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9th Dec 2008, 18:26
Does anyone where I can find the fuel burn Tupolev Tu-154M?

9th Dec 2008, 18:30
Yeah I'd like to know how many sacks of coal they burn as hour as well!

9th Dec 2008, 18:44
The average fuel burn of Tu-154M is 5.5 tons/hour.

9th Dec 2008, 18:57
Ouch! :ouch:

That's against the 320/321 burn of about 2-2.2 tonnes an hour!

Gotta love the Tupolev Ground Grippers!

10th Dec 2008, 07:02
Yeah, but its bloody quick, and looks far cooler than an airbus :ok:

10th Dec 2008, 13:32
So how fast are they?
I've heard stories ....

10th Dec 2008, 13:42
The burn should be compared to B727 not to A310/320. Different generation. Tops B727, not by much, but is also bigger and faster. I heard stories of .92-.95. I don't how much truth in that. However B727 can reach .88

10th Dec 2008, 13:49
Quick search shows Max cruise speed 527KTS
Econ Speed 486KTS

Not bad for a late 60's east block 727 I guess....
That will give the 747 boys something to think about!

10th Dec 2008, 17:04
A cute feature of Tu-154 is 12 main wheels. B727 has just 4, and they are very heavily loaded (737 and 320 are lighter, while the bigger planes have 8 or more wheels).

11th Dec 2008, 00:03
Quick search shows Max cruise speed 527KTS
Econ Speed 486KTS

Not bad for a late 60's east block 727 I guess....
That will give the 747 boys something to think about!

I've thought about it, and that's about the same speed as a 747.

11th Dec 2008, 11:31
Yep, but the Bulgarian ones I've seen whizzing around seem to do that kind of speed at 3000'!

Well, maybe a slight exageration, but they went past us doing 290kts at a good rate!

13th Dec 2008, 22:19
I love walking on the ramp to customs and watching a TU-134/154 depart. It sounds like an F-4. Yet when we arrive, we have to brief that we are only permitted to use idle-reverse for noise considerations (unless safety dictates otherwise).

14th Dec 2008, 14:03
But if we compare to Tu-204 or Tu-214 (bigger), how much does they burns?

14th Dec 2008, 14:56
I imagine that the RB211-powered 204 burns something similar to an RB211-powered 757.

14th Dec 2008, 17:19
Yes, I think it will be something like the 757. But the most intresting is the PS-90 version:)

14th Dec 2008, 20:17
Well, according to Aviadvigatel's website, sound like PS-90 burns roughly 1800kg/hr at cruise or around 4000lb/hr.

Авиационный турбореактивный двигатель ПС-90А (http://www.avid.ru/products/civil/pc-90a/)

15th Dec 2008, 17:24
That is for per engine?

15th Dec 2008, 17:42
Of course these numbers are per engines!!!!
If they were not i guess Tupolev may have made a succes in airplane building
wich is quite surpricing :E

16th Dec 2008, 19:20
...Per engine?

Yes, per engine, per hour.

18th Dec 2008, 14:34
Used to fly Tupolev154
En cruise she goes at M0.82
MAX TU154M M0.85
TU154B 0.88(older version guzzling 6 tons/hour)
TU 204 with PS-90 engines roughly 3.5 t/h, but it's quite slow M.72-78
TU154M is a nice and very reliable aicraft. Onboad flight control computer (enhancing hydromechanical flight control ) is from some rocket.
But it's very easy to do a hard landing - without engine power it nicely goes down! Whet it's hot and high we used to add some RPM (up to climb power :}when it's heavy) during flare, and then set idle.

19th Dec 2008, 09:34
Здравия желаю, Ежик В Тумане!