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4th Sep 2008, 20:36
As reported in the Daily Mail we are all going to disappear into a Black Hole created by the Swiss on Wednesday.

The Swiss have created a machine costing Billions to create a Black hole.
This has been fought through the courts for fear that when they start it next wednesday we are all going to vanish in a puff of Blackness.

Crazy or what anyway just incase its been great in these forums in my short time here :-)

See you somewhere in the universe


Fuji Abound
4th Sep 2008, 20:45
However, such trapped black holes are so tiny, they could pass through a block of iron the distance from the Earth to the Moon and not hit anything. They would each take about 100 hours to gobble up one proton.

Having done the calculations that is a factor of ten less then hitting a glider in IMC and a factor of ten more than winning the lottery.

Sorry to say Pace, but I hope you dont win the lottery this week.


4th Sep 2008, 20:50
I'll hold off on the FLARM for the moment then.......

4th Sep 2008, 20:55
Not sure whether this was the right forum :-) depends whether its a GA black Hole or not but a Regulation needs to be passed and a special rating the BHR or flying in black holes without a transponder :-)

Is a Black hole open FIR or controlled hole space ??

sorry couldnt resist it


4th Sep 2008, 21:08
Its Class B.

Chuck Ellsworth
4th Sep 2008, 21:11
Sorry, read this to fast thought this was about night fighters in Africa. :E

4th Sep 2008, 21:17

Its serious the Swiss were taken to court to stop them starting the thing next wednesday :-) what were you saying about the longest flight???
Forget endurance you dont need it in there 50 billion years or something when you come out.

And I dont need to worry about Gliders in IMC after wednesday


4th Sep 2008, 21:45
Opponents fear the machine may create a mini-black hole that could tear the earth apart Photo: PA
However, a safety report published earlier this year by experts at CERN and reviewed by a group of external scientists gave the Large Hadron Collider the all clear Photo: PA
A photographer takes a picture of the magnet core of CERN's Large Hadron Collider, Geneva, Switzerland, 2007 Photo: EPA
Critics of the Large Hadron Collider - a £4.4 billion machine due to be switched on in ten days time - have lodged a lawsuit at the European Court for Human Rights against the 20 countries, including the UK, that fund the project.

The device is designed to replicate conditions that existed just a fraction of a second after the Big Bang, and its creators hope it will unlock the secrets of how the universe began.

However, opponents fear the machine, which will smash pieces of atoms together at high speed and generate temperatures of more than a trillion degrees centigrade, may create a mini-black hole that could tear the earth apart.

Scientists involved in the project have dismissed the fears as "absurd" and insist that extensive safety assessments on the 17 mile long particle accelerator have demonstrated that it is safe.

The legal battle comes as the European Nuclear Research Centre (CERN), in Geneva, prepares to send the first beam of particles around the machine at the official switch on, on September 10, although it will be several weeks before the first particles are collided together.

Opponents of the project had hoped to obtain an injunction from the European Court of Human Rights that would block the collider from being turned on at all, but the court rejected the application on Friday morning. However, the court will rule on allegations that the experiment violates the right to life under the European Convention of Human Rights.

Professor Otto Rössler, a German chemist at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen who is one of the most vocal opponents of the LHC and was one of the scientists who submitted the complaint to the court, said: "CERN itself has admitted that mini black holes could be created when the particles collide, but they don't consider this a risk.

"My own calculations have shown that it is quite plausible that these little black holes survive and will grow exponentially and eat the planet from the inside. I have been calling for CERN to hold a safety conference to prove my conclusions wrong but they have not been willing.

"We submitted this application to the European Court of Human Rights as we do not believe the scientists at CERN are taking all the precautions they should be in order to protect human life."

Professor Rössler claims that, in the worst case scenario, the earth could be sucked inside out within four years of a mini black hole forming.

The case he and his colleagues have put before the European Court of Human Rights argues that the Large Hadron Collider violates the right to life and right to private family life under the European Convention of Human Rights

It sets out a series of arguments that suggest the collider could produce mini black holes that would permanently come into existence and grow uncontrollably.

But a safety report published earlier this year by experts at CERN and reviewed by a group of external scientists gave the Large Hadron Collider the all clear. It concluded that there was little theoretical chance of the collider producing mini black holes that would be capable of posing a danger to the earth.

It stated that nature routinely produces higher energy collisions on the earth than will be possible in the collider, when cosmic rays hit the planet

But the CERN facility is already facing a second lawsuit filed by environmentalists in Hawaii who are seeking a court order that would force the US government to intervene and delay the start up of the collider. That case is due to be heard on Tuesday.

Large particle colliders have been used by scientists to smash atoms and pieces of atoms together for more than thirty years without causing any noticeable harm to the planet.

This latest machine, however, has attracted such attention because it is the largest and most powerful ever constructed. Built 300ft beneath the French Swiss border, it will fire atomic particles around its 17 mile circumference, 11,245 times every second before smashing them headlong into each other.

The result will, for a split second, replicate the conditions that existed in the moments immediately after the birth of the universe, known as the Big Bang. In a space a billion times smaller than a speck of dust, the collisions will create temperatures 100,000 times hotter than the centre of the sun.

Among the debris thrown off by these collisions, scientists hope they will find the elusive Higgs-Boson, which is thought to be responsible for giving every other particle its mass, or weight.

But scientists admit it could be years before they start producing any meaningful results due to the challenges involved in detecting such tiny and fleeting particles.

James Gillies, spokesman for CERN, insisted that despite the huge amounts of energy the Large Hadron Collider will produce, it posed no risk to the safety of the planet.

He said: "The case before the European Court of Human Rights contains the same arguments that we have seen before and we have answered these in extensive safety reports.

The Large Hadron Collider will not be producing anything that does not already happen routinely in nature due to cosmic rays. If they were dangerous we would know about it already.

"We are now concentrating on firing the first beams around the collider and then on fine tuning it until we can get collisions, when the science will start."

A spokesman for the European Court of Human Rights confirmed the lawsuit had been lodged and the petition to obtain an emergency injunction against CERN was rejected. She said: "There will therefore be no bar to CERN carrying out these experiments but the applicants can continue with this case here at the ECHR."

4th Sep 2008, 21:49
They said much the same when they split the atom

come to think of it, same said when the set off the first A bomb

and when the planets lined up a few years back

oh and the 2000 computer bug

If the multiverse opens up then notes to self; "work harder at school", "12, 15, 24, 47, 48, 49 will win the 120million lottery on the 9th draw", "find out when and how you die", "say hi to God"

Think that about covers it.

4th Sep 2008, 22:05
And I dont need to worry about Gliders in IMC after wednesday

But doesn't a black hole = IMC ?? - i.e. flying without visual reference.

Therefore you have less than 4 years to agree on mandatory FLARM or TCAS/PCAS - before you definitely collide. Remind me does SSR work in a black hole??

Oh dear - back to the drawing board....

4th Sep 2008, 22:07
Mind you on a serious note Think of the Atom bomb and these scientists do not really understand what they are playing with or creating ? As black holes are not understood hence these tests.

Oh well there goes my skiing on the Swiss Alps when all the snow vanishes.


4th Sep 2008, 22:13
You make a fair point there. The inventors of the A-bomb and the path leading there may not have been as obvious to those without our hindsight. So where might this latest scientific creation lead us? Who knows, faster than light space travel, folding space warp jump, unlimited and green power source.... a weapon of greater mass destruction?

Do we stop science in case of the latter?

4th Sep 2008, 22:53
Chuck - they are all pink inside.......................:ooh:

4th Sep 2008, 23:29
Dont Know anything much about black holes other than the debts my ex wife left me in after her divorce settlement.

But trying to get this serious :-) We all know what atomic energy opened up, the good and the bad.

Other than what the professor is worried about ie that one of these created black holes which cannot be destroyed will start growing and gobbling up all forms of matter like some horror movie that Dwarfs Jaws as it grows forever larger until it gobbles up the earth like some Giant Malteser.

What are the potential benefits to makind? from this research ie will we find some new way of travel ? Some new form of energy? propulsion? or is it a massive risk and step into the unknown purely to find what caused the big bang.

Maybe someone scientifically minded or who knows about these things can explain what practically they are trying to achieve

Gone all serious now


Dr Jekyll
5th Sep 2008, 06:41
They hope by tearing matter to bits they will learn something about its nature and the reason why the universe formed in just the way it did after the big bang (no comments from Chuck please), it could have gone numerous ways, but strangely went the way that just happened to form matter, something Steven Hawkins has mused about, but even he can't figure out black holes and keeps changing his mind about them.

That's a bit like saying it's strange that all your ancestors lives resulted in exactly the relationships that happened to form you.

There is no justification for being surprised because if it hadn't happened like that you wouldn't be here to ask about.

5th Sep 2008, 06:53
Who will own this black hole? The Swiss or the French. I'm not sure whether to say "May the force be with you" or "Live long and prosper".

Maybe I should hold off paying my energy bills on the grounds that the foreign company that owns them may be sucked into oblivion rendering payment unnecessary.

5th Sep 2008, 10:54
Contrary to opinions above, we do know why aircraft (and birds and insects) fly. The sum of the momentum exchanges between the molecules of air surrounding the object in question produce a force equal to the gravitational force plus any manoevring acclerations required for flight. Since the computation of this is excessive, sufficiently close approximations (computational fluid dynamics) give sufficiently accurate results. Other much simpler empirically derived explanations have indeed been used in the past.

Similarly, the effects of the Trinity Test (the first test nuclear fission 'bomb' in the Nevada desert) performed as predicted with no expectation of 'blowing up the earth' due to a long succession of experiments performed during the Manhattan Project.

The predictions of a mini black hole created by the CERN LHC swallowing the earth is also (due to Stephen Hawking's calculations regarding the minimum size of a black hole for stability, and evaporation time) not credible according to particle physicists. Similar energies are created by cosmic events, but these are not sufficiently predicatable or local as to enable scientific study, hence the building of the laboratory scale Large Hadron Collider.

Slightly less unorthodox is the theory that a mini black hole was created by a random event in the sun's structure at some time during the last century, which explains the observed solar neutrino deficit; and if true would suggest that at some time in the relatively near future it will grow rapidly until the Schwartzchild radius is greater than the sun's diameter. At this time detectable gravitational waves will allow confirmation of whether they travel at the speed of light, and contribute towards formulating a 'Theory of Everything' (although the time usefully available after the event would probably be insufficient to write a paper likely to win the Nobel Prize for Physics).

Put mathematically,

(Probability of the LHC destroying the earth) < (Probability of a glider/B737 collision) < (Probability of a black hole within the sun)

5th Sep 2008, 12:40
Gravity is easy - it is just a warp in Space-time. Gravity is relatively weak in our universe at small distances compared to the other forces (e.g. a small magnet can pick up a nail, overcoming the entire gravitational pull of the earth).....So it is likely that gravity is stronger in some other dimension....;)

Hopefully the LHC will be able to experimentally prove the existence of other dimensions and hence PROVE string or M theory in one form or another. If that is the case then we will be leaps and bounds ahead of where Einstein left us.

Research like this opens up all sorts of possibilities, from exploiting extra dimensions (Warp drives), tapping into zero point energy fields (limitless energy), and hopefully progressing beyond where we are now - which is on the edge of anhialating ourselves in one war or another. You can't stop research like this.

On the subject of Trinity - they thought that that there was a very small chance that the explosion could set fire to the atmosphere. Luckily they were wrong, but they went ahead anyway.

5th Sep 2008, 12:58
New book by Dan Brown coming out: Murder in IMC

5th Sep 2008, 17:57
This has all come at a terribly inconvenient time. I've just put a second coat of emulsion on the utility room walls and it was only re-plastered a fortnight ago.


5th Sep 2008, 18:25
Now I was thinking what if these scientists discover that the original 'big bang' was actually caused by a bunch of scientists who were trying to discover the nature of matter by blasting it to pieces - now that would be irony, would that make these Swiss scientists the new architects of the universe and therefore 'god'.

I like that theory! Indeed, finding empirical evidence for what caused the big bang must be a certain way to a Nobel Prize... Good luck too 'em! :D

5th Sep 2008, 18:28
Contrary to opinions above, we do know why aircraft (and birds and insects) fly.

Oh dear gods, not again... :uhoh::{:ugh::mad::8 :E

But at least I know why I fly! :)

6th Sep 2008, 06:44
This is from someone who is qualified to comment in a scientific manner......


I believe Prof Stott not the recent media garbage.

6th Sep 2008, 07:50

Read the piece but really he doesnt explain anything only to say that scientists should be trusted.

If you believe the bible then God made man in his own image. If a spirit existing in a different plain then God would not need a nose to breathe and smell through or eyes to see through so he must have meant in his spiritual image.

Following that theory then Man has the potential to create life itself.
As for good and Bad we all have the potential to use these new knowleges for good or evil.

Ie the benefits or the detruction capability of nuclear energy.

I am sure too that the same will apply to these new sciences ie the capability to use them for good or evil.

There was a lovely saying (cannot remember who wrote it :) " unless you push the boundaries you will never find what lies beyond".

That principle applies to anything in life and it was said in the pioneering days of breaking the sound barrier.

Many people fear change and are motivated by their own religious beliefs. You only have to see the petty restrictions placed on genetic research and the delays put in place for finding ways of improving the quality of life for many sick people.

There are many religious and odd sects who will fight anything but to them I would say if God gave us a mind then he didnt give us that mind to restrict our use of it and if there is a devil then its how we use that knowledge not gaining that knowledge.

So I am all for pushing the boundaries not only in ourselves but science.


6th Sep 2008, 12:21
An amusing description of what they are going to do:-


6th Sep 2008, 17:59
Just to get away from black holes and things like that and also to introduce a bit of good-old thread drift, is it legal nowadays to go IMC in a glider?

I used to think nothing of diving into a promising cumulus (with just a battery-driven turn and slip) and rocketing up to 10,000 feet or more.

Mind you, cumulus clouds have changed since those days. They used to be relatively benign but nowadays they are either so shallow that they are not worth going into or they are so fearsome that no one in their right mind would go anywhere near them.

7th Sep 2008, 11:49
Obvious really. 42 :D

7th Sep 2008, 17:56
Or, go to this thread and find out: http://www.pprune.org/private-flying/340564-improve-light-c-separation.html

8th Sep 2008, 12:14
I found this - a good documentary on the subject: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHs7hu9hgKc&feature=PlayList&p=57AFCCB98A0BFBD5&index=0&playnext=1

8th Sep 2008, 16:36
Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe you could request Special VFR in a black hole...

8th Sep 2008, 17:48
fantastic documentary which goes some way to describe what they are trying to achieve and should be viewed by all.

To me it seems a massive amount of money to prove complex equations and theories but with little practical potential.

By that at first glance it will not add to our quality of life by creating new travel modes, medicine or energies which can be used by mankind but will at best prove that certain theories are right or get the scientists running around scratching their heads because those theories are proved wrong. Then it will be a matter of thinking again.

One thing that was apparent is that the scientists do not really know what will happen when these particles collide at such speed. probably nothing but then again who knows? they dont :-) and there lies the miniscule element of risk.


8th Sep 2008, 20:09
To me it seems a massive amount of money to prove complex equations and theories but with little practical potential.
Poppycock! Suppose they had said the same about the voyages of Columbus? Or the development of the jet engine? Or anything!

These types of experiments will prove or disprove certain theories. If they prove say the existence of the Higgs Boson this, in time, could lead to the exploiting these zero point energy fields. When that happens, we'll have unlimited power - literally enough power to bend space and time making theoretical modes of transport like warp drives (which are theoretically possible - given enough power) possible. Of course that is a LONG way off, but give it a 1000 years and as long as we don't nuke ourselves into oblivion, die of some horrible bug or get so over populated that we can't feed ourselves (nature will sort this out) then I reckon we'll be zapping around the galaxy "faster" than light.....all thanks to experiments like this.

However, we could of course do nothing....

8th Sep 2008, 20:56

>Poppycock! Suppose they had said the same about the voyages of Columbus? Or the development of the jet engine? Or anything!<

The development of the Jet engine, internet, splitting of the atom, mobile phones etc are all practical developments within a lifetime.

I see this and I know next to nothing about it as being more trying to prove or disprove mathematical theories which may or may not be true rather than having any foreseeable practical benefit to us.

That does not mean I do not think the tests should go ahead. "unless we push the boundaries we will never know what lies beyond".

Simply an observation from someone with little knowledge like me that on face value there does not appear to be a practical benefit in the short or foreseeable future or within our lifetime.


Fuji Abound
8th Sep 2008, 21:06

I dont agree.

For example, there is one project which focuses on the use of tuneling high energy beams in cancer treatment, another, on re-cycling spent radio active material, two examples of land mark research the everyday benefits of which could be significant.

8th Sep 2008, 22:38
Wot Has Any Of This Got To Do With Aviation???????????

Go To A Science Forum!

8th Sep 2008, 23:29

One thing they are looking at is gravity. Something which is not undestood but plays are large part in flight. This may be a great step forward it is certainly a massive budget being spent.
Stop being so closed minded and miserable :-)


Crash one
9th Sep 2008, 00:04
There were times when it was believed that people would die of suffocation if they traveled faster than 25mph, the sound barrier was exactly that, impossible etc. And these times were not very long ago.
Just suppose we were to go back in time say 200yrs taking with us a laptop, a mobile phone, a handheld GPS unit, an F117 fully armed, a chainsaw. Complete of course with the entire infrastructure to back everything up. we would probably be burned as witches, or regarded as Gods. Either way the "Learned authorities" would be mind boggled that these things were possible, the scientific community would be fascinated, & the chainsaw would be top of the pops for most people!
If we start trying to stifle research because we know nothing about it & cannot see a reason for it, we will get nowhere & may as well go back to the swamp we came from.
By the way, visibility in a black hole is less than 10km so SVFR not possible.

9th Sep 2008, 11:20

Maybe there are already living creatures in space who have already overcome a lot of these questions and have travel which is way ahead of what we can imagine.

There are many who believe in UFOs. The question I would like to know is how would proving these theories in the tunnel open up new technologies or energy supplies which would open up new forms of long distance travel ?

Without going into fanciful realms of travelling through space and time in black holes. To me the possibilities of survival must be nil.
The possibility of travelling at near the speed of light not quite so fanciful?
The possibility of Nil gravity machines also not quite so fanciful to replace conventional travel around our planet.


Crash one
9th Sep 2008, 15:29
During the days of nuclear research before the first detonation of the atom bomb, people thought that it would start a chain reaction that would destroy the planet. Nothing but mass destruction was expected of this research at that time, yet now we have power stations, various medical treatments, ships that run for years on a tankfull. Who is to know what spinoffs may result from this latest venture?
As for the UFO thing, I am a firm believer in anything is possible. We have developed stealth aircraft enough to suit our immediate purpose, if I were to visit a planet such as this one with it's distrusting, fragmented population, constant wars, total belief in "power is wealth" etc, I would develop the most sophisticated system of concealment I could before I came near this place. They could be thousands or millions of yrs ahead of us. There may be one or two of these guys standing right next to us right now having a laugh as they watch our guess work. The idea of some alien landing in a field with "Take me to your leader" is an utter ludicrousity, "You got this far without my help, find him your bloody self!!"
As far as space travel is concerned we have, in my opinion, only reached the stage that Wilbur & Orville were at in 1903 or was it 4? At the increasing rate of acceleration of technology we should be on Antares 4 in about 100yrs maybe less if we stop fighting in the playground among ourselves.
However with the current Government / Dictatorship type of rule very little will happen, unless someone parks a UFO the size of Belgium over Washington & says "This is the way you will behave!"

9th Sep 2008, 16:05
Crash One, you'll be pleased to know I've just re-written my will and left you all my worldly goods.:ok:

9th Sep 2008, 17:20
Oh well its tomorrow its switched on full blast can see a new film coming on "curse of the black holes" an epic horror movie about mini black holes escaping and lurking in the underground test chambers in Switzerland.

As they grow they devoir the scientists including their creator and then end up in the streets of Geneva growing bigger all the time.

At first they take out loving couples as they blend in with the dark streets at night then as they grow even bigger whole houses and lorries are consumed with a satisfying burp.

Eventually the Swiss airforce try attacking them in vain with fighter jets. Those that hit them end up travelling trillions of miles across the universe their pilots never to be seen again.

Thankfully just before the World is gobbled up like some giant Malteser the Hero of the day a young scientist called Nero Cavitus works out a calculation and manages to switch the machine into reverse. He flies from his home GA airfield flying low along the alpine valleys dodging black holes in his TerrorHawk (tomahawk)

he lands at the establishment and fires up the creation machinery. The Black Holes vanish from whence they came to leave a serene and peaceful planet.

Do you reckon I could make a fortune with such a film :)

Pace (We will know tomorrow DA DA DA DA )

Crash one
9th Sep 2008, 17:23
Lurking 123
Thank you for that kind thought. Which I guess pre-supposes that at least I shall survive this predicted forthcoming holocaust in order to benefit.

9th Sep 2008, 17:35

You can have a part in my epic film as a Swiss Fighter pilot who attacks the black holes But you Crashone jet into a black hole and end up trillions of miles away Lurking123s bank transfer cheque in hand and no where to cash it. What a tragic ending :)


9th Sep 2008, 17:49
There is this thing called the Kardashev scale used to descibe how technologically advanced civilizations have become:

Type I — a civilization that is able to harness all of the power available on a single planet — has approximately 1016 or 1017 W available.[2] Earth specifically has an available power of 1.74 ×1017 W (174 petawatts, see Earth's energy budget). Kardashev's original definition was 4 ×1012 W — a "technological level close to the level presently attained on earth" (presently meaning 1964).[3]
Type II — a civilization that is able to harness all of the power available from a single star, approximately 4 ×1026 W.[2] Again, this figure is variable; the Sun outputs approximately 3.86 ×1026 W. Kardashev's original definition was also 4 ×1026 W.[3]
Type III — a civilization that is able to harness all of the power available from a single galaxy, approximately 4 ×1037 W.[2] This figure is extremely variable, since galaxies vary widely in size; the stated figure is the approximate power output of the Milky Way. Kardashev's original definition was also 4 ×1037 W.[3]

Some scientists reckon that the most dangerous era is the era from Type 0 to Type 1 - where there exists a strong possibility of self destruction through war or other reasons - plague for example. We are currently at level 0.73.

Experiments like the LHC increase our understanding and exploitation of energy sources and ensure we rise on this scale. Once we get beyond level 1 scientists think there is a very good chance that mankind can survive and "live long and prosper".....

That's how I view these expensive projects anyway....;)

Crash one
9th Sep 2008, 17:51
If the switch on is tomorrow, then I shall look forward to tomorrow.
If you are right then the time-space continuum will be destroyed & we shall all be looking back to tomorrow, which will never come as we know, although after tomorrow we can look forward to yesterday instead.
Now, yesterday was a great day for flying, I landed at a newly opened strip at Balado Bridge & was just the second a/c to land there.
I look forward & backward to doing it again.
The question is, will I know which way to approach & land first time or will I take three attempts at it till I find the best approach, like I did yesterday? or was that tomorrow?

Crash one
9th Sep 2008, 19:11
If this guy Kardashev can come up with a scale that measures how far a civilisation has progressed (past tense), it seems to presume that more than one civilisation has already reached Type 3 in order for that, & Type 1 & 2 levels of technology to have a value.
If this is the case then it must be possible to reach these levels without nuking oneself in the process. So we have a chance.
We just have to be careful we don't do that tomorrow.

9th Sep 2008, 19:16
I chuckled at this letter in today's Times

Sir, Apparently scientists are confident that the particle collider will not bring about the end of the world in a new big bang tomorrow (letters, Sept 6).

That may well have been exactly what scientists were saying just before they switched the last one on, 14 billion years ago.

Eric Campbell

Crash one
9th Sep 2008, 20:21
You may well have a point, this may have been going on for eons.
We work our arses off for 14 billion years trying to develop utopia then some prat screws it up at the last minute & we have to start again.
How can we find out how many times this has happened?:ugh:

10th Sep 2008, 07:30
Is this going to be the last ever post on Proone?:\

10th Sep 2008, 07:37
I have just shopped them to health and safety. :*

10th Sep 2008, 07:38
Well, I guess the world didn't end.

Bugger. Now I'm late for work.:mad:

10th Sep 2008, 07:50
Well I am still here, so they must be running late.......

Squeegee Longtail
10th Sep 2008, 08:32
According to the press (therefore must be true) today is just the start of the particles being accelerated. The actual experiment (the colliding part) takes place in a couple of weeks. THAT'S when the world will end, not today.
You guys were just scaremongering!

10th Sep 2008, 09:35

>Well I am still here, so they must be running late.......<

How do you really know you are still here? It could have happened and you are now running along on a parallel plane ;)

Saw a funny cartoon in the press today with the accelerator and at the base of it a large screen surrounded by scientists.
The screen was headed by SECRETS OF THE UNIVERSE and fed by multitudes of computers all doing their calculations.

Their faces had expressions of glee and anticipation as the first results came through on the screen.

"Remember to heat the teapot before adding tea " ;-) made me laugh


10th Sep 2008, 20:56
I have read somewhere that with the results they hope to receive, they think they will be able to create a cleaner renewable energy source and from what has been said about the energy output from colliding the protons if it works out man kind will be set for life; providing we can find a way to harness said energy in a productive manner that isn't in the form of a weapon. A new propulsion system would be nice "call me Captain Proton!" ;).
The actual colliding of the protons wont start until end of October according to articles so I guess those that believe the world is going to end can sleep soundly until then. Me, I'm going to take this chance to make some dosh by creating Anti-Blackhole devices that you can wear on your head (tinfoil hats) I'm sure the doomsday believers can also be pursuaded to believe they will work :-).

10th Sep 2008, 22:00
>I have read somewhere that with the results they hope to receive, they think they will be able to create a cleaner renewable energy source and from what has been said about the energy output from colliding the protons if it works out man kind will be set for life; providing we can find a way to harness said energy in a productive manner that isn't in the form of a weapon. A new propulsion system would be nice "call me Captain Proton!" .<

Poss with that massive investment they must expect a return rather than proving or disproving some pie in the sky theory.

Some anti gravity flying machine comes to mind as well as some new source of energy?


11th Sep 2008, 09:51
Bit of a red herring this one as the first real efforts to create impacts between particles are some time away, they are spending the next few months just testing the kit works.

Crash one
11th Sep 2008, 10:01
If they come up with a new & far more efficient material to make solar cells from, or a new material for electrodes so that water can be gassed off at a rate quick enough to run a standard engine, that would do me.
Battery technology has come some way recently. Battery powered a/c are flying, so, what we need is an advancement on that.
Anti grav machines are all very well, but what happens when you get an engine failure? Or what happens if the throttle sticks at full power in the climb!!!!?

11th Sep 2008, 10:35
So this is what the afterlife is like......CCCOOOLLLLLL.....:ok:

11th Sep 2008, 12:18
Not cool, because I am at work!!!! :)

Crash one
11th Sep 2008, 13:24
Definately not cool cos it's too windy. Is there something in there that I've missed?

India Four Two
11th Sep 2008, 13:49
Was it just a coincidence that CERN started it up on 10-9-8?

As my mate, Jon, said: "Wait 'til they get to zero!"

Crash one
11th Sep 2008, 14:30
No, we are all dead, we must be to come up with such tripe.

13th Sep 2008, 02:16
I didn't understand what they were doing until I saw this explanation:

YouTube - Large Hadron Rap (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j50ZssEojtM)


13th Sep 2008, 08:47
I read an article saying we would all be sucked into the black hole in the summer instead, as the machine is ''at it's best'' then...:ugh: