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View Full Version : Accident Report Translation

4th Dec 2008, 17:41
Fellow professionals....

I was wondering if anyone has a copy of the following accident report in English, so far I can only find a copy in German on the BFU website. (The website appears to have a limited number of reports in English).

Failing that, is there an easy way of translating a PDF file...I was never much good at learning languages!

The report in question is an accident to a calibration Kingair 300. The registration was D-CFMC and the accident occured on 24th Oct 2000.
The report can be found at:


Any help would be much appreciated.


4th Dec 2008, 18:20

a really tragic case, have just read through it superficially.

Have you asked the BFU if they have it in English?
Their contact details are on the first page.

They will doubtless want too know why you want it, any litigation involved, etc.

Good luck!


Romeo India Xray
4th Dec 2008, 20:06
If they are anything like the UK AIIB then they will be only too pleased to help. I contacted the AAIB a few days ago to see if they had some support materials for a case I want to use for an instructor seminar I will be running shortly. They came back to me not only with the information I requested, but also with a search of similar cases that I may like to use.

My thanks have to go out to Emma and the team at the AAIB for all the help. I hope the instructors will take heed at the seminar!!!!


Brian Abraham
4th Dec 2008, 22:37
Try this How to Translate PDF & Word Documents with Google Translation (http://www.labnol.org/internet/tools/translate-pdf-word-documents-online-google-translate/3553/) Have not used myself so can't give any advice.