View Full Version : Trouble on the Tyne?

15th Aug 2008, 14:31
I hear that all is not well at Woolsington International.

Morale plummeting, no more Brun allowance and a plethora of fully rated staff getting on their bikes and trundling off down the A1 never to return, leaving the unit barely capable of covering their 24 hour commitment.

I'm told a it has a lot to do with the management style at various levels, which is no suprise as it's indicitive of the way things are nationally.

A shame if it's true because, for many years, Newsckattle always used to be a unit to aspire to.

15th Aug 2008, 16:49
I blame Colin? Keegan.
Did I put that or has someone edited my input.

KEVIN Keegan!! (Manager of Newcastle for those who don't know)

For staying

15th Aug 2008, 17:05
What's he got to do with anything - isn't he a footballer?

19th Aug 2008, 07:38
Any more news? Its just as bad here at DTV..bare minimum of staff..what is wrong with the ATC world..is it the same at other units?

its as if all airport workers are lumped together as one now? Are ATC staff still treat with respect elsewhere to take account of their training dedication and resposibility??:confused:

19th Aug 2008, 08:30
Kevin Keegan was never a footballer.He played for Liverpool !!!!!;)

3rd Sep 2008, 15:23
Looks like Keegan's finally going; that should 'staunch' the flow.

7th Sep 2008, 01:44
Following 'King Kevins' resignation from Newcastle Utd on Thursday I wouldn't be surprised to see more regional low cost airlines follow suite with Flybe International who recently announced the naming of one of their new Bombardier Q400 aircraft in honour of Keegan's service to Newcastle United- the plane is used on the regular service from Newcastle Airport to Gatwick.

15th Sep 2008, 19:23
Can anyone shed any light on the reasons for the NOTAMS of closure of at NCL at night, are they short of controllers?

16th Sep 2008, 15:49
I believe that that would be an understatement

16th Sep 2008, 20:38
Things can't be that bad at Newcastle at the mo, I see they are currently advertising to recruit ATCOs with ADI or APS ratings although I have heard rumours that NATS could be in the running to take over the contract when it is up for renewal.

Captain Spunkfarter
20th Sep 2008, 12:23

NATS could be in the running to take over the contract when it is up for renewal.

I don't think there is such a thing as a 'contract' to go up for renewal at Newcastle. ATC staff work for the airport, not a private contractor, so the ATS would have to be put up for tender by Newcastle Airport Ltd. Until that happens, the 'unattractive' working environment would continue.

21st Sep 2008, 19:31
I am aware that the ATC staff at Newcastle are employed by NIAL and given the strong regional identity in the North East I would be surprised if the ATS was ever put up for tender by Newcastle Airport Ltd. However the recent opening of the new £8 million ATC tower of which the systems were installed by NSL could be a possible indication to an eventual NATS takeover?

22nd Sep 2008, 00:06
No, not really but not beyond the realms of possibility.

Sadly, weak unit management at Newcastle have gradually eroded terms and conditions over the years by advertising posts which are ADI/APS or ADI only, thereby allowing them to only pay the bare minimum for ADI atco's and the going rate or above to attract experienced atcos to go there for the APS task.
This negated the need for Newcastle to spend money each year on APS courses or even train their own ATSAs up to ATCO positions, previously they were famous for being inovators in this field, it appears sadly no more.
(Other units have also done this and subsequently been taken on by NATS, an airport on a hill in the SW of England comes to mind).

With the ATS management at Newcastle being ruled by a rod of iron from above, it is no suprise that no one in their right mind would want to go there.

As someone said earlier, it's a shame, because as someone previously said, at one time, Newcastle was a place to aspire to... not anymore...:ugh:

22nd Sep 2008, 10:11
Newcastle have gradually eroded terms and conditions over the years by advertising posts which are ADI/APS or ADI only, thereby allowing them to only pay the bare minimum for ADI atco's

Niknak, Any ideas what this 'bare minimum' wage for ADI rated atco's wanting to work at Newcastle could possibly be? I notice from their current ATCO recruitment advert that the salary on offer is 'competitive'. No doubt related to ones ATC experience I would have thought.

22nd Sep 2008, 11:21
I think anyone with ADI/APP and APS would have to be made a good offer otherwise there would be no incentive to move.

I do know someone who, at the time had ADI only with little chance of APS training forthcoming for a while at his unit.

He applied Up North and was offered signicantly less to start, the top of the scale being only just what he was earning at the time and no promise whatsoever of further training.
He politely declined, now has the APS rating and probably won't be going anywhere for a while.

It appears that management at NEW have decided that training their own staff is not the way to go, but the problem that they'll come up against is that an increasng number of ADI only rated atco's will stay where they are because they know that eventually the'll get the APS at their own units.

Swings and roundabouts I suppose, but the once excellent reputation of the ATC unit at NEW is being severely sullied by leaders who appear to be hell bent on following the national trend of crisis management.

23rd Sep 2008, 13:54
Hmmm.......seems like all this could explain the reason behind Newcastle's recent ATCO recruitment drive then. Sounds like staff loyalty to their unit is not as strong as it should be, hence the term 'crisis management.':bored:

25th Sep 2008, 20:23
Has anyone got any info on what they are looking to recruit or details on salary package?



man friday
26th Sep 2008, 07:08

check out Newcastle Airport (Newcastle International Airport) - Information on flights, parking and destinations (http://www.newcastleairport.com)

believe they're after 2 fully validated and 1 ADI only. closing date for aplications 1 oct.

good luck


Emergency Div
6th Oct 2008, 12:19
Anyone who gets an interview for this, ask them about the proposed changes to terms and conditions, details of the proposed new roster, the proposed pay cut - yes, pay CUT - and the proposed reduction in annual leave.

Then ask them to put it in writing.

Then assume it's not worth the paper it was written on.

8th Oct 2008, 08:56
When you have the answers to the questions from "emergency div", ask why at least 3 experienced ATCOs have already resigned (possibly more)and why numerous other experienced ATCOs are attending interviews to try to escape.

6th Nov 2008, 08:29
Hi, has anyone heard anything back from Newcastle yet? Have they found the people they want?


7th Nov 2008, 01:23
I found Newcastle chaps and chapesses in good form, dont know ins out out but they seemed a happy ship! Obviousl I havent got the big picture,but any thread on PPrune at times is open to interpretation....Can I have a job......................thats humour!


original boro atco
7th Nov 2008, 09:16
I left some time a go and am relieved not to be there now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!