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24th Mar 2008, 10:19
Timea, it should not be a problem to start at a later date if you have a good reasons !

24th Mar 2008, 22:11

I think I'm a bit confused by your post about what requirements EY looks at. Do they want anyone under 24 to have the now required 2 years work experience, or more? And anyone over 24 doesn't need to have as much experience? And they like previous FA experience?

Thanks! :)

25th Mar 2008, 10:22
Mate, this is a forum... people come on here for the truth about a company prior to applying. They dont want everything sugarcoated!. Ive been with this company for about a year now, so I think I am little more knowledged then yourself. The first few months are good, you go to some exciting destinations. But as this is a middle eastern airline, we cater to a wide selection of intra gulf destinations and indian/pakistan destinations, therefore, be prepared to be doing sometimes 14 to 15 hr days with minimum pay. Its a fact of this company. My roster for the past 7 days consists of, AUH to Kuwait to AUH, AUH to Amman to AUH, AUH to Doha to AUH, AUH to Kuwait to AUH, AUH to Amman to AUH, AUH to Doha to AUH, AUH to Karachi to AUH, AUH to Peshawar to AUH, AUH to Cochin to AUH. All minimum pay, all extra long shift. This is a fact. Im not trying to scare anyone, but if I had known these things I would have reconsidered this airline and thought about another like Lafthunsa or Canada Air.

25th Mar 2008, 11:36
Does anybody have the number or email address for the Etihad HR department?? I tried [email protected] ([email protected]) but there was a delivery failure... anyone pls???

25th Mar 2008, 14:08
Hey Ozzycrew,

thanks for the info!

Happy landings>>>slori2000

25th Mar 2008, 14:52

Mary Rose Heibges
Recruitment Officer
HR Department

Etihad Training Academy, Khalifa City
PO Box 35566,
Abu Dhabi,
United Arab Emirates

Tel: +971 2 501 8322
Fax: +971 2 501 8129
Email: [email protected] ([email protected])

26th Mar 2008, 08:43
Thank you Sofia 02 it was most helpful..

-How long do I have to stay in the country where I will be having my assessment day? If I am successful will my final interview be the same day or a few days later?


26th Mar 2008, 11:10
I am very scared and angry:* now, I am joining EY soon and you talk about short haul and turnarounds. I hate short haul :yuk:, I have joined EY for international long haul. I left my airline as I was doing only short haul!!!!:ugh::{

26th Mar 2008, 13:04
Hey Flygirl,

I don't know... I read some Etihad blogs, and the crew was happy and doing long haul. Maybe EY chooses somehow the crew. I have no idea. My opinion is you won't know until you try!

26th Mar 2008, 13:14
Hi all. Just to let you all know that you will be doing a mixture of Long and Short Haul. You are not fleeted to do just Longhaul so be prepared to do back to back Bahrain!!!! Etihad is still growing so who knows what the future may bring. My ex girlfriend still works for them now and has only been doing LHR and New York recently but her flatmate had been doing lots of shorthaul.

26th Mar 2008, 15:33
Each month when u get your roster, u will see mxture of short haul, medium haul, long and ultra long haul. The first few months u will get approx 3-4 long/ultra long haul flights (which are great) Later on in the year, should they decide to train you on the 320 aircraft, the number of turnaround flights will increase. Just be prepared from the start to do both. Some short haul flights are easy, like Doha and Bahrain.... less than an hour each way. Good luck.

26th Mar 2008, 20:58
You have been invited ?
The interview only take one day.

26th Mar 2008, 22:22

The assessment day will start nice and early... 8:30! It'll run the whole day with a couple of cut off points. The final interview is that day as well. So if you have to book flights and hotels, you will not have to go away for very long. Did you get your invitation already? :)

27th Mar 2008, 14:49
I got the call today!!


Will be flying out in month or less now, just need to complete my medicals.

Bye bye Singapore, muah hahahaha!

chai latte
27th Mar 2008, 19:21
Guess how the flight swap works in etihad? The company provided system is so efficient ( pen&paper,hardly works) that crew use Facebook as a way of swapping their trips. How do u like it?

27th Mar 2008, 21:58
Oh my God!!! I am coming and I read here that things are bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:ugh:

Ok I'll stay 6 months and then I'll leave. Do you know if I have to pay anything after 6 months? I hate short haul and turnarounds.

28th Mar 2008, 03:52
Try and have little more perspective.. there's a mix of short and long haul for most international airline (is there not?).

You'd be crazy to think you were going to have long-haul trips exclusively - - look at the location of the base and then look at the distance between it and many of the destinations they fly to. It's common sense.

28th Mar 2008, 13:34
Heya, dont be too worried. You will have the opporutnity to travel all over. Since Ive been here, Ive been to Germany, Canada, Thailand, Malaysia, UK etc etc. U will get to go to some great places, but u will be required to do Turnarounds also. If ur not happy after 6 months, u can resign and wont be required to pay anything.

28th Mar 2008, 13:50
Somes of crew told that the average salary is about 10000-11000 and some other told it is 7000-8000 !
That makes a big difference !

Can anyone tell me what is the real average salary ?

Thank you.

28th Mar 2008, 14:57
On the website it says their basic salary ranges from:
AED 3020/month
AED 210/ flying day
AED 288 / layover per day. (On the website it says the pay is ranged from this to prices slightly higher but ive just given you the lowest prices. I always think its best to prepare yourself for the lowest anyway.) So just go to currency convertor and change it to your currency to see what you get per month. hope that helps!

Depending on the roster you get...that's it. But don't think 10000 not even could be possible! he/she might be a purser...

28th Mar 2008, 16:29
on the Etihad website it says that the assessment day in London is on the 28th..just wanted to inform you its on the 29th...

29th Mar 2008, 13:32
Seems that some of you have not read the stickie at the top of the forum, so here is a repeat:

Posts in this forum MUST:

Not use text message abbreviations.
Make sufficient use of punctuation & grammar to be readable.
Not be used instead of private messages.
Not be used to tell somebody else about a private message.
Have a point (i.e. be relevant to the thread and not chatter)

Thanks for your help...

30th Mar 2008, 02:26
Hi there,
I've just read that you're an ex magaer with Etihad. Can you please tell me what's the approx salary of a CC manager and how long did you take to make a career? Thaaaaank you for the info:O

30th Mar 2008, 18:36
Salary differs. I've been flying for 4 months and my average is 8700-9700. I'm not yet trained for the A320. I do short-haul, medium, long-haul.
And I don't mind getting short haul flights .. Very easy service and if you're lucky you work for few hours and get paid for 2-day roster.

30th Mar 2008, 19:36
I am joining EY in a few days.

Which aircrafts will I be trained right now??????

A320 now or later on??????????????????????:confused:

How many weeks training?? 6-7-8?????

Where can my boyfriend sleep when he visits me?????????????:confused:


chai latte
31st Mar 2008, 15:43
Your boyfriend can sleep in a hotel as long as he pays for it, dont count on EY accomodation. They dont allow your same sex colleagues from EY to stay at your place after 1.AM, so how do you imagine your boyfriend staying with you? If you want to invite family you need to apply for a permission in advance and the visit has to be minimum 10 days. The bottom line is they dont want you to have a life. Good luck

31st Mar 2008, 17:59
Have you always had such a depressing attitude? :yuk:

They don't make annoying limitations like that because they get their kicks out of restricting crew, they do it because they are still running a business, and of course it is in their interests not to have acquaintances of their employees freeloading at the accommodation they are providing, and using the utilities they are paying for. ;)

31st Mar 2008, 18:25
- Can't believe he can't sleep with me. After a long journey and a very expensive flight he has to pay for an hotel!!!!!:*
I know that there are no cheap hotel over there, how can they think I can manage this? After 6 months I'll leave EY with happiness!!!!!:yuk:

-A320 training is when I join or later on?????

- how many weeks initial training???????


31st Mar 2008, 18:32
You can apply for a live out allowance and rent your own appartment , its not very ideal because you are going to pay more out of your salary, but you'll have your freedom to bring boyfriend , girlfriend , family whoever you like

31st Mar 2008, 18:35
Hi Guys and Girls,

Its very important if anyone of you can share contact information of HR Officers. Im trying to get an assessment day in Abu Dhabi, but cant reach people, and ask just to look at my online application. So if you be so kind, please share. Ill be very thankful.


31st Mar 2008, 18:42
You should watch the news so that you see what is going on in the Netherlands! I am cabin crew with Lufthansa and even at Lufthansa we talked about this! So I dont know wheather you are informed about that stupid video of that dutch politician! I know that this is the Etihad Cab9in Crew Thread but dont forget that you are moving to a muslim country and that you dont travel there with any fears!!!!!!

31st Mar 2008, 18:51
Hey guys!

I was wondering how does EY choose the crew for coral or pearl or diamond zones? Is it based on experience? Or do the crew work in all 3 zones? Is there any career growth opportunities?


31st Mar 2008, 19:02
no one is telling me how many weeks is the course?

A320??? Please

31st Mar 2008, 19:19
A doubt: can my boyfriend visit me in my accomodation????? From 8am to 1am I know he can...is it true???

31st Mar 2008, 20:10
Possibly, but if it's not the guard will ring you to send him down to leave.

It's not just EY, it's the policy in the ME. Remember, we're not talking about a developed country here...

31st Mar 2008, 20:27
Sorry I have to send away my boyfriend if he stays in my accomodation between 8am and 1am as well?? Why?
are there many guardians everywhere? where can I send my boyfriend then???:confused:

That's ridiculous

31st Mar 2008, 20:36
Flygirl330, if you want to see your boyfriend whenever you want, the best for you it is to get your own accomodation !

I am married and that is probably what i am going to do.

31st Mar 2008, 21:19
Hey flygirl330, I have a solution for you, get ride of that boyfriend and get a new one in AUH :}.

Just kidding, in EK everyone brings their "cousin", so, when you fill out the visitors form just say "cousin" and that´s it :ok:.

Best of luck !!!

31st Mar 2008, 21:48
And if I have to prove he is my cousin what should I write? eheehe

I have a colleague of mine who had a girlfriend working for EK and he said the same thing. But if they discover you?or if they want a proof he's my cousin??? :rolleyes:

31st Mar 2008, 22:12
Dont complicate it ,,no one would ask you to prove anything unless someone has reported you .. as you long as you u're in good terms with your flatmates and the security guards , you'll be alright . Plan B --> get married:}

31st Mar 2008, 22:21

Thank you.

Anyway I'll see when I'm there. There must be a way, they can't be so strict.

I hope I won't be trained on A320 in my initial training!!!!

1st Apr 2008, 16:51
The course is approx 7 weeks, and as for your boyfriend, wake up..This is a muslim country, its illegal to have sex before marraige and the boy & girl thing is expected etc etc. Its not the end of the World. You should be more concerned with passing the Abintio training. The test papers and new SEP requirements are abit more diffulcult. Trainees have been sent home.
We just have to respect the laws & culture of this country. Problem we have is all these new crew joining, but not researching what this Country has with its customs/laws before flying over to the UAE. Ok its not to the extreme like Saudi. Females have there freedom here. Very Westernised but just things with Males/Females is a touchy subject here.

As for security guards in the building, they are changed every 4 weeks. So no time to make friends with security guards and all that. Its the whole point Etihad have this. Alot of trouble with crew making friends with guards and taking advantage. If you are a male crew wishing to see a female crew within the curfew. We just sign into a males apartment in that same building. No dramas. Non-Etihad employees is a big no FULLSTOP until 0800.

All new batches joining will be trained on all aircrafts.
-320 (Etihad not Air Malta)

As for existing crew we are all being trained on the 320 when we do our recurrents. When more crew are trained on 320, the less chances of getting turnarounds on these aircrafts.

You will be initially trained in Coral Economy and will stay that way.
Even with previous experience you will stay in Coral. Eventually batch per batch will be trained in the premium zones. But the process is slow and goes by seniority within the company.

1st Apr 2008, 19:48
Thank you Nickvan!

Your information is most helpful!
I want to go to work and save some money. I think it's not such a big problem with boyfriends and stuff. We should remember that we are going to work, not for partying. And as far as i understand there is so much to learn, we won't have time for boyfriend.

2nd Apr 2008, 01:42
don't want to be rude but...get some info about the culture down there before moving!!!!
They can't be so strict???:ugh: i believe you can do anything as long as you don't get caught...and I believe..well..I'll leave it or you'll hate me but I just don't feel like reading so many posts about your boyfriend...
Do you mind? One/two questions about it are enough..You got your answers now or d'you want to know the names of the guards?

2nd Apr 2008, 05:12
HI GUYS, I WAS HAPPY TO KNOW THAT ETIHAD FINALLY PUT THE DATES FOR THEIR FUTURE ASSESTMENT DAYS HERE IN THS US. , ( ALTHOUGH THEY DIDN'T PUT THE EXACT DATES OR CITIES WHERE THEY'LL TAKE PLACE...) THEY JUST PUT: MAY/JUNE/JULY , AND THEY PUT: east/midwest/west , I hope they still come to New York like it said in the website, because I'll still be here in July, so that's good.

There was something I'm a little bit worried about: the new requirements, specially the one that says: " At least two years of experience in front line customer care - either as a cabin crew, hospitality or medical is preferred." , .... I don't have that kind of experience, those 2 years in front line customer care... do you think that it could be a problem for me the day of the assestment day??, I mean , could it be bad for my chances???

I don't have airline experience, I just did part of a training for a company, I had to leave due to family problems... if I mention that detail, do you think it would be good or bad for me??

I'll be looking forward for your coments, answers. Thank You.

2nd Apr 2008, 08:03
Try not to let this new requirement bother you, there is always a chance to with them over with everything else you have. Try to highlight any service experience you've had, in any field of business - most jobs have some form of contact with clients or customers. Don't exaggerate though! :8

Make the most use of your CV to summarize your accomplishments. Tailor the document to cabin crew specifically, try not to send one that you use as a generic one for any old job position.

Maybe you know all of this already, but if you need any samples or have other questions feel free to add me on messenger or PM me. I got a lot of help from this forum when I was applying and so I'm to return the favor to others (good karma and all that). :O

2nd Apr 2008, 08:41
Hey guys, I already got the invite for the assessment day in London on the 29th April and I am really excited. Can anyone tell me if they will ask questions such as "what challenges do Etihad face etc." cos I tried to do an online application for BA and that was one of the questions and I was lost! I have lots of customer experience and I think I would make a great flight attendant but should I read up on this stuff? I would be so lost if I got a question like that...


2nd Apr 2008, 09:18
dazednconfused, don't get nervous about the assessment day, most questions are about your past experiences so just be yourself and it should be fine.

2nd Apr 2008, 09:57
thanks lili2929

I guess I will just have to take it as it comes:-)

Also, when I read some of the old posts a psychometric test or something of the sorts is mentioned.. Is that still part of the assessment?! Cos most of the new ones only mention an English test..

2nd Apr 2008, 10:20
I didn't pass any kind of psychometric test, just an english test which was very easy.

Good luck :)

2nd Apr 2008, 10:57
i was submit for etihad cc:) in the open days avaible in web site:)

this is the first message from EY:


Thank you for your interest in Etihad Airways, the National Airline of the United Arab Emirates. You have successfully submitted your application for the position of Cabin Crew (CC01) .

for now it is a good sign to go for the open day :p

the second message from EY :

2/19/2008 :}

Thank you for your interest in Etihad Airways.

Unfortunately, we will not be pursuing your application for Cabin Crew at this time. However, should you be interested in other positions within Etihad Airways, kindly return to the careers website and reapply for any position that you believe to be a good fit for your skills and experience.

give any explication :rolleyes:

thinks for any reply or message:O

2nd Apr 2008, 11:21
As far as I know the first message you got is a confirmation email stating that they have received your online application (i got that one too..) The second email is a rejection as far as i know.. They must have screened your application and decided that you are not going to be shortlisted for an assessment day..

2nd Apr 2008, 13:56
I'm beginning to wonder if anyone that applied to EY got the application "rejection" email, as they weren't hiring for a short period a few months ago. So bizarre. I remember getting my invite last year, and my application wasnt even complete! And even though I didn't make it to the final, I got another invite 2 months later, so go figure.

dazednconfused: Congrats on getting your invite, and so soon!! Usually its 1-2 weeks before the assessment day. Did you email them yourself? Or did they just send you one? And how long ago was it?

2nd Apr 2008, 14:03
Hi there, I'd like to bring my personal experience with Etihad altough it's an odd one.

I attended the assessment day on the 25th of Feb., in Milan and believe it or not, I was the only one to have turned upOnly 45 miutes later,anothergirl showed up! There were three girls from the Recruitment dept. Actually, the third was just assisting the process as a trainee. Two are from Philippines, the trainee is French. The boss is a girl of about 25 and has 3 year-experience within etihad. The second is not a cabin crew for her height doesn't allow her to meet the minimun requirements.
Due to total lack of candidates, I didn't get any formal presentation of the company itself and didn't do any group job. I only did the english test, being not native speaker and the one-to-one interview. Simple questions were asked like..Why did you choose to apply for a position with them, do you know anything about abu dhabi and life there, do you think you'll have problems relocating in a muslim country or sharing a flat with people you don't know, what would you do if a female passenger vomited on her garments..

I went through this 1st stage and they are checking on my references.
The other girl didn't get it, she was rejected!I am a 10-year-experienced cabin crew and the other candidate has been flying for 3 and was a purser! So don't worry.

Do keep in mind to:
-get there on time, better if you get there at least 20 minutes earlier so that you can have the chance to introduce yourself to the interviewers with a nice smile
-Style of clothing: formal business
-Hand in a clean Cv sheet etc...
-Say that you gathered info on Etihad and Abu dhabi from the internet, if no personal experience with that.
-If you are nervous, just admit it and apologize for any mistake you may do
-Say that, although you don't have any customer care experience provided by yourself, YOU have been a customer yourself and know what is like receiveng a good or a bad service. Just say that you still remember being on the side of a customer and that will be your chance to deliver service.

Good luck! I think both Abu dhabi and Etihad are great but have some doubts about the salary they offer!


2nd Apr 2008, 14:15
I'm a little concerned about the salary now also, but only in a minor way because at this stage of my life my pay is far from being one of the more important things...

If you keep in mind they give you a tax-free salary, layover allowances and other benefits, and your utilities and rent are free then it seems quite ok after all.

Still, the basic is kind of a shocker! ha ha :p

2nd Apr 2008, 14:19
1.The first e mail is a system generated e mail automatically sent when you complete the application on line.

2. The second comes after the recruitment staff's study of your application.

This is the answer to your question.

2nd Apr 2008, 14:28
It really is...unfortunately and can't really understand why they pay so little money. I think the salary is just not enough. Emirates' s a bit higher and gives you a pension scheme!

2nd Apr 2008, 15:07
Hey Guys,

Take into consideration. You may think the Basic is crap. But there many many more factors that make up your monthly salary.
Dont be fooled by the little basic pay you will receive in the first 6 months.

Keep inmind layover allowances and other things that contribute to your salary. Look every month will be different. We fly to 46 different destinations. (Approx 52 by years end) so each destination obviously has its different payscales. You will average anywhere between 9,000DHS - 13,000DHS. Sometimes even more.

Plus the free accomadation etc etc. We get pre-approved loans, credit cards thrown at us like its nothing. You will get help with finance here.

2nd Apr 2008, 16:33
9,000DHS - 13,000DHS

Seriously :eek: I thought was not even a cabin manager's salary..

If its true, then, well, sweet :p

2nd Apr 2008, 17:02
Wow well the salary seems to be very good to me. :{ But still no go ahead with the medicals for me.

2nd Apr 2008, 17:13
I am in the same situation as you Ianaav !

2nd Apr 2008, 18:58
Sorry some questions about training and other things :p :

- 7 weeks accomodation in a hotel (room to share with another person), right?? And after training in the apartment??

- Do they pay also breakfast, lunch and dinner or only breakfast??

- Pension scheme?

- When I'll be entlited for Staff Travel?

Thank you;)

2nd Apr 2008, 18:58
Maquillage1: I emailed the HR department as I applied back in November, my status was still set to "applied" and I wanted to make them aware that I was willing to travel to make the assessment day... The day after I got an email saying that they were going to pass it on to the recruiter in the UK and then the day after that I got the invitation! I was so happy to finally receive it:-) I received it 5 days ago!

Juliadayla: I thought Etihad only jt started recruiting again according to the Etihad website!?!? Your story was interesting.. I wish I had gone to that open day:-)

2nd Apr 2008, 20:49
Some people get the permanent accommodation right away when they arrive to AUH, but some will get hotel. If you are in a hotel, you don't have to share the room. Actually some people are more than happy to be staying in a nice hotel :). It depends in which hotel you are staying, some offer breakfast, some don't, but you won't get lunch or dinner anywhere. The accommodation thing is basically matter of luck...

You'll be entitled to staff travel on EY flights right after you graduate.

2nd Apr 2008, 21:25
I have posted in this forum befor joining Ey..
I read many pages here..and i find some comments very ridicuLous...for example..abu dhabi is a 3 rd world or u cannot have freedom here.or enjoy your time with your gil or guy!..thats absolutely out of sence! U can do whatever u want here!
If u are a party lover..a beach lover..outgoin person..love working wid pple..then come over! its amazing!

For those who are waiting their turn to come here..be patient...the opportunity deserves...
Any question or concern ..let me know ..cheers

2nd Apr 2008, 21:44
In the contract it is written that the room in the hotel is to share with another person. No breakfast??

About staff travel: sorry, is it after graduation (end of training) or after 3 months of joining the company???:confused:
Will I have unlimited flights when I'll have my staff travel? How much is the discount 10%,20%,30%....? and parents and friends?where can they stay on AUH?

Sorry to bother all of you EY people, but I am sooooo confused and upset: some of you say something others other things, then HR say something else...I don't understand anything!!:{

2nd Apr 2008, 21:48
Thank you, I am joining.... but I am still very confused as I wrote above about training, accomodation, internet access in room, visits from my country, staff travel, life in AUH.....:confused:

Then I am happy to come as I love flying the world and meeting new cultures:ok::p

3rd Apr 2008, 01:40

do you mind if i ask you, what kind of questions were at final interview? im very curious cause hopefully ill be facing that challenge too. How many people on finals? How long it takes? What questions do they ask? And how did you answered on these questions?

Thank You

P.S. If you can PM me that would be great.

3rd Apr 2008, 02:10

Thanks for the heads up! My application went from "applied" to "under review" to nothing, but I have not gotten that rejection email, LOL! So I think I am fine. Maybe I will email them anyway and see if I can get an invite for an assessment day. You are very lucky to have gotten one so early! Good luck!

3rd Apr 2008, 03:07
there is internet connection and computers in each etihad bldg for free
however..if u want direct access on ure laptop from ure room..you should get it by ourself...but still cheap! around 25 usd per person if u share it with ure flat mate...
u get 90% off ticket..called id 90 for all your family..mom..dad siblings! and straight after training!! dont worry too much pple!! let the time go and u will experience everything by yourself!! then everybody will start laughing at what you were worrying about ;)!!!

thats what hapened wid me;) see ya

3rd Apr 2008, 07:28
From previous experience (not speculation): How long does it take for HR to reply once having received your medical results?


3rd Apr 2008, 07:36
Hello, I have a few questions too... :-)

- Do you have to fill in a form with your exact 5 year history? (I am not too sure about exact dates!)

- So what happens after the final interview? Who ends up making the decision on whether you're able to join?

-When they say "all the necessary clearences" is that checking if you have a criminal record? Or is that calling the references provided by you?

- Last but not least, is it absolutely crucial that I smile showing teeth on the pictures I bring for the assessment day?

Thanks everyone!!

3rd Apr 2008, 09:44
Dear lavelaso, I had my interview in October:eek:

The interview was very easy, I made many interviews and this one was fine, the 2 girls there were very nice to us.
It was an assessment day with 30-35 people. Many were sent home just because of their English. The English test was really easy, really basic English believe me.

Final interview: as I saw...they want you to be ready to leave your life in your home country for them. They want to see you open minded towards new cultures. They ask you about your cusotmer services experince (I am already a CC so it was not difficult for me), they ask examples, like the British airlines...but they also are interested in your own life experiences with other cultures. They want to see you accepting other cultures, remember it!! Just talk,smile,speak, let them see you love diferent culktures, that you are able to respect them.
They also asked me what should I do and think if I find myself sharing my room with a Chinese or east girls cooking strange food in out kitchen.....you must answer that you wouldn't complain and you would happily accept their food and way of living.
About passengers and flying: you are onboard for their safety FIRST! Then you must be tactful, help them....you don't go there only to fly the world but beacuse you love attending passengers and you love meeting people and respond for their needs anytime. Be confident but not too much and smile always.

I answer you here as maybe other people need what I wrote:ok:

3rd Apr 2008, 09:50

You don't absolutely need to provide 5 years history references, this happens ONLY in the British Airlines!!! I did so in the UK and I can't describe how was awful.....but in EY you don't need it:ok:
You need reference ONLY if you have at least ONE YEAR FLYING EXPERIENCE so they make an adjustment on your basic salary which will be higher since the beginning when joining EY:ok:

Abput clearance...I don't know...they make all the secyrity checks on you but I have no idea how they do so!

It's really important to smile at the interview!!! You will also have to pass some medical exams and X-ray in your country prior to join the company!

3rd Apr 2008, 09:55

thank you, so I will bring my laptop with me....I hope I'll be able to buy the correct wire to connect it in my room :O

So after training I'll have 90% ST????? After my first 6-7 weeks??? Wow!!!
But those ST only for me and parents??? And can I have ST for some friends?

After training will I have some days for myself before flying???


3rd Apr 2008, 09:59
Hi ashlea,
Would like to know what's the key to success to the final stage?
I'm attending the assessment day on 14th April. Kinda nervous.

3rd Apr 2008, 10:12
I'm not officially quite in yet! If I get a DOJ then I'll tell you everything. Heh :O

3rd Apr 2008, 11:58
After 6mos you have 2 id50s and 2 id90s for your friends to use. it is not unlimited, only yourself and your parents gets the unlimited discounts. This will be explained further in your 1st week of training.
After training, you will be flying. After all, this is what you came for, to work. And remember: more flying means more pay.

3rd Apr 2008, 12:00
Thank you,so I'll have my unlimited discounts immediately after training? The 90%?

3rd Apr 2008, 12:29
Cara, se ci vediamo in EY te la offro io la colazione! Ma che domande fai:ugh::ugh:

Translation for non-Italian speaker:
Love, if we meet in EY I will pay you breakfast! What sort of questiomns are yours?:ugh::ugh:

3rd Apr 2008, 12:32

3rd Apr 2008, 12:45
I have already worked for foreign airlines and everything was written about the training: I had transportation, hotel room and breakfast.

As the HR people don't say anything and the contract is very poor of info, it is my right to ask such things.

I just want to know this as I'll have to pay for my meals with no salary for all my training course. It was not a stupid question:=

3rd Apr 2008, 16:15
I would love to answer ALL Of your questions.

But please include them ALL In 1 post. Every posting of yours is asking too much of detailed questions. Some unnecessary ones.

Just some advice.


3rd Apr 2008, 16:39
I AM SORRY BUT I don't think that the decision to move and work in the UAE is something light and easy.:=
I have NO IDEA how things work over there as there's a lot of confusion.
I don't make silly questions, right?

So be kinder and more respectfull to those people like me who are coming to change their life and to get new challanges as You, yourself, have already done, OK?:ok:

3rd Apr 2008, 17:00
No question is a silly question. Ask all you want. As you see this is the Etihad Discussion III. As per moderator. The search function is most useful.

Every question you have queried has already been asked and answered. I myself have answered many of your questions asked by other users in the forum. You just need to search through the Etihad Forums. Seek and you shall find.

3rd Apr 2008, 17:14
I have already read all the threads about EY but I didn't find so much and I din't find the same questions and answers.
That's the problem.

Thank you anyway

3rd Apr 2008, 18:43
Hey Guys,

can somebody tell me what the reason is for all the crew who are resigning from Etihad Airways? Especially those from Far East, Europe and Australia! I was told by EY cabin crew that more than 150 leave each month....what is the reason exactly?

Doing saturday first service with Lufthansa to Shanghai! So excited:ok::ok:

3rd Apr 2008, 19:29
After being rejected several weeks ago, I got the most unexpected message last Sunday: from Etihad!! They said they are ready to process my file!!!
Fine, no problem, let's see what happens....Oh, no, I won't start the "whooohoo I'm in" because it is not so...yet. They advised me to wait for the contract first. Of course.
I do not have a DOJ, I was not yet told to start the medicals. So....let's wait...It is difficult not to dream - again - about it but I promised myself I will not re-start dreaming and hoping, because I do not want to be dissapointed once again.

3rd Apr 2008, 21:16

I have not gotten the "rejection" email. I last checked my application status, and there was none. It used to say "under review" so hopefully, an invitation will be next! Anyone know if this is typical?

3rd Apr 2008, 22:20

I dont know whats typical or not just know that mine says "under review" and I have my invitation.......

4th Apr 2008, 08:48
Does anybody have a expected, or confirmed DOJ or fly date between now and April 15th?

I am trying to work out whether I'll be able to go over on my requested DOJ. Thanks..

4th Apr 2008, 09:11
My friend is flying from Slovakia on 17.04

4th Apr 2008, 09:15
150 a month is exaggerated.. Check other middle east carriers, i'm sure the same number of crews are resigning.
This is also 1 reason why the minimum age requirement to join EY changed, HR is tired of hiring young people who goes to Abu Dhabi and work as a cabin crew but doesn't know what it is all about and what the lifestyle in AUH is..
So harsh but true, you'd meet plenty of young crew who thinks they are paid to have fun.. not to work hard.. Complain about the simplest things :ugh::ugh:

4th Apr 2008, 09:24
i check the web site of EY and my status is applied :O

what is mean that :rolleyes: ?

they review my application and i have to wait for the invitation of an assessment day :cool::confused:

4th Apr 2008, 09:32
I would like to comment about the resignition rates in etihad, it's not true, people talk alots, and etiah is taking care of the crew and believe me they are trying their best, it's strue that there were some complications about accomodations and stuff before, but the crew and specialy the young and irresponsible ones are just talking for free, ... recently there were three fires in a nice building because of the stupidity of the crew, the crew like to talk a lots, and grapevines are just around, ... so for those who would like to join i would like to encourage them to come because if u like flying you will love it in here, i flew with qatar before and no need to give a picture of what's happening in there, ... etihad people have made a big effort and they are improving all the departments and believe me it's getting better, ... i know the HR people seem a bit lazy and not caring before i joined but when i came here i saw a different picture. don't believe what is saying in the forum, ...

4th Apr 2008, 09:45

Been here a couple of months and I couldn't say it is bad, it is actually good, more than I have hoped for. It is basically how you see things and appreciate what the company is giving you.

For new joiners, hang in there. Know about the job and the base (AUH), this will make joining EY and moving in AUH easier if you know what you are getting into...

Good luck!

4th Apr 2008, 09:46
Thanks EYner,

I am coming there, I am already crew and I am young but I'm not 20 eheeh
What I am looking for, coming there, are: flying the world, getting to know and respect all new cultures, learn out of everything and of course BE TREATED IN THE BEST WAY BY EY with no lies....

So I hope I am not making a mistake.....:)

4th Apr 2008, 11:42
Hey all,

just wanted to let you know that they have updated the assessment schedule on the Etihad webiste and there are now exact dates!
I had myself a big surprise as my home town all of a sudden showed up on the schedule and I have already booked tickets to go to London for the assessment there... how ironic! oh well...guess i'll make a trip out of it:-)

5th Apr 2008, 02:35
Hi all,

I just joint the site...you are very helpful...
Few days ago a got this message from Etihad:

Dear Candidate,

Thank you for your recent application seeking the cabin crew position with Etihad Airways.

If you are still interested, please be advised that we are going to conduct an assessment day on the 14th June 2008 in Toronto , Canada .

Upon receipt of your confirmation we will send you a further email with the details of the interview.

We would like to thank you again for your interest in Etihad Airways and wish you every success in your professional pursuits.

But on there official website it sad that the assessment day in Toronto is on 14 of MAY?????
I dont know what to expect....:confused: May or June....Does anybody know something???? Is this the official invitation or not:confused:...Please help

5th Apr 2008, 02:43
I would email them and say that you are going (if you are, of course), and then ask if the date is on the 14th of May OR June. They should reply and let you know the official date.

Hopefully I will get an invite to the same assessment day as you! Still waiting for mine! Did you email EY about the assessment day, or did they just send you one?

5th Apr 2008, 04:14
Marushka, wether it is in May or June, I would recommend you do some homework to sharpen up your English language skills, if you want to pass the selection.:suspect:

5th Apr 2008, 04:33

Ha! So FUNNY when people comment on the language skills of others, only to type something like this :p

5th Apr 2008, 05:08
OK ashlea, you got me! I typed one h too few. Wether is a castrated ram, boo hoo. Seriously though, I mean to be helpful. Cheers HD.

5th Apr 2008, 08:33
Hey guys, for the assessment day did you have your passport photos and full length photo taken at a professional photographer or did you take them yourselves with a digital camera?
Would really appreciate if a few people could answer this....

5th Apr 2008, 10:58
In my 1st EY interview I had taken pictures myself, and I didn't make it through. In my 2nd EY interview I had professional pictures and made it through to the very end. :O

I'm not saying there's a correlation between the two, as looking back now I was very under prepared for my 1st interview. I know pro pics are quite expensive, but I think it's really worth doing from the very beginning. With a good set you can ask for a CD and use them over and over (of course the objective is to only use them once) ;)

PLUS if you get the job you're going to have to get pro pics done anyway, so it may as well be sooner rather than later.

5th Apr 2008, 11:02
I had my photo taken by a professional for my interview aswell.

5th Apr 2008, 12:49
having professional pictures is a MUST when applying with any airline as much as having a clean and clear CV sheet and business attire and hair tied up and clean.
Remember to take pictures in business attire.

6th Apr 2008, 07:43
Hi guys :)

I currently work for EY as a cabin crew, and just want to let you know that having professional photos is not a MUST thing at all!! If you want to and can afford it, just do so. I know it's pretty expensive and some people can't afford it, so don't encourage people to spend money on unnecessary thing. As long as you're wearing business attire and having neat hair and nice smile on the photo you will submit, that's enough and fine! I didn't have professional photos on my assessment day, but I was lucky and good enough to get this job.

Also, I know many of you guys are wondering how much money we actually make here. I really wanted to know before I joined here, too. Well, it really varies depending on your schedule, but I would say it's around 9000~11000 AED. For the first 6month of probational period, it is going to be hard to save money. Durig training? How can you possibly save money when your income is only 2500AED? I remember I was very happy and felt that I actually started making money after my probational period. Of course, I've made more than 11000 ~12000 and even 13000 AED a month, so expect to have some good months and bad months. Secondly, it can be also depending on currency exchange rates which you can't do anything about! For example, I lost almost $500 because of the bloody exchange rates, comparing the last time I sent money back home. I was so upset:}

If you want to know anything, just send me private messages. Have a good day!! :)

6th Apr 2008, 11:48

Only one thing...I started to do my medical and I sad to person from HR that I can start in mid of may, because I am an current cabin crew..But my current employer want me to stay for another 2 months..Which means that I cant leave earlier(thats our law)What do you think..are they gonna accept this?I am a bit worried about this...What are they gonna say If I am gonna tell them that I can start only in june....:sad:

Thanx for your answer


6th Apr 2008, 11:52
just call etihad and explain your situation. i'm sure theyl be more than willing to adjust your DOJ.

6th Apr 2008, 12:08
That would be great..I am going to speak to my boss on Monday..and if she wount let me go in may..then I need to call Etihad..Are you sure, that they will accept me even in june?I´ve seen on their website, that their recruiting people till the end of this year...So they can probably put me to another training course in june...Does it work like this?

Thanx again


6th Apr 2008, 12:28
it usually does. thou im really not in the position to tell you what etihad's rules about those stuffs since im joining ek next week. ;) try checking Etihad- wannabees and recruitment thread.


6th Apr 2008, 12:37

Only one thing...I started to do my medical and I sad to person from HR that I can start in mid of may, because I am an current cabin crew..But my current employer want me to stay for another 2 months..Which means that I cant leave earlier(thats our law)What do you think..are they gonna accept this?I am a bit worried about this...What are they gonna say If I am gonna tell them that I can start only in june....:sad:

Thanx for your answer


6th Apr 2008, 12:40
thanx for your answer...When are you flying over there?

6th Apr 2008, 12:49
As far as I know, EY has training batches commencing always on a Sunday, 2-3 times a month perhaps. They told me they need 13 people to make a batch, although I'm not sure if that was an exact number or a minimum requirement..? In any case then, training dates are a common occurrence, so worry not! ;)

To help things along, try and be as flexible as you can with your requested date/s of joining, as it makes things easier on their side if you have a wider time frame to work within.

As for your current employer.. do you legally have to give that much notice? I thought the normal tender was one month only? If someone has asked you to work longer than what is stated in your contract then I think you have the right to refuse...

6th Apr 2008, 14:05
If any aussies out there want to apply for etihad send me a PM i can give some advice about the recruitment process and tell you some sources that you may want to refer t to increase your chances in getting the job!



6th Apr 2008, 15:29

Thank you for your answer.In Slovak law, my current employer can keep me at my work for 2 months from the date of my resigne..But, I m going to my boss on monday, so probably we can agree that I can leave earlier...I really want to go there in the end of the may....:sad:

6th Apr 2008, 15:34
Good idea. Just put in a professional request, I'm sure your boss will understand. Two months is quite a while!

6th Apr 2008, 15:41
I know...I am affraid only about one thing...What if my employer wount let me go away and the people from Etihad wount except me to go there for example in July....:sad:

6th Apr 2008, 19:47
Did you do anything in particular to prepare for the assessment? (as you said you were under prepared the first time..) I have read all the threads and read abou the company. Don't know if there's anything else I can or should do..

also, would you wear a shirt under the suit for the assessment and the photos? or is a top alright?

anyone?!? Thanks for all your help:-)

6th Apr 2008, 20:10
For dress, business clothes are perfect. I remember last year, people came in full suits, some came in blouse/vest/skirt, and some in blouse and pants. There wasn't really a set trend as to who got picked... some girls wearing a blouse and pants got through to the final, and some in full business suit got picked as well. Wear what makes you feel great! :)

6th Apr 2008, 22:35
Sorry..I thought professional pictures meant business attire and all that sort of things ...Not having them taken by a professioanl photographer.
Not a native speaker :p!

6th Apr 2008, 22:40
Oh heavens, yes, for the photos you submit to EY, you will definitely need to be in nice business attire, and smiling! Looking great! I was posting the type of attire I saw at an assessment day last year.... not many suits... a lot of skirts and blouses. :)

7th Apr 2008, 09:03

I think we are flying for the same airline... :-)
I would suggest you to report sick and you can join Etihad from May.


7th Apr 2008, 09:06
I would suggest you to report sick and you can join Etihad from May.

Very, very unprofessional :=

7th Apr 2008, 12:33
I say go for it! Of course, stay with SIA until you have a definite job offer with EY. The process may take a little while :O

6 years is a really solid block of time, to do anything really.. and for sure you will have many more opportunities for promotions in Etihad. Who knows, maybe you can even apply for the cabin crew manager position? F&B Manager...?

8th Apr 2008, 07:25
Just got my confirmed DOJ from HR! Flying out on 17th April for the training on 20th April.

Anyone else going over at that time..?? :}

8th Apr 2008, 08:04
Congratulations Ashlea, wish you all the best. HD.

8th Apr 2008, 08:26
Congrats! I just started my medicals, I think I won't finish that fast. But 1 May would be nice!!!


8th Apr 2008, 09:37
Hey guys..

I sent my medical results 2 days back.. Then now received a call from Etihad.. It's already approved & my DOJ is on on 11/05. They're asking me to resign from my job. That's very fast!

8th Apr 2008, 11:01
just had a bunch of photos taken... What are the requirements for these??? White background? Straight on or is it ok to stand a little to the side? and its passport size and 10x15 right?

8th Apr 2008, 12:07
ashlea good luck and i hope you do your best in training :ok:

8th Apr 2008, 13:21
Ohhh thats great..I am gonna send them my medical on tuesday...I had a chat with my boss and we agreed on the date of my resigne which is 1st of the may..which means that I should go on the same date like you:))))

8th Apr 2008, 13:24
Congrats Ash! Hopefully we will all see you over there someday soon! :)


I recommend choosing a neutral background. Business attire, of course. And a nice smile. As for sizes, passport photos, and a full length, which I think the size is 4x6. :)

8th Apr 2008, 14:52
I got the "wished call" today and I'll start within 3 weeks :}
And to my biggest surprise, my medicals will be done in AUH, so i dont have to do them in my country, which is quiet a relief :O
I am soo excited :}
So see you pprune ppl out there soon ;)

8th Apr 2008, 18:08
Wow Sofia it's great!

I have a head ache with this medicals:ugh:
Well I wrote in the contract 1 May, cauze 20 April is too early. Perhaps I will start on 11th May as you guys!

9th Apr 2008, 06:35
Hi Iaanav..

We'll be having the same joining date...

Congrats Sofia.. It's a nice thing that you dont have to spend money for medical there in our country...

9th Apr 2008, 10:53
It's a nice thing that you dont have to spend money for medical in your country :)

i would like this idea but i have an advice bring with you a money may be they told you to pay for medicals (300 dollars) rang :O in dubai.

but it is a package for reserve haha:ok:

9th Apr 2008, 11:02
I'm flying pax BNE/SIN tomorrow on EY, will check out the standards.:ok:

9th Apr 2008, 17:23
I had to do my medicals in my home country...why do some people have to carry them out in the UAE?? That's really weird!

In the contract itself, it is written that we have to carry them out in our home country!!!! I was send 4 sheets of paper I had to fill with all results and doctor's signatures and I had to make all X-ray examinations too!

9th Apr 2008, 17:47
I think,if you're from a Western European country they *sometimes* allow you to undergo the medicals in AUH. :hmm:

9th Apr 2008, 18:11
What do you mean for "sometimes"?
I am from a rich and developped country and already CC....so don't understand why they have discriminated me:*

9th Apr 2008, 18:20
Oh, come on, this is not EY "discriminating" anyone, that's a little melodramatic. :} Be thankful that your medicals are over and done with -- imagine flying over there and then finding something unexpected -- and having to return home. Yikes.

The majority of cabin crew joining still have to do their medicals in their home country. Who knows how they actually decide. It might be something to do with time management..?

9th Apr 2008, 19:18
Hey did you guys make all of the vaccinations? I made only 3 and the doctor told me that I can make more in a month! It's written there that I can finish them in AUH. I wonder how expensive are they?
Ouch my arm hurts:{

9th Apr 2008, 19:20
I finished every single vaccination listed.. with the exception of the BCG.

9th Apr 2008, 19:50
Really??? In how many days?? The doctor said it's not possible, and we don't have all of them in our country. That's strange. Perhaps you had some before.
Will I have problems with this??? Can anyone answer me?


9th Apr 2008, 22:29
You can't do all vaccinations in a few days as they can interphere with other ones ...so the doctor will actually tell you to wait some time before completing all of them. It's normal. Just tell EY doctors you need to wait...

9th Apr 2008, 23:05
Well the doctor told to wait for a month! And I cna't wait so long, cauze I want to join in a month. On that medical forms I saw we can do them in AUH too. :ugh: Now I'm really worried.

10th Apr 2008, 08:07
There's nothing to worry about. Just finish as many of the tests that you can, and then send them off the results via email and explain the situation.

Just out of curiosity, which vaccination do you have to wait a month for? I did all my vaccination shots in 2 days, although not consecutive days (one day in December and one day in April, ha!). I'd walk out of the clinic with 4-5 bandaids on my arms.. it freaked people out a little I think, heeh :p

Anyway, I finished the entire process over 4 days. Your doctor should be able to administer the vaccines in a sequence which allows for the whole process to be faster..

10th Apr 2008, 08:08
Guys, I have no idea, why did they let me skip the medicals in my country and allowed me to do them in AUH.. as I am from a "Central European" country, not a "western" one, but still.. :} I didn't ask for it, Ryan told me its gonna be this way if I dont mind...and I didn't mind :O:O All i have to do is to fill out a Medical History form the rest will be done in AUH..
BUT, as Ashlea mentioned before, what if I dont pass a test...:confused: I will be sent home on the first day :{ But at least I can tell I was in Abu Dhabi for one day :}
I dont have a confirmed DOJ yet, but probably I join on the 4th of May...Anybody on the same date???

10th Apr 2008, 09:32
Hi, everybody,

I was sent the contract, I was told I passed the security clearance, now I have to start the medical exam. I'm all stressed out about these medicals!!!
I was thinking to chose 5th of may as DOJ.
The contract I got is for 2 years. Wasn't it supposed to be for 3 years?

10th Apr 2008, 10:19
2 years, 3 years.. the contract is renewable so it doesn't make much difference anyway.

I think in the interviews the recruiters say 3 years, but the contract itself is 2 years. Who knows why. :E

10th Apr 2008, 18:11

uffffff still tired from my last HKG flight! It was brillant anyway!!!!

Congratulations to all who got the job with EY! I also remember that the recruitment lady told me that the contract is for 3 years! If you research the web you will find an information telling that the state of AbuDhabi gave Etihad a time slot until it has to fly into break even! And thats 2010! If you count 2 years up from now it will be 2010! So after that it will be decided wheather some or many employees have to be fired.....I guess so! This is the thing a company would do to plan all necessary things......but who knows! Anyway, no one knows anything there! They tell you this and tomorrow that and whats that kind of company that at first reject people and after some weeks ask them to join??? Com on please!!!!!

I am glad to be in Europe and my roster at Lufthansa also include Abu Dhabi but via Dammam in Saudi Arabia:-) So I am looking forward to seeing how everything is going on there:-)

P.S At Lufthansa we also get extra money for each language we speak on board:-))))) German, English, French, Spanish and Arabic:-)))) hehehehehe looking forward to my next salary:-)))))

CU and make sure you make the right decisions!

10th Apr 2008, 18:38
I am happy to hear that you are doin well and happy with lufthansa....

Just dont get why you have to be so critical of EY! Seems like you are still really bitter so it cannot be that bad if you are stll caught up in it! My advice is for you to move on and focus on your airline... It is a great thing to get accepted for an airline so you should just be happy with what you got....
I'm sure EY is not perfect, no airline is, but there must be people who are happy flying for them!! I for one want this job badly!! and yeah I would have been disappointed too had i benn in your shoes... but maybe its time to move on!!

just some friendly advice:-)

10th Apr 2008, 19:04
Sonic, please don't try to discourage us to fly with Etihad !
You are actually working for a great company, so that's fair enough ;)

What kind of medical check do we have to undergo ?

11th Apr 2008, 08:06
Hi all. Im an ex Cabin Manager for Etihad Airways. Dont worry if you fail one part of your medical when your in AUH. I failed my blood pressure and had to keep retaking it a number of times till i passed. The company doctors are very friendly but strict. Be aware though that the lifestyle in AUH is nothing like that in Dubai so anyone expecting that will be dissapointed!!

11th Apr 2008, 09:45
The vaccinations here in Abu Dhabi are all for free, so don't worry about that. And no, they won't care if you don't have them all prior to joining.

I was told that the contract would be two years at my interview, and we got a bonus last year coz the airline did so good. They're also building accomadation like CRAZY so don't worry abt getting dismissed. Won't happen unless you do something UTTERLY stupid (like leaving the country twice when you're supposed to be working without even telling them, and mind you all i said TWICE).
Good Luck everyone =).

11th Apr 2008, 13:53
Anyone know how many people usually get invited for an assessment day or does that differ from country to country??!
also, the number of applicants that go through to final interview...does that vary depending on how many people are suitable or is there a limit??

12th Apr 2008, 09:00
The recruiters make it a point to let applicants know at assessment days that there is no minimum or maximum number of people they want to have left at the end of the day.. that they would take everyone if everyone happened to be suitable for the job.

Whether the turnout is 5 or 500, each person is considered on his/her own individual merit.

That said, from what I've read and experienced, usually there are about 4-10 applicants who make it through all the rounds. In mine last year there were 9 left.

12th Apr 2008, 14:23
I like the new Etihad TV commercial:


12th Apr 2008, 14:48

Ohhh Sofia, thanks for the link! :D

Had no idea there was a new one out. I remember they were showing the previous commercial quite frequently here a few months back..

14th Apr 2008, 10:48
So, what were the results of the assessment here in Singapore? How many made it to the last round? Anyone here made it?

14th Apr 2008, 23:32
Hi! Could anyone please tell me if I could be a member of the Etihad cabin crew with an eyesight minus 4.5 dioptries? :rolleyes: :sad:

14th Apr 2008, 23:53
Me (I'm not officially cabin crew yet, but I'm in).

My eyesight is insanely bad, I'm -5 in both eyes (or even more), but it doesn't matter in the slightest. As long as your myopia is correctable with contact lenses then no issues. :ok:

15th Apr 2008, 06:12
Oh thank you very much Ashlea, you made me calm.

Are we going to get any food contributions like meal vouchers or something?

15th Apr 2008, 06:25
Hi to everyone, today I tried to enter to the Etihad careers website, ( cause someone said they already put the exact dates for the new assesment days) but I couldn't ... something was wrong with the website... has anyone seen what exact date they put for the assesment day here in NY?.

One last thing: in my online application I put that I live in south america, (in Bolivia)( in the "location" or "country" part) but right now, I'm in New York, I think I will stay here for some months, do you think that I could still get the invitation via email (for the assesment day that will take place here in NY) even though I put : Bolivia, in the "location" part of the application?, I would really appreciatte your answers.


15th Apr 2008, 07:48
I think you have to contact them to let them know.. I experienced the same thing having to go outside my home country for an assessment and I had to contact them so they could pass on my application to the recruiters in that particular country!

Just curious, is anyone in here who went to the assessment day in either johannesburg or in singapore???

15th Apr 2008, 16:26
@ rockerplz - you need to keep all your contact and other info updated on the online application form, especially where you are currently residing, along with your contact number and email. Otherwise.. how are they meant to contact you, or send you the right invite?

@ dazednconfused - I know a guy who went to the Singapore interview here.. he said out of the 36(38? can't remember) people who showed up, 9 made it through. No idea about Johannesburg though.

15th Apr 2008, 16:55
I am actually in..I am flying out on 2nd of may and start with training on 4th of may..Is anyone esle here who is gonna start at the same date?:cool:


15th Apr 2008, 18:28
I have the same DOJ, so we start together then :p

15th Apr 2008, 19:28
Hi there etihad wannabees

Is my fisrt time to the forum. It took me long time to find it because i was descouraged by the fact that i took my interview in october 2007 and only now i am going to join. Heyya finaly for me also 27 april is the date of the begining of my course. Is anyone there that joins on this date?

For all you guys that want to be a CC with EY just hang in there and keep the dream real!!!

Anyway, mainly what i wanted to say is that soon i will write a post with all procedures i took until now everithing from step 1 till the end.


15th Apr 2008, 20:02
Let us start from the begining:

You dream of becoming a CC for etihad airways, here is what you do:

1 Step one

Regardless of what country you come from, there are 2 possibilities of applying for a job at EY: first by applying online your aplication that you find in their career website, or secondly through an agency that recruits for EY.

I will explaind the online aplication now:

Try to be as accurate as posible with everithing you write in there because they will check, trust me, especially they are interested in the experience you had before with customers so try to make your curicculum around this fact.

For the pictures,....business attire is a must. For all out there trying do their own photos just go to a profesional photographer they know what to do....and it worth the money,...and yes smile smile and smile again is very important.

2 Step two

After submiting, you will receive an email stateing that your application was submitted and if you are selected you will receive an email stateing :

"Thank you for your recent application regards career opportunities with Etihad Airways."

This email notifies you that an interview is near you and it asks if you want to join to confirm. Upon confirmation an invite will be sent to you via email that you have to print and take it with you to the interview.

3 Step three

Attending the interview.

Here i will take the time to go in details the next post.
I will just state that and pass to the next step just to keep the flow of events.

4 Step four

After attending interview, and being selected you will receive an email that states:

"Thank you for participating in the Etihad Airways Cabin Crew assessment day.

At this point, we are happy to inform you that we will continue to process your application for all the necessary clearances and approvals.

Because we are not presently offering you employment, do not resign from your current job until you have received, reviewed, signed, and returned an offer of employment to Etihad Airways.

Thank you for your interest in Etihad, and please feel free to email us if you have not heard back from us three weeks after you’ve sent your required information."

This means you are in!!! Guys, but there are posibilities that you get rejected for no reasons as it hapened before to some of you in here.:(

5 Step five

After some time, it depends, how long, on the people there at Human resources that are all the time very busy you will get an email that informs you to start your medicals. At this state someone will call you or email you about this fact.

Now this is quite important to do also for your own safety because are basic procedures that you can undertake even prior to the interview or after, just to save time, cause you will go through hell to do them in 2 or 3 days if you will be called imediately.

The vaccinations. Here it goes: Please understand
My family works in the hospital, so do not do them at the same time. Those things you put into you are viruses in the inactive state so your bodies will produce anticorpes to defend against so more vaccines, more problems, take it one at a time it is better that you do the combined ones for example: The twinrix is for hepatitis A and B and some others like the ones for Polio, Dyphteria and Tetanus are all in one to be found in the pharmacy.

So take at least 2 weeks to do them, but do not worry if you did not found some. The doctors at the medical center in Abu Dhabi will do them upon arrival.

So keep in mind, if you are a perfectionist like me,and want do do them by yourself it takes some time.

6 Step six

After the medicals, send the 4sheets of paper scaned at the email proivided by them.
Shortly after that the HRessources will inform you about your joining date and send the pre contract via email to be signed scaned and sent back.

7 Step seven

After sending the contract signed another email will inform you about details of your accomodation visa and flight to Abu Dhabi.

Conclusions from here all is simple you just go and fulfill your dreams!!!

Keep it real guys and good luck!!!:ok:

For questions please email me or PM.

Glad to be of help

15th Apr 2008, 20:29
I wonder if working for Etihad is really "compatible" with a family life ?

15th Apr 2008, 22:04
I think "family life" is an ambiguous term in the CC life is too much time away from home.:{

15th Apr 2008, 23:35
Lili it depends if your family is living with you or in another country.
I know people married with kids, doing longhaul and they are happy. There are CC doing short and every night are home and they are happy...so it depends....
If you live in AUH and your family in another country it could be hard but you can see them once a month for 1 year or some months.....after you get your experience you go back.

16th Apr 2008, 01:33
Hey Sofia_02 and Squirly, u guys joining on the 27th April?? Same here. So i guess i'll see u guys around. Great!! :D

16th Apr 2008, 07:21
What is the age saverage of new people joining EY??? I have heard that they have very young girls....around 20 ...anyway very young!!

16th Apr 2008, 08:05
I don't know about the others but i will be 30 very soon... so not very young !

16th Apr 2008, 08:45
Lili are u joining EY? Do you have a family far away from AUH?

16th Apr 2008, 09:03
Lili are u joining EY? Do you have a family far away from AUH?

Yes, i am joining EY, are you joining the company aswell ?

My family is going to stay in Europe... very far from AUH :sad:

16th Apr 2008, 12:12
Hey Esther, I am joining on the 4th of May, 1 week after your DOJ, but see u there that's for sure :ok:
Oooooh kinda excited now..

Ashlea, are u going tomorrow??? GOOD LUCK, and see you there as well ;)

16th Apr 2008, 12:18
Just received the eticket and visa.. see you guys over there! :O

16th Apr 2008, 13:53
See you here in Abu Dhabi Ashlea!!!! Goodluck on your training... Just keep us updated..x

Anyways, my date of joining is on May 11... I hope I can have the same DOJ like you guys..

16th Apr 2008, 14:07
What is DOJ????

16th Apr 2008, 14:36
Hey Ashlea!!!

Good luck! Guys I'm finishing my meds tomorrow. Hope to join on 4th May!
See u all there!

16th Apr 2008, 14:47
DOJ means "date of joining"

17th Apr 2008, 07:41
Hey, I am interested in how your assessment day process was??!!

Goin to an assessment day in less than two weeks and although I have read all the threads it is still nice to read more:-)

17th Apr 2008, 08:07
All the best Ashlea. I wish I can go tomolo with u guys...i was late by one day :ugh: anyway, have fun in Abu Dhabi and see u one week later :O

17th Apr 2008, 11:46
For the new joiners:

Etihad Airways about to touch down in Russian capital MOSCOW, Kazachstan`s capital Almaty and later in Belarus` capital Minsk!

Enjoy your fligzht! I think that Moscow would be more intersting than the others:-)

Enjoy ur flights:-)

17th Apr 2008, 12:57
I am re posting my earlier recount of a very pleasant flight from Singapore to Brisbane today, which has been deleted for unknown reasons by the moderator I guess? It goes something like this:

Mrs Hot Dog and I travelled on EY470 from beautiful Singapore Changi Airport to grotty Brisbane International this morning. Girls and boys, you will enjoy working in your new environment with Etihad if you make it. We had a superb flight in Economy on the A330, with superb IFE (seatback screen as big as other carrier's Businees or First class products). Plenty of leg room, beautiful cabin crew in spite of a rather plain but very neat business attire uniforms. Good food, free alcohol and great service from an obviously well selected and trained cabin staff. I try and avoid economy class travel usually but I wouldn't hesitate to fly economy again on Etihad. Have fun guys, enjoy. Cheers, HD,

Moderator please note, this is not an advertisement for Etihad with whom I have no connection whatsoever. I am merely praising a good operation from first hand experience.

17th Apr 2008, 16:21
Hi there!!!

Just ask what would you like to know specifically so i can be as precise as possible.

Ok!! In this post i will talk some more about medicals:

The ones out there that say europeans do not have to do medicals is a myth!!!
Be carefull, it is a pre requisite for being employed by EY!

For those who did not do it, it happened because HR, meaning Human ressources, decided it is beter so, because of time reasons, that is it was best fit to do them in Abu Dhabi. This is how i se it.

Starting your medicals is so going:

Ther are 4 (four) shets of paper, as follows:

1 Medical History

2 Medical Analysses

3 Vaccinations

4 Dental Health

Firstly is history about your healt. Quetions like have you had any.....?

Secondly the specific areas of medicine that any general practician doctor can do. There are some areas that have to be done by specialists like neurology (nerves), oftalmology(ears), also blood tests includin HIV and hepatitis, testing urine and also lungs x ray.

Thirdly is the vaccination page.

Here is where the problems come.
Guys and girls it takes time to do them, especially the hepatitis A and B the one caled Twinrix as they specify you have to do 3 doses number one, number two after one month after the first, and number three after 6 months after the second.
Also is good that you have them done in any case.
And it would be beter if you can find a clinic that releases a vaccination passport so you can have proof everywhere you go about vaccinations.

Is very important because it is like your own identity card, and also why i insist in you doing the vaccines not all at once is because everyone has its own body and organism and viruses interact differently.

Trust me i know all my family are in this field(as i said before).

This part is the most expensive part of all because vaccines are expensive.

Fourthly the dental examination page.

Here you have to take a panoramic xray of your teeth, it is called in many ways and also 2 bitewings. Some of the dentists require 4 so you have individual mini x rays of your teeth. But there are only 2 necessary.

Then go to your dentist to complete the fields on that page.
Make sure he completes al the fields especially the one in general appearance.(ex beautyfull smile, pleasant visage, enchanting presence)

Final step

Send the forms via e mail to Etihad medical team at the email they give you.

This is all for now.:(

Feel free to correct me if i am wrong or add anything i missed!!!!:8

Till we meet again!!!

Keep it real and do not forget the sky is the limit!!!!

18th Apr 2008, 00:01
Can anyone who passed the meds explain me?? My dentist and I can't figure out:ugh: X is for filled? And what is for not filled?? Like healthy???
Please someone help me!:{

18th Apr 2008, 08:06
About the medicals, we are supposed to send all documents and the proof (analyses and x ray) back by email.... but how do you do to ? i won"t scan my X-ray :ugh:

18th Apr 2008, 09:42
You only have to fill in the forms they gave to you and all x-rays should be attached in originals to your forms upon you arrive in abu dhabi so that they can be checked by a GCAA Medical Examiner again who will issue you the medical certificate! You have to fill out the appendix and than scan them and email them to AUH and after that you should take everything together with the x-rays to Abu Dhabi! Thats all of it!

to janav

Tell your dentist to put a check mark on the number of the teeth so that they will see that it is ok! X is for Missing, CR - Crwon, BR - Bridge, O - Carious! There is no code for healthy! So it would make more sense to put a check mark on it!

18th Apr 2008, 20:41
Ni I have also checked them on the forms the gave us b4 final interview! Dont change them! Use the ones mentioned on the EY forms! When are you joining??

19th Apr 2008, 11:18
People, there is a lot of useful information here, well done to squirly and others. :ok:

To keep the thread userfriendly and easy to read for all of those wanting to join Etihad, please remember the following from the stickie at the top of the forum :) :

Posts in this forum MUST:

Be in English
Not use text message abbreviations.
Make sufficient use of punctuation & grammar to be readable. (that means a BIG letter when you start a new sentence and a . at the end of a sentence!!)
Not be used instead of private messages.
Not be used to tell somebody else about a private message.
Have a point (i.e. be relevant to the thread and not chatter)

Thanks for your help...

19th Apr 2008, 12:38
Im attending a recruitment day in Brisbane in 2 weeks time - what have other ppl worn to the interviews? The invite said - Business Suit attire, with skirt - does everyone wear suits, or are professional clothes in general ok? I have alot of nice work stuff but no suits and would hate to show up and be the only one not wearing one...

Apart from this dilemma I am pretty excited!


19th Apr 2008, 12:54
Business attire means business.

This means suit usually black, shirt and tie, trousers also black, and some nice shoes also a belt that complements your shoes.

During the interview they will look at all your grooming details (hair, nails, beard) so, try to be as profesional as you can and remember always smile.

Try to feel confortable; if you will get emotional do not worry, explain is your first time they will understand.

Never lie, especially in your curicullum. The subjects that they will require talking about a given subject you can fabulate, is no problem.

Try reading my other posts about interview.

So till next time.

Don't forget to smile:O

19th Apr 2008, 13:15
Standard process:

1) Reach test (214 cm)
2) Company presentation
3) 1-1 interview (why etihad, why do u want to become CC...)
4) English test (easy one)
5) Individual presentation (speak 1 minute about a given subject)
6) Groups discussion
7) Final interview.

After stages 1, 4 and 6 people were sent home.

More to come, shortly after my flight!!!:}

19th Apr 2008, 13:57
Hello everybody,

I have been reading though the posts but this is my first one.

I would like to know if any of you is invited to the assessment day on April 21 in Brussels? What is the name and address of the venue?

Thank you for your kind answers! :)

19th Apr 2008, 19:23
hey snoopy88,

If you receive an invitation from Etihad to go to the assessment day, you will receive the address of the venue then. If you were to find out from someone else, you cannot show up, as it is by invitation only. Best to wait for the invite! :ok:

19th Apr 2008, 19:30
Or you could join EK...

19th Apr 2008, 22:31
I applied to Etihad,but they did not invite me for interview...
There is an agency that organises assesment days for Etihad in Eastern Europe,I appiled and I could attend an interview with Etihad...

19th Apr 2008, 22:56
Hello my friends,

As mentioned before, i will try to be as comprehensive as i can possibly be about this fase: THE INTERVIEW

So all you guys and girls that attend an asseament day know what to expect:

During time some of the test have changed for example the english test got shorter and easier the group discussion changes themes all the time.

But mainly i will tell you what they look in a candidate cause you can swirl around them as you want not the other way arround:

Cabin Crew are Etihad's prime ambassadors in the eyes of their guests. Therefore, you need to display a high degree of motivation, enthusiasm and commitment in everything you do, be flexible, adaptable and innovative, with the aspiration to be high achievers. Your mission is to meet and exceed EY guests' expectations while offering a unique taste of United Arab Emirates hospitality.

Here are the requirement for a Cabin Crew at EY:

To qualify for the opportunity you will need to meet the following criteria:
• Minimum age 21 years
•Minimum 2 years customer service experience
• No visible tattoos
• Weight proportionate to height
• Educated to a minimum level of accredited secondary education or equivalent.
• Must have a high standard of English; verbal, written and comprehension. Fluency in another language is an advantage.
• Medically fit to meet regulatory requirements.
•Ability to swim at least 25m unaided in open water, without a flotation device

This is how my interview went in MILAN on the 20th October 2007:

We started the day at 8.30 AM. First thing - the reach test! You take your shoes off and you get in line and you have to touch a line drawn on the wall! After touching the line you get a number! With your papers you go to the ETIHAD lady and you give her your CV and she writes your number!

After that you are presented a video clip about ETIHAD, you are explained about life in Abu Dhabi, what you are allowed and what you are not allowed to do there!

You take the English test, a 6 parts test that you have to complete in 20 minutes. Until someone from Etihad verified our tests, the 2 ladies from ETIHAD called us one by one to the one-on-one interviews!

There was a short interview, with a few questions, like: Why do you want to work for us? Why do you want to be a flight attendant? How do you feel about moving to Abu Dhabi? Choose an object from the ones below- a water bottle, an empty glass, a newspaper, a mobile pen and paper etc it may varry ... Why did you choose it?

And now comes the first Review - they tell you now if you go home or you can stay and participate at the rest of the assesment day!

After the first girls and guys are leaving, you take lunch, payed by them!

At this point, whatch out about your manners they look at everything in silence and if you do not see it trust me they do.

Then you start the next round - you get a subject and you have to talk about that for 1 minute!(subject varry from what was your favourite vacation , book, animal? etc)

After this you are separated in 2 groups and you get the bunker test - there are 11 survivors( a pregnant women, a teenager, a physician, a scientist....), you have to choose 3 people to send in to the bunker and motivate why! This is a group activity!!! MY advise to you is: DON'T GET TO INVOLVED IN THE DISCUSSIONS FROM THIS ACTIVITY! state your opinion but don't be to insistent about it!!!Let others share their oppinion try to involve everyone in solving the problem and always smile and keep eye contact!

After this, there is another review - they tell you who goes away and who stays!!!
After this, they give you some documents to fill out about your passport and flight history so they can procede with security clearance in case you pass.
There is another interview one-on-one, and then you go home! you are not told if your going in Abu Dhabi on the spot! You have to wait to receive via email a the security clearance (in just an email stateing that you can start teh next step - the medicals that you have to do! That means that you're going!!!

If you are called to go, don't think it will be in the next few days!!! But who know it happened to some why not you?!!

Hope this was helpful!!!

Regards to all


20th Apr 2008, 01:21
Hi everyone!

I have a recruitment day ( 2 weeks today! ) and was just wondering about the dress code - on the invite it said Business Suit, with a skirt.
Is professional clothing ok ( with a skirt ) or does everyone show up in suits?? What would you reccomend?

Thanks!! :) :) Kate

20th Apr 2008, 01:24
thanks! Im a female, though, so no beard hehe.
So did the women at the interview wear suits as well?

20th Apr 2008, 06:31
Hi Kate

Excuse me obout makeig this mistake!!!;)
These is the women dress code and hair styles:


Must be modest and not tight fitting.
Bare shoulders, low-cut cleavage and transparent fabrics are not appropriate.Skirt

Ensure you’re always comfortable, whether sitting or standing.
A flattering skirt should not pull across your hips or tummy, curve under your buttocks, show your panty line or have a hanging hemline.
The skirts length needs to fall to the middle of the knee.Trousers

Not permitted.Jackets or suits (optional)

The shoulder line of your jacket should extend up to one and a half centimetres from the edge of your shoulder - if the shoulder line falls below this mark, your jacket will look too large.
Always check the fit of your jacket when it’s buttoned, see if it pulls or stretches across your back or chest.
Your sleeves should be two and a half centimetres past your wrist bone when your arms are at your sides.
Loading up your pockets with pens, pencils, and other odds and ends, will, over time, ruin the line of your jacket. Try to keep your pockets closed.Shoes and belts

Black court shoes only are permitted.
Running shoes, sneakers, boots and open toed shoes are not permitted.
Belts, if worn, must be black.Stockings/hosiery

Stockings/hosiery must be worn.
Plain skin toned or slightly tanned without any patterns must be worn.Hair Styles

Hair styles need to rest above jacket collar.
Hair scrunchies, ribbons, bobby clips and snap clips to be plain black (maximum of two snap clips and four bobby pins).
Hair accessories such as hair-nets and donuts to be same colour as the hair.
Hair buns must be finished with a fine hair-net and a black ribbon or scrunchie.
Pony Tails should be blow dried neatly and finished with black ribbon or scrunchie.Hair Colour

Natural colour.
Hair colouring maximum of 2 shades lighter and/or 2 shades darker than natural hair colour.
Highlights should be natural looking with no obvious streaks.
Re-growth must be well maintained and no more than 2cm re-growth.
Hair of African origin or style, can be braided however no beads permitted.You do not necessarily neead to wear a suit but my advice is to wear one it will give you a professional look and an ace in your sleave.:8

This list is the one for girls appearence during training but mainly it gives you many ideeas of what EY is looking for in girls grooming, so make notes and apoints and take all the usefull information and apply it for the interview.

Good luck and keep my fingers crossed!!!:ok:

20th Apr 2008, 07:59
Hi guys, I just entered to my application account after nearly 2 months, and I saw an email that said that I wasn't shortlisted when I did my online application... I'm getting a little bit worried here... I mean, I still could attend to the New York assesment day, right?, is that a bad sign..? or.. I shoudn't worry...? I don't know what to think... maybe they put that because my location was Bolivia at that time..? and they won't go there..

Today I just updated my application, and I put my current location is New York, to let them know where I'm at these days (altough in the website says that we don't need invitation for the NY assesment day), but I think I'll attend anyway, they still haven't put the exact date ... , they only put from 21-06 until 3-07 , I hope they put the exact date soon.. I 'm really anxious and looking forward for that day.

I'll be looking forward for your answers to my worries... THANK YOU.

20th Apr 2008, 08:50

They will announce in advance the days and locations of the assesment days.

You hang in there all will go fine do not worry. You can call HR to ask about those days but i believe is too early.


21st Apr 2008, 06:23
Hello Squirly,

I have been reading with great intrigue your in depth comments about the EY recruitment process which I have found of great benefit (and I am sure others agree). With respect to the aspect where you needed to choose an item "a water bottle, an empty glass, a newspaper, a mobile pen and paper etc."... do you think it matters what item is selected? In your opinion, what are they looking for in the response as to why the item was chosen? Is it a logical response, or able to articulate a reason, or the practicality of the item?


21st Apr 2008, 06:32
Hello all... Anyone else here planning to go the assessment day in Melbourne? According to the EY site, the date(s) for Melbourne are (Thursday) 3rd July - (Saturday) 5th July and hence the process runs for three (3) days. Is this correct?

AustraliaMe;bourne | Perth8:30 am03-05.07.08

What is the situation if someone is unsuccesful? What is the requisite waiting period before reapplying? Hypothetically speaking, could somebody attend in Brisbane and then if unsuccesful attend in Melbourne (provided they can score an invite)?

21st Apr 2008, 06:57
Hello pjcarr (http://www.pprune.org/forums/member.php?u=238485)

Regarding your questions:

First i will tell you something more about this little test. It involves psychology because they (EY) look at the way you talk, the way you seat, the way you speak, all of your gestures even the way you leave.so take great care of how you put your hands it is better to put them on your knees. cause if you keep them crossed to your chest is like you are protecting something.....anyway read some psychology just few aspects about gestures interpretation issues, you can find them if you search the web.

As for what to chose i would go for the bottle of watter as is a key element for surviving and also is flexible and you can change it form....there are different aspects here.

Coming now to the question after how long? It clearly states at the interview that you can reapply after 6 (six) months.

Regards and Good luck!

21st Apr 2008, 07:20
Hey all,

Ok, so my assessment day is coming closer.. Only a week to go and I will leave my home country on Saturday to go there so really need everything sorted before then..

-How long should my CV be? someone said 2 pages but I am not sure if its ok if its longer?! Should I attach a cover letter?

-I've got a skirt and a suit jacket ready but do I have to wear a shirt or is a top also ok?

-Does anyone have an idea how many people get invited for an assessment day?

I am constantly thinking about how to make myself noticed in a good way as to make the first cut.....as I always get so extremely nervous in the beginning....Guess there's nothing to do but smile and try to stay calm!!

21st Apr 2008, 11:00

Regarding your Curriculum Vitae, it is ok to have 2 pages do not worry to mych about that try to mage it as simple as possible for more info and help try searching Google for Eures is the European Union Type of CV so it will help you very much you just fill the spaces and the cv is ready you just hav eto save it. I did that for my own CV and it went fine.

As for your appearance try to look as profesional as you can, that is business suit and pants usualy people chose black or blue, simple shoes, nice shirt with tie, fresh shave and fresc hair cut, and do not forget always smile. And be cool do not get nervous it will show, in that case just excuse your self and give the emotions reason.:D

I do not know how many will come up at the asesment day but it can varry from 10 or 20 to probably 100 it really depends on the location and on many other factors.

Read my posts you will find all the info you need!!


21st Apr 2008, 11:07
Whilst I recognise that this is getting into semantics squirly, but would you suggest/recommend for a guy to wear a more neutral shirt/tie combination (i.e. black shirt with plain tie, white shirt with plain tie) or something a little bit more eye catching?

On a different note, does the process (assessment day, group session, interview, etc.) take one (1) day or does it last over three (3) days? In other words, is there any chance that you can explain why the assessment day in Melbourne Australia is listed over three (3) days?

21st Apr 2008, 11:49
I underline!!!

Cabin Crew are Etihad’s prime ambassadors in the eye of our guests.
So we have to behave and look like professionals and trust me and take my advice, business attire is recomended and also advised by them.
So eye catching will get you in trouble if you know what i mean, if you dres like that they will have to check you like hell and will have higher standards.

As for the interview it lasts only one day from 8:30 AM til 18:30 PM with lunch payed by them around 12.

There will be 3 days of interviews because of so many candidates .

21st Apr 2008, 11:58
Fantastic. As always, thank you :).

21st Apr 2008, 12:21

I will leave for Abu Dhabi at the end of this week to commence training with EY on 27th. I will keep you posted with all details of training what to expect life in Abu Dhabi etc.

Till then I wait for your questions on the forum, if you have delicate questions or problems send me a pm, i will try to answer as soon as possible.



22nd Apr 2008, 09:09
Hey Guys,

my DOJ has changed, its 11th of May...Anybody has the same date????

22nd Apr 2008, 09:12
hi all!!

Are they very strict about bringing passport copies to the interview??:sad:
Reason being I accidently WASHED my passport and am waiting for a new one. ARRGHHHHHH!!!!!:ugh::ugh::ugh: Have tried emailing HR with no response, oh god why now??:{

22nd Apr 2008, 09:32
Hello all...

Re the initial 1 on 1 interview, how long approximately does it take? Do they ask you questions unilateraly or is there time at the end to ask them questions?

What sort of answers are they after - i.e. the usual "i love to fly", "i want to travel", "i like helping people", or something more elaborate and detailed? Any comments or suggestions re suggested / proposed / recommended responses to their questions?

How about questions to ask them the recruiters at the end (if applicable)?

On a slightly different note, would/does it matter if the suit worn was a light brown (naturally stylish) as opposed to a navy/black pinstripe ?

22nd Apr 2008, 09:42
Hi Sofia_02..

My DOJ is on May 11 too..

See you!

22nd Apr 2008, 10:09
During the first 1 to 1 interview they're asking you very basic questions like "why did you applied for the job?", "what attracts you the most being a CC?", "Have you had any service related job(s) so far?"
"What can you add as a special value to the job?" etc...
90 % of the people are answering the same: "I like to travel", "I'm interested in the arabic culture", "I like to fly" , "I like giving service"....
As far as I remember, I gave answers like: "I am a very social person, I like meeting new ppl, communicate and discover not only one culture, but more than 200", "I flew a lot and always wanted to be a flight attendant", "Moving to a place like Abu Dhabi would be a dream, as it is one of the fastest growing city in the world." etc etc... You can come up with some other ones, just use your imagination :ok:
This interview is very short, takes like 2 minutes or less, then it comes to the "pick an item" thing :)

The interview at the end is more focused on the CC job itself. I was asked about different situations, like:
"What would you do if you'd accidentally pour some wine on one of the passanger's lap?"
"Have you had any experience in getting a bad service?"
"What would you say to your roomie in your crew accomodation if she wants to invite her friends over and have a little party, but you're too tired and want to sleep?"
And yes, during the final interview you can ask your questions if you have.

That's all I remember :O

Good luck and don't worry :ok:

22nd Apr 2008, 21:42
what is the detail of behaviour in the interview :confused:


22nd Apr 2008, 21:48
Anyone joining on the 4th of May.?

22nd Apr 2008, 21:50
Hey I was wondering too. My DOJ is 4th of May! Anyone else?
See u in AUH!
Good luck!

23rd Apr 2008, 06:57
Hi all,

I note that on the EY web site (http://careers.etihadairways.com/ehire/english/careers/jobDetails.aspx), the remuneration is described as consisting of the following:

Basic Salary Range: AED 3,020 to AED 3,250 per month based on seniority
Duty Day Payment Range: AED 210 per duty day worked
Layover Allowance Range: AED 288 to AED 384 per day. This amount is regionally based and varies according to individual rostersIs the "Duty Day Payment Range" of AED 210 regardless of the duration of the flight? Is this in lieu of, or in addition to an hourly flight allowance?

Is there anyone here who can advise what a "typical" number of layovers is on any given month (say averaged over 12 months) and hence the monthly income one can expect based on layover income?

Based on all of this, what is the "typical"/"usual" remuneration that one can expect in the first twelve (12) months with EY taking into account ALL aspects of remuneration?

Thanks heaps all.

23rd Apr 2008, 08:19
Hello all...

I would very interested to hear from any existing EY employees insofar as the follow:

Standard of work;
Duration of layovers;
Management structure;
Performance (and remuneration) review process;
Realistic annual rumeration (including layovers and flight monies); and
Anything else you feel that would/should/could influence individuals to work for the airline.I am aware of the speculation on many of these threads from "the wannabees", however not being one to partake in rumour, I would prefer to hear the facts from existing EY employees, or even former employees...

Thanks all... Let's start this conversation happening.

23rd Apr 2008, 10:39
What is the situation in regard to individuals who are diagnosed with mild narcolepsy and prescribed Ritalin for its management? Naturally if the GP does not disclose this in the medical then it may be a non-issue, however what if they do? Is this, by and of itself something that could be prohibitive to someone gaining employment as a CC for EY?

Any suggestions/comments/recommendations with how to manage this situation?

23rd Apr 2008, 10:54
pjcarr, if narcolepsy is considered as a neurologic disorder, you might be unfit to fly according the aviation regulations.

23rd Apr 2008, 10:58
Definately NOT what I wanted to hear, but ok :(

23rd Apr 2008, 11:08
pjcarr, I would suggest you to contact them to make sure ;)

23rd Apr 2008, 11:19
Thanks Lilli,

I was thinking that, however in doing so, that would "show my hand" and hence remember my name and rule me out altogether... There is also the chance that whomever I speak to does not know what narcolepsy is, or even realise it is treatable, hence give an uneducated response inadvertendly destroying the hopes of aspirations of a young and otherwise fit and healthy individual...

23rd Apr 2008, 11:46
Hey by the way. Did you receive any approvals on your medicals? Cauze I only had an approval about my DOJ and if I prefer smoker or non-smoker room. Does this mean everything is ok?

23rd Apr 2008, 12:10
I you received the DOJ ....Yes this means all things are going on well extremelly well so do not worry.you just have to send the medicals scaned i believe you already done that


23rd Apr 2008, 12:17
I understand your point of vue pjcarr.

I am doing my medical now and i am going quite stress about it, i just hope they are not too much strict :confused:

23rd Apr 2008, 12:17
To pjcarr

Dear friend do not worry,

I took the liberty of searching around the web about this condition if someone is intrested to find out here is the thread: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcolepsy

I any case from what i have read you have so to say issues with your sleep time, nevertheless in my oppinion is not such a difficult condition that can not be overpassed...so i keep my finger crossed for you, i also had problem sleeping exactly not sleeping at all for some few months in a row but fortunately passed.

I hope i did not offend you in any way, if so please forgive me in advance and if you see fit can ask the moderator to cancel this thread!


23rd Apr 2008, 12:33
No offence intended, nor taken. The idea of asking the question was to gain a response which I thank you for.

I just pray that this matter is not prohibitive in its own right as I would be nothing short of distraught.

23rd Apr 2008, 13:22
pjcarr, I was not cabin crew but flight deck prior to my retirement. I would not worry about your condition, nor would I volunteer it on a medical. Your sleep patterns will be totally disturbed anyhow on your overnights away from your base. Around about 0400 in Vacouver for instance, I would be wide awake and staring at the ceiling then fall asleep half an hour before call time at 0800 to get ready for the crew bus.:{

23rd Apr 2008, 16:19
Hi there guys and girls,

Fresh news over the counter, Friday 25th April i will leave for Abu Dhabi. I got my visa and ticket few moments ago.

For all of you my friends hang in there and go furfill your dreams!!!
Keep your standards high, the Sun will shine on your street one day!!

I will keep you posted with new information about training and all other stuff regarding life in AYas i promised as soon as possible.

Your Trully,


23rd Apr 2008, 17:38
Hi there. I used to work for Etihad. With regards to the medical u need to make sure that the medication you are taking is not illegal in the UAE. I wish u all the best.

23rd Apr 2008, 17:44
Dear all,

I keep struggling with the medicals.
2 problems: on my medical form the box "varicose veins" says "yes":ugh:. Some veins on my left lower leg are more...let's say "noticeable" than the others. Of course, now I'm worried sick about it. These veins do not hurt, have never created me problems, I can stand very well on my feet, I walk long distances, etc. But, however, it's "yes" on "varicose veins".
From your experience, what can you tell me? Will this be a very big problem for me? Will this mean not being given an unrestricted cabin crew licence?
2nd problem is concerning the teeth. My teeth look great, healthy and white, but....I have 2 missing teeth. The med. form says that missing teeth do not need fillings / replacements if posterior and unnoticeable. Happily, my missing ones are posterior and unnoticeable, but I still worry about it. I asked opinions of various dentists, friends, colleagues, they all say it really is unnoticeable when I smile, when I laugh etc. The solution is the dental implants, but I currently do not have 1400 EUR for that, otherwise I would do it.
Has anyone encountered this problem and got the job and the unrestricted licence after all?
Answers from you will be highly appreciated.

24th Apr 2008, 09:14
anyone here who went to the Brussels or Budapest assessment day??

I have mine coming up in 5 days and I'm just curious to know if the process has changed or its still the same as last year???

24th Apr 2008, 09:54
Hi there,

The process is still the same, they haven't changed anything, usually they change some of the objects on one on one interview.also the bunker tes can be transformed somehow but i think they stick to what it is now...2 years ago they also had geography so they were checking if you know some capitals of some contries but this is ok is not hard.

Here is some advice for the last interview when the EY lady will ask "what will you do in case you spill a drink on a passanger?"

This is what i woul answer:

Apoligise to the pax, offer clean moist towels to clean up. Soda water as well if it was red wine to reduce the stain.

Inform the Cabin Service Manager and your cabin Team Leader at once. This just in case the pax becomes angry, they have been trained to deal with it and HAVE dealt with it before.
Just remember not to worry about this. Doesn't matter, it has happened in across all the cabins.
You may want to say to the CSM it was the turbluance that added to the mistake ( don't tell the interviewer that ).

The interviewer is looking for a certain response.....
1.Did you aplogise to the pax?
2.What action did you take?
3.Did you inform your Team Leader and CSM???
4.Was the matter resolved.
5.Communication amongst the crew and Team Leaders.

Telling the CSM & T.L is to cover you incase the pax becomes angry, he or she may have had 7 glasses of wine before the spill and is now PISSED.
The CSM & T.L have been trained to deal with this matter, and trust me. They have dealt with this many time in the past before.

Hope this helps.


24th Apr 2008, 10:01
thanks squirly! not many people are as helpful as you...its truly amazing:-) think ive got most of my questions covered now.....haha... but somehow more seem to pop up all the time...

24th Apr 2008, 10:48
Ianaav, the date has been changed, I'll be joining on the 11th instead. You were given the choice to choose between a smoking/non-smoking room.? I didnt know you could choose, perhaps i should just inform them of my choice heh.

So looks like i'll be seeing Ryz and Sofia_02.!

Anyone else on the 11th.?

24th Apr 2008, 11:50
Is about a smoking or non smoking flat mate orsmoking or non smoking buildings who knows but yes you can choose!!! This is great!!


24th Apr 2008, 14:32
Oh Gosh I had a call, but couldn't answer. I'll call them tomorrow. I guess they'll tell me to join on 11th too. MMmh I hate to wait anymore.:{

24th Apr 2008, 17:08
Hello Guys, I am female and from Kuwait! I am new here and this is my first post! I applied for cabin crew position with Etihad last year in Bahran and was shortlisted after final interview! After the interview my application was put on hold and later on Etihad could not proceed with my application!

Few days ago they sent me an email asking for references! What do you think? Are they still proceeding my file? Is it good news? I really dont know what to say and what to expect! Who can help me?


24th Apr 2008, 17:25
Jihane86, it is a very good news, it means they are going forward with your application ;)