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8th Jan 2010, 09:57
On this basis
Video • Bulgarian Air Traffic Services Authority (http://bulatsa.com/en/page.php?c=16&d=64)

8th Jan 2010, 10:14
"you are from Bulgaria which is ironic as I have always placed that part of the world as a benchmark within the industry!"

I think I have just ruptured something from laughing at that.


Hah Sure Select test?!!?!?!
About AIRWAYS....good deal guys, ME is a gold-mine
About DGMAN.... guys find a better way to spend your money the next time
About me.....let me know if u r going to lose my time whit shts like that
NZ and Oman have a long way to go before to achieve our levels of safety and quality

In all seriousness, a propaganda video of the sort that you have just spewed out is no reflection on professionalism or indeed competence.

And I am presuming with your tirade on both Airways and DGMAN that you feel you are more qualified than the powers that be here that made the decision to go down this path and therefore are no longer interested in pursuing a career here - which is a very quick turnaround from your comments over the past few months on this thread looking for room-mates, Audi dealers and quote "a reason to leave my job".

Why do you want to leave such a bastion of professionalism and competence that is Bulgaria and trade it for such a "backward system with a long way to go" that is Oman?
Just for the money? That's not what you said on your original application. You gave a whole host of other bull**** reasons like people and lifestyle and "Oman's reputation in the region." right?

Seeing as though you were one of very few Bulgarians who were offered a position, it will not be too hard to pull your application and shred it for you.

After all 8,150 EUR tax-free a month is not too much to lose for shooting your mouth off anyway, is it?
Not when you can have your pick of jobs in the ME due to, as ATCO1962 says, you being part of the global standards benchmark that is ATC Bulgaria, assuming they pay the same as the "backward system" here in Oman.....oh, they don't do they?!

My advice is for you to wind your neck in - or there may be a chance the only time you see Muscat is from a postcard that BHD might be good enough to send you. ;)


8th Jan 2010, 10:32
Fox3, good to see you back on the boards, Naughty Boy.

If you look at prascho's website there is much in there that the UAE ACC is deficient on, i.e. compliance with ICAO standards for a start, SMS, etc.
'tis rumoured that the ANSP section of GCAA will not reply to queries from the GCAA regulator re the level of incidents on A419.
Now, it could be that they (GCAA ANSP) do not reply 'cos the DANS can't write in comprehensible english (he's ICAO level 4 spoken, written ability much less) but I would expect his Puppeteer to dictate to him. So, why no reply?
The answer is that the reason he doesn't reply is that they have never done a Risk Analysis safety case on the matter.
The new Advisor to the Director General has taken an interest in the matter.

Check out the movement figures re Bulgaria and UAE. I don't think that the Bulgarians would have too much trouble in the UAE. The thing that makes the UAE airspace more convoluted than is necessary is its design by the Non PANS Ops qualified Stromboli.:uhoh:

OMAN is a nice place but it is not, like its neighbour the UAE, at the forefront of ATC/ATM. I think that prascho has touched a raw nerve with you.
Suggest you take a holiday in Sofia, also a nice place with a well managed airport, etc.

Happy New Year to one and all.

To infinity and beyond and, hopefully, back in time for a pint of Theakstones Old Peculiar.:ok:

8th Jan 2010, 12:37
No raw nerves here V.

Just common sense.
If you are looking for a job where the salary far outweighs what you have at home - and your country is in the minority of those asked to come here, and you can therefore be easily identified....it makes sense to STFU and keep opinions to yourself - at least until you have signed a contract and gotten a few quid under your belt.

Sofia....ahhhhhhhhhhh....many memorable nights on the town with the local talent.

Prascho - any chance of you bringing some female entertainment with you?


8th Jan 2010, 14:07
"After all 8,150 EUR tax-free a month is not too much to lose for shooting your mouth off anyway...."

Is it the most important thing for u m8... coz the job of an En-Route controller is the most important thing for me, and I'm open to help if I can, but not at any price.
U have a long way to go, as I have already sad! Nothing personal again;)

P.s I'm able to tell u my name if it helps to u:ok:

8th Jan 2010, 14:52
"Is it the most important thing for u m8..."

No it isn't.
The most important thing for me is "are you bringing girls with you"?

A question you have still failed to answer! ;)

8th Jan 2010, 15:58

While I appreciate the traffic levels that our brethren in Bulgaria may move, it's still apples and oranges. Without researching it, I'm going to presume that they are surrounded, in the main, by radar units, with direct lines, serviceable radio/radar equipment, reasonable sector sizes and headsets (this is a sore point) that are useable and allow proper training.

We have, I would suggest, similar traffic loadings (our statisticians tell me it's over 1,000 area movements a day over three sectors) and have to move the bulk of that traffic into non-radar enviroments. The only unit, as I have alluded to in previous posts, that we deal with where we can use radar handoffs is UAE. Couple with that constant radio problems and other issues and we have quite a handful, as you know. We still get up to 30 aircraft at a time in a sector, far more than can/should be reasonably handled. Safe, it may not be completely, but we play with the cards we are dealt with and I am impressed at how our lads and lasses have managed to keep up with the increase in traffic.

I hope, though, that anyone coming here is not so foolish as to presume that, by weight of traffic moved "back home" that you'll make it easily here. It is still a challenging ATC environment.

We look forward to more troops.

8th Jan 2010, 17:22
It's OK ATCO, I have it on good authority that Verci is a washed out UAE ACC manager :hmm: that was the catalyst to a lot of the chaos in the first place!

Seems he has brought his emotional baggage to this thread as well! :{

Ho Hum! Good luck you guys over there in Oman, I'm sure its not pretty dealing with all those stars in the adjacent procedural sectors!

If you get bored come to Kuwait and enjoy the US military operations....not that you probably don't have yor fair share of them as well!! :oh:

10th Jan 2010, 12:11
Hi Sandy,

Yep, we get out fair share of US military and almost all of them are "pop-ups"(at least, the westbounds are) that intrude at the most inconvenient of times.

And for the record, we had 38 aircraft on East sector frequency at one time on Dec 12, 2009, a sector that only deals with non-radar equipped, surrounding sectors. Granted, it's a big sector, but no-one should be handling those numbers. It's certainly not boasting because we recognise our inability to adequately deal with such numbers; rather, it's a heads-up as to what you'll be walking into if you come here. You won't be bored, that's for real!

We are trying to sectorise some more but we're waiting for new staff. Sounds like we might be blessed with the very best in the world from Bulgaria:E

10th Jan 2010, 20:46

Is sure select for ab initios (locals) only?
Someone I know has been offered a job there but he hasn't done any aptitude tests, etc.

Hi ATCO1962, happy new year.. and to all Muscateers.


black hawk down
11th Jan 2010, 13:34
hows it buddy,what have you been up too?
i hope that you are not putting hi hopes on meeting those bulgarian chicks:=
i did some homework and asked around,found out that sure select was done here a while back,but it took place with asssitants ATCO's to be chosen for courses.

Still no "head sets"? Se La Vi(did i spell it right)?:ugh:

11th Jan 2010, 14:40
Ahhhhh Sure Select!

What a traumatic few days that was! But not for me. I am just a lowly instructor (and a boring one at that!).

BHD: it was tested on the assistants and also on existing controllers however there is a slight problem with it. Someone said that it had a "cultural bias" - is this an ATC technical term? I'm not sure!

As for what I have been up to.....
nothing much. Drinking lots of tea and trying to fix everything that the cleaner wipes out on his daily rounds.


11th Jan 2010, 15:27
So Muscat ACC has about 30 new people coming in.

How many of that 30 are "new" ATCO trainees (I'm assuming they are local people) and how many are experienced ATCOs waiting on visas?

And are you trying to get the experienced ATCOs in first?

I signed job offer but haven't heard anything since October. Had to redo passport photos and never did get acknowledgement that the new ones were OK or not.

One last question. Are there any known plans to advertise for more controllers? I know several ATCOs that now meet FAA minimum retirement requirements and are interested in the possiblility of working elsewhere.


Late 1976
16th Jan 2010, 11:38
Any idea when the first expats will be arriving?

black hawk down
16th Jan 2010, 17:45
i heard that some have arrived,but im not sure how true is that

Farell,why are there so many cars parked by the T.C?!
who is left in the ACC to control the planes?:ugh:

16th Jan 2010, 17:54
"Farell,why are there so many cars parked by the T.C?!"

Word got around that we had accidentally removed the password on our wireless network, so everyone came to have the cleaner serve them coffee in their cars while they surfed the net on their laptops and Blackberries!

You know how it is, mate! :)

16th Jan 2010, 19:17
Sorry to hijack the thread but got a question for the Muscat area controllers:

How long due you foresee the flow control restrictions being in force via Labri (will it become permanent?)

Any chance of giving us more than a + - 2 min window to get the aircraft airborne, I understand the prediciment you guys are faced with but 2 min window of the slot sometimes becomes very tight!

Anyways, keep up the good work guys and girls, we understand the challenges you faced with!

black hawk down
31st Jan 2010, 18:42
Farrell what is going on all the the cars in the T.C puff are gone,
back to your car alone?:}

31st Jan 2010, 21:33
I was wondering if any of the new arrivals have any 'first impressions' that they would care to share. Any tips or advice?

How's the training going?

8th Feb 2010, 08:09
Just wanted to thank the controller who was working 123.950 yesterday around 1900Z. Appreciate the help during all that weather deviation.

black hawk down
15th Feb 2010, 17:47
well if there is still someone who still follow this thread,
the wheele have spun and we already have new blood already on OJT and the others to follow
we are in biz in Muscat:ok:

15th Feb 2010, 21:33
Good news about the new blood! I'm coming over soon, very much looking forward to it! :ok:

3rd Mar 2010, 16:21

3rd Mar 2010, 16:44
And I ordered a new BMW X6 but here in Bulgaria:cool:

3rd Mar 2010, 17:17
It's a long drive to Muscat from Bulgaria......

4th Mar 2010, 03:17
From memory, the X6 is the part number for the driver's brain, is it not?:hmm:

4th Mar 2010, 12:46
U r right ......it's in SA;)

black hawk down
7th Mar 2010, 13:36
are you here in Muscat or no luck?
how many new boys/girls do we have so far in T.C?

7th Mar 2010, 13:45
Ask Farrell, he knows

7th Mar 2010, 14:32
I saw about half a dozen today, BHD. Welcome, guys, enjoy your training and stay in Muscat.

black hawk down
7th Mar 2010, 15:50
I wonder if any of them are regular on this fourm?:confused:
Wellcome to Muscat,check out quickly we need to get our leaves sorted out,thanks
*Farrell what did you do to Parscho*

7th Mar 2010, 16:24
What's the matter Prascho?

Have you not received your marching orders yet?

That's very strange. After all, you are the "supreme" controller from that international benchmark of ATC - Sofia!

I would have thought that DGMAN would be banging on your door to get you to solve all their problems for them!?


7th Mar 2010, 16:58
Hoping to join in late April.

BHD - you guys have headsets for us yet? LOL

7th Mar 2010, 17:11
Seems DGMAN is not able to pay for me:E Farrell sorry about the mistakes but I have to be in a hurry up

8th Mar 2010, 06:50
looking forward to joining you in April.:ok:

sorry to say but I won´t miss you there.:hmm:

8th Mar 2010, 08:14
hahaha tipical German:E r u so sure

8th Mar 2010, 08:58
Hey, Farrell, looks like the benchmark of the universe's ATC standards could do with your help re aviation English language requirements. Could you kindly assist?:}

black hawk down
8th Mar 2010, 09:51
Vector.if i was you i would bring my own headset along(just to feel like home)
but we have new "tips" of head sets now?!!?!
you will understand what i mean when you get here:rolleyes:

Dont forget your tooth brush also
you will need a fresh breath on your check out

8th Mar 2010, 11:18
Seems some1 else knows my name....it's not a secret but, Farrell i didn't expect from your side:{

What i found out in my e-mail:

If you are considering Abu Dhabi definitely see if you can get in there – the pay is better, the ACC is new, you could be working for a company run by Europeans (Serco). A number of people have moved from Muscat to Abu Dhabi, but I would try to go there direct – that will save you the hassles of Muscat.:ugh:

Good luck guys and c u soon:ok:

It's your turn ATCO1962:}

8th Mar 2010, 13:21

I can only think of one Abu Dhabi bound Muscat controller recently but I may be wrong because I'm usually the last to know. From what I'm told, it hasn't been a smooth entry so far and the UAE has their own set of problems.

Muscat, regardless of its pay rate, still remains the jewel of the Gulf, IMHO.

Will we be seeing you soon?:ok:

8th Mar 2010, 14:14
I have already been there and definitely it's not a jewel, IMAO:}

black hawk down
8th Mar 2010, 17:27
its NOT,oh no?
how easy is it that people like you who fail to go through react?
it is so typical
how will we survive with out you and your BULGARIAN expertise
all i can say is
enjoy the winter in BULGARIA
Muscat sucks:ugh:

8th Mar 2010, 18:21
Muscat is without doubt the jewel in the crown of the Middle East.
Great place, loads of history, heaps to do, the friendliest people in the Middle East bar none.

Prascho old bean...if they don't want you, suck it up, if you decide to try UAE...take your best game with you because you will need to be on the top of your game every time you plug in.

cheers...before you get all huffy...I have actually worked in both places and fairly recently too, so I do speak with some experience in the matter.

8th Mar 2010, 18:57
M8 calm down. Read all my post about Muscat and u will find out that I have never been sure that I want to be an ATCO in Oman, and second ... r u sure that I failed !?!?Failed in what? The problem is far far away from will or won’t I join your team in Oman and I'm not going to discuss about that.
All my colleagues from Bulgaria r very good professionals and u have to be happy if they join your team and it doesn't mean that others controllers r not. Europe is more advanced and it's a fact.
To be an ATCO every1 of us must be unique..I am and u r.
I’ve never told that Oman sucks, just that have to be more realistic about the reality ....that's all

Business - Oman Invests USD 1 Billion in Super Borovets Project - Standart (http://paper.standartnews.com/en/article.php?d=2010-02-09&article=32140)

The Winter is so beautiful here: :cool:

Good night!

8th Mar 2010, 21:13

No chance I will forget my toothbrush. Wife is a dental hygienist. I'll bring mints too. Just sent DGCAM an e-mail with a proposed arrival April 19-24 if they have room then. See you soon.

black hawk down
9th Mar 2010, 02:53
Parscho:Good Luck:ok:
Vector:see you soon:)
D.D:good to hear from you mate:D

17th Mar 2010, 02:56

The heat is starting to rise over here.

Got caught out in Bammah and Fins last week and ended up sitting at home peeling the skin off my ears....nice!

AC went on last night for the first time in about four months.

Car read 40C when I got into it yesterday to leave the TC - won't be long now before it reads over 50.

Here we go again. :\

13th Apr 2010, 02:29
Arriving April 23. Looking forward to it. Any recommendation on housing? Just 2 of us, preferrably near work & furnished with 2 parking spaces. Is the "Wave" a possibility?

13th Apr 2010, 06:41
"Is the "Wave" a possibility?"

Mwahahahah! If you want to pay over the odds for rent - yes it is.
However, you may also have to sleep with a life-vest on.

Better to get yourself a villa in Mawaleh which you should be able to sort out for 600 rats a month maximum.

Do not listen to the hype about the Wave. Even the people who bought there are starting to come out with their own BS about the finishing being just fine and "normal for a new apartment".

Nothing like watching people curbing the "I told you so".

Personally, I will give the Wave another year before people get sick of:

1. The stench of the Red Tide for longer periods every year.
2. General noise from the F-16s, Jags and Hawks practicing run and breaks.
3. Ford Mustang and Hummer driving kids coming in to ogle your teenage daughters.
4. Cracking, peeling and bleaching of the "western paint style" exterior.
5. People having picnics and on the grass outside your house and using the play area, even though they don't actually live in the Wave or know anyone who does.
6. Constant construction noise on the other phases. (which residents who are already in denial say doesn't bother them - because that is what you pay 1000 rats a month for isn't it?! Dust and noise!)

There are two security posts at the gates to the Wave. They are unmanned - and always have been.
But, as the lying scumbags at the estate agents will tell you with a wobble of their head - "They vill be starting in the coming veeks, sir, no problem."

Stay out the Wave it is nothing like the brochures show!


13th Apr 2010, 12:07
Even from here in the US there are some poor reviews getting thru on the "Wave." If you have any good contact(s) for me when I arrive, it would be appreciated. Thanks.

black hawk down
15th Apr 2010, 09:00
man it becoming really hot over here
very sticky :yuk:

Sand Devil
15th Apr 2010, 16:32
But I don't have radar. :sad:
Apart from Bob, any Hope?
Guessing not but thought I'd ask.:rolleyes:

15th Apr 2010, 18:31
Whatever you're on, Sand Devil, I want some! That post made no sense whatsoever. You did post on the right topic, yeah?

Mr. Pig
15th Apr 2010, 18:32
Pardon my ignorance guys, but what happened to the jobs that were advertised at the TC there? All filled?

black hawk down
16th Apr 2010, 17:44
What instructors?
to instruct what?
to work where?

this job is proudly taken care off by our (operational controllers)

Mr. Pig
16th Apr 2010, 17:50
Wasn't there a recent advert in Flight Global for instructional staff?:confused:

17th Apr 2010, 02:53
"Wasn't there a recent advert in Flight Global for instructional staff?"

Oh! THAT advert! :E

black hawk down
18th Apr 2010, 17:49
YouTube - How ash could damage air planes (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkdDRM_kTcY&feature=popular)

3rd May 2010, 10:45
A big MCT welcome to our new batch of controllers.

All doing very well so far.

6th May 2010, 15:55
You got some nice new folks from Kiwiland there - we miss them - look after them for us !

6th May 2010, 17:00
The Kiwis are being treated in accordance with the Geneva Convention.

Additional privileges will be given as and when they are deserved.


6th May 2010, 22:04
??????! Eminem - Not Afraid *recovery* / VBOX7 (http://vbox7.com/play:8ec44d30)

7th May 2010, 16:15
Awwww Prascho!

Still getting your pojas in a twist because you didn't make the cut for Muscat?


7th May 2010, 19:14
Only PM's pls, too many eyes here m8, noting personal, the situation is very complicated.
I have failed, as u know:( but good luck to all "noobs":ok: Sorry for everything what I have said, it's my last post here, sorry again!!!

black hawk down
18th May 2010, 17:43
paracho no worries
dont take anything personal on pprune
we are all just a bunch of distressed aviation people trying to breath and f**T to see a bitter or better:ok: reality

black hawk down
25th May 2010, 09:20
For all the new boys and girls training in area ,please feel free to sit on your instructor's LAP due to the shortage of operating "chairs" in the ACC
enjoy your training :ok:

25th May 2010, 09:58
There's one or two newbies who I would gladly donate my lap to! ;)

black hawk down
25th May 2010, 10:29
I dont think so Farell my boy ! not with those tight pants you wear:8
but im sure that there would be a bunch of Old timer's how woild love to have you on their laps:rolleyes:

Just kidding mate,always quick on that keyboard

seriously we are having a major chairs crises:{

25th May 2010, 12:02
Farrell...down, boy....down. You're a married man now. The rules have changed!:=

black hawk down
25th May 2010, 12:43
:= Farell, your a bad boy
it must be the heat
take a break and go somewhere cold

can we have some chairs from the T.C please

26th May 2010, 03:00
Ah yes, lots of new blood in the centre and nowhere for them to sit.

"A trainee on every sector" - isn't that the dream-come-true that we are about to see?

Farrell :)

black hawk down
26th May 2010, 06:04
I should have mentioned in my earlier post
to bring along your own chair with your headsets

30th May 2010, 17:50
I have ordered myself a nice chair from IKEA in Dubai, should be here in the next couple of days! Insallah! :ok:

black hawk down
6th Jun 2010, 11:37
For all the airlines and pilots i would like to say (your welcome)
although no one bothered to thank us for taking them through (PHET) safetly
a tab on your own backs Muscat ATC Muscateers:(

6th Jun 2010, 11:43
They did, actually. Have a look in the Middle East forum.

black hawk down
6th Jun 2010, 13:40
Indeed some did

6th Jun 2010, 14:42

How did your villa do in the rain?
I heard it was very heavy in your area!


black hawk down
6th Jun 2010, 18:46
my villa?
thank you very much i feel much better after calling where i live that!
it rained equaly all over muscat i guess
but i enjoyed that cup of green tea watching my home flooding
how did it go with you? i guess you didnt spend extra hours in the T.C that day
how come its not that crowdy in the T.C as i drive on that fly over:rolleyes:

10th Jun 2010, 19:51
It's my reply will I or wont.

Linkin Park - Given Up (official Video) / VBOX7 (http://vbox7.com/play:cd06ff2d&al=1&vid=1417151)-

C u guys soon or later.
@ATCO 1962... no you wont

30th Jun 2010, 19:23
A very warm (literally!) Muscat welcome to our new batch of expat controllers.

I will see y'all on Saturday when I get back from DXB.

Black Hawk Down?
Where are you buddy?
Surely it must be time for some more centre-bashing!?
Did you get your chairs yet?
Someone told me you'll be needing bleachers for all the new assistants that are starting next week!


black hawk down
1st Jul 2010, 10:47
Speaking about (warm)
those new bunch could have come in our so called ((winter)) only then,they could have tasted the beauty of Oman.
Farrell stop going to dxb otherwise you will spend all your savings
any expats checked out from the previous bunch yet? it seems that i have less news on what goes beyond my own watch. its becoming the great kingdom of Muscat ATC

black hawk down
12th Jul 2010, 21:01
New chairs
New faces
New places
People checking out
Woopi we are heading to the sunny side:ok:

Farrell thank you for the feed back:D

black hawk down
1st Aug 2010, 20:04
i declare this thread dead:(

2nd Aug 2010, 06:40
People are just very busy at the moment, spending all their bonuses and taking all their comp days! :D

2nd Aug 2010, 09:38
Bonuses!!? What bonuses!? Farrell, you're making that one up!:)

2nd Aug 2010, 17:02
Some of us get bonuses, comrade! :)

black hawk down
3rd Aug 2010, 10:22
Yep for sure its a long dead thread
and people here are mind tripping big time
(bonuses huh):cool:

topcat chris
15th Aug 2010, 22:39
hi guys and dolls

First time using this so beg your pardon from the out set.

Just been offered a job in Muscat and want to pick your brains for as much info as possible.
What's it like there.
What is the shift pattern
What leave do you get and how easy is it to get
Working conditions!!!!!have you got the Chairs yet
Best place to live. is it best to live in an ex pat community
Living expenses
All info much appreciated so I can make a decision

Ta muchly

20th Aug 2010, 20:28
I've been here since Feb this year... I must first say.. that I love my villa :ok:, I'm the only expat in my hood, my neighbors are great.... the gig i think is lovely... great working conditions, everyone is very helpful and friendly, there are no witch hunts here, everyone wants you to be successful, just don't come here with an attitude and arrogant views... Do your job and go home...and things are fantastic...Can't wait til this heat tapers off though :cool:

topcat chris
23rd Aug 2010, 22:35
Much appreciated

What shift pattern do you work?

black hawk down
26th Aug 2010, 09:33
A cycle of 10 days
2 day (7am-3pm)
2 evening (3pm-11pm)
2 nights (11pm-7am)
1 sleeping day
3 days off

Good luck

topcat chris
27th Aug 2010, 23:07
thanks alot

17th Nov 2010, 17:55
Happy 40th National Day to all of our friends and colleagues in Oman!

...and Eid Mubarak too!

Hey Black Hawk Down.....I'm missing my egg sandwiches! When are you coming back to see me! :)

black hawk down
18th Nov 2010, 17:30
Hey Farrelly "me mate"
its yegg in south indian and iigg in kiwi:confused:
you tell me when i need to come for another english course other than the one i already done with you a while back.
or will it be french course this time
what ever babay you are good in both
Eid Mubarak to you and Muscat ATC:ok:

11th Jan 2011, 05:10
Busy day for Muscat Tower yesterday, handling two emergencies.
Great job done by everyone.

11th Jan 2011, 15:27
I'm very glad for your busy and successful day, do you have any vacancies now?

4th Jun 2011, 10:42
Has anyone received their contract yet?

Fours month's delay now.
Doing some financial transactions without one is a pain in the rear, as just a salary certificate is not enough!

5th Jun 2011, 14:38
Maybe you should update that rather colourful CV of yours Mr Farrell... you might be needing it soon. :E

...and speaking of which, what was your Service Number in the Légion étrangère? We can't seem to find any record of your... self-professed... service. :hmm:

Tower Ranger
5th Jun 2011, 15:20
Things must be a little more relaxed on the East Coast of a night now that we have 7 minute spacing between Tardi`s and 4 between Rikets?

9th Jun 2011, 13:48
Men may meet but mountains never. :)

9th Jun 2011, 13:55

No matter..
How is life back in deepest darkest Ukraine?

9th Jun 2011, 14:00
))))+25 Very very good ))))) $:)

9th Jun 2011, 14:14
Mr Farrell Welcome!::ok:
Ok !Thank you for post!

10th Jun 2011, 04:23
The facts reported don't make sense.

What really happened?

Panic as PIA aircraft collision avoided in Muscat | ArabianSupplyChain.com (http://www.arabiansupplychain.com/article/viewArticle/6037)

10th Jun 2011, 08:11
Pakistani chauffeur requested descent. Instructed to descent. Read back "Descending..." Four (4) minutes later left level without reporting it. KFR sneaked in underneath it in the mean time. Chauffeur landed and phoned ACC to offer "gentleman's agreement" not to report the incident. Was told to sod off. The controller and the chauffeur met in the terminal building. Fist fight avoided only just (chauffeur didn't stand a chance).

10th Apr 2012, 22:13
I've just seen the ad on FG page for ATCO positions in Oman...

I was following this thread more than a year ago. How are things today in the Sultanate? Are you "fully automated" (according to ad?) How is the Indra modernistaion proceeding?

If any of you "insiders" would share some words about current overall conditions...


13th Apr 2012, 20:37
what is life like in Oman? and the ATC pay?

16th Apr 2012, 16:15
Hey there,can anybody PM me please whats the package like,schedule and opinion on the life style there.Appreciate it,thanks

west atc
3rd Jan 2014, 06:39
Any news on when the new system is going it be in place? What is the package going to be like once it is?

Is the rumour of 40-50 new controllers needed once the new system comes into place true?

6th Jan 2014, 05:35
New ( interim) ops room should be fully operational during summer 2014.
No official info on the package change ( a lot of rumours on that...)
40-50 controllers is apparently a long term plan for the new acc (starting 2015-2016?)

...and add one inevitable Insha'Allah to all of that :E

8th Jan 2014, 03:33
Hi Muscat, anyone there be able to message me with a contact to send my CV to for ATC jobs in Muscat, currently in another middle east centre but looking to change.

8th Jan 2014, 06:29
Hi guys, same as above have been in the Middle East for a few years now and looking for a change due to years of...:ugh:

Can anyone message me the contact details to send an application?


12th Jan 2014, 15:00
I would also appreciate contact details to send my CV, I'm very interested in working in Muscat..

13th Jan 2014, 05:55
Hello all, i too would like the contact info for muscat and any info/opinions anyone might have. My first time applying in the middle east. Thanks

14th Jan 2014, 20:21
Hi to everyone. I`m also here with the same request. Heard Muscat needs controllers. Is anyone able to provide me with contact details.

Everyone have a good day!

Finally it`s snowing):)

15th Jan 2014, 07:10
perhaps there's no internet in Oman.

shot down in flames
15th Jan 2014, 21:48
Can I jump on the band waggon please and have a pm with brief details of current package and a contact address for C.V.

Many Thanks:ok:

16th Jan 2014, 08:06
I'll jump into the waggon if I'm able. Could someone please send me contact details and package info?
Thanks!! :ok:

Squawk 7500
16th Jan 2014, 13:33
Wow. Wouldn't be surprised to see them lower the T&Cs, seeing all this interest.

Can I get details too please?

16th Jan 2014, 14:53
hmmmm... very popular part of the world I`d say)

24th Jan 2014, 18:31
I was searching through all websites and via some local ATC to get any information but in vain not even a reply. Sick behave. I will be very thankful if any one could provide something. Thanks guys

23rd Jun 2016, 02:25
Any body have any news on the proposed new ACC and ex-pat recruitment details please?

25th Jun 2016, 04:28
The "proposed" ACC is already a reality, except that we haven't moved into it yet. Still some outstanding issues. As far as I know, there's no recruitment at all, expat or Omani, while the government works through the budget crisis. We need more staff with ever-increasing numbers of aircraft using our airspace and there was a government delegation visiting the centre the other day, listening to the desperate plea to get more people but no news yet.

25th Jun 2016, 06:28
Thanks for that. Would like to get in there but I guess there will be loads of people interested! I did hear that 40+ would be recruited but all went dead.

25th Jun 2016, 16:40

Yimkin buhkra inshallah!

Almost thirty years since I was last in the ACC, nothing changes.

26th Jun 2016, 07:56
You might be surprised TCAS FAN. There are glacial changes at times and we certainly have some nice, shiny, new ATM gear courtesy of INDRA. Unfortunately, ATCOs are still seen simply as office workers in some admin quarters so the urgency attached to recruitment is somewhat lacking at times. Sigh.

When did you leave and who was here when you were here? I guess you were a PanAm controller?

26th Jun 2016, 08:48

Late eighties, Pan Am yes, in the ACC at 0400HR LST the night it opened for business, eating celebratory cake with the Director General, which was the highlight of his night!

Didn't have your problem of working directly for PACA (DGCA in my day) we kept salaries up with market forces and we could therefore keep staff levels maintained, albeit subsequent to constant pressure to reduce contract costs by reducing staff levels. Did help that we had a large pool of Zim' ATCOs to draw upon. They'd had enough of Bob Mugabe destroying their country after just 1 year of independence.

Had major problem with recruiting suitable local applicants as they could get far more money working for PDO or a bank, without having to work nights/public holidays. Those we did recruit, train and retain made excellent Area ATCOs - Abdullah, Saud (aka Super Chicken), Sabri to name a few. often having to manage a full procedural board on North Sector as the 23 cm military radar that we had to use keep falling over.

Think positive you still have a job, we were constantly being told that the ACC would be completely nationalised by the mid 1990s. It could have happened, there was the talent available locally, but as you indicate, then as is the case now, those in authority (often there through family/tribal position rather than intellect) could not/would not recognise the job skills and salary levels required to attract the right calibre of staff, and have the balls to secure a budget that would sustain it.

We set up the en-route charges system for DGCA, in the mid 1980s over $US1.0 million per month was coming, so money was there to invest in staffing. Unfortunately those in authority would go ask for some of it, before it disappeared into central government coffers.

10th Jul 2016, 07:40
TCAS, PM sent

3rd Aug 2017, 07:47
Hi all, I see there hasn't been much activity on this thread for a while, can anyone update me on if anyone got interviews/jobs following the large number of people asking for contact details earlier on? And does anyone know if they are currently hiring in the center at the moment? Thanks in advance

4th Aug 2017, 12:59
Sadly, no recruitment at all, expat or local. We've lost a few expats recently and there may be more. The whole system is waiting with bated breath for a new company (state owned enterprise??) so that we are no longer hamstrung by multiple layers of bureaucracy i.e. about 4 government departments/ministries that want a hand in "distributing" over-flight charges. That's due to come later in the year, one hopes, but it's hard to say if it's simply going to be a change of signs over the building, as it was last time, going from DGMAN to PACA. We live in hope.