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View Full Version : F/O making video during takeoff/landing on B737

21st Jul 2008, 22:20
I came across this video on youtube and I'm still surpriced in finding that the F/O was filming takeoff and landing from the RHS!! Italian airline Air One from FCO to BRI. It's evident that it's not about a fixed camera neither a jumpseat pax filming hanging ahead the pilot. Where is safety?

YouTube - Cockpit night flight FCO-BRI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDUCupVktgw)

22nd Jul 2008, 06:29
At least he hasn't got his tackle out! (Reference to previous 'FO plus camera plus flight deck equals unhappy outcome for FO event').

18th Aug 2008, 19:34
Its not the first....it certainly won't be the last.

This is far more common than people realise. Don't you just love youtube :ugh:

Wings Of Fury
18th Aug 2008, 23:45
Try filming as single pilot in a small twin at 20ft (no auto pilot). :}
I should put that on you tube!

15th Sep 2008, 15:13
Its called "MULTI TASKING".

Pilots must be able to multi task in order to carry out their daily job. Videoing a departure is not "unsafe" as (from experience) I have no doubt should there have been any problems the camera would have been ditched in favour of relevant emergency actions!!!!

15th Sep 2008, 17:15
@BugSpeed (http://www.pprune.org/members/80431-bugspeed)

It it seems that you are serious. Please tell me which airline you work for so as I can avvoid them........... :ugh:

15th Sep 2008, 20:05
How do you all know he's actually holding the camera? There are loads of cameras that could attach to his head.

Wings Of Fury
15th Sep 2008, 22:34
Who is actually a pilot here?!! ITS NOT HARD TO FILM AS PNF FROM THE RIGHT HAND SEAT!! and as BugSpeed said "ditch it in favour of relevant emergency actions!!!!"

Who hasn't done a beat up at -20 ft and filmed it in there GA life?


"attached to his head!!!" HA! Maybe he was a skydiver too!!! :}:}
That would be more distracting than holding the dam thing.

16th Sep 2008, 08:00
I've done videos before both as F/O in many types its good and nice memories... and have done videos (as freight only onboard) as single pilot on 404 videos

besides if something went wrong I presume (as I would anyway) to drop the phone or camera right way and start work if something happened...

Non-PC Plod
16th Sep 2008, 11:32
Whoops, sorry captain, silly me....I seem to have dropped my phone, and its stuck under the yaw pedals, just when we were having that problem with the FADEC failure on number two as well!
I thought this was a PROFESSIONAL pilots rumour network? Seems like a good quantity of people here need a stetson and spurs, not professional responsibility!:rolleyes:

16th Sep 2008, 11:39
Non-PC Plod,

They are actually called "rudder" pedals - yaw is the effect of the control.

Once the engine is running, a FADEC failure, to be honest, is a bit of a non event. Hopefully the other FADEC will have taken over. If it hasn't then oh no - gentle manual thrust and monitor engine instruments for abnormal readings.

If there is a FADEC fail before engine start then you don't start the engine!


Non-PC Plod
16th Sep 2008, 12:07

I hear what you say, but you are being a bit type-specific. The aircraft I fly have yaw pedals, not rudder pedals, and with a FADEC fail, surely it depends on what the FADEC does when it fails. It wont necessarily always go into a nice freeze, and it could spoil your day

Non-PC Plod
20th Sep 2008, 07:32
Dont worry, John R - this is a dream, where we are all "Top Gun", and we get filmed doing exciting things in aeroplanes, wear cool shades and pull chicks to a background of rock music. I think we should get someone to video a wide-bodied jet full of passengers beating up the tower at 100', then handbrake-turn the aircraft onto the parking stand before riding off on a motorbike with no helmet on.
But - in the dream we are all 14 years old!! I hope reality doesnt return!!

20th Sep 2008, 18:10
I always prefer to film from the right seat, it has a better eye line.

I only need on hand to land anyway.

Then perhaps I am just too good.


23rd Sep 2008, 22:00
put your video cam on the dash board and you can use both hand to fly the plane.

10th Oct 2008, 19:54
Oh dear. The point here is not just concern about emergencies, but that the FO is out of the loop as he/she is concentrating elsewhere.

The PNF should be monitoring, and waiting for the SOP calls and actions, they're not doing that if they are filming.

Yeah, we've all done it, the point is that we should not.

Der absolute Hammer
11th Oct 2008, 09:12
It is a simulator.
Take off and landing at Fiumicino.

12th Oct 2008, 05:15
FAA looks at videos taken in cockpits

FAA looks at videos taken in cockpits (http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/382219_horizon08.html)

13th Oct 2008, 02:03
they would only cause a problem when used in the cabin?

Your point is well taken. However, from various flight test work over the years, some cameras in some aircraft cause some problems, most don't. One significance of use in the cockpit is that the crew has a better chance of detecting a problem than would be the case with covert passenger use in the cabin.

.. not suggesting that flight crew should be videotaping .. whilst having to own up to having done some in line operations myself.

13th Oct 2008, 03:19
Well it's pretty clear the standards have dropped, apathy increased. With 200 people in the back..how proffessional is this situation? I would have expected this from guys flying a 172.

13th Oct 2008, 08:50
Rubbish. I know some very professional 172 pilots. It's not to necessarily be expected at all.

WX Man
13th Oct 2008, 08:51
The guy in the last video has got the right idea. YouTube - Beech 1900 in Africa (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbzwqIxt1q8&NR=1)

You can tell by the vignetting and the stability of the camera that it's a bullet [lipstick] camera. I infinately prefer to use the bullet camera. You can set it all up before the captain even gets into the aircraft, and it's a simple one-touch record and one-touch stop button.

It records better footage because of the angles of view, etc., and even records the audio. So: safer AND better. If you're serious about making flying videos, as far as I'm concerned it's the only way to go.

15th Oct 2008, 09:44
You comment about the terminilogy the previous user used for the rudder pedals (see yaw pedals) and here you are talking about the OTHER FADEC taking over in case of failure.
Get you facts right.
Each engine operates by one DUAL channel FADEC and cannot operate from another engine FADEC in case of failure.
The FADEC will auto reset and operate on the other channel.
Channels change with each engine start up.

mona lot
7th Nov 2008, 21:45
What about this guy?

YouTube - Alone in the Cockpit (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Er3NcEN0z3A)

Hope this wasn't a public transport flight! I bet the captain was delighted to see this on you tube.

What next, videos of people busting minimums on you tube?

8th Nov 2008, 02:39
mona lot, what is the problem with the video you posted?

Old Fella
8th Nov 2008, 09:53
If it is illegal to use a hand held mobile telephone whilst driving how could any professional pilot try and justify either pilot using a video during takeoff or landing? In fifty years in aviation I have never witnessed a pilot, or any other operating crew member, using a video or any other camera during a critical phase of flight. To do so would be totally unprofessional and unacceptable in my opinion. :=

8th Nov 2008, 13:47
Well said

10th Nov 2008, 02:26
There are even worse...
YouTube - Landing in the cockpit (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=bvfmathErC4)

11th Nov 2008, 15:48
If the Rule says no video by Flying crew....It has to be followed....

24th Nov 2008, 05:10
Professionalism sure has taken a beating in the past decade or so. The fact that we're even talking about this, whether sarcastically or not, shows a degradation in the quality of those amongst our ranks.
If you feel that way, how about bringing the matter up with your CP or DO and see what kind of a response you'll get. It's going to get even uglier, there are numerous posts of airliners in flight on airliners.net posting position, flight level and flight number. Management will have another:ugh: problem on their hands very soon.