call in May offering me a position. I had the choice of 3 start dates, all were 3-6 weeks away so I had plenty of time to resign from my previous job..
Hang in there, the wait will be worth it. Its a really good job, money is just O.K but dont feel like I work terribly hard.. I am long haul but I think recruitment is all done by one department.

9th Apr 2010, 02:28
I think QD operate a little differently now. I was offered my position and given a ground school start date, subject to medical and security checks. I know a lot of airlines in the past made you have your medical without actually offering you the position. I think it's a much better system now, as I have been able to give my current employer at least 2 weeks notice (Which I did yesterday - YAY). ;)

QF skywalker
9th Apr 2010, 04:45
1. Recruitment are BUSY - leave them alone
2. They are having trouble giving people start dates as they can't get their security clearance checks completed before the ground school start dates.
3. Some people with later start dates will be asked to move forward to earlier training groups.
4. If you haven't heard yet - don't consider it a no. Be patient. There is so much to organise.

9th Apr 2010, 06:54
Hi QFSkywalker,

If they cant get security clearances in time for people to start ground school why would people with later start dates be moved into earlier training groups?

Wouldnt people with earlier start dates be pushed back so they had more time to get the clearances?

9th Apr 2010, 09:36
Does anyone know if its ok to have partners come over at all during the training period of six weeks?

9th Apr 2010, 10:02
Hi everyone!! Does anyone know if I'm suppose to get an unsuccesful text message if I haven't made it through my panel interview?? Cause I was suppose to receive a message concerning the candidate event after my interview this afternoon but I didn't get any message at all! Does that mean I'm out??? Please help me!

11th Apr 2010, 00:34
Has any one recieved a no email from qantas domestic? Anyone still waiting to just know wether they made it or not???

11th Apr 2010, 02:21
I don't see why not but don't expect the company to be paying your partner to fly over.

11th Apr 2010, 04:19
Yes your partner can come visit but you would have to pay their airfares as I believe there are no staff travel privileges until training is over, however this might have changed so I guess you can always ask.

As you may be sharing accommodation with another trainee then you may also have to factor in getting your partner somewhere to stay as you can't really expect them to bunk in with you and another trainee while you are trying to study. Having said that it does depend on the accommodation, as for some it has been single rooms in hotels and otehrs have had 2 sharing an 'apartment' style hotel room with separate rooms, kitchen etc.

Either way I would check with the company to see what the policy is and what is allowed- some hotels will want an extra fee for an extra guests and some may not allow visitors to stay overnight.

Do remember that you are at work the whole time of groundschool, it's not a holiday. Quite a few of us during my training had partners just come visit for the weekends or days when we had off.

I echo the sentiment tha recruitment are busy, the more you call them the more you distract them from processing applications.

11th Apr 2010, 06:25
Thanks alot for the info :) Yeh i would never expect the company to pay and have no problem payin extra for the hotel at all. I will ask them this week anyway.

Thanks again

11th Apr 2010, 08:42
Hi there

sorry for going a little off the topic, but does anyone have an idea when qcca will begin recruitment for syd and mel base??

Thanks in advance

12th Apr 2010, 07:55
Does anyone have anything to give an update on? Anyone, anyone??

Successful calls, rejections emails, anything that shows there is still life in this recruitment!

Obviously I haven't got any news....bummer.

How did the first day of training go? Is it as scary as everyone makes it out to be?

12th Apr 2010, 09:47
Hi Everyone,
Just wondering if anyone has heard from QF/MAM yet?
Both of my referees have been contacted last week but I haven't heard anything since.
Anyway, I'd appreciate hearing from anyone else that attended on the 31st March.
Ciao for now.....:rolleyes:

13th Apr 2010, 09:46
Has anyone heard yet????

I just don't understand why everyone didn't find out all at once... I'm assuming for myself it's a definite no but good luck to anyone else!!!

13th Apr 2010, 11:00
Hi Superlicious

I am still waiting to hear from Qantas Domestic Melbourne as well. I went to the recruitment day on Saturday 13th & to the group interview on Tuesday.

They have done my reference checks, and since then I haven't heard anything.

I have a friend who works at Qantas and she said they are waiting to book the dates for ground school for the next intakes.

There are a few people in the same situation as us. We just have to wait for them to come back to us and they are obviously really busy.

Stay positive. We haven't been told no and each day is one day closer until we find out


coffee or tea
13th Apr 2010, 11:16
Ya everybody's eager to know the final results soon either YES or a NO...in the mean time we have to wait, wait, and wait!!! i think they are just busy preparing things, calm down, stay cool, relax, enjoy and have fun. That's it! no use of of putting ourselves into panic and stressful situations.:zzz:

13th Apr 2010, 11:47
I'm with you Coffee or Tea, there's absolutely nothing we can do except....wait, wait and wait some more!!

13th Apr 2010, 15:39
Has anybody heard anything more in perth??Those on hold........etc??

QF Flightboy
13th Apr 2010, 23:38
:ok: Hey ABS10 I am in the same boat as you and have been waiting for over 1 year. I rang last week and thay looked up my application and said its still in the Process and should hear soon. Who knows huh. Goodluck

14th Apr 2010, 06:26
hi herbie96

it's good knowing wer in the same boat it's just so annoying... I've called too and it's the same excuse there still processing, I just can't comprehend how some have started ground schooland others are still waiting to know a simple yes or no... Well hopefully it pays off in the end! Good luck and keep in touch!

14th Apr 2010, 08:15
I received an email today confirming my ground school start date is the 28th April. They said the training department will be in touch closer to the date to provide information on flights and accommodation. Also they are sending an information pack in the mail.
Good luck to all who are still waiting. I spoke to a friend in MEL who is on the career progression list and there were a lot of people who were offered career progression to QD but didn't take it.
Anyone else starting on the 28th???

15th Apr 2010, 11:11
Has anyone who went along to the recruitment day on 31st March heard back from MAM?

16th Apr 2010, 01:28
Hi - not heard a thing yet - all terribly frustrating, but can fully understand the whole selection and time process - just have to be patient! :ugh:

16th Apr 2010, 11:21
Nah, you swim with a lifejacket during the wet drill at Ground School. Enjoy it while you can- it's fun!

16th Apr 2010, 11:37
Thanks Honeycoated!

Are you with Qantas? You had lifejackets on at all times? My friend who's qcca told me the drill were hard because she had to drag this person across without any flotation device with full clothes on, I am a bit nervous as I have never done it before. Hope I could pass that part.

Are you already a flightie?


17th Apr 2010, 02:01
Don't stress. You still have your own lifejacket on when you drag the other person. Maybe pick someone light to be your partner when it comes to it. Don't make it harder than what it seems to be. :ok:

19th Apr 2010, 00:14
Hi all,

to those who yet don't have a result... Well I've been told that if were going to be considered for recruitment we would have been asked to complete a medical much earlier on.... As for myself I was never called up to do a medical do believe my final answer is a no

Good luck to anyone else!! Hopefully those who didn't get it will be tge new qantas internationals!!

19th Apr 2010, 06:54
Hmmm....that might be the case but i think we should be notified in some way of our status whether it be good or bad. The reason i say this is because when we do received the notice we will then be informed that it is a 6 month time frame from that date before we are eligible to reapply.

Has anyone tried calling them recently?

19th Apr 2010, 11:03
Hi Firyice,
I agree with you, I'm sure we'll hear either way. It's incredibly frustrating as they were so quick to contact our refs but nothing since. I was thinking of calling them but thought I should wait it out like everyone else!
Hopefully we hear something this week :O

PS It would be good to hear from others that were at the recruitment day on the 31st March

19th Apr 2010, 11:55
Superlicious, I think you shouldn't believe everything you hear. That comment makes no sense based on the required CC numbers we were given at the Candidate Event days. It seems there has just been a pause in recruitment.

There is a lot of conjecture of pprune that isn't always accurate. I don't think you should give up so easily. I hope you, like all of us, hear soon enough.

19th Apr 2010, 14:02
Delphic, you are right! I've heard a heap of things it's just hard to keep up tge hope after so long! I'm just finding it hard to know are already in Syd starting ground school and others are still waiting to hear...

I wish you and everyone still waiting all the best of luck!!

20th Apr 2010, 16:44
I agree with firyice too. More than likely, eventually it will be yes or no and then if no, we have the chance to reapply. I can't speak for Melbourne but I'm sure at the Sydney recruitment day that they said majority of people on the east coast would go into a holding file because they were anticipating growth but couldn't be sure at what rate it would happen as these are new bases.

I think eventually another round will be invited to candidate events, which will be a mix of old and new applicants again, much the same as just happened, and we'll all get our answers at some point.

20th Apr 2010, 21:13
Hi There,

Just wondering if any one has been invited to QantasLink Seminar Day in Melbourne next week?

Would appreciate any information on their Seminar Days etc...:)

Thanks J

21st Apr 2010, 06:33
Hi All,
I have been to the Qantas domestic Info session on the 16th of March this year.
I applied originally in 2008 for Long haul positions with Qcca and had been on hold after succesfully attending the recruitment day back then with reference checks.
But since the Info session I have not heared anything.
Just wondering if anyone here has been to the same session and therefore sits in the same boat as I am.:confused:

21st Apr 2010, 14:56
Got my thanks but no thanks email today for the Perth base. It took a while - the RD was on the 6th of March - but I know they did have a stack of people come over 2 days. Though they did say they'd call us either way within 2 weeks. It's disappointing because I felt I did pretty well, but I do have another job as CC elsewhere anyways and I will re apply after my six months is up.

22nd Apr 2010, 05:16
Sorry to hear that Brindabella. I hope you go again in 6 months time and are successful. At least you are flying - I hope you're enjoying your current CC job.

23rd Apr 2010, 00:57
brindabella did you go to the candidate event as well? or just the recruitment day? did you have any references checked? at least you have another CC job! lucky girl! just re-apply next time persistence pays off :)

23rd Apr 2010, 10:36
I was invited to the recruitment day and then was asked to stay back for a panel interview. The panel interview I thought went really well and we talked very easily so I do hope they consider me again in the future. I'm not sure what a candidate event is, so I don't think I went? :p What is it?

My referees are old university professors and a former boss who I haven't seen in a while so I don't actually know if they were contacted because me and my referees aren't in regular contact. But I know that they would not have said anything bad about me.

In a way I am almost glad. Now that I am training with a smaller airline and I have been able to see what it's all like I realise I probably wasn't ready to be with Qantas. I think given some time at a smaller airline I'll get up some experience and more confidence and then I can apply at Qantas again and be a better candidate.

24th Apr 2010, 00:23
I'm sorry to hear that Brindabella but you have a really positive attitude towards it which is great. Next time around you will have a heads up on what is expected of you and will have more experience to dazzle them with. You also know where you stand with them and can take the next step and move forward.

I'm still in the same position unfortunately. I am in a situation where i was successful 2 years ago (wow, is it really that long) for QCCA and was put on indefinite hold. When the Qantas Domestic position for Mel base came up, i applied and attended the candidate event in March. I know that my reference's have been checked........ummmm and that's pretty much it. No further word. What to do???

27th Apr 2010, 00:49
I'm still waiting to hear.... Anyone else still waiting??

27th Apr 2010, 05:54
I'm also still waiting to hear from the Perth base.

coffee or tea
27th Apr 2010, 09:06
I'm likewise waiting for the Golden Call...waiting is very frustrating!!!:zzz:

27th Apr 2010, 10:39
Hi guys, that call could be a little while away, as latest news indicated June dates for Melbourne base starts. So don't lose hope yet, just could take a while. Hope this helps,


28th Apr 2010, 04:20
hey flyergirl,

I've heard that quite a few Jetstar employees have been recruited to the Perth base, can you verify this?


4th May 2010, 04:30
Ha, I finally got my no thanks letter from the March 11 recruitment day. 8 weeks :ugh:

Qantas wannabe
4th May 2010, 05:06
Hi i have interview for perth base on 7 May, this Friday,:) any tips would be so helpful and appreciated. Are the group activities hard, do you have to write anything - do you know what the pay structure and flight routes. Would love to hear from you as they don't tell you much. Look forward to hearing from you
Qantas wannabe:ok:

4th May 2010, 09:03
Hi Viipii

Did you have your references checked after the interviews and candidate event?

Sorry to hear that you missed out. Hopefully another opportunity comes up for you soon with Qantas or another airline

4th May 2010, 12:43

I have an interview on the 7th May as well. I cant wait for it. do you have to attend the recruitment day or is it just panel interview???

5th May 2010, 01:14
has anybody heard anything from the hold pool since feb/mar 2009 yet?

5th May 2010, 14:54
No, I haven't heard anything since the request to update resume in December 09. I think they have forgotten about us, or the files have conveniently gone missing. It's been 4 months and no update. I don't even know what to think now.:suspect:

OMG...here we are waiting and there they are recruiting in melb for perth base. what the ....?

6th May 2010, 02:48
they are holding recruitment sessions in perth for the perth base not in melbourne

6th May 2010, 14:39
ok, i stand corrected. i presumed as your location stated melbourne that they were doing it in melbourne.

7th May 2010, 09:21
To all of those who attended the MAM reruitment day.....has anyone heard ANYTHING???

I emailed MAM directly and they replied with a generic....

Thank you for your email.
At this stage your application is still progressing through the necessary stages of the recruitment process. Unfortunately this process is taking us longer than we first anticipated.
Once we have a status update to provide you with we will be in contact.

I just cant believe we've heard nothing. There were only 18 of us who got through to the next stage so how long could it take?? It's been 5 weeks now and the funny thing is they contacted referees the very next day??

I dont mind if I wasn't succesful but it would be nice to know either way!! Is there anyone else out there who attended this day and has any updates? :ugh:

coffee or tea
7th May 2010, 12:29
Hi ParAvion,

I got the same email as yours, and I made a follow-up two days ago and the reply as stated below:

Thank you for your email.

As per my previous email to you, once we have a stuatus update for your application we will be in contact. At this stage there has been no change to your application which is still progressing.

We ask that you please remain patient during this busy time.

Yeah i am guessing, maybe it's a NO for me. That's it we will try our luck on other airlines as well. Bye!:(

8th May 2010, 11:26
Hi Coffee or Tea,
It's just so frustrating, they should let us know one way or another!!
They seemed so eager and in a hurry to contact our references on the day but now...NOTHING!!
Oh well, all the best with the other airlines, I'm sure you'll be successful!!

9th May 2010, 01:27
Waiting, waiting, waiting.......:hmm:

10th May 2010, 04:54
RE: waiting

I would forget about it all and continue doing what you do now as if you hadn't applied. Otherwise it will only make you more fustrated by the day. And then before you know it, the golden call will come at the least expected time! Good luck ;)

17th May 2010, 07:38
:{Got my no email after more than 2 years and at least 1000AUD investment in the whole application process

Thank you for participating in the Qantas Group recruitment process for Qantas Domestic Pty Ltd recruitment and Qantas Cabin Crew Australia process and for your patience and continued interest in what has been a lengthy process for the position of Flight Attendant. We appreciated the time you spent with us and would like to congratulate you on making it as far as you did through the recruitment process.
We were extremely fortunate to receive a large number of applicants and following a review of your application, we regret to advise that on this occasion you have been unsuccessful.

18th May 2010, 04:22
Hi All,

I also received the unsuccessful email today after being successful through all stages one year ago, then due to the recession we were placed on hold.

Im cool with it though. However, it fascinates me that a business can operate with such a ruthless manner. Im guessing that in some way it will come back to Qantas, how, I do not know.......

I also learnt the other day that the new qantas domestic contract, crew are barely clearing $1400 per fortnight - on average earning $1350 per fortnight. Thats really not much and this IS reality....

I wish you all the very best with your applications:ok:

18th May 2010, 10:04
Another one bites the dust; (after waiting 10 weeks and making through to the candidate event...)

Thank you for attending the Qantas Domestic Pty Ltd Recruitment Day for the position of Flight Attendant. We appreciated the time you spent with us and would like to congratulate you on making it as far as you did through the recruitment process.

We were extremely fortunate to receive a large number of suitably qualified applicants and following a review of your application, we regret to advise that on this occasion you have been unsuccessful.

Please note that Qantas Group policy does not allow us to provide feedback to candidates. Whilst your application will remain active on our recruitment system for you to update as required, a period of 6 months from the date of this e-mail must elapse before you will be eligible to apply for future opportunities.

We would like to thank you for your interest in the Qantas Group and the time and effort involved in applying and participating in the recruitment and selection process. We wish you well in your future endeavours.

Kind Regards

Cabin Crew Recruitment Team
Qantas Domestic Pty Ltd

Good Luck to those that are successful...not quite sure what they're after.

18th May 2010, 12:56
I also learnt the other day that the new qantas domestic contract, crew are barely clearing $1400 per fortnight - on average earning $1350 per fortnight. Thats really not much and this IS reality....

I have heard the opposite. Easily getting $2000 a week is what someone told me today.

A few months back at my interview I was told $2500 a fortnight was average.

18th May 2010, 21:44
Just wondering if any of you who have received emails this week had references checked?
I think there are a lot of people still waiting to hear from the March candidate event in Melbourne.
Thanks & good luck to everyone

18th May 2010, 23:06
$2000 a week, I dont thinks so!!!.. That would average your salary at over $100,000 a year... Wish it was correct but can assure you it isnt..

19th May 2010, 03:55
brindabella, a CSM barely clears this amount!

beleive you me ,I have seen the pay slip, and if you disect the contract, these amounts are correct. Sad but true.....

You need to go back throguh this thread and read the conditions which are actually correct, and not rumour.

Be careful what you beleive.....

19th May 2010, 12:38
Just sayin' what I heard from a person who only left Qantas less than 6 months ago.

Just sayin'.

19th May 2010, 14:42
I was invited to do a medical assessment via email today. I know of two others who received the similar email. It seems things are a'movin' again in Qantas recruitment. I'm really sorry for those of you who received a 'no thanks' letter - it could just have easily been me.

19th May 2010, 22:26
:ok: Delphic,

Glad you've been progressed to the Medical. Hope one of the Girls I was at the RD with will receive the same e-mail (3 out 4 of us who made it to the candidate event were unsuccessful).

Where will you be based???

20th May 2010, 02:33
What is the candiate event all about? what happens?

20th May 2010, 03:30
I find that interesting, as there's no QD crew in Melbourne yet. Unless of course you've forgotten to change your location.

I'd say realistically speaking anything between $1200-2200 per fornight would be accurate, it really depends on:

*reserve rosters
* overtime pay/band payments
* working on days off/IPD pay
* hours/trips worked
* penalties & other extras
* if you were sick/took leave

So for some crew they might not earn much, for others they earn quite a lot, but they WORK for it. If you're joining thinking you're getting 2000 a WEEK, you've got rocks in your head. $2500 a fortnight wasn't unheard of when there was lots of international flying in Perth, however there is NO international flying in Perth at the moment (with the odd Auckland pattern next months) so I wouldn't count on it.

If you can't live off a minimum of $1200-$1400 then I would say reconsider your need for this job. It's so not about the money, I mean sure you have some fantastic paydays (around the 1600-1800 mark) but it's not something you can count on regularly to have huge pays, it's more a bonus when it does happen.

Remember also that day trip DTA is taxed, overnight DTA is untaxed

20th May 2010, 08:27
Well I went to a recruitment day in March and they had bought along a girl who had just started with them to speak to us all and she said on a good fortnight she'd get about $2500. So that's straight from the horses mouth. I guess it depends where you are based and how much you put in.

20th May 2010, 11:33
Hi and congrats on making through to the medical.
Just one question, did you go to the MAM recruitment day on 31st March?? Just trying to work out if anyone from that day have got through or not.
Thanks & regards!

20th May 2010, 12:18
Remember that "a good fortnight" usually means those rare times when you get a really great roster, rather than the roster you normally receive. I believe she is giving you the absolute max rate there, not the average. :hmm: Take the advice given up thread and realise that if you can't comfortably live on the min wage they are offering, it's not a job for you.

20th May 2010, 20:02
Is anyone else in the same situation as me?
I attended the recruitment day in Melbourne on the 13th of March & was invited to the candidate event on the 16th of March. My references have been checked & since then I haven't heard anything.
Everyone I have had contact with has either started Ground School or were sent a no email on Tuesday.
I don't know what to think & I am back on the roller coaster!!
I would love to hear from anyone else in the same situation.

Thanks & good luck to everyone

21st May 2010, 01:24
Herbi I am in exactly the same boat as you....same interview days..candidate event...reference checks...all done!!!!I know people starting ground schools..getting "No thanks" emails....But for me...nadda!
They have forgotten me maybe??Lol....uughhhhhh the tension is killin me :cool:

21st May 2010, 02:23
Thanks for your reply Sugar79. I'm pleased to hear that someone else is in the same boat & hopefully that means they haven't forgotten about us! LOL! I'm kind of feeling good about it, and everyone I speak to says that it is a good sign that I haven't heard anything. I hope they're right. No news is good news I guess.
Good luck & I hope we hear something soon!

21st May 2010, 08:28
I finally got an unsuccessful email 2 months after the candidate event at which I was told I would hear in 2 weeks. I must admit I did give up after not hearing anything for a few weeks however, I think Qantas is disgusting to leave so many people hanging for so long!!
Qantas will continue to work like this because they can.:*
To sat the least I am annoyed!:(

21st May 2010, 13:40
Mullygrub that sux!Sorry about that..you had your refs checked too didnt you??Mannnn that has freaked me out,so I guess that would mean that maybe Im going to get an "Epic Fail"as well!
You can try again in 6months and before you know it you'll be in.
I still have my fingers crossed that maybe after all this time I'll be off to Sydney for training and back to flying again.Wait and see.Sorry for you again though.:sad:

21st May 2010, 14:53
Sorry to hear you didn't make it in this round. It's very annoying to say the least and QF are renowned for stuffing people around!!

I am still waiting from the MAM recruitment day on 31st March - which they said we'd hear something within 2 weeks - HUH....Nothing!!!

There was only 18 of us that got through both parts of the interview process and they were so eager to contact our refs, in fact did it the very next day and now they've gone quiet on us, just dont understand??? You'd think they could at least email an update to such a small amount of people :ugh:

IS THERE ANYONE ON THIS BLOG THAT ATTENDED THE MAM RECRUITMENT DAY IN MELB ON 31ST MARCH???? Would love to hear if any of you got the golden 'YES' phone call/email.

Anyway Mullygrub, keep on trying as I'm sure you'll be successful very soon!!

28th May 2010, 07:58
Hi All,
Just a quick update on the MAM recruitment.
I received an email today asking me to have a medical & security check.
Very exciting.....I hope all of you received the same good news!!!

28th May 2010, 14:20
Congrats, Par Avion, though don't hold your breath for a quick response after your medical. I had my medical this week, but have no idea how long it will take to hear anything else judged on the waiting times we've already experienced. Still, better than a 'no thanks' email.

29th May 2010, 13:20
Do they let you know beforehand that they could ask you to foot the bill for a medical and yet still not give you a position? That seems harsh if they didn't. I know I took my medical for my airline and it cost more than a hundred bucks. If it'd been for nothing I wouldn't have been such a happy camper.

29th May 2010, 13:42
We have to pay for our medical and security clearance and the airlines are under no obligation to offer us a job - that's just part of it unfortunately!!
It's a costlty process but worth it if we're successful - good luck!! :)

coffee or tea
31st May 2010, 08:49

Got the email from MAM asking me to do the medical and security checks YES at last! soooooo happy...Good luck guys...hope to see you again.:ok:

31st May 2010, 09:03
Hi Sugar79. Did you receive an email today inviting you to do a medical? I received mine today. Very exciting!!

31st May 2010, 09:14
Hey herbie..I got my medical invite today too...yeahhhh!
They didnt forget us ;)
Im so relieved.

31st May 2010, 13:34
Would they combine MAM/QD successfuls into a single groundschool, I wonder?

8th Jun 2010, 08:12
After a long old wait, QD offered me a groundschool start date of 6th July. I'm pretty excited, and wish anyone else on hold all the best for a start date.

8th Jun 2010, 08:16


So happy for you! Are you gonna be based in SYD or MEL? Have a couple of friends from the SYD RD still waiting to hear!

CONGRATULATIONS and best of luck.

8th Jun 2010, 08:23
Thanks Muizenberg, will be based in Perth. Good luck with your application. Have you done medicals already?

8th Jun 2010, 08:44
Hi Everyone..

Not sure when the first of the SYD base QD's are due to come out online... I'm assuming it's sometime within the next few weeks or if not now..

I have applied to transfer either temporarily or permanently from QCCA to QD and hoping the information you can provide will assist me with my decision.

I'm interested in knowing the trips you are being rostered and the average amount your clearing each fortnight. I know these will vary significantly from crew member to crew member as it's all new etc...but just a rough idea would be fantastic.

Thanks for helping..


8th Jun 2010, 10:58
:D Delphic "Congratulations"!
Thats so exciting for you!
I had my medical last week,fingers crossed I hear some good news soon :ok:

8th Jun 2010, 11:41
Congratulations, that's so exciting!
I did my medical yesterday (& passed). I then called Qantas to ensure they had all of my documents etc. They said I should know next week, but I was thinking it would be the week after, given how long we have already waited. Fingers crossed we find out sooner, rather than later!
Good luck to everyone!

coffee or tea
8th Jun 2010, 14:18
CONGRATULATIONS my dear,,,, YOU made it at last!
I am soooooooooooo happy for you,
As for me, i will do the medical on Thursday (10June10), fingers crossed hope to pass this torturing moments....hope to see you soon.:ok:

coffee or tea
9th Jun 2010, 01:05
At last i got the good news today! I will be joining Qantas/MAM CC Casual Melbourne on 9 July 2010. Yahoooooooooooo!!! so happy.Thanks to God
Anyone else received the same?.....
Hope to see you all again guys!:ok::)

9th Jun 2010, 04:13
[Text speak]

9th Jun 2010, 05:09
Hi guys-just wondering, what does the medical involve? Do you need to be super fit to pass it?

9th Jun 2010, 08:06
For all of you that want to know anything about qccd let me know. i have started flying with them and the pay i must say is not that great.

9th Jun 2010, 08:47
Hi Jack Brownbill

The medical involves: breath test, urine drug test, height, weight, sound test, sight test, making sure you can reach up high, touch your toes, move your head left & right etc, reflex test (where they hit your knees and your legs move), then they ask you about any current medication you may be taking, and make sure you bring a letter from your doctor about your vacinations (hep a & b, rubella, chicken pox etc). It's really easy, and they tell you on the spot if there are any issues.

Good luck!!

9th Jun 2010, 10:47

Just wondering howthe MAM casual pay structure works. I can't figure it out.

The bits I get:

$34.11 an hour
20 days a month
12 hour shift per day (if on call)
But if you are only on call and don't get called in you only get paid for 1 in 4 of those 12 hours => 3 hours? Is that right??
No holidays etcIs there anything I am missing????

15th Jun 2010, 08:55
I got the call today..yeahhh!!
Start ground school on the 6th of July..for Melbourne domestic base!
It was a nerve wracking wait..but totally worth it in the end :ok:.
Sooooooooo happy.:D

16th Jun 2010, 07:37
Congratulations Sugar! That's great news.
I'm still waiting to hear. I'm going insane!!! Hopefully I hear this week & can join you at ground school

16th Jun 2010, 10:11
Herbie, I found out 15 days after doing my medical, if that gives you some indication -I hope you hear soon. It might depend on how much notice you told them you had to give to your current employer.

coffee or tea
16th Jun 2010, 13:32
To all my batchmates, goodluck on our training and hope to see you all at the airport heading to SYD on the 8th July. Yes! at last! so happy...:):ok:

ethan elios
21st Jun 2010, 01:58
Hi Guys,
I was wondering if you could please shed any light on the type of rosters current QD employees are getting out of Sydney. Also interested in hearing what type of pays people are taking home each fortnight (after tax). Hours worked each month approximately?. Thanks so much for your time. Happy flying. :ok:

24th Jun 2010, 23:57
Still waiting... it's almost been 3 weeks since I did my medical!! :ugh:
Is anyone else in the same situation??

coffee or tea
27th Jun 2010, 08:57
[Text speak].

Read the first sticky thread at the top of this forum.

13th Jul 2010, 02:38
Has anyone applied for QD Perth base? I applied for it yesterday...Is it too late? what kind of stage it is on now? any info appriciated.
Thank you.

22nd Jul 2010, 09:03
QF to open a Cabin Crew base in Adelaide on 1st Dec 2010.

Log into qfcrew.com for more information.

22nd Jul 2010, 09:55
For Domestic CC only

24th Jul 2010, 12:11
Hi I was wondering if anyone knows how strict qantas is on height?

Basically I selected the 158cm - 161cm box on the application and am wondering if they will even consider me because of it?

Thanks for any info :)

25th Jul 2010, 06:26
:DQantas are opening an Adelaide cabin crew base.
Does anyone know the current EBA?
Does anyone know where ground school will be held? In Adelaide? and when ground school will start?
Does anyone know how many cabin crew they are looking for. I'm aware a lot of current crew are transferring home to Adelaide.....


25th Jul 2010, 12:35
Qantas had their day for Perth on Saturday the 24th, which was yesterday. Did anyone go?

Does anyone know how long you have to wait before you reapply? I got through to the interview in March but was unsuccessful after that. Is it six months I have to wait or twelve?

26th Jul 2010, 06:52
HI there

Bit of info. There will be alot of people who want to transfer back to Adelaide and I have heard they will have priority. There was a small article in Saturday's advertiser that confirmes this also, I also heard through a former adelaide based jetstar FA that those that took redundancy packages when Jetstar closed theiradelaide base 2years back, they got some kind of priority card to get priority for jobs within the Qantas group of companies.

There is nothing to say an applicant from the outside won't be successful and hope many apply, but me being the cynic that I am and an ex Qantas FA myself, the chances are limited and small.

Best of luck to who applies I did think about it but given the above info not sure i will put myself through it

27th Jul 2010, 08:58
Hi - Is there any info on if/when they will be recruiting brisbane base cabin crew anytime soon?:)

28th Jul 2010, 00:57
Hi natjayne, I emailed them a while back and they said they have no plans to open a Domestic CC BNE base ... so Qantaslink is the only thing they have in BNE at the moment.

28th Jul 2010, 06:47
Hi ilana182,

Thanks - I have an invite for a interview for perth based but its a long way for a interview but i really want the job!!:O

31st Jul 2010, 05:08
congratulations on all who have been successful.
I reccomend if you can wait to get Qantas Domestic over MAM then do so. MAM casuals do not get sick leave, annual leave or staff travel to name a few, and it could take a very long time to get accepted to transfer from MAM to QD. theres plenty of MAMs in perth who are still waiting to get QD.
The perth base is hoping to be doubled in size by the end of the year, so be assured there will be plenty more recruiting. dont give up!
goodluck. x

31st Jul 2010, 07:36
That is so good to know! So do you think that if you were to apply in September-ish that you could still have a chance for a position towards the end of the year or early next? (as opposed to going to the interviews being held next week in Perth?)

Double Asymmetric
3rd Aug 2010, 12:39
Hi I have been invited for an interview in Adelaide and wondering if anybody can help me with regard to conditions. I am under the impression that QD is a new entity under the Qantas group and crew will be employed under different conditions to other crew. Am I right? Specifically I am wanting to know if you can go part time (as I am a mum) and if you can bid for time off/trips. Also can anybody shed some light on the hours that you are likely to work for the month.

Thanks for any replies.

6th Aug 2010, 13:54
Hi from Adelaide, No part time positions will be offered. you don't get to bid on trips, and the rosters are out every two weeks. Max hours of 150, but anything over 120 will be paid an extra $18 per hour as incentive:hmm:

8th Aug 2010, 14:40

I've been invited to Adelaide recruitment this Friday. :D

Does anyone know:
- When the base will open?
- How many crew they are looking for?
- How long ground school goes for?
- Where ground school is held?
- How many overnights per month?
- How can I get my hands on an EBA?
- Do you think they are looking for in-experienced or experienced crew?

If you get through the group session I've been told you get a 2 on 1...What happens in the 2 on 1? :ugh:

Ta and Good Luck to other's who have an interview. :ok:

P's cousin
9th Aug 2010, 10:33
Hi all, I'm stuck with a few questions....:ugh: could you help me out please.

1. Do you know anyone who is based in a city where they don't reside? I live in MEL but have applied for the other bases too hoping that I'd squeeze in (stand by) MEL bound flight at the end of each day. (Or most days, at least) Not too sure about PER base when it comes to this... anyway I want to know if it's feasible.

2. flyperth, when did you submit your application online? I applied two days ago online. Was I too late.... :{

3. I actually would like to fly international eventually but currently the applications are closed. They say that there would be a big recruitment for QF international later this year (to cater for the new A380s). Should I wait for that, or should I try to get into flying first regardless?

Thank you for any input:)

Kind regards

9th Aug 2010, 23:39
Hi P's Cousin,

I applied when it was advertised in the Australian Newspaper some 2-3 weeks ago.

I was invited to an interview last week. My interview is this Friday.

I think you could be too late for this recruitment however I believe they are recruiting most weeks in different states.

They were in Perth 3 weeks ago and last weekend.

Good Luck :ok:

12th Aug 2010, 21:09
hi in regards to your post about pay at QF domestic i would like to join out of perth, how much realistically can i take home every month.
Would you buy any chance have QF contact number?

14th Aug 2010, 18:30
I read a little article in the paper on Friday about how Qantas was getting itself 25 new aircraft to really scare VB off in a hurry, as it knows VB is falling away from the low cost airfares thing and looking to be more of a competitor to Qantas.

Do you think this means more recruitment in the next year or two?

17th Aug 2010, 01:54
A theory for all:- :) hope im wrong but something tells me i'm on the money.

As of Dec 2010, Qantas Shorthaul (being QD/QAL/MAM) have bases in the following ports:_

*CNS (for the time being)

I wouldn't be suprised to see as a cost cutting measure that 2011 will see the introduction of minimal overnights and maximum day trip patterns for all Qantas Shorthaul crew.

The cost savings from hotel, transport, crew costs would allow qantas margins to compete with any attempted increase in domestic flying capacity from Virgin.

I would suggest all short haul qantas dears but a new day trip lunch cooler bag high on their christmas wish list this year :O

18th Aug 2010, 13:30
Hi all I am new to this forum, this is my first post here. I am from Adelaide and will be attending the recruitment day this Friday 20th August. Very excited and nervous but some information in this thread has been of great use so thanks a lot for that! This is the first time I have ever applied for any aviation role so am unsure of my chances, but am just trying to prepare as best as I possibly can.

Good luck to all, may see some of you on Friday?

21st Aug 2010, 02:58
Hi cassyflygirl87, how was the assessment day in adelaide? Can you give some details to what it is like, what you had to do etc? Mine is next week, I'm very very nervous too!!!

21st Aug 2010, 08:44
Just Like ‘P’s cousin’, I am also in Melb, looking at working at the ADL base.

Any staff members who hedge their bets on staff travel for their commutes to and from work?

22nd Aug 2010, 03:47

I currently regularly do up to 15 overnights per month (I'm Sydney based).... quite a few in Perth and Canberra and to a lesser extent Melbourne, Darwin, Brisbane and the odd Adelaide.

I don't agree with your theory that Qantas will be creating minimum overnight patterns next year after the small base in Adelaide is set up. MEL, PER and BNE are already large established bases and as I mentioned, I still overnight there regularly. Darwin and Canberra are cities with no base. Add to this TSV, CNS, HBA.

Lots of factors go into creating flying patterns: Duty hour limits, flight schedules of city pairs, crew numbers available in each base, aircraft size and crew compliments required, etc etc

The Qantas schedule is a complex system unlike smaller airlines that can fly crew in and out a few times a day and then have them back home that evening. The Adelaide base will of course reduce overnights there however there will still be hotel requirements in that city because of the reasons I've mentioned above.

flitegirl (a Qantas "dear")

25th Aug 2010, 02:37
CassieFlyGirl87 I also attended the 20th assessment day in ADL. How did you go?! I'm waiting on a reply from the candidate day. Quite nervous! :) ikabel don't be anxious! QF's recruitment days are a whole lot of fun. Just be yourself and relax. The day consists of two group activities then you might be invited back for a panel interview. Everyone is so nice, there's a great atmosphere :)

Anyone else waiting to hear back from them?!

1st Sep 2010, 15:55
So does anybody have an update for ADL?

1st Sep 2010, 23:36

I have been asked to attend an Assessment day in Adelaide on 8 September. Any insight as to what to expect on the day and any tips

Any help would be good. And good luck to everyone of you who have gone through the Adl recruitment process. I hope you get an offer soon

4th Sep 2010, 09:17
Well I didn't get accepted :(

I went along to the recruitment day in Adelaide on the 20th August. The morning activities were quite fun, they seat you at a random table and give you a couple of tasks to do with your teammates, there really are no right or wrong answers, it's more about them watching how you interact with other people and they see if you are more of a leader or a follower, or if you like to speak up and be heard or stay quiet and let others do the talking. My advice to anyone reading would be to SPEAK UP! You'll never get noticed if you sit there with nothing to say. Try to offer a different point of view to what everyone else is saying, this is what I did, and it got me through the morning session. They send you away for lunch and you have to keep your phone on you, as they text you to say come back for a panel interview or thanks but no thanks. I got the text to come back, and discovered the group had been cut by more than half. The panel interview seemed to go really well, I gave examples for every question they asked me and remained professional etc the entire time. Then they send you home and remind you to keep your phone on you to receive the next yes or no text. About 5pm my text came through to say thanks for your time but you've not been successful. Really disappointed, and it's frustrating not being able to get any feedback as I really don't know where I've gone wrong. Oh well, try again in 6 months I guess! :rolleyes:

7th Sep 2010, 03:07
Just wondering if someone could put some light on a question that I have.

I had my ADL base recruitment day over two weeks ago. On the day we were informed that we would be notified within two weeks. However, I'm still waiting. I know that at the moment they're very busy and am willing to wait. However two of my referees we called last Tuesday, and this morning I received an email saying that my application was still in the process and that my referees would be called shortly.

I'm slightly confused?! Well a little more than slightly....as they were already called! Hmm

I know its a generic email, but still....

Can anyone give me ideas on whats going on? It would be greatly appreciated!

I went to the recruitment day last Tuesday 31st August, got a text later in the day saying that my application has progressed. Got reference checked yesterday, so am still waiting. Hey just wondering if you went to the Candidate event session a few days after and if so what did it entail? I wasnt able to make my candidate event session but i have still progressed. They are obviously very busy so my advice is just to be patient. As you can imagine they have so many applicants to get through and not just for the Adeliade base as they are also recruiting for Perth as well. Anyway fingers crossed for all, and to those who didnt get through my advice is to persist persist, i went for a job with all the airlines and got knocked back, didnt get job with Tiger until the second time around & i didnt get through to my current airline job until the second time around either as well. In the group session they are looking to see that you have a valid point to make & also that you recognize others point of view. In the one on one interview you need to be very specific in the answers you give and back it up with specific examples that are related to customer service situations.. Hope this helps & good luck to all

10th Sep 2010, 06:46
I got invited to attend the GS that start's on the 6th of October for the ADL base :) Anyone else successful? x

12th Sep 2010, 00:30

Congratulations :D, that is a fabulous outcome. I went through an assessment centre on 7/9, made it through that and went to the panel, made it through that and went to a candidate assessment centre 2 days later. not at all sure i will get past that really was unhappy with how i performed. Will know in 3 weeks if i get the you've moved to the next stage or thanks but no thanks.

Congrats on your achievement, would love to hear all about the ground school

14th Sep 2010, 06:17
hey newflybie, can you tell me what they did at the candidate event session?

16th Sep 2010, 05:34
Hello can someone please tell me when you send your application in online, you get the application received email, how long does it take to hear if you get an invite to a recruitment day? And how do you hear by? Via email or phone or post? This is for the Perth base.

Also, when putting in your details, it asks you if you have your First Aid and Alcohol cert, and if not if you're willing to pay for these at your own expense. I dont have these but am willing to pay for them at my own expense. Do you need these before you apply? Because on the website it states on the recruitment day you bring your id and birth cert, and then for the other documents "we'll let you know" is written beside them, so I am kind of confused.

Anyone knows the above answers, would be great! =)


16th Sep 2010, 13:35
Just wondering if anybody has been offered ground school on the 5th Oct?

17th Sep 2010, 03:04
Hi Adl Boy

haven't heard as yet... actually havent heard back from candidat assessment day yet

20th Sep 2010, 13:42
Hey RoxyPerth,

i went to recruitment day, you get the invite via email. maybe just go into your application & just update something so it stays in the system. My advice is best you go and get your first aid & RSA courses done before the interview. Although its probably not a deal breaker, if you look at it from a logistical point of view doesnt it look better that you rock up to the interview with all the required documentation rather than "oh sorry i havent done that yet, sorry i havent completed that yet, i was waiting to see whether i gat the job".. im not been rude but realistically when you are up against hundreds, possibly thousands of other people who want the job just as much as you do & they rock up to the interview and have all the qualifications & documentation already ready & there to submit, well i just think that it looks better if you already have it, & secondly its a very long process as it is, so not having all the documentation just slows up the whole flow of the process from the Qantas perspective. Just a thought.. Be PREPARED & good luck.. im still waiting.. went to ADL assessment day on 31st August, am still waiting, anyone else in the same boat?

Hey NewFlybe,

just wondering when you went for your original assesment day? I went on 31st August, got invited to the candidate event a couple of days later but i couldnt attend of prior work commitments. I just got referenced checked about a week and a half ago (well one of my referees told me that they rung her ) and i emailed then to see if i could go to another candidate event session but i havent heard back from them yet.. fingers crossed..
Can you tell me what happens at the Candidate Event? Its weird although i didnt go to the candidate event session i still got a call in regards to my references & then got reference checked, then a few days later i got an email advising me that i was going to be reference checked. I know that the email was just computer generated but its still really weird.. I just wish there was a phone number i could call in regards to the candidate event, and i hope that the fact that i didnt attend it hinders my application.. anyways, good luck to all

22nd Sep 2010, 23:06
Hi All,

Anyone have an idea if there will be any recruitment before new year out of Melbourne??:)

12th Oct 2010, 18:24
Hey guys,

Just wondering if anyone else has gone to any of the interviews in Perth? I had mine on the 14th of September and got invited back for the candidate event the following day. About two weeks later they called my references but I haven't heard anything from them since. Just wondering if anyone else is in the same boat as me, I just want to know what's going on. The longer I wait the more doubts I have that I made it through, they said they would probably be starting ground schools before the end of this year.

Hope everyone else is going good :)

18th Oct 2010, 07:21
[Text speak]

2nd Mar 2011, 03:32
Hi everyone,

Does anyone know if QD plan on recruiting for any of their bases soon? Have an application submitted at the moment for Melbourne base but cannot find any information as to when or if they are recruiting!

Thanks :ok:

20th Mar 2011, 17:12
Recruitment is currently scheduled for May according to galley FM

22nd Mar 2011, 09:28
Is that for all bases LTD? Great news either way!

24th Mar 2011, 02:49
Great news that they may be recruiting. I have applied for Domestic and have not heard anything yet... so fingers crossed we may all hear something soon.

11th Apr 2011, 05:52
does anyone know when QD is hiring for Cabin Crew Perth and if so when the next planned GS would be? :)

22nd May 2011, 10:58
Dash 8 much smaller aircraft and i would say that you maybe too tall for it sadly. (I used to work on them) and I am 5'11 and narrowly got in with the height. In saying that from someone who has experienced a shambles of a recruitment session in Adelaide a few months ago where the interviewers dedcided they were going to be late to catch their flights and ended up wrapping the group session early, who knows. I can say as a recruiter the management in the company really need to look at their current HR practices

Qantas used to be someone i would highly recommend these days go for virgin or or Cobham they seem to have their sh&t together
I sadly think Qantas and qantaslink have rapidly declined.

In saying that I absolutely wished you the best of luck and hope you get in

23rd May 2011, 01:17
Dies anyone know if qantas domestic is recruiting at the moment?


23rd May 2011, 02:28
No - I've heard could be June/July for what it's worth

27th May 2011, 06:05
And I've heard not til December or early next year. Who knows what to believe - so many rumours are always going round about when they're recruiting

18th Jun 2011, 17:31
I don't know about any of the other bases, but I went through interviews for Perth base in September, put on recruitment hold in January and last week they emailed saying they still don't have any full time positions but they are opening opportunities for casual cabin crew through MAM in Perth, Adelaide and Melbourne. Also it was in the news recently that theyre offering redundancy packages for 350 cc so it doesn't seem to be looking good at the moment.

29th Jul 2011, 02:53
Anyone going to the MAM interviews for QF casual this month? I have an interview on the 8th.
Casual isn't my first preference, but I take it QF aren't particularly taking permanent staff at the moment.
I'd love to hear from anyone who could tell me the hours that are given to MAM casuals especially, but also the pay received (I assume it's not too different from Jetstar casual through Altara?).
Thanks in advance :)

30th Jul 2011, 14:07
I too have a MAM interview but on the 15th and would love to know the typical hours/conditions and any other juicy gossip ppruners would like to share.

31st Jul 2011, 00:31
MAM interview on the 4th in Adelaide. Same as the last 2 posts-Anyone know, as a guide what type of hours it would be and what the pay is like, also any handy hints for the interview. Have tried to get in full time with SH and LH full time before but had no luck

QF skywalker
31st Jul 2011, 02:52
MAM casuals are the future Qantas Domestic ( QD ) crew. As QF are offering redundancy at the moment they can't offer full-time cabin crew positions but can get away with it via a labour hire company i.e - MAM casuals.

Once the recruitment freeze is over you will be converted to QD when they need they need more full-time crew ( as seen in the past ). The future of QF is in domestic so this is the place to be as the international network is only getting smaller ( wait for 24 aug announcement re intl network).

ADL base has not had mam casuals before, so typical rosters and pay for that base are unknown.

Most new casuals in the past have been hired as ' Contract C ' , if you can find the conditions for that then you are on the right track for finding out work hours/rules etc. Mam casuals don't receive staff travel, but now receive two staff travel trips a year. The hourly rate is quite high and you get minimum guaranteed hours per month so you will make good money.

Mam casual with QF is nothing like being an Altara JQ casual.

Hope this info helps a little.

Good Luck.

31st Jul 2011, 06:50
Thank you so much QF Skywalker,
I was offered Altara/Jetstar this week, and the conditions certainly aren't fabulous, so things like minimum hours for a start would be fabulous.
I was unsure about whether I'd still go to MAM, but if it is different to Altara, I'll definitely go to see what they say :)

31st Jul 2011, 12:42
Thanks QFSkywalker
Found the EBA that expired a few years ago. Looks as though the pay is pretty good:) (considering I dont have anything similar to compare it to).

Does anyone know?
Does QF pay a layover allowance? I know Virgin pays like $108 a night, but I cant find anything for Qantas.
Do MAM casuals get any SH OS flights: SIN, BK, HK etc, or are those flights only given to FT CC?
With the AD, is it a mix of QF and MAM staff that conduct it? Any advice/tips for the day/
Is GS conducted in melb, is it around 6weeks?
Is it 737/A330 AC that the casuals operate on?

Sorry for all the questions guys, just trying to get as much information as possible.


High Class Queen
31st Jul 2011, 13:27
Hi Everyone,

Am a current casual. The MAM casuals support the Qantas Airways short haul flexible working arrangements by that the full timers can dump work and it is picked up by the casuals. The casuals also cover alot of sick leave and hence do reserve. This can work both ways but usually I get good trips off reserve as you can cover almost anything and even cover other bases. Don't assume that you will automatically get full time if you are employed as a casual. My advice is apply if you are prepared to be casual-by that I mean this can have alot of benefits in terms of flexibility etc. depending what contract you are on picking and choosing your days. There is plenty of flying around and most casuals are getting plenty of work. Contract C offers the pay guarantee- min 80 hours a month even if the work situation sours however in the 5 years I have been flying this has never been the case- the minimum I have done is 110 hours a month. Hourly rate is very good with DTA it is 35 dollars an hour and if you do an overnight allowances are calculated at $5 per hour for every hour you are away from home base ie you sign on @ 0500 monday, signoff 2200 tuesday- your DTA for that trip will be (41hrs *$5) $205. So to answer the question of overnight allowances it is dependant on what sort of trip you do as each trip is unique.

In regards to staff travel- yes we get some- two trips a year on QF flights only so its not much but its a start and we only got it this year.

All I can say is if you apply and get in- work hard, don't whinge and be prepared to be casual if thats what you want. If you want full time apply else where. Don't mean to be blunt here but there is nothing worse than a newie coming along then having a whinge when they knew what they were getting themselves into.

31st Jul 2011, 13:31
Is that 80 FLYING hours a month, or 80 DUTY hours a month?

31st Jul 2011, 23:30
Thank you High Class Queen,
With the VRs being offered, it's hard not to worry that there's a surplus of crew and that there will be no work available, so glad to hear otherwise :)

Also, are you paid for GS?

High Class Queen
1st Aug 2011, 03:16
The 80 hours is duty hours. Basically you are paid from sign on to sign off at QF- a good thing as some airlines only pay you for flying hours, not for sitting around etc waiting for flights that are delayed. And yes you are paid to do groundschool its about $500 a week from memory.

1st Aug 2011, 09:05
Hmmm I'm confused. I do about 140 duty hours at the moment elsewhere. Qantas casuals is offering only 80 guarenteed duty hours a month, yet the ad said you'd be working as many as 20 days a month??

80 seems very low.

1st Aug 2011, 13:29
Is that job full time? You do know these qantas jobs going are only casual right? On the 'contract C' its 20 days, but the minimum hours is like 4 per duty, so im guessing thats how they calculate the minimum hours as 80. Why would you want to leave a job thats giving you 140 hours?

1st Aug 2011, 15:46
Just to make it clear to everyone that 80 hours is the minimum they can give you. for example 80 hours is about $500 a week. plus meal break dta overtime etc. so if you get less than 80 hours youll still get payed for 80 hours. However youll usually project 110-130 hours in a month for work so never have to worry. everything is covered in training and that will go under the training allowance. no bond or anything like that. just think of it being a full time job really except you dont get sickleave and annual leave pay. does that make sense?

p.s as for the hours youll be making good money more or so the same as full time if not even more.

2nd Aug 2011, 08:25
Danfromaus - because the job I have right now is ****house. Sure it's 140 hours a month but the pay is woeful, the conditions are worse and the company is being run into the ground and the crew morale is very low because of all this. The sooner I get out of there the better. Hence why I am looking at MAM.

I work 20 days a month right now so I geuss as long as I still got 20 days a month, like is stated in the ad, that'd be fine, especially as you're likely to get 110-130 hours at the end of it all anyways like wigglewash said. And being casual I guess it leaves the opportunity to get a second job perhaps as well if I could work out my months enough.

Princess Noddy
5th Aug 2011, 08:01
Can any one tell me if QF, ADL based MAM casuals crew international flights or only domestic? Thank you;)

5th Aug 2011, 08:48
So made it through to the panel interview-which went well (I think). Anyone know as a guide how many overnights the casuls get?

When I asked them, I was told that its mainly domestic but there are some tasman flights.

6th Aug 2011, 00:54
I think the tasman flights operated by short haul are now just the Queenstown service and the occassional substitute for Jetconnect services. The A330 SYD-AKL-LAX-JFK is Long Haul.

Short Haul crew fly the 737 to Noumea (turn around) and from time to time can have Asian trips if Long Haul can't fill them - I know Jakarta went Short Haul for a while earlier in the year.

6th Aug 2011, 07:11
I have a friend who's fulltime QF SH. She's been there 6 months or so and has done overnights in DRW and SIN that I'm aware of, but she doesn't seem to spend too many nights away from home

16th Aug 2011, 06:44
I think the current state of business for QF will only encourage more casual CC. Staff who they can use as is required according to how busy they are

17th Aug 2011, 00:59
Has anyone heard anything from MAM yet? Regarding QF casual cabin crew?

17th Aug 2011, 01:03
Jay, I went last Mon in Melb and haven't heard anything yet. One of my references has been called.
Have you been to an interview or still waiting?

17th Aug 2011, 04:13
I went to the interview/recruitment day last tuesday (09/08) in melb and i know my references were checked but im still waiting to find out if i've progressed...

17th Aug 2011, 04:57
ADL base is getting the highest satisfation rating from our FF :p We're getting some pretty good flying, but thats as QD not MAM. Hope to see some of you soon, ADL seriously is the best base. Both amazing CSM's and CC, we're like a giant family. x

17th Aug 2011, 07:30
Is that because Adelaide cc are happy to have jobs in Adelaide that isn't with Rex or AirSouth? - ps Lincoln is a friend of mine, he does love it :)

22nd Aug 2011, 00:17

Ive been progressed to medical and security clearances, which costs like $350 for both. Has anyone passed these and then been rejected at the final review?


24th Aug 2011, 09:54

Just wondering if anyone else has progressed through to the next stage..? I've had my references checked as well but just waiting on the news now..

24th Aug 2011, 14:11

I've been progressed to the medical and security clearances, have many others heard back yet?

Also, how long does it take to hear back after the clearances? :)

25th Aug 2011, 06:35
Qantas are now recruiting for their domestic Sydney base (via MAM). I'm compiling my application and resume now. Good luck everyone!

31st Aug 2011, 01:02
Qantas is having an assessment day 21st september for Melbourne base!
Is anyone here coming?
Im really anxious, i have done my online surveys and what not and it was easy, organising my passport and an appropriate outfit for the day, touching up y resume' too!
Does anyone, can anyone, please tell me what to expect on the day. what i should know etc.
Appreciate the help!!!
thanks in advance!!

31st Aug 2011, 01:23
I'll be there on the 21st :)

Doing my passport application now, shame my last one was a childs passport so I have to do the full application again.

Getting nervous too, would love to hear more about the recruitent day.

Guess I'll see you there ;D

31st Aug 2011, 01:37
[Text speak]

Read the first sticky thread at the top of the forum.

31st Aug 2011, 03:38
I'm still tweaking my application form/resume before I apply... Does anyone have news as to when the MAM applications close (I'm in Sydney)?

31st Aug 2011, 03:56
im doing the melbourne Assessment day and I applied with a pretty rough resume and didnt bother uploading a photo yet, the day after i applied i got invited to the assessment day but dont stress on the photo part. Ill be taking everything and more to the assessment day to wow them hehehe!

31st Aug 2011, 04:21
Oh awesome, good luck with it! I'm such a perfectionist so I haven't sent it off yet as I wanted it to be perfect, with a proper professional business attire photo etc. Do you have any experience in the aviation or customer service industry?

I only live about 10 minutes from the city, but it's in the complete opposite direction to where the airport is (which means it'll be terribly difficult and expensive to get to and from the airport, especially afterhours), so I've spent the day looking at rental properties next to the airport... Probably getting way ahead of myself here haha, but I want this so bad!

31st Aug 2011, 06:40
Have you completed your medical and submitted your security clearance yet?

Do you know how long it takes after these have been completed?

31st Aug 2011, 07:55
So Im starting GS on the 12th September-Who else will be there??

1st Sep 2011, 02:43

Are you close to a train line? A lot of crew use the airport train to and from the airport and some of them live a lot further out of the city (some even near the central coast) and they fly with MAM so I wouldnt stress too much about moving.

1st Sep 2011, 03:35
Yeah, just applied! (Sydney based) :)
Can't wait to hear from them.

Jecui: stop looking at apartments - get your pic taken! ;)

Does anyone know when the next assessment day in Sydney might come up?

Also, any info about timelines, e.g. how long it usually takes between applications to assessment to ref check to ground school etc etc would be appreciated. Hear-say and rumors too! :)

Thank you guys.

1st Sep 2011, 05:45
GalleyHag - Not too close to a train station (about a 30 min walk), but a 7-10 min bus into the city centre where I can get a train. I was just worried that if I had an early start or late finish, it would be near impossible to commute because of the lack of transport services at those times. The earliest I'd be able to get to the airport would be about 5:15 and I wasn't sure that'd be early enough if I got a very early flight? Considering the price of the airport train it'd probably be better financially for me to move to Mascot as well. There are some nice places around there and it would be super convenient.

SydFly - good luck with your application! I'm not sure on the time of the recruitment process through to training etc, but I'm not expecting it to be particularly quick from what I've read? I've read a few forums where people had interviews in August and started ground school in January, and others have had much longer waits. I guess it would depend though :) Have you worked for an airline before? Wanted to take my pic yesterday but my boss was around and probably would have wondered why I was taking photos of myself against the wall ;) All taken today though! Very excited now!

1st Sep 2011, 09:04

So based on my own experience, heres my timeline:
04.08-Assesment day
08.08-Reference checks
19.08-Medical and security email
29.08-Offered Ground School for 12.09

Pretty quick for me, but based on what ive read, some people wait months or sometimes more than a year. I think they have a few ground schools left-1 in september and i think 2 in october. Based on the amount of assesment days theyve already had, Id take a guess and say if successful youd be looking at early next year.
I wouldnt spend too much time on my application! I spent a whole of like 15mins. Its more about how you present yourself at the actual assesment day and how you communicate with others.

2nd Sep 2011, 05:57

i was invited to these assesment days in sydney via MAM
05-Sep-2011 08:30 AM- Sydney 06-Sep-2011 08:30 AM- Sydney

2nd Sep 2011, 07:30
Monday and Tuesday next week? I applied earlier today, hope I didn't leave it too late to be considered for those dates!

2nd Sep 2011, 15:51
I had my MAM interview in ADL on the 1/09. They checked my references at 9am the next morning!!! Was very excited. Both my references gave glowing feedback so I am pretty excited with that. Fingers crossed that I get an email next week to progress further!!!
Does anyone else have any advice? Did anybody get good references and then not make it?? Anyones reponse would be appreciated

YAY :)

3rd Sep 2011, 01:55
FYI to all people currently undergoing the MAM recruitment process.

I was once employed my MAM as a Casual Flight Attendant going back some years and flew for Qantas.

For the last 15 yrs I have been in the airline industry and currently work for another airline based in Australia.

I understand how MAM operate directly with Qantas to satisfy their requirements at any given time.

I am writing this post as I have information that you will want to know but will not be told by either MAM or Qantas. It makes me angry that MAM are still up to their old tricks, jumping through hoops for Qantas and not taking into consideration the long term effects their actions will have on new Cabin Crew recruits.. It makes me sick.

Let's just say that this info comes directly from the Qantas side...

Qantas are currently predicting a shortfall of crew due to some minor crew movements, ie.. redundancy, base transfers and only minor growth. Over the last 5 years Qantas established QCCA (Long Haul reduced cost crew), and QCCD (Short Haul low cost crew) to compete with other airlines, and cut cost from their worldwide operation as a whole.

As previously mentioned Qantas are undertaking various actions to cull crew who have been around a long time. The crew targeted are quite literally earning a small fortune, some CSM’s are earning as much as First Officers. This is occurring by means of a small number of crew redundancy and forced leave. Whilst they are undertaking these processes they are legally unable to recruit or offer new jobs on their mainline operation, hence they call on MAM to do this for them.

Qantas once utilised MAM quite extensively in the past, and with the creation of QCCA and QCCD over the past years, MAM was slowly being phased out as the casual staff MAM provided were now more expensive than QCCA & QCCD. The current short fall of crew due to redundancy is not enough to warrant a recruitment drive of full time crew, and forced leave is only a temporary shortage.

This is where the flexibility of casual crew comes in. Be very aware that after things have settled down at QF mainline operations there may not be a need for the extra crew accumulated through the current MAM drive. If you have been hired by MAM you will not get the conditions of your contract until you have completed your 7 week training course, which for most people to get to that point will mean quitting their current job, and possible relocation and hugely reduced wages during that period. I know the conditions of the contract very well, and you will need to read it very clearly, especially the part about termination. In brief the clause regarding termination more or less says that you may be terminated if the client airline does not have sufficient flying or are experiencing surplus crew. This is exactly what is forecast with Qantas for next year. I am also told by a recent MAM interview attendee that QF/MAM are telling attendees that there is Career Progression at MAM. I can tell you right now this is a flat out lie. There never has been, and never will be career progression at MAM. The only way to progress from MAM is to either leave or wait around for years and one day Qantas may open 5 or so positions in each base for QCCA or QCCD. I experienced this and I can tell you almost every MAM Casual applied for these 5 positions.. Good luck!

If you think it is weird, and a waste of time/money for QF to train you for a short period of time you are wrong. In 2004 QF trained many crew to a minimum requirement to prepare for Crew industrial action. They were trained at the Sydney Jet Base after hours and shuttled around in busses with blackened windows, so current crew would not catch on with what was occurring. They were issued cheap King Gee work uniforms, much different from the Morissey uniforms full time crew were waring, and then leading up to, during and after the planned industrial action these crew were on constant reserve. I believe some of them flew on one or two flights then the whole lot of them were dumped. It was appalling and very degrading for these new recruits with stars in their eyes. This story was in the media at the time but Qantas still got away with it. Now they use MAM to do their dirty work..

Why am I telling you this? Because I have been screwed over by QF on several occasions, without regard to how much effort, dedication & sacrifice you put in. Sacrifices I have made for QF have been financial, personal and to my previous and future career. I am still trying to catch up to this day. I don't want this to happen to the young fresh people they prey on - YOU. I want you to beware and be aware that this may happen to you.

If you have never dealt with MAM before I have no doubt that you will not have any of their contact details. So if you have questions you want answered contact them yourself and don’t rely on information spread on this thread from people who have no idea what they are talking about!

Here are the details to contact MAM:

03 9326 0774

[email protected] ([email protected])

MAM staff: Wei, Swan & Maurice Alexander

3rd Sep 2011, 03:59
Thanks to everyone for their great feedback! Yep - got invited for coming week Monday or Tuesday too! :) I'm impressed how fast that went. Fingers crossed now. And good luck to everyone attending or applying!

3rd Sep 2011, 05:26
Well done highflyer! I have my interview coming up in Sydney. Can you shed any light on what questions they asked you in the final interview?

5th Sep 2011, 00:23
"Please note that as more recruitment dates become available they will be published on this website. Once a session is fully booked, it will no longer be visible on this site."

Got the email but obviously couldn't register for the Sydney day for this morning as it started after I received the registration email. Does the above mean there may be more Sydney days coming up? I would definitely fly to another assessment day in a different state, but are those exclusively for people who will be working out of those bases? Any help appreciated, I really want this!

5th Sep 2011, 02:34
I have heard that Qantas will now only recruit through MAM for cabin crew.

Then as crew are required for QCCA or QD positions, the MAM crew will be invited to apply and transfer over. If this is true, it is good that the MAM crew will have something to work towards.

just in case any confusion was caused by terradactyl's post....
'QD' (not 'QCCD') refers to "Qantas Domestic ltd"

5th Sep 2011, 02:49
Hey Flitegirl,

so there is now no career progression for JQ CC, the only way is thru MAM?:confused:


5th Sep 2011, 03:29
I'm interviewing with MAM tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to it. Thanks for the advice on MAM and how Qantas has been dodgy in the past - it's always good to know so you can be fully prepared. In 6 months we mightn't be getting any shifts - but at least someone stood up and said this is a possibility.

I'm so excited about tomorrow! Who else is going to the Tuesday recruitment day for MAM in Syd?

5th Sep 2011, 10:26
So Im starting GS on the 12th September-Who else will be there??

Hey dan, when did you find out about GS, how long did it take after you completed medicals and the security clearance?

6th Sep 2011, 14:43
Sent off my passport application, filled out the security check form - do i have to send them anywhere, or take them with me to the assessment day? I am a bit unsure!
Getting a bit on edge, how is everyone else??? It's like a judging contest if you think about it :)
Also goodluck to everyone, let us know how you go. Reading the above comment about Qantas, it will be interesting to see what happens!
all the best.

7th Sep 2011, 07:26
Andymelb & J.KA did you hear back from MAM yet?

Let me know, I'm waiting for my references to be checked from the Syd recruitment day this week and would like to know how you went.

7th Sep 2011, 19:32
Hey Benneh,
I had my interview on the 8th of august, got the email from MAM on the 19th saying I'd passed the interviews, did my medical on the 25th but still waiting to hear back. So it's been quite a lengthy process but fingers crossed :)

9th Sep 2011, 06:51
I joined this forum for one reason. To post this letter to finally say goodby to flying with Qantas. I wrote it for all those planning to go to MAM. Its very sad to see the conditions erode for Flight Attendants with every EBA. But as long as 30,000 people per year keep applying the airlines have no reason to make conditions any better. Anyway this is my bit and I hope it helps some of you out who wondering what its like to work as a mam.

So you want to be a flight Attendant for Qantas!

The following is my perspective of what it is like to be a Domestic flight attendant flying for Maurice Alexander Management (MAM) for the client company Qantas.
Many Qantas travellers would be unaware that a good proportion of the Domestic flight attendants working for the flying Kangaroo aren’t in fact Qantas employees.
They were recruited by and hired under contractual basis for MAM employment for Qantas airways. The writer is one of these contractors and now that I have chosen to take up employment with another airline I would like to share my experience of what it has been like for the last 5 years.
I do this because at present Qantas is going through a round of Volunteer Redundancies whilst at the same time hiring hundreds of Casual flight attendants. Let’s call it the out with the old and too expensive and in with the new and cheap strategy.
So what’s it like to be a MAM flight attendant?
Essentially your job description is exactly the same as a full time employee. (Full time being the original full time agreement and not Qantas Domestic. )
You will start and finish at the same time. You will work together alongside the full time employees. Your working conditions with regards to maximum working hours and minimum rests are governed identically. To the general public you couldn’t tell a casual from a full timer. They do exactly the same job.
So what’s the difference I hear you ask? The first thing to point out is that you don’t actually work for Qantas. This means that after a certain period of time of working you will not be offered a full time position. I have been working alongside fellow casuals that have been casual for over 8 years. Eight years and no opportunity for career progression. How do you think they will feel when they hit 10 years and don’t get any form of congratulatory mention let alone long service leave? It’s humiliating and depressing for the worker involved. Feel like a number? Well as a casual you are!
As mentioned MAM are currently seeking casual flight attendants for Qantas. The ad states the following:
What we can offer
As an employee of MAM Aviation we can offer you:
· A career representing an iconic Australian brand – Qantas Airways
· A dynamic environment with a fantastic team
· A flexible working environment & travel benefits

Let’s break these bullet points up.

· A career representing an iconic Australian brand – Qantas Airways
Sure there is no arguing that Qantas is an iconic Australian brand. How long it will be Australian for is arguable. Most astonishing is that word “career”. For those of you who are thinking of taking up one of these positions let me assure you of one thing. Being a mam casual is NOT a career. Who are they kidding? Call me crazy but I would assume a career would be permanent with at least 4-6 weeks paid holidays each year. In my last 5 years I have had one holiday and I’m by no means unique. These days for someone to go even 4 weeks without pay is as absurd as a leprechaun running an airline. Catching what I’m pitching?
To me a career indicates opportunity to progress. With a career it should be easy to obtain a home loan. You should feel that what you are doing is at your best interest long term and that your making a difference. Out of the 16 crew I initially trained with there is only 1 left. This person has indicated that they will also be moving on in the near future. So I ask. How can anyone have a career with that level of turnover?
· A dynamic environment with a fantastic team
To throw a positive light on this job it is that you will work with some amazing people. Every now and again you come across some tossers who make the job more difficult than it needs be. The beauty of course is that unlike an office you’re not stuck with that person on a day to day basis. If you’re the type of person who gets a kick out of putting a smile on some ones face or simply knowing that you’ve just made someone’s day. You will love this part of the job!
As a casual it is wise to learn to switch off to certain galley talk. Unknowingly full timers will talk about things that will just make you want to be at the other end of the aircraft. These are usually the benefits they are getting that you are not entitled to. Most notably these are: holidays, bonuses, staff travel, penalty rates, IPDs days where they have been called out on a day off and make big $$, and bidding. I also try to switch off when its group certificate time and salaries are discussed. This is because as a casual you will make allot less than a full timer.

· A flexible working environment & travel benefits
This could be the biggest joke of all. If you like being at work and whilst not at work you enjoy staying at home this is the job for you. As a casual you will on the last day of each month get a roster consisting of 20 duties. You will have no input into which duties you do nor the days you work apart from the 3 days you can request for each month. These 3 days must be consecutive. A term you will learn to hate is AV SPAN. An AV SPAN is a day where you are on call at home for a period of 12 hours but only get paid for 4. These days they make up around 80-90 percent of your roster. You may think oh that’s not so bad for doing nothing. Trust me you will soon change your tune. AV SPAN is like being on home detention. You’re basically waiting to receive a shift a full timer has called in sick for. These are usually two leg short days that don’t pay well and are the busiest. As a casual you will need to get used to doing the undesirable flying. Expect to do the afternoon SYD or MEL return mostly and if you do get an overnight it will be PER doing the red eye home. Speaking for BNE base. Other basis will vary.
So here is the kicker and it happens allot! A common AV SPAN is from 03:00 to 15:00. Crewing can call you from 01:00 till 13:00. So when crewing calls you at 13:00 you are legal to do a 9 hour shift. If that shift starts at 15:00 you could finish at midnight.
This happens all the time and whist the pay is good you soon get tired of being available to the company for over 20 hours. No wonder they are hiring more casuals. What a bargain!
I don’t know if it’s worth mentioning but you should expect to work every birthday, Easter, Christmas and new years. If you do get one of these days off make sure you buy a lotto ticket also.
And now for travel benefits. After all your a flight attendant. All flight attendants get great travel benefits don t they? WRONG
Up until last year we received zero travel benefits. It took voting one EBA down to get a form of staff travel that is more pathetic than a metro Shane Warne. Staff travel consists of two concessional tickets for you and one nominated partner per year. Concession is only available on Qantas flights excluding Jet Star, Qantas Link and code share flights.
And here is what you have to do:

4. Access to the Rebate Travel Benefit
4.1 You must complete a Rebate travel application (on a MAM Travel Form) and either fax it to the MAM office on 03 9370 9063 or email it to [email protected].
4.2 Payment for rebate travel tickets must be by credit card. A fuel levy component cost may be added to the cost of all (Domestic and International) rebate travel tickets issued. This fuel levy cost may be changed at any time without notice. Should the travel not take place a credit will be made to the card originally used to book the ticket.
If your credit payment is declined your entitlement to rebate travel will be withdrawn for a period of three months.
4.3 MAM office will fax your application document to Sydney Qantas staff travel office.
4.4 Qantas staff-travel office will email a return reference Number for domestic and/or international e-ticket to the employee directly.
4.5 Applications for travel must be submitted in accordance with;
(a) For Domestic travel:
(i) 7 days notice is required.
(ii) An e-ticket will be issued to the employee.
(b) For International travel:
(i) 10 days notice is required.
(ii) An e-ticket will be issued to the employee.
4.6 Qantas Staff Travel Office is open to assist you with your travel enquiries from:
 Monday to Friday – 0830 — 1645 hours
 Weekends and Public Holidays 0800 — 1600 (for same day or next day travel ONLY)
 Contact telephone number 03 9658 5920
Note: Charges apply for some services such as fare quotes or requests for replacement documents. Please seek advice regarding current charges from MAM Administration.
Got all that!
....and by which time the flights you have been looking for have been filled up!
But don’t worry because if you’re smart you realize that with your priority being so low (75) you won’t bother with it to start with. You’d have a better chance getting on the next NASA flight to the moon.
So there you have it. Make of it what you will and I hope my ranting will give someone out there a better idea of what they’re getting into. I understand that companies need to make money. But at the risk of pissing off all your staff so they can award themselves bigger bonuses. I don’t think so. If that’s the spirit of Australia I’ll stick to beer thanks!

9th Sep 2011, 09:57
While I understand that some have poor experiences and feelings towards airlines, the fact is, everything is explained to you before you're employed. You know the conditions. With a tiny bit of research, anyone can see that QF is no longer recruiting full time, offering redundancies almost yearly & that your chances of transfer to full time are non existent.

As far as I'm concerned, if you take on a casual role & expect more, that's your naivety.

When it comes down to it, QF is a business & they're not in a good way at the moment. They're doing what they need to to ensure that they don't go under like so so many Australian airlines have.

10th Sep 2011, 01:53
An excellent representation of how it really is. Even though mostly negative it is important that crew wannabes get information like this. I experienced the same issues from Sydney base and I was one of very many casuals that felt that way.

I don't know of any casuals from my training school that are still there. I don't catch up with many of my old MAM friends anymore, purely because I can't handle the constant whinging about their jobs...

well said casualnomore

10th Sep 2011, 10:34
Hey Guys,

Anyone that past the panel heard anything yet?

PM me if you attended, I'd love to hear how everyone is going with the process.


11th Sep 2011, 00:09
I made it to the panel in Sydney on the 6th but no news yet....

13th Sep 2011, 07:11

Your post is quite accurate, HOWEVER you fail to mention that many hundreds of MAM casual crew have in fact been offered permanent position going back some 7-8 years. From memory the first MAM casuals offered permanent positions were into the short haul base in Perth employed under the old short haul EBA directly employed by Qantas. Some of those crew are now Customer Service Managers (CSM) and most were transferred back to the east coast within 1-2 years.

Many hundreds of MAM crew are now employed by QF Cabin Crew Australia (QCCA) flying in the international division most on the A380 and many of them Customer Service Supervisors (CSS) and Customer Service Managers (CSM) and Business First Flight Attendants (BFA).

You also fail to mention that many are now employed by Qantas Domestic in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth and again some as CSM.

Qantas is currently not recruiting that doesnt mean that crew are not required in the domestic division and MAM and casuals have been used for many years and when permanent recruitment opens again MAM are the first considered and offered the opportunity to apply (it may seem harsh but yes you need to apply).

Did you ever sit back and wonder casualnomore why you after all your years of service were not offered a permanent position?

13th Sep 2011, 08:23
galleyhag i take it from your last sentance your inferring I am not good at my job? Perhaps a sh#% stirrer....

I can assure you neither are true. Truth is QD or QCCA has never been offered in BNE and with a family I had no inclination to move interstate.

Secondly even if it was offered I am positive I wouldn t move accross to QCD or QCCA as the only benefit is holidays and staff travel. On the downside are long hours away from home.

You failed to mention that QD has a turn over just as high as MAM casuals. The crew are working very long hours with no flexibility. QD sick days are off the richter scale.

Qantas spent allot of time and money setting up QD and are now ditching it for hiring multiple schools of casuals. WHY? Cause QD isn t working?

I think it could work but it would require a form of rotational bidding system accros the board.

Galleyhag my point was to paint a picture of what to expect. Nothing more nothing less.

Its obvious with your amount of posts that you live and breathe flying.

Good on ya darl!

13th Sep 2011, 13:12
Your original post stated " This means that after a certain period of time of working you will not be offered a full time position. I have been working alongside fellow casuals that have been casual for over 8 years. Eight years and no opportunity for career progression."

The point I was making is that statement is blatantly untrue, permanent positions have been offered if you choose not to take them up due to your location that choice is yours it is not the fault of Qantas. Many Brisbane based MAM casuals commute that choice is yours and yours only.

As for the hours maybe that is your perception but if crew choose to accept permanent positions they are aware of the hours. QCCA crew can work up to 240 hours over an 8 week period, I think QD is something like 150 per month to normal people they are not long hours. It is true the hours are more than Qantas mainline crew and the pay less that is just the reality of having a flying career now. Do I agree no, but they are the facts.

I think you would be very surprised to hear the attrition rate at QCCA is quite low, they have the flexibility to bid for days off and if you ask any Brisbane QCCA commuters the trip swap system gives them great flexibility to manage their flying and reduce their hours if they so choose.

This point makes me wonder if you even do work for MAM as a Qantas Flight Attendant as you would know that QCCA is quite successful for the business. They are not ditching it and they are not hiring casual cabin crew for the international division which QCCA crew operate. Furthermore there is no such company as QCD its actually called QD as in Qantas Domestic and I am surprised you are not aware of this (maybe it was typo on your part).

Exactly you painted the picture and so did I, I filled in the gaps you choose to leave out. The fact is and you should know this better than anyone that flying changes, crewing requirements change, the business strategy changes, casual crew have always been used and will continue to be used that doesnt mean that permanent positions will not be offered in the future.

14th Sep 2011, 02:44
Thanks for the heads up re - MAM!!
Had an assessment day tomorrow in Perth & I was a bit uncertain :confused: but after reading about what to expect - it has helped me make my decision = don't go!!
cheers hey :ok:

14th Sep 2011, 03:31
I had a phone call from MAM today to get more information for my references. Apparently they are going to call them today. Anyone else heard anything from the Sydney recruitment day on the 6th??

15th Sep 2011, 20:32
Dear Wannabes

As an interested reader, I feel compelled to share my thoughts & observations.

I understand that maturity & life experience are selection criteria for the role of FA. Therefore I find it incredible that posters here continually display such naivety & inexperience with regard to recruitment & the role of labour hire companies.

Don’t expect a response (yes or no) from any recruiter; especially not in any time frame they give. This does not happen in the real world so don’t expect it here. If they want you, they will contact you & you will be pleasantly surprised.

Don’t expect that your “sacrifice” & out of pocket expenses to participate in the recruitment will have any impact/bearing on the outcome/selection. They have thousands of people to choose from, they will choose the candidates they want & you don’t know what type that is. Just do your best & hope but don’t expect.

Understand what labour hire companies do & what being a contractor (that is what you would be to the client company) means. Yes, you will be expected to do the same work & for intents & purposes be indistinguishable from employees of the client company (in this case Qantas) to their customers. However you are not an employee of that client company. Contractors are not entitled to annual leave, sick leave, etc. You are compensated for this in your hourly rate & so will have to fund this type of leave out of your regular pay. Don’t become a contractor if you expect any favours/special treatment from the client company. Just be pleasantly surprised if it does happen.

Read & understand any contract you sign. If you don’t get advice from someone who does, don’t take what you hear from a recruiter as the literal truth – it may be but probably won’t be.

Please everyone; do not enter this process with your rose-coloured glasses on. If you do, you will gain some valuable life experience but potentially at a huge cost to yourself.

All the best


16th Sep 2011, 04:55
anyone at the 8th september interviews in brisbane heard anything yet ?

19th Sep 2011, 03:10
Can anyone please shed some light on the questions they ask you at assessment day?

For those currently working for MAM, how many flying hours are you doing at the moment?

Good luck to everyone with their applications... I hope to be working with some of you soon!!

21st Sep 2011, 05:15
So I have a recruitment day in Adelaide this Friday with MAM.. goes from 8:30am - 5pm. I'm getting a little nervous as I have never been to anything like this in my life! No idea what to expect :confused:

It says to bring a photo of yourself in professional business attire - does this photo have to be special and fancy or can it just be taken at home?

How many others come along to the recruitment day?

Is there any general advice anyone can give me?
